All-round cleaning is simple, fast and the house is always perfectly clean: tips for cleaning an apartment or house from professionals

Often in our lives there are situations when we need to clean the room in 5 minutes. It is possible to do the cleaning in such a short time. It is only important to approach the matter wisely! First of all, prepare yourself. Remove clothes with long sleeves that get in the way, tie up your hair or secure your bangs. It would seem that there is no time for such things - but during the cleaning process, these little things will distract and irritate more than the limited time limit. Turn on rhythmic music - it will set the pace and help you concentrate. It is better to turn off the TV and put the phone away. Now let's get started!

Circular cleaning - what is it?

Circular cleaning is a new technique that allows you to perfectly clean your living space and at the same time spend a minimum of time and costs on the work. The essence of circular cleaning is that all tasks are done gradually one after another, and then again in a circle.

The secret to rotating cleaning is that tasks that require frequent completion are inserted into the schedule more often. And tasks that require less intensity are included in the plan less frequently. Also, an important role is played by thorough preparation of the area (general cleaning), and only then proceeding to cleaning in a circle.

Cleaning methods

The regime is not for the sake of the regime, but for the sake of convenience

How often should you clean and what is better - a little every day or a rare but accurate general cleaning? This question does not have a universal answer and you need to rely on your own convenience or habit.

For some, the daily regime of maintaining cleanliness is normal - doing things little by little so that they don’t accumulate: today - laundry, tomorrow - washing the floors, the day after tomorrow - kitchen chores. This approach has many advantages: it does not waste a lot of time and effort, but without the habit of orderliness it is difficult to implement.

Another option is the accumulation of household chores, which ends with a lot of cleaning. In this situation, which is typical for people accustomed to a free regime, you can not be irritated by everyday hassles, replacing them with something more pleasant, and in a moment of extreme need, do all the accumulated tasks at once.

But if there is a small child in the house, daily cleaning of the children's room becomes an axiom. The only consolation here can be that even wet cleaning of a children's room requires very little time, the bulk of which is spent putting scattered toys and things in their places.

In any case, remember that you have household members who can be organized - at the very least, take part in the cleaning or take on some chores, or, at a minimum, not interfere, which can also be very important.

Who invented circular cleaning?

the FlyLady cleaning system , created by the American Marla Seelly. She had a large house and no maid or any help. At the same time, Marla wanted to live, and not survive in the constant struggle for purity.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that Marla is still a housewife and it was difficult for us, working women, to fully understand the flylady system and make numerous plans, notes, and boxes. A Russian woman, with her many responsibilities, is ready to give up some idealistic principles in order to simplify her life and make time for rest and sleep.

That is why the idea appeared on the Internet that instead of the flylady program, I would like to receive a detailed and clear at first glance plan, according to which you can clean the house in 15-20 minutes, and thereby relieve the weekend.

Cleaning services

Today, even in relatively small cities you can find companies providing cleaning services - or, simply, cleaning. These businesses offer the services of professional cleaners and cleaners who will come to your home and clean everything until it shines. The cost of their work depends on the area of ​​housing - on average, prices range from 100 to 300 rubles for general cleaning of one square meter.

The advantages of using a cleaning service are obvious:

  • thorough professional cleaning of all surfaces through the use of expensive professional equipment from brands such as Cleanfix, Hako, Taski (they produce compact machines and devices for dry cleaning furniture, wet cleaning, and floor washing);
  • saving the housewife's time and effort;
  • quick result - most cleaning service employees complete general cleaning in two to three hours.

However, this approach also has its drawbacks:

  • inaccessibility for families with middle and low incomes;
  • the risk of stumbling upon unscrupulous workers or, even worse, thieves;
  • The price list for services is not always transparent.

Representatives of cleaning services will do general cleaning quickly and efficiently.
It is worth resorting to the services of professional cleaners when it is almost impossible to cope on your own, for example, after renovation . After a fire, you should also contact cleaning services - with the help of professional equipment they can quickly and effectively get rid of soot and deposits.

When choosing a company for general cleaning, pay attention to:

  • website design. The website of a bona fide organization contains a list of reagents and cleaning products used and equipment used;
  • price The price list for services should be detailed and understandable;
  • reviews from former clients. You should look for them on a third-party site, for example, iRecommend, Otzovik and the like.

Time management for circular cleaning

Time management of circular cleaning
Time management - a magical time management tool appeared for the first time in business. But we women quickly pick up promising ideas and bring them to life perfectly. So, the time management of circular cleaning is to clean up part of your home according to plan in 15 minutes a day, and as a result get a perfectly clean home with a minimum of effort.

Remember that to establish circular cleaning, you will need an introductory day or two to prepare your home and review some household issues. You can stretch out this process for a time convenient for you (not everyone has a few days to prepare), but once you get everything set up, you can spend a minimum of time and get a minimum result from it - a perfectly clean house all year round.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for cleaning
Sometimes simple and affordable preparations at hand allow you to get a greater effect from putting things in order than expensive advertised products.

Lemon juice dissolves rust. To get rid of a corrosion stain, just cut the citrus fruit into several parts and squeeze the juice of one of them onto the rust, and after 10 minutes, remove it with a rag. If the stain is old, you will have to rub it with the hard side of the sponge.

Hydrogen peroxide gets rid of mold and mildew in the bathroom. If you periodically spray and leave peroxide on tiled walls and corners for 10 minutes, you can get rid of mold and prevent its occurrence.

Vinegar easily removes mineral deposits from your faucet. To make the faucet as good as new, just wipe it with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

To prevent smudges and marks from dried drops of water from appearing on a stainless steel sink, you need to wipe it once a week with a cloth soaked in mineral oil.

It is easy to clean a microwave oven from stuck-on pieces of food if you boil a glass of water in it before washing. The food on the walls will get wet and come off easily if you wipe them with a damp cloth.

Folk tricks will help you quickly clean up without expensive store-bought products.

How to prepare for the start of circular cleaning and make the process easier?

We all want simple solutions - a ready-made plan. All that remains is to follow it. If you are just moving into a home, you have a minimum of things and all storage areas have been thought out in advance - you can safely skip this point and go to the finished plan. Another thing is habitable housing with cluttered areas. Believe me, until you declutter your home, all-round cleaning will be lost, and instead of the notorious 15 minutes, you will be bogged down in work for hours.

So, choose a day off, prepare large trash bags or cardboard boxes and let's get started! General general cleaning of the house.

Bedroom and wardrobe:

Cleaning the bedroom

  • All clothing is divided into 4 zones. Dressy - always hangs in the closet, but since it is rarely used, it is stored in its pure form in clothing cases. And everyday clothes, which we divide into 3 zones: summer, winter, demi. For example, today it’s autumn outside the window. This means that we store demi-season clothes in the closet and chest of drawers, and everything else is stored in boxes/bags/organizers in the far corners of your home, thoroughly cleaned and packaged. It is convenient to store clothes in vacuum bags. If this is not the case for you, conduct an audit and correct the situation;
  • So, the closet is at least 50% freer. Now we look at things that are in season, for example, autumn. We divide things into 3 zones: worn actively, worn occasionally, not worn at all for the last season. Remember - smart clothes are a separate zone. Everything that is not worn is inspected and thrown away if in bad condition, given away and sold if in good condition. But it’s no longer hanging in the closet mixed with your clothes;
  • We lay out the rest of the clothes using hangers, organizers, and boxes. We do the same with shoes;
  • Let's move on to bed linen and towels. It is convenient to fold bed linen in this way: the duvet cover, sheet, and pillowcase are folded into a pillowcase. This way you can remove the entire set in one movement, leaving the shelf in perfect condition. We send all torn and washed linen to rags or trash;
  • Bedside table, shelves, tables. We conduct a thorough audit and put everything in a large trash bag. We leave meager minimalism. It is he who will allow you to restore order in the house in a minimum of time.

Kitchen, the second place in the house with the most clutter:

All-round cleaning in the kitchen

  • Cereals, spices, teas and coffee. Take everything out, sort it, organize storage. You can store each cereal or spice in a separate container, or you can organize a box in which cereals will be stored, a basket for spices;
  • Crockery and kitchen utensils. All dishes and kitchen utensils are hidden either in tall drawers that you rarely use, or in the pantry. Pre-pack in a box to prevent dust accumulation. Broken, damaged, rusty - throw it in the trash. Wash the dishes thoroughly until they squeak and put them back in place;
  • Give everyone their place. If the family gets confused at first, hang up stickers. In a month the family will get used to it and they can be removed;
  • Determine a place to store vegetables.

As practice shows, more garbage is taken out from one small kitchen than from the entire home.

Living room:

  • Sideboards and bookcases are ideal places for clutter. Check how many books you don't read. If this is not a unique collection or a favorite novel, take it to the library. Carry out a thorough audit of your things - throw everything that is not particularly relevant into the trash or give it to those who need it. Put everything else in its place;
  • Clean the sofa, armchairs, carpets . Tidy up old sofa cushions and blankets or get rid of them. Even a perfectly decorated living room will look messy with such interior elements;
  • Discs, albums, small items - the excess goes into the trash, what is needed in dedicated organizers and on shelves.

All-round cleaning of the bathroom and toilet

Toilet and bathroom:

  • Disassemble shelves and drawers. Throw away empty bottles and products that don't work for you. Organize your space with organizers and baskets;
  • Washing powders, gels and other products are conveniently stored in special baskets with removable covers that can be quickly washed, or in plastic baskets that are easy to wash;
  • A large laundry basket with a lid will allow the area to remain clean, even if you have a lot of laundry to do;
  • Update the curtain in the bathroom - the neat appearance of the bathroom depends on it. Choose ones that are machine washable.


  • All outer clothing that is not being worn is removed from the hanger;
  • The closet is being reconsidered. Things you don't use go in the trash;
  • Shoe shelf - only those shoes that are worn in a given season are stored on it;
  • Designate an area for bags and locks.

To summarize: we throw away or give away all unnecessary and damaged items. We find its place for each thing, we put away things that we are not currently using in distant areas. We get organizers, baskets and vacuum bags.

Find out where things belong

To know how to quickly tidy your room, it is first important to find places for all your things. Here's a good start:

  • Clothes in the wardrobe or chest of drawers.
  • Garbage in the trash can.
  • Books on the shelves.
  • Pens and pencils in a pencil holder.

If you don't know where to put something, you can ask your parents or older sibling. Smart storage ideas are important when cleaning a room. Empty Zewa tissue boxes are great places to store small items like action figures, art supplies, jewelry and anything else you don't want to lose - just be sure to write down what's in it so you don't forget what's inside.

Equipment and chemicals that make it easier to clean the house in a circular manner

All-round cleaning is cleaning that takes no more than 15 minutes a day. Or maybe less! But in order to organize the maximum in a minimum of time, get equipment and high-quality household chemicals.

List of equipment recommended to speed up circular cleaning:

  • A powerful vacuum cleaner, ideally a robot vacuum cleaner;
  • A steam generator that allows you to clean more thoroughly and also smooth textiles with steam;
  • Washing machine with clothes dryer;
  • Dishwasher.

As you can see, the list is not long, but it makes life much easier. Also purchase modern mops for cleaning floors and windows.

Household chemicals for circular cleaning:

  • Fabric softener. Dilute 1/1 with water, moisten a cellulose cloth and wipe off the dust. Thanks to the repelling of dust by this product, we forget about dust for 7 to 15 days;
  • Window cleaning liquid . You can wash windows with soapy water, but the washing liquid is washed off without streaks and twice as fast;
  • Detergent for floors. Better cleaning, no need to rinse, which saves time and water, as well as filling the house with a pleasant aroma;
  • Multifunctional sodium percarbonate. It is diluted in boiling water, forming a lot of foam. Ideal stain remover, detergent for dishes, appliances, bathtubs, tiles. It is inexpensive and will replace 70% of household chemicals in the house;

Sodium percarbonate is a real find for the home

  • A high-quality powder, stain remover and fabric softener will reduce washing time, and you will feel the results in your home instantly. Nothing emphasizes cleanliness better than perfectly clean textiles;
  • Disinfectant for toilet cleaning;
  • Wet wipes are indispensable friends for quick all-round cleaning.

Making a plan

In 1 or 2 hours, you can quite well clear away the rubbish in the apartment and bring it back to normal before the guests arrive. Try not to panic, but to follow a pre-thought-out plan. It will take about 5 minutes to create cleaning items.

Include in the list the most important areas in the apartment: the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as the living room and hallway. There are items that the guest first of all pays attention to - these are windows and curtains, the absence of dirty dishes, junk on the shelves and clean floors. This alone will make the apartment more pleasant for visitors and residents.

To make it easier to decide on the procedure for cleaning your home, put yourself in the shoes of a guest. What will he pay attention to in the apartment? Start with this. Also remember yourself as a guest, do you look out for every speck of dust on the far shelf, or is a neat kitchen table and a clean cup of tea enough for you? We are sure that the second is always a priority.

Tip For convenience, dictate all cleaning items into a note on your phone and cross them off as you complete them.

Circular cleaning instructions

We have reached detailed instructions for circular cleaning. There are two circles in the instructions below. The first circle is performed daily in the morning and evening. The second, outer circle, is performed in order from left to right. As soon as the circle is completely completed, we move on to the first point again.

All-round cleaning

If force majeure occurs and you miss one day, you can catch up by completing two points together, or simply move on. Thus, you will arrive at the end of the circle a day later, but this will not give significant changes, and on the second circle you will simply be on schedule.

We are all individual, therefore, our houses differ from each other in terms of territory, equipment and the presence of things. We recommend using a ready-made plan for the first weeks, but making notes in it - how much time you spend on cleaning things and how much time on cleaning the kitchen. Afterwards, you can make adjustments to your circular cleaning and make your own, individual plan.

Blank circular cleaning form
To create an individual circular cleaning plan, print the photo below and fill in your points.

Keep up the good work

Knowing how to clean a room will come in handy more than once. It will be much easier for you to clean next time if you regularly put things back and keep them clean. You can continue the game by trying to find and remove 10 things every day before dinner. You'll be surprised how much easier it becomes to clean your room if you do it regularly!

Here's the last of our tips on how to clean your room: print out our instructions and add stickers to it. Maybe if you get enough chart stickers, your parents can treat you to something at the end of the month for your hard work - ask them!

* Based on the results of the Eurofins Evic study, France, April 2022.

All-round cleaning in an apartment and house: tips and tricks

In this section, we will give point-by-point advice that will significantly reduce the time of circular cleaning.

  • Making your bed is easier if you master the maid technique. And besides, at night you will not collect the sheet by turning over;
  • Cleaning the kitchen is easier if you have a high-quality, streak-free cellulose cloth instead of poorly absorbent rags. Distribute all kitchen utensils so that the table and countertop are as clear as possible;
  • Don’t skimp on a quality toilet cleaner – this will significantly reduce the cleaning time in the bathroom;
  • If space allows, place three baskets in which you sort the laundry by color. As soon as there is enough, just load it into the drum of the washing machine;
  • In order to reduce ironing to a minimum, pour in a portion of fabric softener. It smoothes fabric perfectly. After washing, just shake off the laundry in your hands and hang it evenly on the dryer;
  • Organizers and a large number of different hangers are ideal helpers for quickly putting things in their places, as well as maintaining order not only outside, but also inside closets;
  • Place one box in a convenient place and throw things in there that don't have a place. In your free time, come up with places for them. Or, having thought it over, throw them out of your life;
  • Glass form, the vase can be easily washed using regular detergent and a foil ball;
  • Take out the trash in the evening, despite superstitions. This will prevent insects from invading your home;
  • Shower cabin glass can be easily washed using glass cleaner, and for tiles and bathtubs, use sodium percarbonate or any other effective product. If it is heavily soiled, place a saucepan of boiling water in the bathroom. A few minutes and under the influence of steam the dirt will be washed off faster;
  • Kitchen appliances can be easily cleaned with wet wipes. This also applies to other equipment in the house;
  • Buy a hand broom and dustpan - this will allow you to quickly collect small debris in the kitchen during the cooking process;
  • Place only packaged and unopened foods in the refrigerator. This will reduce the time required to clean the refrigerator;
  • The easiest way to clean blinds is with an old terry sock soaked in a solution of fabric softener and water (so that dust settles less);
  • Washing metal-plastic windows will be easier if you sprinkle baking soda on the joints and pour vinegar over them. A few seconds and it’s several times easier to remove dirt;
  • Faucets will sparkle if you rub them with a couple of drops of toothpaste;
  • Are there animals in the house? A rubber glove with silicone bristles will make cleaning upholstered furniture easier;
  • Are there steel surfaces? Rub them with vodka or alcohol - no streaks and a perfectly clean shine.

Preparatory stage

Most likely, you won’t see a wizard, so you’ll have to take on this role yourself. Don't think of cleaning as a boring chore; we will help you turn it into an exciting activity that won't take up too much time. First, remove chaos from the process. No random running around with rags, brooms, or mops. You will be less tired and achieve more if you act consistently. Yes, cleaning also requires planning.

So, let's start preparing.

  1. Check the availability of the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment. When everything is at hand, you won’t have to be distracted and waste extra time searching for what you need. You will need a mop, floor and glass cleaners, a vacuum cleaner, rubber gloves, a bucket, towels, and rags.
  2. Remove everything unnecessary from the room: dishes - in the kitchen, dirty clothes - in the bathroom, hang clean clothes in their places. Look around the room critically, maybe there is something else in it that shouldn’t be there?

  1. Get rid of junk: all those old boxes, bags, bags, kept “just in case” really spoil the appearance of the room, and “just in case” never comes. Be determined to finally send them to the trash heap.
  2. Clean up your desk, put books, notebooks and papers in neat piles, throw away what you don’t need.
  3. Make your bed and you'll see how this simple procedure immediately transforms the room.
  4. Make a cleaning plan, where to start and what to leave for later.

Well, now let’s start cleaning step by step.

All-round cleaning in a private house: spring, summer, autumn, winter

A private house means increased comfort and at the same time more cleaning work. So that not only the house shines with cleanliness, but also the yard - apply the rule of circular cleaning for the yard as well.


  • Remove small debris from the yard after winter;
  • Loosen the flower beds;
  • Unearth plants buried for the winter;
  • Wash the flowerbed fences, renew and paint if necessary;
  • Plant grown or purchased flower seedlings;
  • Wash the recreation area (bench, gazebo) and repaint if necessary.


  • Organize watering in the evenings;
  • Remove weeds;
  • Sweep the yard;
  • Pick off faded flowers;
  • Mow the lawn;
  • Fertilize plants according to schedule.

A blooming, clean yard is the dream of every housewife
Autumn :

  • Fertilize the soil for winter;
  • Remove plants from flower beds;
  • Bury perennial plants;
  • Sweep the yard of leaves.


  • Clear the yard of snow;
  • Sprinkle the paths with sand;
  • As ice grows, break it;
  • Remove ice from the roof to avoid injury and damage to the roof.

It is better to feed birds in feeders away from the yard so as not to clean the yard of bird droppings.

And some more useful tips

If there is a cat or dog in the house that sheds regularly, it is still wiser to cover the upholstered furniture with easily washable covers or capes. A less labor-intensive option is to place decorative napkins only in those places where your pets like to nest. Place paper towels under food bowls to make it easier to clean up trash. Lightly lubricate the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin, this will make it easier to remove hair from the carpet.

Place a beautiful basket next to the sofa or bed to put books, remote control, glasses and other small things in it. At least there won't be anything lying around on the floor.

Buy or sew a beautiful bedspread for your bed to give you an incentive to make your bed in the morning! And a disassembled bed, even with sterile cleanliness, does not create the effect of a tidy apartment.

In the evening, take the time to leave the kitchen clean.

Starting the day with pleasant emotions is wonderful!

After a shower, wipe the shower doors to prevent a matte coating from forming on them.

How often should you do general cleaning?

If there is a regular round-trip cleaning, general cleaning is recommended once a season. If you don’t have the desire or free time, you can also make it circular.

  • Get things from the coming season, sort them;
  • Send necessary items for repair or dry cleaning;
  • Hide things from last season and hang them up from the coming one;
  • Conduct an audit of each room in the house - throw away unnecessary things, remove shortcomings;
  • Wash curtains and curtains, wash blinds;
  • Wash windows and window sills;
  • Wash the batteries;
  • Wash the chandelier;
  • Use a damp cloth to clean the walls from dust;
  • Move furniture as far as possible and clean behind and under it.

As you can see, it is difficult to do general cleaning in 15 minutes a day, but by devoting half an hour every day, in a week the circular general cleaning will be completed.

Tidy up the furniture

Arrange the chairs, remove everything unnecessary from the walls. Make the bed - such a clear accent in the interior always attracts attention, so a neatly made bed is the key to a neat appearance of the room. Lay out the pillows. Close all desk drawers and close cabinet doors tightly. Straighten tablecloths and napkins, if they are on the tables, carefully close or, conversely, open the curtains. Remove any clutter from your bed, chairs, and tables if you haven't already.

If there are obvious stains on the furniture - for example, from spilled coffee, tea or jam, wipe them first. At the same time, wipe off the dust, or leave this step until the last moment if you don’t need to pick up a rag yet.

All-round cleaning reviews:

Arina : three small children are a real hurricane in the house. We sent her to my grandmother for the weekend and cleaned the apartment. After this, I’ve been doing circular cleaning for two months now and it’s always clean! Thanks for the idea!

Nikolai : My wife and I didn’t notice how we turned the house and the area around it into a terrible place. We wrote a list and followed it carefully for a year. Now our house is the best on the street! By the way, the dishwasher and lawn mower are real finds of our day.

The most effective means for cleaning an apartment

To keep your apartment clean, you need effective cleaning products. This significantly reduces the time spent scrubbing dirty surfaces.

It is enough to apply the product and leave for a certain time. Then simply remove dirt by rinsing the surface with clean water.

You can do without chemicals and use folk remedies:

  1. A solution of laundry soap destroys dirt and bacteria and is harmless to health.
  2. Baking soda can be used to clean sinks and bathtubs, but not acrylic ones.
  3. Table vinegar diluted in half with water is suitable for washing dishes, glass, and mirrors.
  4. Mustard powder is great for cleaning dishes.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide disinfects and whitens any surface.

Secrets of keeping clean

To easily cope with keeping your home clean, use 5 tips from housewives:

  1. Store cleaning supplies in a designated place. If you use it, return it. In an organized space, you won't have to waste time looking for glass or floor cleaner.
  2. Ask your household to apply cleaning gel to the stove, sinks, faucets, bathtub and toilet an hour before you arrive, or do it in the morning. Within a day, the products will dissolve fat and impurities. All that remains is to wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Treat shelves, cabinet surfaces and coffee tables with antistatic clothing. The product prevents the appearance of dust.
  4. Learn to put items back, throw away candy wrappers, and wash dishes immediately after use. The less clutter, the less time you will spend dealing with the mess.
  5. Pour toilet bowl cleaning gel into the toilet brush holder. Everyone who uses the device will make an effort to remove stains.
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