How to choose a good clothes steamer?

Household appliances » Selection rules

A steamer will help you quickly reshape wrinkled items and make ironing fun. The household appliance is used as a complement to the iron, and for some housewives it replaces it completely. It is universal, used in home and industrial settings, compact and not much different in cost from conventional ironing devices. Certain models are equipped with a “steam boost” system - they smooth out the deepest wrinkles, have automatic cleaning of the heating element, multiple steam supply modes, etc.

A little history

The first steamer, which became the prototype of modern devices, was patented in 1940 by the American company Jiffy Steamer and was intended to restore the shape of felt hats, popular at that time. Subsequently, the device became more focused on clothing, and many models appeared, varying in characteristics, sizes and prices. Steamers became available to domestic consumers only in the early 2000s; they were accepted with great enthusiasm and are still very popular to this day. But initially – it’s all in the bag!

Why do you need a steamer: areas of application

The main purpose is to quickly, comfortably and, most importantly, delicately smooth out wrinkles and bruises on textiles, fur or even leather. With the help of such devices, it is easy and simple to tidy up your clothes and give them a neat and fresh appearance. At the same time, the treated fabric softens and becomes more elastic.

Powerful models can become a very real alternative to a classic iron, and sometimes really help out in situations where the iron is unable to help. For example, it is better to entrust the ironing of things made of thin and delicate materials (which should not come into contact with a hot sole), outerwear, blouses, shirts, dresses with complex decorative cut elements to a steamer.

The devices used in everyday life are not only effective for dealing with wrinkles on clothes, but also quite versatile . Such useful functions as steaming curtains, disinfecting upholstered furniture, children's toys, removing unpleasant odors, refreshing, and moisturizing are available.

The device is also in incredible demand in the professional field . Hotels, boutiques, wedding salons, and dry cleaners use steamers to service large quantities of clothes without the risk of drying or damaging them. After all, the steam temperature usually does not exceed 100°C.


However, is it possible to make ironing even better? You can use the sender's selection of accessories for clothing and fabrics. There are many of them, but only two are truly easily accessible and effective:

  1. Mitten. The principle of its operation is similar to the mitten that is used when removing the baking sheet from the oven. It is much more convenient to iron on a surface that is stretched, and it is most convenient to tighten it with your hand. In this case, there is a high chance of getting a burn, because the temperature can reach 100 degrees. Accordingly, using mittens with thermal protection will eliminate the likelihood of such an outcome. Of course, if you direct a direct jet at it, there will be no effect. The only thing is that the burn will be less. However, direct exposure occurs only through negligence and is an emergency rather than the norm. Using a mitten on the second hand also does not make sense, because it is not used during the ironing process. The only exceptions can be those cases when the clothes are located on the board, which naturally “ricochets” the steam flow.
  2. Bristle brush. An equally useful accessory, the use of which will allow you to tidy up fluffy surfaces and treat upholstered furniture using high temperature. It also promotes quick and high-quality removal of pet hair, threads and other small particles that are difficult to remove with standard means.

In special cases, you can use universal plates that are attached to the collar or pockets, covers, and so on. As a rule, this is all beyond choosing “add-ons” for home use.

What types of clothes steamers are there?

There are several types of clothing steamers, and the choice of one or another depends on the tasks assigned to the device, functionality and relevance of the characteristics to the purposes for which it is actually purchased.


A simple, convenient and compact type of steamer, the operating principle of which differs little from the operation of an electric kettle. Moreover, most hand-held devices can be successfully used in this capacity. This option is most relevant as a travel accessory, but it is also suitable at home for performing not the most difficult tasks of smoothing items made from light fabrics (T-shirts, blouses, shirts, etc.), neutralizing bacteria and “absorbed” odors.

Advantages of hand steamers : light weight, compactness (easily fits even in a small bag).

Disadvantages : low power, limited continuous operation time due to the small volume of the water tank, poor efficiency for natural (linen, cotton) and some dense fabrics (drape, tweed, cashmere).


This type of device is considered classic. It consists of a housing placed on the floor with a water tank and heating system, a hose with a steam iron at the end and, in most cases, a vertical stand with hangers for hanging clothes.

Structurally they can be:

  • Gravity flow . Again, the teapot principle. The water is heated in the boiler, and the resulting steam flows out through the hose through the holes in the iron. Initially, all steamers were gravity-fed, until their hegemony was broken by more advanced models, which are discussed below;
  • With steam pressure . In this case, the resulting steam is held in the boiler by a special valve until the optimal pressure is reached. In this way, a more powerful output flow is provided, which penetrates more intensely and deeper into the fabric fibers. Accordingly, smoothing becomes as effective as possible.

Advantages of floor-mounted steamers : power is noticeably higher than that of manual models, long continuous operation, improved functionality.

Disadvantages include : decent dimensions and weight, higher price, not the best maneuverability.


These devices are like combines, capable of performing the functions of two or more separate devices using a single steam generator. At the same time, they are more affordable and take up less space.

The most common options:

  • Steamer-steam cleaner . Such models are equipped with additional attachments for cleaning vertical and horizontal hard surfaces, upholstered furniture, and plumbing fixtures. Another option is a steam cleaner with a steam function. The main difference is an increase in steam power, pressure and temperature;
  • 3 in 1 – steamer, steam cleaner, iron . For these devices, an ironing function is additionally available using a powerful and almost professional steam iron;
  • Steamer with ironing board . Thanks to its folding design, the device can perform the usual functions of vertical clothing processing or turn into a horizontal mini ironing system, where a triangular-shaped steam iron replaces a traditional iron.

Equipment disadvantages

When choosing a steamer, it is important to be guided by its technical characteristics . Often they are the cause of many disappointments. It is advisable for the consumer to seek the help of a sales consultant who would accurately indicate the main differences between the devices.

It is believed that the steamer copes worse with linen and cotton products than a conventional iron. When purchasing a device with high power, you will have to provide sufficient space for its storage. Such models have impressive dimensions. Obviously, in a small apartment this may pose certain problems.

Steamers with rich functionality will definitely cost more than standard devices. There is no need to buy luxury equipment if you plan to use it in exceptional cases. We should not forget about compactness . With such steamers it leaves much to be desired. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take a 7-kilogram device on a trip. In addition, manufacturers recommend using a special liquid instead of ordinary water, which is not always cheap.

The main criteria for choosing a steamer


The heating rate mainly depends on this parameter. In most cases, the amount of outgoing steam is also affected, although not always. It is better to choose manual steamer models with a power of at least 1000, floor-standing – from 1500 W. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of joining the ranks of disappointed users who consider the steamer to be a useless device.

Water tank volume

The larger it is, the longer the continuous operation of the device will be. And, therefore, you can process more things and do it more carefully.

Steam intensity

Measured in grams per minute. The efficiency of its processing directly depends on how much steam is supplied to the fabric per unit of time. If you want a unit that can handle the most difficult tasks, choose a high-intensity steamer model.


The unit of measurement is bar. Most often, universal steam cleaners operate under pressure. A value of 3.5 bar is considered a good value, 5 or higher is just excellent.

Number of modes

There are advanced models that have separate steam supply levels for different types of fabrics. This format is best suited for professional use in shops, studios, and hotels. For household models, one standard mode is quite enough. Steam at temperatures up to 100°C will not create problems even for the most delicate materials.

Hose length

The larger it is, the more convenient it is to use the device. But when choosing a steamer with a long hose, you should definitely check - does the iron have a heater? If not, the advantage turns into a disadvantage.

Steam iron material

The metal sole is stronger, more durable and more reliable than the plastic one. If the device in question has a horizontal steaming function, it would be useful to pay attention to the presence of a special coating that improves glide.

Water quality

Inexpensive steamers usually do not have any protection against scale formation and, in order to avoid early breakdown, for normal operation it is necessary to use distilled water, which will have to be purchased periodically. Therefore, over time, the usual perception of “cheap and expensive” becomes more and more blurred.

The best steamers in the mid- and high-price ranges are usually equipped with filtration and softening systems for tap water and, in this regard, are more economical.


This is one of the main additions to the steamer. Depending on the place of use, racks can be stationary or telescopic.

  • Regular or stationary stands
    have the same diameter along their entire length, with a height of 164 to 185 cm. As practice shows, it is more convenient for a person to use a steamer with a stand that is 10-20 centimeters higher than his height.
  • Telescopic stands
    are equipped with a convenient locking and rotating mechanism, which increases their stability. Each sector of the rack has a smaller diameter, which allows it to be folded, carried and height adjusted.

Obviously, such a device will be useful in any home where there is a steamer. You will receive the ideal accessory for storing the device and for its comfortable operation.

Additional features

Modern steamers are quite functional, which is why the choice is so difficult. However, the presence of additional accessories in the kit can be a very useful bonus and help expand the capabilities of the steamer.

  • Brush . The purpose of the nozzle is to clean outer clothing from lint and dust with simultaneous steam treatment;
  • Trouser clips . Helps form arrows. True, you shouldn’t count on the same result as when using a classic iron;
  • Strap for working with complex cutting elements . A kind of board that makes it easier to smooth out collars, pockets, cuffs, etc.;
  • Protective mitten . Allows you to effectively cope with even complex tasks without fear of burns on your hands.

And a couple more...

Obviously, it is difficult to imagine normal operation of the steamer without the above additions. However, if you want not only to increase the functionality of the device, but also to create comfortable conditions for its operation, you just need to stock up on a couple more useful additions.

For example, some steamers have a place where you can hang a hanger with clothes, which means that you don’t have to hold the item in your hand. Agree, when both hands are free, it is much easier to operate the device. The thermal oven will protect your hands from burns, and a special board for steaming pockets will speed up the process of ironing them. A bag for transporting the steamer will come in handy when you move frequently. Using a crease clip to guide your pants will give you a perfectly straight line, and a pants hanger will make working with them easier. When you purchase them and start using them, you will understand that the seemingly insignificant accessories were invented not for fun, but in order to use the steamer with pleasure.

The best manufacturers of steamers

Philips has proven itself well in the domestic steamer market . Its range is represented by very worthy models of all formats - manual, floor-standing, and multifunctional. It's a pity that their prices are often too high.

The Russian brand Kitfort (manufactured in China) presents consumers with quite technologically advanced, modern, yet affordable steamers. This is the very case when we can talk about a good price-functionality ratio. The quality seems to be good, but there are some complaints.

In the budget segment you can find decent examples from the classic “Chinese” (one would like to hope that no one believes in their “noble” origins) Polaris, UNIT, Mystery. If you choose something cheaper, pay attention to the quality of materials and the warranty period.

The most in demand are domestic products supplied to the markets of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, which own three popular brands:

  • MIE . Models under this brand traditionally occupy high positions in the market of steamers and ironing equipment. They are positioned as made in Italy, but you will not find any markings confirming this fact on the device itself. And this most likely means that it is produced by “Italians” who prefer to eat with chopsticks. However, the performance, functionality and efficiency are excellent;
  • GM (Grand Master) . This brand produces powerful, multifunctional and modern devices for household and professional use. The price, like the MIE, is rather high, but the quality and capabilities are worth it;
  • 3A Super Jet. Represents economy class household models.

What is important to know before purchasing

When purchasing a steamer, some users overestimate its capabilities or choose a model that is not suitable for them in terms of characteristics. Unfortunately, sometimes manufacturers (and more often sellers) embellish the quality of their products (goods).

Let's look at typical mistakes and misconceptions:

  1. The steamer can completely replace an iron . The most common myth. And although there is a considerable amount of truth in such a statement, you should not always count on a miracle. To iron traditionally complex types of fabrics in a delicate way, with which serious difficulties arise even with powerful irons with direct high-temperature heating and the same steam, although it seems possible, it is hardly rational in terms of time and effort spent;
  2. The device is capable of removing stains . There is no point in steaming soiled clothes; they need to be washed. On upholstered furniture, “ingrained” dirt can be softened with steam, but it can be completely removed only with the use of detergents and mechanical action.
  3. The presence of a scale protection system solves the problem 100% . Not always. In some regions, water hardness is so high that no softening filters help. In this case, you will have to use distillate.

Which steamer should you choose in the end?

The answer to this question is quite predictable: the best will be the one that best suits your needs, the most convenient and easy to use, and has all the necessary characteristics to perform the required tasks efficiently. A longer guarantee is desirable, the price is an individual issue. It’s worth paying attention to the design of the device, because the aesthetic component has not been canceled.

We hope that the information obtained from our review will help you approach the choice of a clothing steamer with skill, and to familiarize yourself with the best models of steamers of different categories, you can use a separate rating.

Steam iron

It is simply impossible to imagine the full operation of a steamer without such an important accessory. The steam iron can be made of plastic, metal plate, metal sole, ceramic sole. Depending on the price and quality, it can be with or without heating. When choosing a steam iron, remember that metal and ceramic soles heat up faster. This means that a certain amount of condensation that did not have time to evaporate will remain on things. But just wait a couple of minutes and it will pass.

Pay attention

that in new generation steamers there is no such problem. The additional heating element, which is located in the handle of the steam iron, has a constant heating system that will eliminate unwanted condensation.

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