The best options for cleaning silver fox fur and removing yellowness at home

The luxurious fur of the silver fox is famous for its incredible softness and variety of shades. Fur connoisseurs are unanimous in the opinion that not every type of wool can compete with it. The skins of these animals are ideal for sewing hats, muffs, sheepskin coats and fur coats. Until recently, things made from them were so expensive that only a few could afford to buy them. Nowadays, predators are bred industrially, and it is much easier to become a happy owner of a natural fur coat.

However, over time, natural fur loses its original shine and begins to turn yellow. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Precipitation. They leave streaks and small dust particles on the hairs.
  2. Poor care. Without regular ventilation and cleaning, the fur becomes caked.
  3. Cosmetics. Collars and hats may come into contact with exposed areas of the body where creams, foundations, perfumes and essential oil sprays are applied. All these products have a negative impact.
  4. Improper storage. Do not place various chemical liquids and powders near the product.
  5. Ultraviolet . The sun negatively affects the color and structure of the pile.
  6. Time. As sad as it may be, natural fur also ages, and then it is almost impossible to return it to its original appearance.

Therefore, when purchasing a product, remember that you will definitely have to comply with the requirements for proper operation. In this case, you will find our article with a video useful, detailing how to clean silver fox fur and remove yellowness effectively and inexpensively.

Tip: Before you start cleaning, do a simple test: direct warm air with a hairdryer against hair growth. If he doesn't return to his place, then it's time to get down to business.

Preparation and Safety

There are several types of cleaning that will effectively help whiten yellowed fur:

  1. Mechanical (dry). To carry it out, various bulk materials are taken - starch, flour, talc, sand. They are often completely safe for people and animals.
  2. Chemical. It is performed with the participation of aggressive drugs, for example, ammonia, vinegar, gasoline, etc. When used, some of them release toxic fumes that have a detrimental effect on the respiratory system and the body as a whole. Therefore, when working with such substances, you must follow safety rules and use personal chemical protective equipment (gloves, goggles, respirator).

To ensure that the fur cleaning process goes without consequences, pay attention to several points:

  • Products with long pile are always cleaned in the direction of hair growth;
  • When performing the operation, the skin should not be over-moistened, otherwise it will deteriorate;
  • Any mixture or preparation is first tested on an inconspicuous area to make sure that they are safe and will not damage the item;
  • after processing, the product dries naturally, without the participation of radiators and other heat sources;
  • the skin does not like hard friction, which has an extremely negative effect on it;
  • The final stage is always vigorous shaking of the fur, thanks to this it better gets rid of any remaining product.

Methods that should absolutely not be used

In order not to spoil the appearance of silver fox fur, hat or collar, you need to familiarize yourself with the techniques that should not be used when cleaning, storing and using. Experts give the following recommendations:

    It is not recommended to store fur products in plastic bags and covers. To do this, it is better to use covers made of cotton materials or non-woven membrane. For ventilation, it is not advisable to hang a product made of natural fur in the open sun. This is due to the fact that the chemicals used to dye and decorate fur change their properties when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the product may change its structure and color. To ventilate your fur coat, it is better to choose a shady place. Fur items cannot be washed in a washing machine. This can damage their structure and ruin their appearance. After washing, fur collars, hats and coats should not be treated with steam. To straighten your hair, you need to use specialized products sold in clothing and household chemical stores. If the leather is torn, do not use regular glue, duct tape, duct tape or plastic. There are special adhesives for this. It is prohibited to dry fur coats near heaters. This may cause the product to become deformed. You need to use starch, talc and semolina with caution, otherwise the item may lose its original appearance. It is not recommended to dry clean wool more than 6 times.

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How to clean silver fox fur from yellowness using folk remedies

Despite the fact that natural fur is an expensive pleasure, owners of such products very rarely resort to dry cleaning services. Most often, folk remedies help out. The risk of their use is low, they are cheap, and the mixtures consist of available products. The suggested recipes are simple and straightforward. They will help solve the problem, how to clean a silver fox if it has turned yellow, so as not to harm it.

Soapy water

If your fur has absorbed oily cream and dirt has settled in these areas, you can simply clean them with liquid soap or shampoo for long-haired pets. The substance is diluted with a small amount of water until foam appears. The prepared solution is applied to a damp piece of cloth or gauze. You can wrap a soft brush in a cloth.

Cleaning is carried out in the direction of hair growth, avoiding contact with the mezra (the tanned skin to which the fur is attached). Next, the washing mixture is removed with plain water, the product is shaken, combed and dried at room temperature.

Alcohol and vinegar

Popular rumor speaks positively about the vinegar-alcohol solution. Each of the ingredients is taken in a 1:1:1 ratio with water, mixed and applied to problem areas using a cotton swab. Then the surface is wiped with a dry cloth.

The solution acts as a drying agent, so after final drying, it is advisable to apply a little glycerin to the hairs, which will return the fur to its original appearance. This method will help deal with greasy stains and islands of stuck dust.

Gasoline and talc

Despite the aggressiveness of the proposed substances, it has been noted that they have a positive effect on the renewal of natural fur. You need to purchase such products at hardware stores. There are several methods for using them:

  • Talc is added little by little to the gasoline until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is applied to the hairs and wait until completely dry. Then you only need to remove the residue - brush it off with a soft cloth or a brush with soft bristles;
  • Apply gasoline to the pile using a cloth or cotton pad. This is done with a light touch, without pressure or excessive wetting;
  • yellow spots are generously sprinkled with talcum powder, left for 10 minutes, and then completely removed.

Important: if during work the release of caustic gasoline vapors is expected, it is better to carry out the event in a ventilated room or in the open air.

Ammonia and peroxide

Make a mixture in a glass or porcelain container:

  • 1 tbsp. peroxides;
  • 1 tsp ammonia;
  • 500 ml water.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, moisten a napkin or soft cloth and carefully apply to the fur. To enhance the effect, after treatment, the item is taken out for short-term listening in the sun (no more than 10 minutes).

Lemon juice

The juice of one lemon, combined in equal proportions with water, will help remove the yellowness that has just appeared. The composition is evenly applied to the fur and left to act for 10 minutes. After this, it is combed and dried.

The method is effective for recent dirt, helps to refresh the color, and a wonderful “bonus” will be a healthy shine to the coat.

Starch and flour

The clothes that need to be treated are laid out on a flat surface and starch, chalk, semolina, table salt or flour are carefully rubbed between the fibers. Actions are carried out only with the help of fingers, without using any brushes and without resorting to harsh mechanical influences.

After uniform application, the substance is left for 5-10 minutes, and then the residue is vigorously shaken out. You can comb them out with a soft comb. This method is good against yellow spots and small dirt.

Caution: when applying the prepared mixtures to the edge, avoid getting it on the main fabric - the substances can ruin it. It is better to cover such areas with film or multi-layer fabric.


In advanced cases, when all the above methods have not yielded positive results, you can take a radical route and try to tint the fur rather than bleach it. To cover up the yellow tint, an organic dye is used - blue.

A small amount of the substance is stirred in warm water so that the liquid acquires a not too saturated blue tint. The resulting solution is used to treat the fur; you can use a spray bottle. Now all that remains is to wait for the product to dry completely, after which it needs to be combed. You will be surprised when you see the usual noble shade again.

For what reasons does yellowness appear on the fur?

Fur requires proper storage and care. If the silver fox turned yellow, it could be due to several factors. The most common:

    Weather. Fur items turn yellow due to regular wetness from snow or rain. Precipitation, drying, leaves yellowish spots on the fur hairs. Improper storage. Fur products require regular ventilation and cleaning. Collars and hats often come into contact with the face, where oily creams and foundation are applied. In addition, these accessories allow air to pass through. Natural fur may turn yellow even if liquids are stored near it. The material turns yellow when exposed to UV rays. Therefore, experts do not advise buying the exhibited models. The fur turns yellow due to the regular use of perfumes and essential oils. Fur products age over time. In this case, it is impossible to return them to their original appearance.

How to clean with specialized chemicals at home

The modern chemical market offers a wide variety of preparations, thanks to which you can quickly solve the problem of how to remove yellowness, fat and dirt from a silver fox, and renew its appearance. A feature of these lines is environmental friendliness and safety during use. The products are used according to the instructions, and the most effective of them are recognized as:

  1. Terre De Sommieres (powder) - applied to the product and left for 5 minutes. Then shake off and repeat application if necessary.
  2. Lival Licker Konz - removes dirt and restores color. The fur after it becomes soft and silky. Use according to detailed instructions.
  3. Insaf (spray) - the aerosol is applied in parts, slowly and evenly, avoiding strong wetting. Before use, the item must be removed from dust, shaken and combed. After each treatment, areas with the substance must be combed to remove excess and prevent hairs from sticking together. The drug is also used for preventive purposes, without waiting for visible changes.
  4. Salamander (aerosol) - has a toning effect and adds shine. It has a specific odor and contains toxic inclusions, so it should be used in well-ventilated areas with personal protection.
  5. Biofur - all products in this line have a beneficial effect on the pile and restore its structure. Some remove even very old stains, as indicated on the packaging. For effect, apply to the problem area and leave for 2-3 minutes, after which it is removed with a damp cloth.
  6. Ultra Finish Milk is an effective Italian product. Cleanses well, prevents hair from sticking together and promotes healthy shine.

Tip: Periodically treat items with pest control sprays designed for clothing.

Application of cleaning liquids

For wet cleaning, you can use liquid soap at home, but it is better to take hair shampoo.

In warm water, beat a sufficient amount of the product into a foam, apply it to a cotton swab placed on a comb, squeeze so that the cotton is slightly damp, carefully comb the villi according to the growth of the integument. Constantly wash off the dirt from the swab so as not to smear it on the surface of your collar or fur coat.

Do not use harsh detergents (washing powder, dishwashing liquid): after cleaning, the fur becomes dull and brittle.

Remove the remaining foam from the villi with the same swab, only now moistened in clean water. Shake off the fur and comb it with a soft brush.

Try not to wet the fur too much so that the moisture does not saturate the inside!

Dry the fur item away from the radiator in a warm room on a hanger.

Completely cleaning the fur with gasoline will noticeably refresh and even remove yellowness: use it according to the scheme described above.

Treat grease stains or other stubborn stains with the same aviation gasoline: moisten a cosmetic disc in it and wipe the desired areas. Be sure to check the product to ensure that the specific smell of the solvent has evaporated.

Before cleaning, be sure to check the reaction of the fur to the product you have chosen: somewhere in an inconspicuous area, for example on the inner flap, treat the surface with the prepared substance. If nothing bad happens to the fur, continue the procedure.

Yellowed fur can also be bleached at home with a special mixture: add a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to half a liter of water. Soak a cotton swab or soft rag in the resulting solution, secure it to the comb and walk over the surface of the product in the right places.

Try to clean very carefully so as not to damage the delicate fur of the silver fox and not spoil its chic appearance.

Features of cleaning the collar from dust and dirt

A fur collar is an element of clothing that comes into contact with the skin more often than others, which means it gets dirty faster. To maintain a presentable appearance of the finish, regularly remove dirt from it using folk or store-bought products. The most effective methods are:

  1. Damp cloth on the table. The collar is laid with fur on it, gently patted on the back side, and dust particles settle on the fabric.
  2. Bulk food products (starch, semolina, talc) . They are evenly distributed over the pile, rubbed in carefully, and left for a couple of hours. After this, the residue must be removed by vigorous shaking and the pile combed.
  3. Bran. They need to be heated in a frying pan, scattered warm onto the fur and left until cool. The product is shaken out, and the remaining crumbs are combed out. This method effectively removes dirt, dust, odor and grease.
  4. Shampoo for animals. A little product is mixed in water, whipped to a stable foam, which is applied to contaminated areas. Excess should be removed with a damp towel, the collar should be shaken, combed and dried.
  5. Sand. Ordinary river rock is heated and evenly scattered over the pile, and after cooling, shaken, and the excess is removed with a brush.

Dry cleaning methods

The lack of shine on a fur product is most often the cause of excess dust on its surface. You can easily get rid of the unpleasant effect by using some quite accessible means:

  • The safest way to clean fur products is to use stationery chalk (which must first be crushed) or tooth powder. The product must be rubbed over the entire surface of the product, trying to touch hard-to-reach places, then shake and comb well with a soft brush.
  • Baby talc or potato starch. Having first straightened the product on a flat surface, distribute the mixture over the pile, then carefully begin to rub it, trying to imitate hand washing. Leave the treated product for several hours to achieve maximum effect, then comb it.
  • Semolina. Use as well as talc or starch.
  • Rye or wheat bran. Heat the bran, then distribute it over the product and rub in gently. After half an hour, shake out the cooled bran and comb the fur.
  • Sand. It is necessary to use cleaned or well-washed sand heated to an acceptable temperature. Sand is most suitable for products with short pile. During the procedure, it is worth adding new portions of sand and shaking off the used one. The process continues until the fur becomes shiny and clean.

Remains of the sorbent agent should be carefully removed to prevent damage to the fur coat, vest or collar (from exposure to moths). It is allowed to vacuum the product with a special nozzle, and then comb it with a soft brush in the direction of the pile. It is also possible to shake out the fur coat using a carpet beater (before starting the procedure, wrap the fur coat in a damp cloth). Hang the fur coat on hangers and beat out the dry product in the same way as in the case of cleaning the carpet.

How to clean a fur collar at home

What is prohibited from using to clean a silver fox?

It is important to remember about those methods that cannot be used for this expensive fur. Leading experts recommend:

  • Do not dry-clean silver fox products. For the most difficult stains, it is better to entrust the item to specialists who work with fur.
  • Glue the damaged flesh only with special adhesive compounds, without using the usual adhesive tape, electrical tape and other improvised means. Any elastic (rubber) glue will do, you can use casein or Bison Kit. “Moment” and superglue cannot be used - they will crack or break at the seam. But it’s better to have a repairman do the repairs too.
  • Do not apply perfume, eau de toilette or other cosmetics to the fur. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, ventilate the item and place it in a case with scented sachets.
  • Do not use aerosol insect repellents - they should be in the form of tablets, or use dry herbs and substances in bags (lavender, geranium, citrus zest).
  • Any untested care products should be used with caution, scrupulously testing in inconspicuous areas before full treatment.

Tip: fur with long pile is combed in the direction of its growth, cut fur - against it.

Recommendations for care and use

To prevent contamination and prolong the life of your favorite things, you must follow these rules:

  1. Store in a spacious place so that the silver fox does not wrinkle.
  2. Where things are stored, use insect and parasite protection products, such as plates and tablets. Avoid direct contact of chemicals with the fur of the silver fox.
  3. Before packing the product, clean and dry thoroughly.
  4. For long-term storage, the fur coat is hung on hangers, the hat is put in a fabric bag and placed in a spacious compartment.
  5. To protect the fur from moths, all products are packaged in covers, bags, and boxes.
  6. Avoid moisture, rainy weather, snow. Otherwise, dry naturally and comb the pile.
  7. Protect fur from interaction with high temperatures.
  8. It is not recommended to carry the bag on your shoulders. Due to frequent friction, the pile wears out.
  9. Avoid riding on public transport.

How to properly care for and store products

Purchased valuable fur requires special care and mandatory adherence to the rules for its storage:

  1. After exposure to precipitation, it is important to wait until the pile is completely dry and comb it with a wide-tooth comb.
  2. During drying, avoid heat sources (heaters, radiators, stoves) so as not to deform the items. Do not use a hot hairdryer for this purpose!
  3. Products should be stored in covers made of cotton fabric or non-woven fabric, avoiding plastic bags.
  4. Do not iron or steam; instead, purchase special care products in household chemical departments and clothing stores (some are described above). They renew the structure of the edge well.
  5. The fur coat is stored on a hanger. From lying for a long time, the fur falls off, becomes dull and looks untidy. The closet or dressing room should not be crowded.
  6. Before the warm season, things are thoroughly ventilated in the shade outside.
  7. If the pile becomes wrinkled during storage, it should be lightly moistened with water from a spray bottle, combed and dried.
  8. You should not wear a silver fox item if you frequently use transport, backpacks or shoulder bags.

Having studied all the useful tips on how to properly clean silver fox fur at home, you can do this yourself at any convenient time. This means that your favorite item will remain well-groomed for a long time and will delight you with its shiny shine and fluffy pile.

General rules

To determine whether clothes need cleaning, hang the item on a hanger and blow cold air through it. If the fibers do not stick together, but scatter freely, the fur is clean.

To clean silver fox fur, you should follow the general rules:

  1. Do not wash fur.
  2. Before cleaning, knock out dust and remove dirt particles.
  3. First prepare a flat, clean surface on which to place the product. Avoid getting liquid on the inside.
  4. You should test the cleaning method on a less visible area.
  5. In order not to damage the fox fur, you need to avoid strong friction.
  6. When brushing, movements are directed according to the growth of the coat.
  7. Fur should be dried in a ventilated area. It may take several days. Protect from sunlight.
  8. It is prohibited to use artificial heat sources to dry silver fox. The pile will lose its softness and turn yellow.
  9. Do not pet the silver fox. Even from the reverse side you can harm the fur.
  10. Do not use washing powders, bleaches, or aggressive substances.

Advice! If the leather base has become rough, dissolve glycerin in warm water and rub the inside, crush it a little, and stretch it. Remove any remaining glycerin and send the item to dry.


You probably know that the fur of the silver fox has a special color. If you start to look at an individual strand of natural fur, you will notice that it has three colors. Near the root it has a grayish color, in the middle it changes to white, and at the end it becomes black. The more white the color, the higher the value of the silver fox. The two-colored fur indicates that it is most likely not silver fox, but fox.

The white part of the villi begins to turn yellow over time. You can get rid of yellowness in the following way.

  • Make a composition of 400 ml of water, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of ammonia solution (ammonia).
  • Soak a cotton wool in this solution and wipe the fur with it.

You can try cleaning a small fragment of fur with the composition first, and only after a positive result proceed with general cleaning in order to eliminate yellowness.

For greater effect, it is recommended to take the silver fox fur product treated with peroxide out into the sun. It should hang there until it dries completely to bleach the wool. The black color will remain black, so the appearance of the fur will not change for the worse. On the contrary, the silver fox will look much better.

How to remove yellowness from a mink coat?

Take hydrogen peroxide and dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 1, carefully apply it to the fur with a rag or cotton swab - peroxide lightens the fur well (remember our blondes!). if the yellowness is quite noticeable, you can use ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 2 with water. The principle of application is the same.

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Fur care

Without proper care, the once luxurious fur will turn into a dull, dusty undercoat with a yellow tint. If it is not possible to have the item cleaned by professionals, then you can solve the problem yourself.

Collars, vests, hats and fur coats are made from silver fox. For owners of a silver fox fur coat, it is necessary to be careful and treat it with care. This is not something that is worn for traveling in a car, much less for everyday use and public transport. Can't be treated like regular clothes.

These simple rules will extend the life of an expensive product for the maximum period:

  1. If you get caught in wet snow, the first thing you do when you get home is to hang your fur coat on hangers and comb the fur.
  2. Under no circumstances should you dry the fur of a black-brown fox with a hairdryer or other heating devices. If you overdry it, it will begin to turn yellow and lose its elasticity, the villi will become hard and brittle.
  3. Moth repellent must be used for storage. You can use both special processing solutions and special plates, which are placed in the cabinet in different ways.
  4. Dry cleaning of such items is strictly prohibited.

Additional recommendations

In order not to spoil the silver fox during the cleaning process, carefully care for the fur while wearing it. Do not let the product fall into disrepair. If you remove stains and clean them on time, the fur will last longer.

What cannot be cleaned

For bleaching, do not use “Beliznaya” or other chlorine-containing products. Stains cannot be removed with acetone or washing powder. Do not let the flesh get wet, try to apply liquids only to the ends of the hairs. Wash off or clean off any cleaning products thoroughly; do not leave solutions and powders for a long time.

Always test the effect of the selected product on an inconspicuous area before the main use.

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