Do you need a cover for a washing machine? How to sew it yourself?

Manufacturers of washing machines pamper us with a variety of functions and programs, but the external design remains traditional. To decorate and diversify the appearance, there are special covers for washing machines.

How it can be useful and what functional load it carries will be discussed in the article.

Description of finished cases

Modern washing machine covers are quite multifunctional devices, even though they look quite simple. In stores, consumers are offered a large selection of finished products made of polyethylene and covered with cotton fabric.

There are many varieties of finished products, which differ in:

  • sizes,
  • color,
  • design,
  • cost.

The main qualities include strength, lightness and water resistance. In the store you can easily pick up a cover for the machine, both with vertical and horizontal loading, either completely covering the device or only its upper part.

As a rule, finished products correspond to the standard sizes of washing machines, but if the equipment has non-standard sizes, then you will have to sew the cover yourself.

To increase the functionality of the devices, they have special pockets for various small items. Everyone must decide for themselves whether they need a cover for their washing machine, whether it is worth purchasing it or whether they can sew it themselves, but few will argue with the fact that with its help it will be possible to keep household appliances in excellent shape for a long time.

Features of using cases

Have you decided that you need a cover for your machine? When using it, remember the following rules:

  • Remove the cape while washing. During operation, any household appliance tends to heat up and needs normal heat removal. Wearing a cover will make it difficult for heat to escape, and this can lead to damage.
  • Place waterproof covers on the washing machine only after they are completely dry. Otherwise, rust and fungus will quickly appear on the equipment.


Products that fit onto washing machines are designed to perform the following functions:

  • decorative,
  • protective.

Most often, modern household appliances are offered to customers in black, metal and white, as well as in their combinations. With the help of accessories for the “washing machine” you will be able to diversify the usual appearance of the product and successfully fit it into the interior of the room.

For example, a marble-colored mantle will look good in a classic interior, while a floral design will look good in a Victorian-style room.

With the help of such textile products it will be possible to create a cozy atmosphere in the room and complete the previously created design. Moreover, it is worth knowing that there are absolutely no restrictions on the materials used to make car covers, as well as on their design.

But regardless of the material and type of cover, it must still fulfill its main purpose - to protect the washing machine from damage and allow it to fit beautifully into the interior.

With the help of a cover for a washing machine, you can achieve the following goals:

  • protect the device from contamination, such as water marks or spilled detergents and cleaning agents,
  • if household appliances are installed in the kitchen, then a protective device will help prevent oil, grease and brightly colored foods from getting on its surface,
  • The cape protects the device from chips, dirt, scratches and other damage,
  • prevents the penetration of water, debris, dust or household chemicals into the machine, because the surface of the device is often used as a shelf for a variety of detergents,
  • it is possible to improve sound insulation,
  • protection from children - the cape prevents small children from pressing buttons, as well as from coloring its walls with felt-tip pens,
  • A waterproof cape is very helpful in cases where the panel is frequently exposed to water.

A carefully thought-out design of a protective product for a washing machine will allow it to harmoniously fit into the interior of any room, becoming a real decoration for it.

Do you need a cover for your washing machine?

A machine cover is a useful thing that simultaneously performs several important functions:

  • Protective. Protects the car from dirt and scratches. This is especially true if it is in the kitchen, so all kinds of waste, splashes of grease, and food leftovers can get on it. Waterproof casings will be a real boon for those who have a washing machine installed near taps, because there is a risk of splashes getting on the control panel and causing the unit to fail.

Important! If there are small children in the house, then a protective cape can protect the machine from their inquisitive hands, accidental pressing of buttons, starting a washing program and other very dangerous situations.

  • Decorative. There is no specially designated corner in the house for washing equipment, and is it placed in a visible place? Thanks to the cover, you can easily fit it into the interior and make it less noticeable. At the same time, a beautiful and original cape will become not just a functional thing, but a real accessory for the home.

What to consider when using the case

In order for a washing machine cover to bring only benefit and not harm, you need to use it correctly.

To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Any device that contains a heating element needs heat removal. That is why it is necessary to remove the cover from the machine during washing, or lift up all its folding parts, even though the product has access to the door and buttons on the control panel. It is especially important to remove the cover from the back of the unit. If the cover is not removed, air circulation becomes difficult, which negatively affects the operation of the washing machine.
  2. The use of waterproof covers should be carried out according to its own rules - they should be put on only after the unit is completely dry. Otherwise, accumulating moisture can lead to rust, which can damage the washer.
  3. Lack of air access, especially in a poorly dried car, can cause not only overheating of the car, but also the formation of mold and a bad odor. Therefore, before putting the cover on the washing machine, you need to thoroughly dry the unit, since there should be no remaining moisture in it.

Following these simple tips will help keep your washing machine in good quality without damaging it.

Correct Application

Using a cover is not only aesthetically pleasing and practical, but also dangerous. If used incorrectly, the housing may accumulate moisture, which will lead to rust and corrosion of the housing. Therefore, during washing, it is advisable to completely remove it, or open the curtains for normal ventilation.

Having weighed the pros and cons of the invention, you can start making it. A fabric casing is convenient and beautiful when used to enhance the aesthetics of a room. But it should not interfere with the washing machine performing its function.

Types of cases

Depending on the way the washing machine is loaded, the capes can be different. Automatic washing machines are:

  • with vertical loading,
  • with horizontal loading.

Both types of capes are quite widespread. Machines with horizontal loading are quite convenient in their use, and products with vertical loading are used in rooms with a small area.

Covers designed for machines with vertical loading of laundry most often have two parts: one completely covers the body of the unit, and the second covers the lid.

The cover for a machine that loads laundry horizontally is a one-piece cover with four side panels attached on top. There is always a hole on the front side of the cape that allows quick access to the tank. Usually this window is covered with a curtain, which is rolled up or unfastened during operation of the unit.

For the convenience of washing machine owners, the covers often include various decorative components in the form of pockets where you can place washing powder, bleach, and so on. All this helps to save as much space as possible in the room.

The disadvantage of ready-made cases is the small selection of colors and models. Those who are looking for this product in a store should know that there you can buy not only full-fledged covers made of durable, lightweight and impenetrable polyester, but also ordinary capes for the top of the car. After all, if the washing unit is installed in such a way that it is not at risk of contamination or moisture, then it is enough to purchase a simple cape.

When choosing covers, it is advisable to know the dimensions of your washing machine. However, recently they have begun to produce universal models that can be easily adjusted in both length and width. When choosing the color and design of the cape, you must be sure to focus on the interior of the room in which the washing machine is installed.

A good alternative to looking for a cover for a washing machine in a store or market is to buy it online. Without leaving your home, you can carefully familiarize yourself with all the offered models and colors of covers, look at their descriptions and only then make your choice. And free delivery of goods, which is offered in some online stores, will make the purchase not only convenient and enjoyable, but also profitable.


Covers for washing machines have two main purposes: aesthetic and practical. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Most modern washing machines are not much different from each other - manufacturers rarely spoil us with a variety of color and stylistic solutions. You can add originality to your bathroom by making your washing machine different from the rest. A special case is perfect for this purpose. With its help, you can change the colors and patterns on the washing machine without causing damage to its original coating.

In addition, the cover is a great way to fit the washing machine into the interior of the room. For example, if the bathroom is designed in a classic style, a washing machine dressed in a marble-effect cover will look natural in it, and a washing machine in a cover with a floral pattern will fit well into a bathroom decorated in a Victorian style.

The practical function of washing machine covers is quite wide. Firstly, they protect the unit from various household contaminants and save you from the need to clean the washing machine weekly. Secondly, they protect your faithful assistant from minor but difficult to repair mechanical damage, such as scratches and chips, which are especially difficult to avoid if the appliance is installed in the kitchen, in close proximity to other equipment, sharp knives and heavy pots. Finally, covers are needed to prevent dust, small debris, water and household chemicals from getting inside the washing mechanism (despite the tightness of the case, this sometimes happens). In addition, it has little sound insulation.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Like any thing, washing machine covers have their advantages and disadvantages, which are worth noting separately.

The advantages of using covers include:

  • protection of the device from mechanical damage,
  • child protection,
  • protection against water ingress,
  • giving a decorative look to the room.

Disadvantages include:

  • deterioration of air circulation, which impedes the outflow of heat,
  • the likelihood of mold and rust.

Since the advantages of using a cover are much greater than the disadvantages, many people use such a cover to protect their washing machine. And the correct use of covers will help to cope with the shortcomings.

For front loading machine

Front-loading washing machines are in great demand, so covers for them are much easier to find. The design of the cover is very simple: it consists of a top and four sides. At the same time, in the front part of the case there is a small window under the hatch with a kind of “curtain”, which, if necessary, is rolled into a roll, freeing access to the drum.

Covers for washing machines are often equipped with additional accessories, such as hooks and pockets for storing small items.

How to choose a case

Washing machines are narrow and wide, with vertical and front loading. The type of cover must be selected in comparison with the model of the equipment, which will allow it to fit exactly in size - not to crack when put on and not to hang down on the sides.

As mentioned above, covers for top-loading machines consist of two parts - one covers the main part of the device, and the second closes the lid through which the laundry is placed inside the unit.

The upper part of the cover must be folded down, for which it is made on:

  • castle,
  • buttons,
  • buttons.

Covers for machines with horizontal loading are no less common among the population. To use them, just remove the folding part, after which you can load laundry into the drum.

If you buy not just a cape, but a product with a large number of different pockets, then it will bring pleasure from its use and will also help organize the space.

Purchased case

If you like this idea, you can purchase a ready-made cover for your washing machine or sew it yourself. The first option is simpler and requires minimal time and effort.

Ready-made covers for washing machines can be full-fledged, or they can only be a cape for the top cover. If it is not difficult for you to periodically wash the body of the machine or it is located so that dirt does not get on it, you can opt for a cover-cape. It is especially convenient for those who use the washing machine as an additional shelf for storing bathroom accessories.

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Shop covers are made of high-quality polyethylene - a material that does not allow water to pass through and is easy to clean. When choosing a case, you should pay attention to the products of Rayen, which specializes in the production of cases for various needs and collects a lot of good feedback from customers all over the world.

How to make a cape with your own hands

Since stores offer a small selection of cape colors, you can try sewing it yourself. To do this you will need to prepare:

  • scissors,
  • threads,
  • a needle,
  • ruler,
  • meter,
  • pins,
  • fabric with water-repellent properties.

You can also sew the cover using a sewing machine, which will be much faster.

When choosing fabric for a cape, you need to take into account the interior of the room, the main thing is that it has water-repellent properties. Otherwise, everything depends on the imagination of the master, and then the washing machine can turn into a cheerful flowerbed, a spaceship and much more that the author of the product wants to see.

When sewing a cape, the most important thing is to take all the measurements correctly and only after that you can build on them. Carefully taken measurements from the machine are transferred to the inner surface of the fabric from which the cover will be sewn.

When modeling a cover, you need to take into account that the back wall of the cape should be open during washing, so it is better to think in advance about the method of fastening it, so as not to constantly remove the entire cover. The back wall can be secured using rubber bands or Velcro. You also need to provide access to the control panel and the download window.

Where can I buy?

For residents of large cities, finding a case in a large hardware store will not be difficult, but everyone else will have to run around looking for this, not yet quite familiar, accessory. However, there is another possible solution: order a case from an online store: the choice of cases online is very diverse, so you can easily find a suitable option. Many stores provide free delivery not only within Russia, but also from abroad, so making purchases remotely is often just as profitable as in a regular store. When placing an order, be sure to pay attention to the dimensions of the cover: there are universal models that can be adjusted in length and width.

How to use it correctly?

Experts strongly recommend raising the curtains at the back and front of the washing machine during washing so that air can properly circulate inside the unit. This will prevent the appearance of mold and unpleasant odors, and, in addition, will protect the device from overheating.

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Before putting the cover on the washing machine, ventilate the device well and thoroughly dry all accessible elements. The fact is that the waterproof fabric from which such covers are sewn almost does not allow air to pass through, which prevents the evaporation of moisture, and this leads to corrosion, rotting and other unpleasant consequences.

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