How to revive flavored meat at home using simple methods

Fresh meat does not always have a pleasant smell. Odor appears for a number of reasons: improper slaughter, storage, etc. How to get rid of the smell from meat? Firstly, a rotten product should be thrown away immediately if you don’t want to get poisoned. After the procedures we suggested, slightly spoiled fillets or ribs will turn out to be quite a flavorful dish. The article also contains tips on eliminating the specific smell of lamb, pork boar, and goat meat.

How to revive flavored meat at home using simple methods

Meat is one of the most important products that is important for the normal functioning of the human body.
It contains the necessary content of vitamins and minerals. The amino acids and nutrients found in meat cannot be obtained from plant foods. Meat can be stored for future use. It is frozen, dried, salted, smoked, boiled, fried, baked. The variety of meat dishes is simply dizzying. But you also need to remember that meat is a product that spoils very quickly. This creates an unpleasant, and in severe cases, simply impossible to smell smell.

What do you need to know when choosing meat?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the meat. Excess dark or very pale color indicates that there is something wrong with the product. Meat connoisseurs know that lamb is darker than beef, while pork has a light pink tint. By pressing on a piece of meat, you can determine how fresh it is by its elasticity. Low-quality meat takes a long time to recover the pressure mark. Well, at the end of the test, you need to smell the meat, without being embarrassed by this stage of the test. There shouldn't be any discomfort.

What can cause meat to spoil? There are a great many reasons for this.

  1. Prolonged exposure of raw meat to warm air temperatures.
  2. The meat was stored in a closed plastic bag, which caused the growth of putrefactive bacteria.
  3. Not entirely fresh products were placed next to the meat, from which bacteria had passed on.
  4. The animal whose meat was purchased was fed the wrong food.
  5. When slaughtering some species of animals, the characteristics of their meat were not taken into account.

Of course, when choosing meat, we are always sure that the product is fresh, since you have examined it from all sides. But when you come home, you may notice a smell. You shouldn't be disappointed in your purchase. The meat can be saved and used to make the dish you bought it for. There are many ways that tell you how to revive stale meat and save it from the trash bin. But we will only talk about cases where food poisoning is excluded.

Possible complications

Read also: Poisoning of the body with organophosphorus compounds

Food poisoning is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration. With rapid fluid loss, acute renal failure or hypovolemic shock may develop. In children of the first year of life, dehydration develops at lightning speed, and therefore they are in the greatest danger.

Botulism in case of poisoning from pork, beef or other undercooked, poorly preserved or smoked meat is dangerous if help is not provided in a timely manner. Respiratory cessation or choking on saliva or vomit is possible, which will lead to the death of the patient. Rehabilitation after infection is long. Due to shallow, weak breathing, complications often develop in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, and atelectasis, which greatly slows down the healing process.

Have you ever had meat poisoning?

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Examples that cannot be resuscitated

You should not save meat if, when cutting it with a knife, you can see places of deterioration, parasites, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the knife. The smell of rot will be felt immediately after the meat is placed in a pan of boiling water. Cloudy broth is an indicator of a stale product. To give stale meat the color of fresh, a dye can be added to it, the presence of which is determined using a snow-white napkin. When chicken meat smells bad, you need to find out the carcass’ suitability for resuscitation by removing the skin. If the putrid odor persists, the meat should be discarded. It is dangerous to health.

After checking the meat for readiness for saving, you can get down to business. The recipes are simple and uncomplicated. But you should pay attention to the types of meat.

Ways to eliminate meat odor

It's very easy to spoil meat. It’s enough to forget to put it in the refrigerator or forget that you took it out of the freezer to defrost. You can save meat. It is enough to know how to process meat with flavor by soaking.

Attention! A large piece should be cut into smaller pieces.

There is always potassium permanganate in the house.
It will help get rid of odor in 40 minutes. The solution should be slightly pinkish. Tasteful meat can be saved with vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of 9% vinegar in cold water and immerse a piece of meat in the resulting solution for about an hour. After soaking, rinse the product thoroughly with running water. The same result is obtained if you pour dry wine for the same time or lemon juice. Be sure to rinse!

If you don’t have the listed ingredients for soaking at home, salt will help. Dilute three tablespoons in a liter of water and leave for an hour. Don't forget to rinse.

When time is limited, you can remove the smell from the meat without soaking it. To do this, you need to rinse it very well in water several times and add seasonings, onions in large quantities, a lot of garlic, to get spicy but very tasty meat.

Recipes that fall into the category of non-standard or individual will help the meat to be even more delicious when soaked.

Charcoal and salt are diluted in water. Within 3-4 hours the smell will disappear, and the meat will smell like a forest.

A tablespoon of dry chamomile and a liter of water will also give you a special forest smell. Only the broth needs to be cooled. Its “working” time is also within 3-4 hours.

Pomegranate juice always makes good friends with meat, giving it a special taste and eliminating toughness. It will also help get rid of foreign odors.

The second most popular method is pickling. The unpleasant smell will also disappear, and the meat will be tender and very tasty. The main rescuers here will be mustard and aromatic herbs. Herbs can be used either alone or mixed. The most commonly used are thyme, basil, coriander, rosemary, and cardamom. Nutmeg will also add its own flavor to herbal aromas. Onions and garlic are mandatory representatives of traditional marinades, so there should be a lot of them.

Thoroughly coat the meat pulp on all sides with mustard and leave in the refrigerator for two hours. During this time, the meat will become piquant and, after rinsing with water, will be ready for cooking.

Spices and herbs will marinate a piece of meat within an hour. They alone, without the presence of any other ingredients, will remove the smell from the meat and give it a wonderful aroma.

First Aid Basics

What to do in case of poisoning? First of all, all efforts should be aimed at removing toxins from the victim’s body.

Read also: Iron poisoning

The person undergoes gastric lavage. He is forced to drink several glasses of water, and then, by pressing on the area of ​​the root of the tongue, he is induced to vomit. The manipulation is repeated until the wash waters become clean.

If a person is unconscious, then washing is not carried out! The procedure is also not recommended for children.

First aid also consists of taking adsorbent drugs. Enterosgel, Filtrum STI, activated carbon are suitable. With their help, you can achieve the binding of toxins and their safe removal from the body.

The person who has been poisoned should drink plenty of fluids to prevent symptoms of dehydration. A solution of Regidron or WHO powder is recommended, but ordinary water in small portions with an interval of 10-15 minutes is also suitable.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

If the smell appeared as a result of the meat being in the bag for a long time, then you can try to save it. There are several ways to revive a product. The most effective of them:

    Soak in water with salt and vinegar . So that the process does not take much time, the fillet is cut into several small pieces. It will take longer to soak a large part of the carcass.

Only chilled water is used. To enhance the effect, add some salt. You can also add 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar for every liter of water. Soaking time is a day. The solution needs to be changed every 5-6 hours.

  • Marinating in lemon juice . To prepare the marinade, you will need the juice of 1 lemon and spices, such as freshly ground black pepper. The meat cut into pieces must be placed under pressure so that it is completely covered with liquid. Exposure time – 12 hours.
  • Cooking. Boiling the product helps get rid of the unpleasant aroma. After the water boils, it needs to be drained 3-4 times.
  • Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate . The solution should not be too concentrated. The correct concentrate is light pink in color. You need to soak the product in it for 2 hours, then rinse it thoroughly with water.

Shelf life of minced meat according to sanpin

Storage of minced meat according to SanPiN should not exceed 6 hours at 2–4 °C. Storage outside refrigeration equipment is prohibited.

The permissible storage duration of perishable products at 4 ± 2 °C is:

  1. Minced meat (pork, beef or combined), produced by trade and catering establishments – 12 hours.
  2. Minced chicken – 12 hours.
  3. Minced fish food, molded minced meat products and with the addition of bread – 24 hours.

Eliminating boar odor

To get rid of boar smell, you can use the following methods:

  1. Soaking in milk . To ensure that the extraneous aroma goes away, the pork is kept in it for at least a day. The milk will have to be changed 4 times. After this treatment, the product is washed with clean water and cooking begins immediately.

  2. Freezing. This method takes a long time, but effectively helps to cope with the odor. Before putting the pork in the freezer, it is wrapped in food paper and plastic.

The prepared product is placed in a chamber and left for 3 to 4 months. The storage temperature should be -25 degrees.

  • Smoking. The aroma of smoke will cover the smell of boar, but first the product must be soaked in water with the addition of cinnamon and bay leaf. The maximum weight of a piece is 1.5 kg. In this solution, the product is kept cool for 4 days, after which you can begin hot smoking.
  • General storage table

    TypeMaximum shelf life at 4-6°C
    Meat12 hours
    Fish6 hours
    Mushroomno more than a day
    Vegetableno more than a day
    Semi-finished meat products12 hours
    Shredded fish6 hours
    Chopped vegetables and mushroomsno more than a day
    Shelf life of different types of minced meat in the freezer (-18°C)
    Meat3 months
    Fish3 months
    Mushroomnot stored
    Vegetablenot stored

    Helpful information

    Advice for housewives faced with the problem of unpleasant odor emanating from pork:

    1. You can check whether the smell remains after the procedures using a hot needle. If its contact with the carcass causes it to smell unpleasant, the product will have to be thrown away.

    2. When the odor is barely perceptible, it can be muffled using acidic liquids. For this purpose, use kefir or wine.
    3. When buying meat, you need to pay attention not only to its smell, but to its appearance. A good product has a bright pink or dark brown color. The fat layers are white. Their yellowing indicates that the meat comes from an old animal, which means it may smell unpleasant.

    You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to remove smell from different types of meat and cook it correctly here.

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    Meat has weathered how to remove the smell

    Fresh meat does not always have a pleasant smell. Odor appears for a number of reasons: improper slaughter, storage, etc. How to get rid of the smell from meat? Firstly, a rotten product should be thrown away immediately if you don’t want to get poisoned. After the procedures we suggested, slightly spoiled fillets or ribs will turn out to be quite a flavorful dish. The article also contains tips on eliminating the specific smell of lamb, pork boar, and goat meat.

    Get rid of the rotten meat smell in the refrigerator

    Why does meat go rotten even when it is in the refrigerator? This occurs due to improper storage. The fact is that the plastic bag in which we usually place the carcass provokes the appearance of a strange aroma even before the product goes rotten. To get rid of the rotten smell of meat that has been stored in the refrigerator, there is a proven method.

    1. Defrost the refrigerator.
    2. Wash with detergent.
    3. Apply baking soda to a piece of cloth and wipe the areas where the rotten meat was.
    4. If the smell persists, clean the refrigerator with a vinegar solution.
    5. Ventilate the room and refrigerator.
    6. Place tea bags inside (they absorb odors) and turn on.

    Shenanigans with vegetables and herbs

    It's incredible, but sellers even use backlighting! For example, to sell green tomatoes, they are highlighted in red. And for weighing, colored bags are often given out - pinkish, greenish, purple. Many buyers only notice at home that half of the purchased fruits are simply unripe!

    It's the same with fruits. In addition, rotten fruits and vegetables are often packaged in one net - this makes it more difficult to spot stale ones among fresh fruits. If possible, assemble your bag yourself, looking at each fruit, especially if the product is expensive. For example, tomatoes or eggplants in winter.

    The smell of lamb, boar or goat

    Lamb is the favorite meat of Eastern nationalities, but Europeans do not always like its specific smell, even when fresh. The following measures will help eliminate meat odor.

    Method 1. Take dried thyme - 2 sprigs.

    What should be done:

    1. At the very beginning of cooking, add a couple of sprigs of thyme to the water.
    2. The smell of lamb will go away during cooking.

    Method 2. Take:

    What should be done:

    1. Rub the lamb with spices and garlic.
    2. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

    Method 3. Take water and a saucepan.

    What should be done:

    1. Pour water over the lamb and bring to a boil.
    2. Drain the water.
    3. Repeat 3-4 times. The smell should go away along with the water.

    Advice! You can notice fatty patches on the ram. They are the ones who create the scent that not all housewives like. Cut these parts off and there will be virtually no smell left.

    The smell of goat is also not for everyone. Soaking it in a solution of potassium permanganate (the method described above) will eliminate it. Another option is vinegar. Prepare the solution, immerse it or simply pour it over the goat meat pieces.

    Boar meat is prohibited for sale, but if you are careless, you can purchase this product with a terrible smell. No amount of spices will cover it. The only way to eliminate the stink is to soak finely chopped fillets in milk for at least 10 hours. In this case, you need to replace the milk with fresh milk every 2 hours.


    These tips will save you from mistakes in buying, storing and cooking meat.

    1. If the piece is large, cut it into pieces before processing.
    2. If the smell still remains, then throw away the product - it is completely rotten.
    3. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing and to purchase a product without foreign odors, always pay attention to the color: it should be even. Other signs of a good product are elasticity and a neutral aroma. If the fillet has a strong smell, you should refuse to buy it: this is a sign of a stale product or harmful additives.
    4. Store meat parts in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer. Wrap them in parchment or paper towel, which has been pre-moistened with salt water.
    5. Do not refreeze meat.
    6. If you start cooking with meat that has a rotten smell, the taste of the dish will definitely deteriorate. Pre-treatment is necessary.

    A delicious meal starts with fresh ingredients. Buy only meat that you are one hundred percent confident in, store it correctly, and, if necessary, process it using the suggested methods. Many of them not only eliminate the rotten smell, but also serve as an excellent marinade and enrich the taste of the product.

    How to remove an unpleasant odor if the meat has stank, suffocated, smells bad, or has expired. Read our 9 tips! The appearance of an unpleasant odor in meat does not always indicate that it has expired. The odor may appear as a result of improper storage of the product (for example, due to prolonged exposure to plastic wrap).

    There are several ways to rid meat of an unpleasant odor, but if it is obvious that it has spoiled, then it must be thrown away (eating a spoiled product is highly likely to lead to health problems).

    Elimination of unpleasant odor

    You can remove odor from meat using:

    • Mustard: the meat must be thoroughly rubbed with mustard and left to marinate (at least two hours), rinsed before cooking;
    • Potassium permanganate: pour the meat with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and after three hours rinse thoroughly.
    • Salts: make a 20% saline solution (1 part salt, 4 parts water), place the meat in it for 5-10 minutes, rinse well;
    • Vinegar: put the meat in a weak vinegar solution for 20-30 minutes (1 teaspoon of vinegar essence per liter of water), rinse.
    • Lemon juice: marinate the meat in a marinade of the juice of one lemon and a liter of water for 30 minutes, it is not necessary to rinse;
    • Chamomile: place the meat in chamomile decoction for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in salted water;
    • Onion and garlic: prepare a mixture of grated onion, garlic and spices, grate the meat and leave for 2 hours. The marinade does not need to be washed off
    • Soda: put the meat in a baking soda solution for 5-10 minutes, then rinse in acidified water (or in a vinegar solution);
    • Sugar: Rub the meat with granulated sugar, then salt, leave for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly before cooking.

    Storage rules for popular types of minced meat

    There are several basic conditions for storing minced meat in the refrigerator, suitable for any type of meat. Follow them and you can keep the product longer.

    1. No additives (onions or any other vegetables). They should be mixed with meat only immediately before cooking.
    2. No seasonings or spices - just like vegetables, it is better to add them during the cooking process.
    3. To get rid of excess moisture - before grinding the meat, be sure to blot it with a paper towel, this will extend the shelf life of the minced meat.

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    If the resulting meat mass sticks to your hands, this means that it was cooked at too high a temperature, which affected the structure of the product. It is not recommended to use such minced meat.

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