Cactus - amulet or energy vampire? Why can't you keep cacti at home?

Growing succulent plants at home is not difficult. Many people buy pots of cacti and succulents for home because these exotic crops are unpretentious and serve as excellent interior decoration. Some types of succulents have useful and medicinal qualities and can relieve many ailments and ailments. You need to be careful with other flowers, since their plant sap contains toxic substances that can cause harm to humans. Succulents are of great importance for the home, but you need to know which plants are useful to grow indoors and which ones should be avoided.

The main differences between succulents and other flowers

What does the word "succulent" mean? The name "succulent" comes from the Latin language and means "succulent". And, indeed, succulents have thick, juicy, fleshy leaves and trunks. Perennials have their own characteristics and distinctive features, thanks to which you can determine whether a flower belongs to the category of succulents or not. Succulents are unpretentious plants, but require some care. Some gardeners are concerned about how long succulents live.

Crassula portulacea, Peperomia fire sparks and Gasteria batesiana

Interesting fact! In nature, succulents and cacti can live for a hundred years. At home, with proper care, a succulent flower can live 30–50 years.

Signs of succulent flowers:

  1. The habitat of most succulents is hot African regions, arid areas. The exotic culture can be found on rocky and sandy soils.
  2. Succulents are characterized by dense, fleshy leaf plates that can accumulate and retain moisture for a long time. Thanks to this property, African plants can go without watering for a long time and tolerate prolonged drought.
  3. All succulents are divided into two broad categories: stem and leaf. Stem crops are characterized by the absence of leaves; instead, the plants have spines. A prominent representative of stem plants is the cactus. Leaf crops have dense and thick leaf plates. The trunk may be pronounced (crassula, aloe) or absent altogether (echeveria).
  4. Succulents can be shrubby (sedum), tree-like (some types of Crassula) or ampelous (Morgana sedum). All species grow well both in the natural environment and in home or garden conditions.
  5. Some succulents have unusual colors. Leaf blades can be not only green, but also silver, brown, yellowish, and bluish.
  6. Almost all succulents are easy to grow. However, they do not tolerate excess moisture well.

A similar sign

Succulents are the easiest plants to grow. They are unpretentious, and their thick leaves store water reserves for a long time. I thought this was “my” plant when I decided to buy my first crassula. But at that time I knew little about these plants, the peculiarities of their cultivation and much more. My friend, whose main hobby then and to this day is Feng Shui, told me a lot of interesting things about succulents.

Temperature and flowering

Tropical culture has become accustomed to different temperature conditions. In summer, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 25 °C. In winter, the temperature should be 15-18°C and not fall below 10°C.

Attention! Rowley's variegated ragwort does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. In a cold room, heat-loving grass will freeze and die.

The succulent blooms in spring and summer. If you look closely at the photo of Rowley's ragwort, you will notice that the flower has small white inflorescences.

Beliefs and superstitions associated with “female happiness”

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the dollar tree for the home. In order for an African plant to “thank” its owner, you need to constantly take care of it, talk to it, and monitor its condition and appearance. A healthy, well-groomed and tidy plant will not only delight household members with its spectacular appearance, but also with positive energy.

Why is Zamioculcas called the “flower of celibacy”

Some plant growers are very puzzled by the question, why is Zamioculcas called that? After all, the same zamioculcas is called “women’s happiness.” Opinions about the names are divided. Some people believe that single girls should not keep a succulent at home, otherwise they will never get married, hence the name “celibacy flower.” Others, on the contrary, believe that this particular flower can bring love and children into the life of a single woman.

There are many signs associated with the Zamioculcas flower for women and girls. Married, loving couples can safely place zamioculcas in the bedroom. An exotic flower cannot destroy a strong love connection between a man and a woman.

What can be done to ensure that a perennial succulent becomes a woman’s happiness for a girl, and does not destroy her family life?

Single women should not purchase zamioculcas (celibacy flower) for money. It is necessary that the succulent be donated by another woman who has been happily married for a long time. Only a gifted succulent can bring happiness, love and family into the life of a single woman.

Benefits of the dollar tree

How is the dollar tree useful? Zamioculcas is also known for its good side. The succulent is an excellent air purifier, so some people recommend keeping a pot of the exotic plant in the bedroom or living room. Scientists have also proven that the dollar tree increases performance and promotes concentration.

On various forums you can find multiple reviews about the Zamioculcas flower and signs associated with it for the home. It's not for nothing that the succulent is called a dollar tree. It will bring financial well-being to its owners, promises good luck in financial matters, and promotes career advancement.

Zamioculcas are often placed according to Feng Shui in large offices, companies, and banks. The Zamioculcas plant has powerful monetary energy.

Briefly about care

  1. Watering. In spring and summer, water once a week. In winter, reduce the amount of watering to once every two weeks.
  2. Illumination. The grass is light-loving and can wither if there is not enough light.
  3. Air humidity. The tropical crop tolerates both humid and dry air.
  4. Temperature conditions. The air temperature of the home where the flower is located should not be higher than 25 °C and lower than 10 °C.
  5. Bloom. “Strings of Pearls” begins to bloom in spring and summer. White succulent inflorescences.
  6. Transfer. It is recommended to replant the grass approximately once a year.
  7. Trimming. The plant does not grow too quickly, so shoots should be trimmed rarely, as needed.
  8. Priming. For a succulent, a combination of humus, peat, and sand is suitable.
  9. Fertilizers. During flowering, the crop needs additional feeding. There is no need to fertilize the grass during the dormant season.
  10. Reproduction. Cuttings, seeds and layering.
  11. Diseases. Powdery mildew and gray rot.
  12. Pests. Spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, thrips.

Benefits of Succulent Plants

Many gardeners breed and grow all kinds of plants at home, but some prefer succulent specimens. Why do so many people prefer succulents?

  1. A succulent plant can go without water for a long time. Such perennials can be left at home when going on vacation. Flowers will not dry out or wither without watering for several weeks. Exotic crops are able to accumulate a certain amount of moisture in their leaves and stems, so it is difficult to “dry” a succulent.
  2. Cacti and other succulents live for a very long time, even in apartment conditions. The lifespan of such flowers is about fifty years with proper care. The flower becomes a member of the family.
  3. Most representatives of succulent flowers are miniature in size, so such flowers will not take up much space in the apartment and will fit even on the smallest windowsill.
  4. Succulents require little care and are easy to propagate. Succulent plants can be propagated using shoots (cuttings) or leaves. Succulents and cacti are also less susceptible to diseases than other flowers.
  5. Exotic, perennial crops often delight household members with long and abundant flowering. Some crops bloom very rarely (aloe), but the flowering of succulents and cacti is striking in its beauty.
  6. The variety of succulent plants allows you to purchase a specific flower, based on your tastes and preferences. You can buy prickly varieties or ones with smooth, wide leaves. You can also grow hanging or tree-like succulents at home.
  7. Scientists have proven that succulent plants are not only beautiful, but also useful. Some types of succulents emit special substances that can purify the air in a room, making it better. There is also an opinion that succulent crops reduce stress, so they are well suited for office spaces.

You will definitely find your succulent

Just imagine: one name unites a whole bouquet of completely different plants.
The only thing they have in common is the ability to go without water for some time. The most famous succulents are cacti. You can choose the classic rebutia or echinocactus, tephrocactus articulatatus with “paper” spines, fluffy espostoa or another type.

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Echinocactus. Photo: 165106 / Pixabay

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Rebutia. Photo: eliver22/Pixabay

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Tephrocactus articulatatus. Photo: Christer Johansson/Wikimedia Commons

Crassula is not inferior to them in popularity. Some species of this plant are even nicknamed money trees for their coin-like leaves.

Crassula the Hobbit (left). Photo: sweetlouise/Pixabay

Another popular succulent that surprises with its variety of species is Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe. Photo: MicEnin / Depositphotos

Other unusual representatives of succulents are Lithops. They are also called living stones.

Living stones. Photo: lobster20/Depositphotos

They are quite small in size, but look quite impressive, especially in compositions.

Take proper care

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