What should I do if my Bosch washing machine spins clothes poorly or not at all?

Bosch washing machines are a popular product that enjoys well-deserved trust among customers. But even with very reliable equipment, malfunctions can occur and breakdowns may occur that require repair.

One such situation is very weak or absent spin. You can try to cope with the problem on your own or seek help from a washing machine repairman.

Why the Bosch washing machine does not spin clothes and what to do about it, we will tell you further.

Spin does not work - what is the reason?

Lack of spin in a Bosch washing machine does not always indicate a serious breakdown. Very often the cause of trouble is user errors.

If, after washing, the laundry removed from the drum is wet, the fault may be due to the user’s carelessness:

  1. The spin was accidentally (or intentionally) turned off. The solution to the problem is to load the laundry again after finishing the wash and put it in spin-only processing.

  2. Wrong choice of washing program. For example, using the mode for wool or for delicate items that do not give a strong spin.
  3. Overloading/underloading of the drum, as a result of which things are not wrung out well enough.

To analyze the situation, you should make sure that not a lot of things were included, and that a suitable program was set. If simple options for the cause of the spin failure are not confirmed, you need to move on to serious diagnostics and checking for technical faults.

The reasons that lead to spin problems in Bosch include:

  • engine breakdown;
  • wiring problems;
  • clogged drain or sewer system in the apartment;
  • tachometer failure;
  • foreign object entering the tank;
  • wear of engine brushes;
  • drive belt damage;
  • destruction of bearings;
  • control module malfunction.

What you can do yourself

The lack of spinning can be due not only to breakdowns, but also to incorrect installation or use of the equipment. In particular, Bosh may not do push-ups for the following reasons.

  • No spin program selected. The “wool”, “silk”, “delicate wash” modes most often do not require spinning to avoid damage to items. If you accidentally choose this mode, simply turn on spin on your SMA.
  • Too many things. When the washing machine is overloaded with things, it cannot accelerate during the spin cycle due to the overweight. You need to take out some of the things and start the spin program again.
  • Washing one large item. If you are washing something large, such as a blanket or bedspread, often the SMA cannot distribute the item evenly throughout the drum. Therefore, the machine detects the imbalance and does not begin to push. Try manually distributing the item in the drum and turn on the spin cycle again. If this does not help, alas, it is better to take such items to dry cleaning.
  • Linen imbalance. If things are bunched together (for example, gathered in a duvet cover or pillowcase), an imbalance may also occur in the machine and it will not spin. Open the washer and place the items in the drum manually.
  • Incorrect installation of Bosch. If the machine is not installed level, then due to misalignment, the SMA may poorly distribute things across the drum and vibrate strongly when trying to spin the drum. All this leads to a stop without spinning. Adjust the legs of the washing machine so that it is level.
  • One-time failure in the control unit. The board may be stuck. Disconnect the SMA from the electrical network for 15-20 minutes. This will allow the board to “reset” and perhaps the problem will disappear after turning it back on.

Diagnostics and troubleshooting methods

Lack of spin in Bosch may indicate serious damage. To inspect the components involved in spinning, you will need to disassemble the washing machine.

To determine the cause of the problem, you need to pay attention to the “behavior” of the washing machine itself:

  • is there a fault code on the display;
  • does the motor start during the spin cycle?
  • are there any extraneous sounds;
  • whether the water left the drum after the end of the washing phase.

Engine problems

The most common problem with a Bosch washing machine motor is brush wear. This problem can arise during long-term operation and can be solved by replacing worn out consumables.

The failure manifests itself as very weak rotation of the drum during washing and spinning, uneven movements, and even a complete stop of movement. Under such circumstances, laundry cannot be well wrung.

The solution to the problem is to replace the brushes. This is a complex repair that is carried out by completely disassembling the washing machine. In case of serious engine failure (combustion), code E02 may appear on the display. If restoration is impossible, the motor is replaced.

Failure of the tachometer

The tachometer is a part of a Bosch washing machine that is responsible for controlling the number of drum revolutions. In the event of a malfunction, current information from the device is not transmitted to the control unit.

To diagnose the condition of the element, the Bosch washing machine is partially disassembled. Failure to operate the tachometer may be a consequence of a breakdown of the device itself , or be the result of a breakdown in electrical contacts.

If the sensor is broken, it is replaced with a new one. In the case where the cause of the failure is poor contact, the problem can be eliminated by replacing the wiring and tightening the fasteners. A breakdown of the tachometer is caused by the cycle starting when the drum is overloaded.

No drain

To switch to spinning, the Bosch washing machine must first drain the water. If she fails to do this, then spinning the laundry does not begin.

To check the condition of the drain system, start by cleaning the drain filter. Access to this unit is from the outside of the washing machine at the bottom. After this, you need to move on to analyzing the condition of the pump and pipe. If there is a blockage, the water will not drain from the washing machine.

It is also necessary to check the condition of the drain hose and the sewer itself . A blockage in any of the areas can result in the spin cycle not happening. The washing machine can indicate a failure by issuing code F18 (E18).

Overload, underload or imbalance of items in the drum

One of the reasons why the spin cycle may stop is that the washing machine cannot evenly distribute the laundry in the drum.

This situation can arise when wet, heavy laundry is bunched up in one lump . The inability to distribute laundry can also occur when washing only one small item, such as a T-shirt.

Another option is an imbalance when things get together, for example, when all the bed linen put in the drum ends up in the duvet cover or pillowcase when washed.

If it is impossible to distribute the laundry, the washing machine freezes and does not perform a full spin. The solution to the problem is to stop the cycle, add or subtract things, and straighten the things that are huddled together.

Foreign object in the drum

If, during washing or spinning, sounds uncharacteristic of normal operation are heard (rustling, scratching, creaking, etc.), there is a possibility that a foreign object has entered the free space between the drum and the tank .

It can not only stop rotation, but also lead to major damage - damage to the tank, burnout of the motor, etc. A foreign object will interfere with the normal rotation of the drum, which is why spinning at high speeds will not occur.

The solution to the problem is to stop the cycle. After this, you need to try to remove the object that accidentally got into the Bosch washing machine. Sometimes this can be done even without disassembling the washing machine - it is sometimes possible to remove a protruding paper clip or bra wire through the drum. But most often you will need to partially disassemble the washing machine.

Drive belt

Belt slipping at high speeds, or even falling off completely, will prevent the Bosch washing machine from spinning. If the belt breaks or falls off, the sound of a running motor will be heard , but the drum will not spin.

To resolve the problem, it is necessary to partially disassemble the Bosch washing machine in order to gain access to the unit through the removed rear wall of the case. If the belt is intact and just slipped off, it is installed in its original place.

But when this situation repeats, it is likely that the part is either installed incorrectly or requires replacement due to wear. You also need to install a new belt if it breaks. Details are in this article.

Bearing wear

A drop in spin speed, hum, noise and knocking may indicate wear of the bearing assembly .

To eliminate the defect, the Bosch washing machine will have to be completely disassembled and new bearings installed.

Replacing bearings is a complex repair that is most conveniently carried out in a workshop rather than at home.

Control module malfunction

The control unit in the Bosch washing machine coordinates the entire operation of the device. When elements and tracks burn out, various failures are possible , including lack of spinning. To carry out diagnostics, the board is dismantled.

The unit can be accessed by removing the top cover of the washing machine. In most faulty situations, the unit can be repaired. But sometimes it may need to be replaced.

Wiring irregularities

Electrical wires inside the Bosch washing machine connect the nodes and ensure the transmission of signals between sensors, working nodes and the control module. In cases of wiring problems, signals may not pass through and the smooth functioning of all groups will be disrupted. If the wiring problem concerns the components that are responsible for draining water or rotating the drum, spinning may not occur.

It is possible to determine the condition of the wiring by partially disassembling the Bosch washing machine. If breaks, loose terminals and other defects are found, repairs are carried out by a technician .

Bosch washing machine stops on spin cycle (at end of wash)

Most often this happens when draining water. Before the drum begins to spin and spin out the laundry, all the water from the tank must be drained. If this does not happen and the water remains in the tank, then things will be wet. This is written in detail here.

If the water drains and the drum starts rotating for just a few seconds, and then in the opposite direction at lower speeds, this may indicate a problem with the motor brushes. In addition to worn brushes, the drum may not spin at high speeds due to a faulty motor tacho sensor.

Error in the operation of the water level sensor. This problem is expressed as follows. The water level sensor regulates the water level in the tank, and in the event of a malfunction, the inlet valve will constantly fill in water, and the drain pump will drain. Therefore, the wash cycle simply does not reach the spin cycle.

The engine is faulty. If the engine has problems with the control relay, then it may not have enough power to spin up to high speeds. This way the laundry will remain damp. The machine will spin very slowly.

Call the master

In cases where you cannot determine or eliminate the cause of problems with spinning on your own, you can call a specialist from a washing machine repair company. There are many such companies on the Internet.

If there is a choice, it is advisable to give preference to those who have been working in the service provision market for a long time and have many positive reviews. The cost of the work will depend on the complexity of the breakdown, and may vary significantly in different companies.

In Moscow, the average cost of Bosch repairs is:

  • cleaning the drain filter – from RUB 1,300;
  • replacement of the drain hose - from 1,500 rubles;
  • replacement of the drain pump - from 2000 rubles;
  • pipe replacement - from 1500 rubles;
  • repair of the control module - about 3,000 rubles;
  • removal of a foreign object – from 1500 rubles;
  • finding and eliminating blockages in the drain system – from 1,400 rubles;
  • motor replacement – ​​from 2500 rubles.

After the repair is completed (at home or in the workshop), the operation of the washing machine is checked. And the master issues a guarantee. The customer pays the cost of replacement parts separately.

Wrong program selected

Usually the spin mode in the washing machine does not work due to incorrectly configured software. There may be a problem with the washing program that was installed: the water does not pour out after the wash is completed, and the machine waits for the required command to drain the liquid and spin the clothes.

When the spin cancel button is pressed, it is depicted in the form of a spiral - crossed out with a line diagonally. If this button is pressed, the wash will not spin. Disable it to allow the process to resume.

The speed control is set to 0 - this is the reason why the washing machine does not spin the clothes, but drains the water.

Faulty motor brushes

Signs of breakdown: the machine sparks and does not gain speed during the spin cycle, and the parts themselves are worn out and come into weak contact with the collector. Because of this, the power unit does not create enough torque to rotate the drum during the spin cycle.

The washing machine does not spin: what to do or how to replace and change the brushes:

  1. Disconnect from the network.
  2. Close the water inlet valve.
  3. Drain some of the water from the tank by unscrewing the inlet pipe. Attention! Water may suddenly start flowing.
  4. Remove the lower front part by removing the drain filter and draining some of the water using an emergency hose.
  5. Position the machine so that it is convenient to work with it.
  6. After this, you need to remove the engine by removing the back cover - it is secured with screws.
  7. Remove the drive belt. To do this, pull it slightly towards you and turn the pulley counterclockwise.
  8. Take a photo of the location and connection of the wires and disconnect them.
  9. Inspect the motor without dismantling.

After that, proceed to replacement:

  1. Unscrew the brush holder bolts and remove;
  2. carefully select the carbon rods;
  3. remove the brush from the socket;
  4. install a new product;
  5. repeat the procedure for another carbon contact.

If the unit is equipped with a direct drive, then the sequence of actions is different:

  1. Remove the rear cover.
  2. Remove the rotor. This is required to access the brush holders.
  3. Replacement brush is similar. You need to watch the direction of sharpening.
  4. Before installing new parts, you need to wipe the collector with a cotton swab to clean it of carbon deposits and dust.

Checking the control module

This component is responsible for all machine system programs, in particular spin execution.

The spin function cannot be started due to a module malfunction. You won’t be able to check the control unit at home, so you will need the help of a specialist.

If the control unit malfunctions, the technician diagnoses the board, replaces the broken parts with new ones, and then solders the tracks and contacts.

Let's sum it up

The article provided instructions on what to do if the washing machine does not spin clothes. All actions are conditionally divided into categories:

  1. Removing liquid from the tank.
  2. Finding out the reasons for the breakdown.
  3. Trying to fix it yourself.

The last point is the most important. If you can reconfigure the program or remove the clogged drain tube yourself, in which case incorrect actions will not cause harm, then replacing damaged parts is the responsibility of a specialist. If you suspect that the cause of the breakdown is in the control module, then it is better to take the device to a service center yourself. Only a professional workshop has equipment to diagnose it.

Laundry is not distributed correctly

A common reason why a washing machine does not spin. Modern machines recognize that objects are unevenly placed inside the drum and do not turn on the spin program until they have resolved the problem, or they stop the wash and indicate an error code on the screen.

To avoid this situation, you need to cancel the spin cycle when washing clothes, especially duvet covers. At the end of washing, rinsing and stopping, you need to take out the laundry and straighten it, and then throw it back into the drum and set the spin program.

Some machine models have a built-in function for analyzing the condition of the laundry: if the device has detected that the items do not meet the requirements, then you need to check the “No spin” button. It is possible that the no-twist function was enabled accidentally.

Engine repair

The washing machine does not spin clothes due to a breakdown of the power unit? If the machine is equipped with a conventional belt motor rather than an inverter motor, the brushes will gradually wear out, causing a problem.

If the motor is not running properly, the drum cannot reach the speed required for the final washing phase.

You can solve the problem yourself if you have mechanical knowledge: you need to remove the back wall of the case, then the strap from the electric motor and disconnect the wires, and then unscrew the electric motor itself from the drum. During diagnostics, faulty engine parts can be identified and replaced with new ones.

How to determine a power unit failure:

  • if the engine sparks during the test, then the brushes need to be replaced;
  • in case of strong noise and overheating of the equipment, the cause may be a violation of the integrity of the winding;
  • peeling of the lamellas and the appearance of burrs on them entails the occurrence of sparks.

The lamellas should be checked during disassembly at the same time as the graphite brushes.

Damages need to be eliminated as follows:

  • Turn off the machine - disconnect drains, water pipes and electronic networks.
  • Disassemble the product body: remove the panel and straps.
  • Unscrew the bolts securing the engine.
  • Disconnect terminals and wires connected to other elements.
  • If the tank prevents access to the engine, you need to lift it.
  • Different models have an individual device, so you need to remove the walls on the sides of the unit to properly remove the motor.
  • After this, you need to lift the broken elements or tighten their fastenings for normal operation.

Failure of the heating element

The heater wires are located close to the body part. Electrical wiring frays due to strong vibrations that are created during operation. The problem is solved by soldering the damaged sections or replacing the wires.

If the heating element does not function due to scale, then you need to use a softener. This element may not work if the heating sensors and liquid level detection are faulty. In this case, instead of the heating element, you only need to replace the broken elements.


A little theory. The washing machine detects the presence of water using a sensor. If it is broken, then the SMA will not turn on the pump, because it will “think” that the tank is already empty. This occurs, among other things, due to clogged hoses and expansion chamber.

We change the pressure switch and clean the pipes. Please note that water level sensors cannot be repaired because they are adjusted at the factory. At the same time, they are a reliable element and rarely fail.

Water level sensor

Technical generator breakdown

A rare reason why the spin cycle does not work. Device malfunction occurs when the drum is frequently overloaded. If the loading rate specified by the manufacturer is regularly violated, this element may stop working in a short time. The tachogenerator is mounted on the shaft of the power unit and is designed to control speed during the washing process. If the sensor breaks, then the washing machine does not spin out the laundry; the rotation speed is not enough to perform this action.

Another reason for the malfunction of the tachogenerator is loosening of the contacts and wires leading to this element. To diagnose the problem, you need to check the fasteners and tighten them tighter.

If the wiring or adjacent contacts are damaged, they must be cleaned and taped. If the tachogenerator itself malfunctions, the part must be repaired or replaced.

The pump is faulty or clogged

The most common problem is a clogged pump. When you remove the filter of the device, you can see the cross-shaped pump blades inside. You need to scroll them with your finger. If they don't spin, then something is stuck. Therefore, you should inspect the pump and remove the blockage inside.

If spinning occurs, but the water does not go down the drain, then the clothes remain wet after twisting. To repair, you need to change the pump. How to replace the pump in different models of washing machines:

  1. Turn off equipment from power sources, water supply, drainage.
  2. Mount the housing in a side position.
  3. Detach the bottom to gain access to the pump.
  4. Unscrew the screws and disconnect the pump by pressing on the side of the drain valve.
  5. Disconnect the wires from the pump.
  6. Remove the clamps and pour some of the water into the prepared vessel.
  7. After this, you need to disassemble the pump, remove and clean the volute (if it is suitable for use) and change the pump. At the end, collect all the elements.
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