What kind of glue can be used to glue the rubber band (seal) to the refrigerator door?

Over the course of many years of operation, the refrigerator seal gradually wears out and becomes unusable. As a result, the door of the unit no longer fits tightly to the body. The products in the chamber begin to quickly deteriorate, and the compressor works without interruption to maintain the optimal temperature inside the device. Energy resources are consumed, but the device does not fulfill its task - it does not cool the food properly. If you ignore the malfunction, it will lead to equipment breakdown and costly repairs.

The article will tell you how to check the tightness of the seal and replace the seal if it fails.

Why won't the door of your home refrigerator close?

There are several explanations for this. A visual inspection of the door can determine the cause. Physical damage, deformation of the door (dents, distortions of metal, not fastenings), due to which the door does not close. This type of breakdown can only be repaired in a workshop or replaced with another one. Deformed metal, which is used for the external cladding of equipment, is very difficult to level at home. To do this, you need to completely disassemble the door as a part and go through it with a special power tool, and then put it back together. Doing this “on your knees” at home is not recommended.

  • Loose or deformed fasteners. If the door curtains show signs of damage or the bolts (sometimes rivets) do not hold tightly, this is a clear sign of the door being skewed. Its elimination is possible at home by one person.
  • Rotten, loose or cracked weatherstripping can also cause this problem. After inspecting the rubber gasket around the perimeter, you can find the problem area. If, after a little pressure or tugging on the rubber, the seal crumbles or begins to sag, it’s time to start replacing it.

Replacing the seal in the refrigerator door

What damage does it prevent?

Over time, dents and gaps form on the rubber, and it loses its elasticity. A thinned seal can cause major repairs to the refrigerator. After all, the manufacturer calculates the power of the device under certain operating conditions. Forced to work in extreme mode, the device may simply not withstand the load. Therefore, such a seemingly insignificant detail should under no circumstances be neglected. It turns out that the refrigerator operates around the clock at full capacity. This reduces its service life.

What is the danger of damage to the seal?

It is necessary to take appropriate measures in a timely manner if the seal is damaged. If air enters the interior of the refrigerator compartment, the temperature controller forces the compressor to work at full power. During non-stop operation of the refrigerator, the motor may burn out, which will lead to a complete lack of functionality of the device.

It is necessary to take appropriate measures in a timely manner if the seal is damaged.

See alsoFeatures of storing a refrigerator at low temperatures

Why won't the door close

The refrigerator door may not close due to various malfunctions. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to conduct an inspection and determine the specific cause.

Loosening and deformation of fastenings

If the fasteners are deformed from mechanical stress or become loose as a result of prolonged use, the door no longer fits tightly. If the fastenings become loose, adjustments can be made. To restore deformed elements, professional repair or replacement of parts is required.

Rotten, loose and cracked seal

Due to the detachment of the seal or a violation of the integrity and structure, it cannot fulfill its purpose and does not secure the door. A broken seal is easiest to replace with a new one, which will reduce labor and time costs.

Dismantling the old

Dismantling (i.e. replacing with a new one, repairing or re-hanging on the other side) is necessary when the gasket no longer fits tightly to the body. This can happen when the hinges become loose, cracks appear in the body, or the door leaf is damaged. It is carried out in several operations:

  1. Defrosting (if you need to repair an old refrigerator) or disconnecting the device from the power supply (if the equipment is of the latest generation). You must first remove the contents from the chambers.
  2. The refrigerator is placed on its side, with the hinges facing up, otherwise the panel will be inconvenient to remove.
  3. The hinges are unscrewed (starting from the bottom), after which the structure is carefully pulled out of the grooves.
  4. The sealing gum and fabric are checked for damage. If cracks, rot, old blockages in the cracks or severe deformation of the case are detected, the part must be replaced with a new one, otherwise this may lead to damage to the device or damage to the products.
  5. If the parts are not damaged, then the canvas is cleaned of dirt, and the gasket is glued back in the right places. If its material begins to mold or loses its elasticity and volume, then the elastic band needs to be replaced.
  6. After this, the door is installed back.

Method 2: Hot water

The traditional way to restore a rubber seal is to use boiling water. Soaking the rubber band in hot water will cause it to swell. Increasing in volume, it will again begin to fit tightly to the door.

This method has a significant drawback. Refrigerators of the latest generation are attached to the door with adhesives or foam, unlike their Soviet counterparts, when manufacturers secured the seal with bolts. The process of removing the rubber band itself is already a risk factor. It can be damaged further.


When attaching the tape to the “Moment”, you need to press it as firmly and tightly as possible to the place of gluing and hold it this way for about 20 minutes. If it is not possible to do this manually, you can use either transparent tape (reliably presses the elastic with several layers for a short time), or a weighting agent of no more than 5-7 kg (if the door has been dismantled). You can also use a vice if you have one on hand.

It is recommended to use a respirator during operation. If the seal is attached using resin, it is necessary to work with rubber gloves, because if the substance gets on open skin, into a wound, or flows into a hard-to-reach place (for example, under a nail), it can cause hand injury, and getting rid of the frozen clot will not be easy.

You can also attach the elastic band to the refrigerator using nails or self-tapping screws. It happens that sometimes it is not possible to seal the tape or the adhesive coating is not able to hold it on the surface of the door, then this method is used. But this option is only suitable for older models and those in which the tape is attached to factory bolts.

Glue the seal

If the seal has come off just a little bit, then you can simply glue the rubber band in the refrigerator in the places where it comes off. The result can be either temporary or long-lasting - it all depends on the glue you use.

If everything is fine with the rubber band, but the door still does not fit tightly and everything in the refrigerator is defrosting, then you should pay attention to the door fastening. Perhaps some screws and hinges need to be tightened.

Important! If you need to glue the rubber band in the refrigerator, use any solution for this. For example, glue “88” or the usual “Moment” will do. But it is better not to use silicone for this purpose, since it is considered toxic, and food is stored inside the refrigerator.

Replacing the factory

To replace the factory rubber seal, you must follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to remove

To remove the seal, you will need to unscrew the fastening elements of the door and place it on a horizontal surface. Then the damaged seal is carefully torn off. You can pry one of the edges of the elastic with a sharp object and pull on the seal so that it begins to peel off.

Removing remaining glue

You can remove the remnants of the adhesive solution on which the seal was held using acetone. Apply the product to pieces of dried glue, wait 5-10 minutes, then treat with a spatula. The final cleaning is carried out with an alcohol solvent intended for acrylic paints.

What to do after the old seal wears out

If the rubber band on a household appliance wears out, you must carefully remove it without damaging the surface of the refrigerator. Since the factory rubber bands are a single piece, removing them with your own hands is not difficult. You just need to pry the corner with a stationery knife and peel it off the body. In some cases, you need to remove the door from the body to make it easier to peel off the rubber band.

Since the factory rubber bands are a single piece, removing them with your own hands is not difficult.

Next, you need to remove any remaining glue. A soap solution or a rubber band will do a great job of solving this problem. For persistent adhesive, you may have to resort to using special solvents. After the surface has dried, you can begin gluing a new gasket.

After the surface has dried, you can begin gluing a new gasket.

See alsoFeatures of surface finishing with decorative stone

Changing the rubber band of the refrigerator

But if cracks appear on the elastic, it breaks or even begins to rot, then throw it away without even thinking. In this method we will figure out how to change the rubber band in the refrigerator yourself.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the brand of the refrigerator and its manufacturer. After all, each company makes its own individual fastening and each of them has a different elastic band that is attached differently

The rubber band can be glued along the contour of the door and secured with screws and can be inserted into a special groove. In such cases, you can change it yourself.

You just need to remove the old one and attach the new one - using the same method that it was fixed before. But you need to be extremely careful so as not to spoil or deform the new rubber band.

There is an option for the rubber band to be glued into the refrigerator door. In this case, you can’t handle it purely on your own, you should contact the service.

How to check the tightness of the refrigerator yourself

If the seal in the refrigerator does not fit tightly, the seal of the appliance is compromised. This is evidenced by frost appearing on jars of liquid and ice on the back wall of the device.

The ice that forms on the rubber itself indicates the location of the damage. If it is not there, but the problem is obvious, carry out an independent check: you need to understand where warm air enters the chamber.

To check, use plain paper. Cut a strip 40-50 mm wide. Place it across the rubber band and close the door. Tightly fixed paper indicates the tightness of the seal. If it falls out, then warm air enters the chamber at this point. To identify problem areas, the entire perimeter is tested.

The tightness of the elastic band is also checked using a flashlight. It is better to test in a dark room. The switched-on flashlight is placed in the unit, directing the streams of light towards the door, and closing it. In places where the rays penetrate, the refrigerator is not sealed.

Tips and tricks

If the damage is minor, the seal can be repaired. Places of slight deformation are blown with a hair dryer or for drying hair (the hottest mode), change the shape of the elastic with your fingers and firmly press the door, fix it in this position for 10–15 minutes. Another option for restoring the seal is to remove it and immerse it in hot water, leave it for 15 minutes, when the part takes the desired shape it can be put back. Places where the tape has moved slightly away from the door can simply be glued, and small cracks can be sealed with sealant.

On a note!

If the tape is damaged only on the outside, it can be removed, turned over and reattached. Such a replacement of rubber on a refrigerator cannot be carried out if it was glued.

In order for the seal to last as long as possible, the door must be opened only by the handles or special recesses, without touching the rubber bands. When washing the refrigerator, all grooves in the tape should be cleaned with a toothbrush and soda paste. After replacing and drying the rubber, it must be treated with silicone grease; oils cannot be used, they make the material inelastic.

It is permissible to attach the new type of seals with double-sided tape (on the latest models of refrigerators), but no one can say exactly how long the part will last. Experts do not recommend using polyurethane foam to glue the part. For any mounting method, the tape must not be stretched. You need to measure the elastic from the upper corners (length and width).

Installation of sealing tape is not a complex type of repair, but requires attention and accuracy. You need to choose the right part, carefully remove the remains of the old gum and prepare the surface before work. By following our advice, you can change or repair the rubber seal in the refrigerator yourself, without using the services of service centers; the procedure will not take much time.

Repair with improvised means

This method does not require replacing the worn part. This is its advantage. It is also worth noting that since you will solve the problem yourself and with the help of available materials, the percentage of successful repairs is much lower than if you contact professionals

But material costs are also much lower, which is important

There are several methods that became popular during the Soviet Union, when due to the shortage of certain things and materials, it was still not customary to throw them away. Well, let's look at the methods for repairing the refrigerator seal with our own hands.

Using boiling water

First, remove the rubber band from the refrigerator door. This process can be quite difficult. More precisely, there can be 2 ways:

Modern refrigerator manufacturers attach this part to foam, in which case it will be easy to remove. In Soviet units, the elastic band is screwed on with nails; it is quite difficult to remove it

Therefore, you should remove it very carefully so as not to deform it. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new one.

So, let's move on to the actual processing of the material. Everything is extremely simple. You just need to scald it with boiling water and leave it in hot water until it cools completely. This way you can restore the rubber band on the refrigerator.

Dry it well and hang it back. After this treatment, the part will begin to fit tightly to the door and its tightness will not be compromised.

Using paper or other available materials

This method will only work if the deviation from the door does not exceed 2 mm

Therefore, first you should measure these discharges (this is important)

After this, you can take a piece of paper, cardboard or other similar materials and place it under the place where the elastic comes off.

Change door location

You can try moving the door to the other side. This will help you hide the damaged rubber band and use the good one.

Just be sure to prematurely pay attention to the location of the furniture in the kitchen. Will it be convenient for you to open the door if you change its direction? After all, it may happen that you have re-hung the door, and now you realize that it is inconvenient to open it and you need to change the location of all the kitchen furniture

Re-hanging the door

In this case, the refrigerator is usually installed on an uneven floor and at a slight angle. If the front of the refrigerator is tilted forward, the doors will not stay closed.

To check this, use a level to check the refrigerator and then adjust the legs. You will need a second person who can tilt the equipment. At the bottom of each leg there is a twisting mechanism that adjusts the length of twisting.

If you have been using your refrigerator for years, the hinges may become deformed over time due to constant exposure. Tighten them using a shaped screwdriver. It is recommended that the doors can close on their own when they are half open (45 degrees). So, adjust your feet with the door half open and continue to do this until the door closes.

Adjust your feet

On the Internet you can purchase special dense foam mats that go under the refrigerator, reducing vibration passing through the legs to the floor. This fix is ​​especially valuable if people living below you are complaining about refrigerator noise.

How to glue a rubber band in the refrigerator

To begin replacing the rubber seal on the refrigerator door, you need to treat the door surface with a mild solvent. The best solvent option for these purposes is alcohol solvent for acrylic paint.

To replace the sealing rubber, it is imperative to use the same fastening method that was used to fasten the old material.

The rubber seal can be fixed using glue or a screw.

Attaching the rubber seal for the refrigerator can be like this:

  1. Screw fastening. For this method, you need to try on the rubber seal on the refrigerator door and if it fits tightly and does not give you any doubt that it will perfectly preserve the tightness of your refrigerator, simply tighten the fasteners.
  2. Fixing the seal with glue. After trying on the new seal on the refrigerator door, you need to apply a thin layer of glue around the perimeter of the door and attach the prepared rubber band.

The glue you need to choose is silicone-based and of very high quality; if you buy a low-quality glue or a cheap fake, you will soon need to replace the seal again. Turning on and using the refrigerator is permitted only after the glue has completely dried.

How to quickly adjust a skewed door

You can restore the position of a skewed door yourself, without involving a technician. The adjustment method depends on the fasteners.


Incorrect fit of the refrigerator door leads to the fact that it does not close completely or, on the contrary, is fixed tightly and is difficult to open. In both cases, it is necessary to adjust the optimal fit using the adjusting bolts located at the mounting points.

See also

Instructions on how to lubricate door hinges at home without removing the door

If it is necessary to loosen the tightness of the fit, tighten the bolts counterclockwise and loosen the fasteners. Otherwise, tighten the bolts in a clockwise direction and strengthen the fixation. Sometimes the door does not close tightly due to damage to the bolts, and in this case, new regulators must be installed.

Self-tapping screws

If you notice a loose fit, you can remove the refrigerator door and check whether the fasteners for the brackets are deformed. If defects are found on them, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged plane. For this purpose, use a steel plate and secure it with self-tapping screws.


The lower door curtain in some types of refrigerators is secured with rivets. To gain access to the latches, you must remove the door from the top groove. You can remove rivets using a specialized set of tools similar in principle to a metal punch. If possible, it is recommended to replace old rivets with bolts or screws.

Why does the seal in the refrigerator wear out?

Seal requiring replacement

You can tell that it’s time to replace the old tape with a new one by the ice that forms on the freezer door. Due to the fact that warm air gets inside, the temperature in the refrigerator will not be low enough. Over time, in older models that are used for a long time, the elastic band dries out, cracks and becomes less elastic. The tape may become unusable if the equipment is handled carelessly. The reason that the rubber band will have to be changed may be sagging of the door due to its own weight, as well as a malfunction of the sensor that is responsible for opening it. In case of partial or complete wear, you need to replace the rubber bands on the refrigerator door.

The rubber seal is a simple and rather weak part. It performs an important task, ensuring tightness. When the belt is deformed and destroyed, this immediately affects the operation of the unit. Cold air flows out, while warm air flows in. All systems are overloaded.

If the seal is slightly damaged, it can be repaired. A test will help you decide. A flashlight is placed inside the refrigerator. If the seal is poor, light will show between the seal and the housing. This means there are gaps.

They check it in another way. To do this, take a sheet of paper. Bring it to the body and close the door tightly. They pull on the peeking edge. If the paper is easily pulled out, then the seal must be replaced. They also check the places at the bottom and top of the door. The elastic band should fit snugly along its entire length. The fact that the tightness is broken can be judged by the following on it:

  • dents;
  • chipped;
  • cracks;
  • bends.

What causes a seal failure?

  • Water flows onto the floor.

This problem is not only dangerous for people walking around your kitchen, but it is also a bit difficult to solve as it can be caused by many things, but most commonly by warm air getting inside the refrigerator.

  • The freezer has stopped working.

Is your food spoiling quickly or noticing that your freezer isn't what it should be? This is a common problem and is the most common consequence of lack of seal maintenance.

  • The fresh food compartment becomes warm.

Typically, the cold air generated by refrigerators comes from the freezer, which then flows into the fresh food section of your refrigerator. So if your fresh food drawer is getting hot, it's most likely because you have an airflow problem.

  • Frost accumulation in the ice dispenser

In order for ice to fall from your ice dispenser, it must be in an active state. This "door" that opens and closes to allow ice to fall is called a flap. Your damper door is lined with a special material that seals and creates a seal. If this material on the door becomes warped or dirty, it allows moist air to enter the freezer. When it cools, the air turns to frost, causing airflow and cooling problems. So if you are facing this problem, simply inspect your door damper for anything that could be causing an air leak. This could be a case of simply cleaning off dirt or replacing a spare part.

Ice dispenser

Rules of care

If you operate the refrigerator correctly and take proper care of the rubber seal, replacing the latter will not take a long time. Rules that must be followed include:

  • Timely cleaning of the rubber band from debris that gets into its recesses. You can use a toothbrush for this.
  • When washing the refrigerator, be sure to clean the seal with a soda solution.
  • Regularly treat the rubber band with silicone grease. It is prohibited to use any vegetable oils for these purposes.
  • The refrigerator and freezer can only be opened using the handle. You should not touch the seal again, much less pull on it.

Timely replacement of the rubber will protect the engine from overheating and unnecessary electricity consumption. Replacing the seal yourself is a fairly simple operation. You just need to buy the appropriate material and follow all installation recommendations.

After the work

Replacing an old seal in a refrigerator is a simple task for an experienced technician

However, it is important to know how to care for your household appliance to avoid repeated breakdowns.

  • Compliance with the defrosting schedule (for outdated models);
  • Periodic inspection of components and parts for rotting, unpleasant odor, crumbling;
  • Avoiding overheating or hypothermia (especially important for equipment that is not currently in use, but is stored in a warehouse or garage.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid the need for repairs and extend the life of your equipment.

It is important to note that a huge amount of cold escapes through the cracks in the seal, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of the food and forces the refrigerator to work harder. This has a detrimental effect on its resource

Even a small gap into which a corner of an A4 sheet can easily pass is a potential problem and has a bad effect on work.

Sometimes it happens that a refrigerator that has been working for many years malfunctions. The causes of the defect can be various phenomena. One of them is damage to the rubber seal. If this is your case, then natural questions arise:

  • What to do - restore the old rubber band or buy a new seal?
  • Solve the problem yourself or call a professional?
  • How difficult is it to replace the seal in a refrigerator with your own hands?
  • What to glue the rubber seal on in the refrigerator?

Let's look at each of these questions one by one.

All household appliances require high-quality care, as well as repair and protection. The problem of rubber seal wear is most common in older freezers. Although, if there is a manufacturing defect or improper operation, it can also affect new refrigerators.

Ultimately, when the structure of the sealing rubber changes over time, deformations and cracks appear, condensation accumulates on the walls and door of the refrigerator, and ice forms (exceptions include refrigerators with the NoFrost system).

Also, damage to the sealing rubber leads to changes in temperature in the refrigerator under the influence of warm air entering it. As a result, in order to maintain the set temperature, the freezer compressor starts working without stopping, which can cause it to fail faster.

This will lead to costly repairs, so to prevent this problem from occurring, you must understand that a broken rubber seal on the refrigerator door is not a minor problem, but a fault that can significantly affect the operation of the entire device and lead to serious problems. Also, do not write off the excessive consumption of electricity by a faulty refrigerator - a damaged rubber band can cost you a pretty penny.

Signs of damage to the refrigerator seal

There is a simple way to check the tightness of the refrigerator door. This requires a piece of paper. Place it in the gap between the chamber and the door and close the refrigerator. If there is an area where the paper is not pressed against the camera by the door, it slides freely and falls out, then there is a problem with the seal.

However, in most cases, rubber seal problems are obvious and do not require this test.

Method 1. Hair dryer

In fact, all home methods for restoring sealing rubber come down to the use of heat. To do this, you just need to provide a source of high temperature. It could be a hairdryer.

To restore rubber using a hair dryer, you need to perform several steps in sequence:

  • disconnect the device from the power supply;
  • heat the rubber with a hairdryer to a temperature of at least 80 degrees;
  • straighten the sagging areas with your hands (in this case, you need to stock up on linen gloves to avoid injuries).

You must wait for the heated area to cool down with the door closed. However, you need to understand that this method is relevant for slight deformation of the rubber.

How to choose it?

Modern refrigerators use single-chamber and double-chamber polymer seals. When purchasing, you need to consider the following points:

  • brand and serial number of the device;
  • seal length;
  • fastening method;
  • presence of magnetic insert.

Methods for fixing sealing tapes:

  • using glue;
  • using self-tapping screws;
  • with fastening in a groove.

The last option is considered the most reliable. This seal is easy to install and maintain, durable and not prone to deformation.

If you can’t find a ribbon for a certain brand, then you can use any other. In this case, the sealant is adjusted to the required dimensions, and the joints are carefully glued. For this, any adhesive compositions are used, including silicone sealants.

Attention! After purchase, you should not install the seal immediately. First, it is kept at room temperature for about 24 hours and only then installation begins.

How to repair or replace the seal?

Before you replace the old seal, find out how you can restore it. To do this, use a hair dryer or hot water. Repair occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. heating the seal in the area of ​​unevenness using a hairdryer or water;
  2. straightening the shape with your hands.

Then close the door tightly and, after the rubber bands have cooled completely, check for cracks using paper. The sheet is laid at the joint, the door is closed and they try to pull it out. If the paper is easily removed, then you need to repeat the heating procedure again.

Sometimes it happens that the rubber band does not fit tightly due to the appliance door being installed incorrectly. In this case, there is no need to replace the seal; it will be enough to adjust the position of the door.

About repairing the refrigerator gasket in the video:

Dismantling the old

Before you begin the repair, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • To install using adhesives, you will need glue, a spatula and a solvent.
  • For self-tapping screws - a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • For grooves - a hair dryer and a screwdriver.

The algorithm for removing old gum will be as follows:

  1. Unplug and defrost the household appliance.
  2. Remove the door and place it on the floor or table.
  3. Remove the seal. The elastic inserted into the groove is pryed with a screwdriver and, carefully pulling it up, is removed. When fastening with self-tapping screws, it is simply unscrewed. If the seal “sits” on the glue, it is cut off or torn off. Then the residues are cleaned off using a spatula.

Reference! Experts recommend that you always remove the door, since with vertical installation the quality of installation is significantly reduced.

Installing a new

When installing, use the method that was originally provided in the model.

Into the groove

  1. The sealant is heated well using a hair dryer or kept in very hot water for several minutes.
  2. Then they straighten it around the perimeter and insert the fasteners one by one into the grooves. To make the seal fit more securely, you can additionally coat the location of the elastic with glue or silicone sealant. Instead of adhesives, small self-tapping screws are sometimes used, which are screwed at a distance of about 15 cm.

For self-tapping screws

When using self-tapping screws, you need to screw them exactly into the places where they were before dismantling. The fastenings should be placed frequently enough, so the tightness will be more reliable.

For adhesives

The surface under the gum and it itself are degreased using a solvent or white spirit. Then apply glue according to the brand's instructions and apply a sealant, pressing it firmly around the entire perimeter. Experts recommend using adhesives from well-known manufacturers, as they produce a product of the highest quality.

Reinstalling the door in place is possible only after the adhesive has completely dried, but not less than after 24 hours. If you do this earlier, the elastic band may not stick completely and the seal will be broken.

Reference! When installing rubber on the freezer door, you should use special adhesives that can withstand low temperatures.

Installation Quality Check

After the installation of the seal has been completed, it is necessary to check how well and firmly it holds. When installed correctly:

  • the elastic fits tightly to the door, there are no cracks or gaps;
  • the household appliance opens with little effort;
  • The door stands straight without the slightest distortion.

After all work is completed, the refrigerator can be turned on.

Replacing the rubber seal on the refrigerator

Let's start with the nuances of choosing a new sealing material. Thick rubber bands were installed on outdated brands and models of cooling household appliances; they are almost impossible to find; now parts are made of polymers. There are two types of tapes: double-balloon (equipped with a magnet) and single-balloon, the former are more common. The parts differ according to the installation method:

  • grooves (herringbone);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue.

On a note!

When choosing a sealing tape, consider the size and type of part needed.

It’s good when there is a tape for a certain model of refrigerator on sale; if there isn’t one, you’ll have to select a similar one. To avoid mistakes, be sure to consult with the seller. A good material has a uniform, smooth structure. Carefully inspect the new seal along its entire length and on all sides; there should be no cracks, lumps, or stretches.

It is almost impossible to find a solid rubber band for an old refrigerator; you will have to take a larger size band, cut off the excess pieces during installation, and glue the joints. After purchase, the part is left for 24 hours in the room where the replacement will be carried out. At this time, it cannot be cut or attached to the door; the material needs to get used to new conditions. Before work, the part is briefly placed in warm water.

Dismantling the tape and preparing for replacement

Before dismantling the old seal, you need to turn off the refrigerator, remove all food from the chambers, completely defrost the device, and wipe it dry. It will be easier to work if you remove the door and place it on the table. When repairing “on the fly”, small gaps or other defects often remain. The process of dismantling the old seal depends on the type of its attachment:

The edges of the grooves are carefully pushed towards you and sequentially (along the entire length) the elastic is pushed upward, trying not to tear it

It is not advisable to rush; it is important not to damage other elements of the doors and body. If the seal constantly returns to its original place, fix it with a screwdriver by inserting it between the edge of the panel and the tape

The seal must be completely removed from the grooves, otherwise it will not be possible to insert a new rubber band. The tape, screwed with self-tapping screws, is removed using a screwdriver or screwdriver. The glued part is torn off from the door and the surface is cleaned with a small spatula.


After removing the old tape and attaching the new one, you need to thoroughly clean, then wipe the surface of the door with a degreaser. The glue can be easily removed with acetone.

To glue the tape, you need to choose a good product, for example, Moment or BF glue, they perfectly hold surfaces together and hold them securely for a long time. When working with glue, be careful not to stain the surface around the tape. Traces of glue in inappropriate places are immediately removed. Many craftsmen use silicone sealants, which is also a good option, they are flexible and reliable. When choosing products, give preference to those whose packaging is marked with resistance to low temperatures.

Do-it-yourself replacement of sealing rubber

You should not conduct experiments and try to come up with new types of fastening; mount the tape as it was installed previously. It is permissible to change something only if the door is deformed or broken. In production, the tape is secured into the groove using special equipment; it is impossible to repeat the procedure manually. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to place the elastic under the grooves with glue or secure it with self-tapping screws. Replacing the rubber band on the refrigerator door:

  1. The glue is applied in a thin layer to the side of the tape that will be used to attach it to the plastic. Drying is carried out as written in the instructions for the product; the door must not be closed until the glue has completely dried.
  2. When screwing with self-tapping screws, it is advisable to use screws of a slightly larger diameter (than they were previously), since after long use the fasteners could become loose. Replacing the seal starts from the corners, screw in the screws without tightening too much, otherwise the rubber will burst.
  3. The herringbone tape is inserted into the grooves, first in the corners, then around the perimeter. The edges of the plastic casing are moved away from the body and secured with screwdrivers, and the tail of the seal is inserted into the resulting cavity. If additional fixation is carried out not with glue, but with self-tapping screws, then they are screwed in at a distance of 10 or 15 cm.

After the glue has dried, you need to carefully inspect the seal for possible damage. If all is well, the refrigerator can be connected to the network. With proper repair, the door on the refrigerator will not open as easily as before, and if you run your hand along the rubber band, you should not feel cold. If desired, you can test with a flashlight or paper.

Is it possible to restore an elastic band at home?

You can try to restore the deformed seal yourself. Modern inventive users have developed a whole collection of methods, among which the most common is the option of hanging the door. Technically this is feasible, but there is no guarantee of complete success.

In addition, when rehanging the door, you need to think about whether opening the door in the other direction will cause inconvenience. After all, a refrigerator is a fairly large unit. A place is carved out for it, taking into account every centimeter. Perhaps, when re-hanging the door, you will have to do a total rearrangement of the kitchen modules. Is it worth it?

Video material

Now you know all the ways you can repair the rubber band in the refrigerator. We hope that we have helped you solve the problem and that your household appliances continue to work properly without causing you unnecessary hassle or inconvenience.

Replacing household appliances with new ones is a problem even for members of the middle class. A refrigerator is a fairly expensive and important element of any kitchen. Its breakdown can seriously affect both the budget and the morale of the family.

The most common failure is the door being skewed and the seal coming loose. How to solve these problems will be discussed in this article.

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