How to wash non-opening windows on a balcony outside on a high floor, how to remove and wash sliding windows

Sliding windows on the balcony are very easy to use and are cheaper than opening structures. However, caring for it is more labor-intensive.

Many people only realize this when it comes time for their cleanse. The fact is that dirt accumulates not only on the glass, but also gets clogged into the grooves of the guides.

Read the article on how to clean sliding windows on the balcony.

Features of working at height

Unheated rooms, as a rule, are a structural element of a multi-story building.
In quite rare cases, balconies are located on the ground floor. Most often, from the second to the last. Most of them are glazed, separated from the street by a frame structure. The partition contains fixed (blind) and movable, hinged or sliding frames. As a rule, the design provides for opening into the room. The displacement of the sliding elements occurs to the left or to the right. The difference from window glazing is the use of single glass or single-chamber double-glazed windows. An additional factor is a large area of ​​transparent elements.

Most home structures do not include strength elements intended as fencing or handrails. This leaves an imprint on the work of cleaning the window on the balcony.

Safety precautions

The danger lies in the fact that the main barrier preventing falls is a partition with a wide glass opening. The structure was originally designed to support its mass and wind load. Hence, a number of basic safety rules should be observed:

  • Do not lean on the glass and do not lean on the frame with all your weight - the structure will clearly not withstand it.
  • Do not stand on the parapet in an attempt to reach the far corners of the balcony frame.
  • It is better to work together, insuring each other from possible accidents. It is advisable to use a rope, wrapping it around your belt.
  • If possible, avoid using unstable scaffolds and stepladders. The risk of falling increases significantly.
  • Immediately wipe up spilled water, especially soapy water. This will reduce the chance of slipping.

    Remember, soapy hands glide very well and have less force in holding yourself or an object.

  • Before work, you need to make sure that there are no children, people or animals under the loggia. An object accidentally pulled out of your hands can cause injury. Another option is that no one will like the water pouring from above.
  • You should start refreshing the glass by making sure that there is no laundry hanging to dry on the floors below.
  • Try not to pour water or soap solution in vain. Moisture entering the lower floors may cause displeasure to neighbors.

General recommendations

Regardless of the type and structure of windows on the balcony, there are general rules for washing them:

  • First, clean the window frame from dirt, then the inside of the window, and lastly wash the outside;
  • Select detergents based on the material of the window frame;
  • Having prepared in advance, use a special tool to wash hard-to-reach areas.

Prepare in advance the tools you will need when cleaning your balcony windows:

  • soft sponges without abrasive layers;
  • two buckets - smaller and larger (the first will contain the cleaning solution, the second will contain water for washing it off);
  • wipes for removing detergent from frames and glass, preferably made of microfiber, but soft fabric or old newspapers that absorb moisture well are also suitable;
  • if necessary, you will need a special mop with a telescopic extendable handle for washing hard-to-reach places, a drain scraper with a rubberized working area;
  • stepladder.

Do not lean on the glass or frame while working, do not lean out too much. Objectively assess the degree of danger of the work and, if necessary, call professional performers.

If the balcony is on a high floor, do not try to make the windows look clean at the expense of your safety!

What tools to use

The best option is to use special window cleaning products. Their range is wide these days. These are drugs such as Henkel Clin (Germany), Gallus Orange (Germany), Dual Power Vetri (Italy), Cif (Russia) and others. They remove dirt well and are packaged in ergonomically shaped plastic bottles (they are comfortable to hold in your hand) with a trigger sprayer.

Dual Power Gallus Orange Clin

These products not only quickly remove dust and traces of drops from glass and frames, but also create a thin protective film on them, protecting them from new contaminants.

You can prepare washing solutions yourself (use lukewarm water in all recipes):

  • Dissolve 3 drops of gel-like concentrated dish soap in a liter of water;
  • Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with a liter of water;
  • mix a tablespoon of ammonia in 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of starch, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of white vinegar in 4 liters of water.

They are also effective in removing dirt and dust, but you need to work with them skillfully so as not to leave streaks on the glass.

How to wash without streaks

First clean the window frames:

  • Wash wooden ones with a solution of 20 g of ammonia in a liter of slightly warm water. If necessary, carefully brush hard-to-reach areas, then wipe with a soft cloth;
  • Wash PVC windows with warm water and dish gel and also wipe dry.

When using industrial ready-made window cleaning compounds, follow the instructions. In general, the operating technology is as follows:

  1. Spray the substance from a plastic bottle onto the glass.
  2. Wipe them thoroughly with a sponge, getting into all corners.
  3. Dry the glass with paper towels or microfiber cloths.
  4. If the window is too dirty, first wipe it with a cloth soaked in water and wrung out.

It is convenient to use purchased aerosols to keep the windows on the loggia and balcony clean, without causing heavy contamination. Special napkins like “White Cat” (Russia), Vortex (Germany) are also convenient for this purpose. They “work” without detergents; you just need to soak them in water and squeeze them well.

The capillary effect of microfiber allows dirt and moisture to be drawn into the fabric structure, so there are no streaks or limescale stains on the glass.

Home remedies are also effective in cleaning, and their cost is incomparably lower than store-bought products. Rules for washing heavily soiled windows:

  1. Soak a clean sponge in any of the above cleaning solutions.
  2. Wipe the glass with it, not losing sight of the corners and edges.
  3. Moisten a rubber squeegee in clean water, squeeze out excess moisture and run it across the glass from top to bottom, not reaching the bottom frame a few centimeters.
  4. Each time after a “pass” from top to bottom, wash the mop in a bucket of clean water (replace it with fresh water if necessary).
  5. Then remove the remaining liquid on the window with a napkin, moving in one direction.
  6. Dry the window with paper towels or microfiber cloths. When you clean vertically, remove any remaining moisture from the glass using horizontal movements.

If the balcony windows are not very dirty, simply moisten them with a cleaning solution and remove it with a drain scraper with rubber nozzles. Wipe off any remaining drops of water with paper.

To wash the windows on the balcony, choose cloudy and windless weather (the bright sun and wind dry the glass too quickly, leaving traces of detergents and dirt that has not been removed).

Preparation for work

The first step is to prepare the space. Often, everything that does not find a place in the apartment is stored on our balconies. This could be conservation, household items, old trash. And no matter how important and necessary we are all these things, definitely, they will all have to be removed! During work, a huge amount of construction waste and dust is generated on the balcony. And in order not to wipe every jar and drawers, it’s worth bringing everything into the apartment. The same applies to the adjacent room. This is necessary so that you can walk freely, take the necessary things, tools, and at the same time not get everything around you dirty. If you have only one room in your apartment, cover the furniture with construction film and move the carpets away. To protect your furniture as reliably as possible, glue the edges of the film together with tape. This way, dust will not penetrate inside and will not settle on soft surfaces from which it is quite difficult to remove it.

In order to protect the floor, we recommend using self-adhesive polyethylene rather than film. It is dense enough not to tear, and at the same time it will serve as the best protection against scratches on your flooring. If you have a lot of plywood or cardboard on your farm, you can use them.

Don't forget to prepare all the necessary tools in advance.

You will need:

  • scrap;
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdrivers;
  • putty knife;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer.

Security measures

It is better to do the dismantling of windows together. So, one person will remove the window, and the other will insure it. In addition, it is better to stock up on safety elements, since the frame can simply slip out of your hands.

It would also be a good idea to fence off the area under the balcony using tape. In this regard, it is better to play it safe, since even a small piece of concrete falling can lead to injury and even death to a random passerby.

You should not start construction work at very low and high temperatures. They can negatively affect both the quality of work and your well-being.

Tools needed to clean windows

Window glass is cleaned periodically as needed. There is no need to wait for general cleaning. Often, inconveniences and snags arise during the work due to the lack of any available devices. Before washing, it is recommended to check that you have the necessary accessories:

  • Two reservoirs - buckets, basins, large bowls. One will be needed for diluting the solution, the other for rinsing with clean water. It is allowed to wash balconies and windows on the balcony with the addition of lemon juice, vinegar or polishing rinse.
  • Sponges – soft or plastic sponges that do not have abrasives are suitable. Abrasive particles can scratch the outer glass. The service life of frames and glass is reduced, and large amounts of fine dust will accumulate in damaged areas. Defects can be eliminated by installing new glass.
  • Mop - suitable for washing windows on the loggia, remote and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Rags are soft rags that absorb water well. It is advisable to choose options that contain microfiber. Soft knitwear will also work.
  • Scrapers - tools with rubber pads are suitable. They are cleaned horizontally.
  • Stepladder - for washing glass on the balcony and high-lying areas. You can take a chair if it is tall enough.

Important! To clean plastic profiles, wet wipes used for office equipment are appropriate. They remove stains of various origins without creating streaks or odors.

Let's take a closer look at how to clean the windows on an outside balcony on a high floor. Do not use sharp or cutting objects. When removing dirt, do not scrape off dried stains.

Preparatory stage

To effectively dismantle a balcony window, you need to free up your workspace and assemble a set of necessary tools. necessary tools.

First of all, all items stored on the balcony should be temporarily moved to the hallway or another room. In a room that is combined with a loggia or balcony, it is recommended to lay plastic film with a self-adhesive inner surface on top of the furniture to protect it from dust. Some elements can be additionally covered with cardboard.

To work, you will need to prepare a number of tools:

  • saw;
  • scrap;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • several screwdrivers;
  • sandpaper.

In addition, you will need a special protective film for window glass. By covering them, you can prevent cuts if accidentally broken.

Exterior window cleaning equipment

To clean your glazed balcony efficiently and quickly, you need to prepare.

It is important that the devices are nearby at the right time:

  • soft sponges without abrasive coating;
  • mop;
  • containers for soap solution;
  • ladder;
  • paper napkins;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • rubber scraper.

When washing windows from the outside on a high floor, you will need a special safety belt, which will secure the process and give you confidence in your movements.

How to choose a mop for windows to clean them very quickly

A special mop with an adjustable handle greatly simplifies the task of washing a balcony in an apartment. A special mop with an adjustable handle
greatly facilitates the task of washing a balcony in an apartment.

But these devices can be of several types:

  1. Regular. A special soft nozzle is used. The device is equipped with a handle without the ability to adjust the length, which is inconvenient when using it from the outside.
  2. Telescopic. It comes with two types of attachments: microfiber and rubber scraper. This allows you to effectively remove dirt and excess moisture. The handle of this type of mop is adjustable, its height reaches 2 m.
  3. Steam. An innovative mop that helps clean balconies and loggias without the use of detergent components. Dirt removal occurs under the action of steam. The disadvantage is the high cost.

How to mop in warm weather and sub-zero temperatures

Before you start washing the balcony and loggia, you need to prepare 2 basins with warm water to wet the mop. The first basin will contain washing liquid, and the other will contain rinsing water.

You will also need paper napkins to periodically wipe the rubber nozzle.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Moisten the sponge attachment in the soapy liquid, without squeezing it, move it along the glass, lightly pressing it to the surface.
  2. Using circular movements, carry out additional treatment of the most contaminated areas.
  3. Wring out the mop and place it in clean water, wring it out again and wipe the rubber head with a paper towel.
  4. Place it in the upper corner, press it and pull it down strictly vertically.
  5. Wipe the scraper dry and reinstall it on top of another strip, but the device should extend 2 cm onto the already cleaned surface.
  6. Repeat until the entire surface is clean.
  7. Finally, remove dirty stains from the bottom of the frame and wipe the area dry.

In winter, cleaning is carried out in the same sequence, only special solutions are used to prevent icing.

If all frames open inward

  1. The glass is cleaned from the inside.
  2. Then the window is washed from the outside as well.
  3. The aerosol or solution must be applied in a thick layer and allowed to stand for a while on the window.
  4. Wipe the entire area of ​​the glass with a sponge, wash the frame thoroughly.
  5. Rinse off the detergent with water and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  6. Squeeze the water dry with a scraper.
  7. Wipe the frames and window sill with a rag.

Transom is removable

The easiest way to clean windows is when you can remove the frames. This way you can wash your balcony windows much better and without fear.

Sliding double-glazed windows installed

The best way is to use a telescopic mop with a long, rotating handle. The scraper can also be used on an extended handle. The algorithm of actions is exactly the same as in the case when the frames open inward.

Important! It is worth adding lemon juice or vinegar to the rinsing water - this will prevent streaks.

Use gadgets and call specialists for help

Magnetic brush for washing windows
You can use the services of a cleaning company specializing in professional cleaning of premises, but this will significantly affect the family budget.

An alternative would be to purchase modern gadgets that will make the job of cleaning glazed balconies and loggias easier.

Magnetic window cleaning brush

The device consists of two identical brushes held together by magnetic attraction. You need to spray the washing liquid, and then place the brushes inside and outside opposite each other. The brush on the outside will move the same way as the brush on the inside.

Window cleaning robot

The device consists of a vacuum pump and rotating disks. It is enough to plug in the robotic washer into the electrical network, attach it to the surface and set the trajectory of movement. Control occurs via the remote control.

General recommendations for cleaning windows and window frames

Daylight enters the apartment through the windows, and the amount of sunlight that will illuminate the room depends on the degree of cleanliness of the glass. It is always unpleasant to look outside through a layer of dust, as well as smudges from rain.

Start washing windows from the inside of the balcony - this way, external dirt will be much more clearly visible. This means that they will be much easier to remove and the work will not have to be redone twice.

Important! At the very beginning, all dirt is removed from the surface of the frames, and only after that it is necessary to begin cleaning the glass itself.

Selecting glass cleaning products

Let's look at how to wash windows on a loggia on the street side more efficiently. Initially, you need to decide what is best to wash. Detergent compositions must be suitable for wiping plastic elements and glass. They are marked accordingly. Alcohol can only be used diluted in a certain concentration. After using alcohol, wipe the entire surface dry with a rag.

It is best to use industrial cleaning products. They contain alcohol in a safe amount. Both liquid and cream products are suitable. Homemade detergent is just as effective. Let's look at several recipes, the calculation is for a liter jar of water:

  • two teaspoons of vinegar;
  • dishwashing detergent – ​​no more than 3-4 drops;
  • 100 ml each of alcohol and vinegar, 4 teaspoons of corn starch;
  • ammonia – 1 teaspoon.

Do not use cleaning pastes with abrasive components, aggressive chemicals, solvents, kerosene, gasoline, acids and alkalis. Dry powders contain grains that damage surfaces, so they are not suitable for windows. You can use the following recipes to prevent glass fogging:

  • drop a little glycerin into the alcohol;
  • Dissolve salt in 1 glass of water, about 2 tablespoons;
  • combine alcohol with a small amount of dishwashing detergent;
  • Heat 1 liter of water with 20 g of chalk until the chalk dissolves, add vinegar to the cooled solution.

Important! Washing powder and baking soda cause the plastic profile to yellow and may scratch. Microscratches gradually turn black from ingrained dirt.

General rules for washing window frames

Daylight penetrates into the apartment through the windows; the cleanliness of the glass determines the amount of sunlight illuminating the room. It's always unpleasant to look outside through a layer of dust and rain streaks.

You need to start washing windows from the inside of the balcony, then external dirt will be more clearly visible - it will be easier to remove it, and the work will not have to be redone twice. First, dirt is removed from the frames, only after that they begin to clean the glass.

Special products and homemade cleaning mixtures

The use of special products for cleaning glass and plastic will allow you to effectively and carefully clean surfaces, thanks to the active substances included in their composition.

But these elements have a negative effect on the human body, so aerosols must be used carefully - after spraying the product, you need to wait a little time so that the active substances dissipate and do not enter the respiratory tract, only then can you rub the glass.

Self-prepared products are also effective and absolutely safe for humans. For plastic, it is better to use an aqueous solution with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent, which is subsequently washed off with clean water, and the frame is wiped with a dry cloth.

Do not use abrasive products to wash plastic; they can leave scratches on a smooth surface and ruin the appearance of the window.

There are several recipes for glass cleaners that you can prepare yourself:

  • 2 liters of warm water and a tablespoon of ammonia;
  • 5-6 drops of dishwashing detergent and 2 liters of warm water;
  • 2 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

All these solutions will clean the surface of the glass well and give it shine. If you add one tablespoon of crushed chalk to a solution with vinegar and boil, the resulting mixture will remove even the most stubborn stains.

A solution made from chalk (10 g), clay (10 g) and vodka (30 g) also works. A saline solution will help deal with icing on windows; you will need 40 g of salt per glass of water. Using this mixture will remove existing ice and prevent further ice from forming on your windows.

Due to temperature differences, balcony windows are susceptible to fogging; to avoid this, you can prepare a mixture of alcohol and glycerin and wipe the glass with it while washing. A solution of water with glycerin will allow the windows to remain clean for a long time and delight with their transparency.

Any of the above solutions can be used to clean the windows in the middle of the process. First, the largest contaminants are removed, then a solution is applied, and only after this the windows are wiped dry using cloth or paper. The chalk solution must be washed off with clean water so that no streaks remain on the glass.

To rub glass until shiny, it is very convenient to use a microfiber cloth; it perfectly absorbs moisture and does not leave streaks on the surface. For those who like to rub paper on windows, you should try using paper towels. They are very effective and economical.

How to wash windows without streaks on the balcony?

Washing windows on a loggia should begin from the inside in warm, clear weather. Open the doors and clean the drainage channels. The accumulation of moisture leads to dampness of the window sill. Cleaning is necessary to remove stagnant water and blockages. Manufacturers install plugs on some drainage systems. Before cleaning the channel, the plugs are removed.

Next, you should wash the balcony windows from the inside, paying attention to the frames. Scratches on the profile are smoothed out with specialized polishes. Check the condition of the seals. They are washed with soapy water and lubricated with a silicone-based care product. The fasteners are checked, connections are strengthened if necessary, and the sashes are adjusted.

Wooden frames can be easily cleaned with laundry soap. Rinse them with clean water with the addition of ammonia and wipe until shiny. Remains of paper on the surface are washed with baking soda. The problem area is moistened, soda is applied and wiped with a non-abrasive sponge or rag. You can refresh the shine with vegetable oil.

For aluminum profiles, a gentle soap solution is suitable. Abrasive substances and soda cannot be used, they will scratch the surface and damage the coating. For shine, use a dry cloth.

Then they move on to the glass. Cleaning can be done with wet office equipment wipes. It is better to remove heavy stains with a specialized detergent or spray. When using them, it is recommended to maintain dosages. Excess liquid is difficult to remove. Water with glycerin will help reduce dust formation. Kitchen salt will help get rid of icing. For the solution, take 40 g of salt per 1 liter of water. In winter, it is appropriate to wash balconies only to clean the internal frames. External double-glazed windows are left until spring warming. Ice is an exception.

Water with the addition of vinegar, ammonia or lemon juice makes glass shine well. The surface is wiped dry. To avoid drips, it is recommended to clean from the bottom up. Movements are performed smoothly and gradually. It is better to wipe the outer glass dry, moving vertically, the inner glass - horizontally.

Cleaning in winter

Housewives often wonder whether it is worth washing windows outside in winter? Freshness is also needed in the rainy season. In severe frosts, there is no need to clean, and when the weather thaws, the shutters should be washed.

You can dissolve the ice using a mixture of 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. If you wet icy areas with this water, all the ice will melt. After this, just walk over the windows with a dry cloth. Don't trust windshield wipers.

To make glass clean, add 10 tbsp to a liter of water. l. salt. Wash the home side and then the outside. Wipe in vertical stripes, then horizontally. Salt dissolves the ice and the windows shine. It is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the areas between the sashes. If the air temperature is below 5 °C, a steam generator is used.

Washing windows of balconies on high floors

Washing external windows on a balcony is more effective after pre-cleaning the internal double-glazed windows. On a clean glass surface, dirt from the street is clearly visible. Streak-free, inward-opening windows can be cleaned using the same methods as interior structures. You can reach hard-to-reach places with a mop with a rubber attachment. It is also advisable to have a soft replaceable nozzle. The first effectively cleans glass, the second removes excess water and detergent. During the washing process, do not apply the detergent composition close to the frame. You should leave a margin of approximately 5 cm to the profile. Heavy contamination in the lower part of the profile is removed with a scraper with a rubber pad.

The most effective detergents

Have you noticed that in most cases, within a day or two after thoroughly cleaning the balcony, the weather turns bad and it starts to rain, washing away all the hard work of your efforts? For me, such a ritual has become more reliable than the forecasts of meteorologists or dancing with a tambourine from the shaman of some Indian tribe in dry weather.

Cleaning large loggia windows from the outside can be much more difficult than it might seem at first glance

How can you make sure that window cleaning does not turn into a daily routine, but that a clean, mirror-like shine will delight you for weeks? First you need to choose the right tools and cleaning products. You will need:

  1. Soft sponges without abrasive surfaces that will not scratch glass.
  2. Two medium-sized containers (small basins will work just fine). In one you can dilute the selected window cleaner, in the other you can pour clean water for rinsing.
  3. Microfiber cloths or napkins.

Stock up on clean sponges - they will help in the cleaning process

  • A special scraper with a rubber nozzle and a long handle, which is convenient for wiping glass from the street side.
  • Chair or stepladder.
  • Paper towels.
  • The list of necessary items may vary depending on the complexity of the contamination and the method you choose to eliminate it.

    Washing the loggia

    Cleaning a balcony involves removing dirt from inside the room, including the glass partition and window sill, as well as washing off dirt from the outside surface. To wash the loggia, you need to prepare tools and cleaning solutions:

    • Containers for clean water and soap solution. Buckets and basins will do. The volume is within 8~10 liters of each item.
    • Rags, household rags, porous sponges for washing, wiping and collecting moisture.
    • Dish detergents, soaps and industrial options.
    • Devices for collecting dirty or clean water:
    • Scraper with rubber edge. Two options: for fixing a short handle in your hands or with an extension.
    • An extension cord or a removable mop handle or the mop itself.
    • Stepladder with three to five steps. A larger number will create inconvenience due to the overall dimensions of the device. In addition, a high ladder is less stable than a low one. And, the height of the loggias rarely exceeds 3 meters.


    Until recently, the basis of the cleaning solution was soap (regular or laundry) and washing powder. Rinsing was carried out with light solutions of acetic (citric) acid or ammonia. The glass was polished with compressed newspaper or pages of an old magazine.

    Now the industry and market offers a wide range of chemical products for washing and caring for plastic, glass. Some of them are presented in the table:

    NameVolumePurposePrice, rub

    WEDGE, spray500mlAlcohol-containing liquid for removing dirt from glass140~180
    Koch Chemie Unna, aerosol1.2kgRemoves dirt deposits from glass and plastic. Forms a protective layer 800~950
    Meine Liebe, spray400mlFor glass, plastic, mirrors. Contains antistatic agent 120~180
    EFFECT5lRemoves soot, dust and dirt without streaks. Protects against fogging 165~195
    CRYSTAL500mlCleaning glass and plastic. No unpleasant smell 140~175
    MISTER MUSCLE500mlElimination of dirt deposits, protection against fogging and contamination150~180
    LUXUS lemon spray500mlCare for glass and plastic with a pleasant lemon scent140~170
    UNICUM, spray500mlCleans, cleans, forms a protective layer on glass and plastic145~185

    NOTE. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.


    The work of putting the loggia in order begins from the inside. An approximate procedure for cleaning a balcony:

    1. Remove dirt under swing or sliding frames. Clean drainage channels, if any.
    2. Wash the frame structure. Use appropriate liquid cleaning solutions. Wipe with a clean napkin or rag.
    3. Wash the glass. For the most part, pollution from the room is of a sweat-fat nature - from touching hands. The first stage is wetting with a warm solution with detergent. The second is wiping with a sponge or rag. The third is polishing with a dry cloth or newspaper. Another option is to use a light solution of ammonia (1/10).
    4. Next, check and apply silicone grease to the rubber seals and movable hinges.

    The most difficult and dangerous procedure is cleaning the outer surface:

    • You should start with the remote parts of the septum that are difficult to reach. You will need a scraper with an extension. It is necessary to check the reliability of fixation of both nodes. If the connection is unreliable, use tape (duct tape, adhesive tape) to wrap it up.
    • Before starting external work, twirl the assembled structure in your hands, get used to holding it in your hands, and performing manipulations in different directions.
    • Hinged sashes are cleaned like internal sashes. Just point it towards the room.
    • Use a soft nozzle to wet wipe the glass and frame with a cleaning solution and clean water. Excess water is removed using rubber equipment.
    • Remember safety precautions when working with an open window.

    A clean loggia means ease of breathing, freshness in the room and unclouded by dirty glass, a view of the external surroundings. It is advisable to hold events twice a year, in spring and early autumn.

    Homemade Cleaner Recipes

    You can make your own window cleaner.

    You can pay attention to the following recipes:

    1. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of warm water.
    2. Add a tablespoon of ammonia to 2 liters of water.
    3. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of table salt in a glass of water and add 10 ml of ammonia.

    You need to clean the windows with a sponge, working them in a circular motion. Then use a scraper with a rubber nozzle, after rinsing it in water. First they need to be carried out vertically, then horizontally. At the end, paper towels are used.

    Deep stain removal products

    If there are old persistent stains, frost or soot on the windows, you can deal with them using the following recipes:

    Vinegar Table salt

    1. Mix 30 ml of vodka, 10 g of white clay and chalk powder. Apply to stains for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.
    2. Mix 20 g of chalk powder and vinegar each, add a liter of warm water to them.
    3. To remove icing, mix 100 ml of water and 20 ml of table salt. Apply the mixture to the window, leave for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.

    How to wash windows on a balcony outside

    If all sections of the window on the balcony open and you have easy access to them, cleaning them will not be difficult. But in most cases, one or two sections of double-glazed windows are blind.

    On the ground floor, you can clean the outside of a balcony window using a stepladder, and those who live high up do not need to risk their health and life by unsafely leaning outside. Use special equipment that makes the job easier.

    A telescopic mop is a T-shaped stick, in the holder of which, on one side, there is foam rubber for washing, and on the other, there is a rubber nozzle for removing washing liquid along with dirt.

    The mop handle increases in length; in some models you can change the angle of the mop head. It’s easy to learn how to work with it:

    1. Wet the foam part with soapy water (the rubber will also get wet, but that won’t hurt).
    2. Holding it by the handle, move the foam part along the window from top to bottom, then to the side horizontally and finally around the perimeter of the window where it adjoins the frame.
    3. If the outside of the window is too dirty, wash the foam and repeat the process.
    4. Wring out the foam nozzle, turn the mop to the other side and use a rubber scraper to remove moisture from the glass using horizontal movements, moving the mop from top to bottom.
    5. Rinse the scraper, wipe it dry and repeat the entire procedure, wiping it dry after each horizontal movement.

    Another device that allows you to safely wash windows at any height is a magnetic brush, consisting of two sponges connected by a magnet:

    1. Wet both sponges with detergent.
    2. Install one sponge on the outside of the window, the other, with a handle, on the inside.
    3. Holding the handle, move the brush while wiping the window on both sides.
    4. Periodically wash away dirt from the foam of the sponges.

    You need to get used to handling magnetic brushes. In addition, it will be possible to wash glass without streaks only if the force of the magnet pressing the brush on the outside of the window is sufficient. This option is suitable for single balcony frames, but ineffective for double-glazed windows.

    To protect yourself when washing balcony windows from the outside at height, use a safety belt, after making sure that it is securely fastened and that the fastening will support your weight.

    How to remove the structure?

    You can wash windows without using additional devices if you remove them. However, not all structures can be dismantled on your own.

    If you need to turn the handle before shifting, or the frames are opened in a vertical position, it will not be possible to do without the help of specialists.

    The situation is simpler with windows that move only in parallel, like doors in wardrobes.

    When dismantling the frame yourself, you need to take into account its weight. You may not be able to hold the structure together alone, so it’s best to start working together.


    • grab the frame sash with your hands on both sides and lift it up;
    • when the lower edge comes out of the grooves, it should be pulled towards you and lowered - if there is no damage to the frame, it will easily come out of the guides;
    • if the frame does not rise up enough to be removed, you need to carefully inspect the structure as a whole;
    • the guides must have special notches - by bringing the edge of the frame to them, it can be removed;
    • sometimes the notches are replaced with grooves; after aligning them, you can remove the frame from the guides;
    • Another option is to remove the plugs that can be installed at the ends of the window frames; they can be easily removed with a screwdriver, after which the window can be removed.

    Washing windows from the inside

    This process is performed according to the following algorithm:

    1. First you need to remove the plugs on the drainage holes that are located on the outside of the profile. They are often dirty and sticky and require careful cleaning.
    2. Clean the plastic frame with soapy water. If there are scratches, you can get rid of them using a polishing agent.
    3. Wipe the inner glass with soapy water or clean it with an aerosol. It is important to use these products sparingly as they can be difficult to wash off. If necessary, you can use acidified water or water with ammonia to eliminate them. Then you need to wipe the glass with a rag or towel.
    4. The seal must be washed with soapy water, rinsed with clean water and wiped until dry. You can use a special pencil to lubricate it.

    Expert opinion Lyubov Borisovna Krasnova Cleaning company manager To eliminate stains, wash the glass with vertical movements and dry with horizontal movements.

    How to clean sliding windows on a balcony

    In sliding windows, one blind sash slides behind another, movable one. Thus, the part of the window that slides can only be washed from the outside using a magnetic brush, while closing or opening the sliding frame for each “pass”.

    A window cleaning robot can help in this situation. The kit includes a housing, fabric attachments and a control panel. The charged robot is attached to the window and, controlled from the remote control, moves from any side of the window. The device is highly effective, but its cost is very high.

    Another option that allows you to wash sliding windows on the balcony is to remove them, wash them in the bathroom and install them again. However, such work must be done by a strong person with the appropriate skills, otherwise the window sashes may be damaged.

    If it is difficult for you to wash the external hard-to-reach parts of windows on a high floor, it is advisable to call professionals. Buying special equipment yourself is beneficial when the balcony faces a busy highway or for some other reason the glass quickly becomes covered with dust and needs frequent washing. If the need to wash the windows on the balcony arises once or twice a year, it is more practical, more profitable and, most importantly, safer to leave this task to specialists from cleaning companies.

    What will you need?

    To wash windows without removing them from the guides, you need to take care of special tools. With their help, the cleaning process will be easier and safer:

    1. Mop with a long handle . It would be good if it was telescopic, that is, retractable. Such windshield wipers have two attachments - one in the form of a soft roller, and the second in the form of a rubber plate for removing water.

    2. Scraper-cleaner . It can also be used to clean sliding windows. The main disadvantage of this tool is the short handle.
    3. Robot glass cleaner . This is a technological device that is attached to the surface using vacuum suction cups or magnets. It is very convenient to use, but has a significant drawback in the form of high cost, which starts at 16,000 rubles.

    Sliding windows cannot be washed with newspapers or ordinary rags, since it is very difficult to reach the top. In addition, this is associated with a risk to life, especially when a person lives in a multi-story building.

    In addition to the tools listed, to clean windows you will need cleaning liquid, water, and thick paper or cloth napkins.

    Additional Tips

    To keep your balcony windows clean and shiny for a long time, follow these recommendations:

    • A solution of glycerin in water of low concentration will help to achieve a long-term frequency.
    • To prevent scratches on the plastic, the frame made from it should be treated with a soap solution, and not with a product with a powder consistency.
    • Do not wash windows with hot water.
    • To prevent fogging, you can use a solution of alcohol and glycerin.

    • It is better to wash in cloudy weather. This is due to the fact that when exposed to the sun's rays, the detergent composition can leave stains.
    • Before cleaning glass units, wash and dry the frame thoroughly.
    • For blind windows, it is better to use home remedies rather than store-bought ones.

    It is important to clean windows regularly and in a timely manner, maintaining their frequency and preventing the appearance of serious dirt. Otherwise, you will not be able to do without cleaning services, which are fraught with additional costs. Therefore, try to keep your balcony clean by cleaning it at least twice a year.

    Cleaning your profile

    To wash window frames, you can use special products or prepare a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. Even if it is heavily soiled, you should not use soda or other abrasive powder; it will leave scratches on the PVC. Moreover, this cannot be done if the frames are wooden. Only a weak soap solution is suitable for them.

    In order to wash the outside of the profile, you should use a scraper with a long handle. When cleaning, you should never forget about safety rules.

    Safety regulations

    The issue of washing windows at height must be approached with caution. A few general rules:

    • When choosing a tool, be guided by your height and the height of the window frame.
    • Do not use sharp objects in your work: it is better to soak dried dirt rather than scrape it off.
    • Avoid abrasives to avoid scratching the glass. Do not use products containing gasoline, alkali or solvents. Aggressive substances will damage the protective layer on the glass, which blocks ultraviolet radiation and can change the color of the frame.
    • If you use chairs or a stepladder, have someone help you.

    How to wash windows on a balcony from the outside yourself: detailed instructions

    1. Before moving to the outside, thoroughly wash the inside. This way you can understand where you still need to wash and where it’s already clean. Moreover, wash everything that is possible before crossing to the other side. This way, dirt from the inside will not get into the outer part, which is much more difficult to wash.
    2. Prepare two containers of water. Dissolve the product in the first, and lower a brush, sponge or scraper into the second to clean them of dirt.
    3. Clean sliding or opening doors. Wash them thoroughly from the outside so that no streaks are visible in the light. To do this, you need to constantly remove excess water with a scraper, use a high-quality detergent, and often rinse your sponge when it gets dirty.
    4. How to clean the outside windows on a high floor correctly? You need to start from a further corner and drive the water towards you, and then wipe off all the dirt with a clean sponge and drain off the excess water with a scraper. To avoid any streaks, you need to make sure that the product is completely washed off the surface. To do this, after the first cleaning, wipe the glass again with a cloth to remove any remaining product.
    5. If you don't have a robot or a magnetic brush, be sure to protect yourself with insurance. Even if you have a fairly long mop, for safety it is better to purchase a safety rope and attach yourself with a carabiner to a safe place that will support you if something happens.
    6. Ask someone to back you up. With support, the likelihood that the cable will be useful at all becomes even less, because the assistant will be able to warn you if you suddenly want to stand in a dangerous place or are thinking about something else.
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