Which washing machine tank material is better: stainless steel, plastic, metal?

The drum is often referred to as the "belly" of an automatic washing model. The drum of the washing machine accepts clothes for washing. Water with dissolved detergent goes into the tank. Through special holes it gets to the laundry. Stainless steel is used to create the drum. And the tank can be made from various materials.

What other plastic options are used?

Polynox is widely used in Bosch washing machines. But not only. There are other manufacturers who use analogues of this material.

The main polymer materials are carborane, carbotec, carferon, silytek and polynox. For each of the listed materials, the main substance is a special polypropylene. It contains calcium carbide, which significantly improves the strength of the material. As a result, the material becomes resistant to substances from detergents. The less different elements in the plastic are added, the worse the plastic tank is.

Polyplex is the most popular analogue. It is not afraid of rust, strong vibration and other things that pose a danger to metals. However, we must admit that if we compare it with other plastic analogues, it is still more fragile.

In Electrolux it is customary to make tanks from Carboran. It is more durable. But also more expensive. And this cannot but affect the total cost of the goods. Carboran is a development of this company. In particular, Carboran is close in quality to stainless steel. It is just as durable, strong and reliable.

IMPORTANT! Electrolux has worked not only to increase strength, but also to ensure that the plastic does not absorb odors, so that it has better thermal insulation qualities and sound insulation. And Carboran is not afraid of aggressive chemicals.

Kandy considers it possible to use Silitek, which in its essence can be considered a complete analogue of Polynox, although it has some minor differences. He is not afraid of acidic and alkaline environments.

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Polynox, carboran and silytek - what is it?

All of the materials listed are polymers. They are very similar, but differ in some operational characteristics.


In the very name “polinox”, buyers hear the “taste” of plastic. And their intuition does not deceive them, this is indeed one of the polymers - polypropylene. After adding some additives to it, it slightly changes its characteristics and transforms into polynox. This material contains additives that help reduce vibration of the drum and increase its thermal insulation properties.

In automatic washing machines (AWA), this polymer is used to make the most important structural element - the tank. Today, plastic tanks have become widespread, due to the advantageous properties of the material. It is cheap, easy to process, and parts made from it have excellent performance characteristics.

There are other polymers used in the production of SMA. Each manufacturer includes different additives in the plastic, so the names of the polymers may differ. So, polynox has a similar analogue - polyplex. It is not afraid of high temperature, corrosion, water, and ensures the device is silent. Polyplex conducts heat well, which saves energy. But like all plastics, this material is quite fragile.


This composite material is Electrolux's own development. It is more reliable than polyplex. Compared to the latter, carborane is less brittle. It costs 1.5 times more than other polymers.

Benefits of carboran:

  • practically does not absorb odors;
  • is a dielectric, therefore safe;
  • withstands mechanical and chemical loads;
  • saves energy due to high thermal insulation properties;
  • good sound insulator - reduces noise during operation of the SMA.


This composite material is almost similar to polynox. It is developed by Candy Hoover Group. Its properties are similar to basalt - a natural stone of volcanic origin, resistant to alkalis and acids, and dolomite - a natural mineral, moisture-resistant, but fragile. Silitek is resistant to heat and has good sound absorption. Has excellent heat-insulating properties.

Types of drum perforation

Perforations are small holes on the surface of the drum through which water enters. The drum rotates during washing. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, the laundry is pressed into the perforation holes. This leads to rapid wear of things. Companies that produce washing equipment are trying to prevent laundry damage, so they are working to improve their equipment. This also applies to perforation parameters.

Each manufacturer uses its own types of perforation:

  • Cellular. Such drums are produced by Miele. Perforation in the machines of this manufacturer is performed in the form of a honeycomb. The holes look like convex hexagons. The fabric in them is almost not tightened, i.e. the laundry is washed more carefully.
  • Drip. Bosch produces drums with perforations in the form of drops. When the wool or silk mode is selected, the cylinder rotates in one direction, providing a delicate effect on items. If cotton or linen is loaded, the drum rotates in the other direction, providing more intensive washing.
  • Pearl drum The pearl drum is produced by Hansa. The perforation in it is made in the form of hemispheres reminiscent of pearls. The manufacturer claims that thanks to this technology, wear of the laundry is prevented even at a drum rotation speed of 1400 rpm.
  • Wave drum. The “wave” drum is a type of Pearl drum. The holes in it are also made in the shape of hemispheres. They bend in waves throughout the cylinder. The developer of this technology claims that such a drum improves the movement of laundry during washing. This allows you to get cleaner things. Wave drum prevents wear and tear of laundry.
  • Diamond drum Machines with such drums are produced by Samsung. This technology differs in that the perforation holes are located in recesses made in the shape of a pyramid. The holes are small in size, preventing the fabric from being drawn into them.

Cellular novelty

The honeycomb-shaped drum is considered an unusual invention by Miele, patented so timely that you won’t find anything like it in washing machines from other companies. According to the manufacturer, this model reduces the cost of electrical energy and is more careful with things. The complete absence of welds extends the operational life of the element.

A distinctive feature is that the inner surface of the drum has hexagon-shaped holes, concave inward. During washing, a thin film is created between the laundry and the drum, protecting the material.

Which drum is better

It's difficult to say which drum is good and which is bad. When choosing a washing machine, you should pay attention to different parameters - how much water and electricity the machine consumes, what is the functionality of the equipment, what additional options does the manufacturer offer. Last but not least is the cost of the unit.

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Washing machine drum: perforated

On the side surfaces of any cylinder inside the tank you can observe many small holes called perforations. This is necessary for water to flow from the tank to the drum and back during washing. But sometimes such holes can affect the wear and tear of the laundry.

Why is this happening? The fact is that during washing, when the cylinder rotates, a centrifugal force acts on the things inside it, which seems to “press” them into these perforated holes. As a result, the fabric fibers wear out over time and the item wears out faster.

Important. At high spin speeds, fabrics wear out faster. Therefore, it is recommended to spin delicate items at the lowest speed, choosing the appropriate washing mode.

Manufacturers of washing machines are trying to change such situations for the better by developing special algorithms and operating programs for washing devices. By providing the best washing quality, they at the same time minimize the wear and tear of fabrics. For this purpose, manufacturers also make drums that have a special internal surface.

Honeycomb drums

Drums of this type were patented by Miele, so they cannot be found in washing machines from other manufacturers.

Features of Honeycomb Drums

The developers of this company turned their attention to the design of honeycombs, which are quite stable, although they are made of soft material. Manufacturers have used similar shapes for the surfaces of the cylinders of their washing units. They covered them inside with raised, specially stamped hexagons.

The perforation with such holes has a smaller diameter, which is why the washing solution lingers inside the drum for a longer time, and the fabric is practically not drawn into them, washing is much more gentle than usual. As the developers themselves say:

  • cylinders of this type help reduce energy consumption;
  • laundry is washed more carefully;
  • There are no welded parts inside the drum, which means their service life is quite long.

Drip drums

The inner surface of this type of drum is not covered with honeycomb-like holes, but with special protrusions that are shaped like drops. This type of coating was developed by Bosch specialists. One side of these droplet protrusions is gently sloping, and the other is steeper. This coating principle is applied inside the drums, which are called VarioSoft. The developers have provided this:

  • firstly, a delicate effect on fabrics (wool, silk) during washing when the cylinder rotates in one direction;
  • secondly, a more intensive wash, removing all dirt on cotton or linen fabrics, when rotating the cylinder in the other opposite direction.

VarioSoft washing machine drums

Pearl Drum

"Pearl Drum" or pearl drum, designed for Hansa washing machines. It is named so because its internal surfaces are covered with protrusions in the form of hemispheres, similar to a scattering of pearls of different sizes. This was also done to prevent fabric fibers from being drawn into the holes on the surface of the cylinder. According to the developers, this perforation design should protect things from wear during spinning even at high speeds up to 1400 rpm.

Wave Drum

This type of perforation is a type of “Pearl Drum”, translated as “wave drum”. Its inner walls are covered with special hemispheres that bend in waves along the entire diameter. The developers claim that this design can improve the movement of laundry during washing inside the drum and protect fabrics from wear.

Diamond Drum

Samsung continued the idea of ​​the Miele developers and created its high-tech advanced drum “Diamond Drum”, inside of which the perforations are located in small recesses resembling the shape of a pyramid. The reduced diameter of these holes prevents fabric fibers from being drawn through them, protecting items from wear and tear. Such “pyramids” are similar to the cutting of precious stones, which is why they got their name “Diamond Drum”.

Diamond Drum

Types of tanks in a washing machine

Many users confuse the concepts. So, on the forums you can find questions: what is better to choose - a steel or plastic drum? Is it worth overpaying for stainless steel products?

Firstly: the drum is the container in which the laundry is directly located during washing. You see it when you open the hatch door. The side and rear walls of the drum are equipped with holes for water. This container is made only from stainless steel, so you don't have to choose.

The teardrop drum (VarioSoft) is a Bosch technology. The teardrop-shaped protrusions on the walls are smooth on one side and steep on the other. When rotating in one direction, a strong impact is applied to the laundry; when rotating in the other direction, the contact is minimal and the touches are smooth.

Secondly: inside the tank there is a washing machine drum (WM). Water supply and drain pipes are connected to it. Liquid with detergent is poured through them, which then seeps into the holes of the drum. After finishing the wash, the used liquid is drained.

There are washing machines with a stainless steel, enameled, plastic and combined tank. Plastic refers to various composite materials that manufacturers have developed. Each company gave them their own names: polynox, carbotech, fibran.

Enameled steel . The basis of the product is ordinary steel. To protect against corrosion, the steel is coated with enamel. During operation, the unreliability of such tanks was proven. A small chip in the coating led to corrosion and the formation of a fistula. Therefore, manufacturers stopped producing enamel containers. But they can be found in older SM models.

Plastic . Washing machines with a plastic container are lightweight and quiet. The main advantages of plastic:

  • Low thermal conductivity. The water heats up faster and stays warm longer, and you can save on electricity.
  • Low noise level. During spinning and vibration, the tank comes into contact with the stainless steel drum, which can lead to loud operation. Whereas plastic dampens vibrations.
  • Low price compared to other materials.
  • Service life more than 10 years with proper use.
  • Fragility. The plastic product may crack during transportation. There have been cases when an object stuck between the drum and the tank caused damage to the latter.

Important! Plastic should not be gray. This can be easily checked by bending the hatch cuff. Such material quickly dries out and becomes unusable.

Composite materials . These are polymers that include part of plastic and composite:

  • Polyplex. It is resistant to temperature changes, corrosion, and chemicals. Ensures quiet operation of the device by absorbing vibrations. Just like plastic, it is susceptible to cracks.
  • Carborane. An environmentally friendly composite that combines the advantages of stainless steel and plastic. It is not only resistant to high temperatures, but also has resistance to mechanical damage at the level of steel.

These include Carbotec and Silitec. They have no fundamental differences.

Stainless steel tank . The most reliable, durable and expensive material. Interestingly, with high-quality welding, such a product can last up to 100 years. It’s a pity that the service life of an automatic washing machine (WMA) does not exceed 10–15 years. In the future, the container will be useful to you for making homemade products. Disadvantages include noisy operation.

Some manufacturers (Ardo) compromised and made combination tanks - the rear main wall is made of stainless steel, and the side parts are made of composite. Sometimes the rear part can also be plastic, but the stiffening ribs are installed in steel. These tanks combine the pros and cons of both materials. They are distinguished by durability and long-term operation, but the cost of such devices is high.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic tanks

Manufacturers, of course, are working to reduce production costs. This may explain the fact that they started producing plastic tanks. Of course, buyers are always happy when prices drop. However, they still doubt that such tanks can be reliable and durable. First, we’ll look at the obvious advantages of plastic tanks.

— Plastic tanks are less susceptible to vibration when you wash. This also leads to a reduction in the noise level of the washing machine.

— Such tanks retain heat inside better. This eliminates the need to constantly heat the water. As a result, the washing machine's energy costs to heat water are reduced.

— Plastic is much lighter than metal. This reduces the weight of the washing machine and makes it easier to transport.

— Polynox and its analogues will not be damaged by moisture and will not rust, which leads to an increase in the period of its use.

— Plastic is cheaper than stainless steel. Cars with a plastic tank are cheaper compared to their metal counterparts.

There are many advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

Plastic is easier to damage. And while a stainless steel tank can survive impacts from hard foreign objects that accidentally enter the tank during washing, plastic can crack when hit at high speeds.

Please note: when your washing machine has a plastic tank, you need to check things very carefully. Damage from hard and sharp fittings is possible.

Also, when you repair the machine yourself or carelessly transport the machine, the plastic tanks may suffer from impacts.

If the transportation was carried out poorly, or you forgot to remove the special bolts before starting the machine, the integrity of the container may suffer. She will break. And nothing worse can happen. The car will simply become unusable. And then it will be necessary to replace the tank. Or you might even have to buy a new car.

However, manufacturers know what the shortcomings of their products are. That's why they are constantly improving the plastic formula. Modern laundry equipment is increasingly using plastic that is much stronger than that of their recent predecessors.

IMPORTANT! When the plastic is of high quality, then if you handle it carefully you can expect it to last for a quarter of a century.

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Polymer materials are an inexpensive solution for both the manufacturer and the buyer

The first material we decided to describe is polymers. Nowadays, absolutely all manufacturers use this material when creating their washing machines. The reason for this is the low cost of production.

Accordingly, the machines are supplied to stores inexpensively, since production costs are significantly reduced. For buyers, the only advantage we can highlight is the price. Otherwise, a tank made of polymer materials raises many questions.

The first is how durable these materials are. The answer is not long in coming: the service life of tanks made using polymers is 30-35 years. This figure may surprise readers, but make no mistake: such data were obtained as a result of laboratory tests, but in reality the service life is somewhat lower and approximately coincides with the service life of the washing machine itself - about 10-20 years, depending on the load, water hardness and other factors.

After reading all this, many will say: “What’s the point of saving and buying cars with a tank made of polymers, if they will soon break anyway?”, but we hasten to clarify that, despite the relatively short service life, polymer tanks are very reliable and durable, you just shouldn’t expect continuous operation from the machine throughout its entire service life.

You should follow the general recommendations for working with a washing machine, and then everything will be more than fine. And lastly: polymer tanks, which makes them even more attractive, are perfectly amenable to both major and minor repairs.

More: How to choose a washing machine

Features and purpose

Many washing machine owners mistakenly assume that the tank and drum are the same part in household appliances. A drum is a container into which dirty things are placed. It is always made of stainless steel. Tank is a container for the drum. Liquids, powders, conditioners and other laundry detergents are poured into it.

All this enters the drum through special pipes.

Tanks are:

  • collapsible;
  • non-separable.

The former consist of two halves connected to each other using fasteners, while the latter are a one-piece, non-separable structure.

The tank is an important part in any washing machine. Water is poured into it (depending on the machine model, from 30 to 60 liters). To avoid strong vibration during washing, spinning and rinsing, the tank is not rigidly attached to the body. To soften vibrations, springs are located in the upper part, and a shock-absorbing system is located in the lower part. For these purposes, manufacturers also install concrete counterweights on containers.

The washing machine tank takes on a colossal load. Water is heated in it, chemically aggressive laundry detergents enter here, and it can withstand sudden temperature changes. Therefore, the quality and durability of this part will depend on the type of raw materials used in the production of tanks. Let's look at the most popular materials used by manufacturers.

Plastic version

Which drum will do? Each company has a special one. All types of plastic used have their own characteristics. For example, carboran is close to stainless steel in terms of qualities such as durability, strength, and reliability. But its properties are surpassed in terms of thermal insulation and vibration reduction.

The main polymer materials are: carborane, carbotek, carferon, silytek and polynox.

For all of them, the main substance is a special polypropylene. It contains calcium carbide. It significantly improves the strength of the material and its resistance to detergents. The fewer different added elements in the plastic, the worse the plastic tank.

Advantages of plastic

  • Does not corrode.
  • Good in terms of durability.
  • Modest mass.
  • Does not absorb water.
  • Reduces noise during drum rotations.
  • Saving electricity consumption.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical elements.

Which is better to choose? Despite the existing strengths, modifications with plastic options, when compared with steel versions, break more often and are not resistant to mechanical influence. But today the development of plastic composition does not stop. And each company adds its own “zest” to this material. In this way, these plastic components of the machine gradually develop their strength and reliability. And when solving the dilemma of how appropriate a plastic container is in this technique, the answer is more positive. It is also worth noting the low cost of this material. And modern manufacturers are motivated to reduce the cost of devices with plastic tanks.

Weaknesses of plastic versions

As has already been noted, many companies are trying in every possible way to modernize and strengthen the plastic for their cars. But for now, this washing machine tank material is susceptible to splitting and is quite fragile. This is his main and only weakness.

If the machine is poorly transported or someone forgets to remove special bolts before starting, the integrity of the container may suffer. And she will simply break; there cannot be any worse consequences. And the car will no longer be able to be used. You will need to replace the tank or even buy a new car.

If the plastic is of excellent quality and if handled with care, it can last 20-25 years.

Purpose of the SMA tank

The washing machine tank cannot be assessed visually when purchasing. Therefore, you need to immediately find out about the material from which it was made.

Polynox tank

Do not confuse the tank and the drum. The laundry is placed in the drum, and it is this drum that rotates during washing. Tank is the container where the drum is placed. Water and detergents are poured there. This mixture enters the drum through special holes through the pipe.

The tank takes on a lot of load. The water heats up in it, aggressive chemicals get into it, and some object may accidentally fall out of the drum. These factors can significantly accelerate the failure of a part. To prevent this from happening, you should take care in advance of choosing a car with a suitable tank.

Do you turn off the water tap after washing?

Oh yes! No.

The drum is made of stainless steel. Tanks are made from the following materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • plastic;

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages and affects the price and life of the washing machine. If it breaks down, most often you have to replace the entire washing machine, so you should take your choice seriously.

Which washing machine tank material is better?

The washing machine tank is an automatic large container fixed in a certain way in the unit. All fastenings are movable. This is achieved thanks to special shock absorbers and springs. Special counterweights made of concrete are attached to the tank to reduce vibration during operation. Linen is loaded inside the part.

During operation, the tank is filled with water and synthetic detergents. Liquid enters the drum through the holes. The tank itself has perforations over its entire surface. The drum rotates at a specific number of revolutions per minute, the liquid interacts with the clothing. A wash, rinse or spin cycle occurs.

Metal tank

Metal, namely steel, which is coated with special enamel. Absolutely adapted for the washing process, but may be unstable to all kinds of impacts.

All kinds of impacts can damage the enamel, which over time will lead to significant destruction of the protective layer and cause corrosion (rust). Rust in its worms will slowly but surely lead to the formation of cracks and the tank will begin to leak. As a result, the tank will need to be replaced.

Therefore, it is not a very reliable material for a washing machine tank. Fortunately, they are almost never used in modern models. Therefore, when you have to replace such a tank with a new one, this can be a problem. Since production practically does not produce such units, there are no auxiliary parts for repair and replacement. Most likely, you will not have to repair, but buy a new washing machine.

Features of the enamel coating of tanks

In the recent past, manufacturers made cars with enamel tanks. However, their service life was short. As soon as the smallest crack appeared on the enamel coating, the metal underneath began to quickly rust.

The version of models with enameled metal has its own characteristics. Both positive and negative.


— Works reliably, even if you place any laundry. — Enamel is a protective layer that prevents corrosion from appearing on the metal.

What material are the containers made of stronger? There is no clear answer to the question. During transportation, it is almost impossible to damage models with enameled metal. They do not crack even with large temperature changes.


- An impressive mass. — The container is defenseless against impacts.

Long periods of use lead to chips appearing on the enamel container. This is caused by impacts from foreign objects. The enamel begins to crumble in areas where there is damage.

IMPORTANT! Once the protective layer disappears, rust quickly covers the metal, leading to complete destruction. Some time will pass and you will begin to worry about leaks. In this situation, you need to replace the tank or buy new equipment.

We emphasize that containers from this option are practically no longer produced. As it turned out, there were too many accidents when using them. And in the production of tanks they began to use plastic or a stainless steel base.

Plastic tank

Plastic or polyplex. In principle, manufacturers improve this alloy in different ways, so the name of polymer materials may sound different. In terms of functionality it:

  • somewhat isolates noise output when the drum rotates;
  • to a certain extent reduce the level of electricity consumption;
  • quite light in weight;
  • does not leak;
  • unlike metal, it does not corrode and is resistant to chemicals;
  • optimal price.

Quite durable, but unlike metal it can be somewhat fragile. Although, manufacturers consider this material the most favorable and are constantly improving it. Its modification made the material closest to steel in terms of strength. Different types of plastic have slightly different properties: brittle, more durable. Among the segment of polymeric materials, special preference is given to carborane.

The service life of a plastic tank is approximately up to 30 years, and maybe more. This is several times less than what a stainless steel tank could serve, but overall an absolutely satisfactory service life.

Stainless steel tank

Stainless steel. A common material for making tanks for washing machines. It has been used for this purpose for quite a long time.

  • Reacts well to contact with water - does not rust.
  • This tank has increased strength and resistance to mechanical and chemical damage.
  • Service life up to 100 years.

Of the minuses

  • The weight of a stainless steel tank will be greater than that of a plastic tank, so it produces more noise.
  • Low thermal insulation of metal requires higher energy consumption.
  • High price.

Provided the washing machine is equipped with such a tank, this is perhaps one of the elements that can outlast all other elements of the washing machine in terms of service life. When choosing a washing machine with a stainless steel tank, you should understand the following:

The steel must be of high quality, and the technology of its assembly and soldering is at the highest level. Only under such conditions will the tank really be durable and live up to expectations.

This will immediately affect the price. A washing machine with a stainless steel tank will cost more than, for example, one with a plastic tank.

Therefore, if they offer you a washing machine with a stainless steel tank at a lower price, then it is probably a low-quality unit and its service life will be short.

What is better to choose

Washing machines with a stainless steel tank are considered the most reliable and durable. But in terms of price, such SMAs are significantly more expensive than analogues with a reservoir made of composite materials. The stainless steel tank weighs a lot and is quite noisy during operation.

Composite plastic analogues are lightweight, less noisy and inexpensive, which allows manufacturers to offer equipment at a more affordable price.

Advice! When using SMA with plastic tanks, you should be careful during transportation and carefully check the pockets of your items before putting them in the wash. Compliance with such measures will extend the life of an important component.

The quality of polymers is improving year after year through the use of new manufacturing technologies. Also, in some models, manufacturers practice installing combined tanks. From year to year, the electronic technologies used to equip the SMA are being modernized. In modern conditions, equipment with a plastic tank is an economically viable option, subject to careful operation.

Purpose of the tank and its types

Structurally, the tank is a container for the drum, where the user of the machine puts things for washing . Through the inlet pipe into the container from the water pipe, the automatic machine draws water for washing. In the tank, the water is heated to the desired temperature. The amount of liquid collected depends on the model and the set washing program.

Using a special mechanism, washing powder and conditioner are supplied into the container. The soap solution enters the drum, which rotates during washing, through the holes. At the end of the washing program, liquid is discharged into the sewer through the outlet pipe.

According to the design, the water tank can be collapsible or solid. The collapsible design consists of two halves connected with bolts. To reduce oscillatory processes that occur during washing, developers use special shock-absorbing mechanisms: springs, counterweights, etc.

When operating a washing machine, the tank experiences heavy loads: temperature changes, exposure to chemicals, vibration. It is important that the part is made of high-strength materials.

Tank and drum: what's the difference

First you need to understand the meaning of these words:

  • a drum is a cylindrical container where we put laundry, this is where the washing process takes place, which can be observed through the glass door of front-facing machines;
  • The tank is also a container where this drum is placed; water with the necessary detergents is poured into it, which enters the drum through special holes.

Important. Note that the drum itself is always made of stainless steel. But the tank can be made of different types of materials (plastic, metal, stainless steel). Attention. Do not confuse the tank with the drum. We put laundry inside the drum, and the drum itself is located inside the washing machine tank.

Tank and drum

Types of material

Now let’s look at which tank (from which material) in the washing machine is better. As already mentioned, different materials are used to make the tank (stainless steel, plastic, metal). Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of these materials for an important part of the washing device.

Stainless steel

Tanks have been made from this type of material for a long time.
Stainless steel has proven itself well due to its ability to withstand contact with water. Pros:

  • it is not subject to corrosion;
  • quite durable;
  • has a long service life;
  • resistant to chemical elements;
  • tolerates the effects of anti-scale medications well.


  • Stainless steel tanks are very noisy because metal cannot dampen vibration;
  • this is a fairly heavy metal that affects the weight of the tank and the machine as a whole;
  • Stainless steel does not have thermal insulation properties, which is why the energy consumption will be slightly higher;
  • models of machines with tanks made of high-quality stainless steel are quite expensive.


First, you need to understand that plastic refers to various composite polymer materials. Some manufacturers make their own materials themselves, giving them their own brand names.

Moreover, the characteristics of different types of plastic are different from each other. If we consider, for example, “carboran”, it will be more durable, and in terms of strength and reliability it will not be inferior to stainless steel. In addition, it has the ability to dampen vibration, which stainless steel does not have.

Main composite, polymer materials:

  • Polyplex;
  • Polynox;
  • Silitek;
  • Carborane;
  • Karbotek;
  • Carferron.


  • they are relatively durable;
  • do not corrode;
  • do not allow liquid to pass through;
  • they are light in weight;
  • have the ability to reduce drum noise during spinning;
  • save energy;
  • are not exposed to chemicals and aggressive substances.


  • There is actually only one minus here, but it’s quite big. Any polymer materials are brittle by nature and prone to splitting. Any poor quality or improper transportation of the device, or failure to remove the transportation bolts in time before using the washing machine, may damage the integrity of the tank. After which he will be unfit for work. You will need to replace the tank or even buy a new car.



  • Tanks made of metal coated with an enamel layer are quite reliable and not subject to corrosion. They are quite strong and do not crack during transportation or large temperature changes.


  • heavy weight;
  • they are susceptible to impacts and chips.

Attention. If during operation chips or damage to the protective layer of enamel appears, the metal begins to quickly rust and collapse. The tank is leaking, you will have to buy a new washing machine, since such tanks have no longer been produced.

Tank material

Author: User deleted asked a question in the Other services

Tell me, what tank material is better to buy a washing machine with? and got the best answer

Answer from Vladimir Panikarovskikh[guru] There are many options for the names of plastic tanks (silitek, carboran, polynox, etc.). Their essence does not change from this. They are all much better than stainless steel!! ! The whole point of using stainless steel was to increase the service life of the tank, because before that they were made of ordinary steel and covered with enamel, which could chip. Thanks to the wider possibilities of plastic molding, it was possible to significantly increase the reliability of fastening the support bearings on which the drum is held inside the tank. The chemical and mechanical resistance of plastics is practically not inferior to stainless steel, but the thermal conductivity and noise level of plastics is much lower than that of metals. Accordingly, less electricity is consumed for heating, and the machine runs quieter. By the way, at present almost all manufacturers use stainless steel exclusively on washing and drying machines. It’s very difficult to find a washing machine with stainless steel; I can’t name one right off the bat.

The drum is often referred to as the "belly" of an automatic washing model. The drum of the washing machine accepts clothes for washing. Water with dissolved detergent goes into the tank. Through special holes it gets to the laundry. Stainless steel is used to create the drum. And the tank can be made from various materials.


Quite a popular material. Has many advantages:

  • easy;
  • inexpensive;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • does not create excessive noise;
  • does not rust or leak.

Biggest drawback: fragility. Much easier to damage than metal. Most often this happens when moving.

It also happens that during washing, some object gets caught between the drum and the tub. In this case, the latter may crack. You will have to change the part or buy a new unit. Both will not be cheap.

Plastic tank

Gray plastic is considered the most unreliable. It quickly deteriorates, and you have to buy a new washing machine.

Steel-stainless steel option

Cars with a metal tank made from this material are considered classic. Since such steel has long been used to create these components of the washing machine.

Knowledge of the following specifics of a tank made of a given material helps to solve the dilemma with the best tank option for washing equipment:

  • Superior durability.
  • Impressive service life. It can reach 100 years.
  • High resistance to water.
  • Resistance to chemical aggressors. They can be contained in different detergents. Scale also poses such a threat.

Disadvantages (when compared with the plastic version):

  • Inability to suppress vibration. As a result, strong noise is generated.
  • An impressive mass.
  • Lack of thermal insulation. This minus seriously increases the electricity costs for the operation of automatic washing models with containers made of the specified material.
  • If a stainless steel tank is of solid quality, then its price tag is very serious. If you come across a device for sale with a steel container and a low price, do not rush to make a purchase. This device most likely has poor quality of tank material and welding. The nodes are poorly assembled.

Despite the indicated disadvantages, stainless steel tanks are more popular today. And if you want to purchase a model for a long time and your budget allows, then when purchasing, give preference to a device with a container made of this particular material. In addition, this option is usually chosen by those owners who often transport household appliances.

If your treasury is more modest and you don’t travel frequently, then buy a car with a plastic tank.

Other qualities of the machine element

Before you buy a washing machine, you should find out how much laundry it can wash in one load. For a large family, it is recommended to purchase models with a load of at least six kilograms.

Often the surface of the tank is coated with a special composition that brings benefits by having a disinfecting effect on the water.

Plastic raw materials and stainless steel are popular today. Each of the materials is quite acceptable and has a long service life. Everything is clear with the advantages; for comparison, here are the negative points:

  • a stainless steel tank makes more noise compared to its plastic counterpart;
  • elements made from plastic raw materials are considered brittle and cannot withstand mechanical stress.

Note that plastic raw materials are gradually pushing stainless steel out of the production process. It is quite possible that such machines will soon cease to be produced. Which option is better is up to you to decide.


Polynox tank

One of the most popular materials, which includes polypropylene and calcium carbide. Has the same advantages as plastic. In addition to polynox, there are other similar substances. They differ slightly in composition and are called composite materials.

The varieties are as follows:

Depending on what the manufacturer added to the composition, the quality of the resulting substance will differ. For example, carborane is stronger than polynox. But since there are no significant differences, composite materials for tanks are considered together.

Products made from polynox can last until the end of the life of the washing machine. Each manufacturer is trying to develop more and more durable polymer options. Some of them already have the properties of both plastic and metal. Such parts do not break down for up to 30 years.

So, now the most popular materials for making washing machine tanks are stainless steel, plastic, polynox and its variations. The choice is determined by a person’s finances and living conditions. If you move frequently, there is a high probability of damaging the plastic tank. But it is lighter, cheaper and less noisy. And yet, experts do not recommend looking at the material first.

Power consumption, brand, and technical characteristics are considered more important. The easiest way is to select several cars with suitable functions, price and country of origin, and from them choose the best one with the required tank.

Bottom line

This article detailed the characteristics of the washing machine tank. As you can see, the material of manufacture is of great importance.

From the above we can conclude that the most common and optimal type of washing machines are those equipped with a plastic drum.

In any case, an expert characteristic will help to objectively assess the price-quality ratio of the offered units. In general, by understanding the differences between appliances made from different types of materials, the consumer will be more confident and will be able to choose a product that will last a long time and reliably.

See also:

  • 10 best Electrolux washing machines according to customer reviews
  • 10 best ATLANT washing machines according to customer reviews
  • 10 best built-in washing machines
  • 10 best washing machines under 15,000 rubles according to customer reviews
  • 10 best washing machines under 25,000 rubles according to customer reviews

Manufacturing materials

Strong and durable material is the key to successful operation of the washing unit, because the work is constantly subject to serious loads and temperature changes. Foreign objects may damage or block system operation.

Manufacturers use the following types of material to make the drum container:

  • stainless steel;
  • plastic;
  • polymer;
  • metal.

Stainless steel

Steel copes better than others with constant interaction with water, and is also particularly durable. It is very often used as a material for the washing machine tank. The main advantages are:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • The tank, made of stainless steel, will serve you for many years.

Despite this popularity, there are also disadvantages:

  • High noise level. This is caused by the inability to dampen vibration and noise. Many housewives are unhappy with this phenomenon.
  • High price. A product made of high-quality steel with conscientiously welded seams cannot have a low price.
  • Devices with metal drum containers consume more electricity, since metal has low thermal insulation.


The second place in demand is occupied by products made of plastic and other polymers.

The advantages are:

  • Low cost.
  • They don't make noise. If you believe the advertising, things will be washed absolutely silently. They do an excellent job of absorbing noise and vibration.
  • Less energy consumption due to good thermal insulation. Heating water requires less energy.
  • Not susceptible to corrosion or chemicals.
  • Light weight of the product and the device itself. When repairing, it is much easier to remove than a metal one.
  • Relative strength. When compared with stainless steel products, plastic elements will lose out due to their fragility. However, constant developments are underway in this direction, and the composition of polymers for the manufacture of parts is improving, becoming stronger and more reliable. The service life can reach 30 years, which is significantly lower than that of stainless steel. However, this is enough, since the service life of the washing machine itself will come to an end after this time.

The only but significant disadvantage is:

  • Fragility. Damage may occur during transportation or if foreign objects get between the drum and its reservoir. Breakdowns can be very serious, making it impossible to use the equipment.

Each washing machine manufacturer uses its own polymer composition technology.

Plastic differs in characteristics, has low cost and high fragility. Due to additional impurities, the strength of the composition increases, and in some cases, products made from polymers are not too inferior in reliability to stainless steel elements and perfectly withstand the aggressive effects of chemical detergents.


In order to offer household appliances at affordable prices, manufacturers began to use composite plastic materials for the manufacture of tanks: polynox, carbotech, fibran and others. The machine operates with such a tank with a low noise level. The low thermal conductivity of composites promotes rapid heating of water and heat retention, which is more economical in terms of energy costs. But compared to stainless steel, many composite polymer materials are fragile and require careful transportation and operation.

  • Polynox is a composite of polypropylene and calcium carbide. A reservoir made of such plastic is light and durable, retains heat for a long time, absorbs vibrations, and is resistant to corrosion. The tank, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, can last up to 30 years.
  • Carbotech is a composite that is not inferior to stainless steel in terms of resistance to mechanical damage and has all the advantages inherent in plastic.
  • Silitek, Karbotek, Carferon are similar materials with excellent performance characteristics.

Which is better - plastic or stainless steel?

One of the criteria for choosing an SMA is the material of the tank. This element is considered the most important element in SMA. If there are problems with the tank, they can cause other parts to malfunction. It’s easy to find out what this element is made of - you just need to bend the rubber band of the hatch a little.

All washing machines can be divided into two groups, with tanks from:

  • polymers;
  • of stainless steel.


Once upon a time, metal enamel tanks were considered very reliable. They are not being released now. They are durable and do not corrode, but make the car very heavy. In addition, during long-term use, chips appear on the enamel surface - they are caused by small hard objects falling into the drum. The enamel begins to crumble, the corrosion process starts, and you have to either replace the rotten part or throw away the washer. This state of affairs forced manufacturers to focus on plastic and stainless steel.

Stainless steel

This is the strongest and most durable material that is not at all afraid of water. But this option is not without its drawbacks. When choosing reliability and long-term operation, you have to give up something. Stainless steel tanks are expensive and also increase the noise level of the device. For many, the quiet operation of the washing machine is more important than other parameters, so consumers today are not particularly chasing the durability that stainless steel promises.

Metal has high heat transfer, so hot water in a steel container cools faster than in a plastic one.

The main advantage of stainless steel tanks is durability. To install them, the manufacturer must have good reasons, the most important of which is the highest quality of washing machines. Stainless steel is used only in washing machines designed to last for many years. Stainless steel is often found in Eurosoba, Miele and other leading manufacturers. But most brands use plastic in their models.


Cheapness is not the only advantage of plastic. Although this factor is also taken into account by manufacturers. Advantages of plastic tanks:

  • Reduce vibration levels.
  • The water cools down more slowly.
  • They do not rust or rot - this extends their service life.
  • They cost less than steel. SMAs are approximately 8% cheaper than machines with a steel counterpart.

Plastic elements also have disadvantages:

  • Less resistant to mechanical damage. Service technicians often encounter plastic elements cracking due to impacts. This happens most often during self-repairs that users undertake. The most common damage is holes made by a screwdriver or a heavy object falling.

Manufacturers do not stop improving their washing machines, and one of the ways is to improve the characteristics of the plastic. Modern polymers are much stronger than their predecessors.

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