Methods that work, or how to remove red wine from clothes

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Svetlana Pavlikhina

Reading time: 6 minutes


Avid tidyists also put stains on their clothes. It is recommended to remove food stains on items before washing.

Before choosing a cleaning product, you need to know the composition of the blot. This article will talk about how to remove wine from jeans.

Why are wine stains persistent?

When trouble happens at home, clothes are taken off and washed quickly. But most often, wine stains appear at a party or while going to a restaurant, so washing has to be postponed for several hours.

During this period, the liquid is well absorbed into the fabric, and it becomes more difficult to deal with the stain. If the stain from white wine is not so noticeable, then the red mark immediately attracts attention. It is worth considering the chemical composition of the drink to choose a stain remover.

Anthocyanin, a persistent pigment found in the skin of grapes, gives red wine its rich hue. The longer the stain remains on the clothing, the stronger the liquid will become embedded in the fibers.

If you immediately take the necessary measures, spilled wine can be easily washed off even with your hands. But even old pollution can be dealt with if you put some effort into it.

Methods for carpets and upholstered furniture

If chairs, mattresses, sofas or carpets have been damaged by wine, immediately distribute soda slurry. When it dries, the surfaces are vacuumed.

You can clean a white carpet with table salt, from which you also prepare a viscous mass by adding water. Use a soft sponge to wipe away any stains left by the wine. The dried mass is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

You can take glycerin - 1 tbsp. l., add raw egg yolk to it. Stir with a wooden spatula to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency. Place it on the stained area. After 2 hours, dry particles are removed with a damp sponge.

Removing a fresh stain

While visiting, at a gala event, or a corporate party, you don’t have to immediately go home if wine spills on your holiday jeans. Emergency measures to save your favorite clothes can be taken on the spot.

Blot the liquid

It is recommended to immediately cover wine spilled on trousers with a clean napkin (it is always at hand). You can ask the hostess of the feast for a paper towel or a new sponge. They will quickly absorb liquid.

Use a napkin to gently blot the wine, never rubbing it on your clothes. Otherwise, the drink will be absorbed into the fabric, and it will be more difficult to handle. If the stain is large, then use a blotter to move from the edges to the center. Chaotic manipulations will only lead to pollution increasing in size.

Apply a clean soft cloth

Towels (kitchen, bath) absorb liquids well. The cloth, folded several times, is placed on the dirt without pressing it to the clothes. After a few minutes, check how much the liquid has been absorbed into the terry or waffle fabric.

The procedure can be repeated using another dry towel. If it is possible to remove jeans, then it is more effective to act on the stain from both sides by placing a rolled-up soft cloth and from the inside out .

Sprinkle salt on the stain

Many people practice this method, but not everyone knows how to act correctly to get the maximum effect.

It is worth knowing the following features of using this product:

  • if the stain is small, sprinkle it with dry salt and leave for several minutes (it is better to take a fine-grained product);

  • If wine is spilled excessively, it is recommended to pre-moisten the salt with water (on a saucer);
  • While the grains are saturated with moisture, the “puddle” on the jeans is blotted with a soft cloth or napkin;
  • Apply salted gruel to the stain and leave for 5-10 minutes.

When the salt has absorbed what it can, it is carefully removed from the trousers. After this procedure, it is easier to wash off the contamination.

How to wash jeans

Denim fabric, despite its density, requires the use of gentle techniques, which allows you to avoid damaging clothes and maintain color saturation. Several options are recommended for use:

  • If the jeans are white or very light-colored, then squeeze out the lemon juice and treat all traces of wine. After this, wash by hand with high-quality powder without abrasive additives in water at a temperature not exceeding 40˚C.
  • Having noticed fresh streaks of red wine, first sprinkle them with a thick layer of salt. Then shake off the browned particles and, if necessary, add a fresh portion of the absorbent substance. Pour ammonia into an enamel bowl - 1 tsp. and add hot water - 1 liter. With thorough mixing, dissolve grated laundry soap until smooth - 1 tbsp. l. They brush off the salt from their jeans. The contaminated area is placed in the prepared solution. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it by hand.
  • You can pour warm sparkling mineral water over any wine marks you notice and hold until they disappear.
  • Combine ammonia with hydrogen peroxide - 1 tsp each. This mixture is poured into a glass of hot water. Soak the stain, wait 15 minutes, check the result. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • If by chance splashes get on light denim children's clothes, then begin to remove them using baking soda, to which a little warm water is added until a thick paste is obtained. Distribute it over the stain. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. If there are still impressions left, apply the paste again.
  • For white denim, hydrogen peroxide combined with dish soap is suitable. Take the components in equal parts. Stir, soak cotton swabs and wipe off stains.


How to wash and remove glue stains from linen and clothes

Hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of stains

How to treat stains before washing

Washing will help remove wine from jeans efficiently. But the more time passes between contamination and the procedure, the less chance there is to quickly get rid of the stain.

You shouldn’t immediately throw your trousers into the machine; first you need to treat the flooded area with one of the available products.

White vinegar

The product effectively removes old wine stains by acting as a solvent on the pigment. Apply the product generously to the stain and leave for half an hour.

An old towel folded in several layers should be placed under the stained area of ​​fabric, otherwise the dye will leave traces on the other fabric, adding unnecessary hassle.

The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant odor that lingers on the clothes for some time after washing.

Boiling water

Hot water helps if you can take off your pants immediately after an “accident.” The part of the jeans drenched in wine is hung over a sink or basin. After boiling water, pour the stain directly from the kettle.

If it is not possible to remove the contamination in one go, repeat the procedure.

Sparkling water

Soda is good for fading wine stains on clothes. The jeans are generously moistened with the drink and waited until the stain and liquid react with each other.

The more saturated the drink is with gas, the faster the interaction will occur.

Soaking things

Clothes with dried and deeply ingrained wine stains will need to be soaked for at least 1 hour before washing.

The whole thing is placed in a basin and filled with warm water. You can add a little soda or white vinegar to the liquid.

Be careful, you can ruin everything!

You can find a wide variety of recipes on the Internet that claim to help remove wine stains from fabric. However, not all of them are applicable in practice.

To avoid having to throw the item away after such processing, you need to beware of tips such as:

  1. Cleaning with potassium permanganate . If you try to remove a stain with it, it will simply darken. After such washing, you will need to look for ways to get rid of the potassium permanganate itself.

  2. Washing with sodium hydrosulfite . This substance is an acid salt of sodium and sulfuric acid. Using this composition for fabrics will lead to their dissolution if the dosage is even slightly exceeded. In addition, the substance releases toxic sulfur dioxide when decomposed.
  3. White wine . There is an opinion that red wine can be bred into white. In fact, this method is completely ineffective. Moreover, new stains will appear on light-colored fabrics after such treatment.

You should always consider the type of fabric. If it is delicate, then you should avoid using aggressive compounds.

DIY stain removers

Chemical preparations (Antipyatin, Vanish, etc.) work well with red wine. But they may not always be at hand. Therefore, at home you can use improvised means.

From baking soda

This is a universal substance that can replace any industrial stain remover.

They use it according to the algorithm:

  • pour 3 tbsp on a saucer. l. soda;

  • add a few drops of water and knead the pulp;
  • Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the stain and leave for 45-60 minutes.

The soda is washed off under running water, and the jeans are washed by hand. If the dye is not completely gone, the soda slurry is reapplied.

Washing powder Myth and hydrogen peroxide

The medical antiseptic drug actively interacts with organic matter. The peroxide will also react with the wine, discoloring it.

A small fresh stain is simply rubbed with the product, but for old stains the following solution is prepared:

  • add 2 parts detergent and 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water;
  • After shaking the composition to a thick foam, apply it to the stain;
  • rub the fabric lightly so that the product penetrates the fibers;
  • After 5 minutes, wash off under running water.

Before using a homemade stain remover, it is first tested on the inside of the trousers: peroxide can discolor the fabric.

What stain remover is there for red wine?

In order not to complicate your life, you should first try to wash the wine with stain removers, for example:

  • ACE
  • Vanish
  • Bos
  • Antipyatin

First, soak the stained item in a solution of water and stain remover. After some time, take the product out and wash it as usual.

Important: Before using the stain remover, read the instructions. Remember, stain removers can deal with fresh wine stains. Old stains are often beyond the power of stain removers.

Removing a wine stain from light-colored jeans

On white trousers, red wine immediately catches the eye. But it is easier to remove dirt from such clothes. When using hydrogen peroxide or bleach, you don't have to worry about your jeans fading. Although here, delicate handling of clothing is required.

Wedge with wedge: treatment with white wine

A white alcoholic drink can neutralize bright pigment. Therefore, you can safely pour it on a red wine stain.

Alcohol can even remove old stains. But it is recommended to take dry varieties - they have less sugar.

Finish the procedure by hand washing with laundry soap.

Egg yolk and glycerin

The method of removing red stains from light jeans with an egg cannot be called easy: the process takes several hours and does not always give a 100% result.

Step by Step Actions

  1. Break the egg and separate the white.
  2. Beat the yolk with a fork until foam appears.

  3. Glycerin is poured in (it is taken 2 times more in volume than the yolk).

  4. Use a clean sponge to grab the mixture and rub it into the stain.

The jeans are left for 2-3 hours, then the dried egg is removed with a sponge moistened with warm water. If traces of wine are not completely removed from white trousers, continue washing in the machine.

How to remove using household chemicals?

If the stain has already dried and the available products cannot cope with it, you can resort to using professional cleaners. When choosing a suitable substance, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. Compound. It’s good if it doesn’t contain aggressive components. Oxygen bleaches that do not contain chlorine can help remove wine stains.

  2. Purpose. There are products that only wash white clothes, and there are compositions for colored and black fabrics. You can also purchase a universal stain remover.
  3. Price. Even budget funds can handle a red wine stain. Therefore, you can refuse to buy expensive compounds.
  4. Release form . Liquid stain removers are suitable for all types of fabrics. It is better not to use powders for delicate materials (wool, silk, leather, velor, suede).

Top 3 stain removers

Effective and inexpensive products that help remove wine stains from textiles:

  1. Vanish Oxi Action Gold Gel . The cost of 0.45 liters of detergent is about 170 rubles. The composition is suitable for both hand and machine wash. Apply the product to the stain, rub, and leave for 10 minutes. Then the item is washed with the addition of gel.
  2. Sarma. This is an inexpensive powder that has stain remover properties. It is used for washing colored and white items. The cost of the powder is about 70 rubles per pack of 0.45 kg. To get rid of stains, the item needs to be soaked for 2 hours. The powder is active at temperatures of 30 degrees and above.
  3. Bos plus . This is one of the most budget stain removers. Its cost is about 40 rubles per package. The composition is used for both hand and machine washing. The item is soaked for 20 minutes in a powder solution (55 g per 10 liters of water), and then washed.

You can purchase any of the stain removers listed in the store, in the household chemicals department.

Other effective ways

There are other methods for removing stains from clothes, practiced at home. Some cope well with freshly spilled wine, while others effectively remove dried stains.

How to remove red wine from jeans

MeansFor what casesRecipe
Medical alcoholFor old stains
  • pour 50 ml of alcohol into a shallow bowl;
  • diluted with water (1 ml);
  • Having moistened a piece of fabric with liquid, rub it on the stain;
  • pants are washed immediately
Ammonia-vodka compositionFor jeans that cannot be machine washed
  • vodka (60 ml) is poured into a cup;
  • add glycerin (10 ml) and mix thoroughly;
  • pour in ammonia (10 ml);
  • moisten a cotton swab with liquid and treat the contaminated area of ​​the trousers;
  • after a few minutes, wipe the problem area with a damp cloth
Milk (or fermented milk product)For processing white items
  • soak the stain generously with milk;
  • After waiting for several minutes, rub the contaminated area with your hands;
  • rinse in cold water;
  • the procedure is repeated 4-5 times;
  • At the final stage, hot water is used for rinsing

When treating wine stains on jeans, you cannot use different products at the same time. If one method does not work, the trousers should first be washed, dried, and only then another option should be used.

Tips for cleaning colored items

More capricious colored items require careful handling during cleaning activities. Do not use products with bleaching properties or hot water.

From the arsenal of folk recipes, you can use the following resulting option. Dissolve potassium permanganate in water until a light pink tint appears. Strain through double gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from getting on clothes.

Potassium permangantsovka

Wet the stain for 2 minutes. Then dissolve hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water - 1 tsp. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and remove all remaining dirt along with the brown tint from potassium permanganate.

Allows you to remove a stain, maintaining and even enhancing the saturation of the color tone, vinegar (9%), 2 tbsp. l. which is poured into a liter of water. Wet the brush and carefully remove the stains.

Precautions when removing stains

When removing stains even with simple household products, you need to be careful, adhering to the following rules:

  1. To use boiling water, you will need an assistant. One person stretches his trousers over the container, the other carefully pours a stream of hot water over the contamination from a height of 30 cm. There is a risk of scalding yourself and your partner.
  2. When using vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, try to ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.
  3. When soaking jeans for a long time, do not use boiling water. Under the influence of high temperatures, dirt is more strongly absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. There is also a risk that the trousers will shrink.


Helpful information:

  • When starting the process of removing wine stains, you need to take care of your own safety by protecting the skin of your hands with gloves;
  • When cleaning stains from wine, you need to move from the center of the stain towards its edges;
  • Before you begin removing stains using a new product, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric;
  • When using odorous substances, for example, ammonia, you need to ventilate the room well and cover your mouth and nose with a mask.

You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products here.

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