How to dry pumpkin seeds in the oven, microwave and electric dryer?

AnyutaN — Dec 21st, 2016 Category: Dried vegetables

Tags: Dried seeds

Pumpkin seeds are very tasty and healthy. They contain a lot of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, teeth and nails. Also, the seeds of this vegetable contain substances that help fight male sexual diseases at an early stage. The maximum concentration of nutrients is contained in the raw product, but such seeds cannot be stored for a long time, as they quickly begin to rot and deteriorate. The best way to preserve seeds for a long time is to dry them.

Ingredients: pumpkin seeds Time to add: Autumn

Of course, ready-made dry seeds can be bought at any store, but a product prepared independently will bring much more benefits to the body, since the drying process will be completely under your control. We will talk in detail about how to properly dry pumpkin seeds at home in this article.

general information

As you know, pumpkin is a very healthy product. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all in what form it is used - fresh, dried, or you are preparing something from a frozen product. What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds? She is well known.

Pumpkin seeds help improve the condition of the scalp, preventing dandruff, and have a good effect on the skin, nails and teeth, since they contain a large amount of essential calcium .

Pumpkin seeds cope with male sexual diseases , improving the condition of organs at the initial stage of the disease. This is why pumpkin seeds are so popular.

But don’t forget that they are incredibly tasty and serve as an excellent addition to any prepared dish.

Growing pumpkins in your garden is not difficult at all. But this alone is not enough to obtain such valuable seeds. It is also very important to properly harvest the crop and choose a method for preserving it.

We will tell you how to preserve pumpkin seeds at home without losing their precious vitamins .

Pumpkin seeds are a source of vitamins

The first and most proven method in this case is drying. It is thanks to her that we can enjoy the pleasant and favorite taste from childhood even in winter.

Composition of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are characterized by a rich chemical composition. They are rich in zinc. This substance is very beneficial for men's health. In addition, the product contains oleic acid (or omega-9). This component is necessary for cleansing blood vessels, improving lymphatic drainage, preventing varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

The seeds also contain vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant substance. Retinol, folic acid, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, and vitamin K were found in them.

As for the mineral composition, it is probably difficult to say what substances are not in the seeds. They contain almost the entire periodic table. The most valuable elements found in this delicacy are sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. In addition, iodine, selenium, and molybdenum are present.

A special place is occupied by saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The protein contained in pumpkin seeds also has great benefits. By the way, there is more of it here compared to meat, seafood, dairy products and eggs.

Benefit or harm?

Is it possible to dry pumpkin seeds? Pumpkin seeds have been dried for centuries. Even in ancient Russia, seeds were a favorite delicacy and were used no worse than sunflower seeds. Today in stores you can also see hundreds of colorful packages of seeds.

This means that you can dry the seeds, the main thing is to do it correctly . Many people try to use the easiest way - they simply leave the seeds in the sun for a long time. During this time, the moisture evaporates and the seeds become completely suitable for consumption.

However, remember that sunlight can negatively affect seeds, thereby causing them to lose important vitamins . Therefore, use proven methods, as well as devices that were given to us by the latest technologies of our century.

What is the benefit or harm to the body from dried pumpkin seeds? Dried pumpkin seeds retain all their nutrients . They are no worse than fresh ones and can have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, thereby saving you from a number of problems and diseases .

But in order for the seeds to be suitable for consumption, and therefore bring only benefits, you need to know the basic rules for drying them. Today we will introduce you to all stages of this process.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have not only a pleasant taste, but also beneficial properties. Pumpkin seeds are an extremely popular product in salads and baked goods.

The seeds are also very successful in vegetarian cuisine, since their benefits to the body cannot be overestimated. Pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of minerals, trace elements, as well as protein and carbohydrate compounds.

The most important advantage of the seeds is the increased content of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole, and specifically on the reproductive system. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of calories, because in 100 g. product is about 550 kcal.

Basic Rules

How to dry pumpkin seeds at home? How to prepare them for drying? A very important point in drying seeds is their proper preparation .

You must know how to properly extract the seeds and in what form to bring them to direct drying. Let's start with the fact that the seeds are in the very heart of the pumpkin - in its pulp .

Pumpkin seeds are perfectly separated from the pulp - the most important thing is not to damage them . You should cut the pumpkin carefully so that most of the seeds are not cut.

You can remove pumpkin seeds with a spoon.

Also remember that the seeds must be white and firm to the touch - otherwise, your seeds are unripe . Also remember that pumpkin seeds should not be rotten , like the pumpkin fruit itself (this is especially true if the pumpkin is stored indoors).

Once you are sure that your vegetable meets all the necessary requirements , you can begin to cut off the top of the pumpkin. You will see the pulp on which many seeds are attached. Carefully separating the change from the pulp, begin to disconnect them.

The seeds should not be crushed or otherwise deformed - otherwise they can no .

Once you have removed all the seeds from the pumpkin, rinse them . Place the seeds in a colander and run under running cold water , rinsing until the seeds lose their viscosity. Only after this can you consider that you have prepared the seeds correctly. (The leftover pumpkin can be used for food or as Halloween decorations).

The next step is to dry the seeds . To do this, thoroughly blot the spread seeds and cover with a towel. Press the fabric with your hand to absorb moisture . Leave the tray in a dry place for several hours until the moisture leaves the seeds. After this, you can proceed to the drying process.

You can learn how to prepare seeds for drying from the video:

Stages of preparing seeds for drying at home

Any variety of pumpkin is suitable for harvesting pumpkin seeds, both those grown in the garden for food and those that are used as animal feed. You can even use wild varieties of pumpkin, since the seeds of vegetables specially grown in the garden or accidentally found somewhere in a field are no different from each other in their taste. Only in size: wild pumpkin seeds are slightly smaller.

After purchasing or growing a vegetable, you need to cut it in half and pull out the “middle”, which is where the seeds are stored.

The remaining pumpkin pulp can be used for various culinary dishes, as well as for making juice or compote. After cutting the pumpkin, the seeds should be rinsed under running water and the drying process begins.

Device selection

How to dry pumpkin seeds? If you approach the issue of drying without any experience in this matter, then you may encounter some problem . For example, different sources indicate different devices that are involved in the drying process and it is very difficult to decide on them.

So, for example, if we talk about drying seeds, then you can choose an oven, frying pan, microwave, convection oven or electric dryer . It all depends on the result you want to see in the end.

Of course, drying involves a process in which the result should be ready-made seeds that would not only taste good, but also have a whole host of vitamins.

For each device separately there are a number of rules regarding drying.

Drying seeds in the oven

How to prepare pumpkin seeds

  1. Carefully cut the fruit from the side using leisurely movements so as not to damage the seeds.
  2. We separate them from the mesh of pulp that holds them and dry them - blot them with a napkin and cover them, pressing them with your hand. If desired, you can rinse with cold water and place in a colander.
  3. Take the workpieces to a dry, well-ventilated area. The air temperature should not exceed 16 degrees.
  4. When the moisture has completely evaporated, start drying.

To make the seeds “breathe”, try putting them in special bags - for example, paper or cotton. Do not use plastic bags, otherwise condensation will form in them.


How to dry pumpkin seeds? At what temperature? Depending on which appliance you use, the drying temperature may vary. The frying pan is suitable for those who want to enjoy sunflower seeds, well roasted, with a light golden brown crust.

The frying pan should be kept on medium heat , but if you are using a hob, then bring the temperature to 100 - 120 degrees and stir periodically so that one of the sides of the seed does not burn.

The exposure time for seeds should not exceed fifteen minutes . Do not let the seeds lie on one side for a long time. The skin can burn very quickly. If desired, the seeds can be salted - this will add a pleasant taste during consumption.

If we are talking about an air fryer , then it is recommended to dry the seeds in it at a temperature of 60 degrees. Drying in the air fryer will take about thirty minutes.

running fan in the device increases the heat significantly, so this fact must be taken into account.

Drying in an electric dryer is possible at a temperature of 80 degrees with occasional stirring. Drying in an electric dryer on medium trays will take about an hour.

The main thing to remember is that such drying can lead to the most incredible results if you leave the seeds on the top or bottom tray. As a rule, this is fraught with either the seed not drying or burning.

How to dry pumpkin seeds in the oven? Oven drying involves heating at a temperature of 60 - 80 degrees. If the seeds are too large and fleshy, then the temperature can be raised to one hundred degrees .

Well dried seeds

When drying in the oven, the seeds must be placed on a baking sheet in a very thin layer and stirred periodically . Only then will the seeds be truly tasty and dried.

The exposure time for seeds in the oven ranges from 20 to 30 minutes . In this case, the baking sheet should be exactly in the middle of the oven.

How to dry pumpkin seeds in the microwave? in a microwave oven as follows: placing the seeds in a thin layer in a special oven-safe dish, you should set the oven to 600 watts . Generally, microwave drying time is twenty minutes .

How to dry pumpkin seeds at home? You will learn how to dry pumpkin seeds in the oven with spices

How to Air Dry Pumpkin Seeds

Drying pumpkin seeds in natural conditions is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to prepare a healthy product. To do this, sprinkle the seeds in a thin layer on a tray, baking sheet or other surface covered with a sheet of baking parchment.

Leave the seeds to dry for several days. Remember to cover them with gauze or a thin cloth to protect them from insects. At night and in humid weather, the tray should be moved indoors.

To check drying, try breaking the shell - it should become brittle and separate well from the kernel.

How to determine readiness?

How to properly dry pumpkin seeds? The readiness of the seeds is determined as follows. Firstly, this is an appearance test. Roll the cooled seed in your hands. It should have a slightly yellow tint the outline should be clearly visible .

the transparent film should peel off from the seed . The color of the inside of the seed should be dark green , with white splashes.

If you taste the seed, remember that it should not be wet, have a specific taste and crunch on your teeth.

Use in folk medicine

Pumpkin seeds are used as a proven folk remedy for getting rid of intestinal parasites [11]. For many centuries, people have been fighting worms in this way; in particular, even your doctor can advise you to use them as a safe means of getting rid of parasites.

Pumpkin seeds do not contain substances that are found in pharmacological drugs and that can cause side effects. This means that pumpkin seeds for worms are an excellent natural and completely safe remedy for both adults and children. They contain cucurbitin (a toxin that kills parasites), but in small doses it is completely safe for humans.

The simplest folk method of treating parasites: take 300 grams of dried pumpkin seeds, chop them, add a little honey and eat small portions within an hour on an empty stomach. After 4 hours, you need to take a mild laxative, preferably a natural one, like castor oil.

The seeds can also help with various diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is best to combine them with hemp seeds in a 1:1 ratio. Compresses are also good for these purposes, for which you need to crush a certain amount of seeds into powder, add crushed flax seeds, add a little water and apply to the kidney area. For a wide range of diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys, including cystitis, the following remedy helps well: 50 grams of seeds should be thoroughly crushed, add 20 grams of sugar and 80 grams of water. The resulting product should be taken a little before meals. It will help relieve inflammation and improve the condition of the genitourinary system as a whole [12].

In addition, a decoction of pumpkin seeds helps to calm down, relieve tension and reduce stress levels. This is a great help if you have insomnia or restless sleep.

Some pharmacological preparations are created on the basis of pumpkin seeds; in particular, there are medicines made on the basis of pumpkin oil. They are used for the same purposes as pumpkin seeds: to support the biliary tract, to treat infections, to maintain normal liver health, or to treat metabolic disorders.


How to store pumpkin seeds? This should be done in a dark and most importantly dry place. This is the key to preserving vitamins in them. themselves must be dry Do not store seeds in wet containers.

You can use canvas bags to store seeds

Drying seeds is not a very complicated process; on the contrary, it is fast, exciting, and most importantly delicious .

Therefore, prepare yourself some healthy vitamins for the winter and enjoy them with joy in the cold.

When to collect seeds, how to choose suitable raw materials

Choose only healthy pumpkins. This vitamin-rich vegetable is harvested in the second ten days of September. The color must be uniform and the shape correct. Plant only pumpkins that are intended for seed. It is advisable to choose a place for it away from other plants.

Collect seeds from fruits ripened before frost and stored for storage. Keep the cut pumpkin indoors for at least a month, and only then start cutting it. Large, light-colored seeds with a hard, elastic core are suitable for drying. Dark seeds should not be eaten. If they are soft and rotten, it is better to throw them away.


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Who is recommended to use this product?

Pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on the body, so they are recommended for people suffering from various diseases. They have a therapeutic effect when:

  • gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers to relieve pain and normalize acidity in the form of decoctions and infusions;
  • intestinal dysfunction as a mild laxative and to eliminate flatulence;
  • disorders of the liver - as a cleanser;
  • chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

The antiparasitic properties of pumpkin seeds are widely known - they are used to expel worms. For hemorrhoids, pumpkin oil is used externally. The seeds are also useful for hypertension and various diseases of the cardiovascular system, because they:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • reduce the risk of thrombosis and arrhythmia.

The seeds have a wide range of therapeutic effects on various organ systems. They are useful in treating:

  • inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  • nervous disorders (insomnia, memory loss, depression);
  • impaired bone strength (osteoporosis);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • burns;
  • Avitaza.

This unique product is widely used in the treatment of various disorders in men and women. The therapeutic effect is ensured by the presence of large doses of zinc and phosphorus in the fatty acids. Zinc takes part in the production of sex hormones and prevents malignant neoplasms in the prostate gland of men and the ovaries of women.

Pumpkin seeds are also used for seasickness. Anyone who suffers from motion sickness in transport is recommended to take them on the road. The use of the product in dermatology and cosmetology is widely known. With high doses of zinc, essential for healthy skin, it treats:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • burns;
  • acne;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • relieves puffiness under the eyes;
  • restores skin turgor and its elasticity.

When to include pumpkin seeds in your diet

The consumption of seeds is recommended for almost everyone. For a growing body, children and adolescents, the product is useful for growth, rapid healing of wounds, and proper functioning of the stomach. As mentioned earlier, thanks to the seeds, pregnant women cope with toxicosis and heartburn. For pensioners, consuming pumpkin products is a must. After all, they normalize blood pressure, fight osteoporosis, protect the heart from disease, and are a preventative against diabetes.

Improved bones and immunity

Zinc is an important mineral that plays an important role in the functioning of the body. For example, it supports immunity. The list of systems and organs in the functioning of which zinc is involved can be continued for a very long time.


Pumpkin seeds, along with oysters and sesame seeds, are among the top three foods rich in this mineral. A handful (about 30 g) contains 70% of the daily requirement.

Among other things, zinc restores bone density and prevents osteoporosis, helps with joint inflammation, normalizes digestion and lowers cholesterol, and promotes weight loss.

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