Cleaning the hookah correctly - immortal truths and new trends

Still boiling? Then we go to you!

First, let’s find out what you can and cannot use to wash your hookah. Firstly, you should not use all sorts of chemicals, which can simply remain on all the components (you understand that smoking later will not be pleasant) or damage the equipment, thanks to its “magic” composition. Use food ingredients that are approved by housewives who monitor the naturalness and safety of substances when washing dishes - this is mustard powder, salt, soda, citric acid or lemon juice, rice or buckwheat as an abrasive to clean the flask.

Secondly, get sponges of different hardness and brushes of different sizes: a long and thin one for cleaning the shaft (sometimes a hose), a larger brush for removing deposits on the walls of the flask.

Washing powder

Housewives who are not afraid to use household chemicals when washing plates and cups sometimes use washing powder for these purposes.

Method 1

Dissolve equal amounts of powder and dry bleach in a large container of hot water, soak the items that require cleaning, and leave for 3 hours. Then wash each vessel with a washcloth and rinse thoroughly. After washing like this, the plates will look like new.

Method 2

Heavily soiled ceramics can be boiled. Place everything in a large saucepan or basin with hot water, pour a few tablespoons of washing powder and soda into it. Put it on fire. Boil for 0.5–1 hour. After this treatment, there is no need to wash things, just rinse thoroughly.

Choose a method that you like and use it to keep your ceramic cookware clean. After all, plaque not only spoils the appearance of ceramic products, but can also negatively affect the health of all family members.

Washing the hookah bowl

There is no clear answer to how to wash a bowl. It all depends on its material - clay, ceramics, silicone. One of the most common holivars is between adherents of washing bowls with water and dry cleaning. This primarily applies to clay bowls, since the material is porous and absorbs liquid well, including tobacco syrups. It is best to wrap the bowl in napkins after smoking to remove excess moisture, and remove the carbon deposits with a knife or iron sponge - this way it will last longer. Even if you wash a clay bowl under water, first remove the remaining resins and syrup so that it does not mix with moisture and be absorbed into the walls. There are also owners of clay bowls who prefer another element - fire. Firing in leftover coals or with a gas burner completely eliminates the smell of previous fillings and does not harm the bowl in any way.

As for ceramic, glass, and silicone bowls, they can also be washed well with water. Clay ones have quite a lot of advantages over their counterparts in terms of smoking, not washing. Therefore, most tobacconists give them greater preference and are ready to go to some trouble with cleaning.

How to prevent plaque from appearing

There is a simple way to prevent the appearance of soot. It is not a 100% guarantee, but in some cases it will help avoid serious cleaning. Before refueling the hookah, just lightly blot the tobacco leaves with a paper napkin - it will absorb excess juice. The chance that the impregnation will accidentally leak and burn is minimized.

The disadvantage of this method is that not all types of tobacco can be squeezed out. For example, impregnation of musassel ensures thick smoke and durability of the hookah. Without it, smoking properties will deteriorate significantly.

How to remove dirt from a bowl

To clean the bowl, you definitely need a hard sponge. You can use regular cookware, but it should have one rough side. You just need to carefully scrub off all the dirt from the bowl under warm water and soap. If this does not help, you can first soak the bowl in hot water and then rub it with a sponge.

Please note that under no circumstances should you clean the bowl with a tin sponge. It will only damage the clay or soft silicone. Also, do not use caustic chemicals. The best option is regular hand soap; for glazed clay, a delicate dishwashing detergent is suitable.

Useful tips

There are several simple tricks that will help maximize the life of your hookah bowl:

  • Washing is necessary after each use. Due to the porosity of the material, clay models absorb odors well, so they especially need regular cleaning.
  • Cover the bottom of the bowl with foil and simply throw it away after the smoking session. This will help keep the part clean without further cleaning.
  • Buy a special screen for the bowl - it is sold in every hookah store. It's more professional than using foil.

If you follow all these tips and constantly care for the bowl, it will not require replacement for a long time.

#tobacco #hookah tobacco #hookah accessories


How to clean a flask from plaque from the inside

It is not difficult to wash the hookah flask and there is no great need to do it in the dishwasher (by the way, is it even possible to wash a hookah in the dishwasher - just the flask and only in gentle mode). But let’s not reinvent the wheel; ordinary soda can handle the stain.

  1. Let the flask cool.
  2. Pour hot water and add baking soda (if very dirty, add lemon juice).
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wash the inside of the flask without pouring it out with a special brush.
  5. Rinse with clean water.

Both soda and citric acid are a great way to wash your hookah so that there is no smell! Unlike dishwashing detergents, which will only add them.

If you don't have a suitable brush, throw a rag or sponge inside the flask. Since your hand is unlikely to fit through, you will need something long enough (a tube, a stick) to guide the cleaning cloth. A less common alternative is rice or buckwheat, which, when shaken, can also remove plaque (we haven’t tried it, but they say it helps).

How to wash a hookah so that there is no smell left

The hookah shaft is cleaned in a similar way to cleaning rubber hoses:

  1. Take a hookah mine
  2. Rinse it with either water or baking soda
  3. Use a brush or fishing line with a rag (that is, one, securing the rag in the middle of the fishing line, insert the fishing line from the top of the shaft to the bottom
  4. Rinse the clean part
  5. Dry thoroughly

When eliminating old unpleasant odors, many hookah lovers make a grave mistake. They are trying to cover up the smell of past tobacco with the “noble aromas” of chemicals. Let me remind you that this, as a rule, leads to poisoning and damage to the hookah. Then the question is: How to clean a hookah to eliminate extraneous aromas?

In my opinion, the most effective way to eliminate unwanted odors is to clean the hookah with citric acid. Pour the lemon juice solution immediately after treatment with soda concentrate. The product delivers a double blow: it kills odors and destroys harmful bacteria.

Hookah chimney sweeps, or how to clean the shaft and hose

The most proven way to clean a hookah shaft is to use a long brush with fine bristles. It wouldn’t hurt to also pour baking soda inside before doing this. Clean the shaft well on both sides (don’t forget about the valve holes), then simply rinse with water.

With a hose, everything is much simpler if it is silicone: pour water inside, after holding one of the ends with your finger, swirl it and pour it out. You can simply rinse thoroughly with a stream of running water. Leather hoses are treated more carefully; they are cleaned using the blowing method or dry with a brush.

Saucers, caps, pads, mouthpieces and other small hookah components can be washed without any special tricks: soak, clean (do not use household chemicals), dry before smoking again. The main thing to remember is the materials from which the components are made. So, with a clear conscience, you can wash your personal silicone and glass mouthpieces with water. If you prefer a wooden mouthpiece, it is best to simply clean it.

All this also applies to flasks, hoses and other things. Check, so to speak, whether your hookah is encrusted with precious stones, whether there are silver or gold parts somewhere, perhaps the hose is covered with velvet or silk - then the cleaning methods will be different.

We looked at generally accepted and, most importantly, effective methods. However, as many hookah lovers as there are, there are as many opinions. Many come up with their own, quite effective lifehacks and willingly share them. For example, in one of the videos about how to properly clean a hookah, guys from Kyiv use a steamer:

And there is also a great way to smoke a hookah at home and not have to wash anything afterwards: use our services in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi - we will deliver the hookah to your home, provide everything you need, and upon completion we will pick it up and clean it yourself. Smoky and clean hookahs to you!

Preparation before first use

The first use should be approached responsibly, since if started incorrectly, the part may need to be replaced. In order for the cup to serve you for a long time and retain its performance properties, it should be properly prepared, following our recommendations:

  1. Any bowl should be washed in warm water: dirt, dust and remnants of production elements that got onto the part during manufacturing can accumulate on it.
  2. After washing, it is necessary to dry it by wiping it with a cloth and placing it in a dry place. Do not rush to fill the bowl with tobacco, as impatience can work against you.
  3. Clay cups, like ceramic ones, are soaked in warm water. To do this, the device is immersed in liquid for several minutes, after which it is dried in the sun. This procedure reduces the risk of cracks and helps maintain the performance properties of the product.
  4. Do not overdo the temperatures when filling the bowl. Start with one coal, and increase the amount of raw material every few minutes. Please remember that sudden temperature changes can cause damage.
  5. After smoking a hookah, coals and tobacco must be removed. Wait for the cup to cool in the air before immersing it in water.
  6. After the part has cooled, rinse it with warm water, then dry it and store it for the next session.

Based on the tips presented when using the cup for the first time, you will not have to buy a new device. If you decide to ignore at least one of the rules, the product may immediately deteriorate.

Method one

Burning the cup involves heating it.

It is necessary to place the bowl on the stove, strictly with the leg up . The temperature should be such that the syrup boils. After this, it will begin to burn out, standing out. This is highly effective, removing unwanted substances almost 100%.

Important! This method cannot be used indoors , as it is accompanied by the release of smoke and a specific odor, which is a significant disadvantage of this method. Therefore, using a barbecue would be a good option.

How to hammer a smoky hookah: 6 basic rules and 5 secrets

  1. Take the block with a pair of tongs and light one of the corners with a match or lighter. Since the coal will sparkle, you should go out to the balcony or stand by the window.
  2. Always use the tongs that come with most hookahs to light or move the coals. We do not recommend using kitchen tongs as they may be coated with a polymer to provide a non-stick coating for cooking and easy cleaning. These tongs are not intended for contact with coals.
  3. When the coal begins to sparkle and emit smoke, light another side. The charcoal should continue to sparkle until it is all bright orange.
  4. If the charcoal still has a few black spots that won't burn, blow on it to warm it up.

Place the coals on foil. For perfectly even heating, cover the top with a cap, or a homemade one made from foil. To prevent the ashes from scattering, we will add sides. For even heating, place the coal on the edges of the bowl; for quick lighting, place it in the center. Next, we check how well it smokes, what the intensity of the heat is. We do not allow combustion.

General rules of care

In order for the hookah to retain its primary characteristics, after use you need to rinse not only the bowl, but also other components :

  • flask;
  • hose;
  • mine.

The bowl is the most difficult to clean, which is why we will talk about it. There are several types of cups, based on the material of manufacture (clay,

glazed (ceramic),


They have some differences in care, but the cleansing model will be common.

Preventive measures and tips for hookah care

  • After washing all the parts, they need to be dried thoroughly, only then collected for further use.
  • It is necessary to rinse the device after each smoking, and carry out thorough cleaning at least after 5-6 smokings.
  • For washing you should use only safe products.
  • After using a hookah, you must immediately remove the liquid from the flask, otherwise its contents will settle on the walls of the vessel.
  • After the procedures, dry all parts with a paper towel, leaving them in a horizontal position until completely dry.
  • The tubes are hung vertically.
  • Hookah should be smoked in its pure form. This way it conveys the fullness of the taste and aroma of tobacco.

Following simple rules will help get rid of the smell and bitter taste in the hookah. In addition, remaining on the walls of the vessel, fumes can lead to disastrous results and respiratory diseases.

After washing, the device is left disassembled to dry completely for a day. The structure is then reassembled and reused. After proper washing, you can enjoy high-quality smoking, aromatic smoke and a pleasant taste of tobacco.

How often and why to change a hookah bowl

Responsible for heating the tobacco, the bowl transmits and reveals its taste in its entirety. This is why the hookah bowl needs to be replaced periodically. Over time, it becomes damaged or simply becomes unusable , despite regular cleaning. Whether it is a year or just two months, the vessel can be replaced at different frequencies.

The main sign of replacing a device is damage to its integrity . This does not mean that when the first crack appears, you should take a new thing. Sometimes, after its occurrence, the vessel can still serve without letting in extraneous odors and tastes. When there are several cracks and a change in the quality of smoking is noticed, it is worth purchasing a new accessory.

Even if the bowl has been serving for many months and performs well in use, it sometimes needs to be changed. In this case, an alarming sign is unremovable fumes. It may not change the smoking experience, but the vessel can no longer be used.

On average, the bowl lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Thus, the hookah bowl is an important component of the device. By providing proper care, you can not only maintain the quality of smoking, but also extend the period of preservation of the vessel itself.

How to properly rinse a bowl after smoking

It is recommended to clean the bowl after each use of the hookah . To clean a vessel, there is a correct procedure that allows you to do it as best as possible:

  1. The first step is to throw away the tobacco and wipe the surface with a dry cloth to remove any remaining small particles. The device must already be cooled down . For clay or thick-walled bowls, initial rinsing under direct running water is allowed. Important! Glass and glazed products will not withstand such a procedure, bursting under pressure .
  2. Then you should wipe the bowl with a damp cloth, even if the bowl is clay and has previously been exposed to water.

Rinse the hose

Only plastic tubes can be washed, and metal ones will have to be replaced with new ones.

For cleaning you will need a container, fishing line and a clean cloth. First, the hose is soaked in a citric acid solution for 10 minutes. Then a piece of fabric is tied to a fishing line 2-3 times longer than the hose itself (approximately in the middle of the segment). Pull the fishing line through the tube and pull so that the rag from one end comes out through the other. If the fabric is heavily soiled, replace it with a new one. Do this until the internal surfaces of the hose are completely cleaned. Then connect the tube to the water tap and rinse for several minutes.

Dry in a vertical position, hanging so that water can drain freely from the walls.

Mine cleaning

You can clean a hookah without a brush, but this will require some skill and does not allow you to completely remove plaque and germs. You will need a piece of thin elastic fabric and a knitting needle or Chinese food stick. You need to wrap a rag around a knitting needle, wet it and soap it. Gently push it into the neck of the shaft and clean it using back-and-forth movements. After removing the knitting needle, rinse the shaft with running water.

To clean the mine with a brush, first prepare a cleaning solution: mix 1 part citric acid with 4 parts heated water. Scoop up this mixture with a brush and treat all contaminated surfaces. Rinse thoroughly.

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