Which washing machine is better - front-loading or top-loading?

If you look at two washing machines from the side - with top and horizontal loading - you get the feeling that we are looking at two completely different devices. They are so different in appearance that it seems they have different purposes. In fact, both washing machines perform the same procedure - they wash. But why get sophisticated and produce such different washing machines?

An extremely interesting question, because a manufacturer under one brand can assemble two types of washing machines. Both options have their advantages and it is impossible to give a definite answer as to which is better.

The approach to choosing a household washing machine is individual, so everyone independently determines whose advantages will be decisive.

Also interesting: Top TOP 5 brands of washing machines.

Design and design differences between vertical and front loading washing machines

Any automatic washing machine can be either front-facing or vertical. The latter differs in that the laundry items are placed on top. To do this, the top cover is folded back and the laundry is loaded into a special hatch in the drum. This opening must be closed during washing.

Front-type washing machines involve loading dirty clothes (and unloading washed ones) through a special hatch. It is located on the front plane of the washing machine.

Both professionals and ordinary users do not find any fundamental differences in the quality of washing with these two types of machines. That is, both devices fulfill their main mission in good faith. So it’s too early to draw conclusions - first we’ll compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of washing machines.

Comparative characteristics

Front loading Vertical loading
Dimensions Height – 68-90 cm; depth – 32-60 cm; width – 47-60 cm; load – 3.5-7 kg (there are models with a load of more than 7 kg) Height – 80-85 cm; depth – 60 cm; width – 40 cm; loading – up to 7 kg (there are models with loading more than 7 kg)
Luke Closes horizontally with a special metal/plastic door with a glass insert Closes vertically with a special door
Practicality of operation The control panel is usually located where the hatch is. The top part can be used as a shelf The control panel is located on the top or side of the cover. The top plane cannot be used as a shelf
Ergonomics A wide variety of models in design, color, size, design features Small variety of models in design, color, size, design features

What is the difference between hatches of models with different types of loading?

Let us immediately note that neither the type nor the design of the drum, for the most part, has a significant impact on the quality of washing and spinning. However, by comparing front-loading and top-loading washing machines, you can determine which model is best suited for your home or apartment.

Hatch in front-type cars

Their hatch (with a diameter of 23 to 33 cm) is closed by a plastic or metal door with a glass window. During washing, a special lock secures it firmly in the closed position. And only when the program is completed, the door can be opened (the automatic lock will be unlocked). For ease of use of the machine, the size of the hatch is important - a large hole is easier to put and remove laundry. It is also important how wide the door can open - for simple models, its opening angle can be only 90 or 120 degrees, and for more “advanced” ones - 180 degrees.

The rubber seal, called the hatch cuff, fits tightly around the entire perimeter. The absence of gaps and high-quality material does not allow a drop of water to leak out. There is an opinion that the rubber cuff can quickly tear, but this is not at all true. Of course, it can be damaged, but this usually happens when the device is handled extremely carelessly.

Rubber cuff for sealing the hatch.

Hatch in vertical machines

Top-loading washing machines may be structurally different from each other. Most often there are models with a drum located horizontally. On the sides it has two symmetrical shafts on which it is attached. This design is in particular demand among European (especially French) consumers. And Russians also often buy just such models. Loading and unloading of laundry in them occurs in two steps: first, the outer hatch opens, and then the drum.

The drum has doors with a simple mechanical lock. But after washing, these doors do not always end up opposite the hatch - this is often the case with simple models. Manually turning the drum to the desired point is not much pleasure, and the developers took this into account. More expensive new models are equipped with a “drum parking system”. This means that after stopping the drum will always have its flaps facing the hatch opening.

Drum door lock.

Open drum flaps of a top-loading washing machine.

Less common among us, “American” large-volume models, allow you to load 8 - 10 kg of dry laundry. They do not have a hatch in the drum, which stands vertically, but there is a special activator in the middle. There are also models of the “Asian” type, which also have not taken root with us. They also have a vertical drum, not a horizontal one, but its volume is small. Often, such devices are equipped with an air bubble generator, which helps wash cleaner. In any case, that's what the manufacturers say.

Automatic washing machine of activator type with vertical loading.

It is very convenient that with top-loading machines you can pause the wash at any time to add items. And water will never spill onto the floor - because the lid opens upward. This option is useful for thrifty housewives who can put dirtier things first, and then less dirty ones. This will take less time, powder, and electricity.


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About the author:

Mom, wife and just a happy woman. She draws inspiration from travel and cannot imagine life without books and good films. She strives to become an ideal housewife and is always ready to share her experience.

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In the 19th century, washing ladies' toilets took a lot of time. The dresses were first ripped open, and then each part was washed and dried separately so that the fabric did not become deformed. After washing, the clothes were sewn again.

Which machine is more practical and easier to use?

For front devices, buttons and touch elements are located on the front panel - in the same place as the hatch. Many models have a liquid crystal display. A dispenser with three compartments is mounted on the left side of the same panel. Powder is poured into one of them, liquid detergent is poured into the other, and conditioner or rinse aid can be added to the third. The dispenser is easy to pull out, so there are no problems with cleaning it.

The upper horizontal plane of machines of this type is not equipped with either buttons or sensors. Therefore, it is quite possible to use it as a shelf, placing the things you need in the household. If such a device is installed in the kitchen, it is usually mounted under the countertop. This gives the housewife an additional working surface. Therefore, in the kitchen, frontal models can be found more often than vertical ones.

For vertical SMs, control elements can be located differently. For some, they are all located on the top panel-lid, for others they are on the side panel. The dispenser is usually located in the same place - under the lid. The downside to using such units is that the lid must be free to access. Therefore, these machines cannot serve as a shelf, nor can they be built under a tabletop. However, there are other options for integrating them into furniture - with an open top panel.


This question is of no small importance for people who do not want household appliances to spoil the interior of the room. The industry produces washing units in several colors, among which any consumer will find the right option for themselves.

So, on sale are models finished in the following tones:

  • white;
  • black;
  • under the tree;
  • under steel;
  • turquoise;
  • creamy.

An interesting approach for horizontal-type products was the addition of a hinged door to the body, covering the entire front part. If necessary, you can cover the canvas with a film that matches the color of the objects surrounding the device.

Which unit will not require repair longer?

In terms of reliability, which washing machine is better - vertical or front-loading? For some reason, many are confident that front-loading devices can fail and break more often than vertical-type machines. They say the drum, which is attached to only one shaft, vibrates more. Accordingly, the bearing of this shaft bears heavy loads and therefore wears out quickly. All this is not true - if the machine is well assembled, then it will not vibrate excessively, and its parts will not require replacement for a long time. In any case, laboratory tests gave exactly these results.


The price of good and high-quality equipment cannot be low. But this axiom does not entirely apply to vertical models. While inferior to their horizontal counterparts in terms of functionality, they are more expensive. This is largely due to the complexity of their design and assembly. Another reason is low demand and almost complete lack of competition, which has resulted in limited supply in the market. In this regard, the seller sets the price, and the buyer has no choice but to pay it.

The cost of middle-class frontal models varies between 15,000-25,000 rubles, vertical analogues cost 20-30% more.

Summing up and making the final choice

Step 1.

Before you go to the store to look for a car model, decide where you will have it. Perhaps you want to build it into furniture - then you need to make accurate measurements. However, for a free-standing device, you should also outline the required space.

Also consider the following nuances:

  • Is it planned to use the machine as a shelf or a work surface?
  • will it be necessary to add new portions of laundry during washing;
  • Is an inspection hatch necessary to allow you to see the washing process in detail?

Small apartments often do not allow a front-facing machine to be placed in them. There is not enough space to open the door, and it does not fit in width. In this case, choosing a model with vertically loaded laundry may be a good solution.

If we are talking about built-in appliances, then, as already mentioned, a front-loading model is better suited.

Step #2.

Now let's look at the issue of security. Here vertical units are in the lead. True, leadership is rather theoretical. It is based on the fact that water cannot accidentally spill out of such a machine. But the presence of a hatch on the front panel of the front devices is a risk area.

After all, there is a possibility (as practice has shown, negligible) that it will depressurize and water will splash out onto the floor. And if such a unit breaks down, you must definitely wait for the repairman to arrive - you cannot open the hatch yourself. If a top-loading machine breaks down, you can safely open the lid and take things out.

Step #3.

Next is the price. For front-facing models it is significantly lower. Their designs are more varied, and there are sizes to suit every taste. Therefore, they are more in demand among Russians, occupying up to 85% of the market.

European and African countries also mostly buy them, but Americans prefer vertical loading. In Australia and Asian countries, both types of cars are sold at approximately the same rate. However, for the quality of washing it does not matter whether you choose a vertical or front-facing washing machine. Both of them cope with their work “excellently”. After all, these technologies have now reached considerable heights.

Prices for front loading washing machines:

Prices for top-loading washing machines:

Visual component

  • According to most buyers, the appearance of front-facing machines looks more advantageous and is more diverse. You can also monitor the washing through transparent glass, which is not only very exciting (especially for children), but also useful.
  • There have been cases when people managed to notice money or documents left in their clothes in a whirlpool and “catch” them in time. The vertical does not provide such an opportunity.

Before choosing one of the two types of washing machines, carefully consider all their pros and cons. Also don't forget about the price. It is significantly lower for front-facing cameras, since they are the most popular in the Russian household appliances market.

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