Useful recipes and folk remedies for treating windows against fogging in a house, apartment and balcony in winter

When glazing apartments and houses, the only option is increasingly the use of plastic windows.
Since this type of product is made with double-glazed windows that have several chambers, such windows are prone to fogging.

To get rid of the problem, it is recommended that you become more familiar with the means that eliminate condensation, and also find out what substances and recipes will help eliminate fogging of window products.

Is it possible to rub window panes to prevent them from sweating?

The problem of fogging and condensation collecting on windows is not new. Such difficulties are often encountered by apartment owners where window products are installed incorrectly . Another cause of fogging is poor ventilation.

This also includes the difference in temperatures outside and in the room, and high humidity in the room.

Windows are often covered with condensation only in the lower part of the glass unit, which indicates that condensation accumulates around the entire perimeter and flows down.

When faced with the problem of fogging, owners are looking for quick solutions, but without eliminating the original cause, it will be difficult to solve this problem .

One of the most common options is to rub the window product with soapy water. Dirty and greasy glass, especially in rooms where smoke accumulates, holds condensation very well. If you remove dirt and grease from the glass, there is a chance that drops of moisture will not linger on the surface of the glass unit.

Note! For the technique to work, it is important to carefully check the quality of ventilation, as well as normalize the temperature and humidity in the room where double-glazed windows are installed.

The dangers of fogging car windows

At first glance, foggy windows in a car seem like nothing. They can be easily wiped off. Anyone would say that, but not the driver. Sitting behind the wheel of a car, it becomes clear that it is often impossible to wipe the glass while the vehicle is moving.

Any unnecessary movement, and even more so, distraction from the road, will easily cause an accident. Foggy windows in themselves do not seem to be a serious problem to the average person. The driver will again disagree with the vision of the problem.

Fogging, even a little fog, can seriously affect your view of the road. Again, the risk of accidents increases. No one can like this.

Suitable substances

There are several substances and folk remedies that will help eliminate fogging of a window indoors:

  • glycerol;
  • alcohol or vodka;
  • saline solution;
  • newspapers;
  • chemicals with weak acids and surfactants;
  • shaving cream.

Each of the proposed methods has its own principle of influencing condensate.


This is a trihydric alcohol that can be found in any home, because it is added to almost all detergents and cleaning products.
This substance dissolves well in water and alcohol, so glycerin is often mixed with alcohol to eliminate condensation on windows.

Glycerin cleans glass and creates a barely noticeable film on the surface of the glass, which prevents drops of moisture from accumulating on the surface.

Alcohol solutions

Vodka or alcohol have a cleansing effect and remove all debris and dirt from the surface of the glass unit.

Thanks to this, glass treated with such substances will not attract condensation, and if it does appear, it will not linger for long.

If you make an anti-fog agent based on glycerin and alcohol, the effect will be more expressive. This is due to the fact that glycerin reduces the surface tension of water droplets and, in combination with alcohol, gives a better result , whereas when using the substance separately, a greasy film forms on the surface of the glass.

Salt based

It is known that salt is a substance that can draw water. This is why a saline solution can prevent moisture from appearing on windows.

Important! When using a saline solution, all the salt must be dissolved in water, otherwise there is a risk of abrasive damage to the glass unit.

Use of newspapers

The use of newspapers is important not only for simply cleaning glass from dirt, since newspapers do not leave streaks, but also for removing fogging.

The newspaper ink used to print text contains a substance that can rub the glass unit and protect it from the accumulation of moisture droplets. It is recommended to try this option first: if it turns out to be ineffective, you should move on to using chemistry.

Store-bought defoggers

To remove the formation of ice and moisture on windows, use purchased products. They are available in aerosols and liquid form. Aerosols are consumed much more economically , while liquid formulations are more expensive, but more of them are needed.

The task of such anti-foggers is to prevent the sudden appearance of condensation. The products contain alcohol, additives and flavorings. When alcohol gets on a glass surface, its adhesion decreases. Because of this, small drops become larger, and under the influence of their own weight they roll down. The glass remains clean.

Anti-foggers for car windows work according to this principle, so if you can’t find a product for home, you can use compounds for cars .

Shaving product

Another unusual, but no less effective method is the use of shaving cream or foam. This method is considered “old-fashioned” but it helps against fogging, including the windows in the car. You can use any shaving foam or cream, even expired ones. The principle of operation is that the product contains glycerin, which prevents fogging.

Note! Some apartment owners with this problem also recommend using toothpaste - it will act on a similar principle.

Tools and accessories

In order for the process of eliminating the problem with double-glazed windows to be carried out in a short time, it is recommended to prepare all the tools and devices in advance, namely :

  • rags;
  • rubber scraper;
  • container with water;
  • brush with bristles;
  • sheets of paper.

This is a standard set for washing glass, but it is also useful for solving the problem of condensation.

It is better to take two types of rags: fleece-based and woolen .
Fleece or viscose rags are very good at cleaning the glass surface from dirt.

A woolen rag is suitable if you need to apply a certain composition to the surface of the glass and rub it in.

also use a microfiber type cloth that does not leave streaks on the window.

A rubber scraper is necessary if there are old stains on the surface of the window that have become embedded in the glass. Most likely, you won’t be able to remove them with a regular rag, so you’ll have to wet the surface and use a scraper. For the same purposes, you also need a brush that will help remove dust that has settled on the windows.

You should choose a container with water that is convenient for washing the window. If the surface is large, it is better to take a bucket and periodically change the water in it. Sheets of paper are also needed if rags still leave marks on the glass.

Step by step instructions

To get a positive result, it is recommended that you read the step-by-step instructions for using each of the listed products.

Use of glycerin

First, you need to treat the glass unit with soapy water - this will help remove all dirt and congealed dust on the surface. Next you should follow the instructions :

  1. Mix glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Wipe the window with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Prepare several cotton swabs.
  4. Wet the swabs alternately in a solution of glycerin and alcohol and wipe the glass from top to bottom.

Important. Much attention should be paid to those places where condensation was usually noticed. It is important not to wash off the applied solution, but to leave it for a couple of hours. If streaks appear on the window, they can be removed with a soft cloth.

How to remove fogging from windows using glycerin:

Alcohol or vodka

Vodka or alcohol can also be used without glycerin. To do this you need to follow the instructions :

  1. Dissolve the detergent in warm water and mix.
  2. Use a soft cloth soaked in soapy water to remove dust and dirt from the glass.
  3. Wipe the glass with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  4. To completely remove excess moisture, you need to run a scraper along the surface of the glass.
  5. Soak a foam sponge in alcohol or vodka.
  6. Gently lubricate the glass with a sponge.

It is important to wait until it dries completely and do not wipe the window with alcohol after treatment.


This method is considered the most accessible, since old newspapers are found in almost every home. To process glass using this technique, you must :

  1. Take clean newspapers.
  2. It’s good to crumple them and unfold them.
  3. Wipe the glass from dust and dirt with soapy water and a microfiber cloth.
  4. Unfold the crumpled newspapers and wipe the dried glass with them.

Note. Printing ink has a water-repellent effect, so condensation will not form on the surface of the window in the future.

Shaving foam

Few people know that with the help of ordinary foam or cream, shaving gel, you can prevent the appearance of dampness and condensation on the windows. To do this you need :

  1. Wash the glass well with soapy water.

  2. Wipe the glass dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  3. Prepare the foam: it can also be expired - it doesn’t matter.
  4. Apply a thin layer of foam from the dispenser onto the glass.
  5. Gently rub the foam into the glass.
  6. Treat all glass in this manner.
  7. After 2 minutes, wipe the glass completely dry.

You can use this technique often without fear of damaging the quality of the glass unit.

Liquid saline solution

Salt can draw out moisture, so the use of a saline solution will be justified. To do this, follow the instructions :

  1. Dissolve an incomplete tablespoon of salt in 4 liters of warm water.
  2. The solution is mixed well.
  3. After a couple of minutes, the solution must be filtered through a sieve to remove undissolved grains of salt.
  4. The glass is first cleaned of dirt and dust and wiped with a cloth.
  5. A clean rag is soaked in the solution and the glass is wiped with it.

Note! If after treatment with the salt composition a white film appears on the glass, then it is necessary to dilute the solution with water and repeat the procedure again.

Chemical goods from the store

The simplest, but not the most budget-friendly way to save windows from fogging is to use commercial glass anti-foggers. How best to do this :

  • purchase a composition made in the form of an aerosol;
  • following the instructions, spread the composition on the surface of the glass;
  • wait for the product to take effect;
  • wipe the glass dry.

The cost of such products starts from 120 rubles; you can also use compositions designed to eliminate fogging of windows in the car interior.

The main causes of foggy windows and recommendations for their removal

Single glass block

When purchasing a window, do not store it on a double glazed unit. With single pane glass and double pane glass (not energy efficient), you will most likely experience a phenomenon called "fog window".

What to do: Replace the window with double glazing (not a window, a double glazed window).

Charged battery

The window should be blown out with warm air.

The radiator covered by the threshold does not allow the hot air to circulate properly and thus does not heat the window.

What to do: reduce the depth of the window shelf or remove the battery, and sometimes prepare an alternative source of heating the glass.

Poor ventilation in the room

The ventilation grilles are clogged with dust and are poorly drawn into the damp air so that they remain in the room.

What to do: Clean or replace the grilles, if not in them, make sure that ventilation is good and that moisture is usually removed from the room.

Flowers on a window shelf

Completely exhaust moisture. It forms on a double glazed window, forming a form of condensation on the glass.

What to do: Remove flowers from windows.

Not supported for windows in winter mode

Windows set to summer mode have less insulation than winter mode, making the inside of the glass cooler.

What to do: Switch the windows to winter or summer mode.

The room is ventilated for less than 10 minutes per day

No matter what kind of windows you have, they need to be opened and ventilated.

Microventilation mode is ideal for this.

What to do: ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes a day.

Errors during installation

However, it is rare that the window installation company did not select the windows or install the lines correctly.

The result is blowing, which causes the temperature of double glazed windows to drop, making the window sweaty.

What to do: To remove the source of cold air.

Very often there are sweaty windows that are located in the kitchen. The kitchen tends to have the highest humidity. The causes of this dampness are multi-purpose, from gas boilers to pots and washbasins.

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