How to remove the smell of white spirit from clothes in one go

Features of the white spirit solvent

When renovating an apartment or repairing a car, various surfaces, clothing, and exposed areas of the body often get stained with paint. You cannot do without special cleaning products, so solvents are often used: acetone, gasoline, white spirit.

A significant drawback of these cleaners is the terrible smell, which sometimes causes intoxication. Acetone is a volatile and flammable liquid. It consists of liquid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum refining. Safety precautions warn against direct contact of liquid with areas of the body and inhalation of toxic fumes, as mentioned in the manufacturers' instructions. To understand how to use white spirit correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the necessary rules.

But after working with white spirit, you will have to eliminate the ingrained odor.

Removing odor from clothes

Sometimes, through inattention or carelessness, people get their clothes dirty on freshly painted walls, fences or benches. You can remove paint stains with a solvent, but then you need to get rid of the smell of white spirit on clothes. There are the following methods.

Weathering and conditioning

The item is thoroughly ventilated in the fresh air for several hours or days. Then wash by hand, adding concentrated fabric softener during rinsing. Dry again in a well-ventilated place.

Laundry soap

After the paint stain has been removed from the clothing, it is soaked in warm water for 30 minutes without washing powder. After half an hour, drain the water and repeat the procedure.

Then the stain on the clothing is thoroughly soaped and left for a while. Use brown laundry soap. A deodorized cosmetic product is not suitable: it will only slightly eliminate the smell, but will not completely eliminate the toxic substances that have been absorbed into the fabric.

At the final stage, wash clothes using regular powder. When rinsing, add acetic acid (2 cups) or a little soda to the water. The fabric becomes softer and unpleasant odors disappear. At the end, rinse the item with conditioner again.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing gel, for example, PemoLux, Fairy, can remove not only greasy stains, but also eliminate odors. The detergent concentrate is diluted in an amount of 2-3 tbsp. spoons per 6 liters of water. Soak soiled clothes in the solution and then rinse in clean water.

Medical alcohol

If you don’t have time to air your clothes, but you need to get rid of the smell urgently, medical alcohol with a strength of at least 90% will do. The stained area is wiped with a dampened swab, then washed in clean, cool water.

Sometimes alcohol medicinal tinctures or antiseptics are used instead of alcohol. But they must be used with caution, since some drugs have a bleaching effect or, conversely, stain the fabric.

Refined gasoline

Gasoline has a similar formula, so it is used to remove solvents. They use purified gasoline under the brand name “B-70”.

If you can’t buy B-70, you can try lighter gasoline. After treatment, the clothes are aired for 1-2 days.

You can mix 90% alcohol and purified gasoline in a ratio of 3 parts to 7. The damaged item is placed in the resulting solution for 30 minutes. After this, wash the clothes with laundry soap, rinse and dry in the fresh air.

For a car showroom

Engine repairs and periodic malfunctions that require the intervention of auto mechanics lead to a persistent and strong gasoline smell being established in the car interior. There are several ways to eliminate it.


A simple trick that will help remove memories of gasoline is ventilation. It helps only when the owners have the opportunity to leave the salon open for a day away from industrial facilities and roads.


Using coffee beans is an ancient aromatic method. Calcined coffee beans cover up the unpleasant gasoline fumes with their aroma. The grains are poured into a special container and placed on a stand inside the car. The disadvantage of this method is that after the coffee aroma wears off, the smell of gasoline begins to appear again.


Baking soda, as an absorber and solvent for oil stains, can remove small gasoline stains. Powder is applied to the problem area, left for 24 hours, then washed off with warm water.

Dish detergent

Use detergent to wipe stains on textile upholstery. The product is actively foamed with a sponge, then actively washed off with warm water.


Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The car interior is treated with this solution, then ventilated for 12 hours.


Citrus has a strong, recognizable aroma and also acts as an absorbent. The lemon is cut into several parts, and gasoline stains are wiped with the pulp. After treating with lemon, the car interior is washed using conventional detergents.


The crumb of fresh bread can be used to wipe fresh small stains to remove oiliness and odor. This method is suitable for removing small area contaminants.

Eliminating odor in a washing machine

Often inexperienced people make the following mistake: they load clothes cleaned with white spirit into the washing machine. This will not help remove the smell of solvent from clothes, and after washing, the drum and machine parts will acquire a specific, unpleasant odor. To prevent future laundry from smelling the same, you need to clean the drum.

To get started, follow these steps:

White spirit is quickly absorbed into scale if there is any in the washing machine. In this case, citric acid or regular vinegar helps.

Is it possible to remove an old stain?

Old dirt or grease is much more difficult to remove than a fresh stain. The same rule applies to paint. Once the dye has set, it is difficult to completely clean off the fabric fibers without damaging them, but don’t despair.

There are several ways to get rid of dried paint that will help restore cleanliness to your clothes:

  1. To remove dried paint from a bolognese jacket or evening dress, you need to rub the damaged area with a cotton pad or cloth soaked in alcohol. Treat the stain from both the front and back sides, then blot with a paper napkin. Alcohol is suitable for removing water-based pigments from all types of textiles.
  2. Acetone can remove dried paint that got on your pants or coat a few days ago. To erase old blots, you need to proceed in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. Grind a medium-sized lemon in a blender, pour 1 tbsp into the pulp. l. hydrogen peroxide and stir. Apply the mixture to paint stains, leave for 1-1.5 hours, then wash by hand. If traces of pigment remain on the fabric after washing, the procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times.

Lemon, hydrogen peroxide and acetone can damage delicate fabrics - discolor the treated area, dissolve or melt synthetic fibers.

Cleaning the room from odor

Indoor renovation always brings inconveniences, one of them is the toxic smell of paint. Practical recommendations will help you avoid the negative consequences of intoxication (headache, weakness, drowsiness):

If all of the above methods do not help, it is better to replace the clothing, covering, or contact a dry cleaning specialist.

As for furniture, premises, cars and other things, you should combine the proposed options and then you can forget about the smell.

How to remove the smell of white spirit from clothes in one go?

Unfortunately, when people stain their clothes with solvent, they are forced to throw away their favorite item. It is impossible to wear such clothes; it can cause burns on the skin, not to mention the smell.

This article will help you if you have stained your item with white spirit and don’t know what to do:

Many people do not know at all what to do when white spirit gets on their item. They simply leave the item in the washing machine, but this is a very serious mistake. You are risking the quality of your clothes. Therefore, today we will tell you about ways and methods of washing clothes without damage and without a disgusting smell on them.

Pros and cons of White-spirit

If we take our domestic white-spirit and its foreign analogue for comparison, we can conclude that the imported one may not have a specific odor, but ours greatly benefits in the effectiveness of its direct task, since it is better able to clean surfaces from greasy components.

Therefore, we advise you to buy domestically produced white-spirit solvents, because it’s all about proportions. In imported white-spirit solvents, the mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons is significantly lower than in domestic ones, and therefore they are inferior in dissolving ability. Solvent power is much more important than unpleasant odor. To do this, just stock up on a respirator and skin protection and you will no longer be afraid of dangerous chemical factors.

The main advantages of using white-spirit for degreasing and diluting are:

  • low chemical hazard coefficient compared to other similar solvents;
  • rapid weathering;
  • adequate cost;
  • Wide range of uses for cleaning and degreasing.

Reasons for the smell of white spirit getting into clothes

In case of repair, it is impossible not to do without a solvent. White spirit, as we have already said, has a piercing, difficult-to-remove odor, stains clothes and ruins them. Of course, a person hopes that the washing machine will help solve this problem and throws dirty clothes there.

Perhaps the disadvantage of white spirit is the unpleasant odor that remains on things for a long time and is not removed. Be careful, because it is quite dangerous and can harm your body. There are situations when the body is exposed to intoxication. Make sure that the room in which work is carried out is ventilated.

White spirit has properties such as volatility and flammability. Because of its composition, namely liquid hydrocarbons from processed petroleum products, which are well absorbed into any tissue.

Methods for getting rid of white spirit odor

Please note that washing items stained with white spirit is not the best way, since the smell will spread throughout the entire machine and will be difficult to remove. Clothing with ingrained solvent must first be washed by hand.

Let's look at the steps to get rid of the smell of white spirit on clothes:

The following describes in detail each stage of washing, recommendations for it, so as not to completely ruin the clothes and not throw them away.

Airing clothes

It is the safest way of all. Here you don’t have to worry about the safety of your clothes, since you don’t need to use any other means. To make washing in the machine easier, you first need to soak the laundry, then hang it outside to dry and blow it with the wind. Be sure to straighten things out. This process should be repeated several times; it may take a long time, but the result is worth it.

This is the first thing you should do before proceeding with further washing of your items.

Fabric softener

Special conditioners are great against strong odors. This is a great way to get rid of odors and give your laundry a fresh scent. After washing with conditioner, a trace of white spirit may remain on clothes, but this problem can be easily eliminated using other methods.

Remember that when washing clothes by hand, you need to soak them not in cold water, but in slightly heated water. Add conditioner after reading the instructions on the package. Leave the clothes in water with conditioner for a while, then rinse the clothes and send them to air.

Using laundry soap

If this method is used correctly, the result will exceed all expectations. Laundry soap copes well with heavy odors; its effectiveness is sometimes underestimated.

Soak all items in clean water; do not use powders or various types of conditioners in this method. Keep in warm water for about 30-40 minutes. Drain the water, add warm water again and hold for the same number of minutes. Then you can use soap; things will be easy to wash after the procedures have been completed.

The best results are obtained with tar soap, as well as laundry soap. Deodorized types of soap do not cope with the smell of solvent on clothes, they only mask it. After completing all the steps, wash the items using any powder.

White spirit and dishwashing detergent

Quite an interesting method that can solve the issue of the smell of white spirit. Dishwashing detergents will serve you as another faithful assistant in dealing with dirt and chemical odors. Take Fairy about 3 tbsp. spoons and dilute in six liters of water, it should be warm. Leave the items for a couple of hours, then rinse the clothes thoroughly and dry them outside.


A method for those who don’t have time to do laundry or wait for clothes to air out. This method is not safe, but it will help cope and eliminate the smell that permeates things. You will need 90% medical grade alcohol.

Take a cotton pad, moisten it with alcohol and wipe the area where the white spirit came into contact. Next, you need to hold the item under cold water and rinse it. The action of alcohol helps remove odors from clothes. The advantage is that alcohol has the ability to quickly dissipate and does not leave any odors behind.

Alternatives to alcohol can be found, such as antiseptics. You can purchase them at any pharmacy at an affordable price. However, it is not recommended to use alcohol tinctures, because they rarely cope with odors on fabrics and materials. But if you want to try it, be careful when using it, as these products can ruin your clothes. There have been cases where alcohol has bleached fabric or given it a different color.


Another way to get rid of dirt on clothes and chemical odors on them is the familiar vinegar. This product does not harm clothes. Acetic acid is used as an additive to powders, soaps, and conditioners when washing by hand. The ratio of alcohol and water should be 6-8 liters of water to 2 cups of 4% vinegar. This vinegar will make clothes soft, the smell on them will not be sharp, but the disadvantage of acetic acid is that its own aroma is quite pungent. Soak the clothes in water for a while and hang them outside to dry. The solution should be from 3% to 5%, but it is not recommended to use more highly concentrated ones. You can also reduce the concentration, just use a smaller volume of solution for the same volume of water (you can reduce it to half a glass).

Refined gasoline

One of the ways to eliminate odors is purified gasoline. It is impossible to keep clothes in such a solution for a long time, since gasoline has the property of corroding other materials and fabrics. Be careful and careful when using refined gasoline.

Gasoline has very similar properties to ethanol. B70 will help get rid of white spirit. You can purchase such a product at any hardware store, as well as at a hardware minimarket. If you have problems purchasing such a product, you can replace it with regular gasoline for refilling lighters. They are very similar in properties.

A good result is achieved by combining honey. alcohol with gasoline in a ratio of 3:7. If the solution is ready, then immerse things in it for half an hour, then use household items. soap. After washing, dry items only outside, also avoid exposing the material to sunlight.

Application area

White spirit is used mainly as a solvent for any fractions of oil, sulfur compounds, nitrogen, and oxygen. It can also dissolve vegetable fats. The ability to dissolve fats is used if it is necessary to clean the surface before priming, applying paint, etc. It is actively used before applying paint and varnish coatings (LPC) to metals.

Before painting metal, it should be treated with white spirit - the paint will stick better

For cleansing

You should not use this solvent to clean fabrics or highly absorbent surfaces - you will struggle with the smell for a long time and persistently. It is very difficult to defeat him. The most effective method is treatment with hot (superheated) steam. So that the substances that give the smell heat up and evaporate. It is worth knowing that white spirit begins to boil at 165°C, and evaporates completely at 200°C. If it is possible to heat the surface to a similar temperature, the volatile substances evaporate and the smell becomes less.

There are no such problems with smooth surfaces - it evaporates instantly. Outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, the smell is faint. During renovations and construction, mineral spirits can be used to remove old paint, putty, oil and grease stains. Another useful property is that it removes well the glue that remains after removing the tape and rosin stains.

No need to pour solvent - slightly moisten the edge of the cloth or sponge

White spirit is also used to degrease natural leather. Since there is no chlorine in the composition, it does not change the properties, color and texture. It can be used to protect or “treat” wood from mold and fungi. The liquid penetrates deeply into the pores, destroying the source of damage. In addition, the paint adheres better and consumption is reduced. That is, white spirit can be used as a primer and antibacterial protection for wood.

As a solvent

Despite the fact that the dissolving ability of white spirit is average, it is often used for diluting many compositions to the desired consistency. In this case, a solvent is introduced into the composition, and not vice versa. Mix thoroughly until smooth. As a solvent, white spirit is used with the following compositions:

  • oil paints;
  • antibacterial impregnation for wood;
  • drying oil;
  • alkyd enamels;
  • alkyd varnishes;
  • bitumen mastics;
  • rubber mastics.

When combined with paint, white spirit reduces its viscosity. The composition is better applied and distributed, consumption is reduced. But it is worth remembering that after drying the surface will be glossy. If you need a matte finish, look for another solvent.

Dilute to a more liquid state with white spirit and putty. But only those that have an appropriate basis:

  • ML - melamine,
  • M - oil- and alkyd-styrene;
  • PF - pentaphthalic;
  • MP - urea;
  • VN - divinylacetylene.

White spirit is popular among car owners as a means of removing car mastics. Cleans any bitumen-based compounds and oil shale mastics. Well removes lubricants that are used to treat parts to protect against corrosion (car preservatives). Just remember that the liquid is highly corrosive. That is, you should not allow prolonged contact with the surface. If a puddle has formed, it must be quickly removed and the area wiped dry.

Easily removes stains from car paintwork

What to do if there is a smell of white spirit in the washing machine drum?

Many people make the grave mistake of staining their clothes with chemicals and immediately throwing them into the washing machine. But this cannot be done, since the first step in cleaning white spirit is always hand washing, and then machine washing.

You risk ruining the machine, and the smell will spread to clean items during subsequent washes. If you wash clothes immediately, then after the machine is finished operating, the drainage system must be cleaned; if the water is stagnant, then it must be removed.

Rinse aid

To completely eliminate the smell of white spirit, you can use a rinse aid.

Pour washing powder into a special compartment. Before adding rinse aid, we recommend reading the instructions for use on the bottle.

Mode: quick wash, no heat.

You can repeat the procedure several times until you are completely satisfied with the result.

Lemon acid

It is necessary to pour about ten bags of citric acid into the department intended for powder. Wash only on a quick wash cycle in hot water. The acid has the property of neutralizing, so the rubber will not have time to absorb white spirit. Upon completion of washing, it is necessary to wipe the inside of the drum, as well as the seal. Run the washing machine again as you would for a normal wash. Don't forget to add conditioner powder to completely remove the odor.

The method is proven and very effective. Citric acid guarantees the elimination of chemical odors on your items.

The washing machine can be cleaned in this way once every six months.

Soda with vinegar

Take 100 g of soda and pour it into the washing powder compartment. Rinse on cold wash. When the wash is finished, take vinegar (200 ml) and pour it into the washing machine. Wash only at temperatures between 15 and 26 degrees Celsius. Next, simply clean the drum using an empty swab. Wipe the drum, open and ventilate.

Let's sum it up

All of the above methods perfectly remove dirt once and for all and solve the problem of stench in the drum. Don't worry if you've already washed your clothes. Now you can follow this article and solve all the problems yourself.

Be sure to read the instructions so as not to harm or damage your items. Many products have a bad effect on clothing. Any item can be kept in good condition, you don’t have to throw it away, and most importantly, you can get rid of the smell of solvent in the shortest possible time. In these methods, all the tools can be found at hand, which greatly simplifies the process. If none of the above methods worked for you and you were unable to solve the problem with dirt on your clothes, then, unfortunately, all that remains is to throw away the item or try to dry clean it.

Car interior treatment

The spread of solvent odor in a confined space is a big problem. A car is one of those places where it is most difficult to deal with the smell of white spirit.

You can remove the smell by taking the following steps:

  1. The first step is to clean an object stained with solvent. It should be removed, then washed or wiped down as soon as possible so that the smell does not have time to be deeply absorbed into the interior trim.
  2. The dirty area in the cabin is treated with Vanish or fabric softener.
  3. The source of the unpleasant odor is covered with a neutralizing substance. This is soda, coffee, starch.
  4. It is advisable to ventilate the car well by opening the doors for a day (if possible).
  5. If a large area is stained with solvent, it is better to seek dry cleaning services. Specialists will thoroughly clean all surfaces: upholstery, seats, rugs and ceiling.
  6. In extreme cases, if all the methods described above do not help, you can use ozonation. With the help of ozone, microorganisms are eliminated whose waste products cause an unpleasant odor.
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