5 simple and effective ways to clean your phone charging socket at home

A dirty USB connector leads to difficulties with charging - it does not work or goes very slowly. There are also problems connecting the smartphone to the computer for synchronization or data transfer. There are three ways to clean your phone's charging socket:

  • A simple piece of paper;
  • Using a fine needle brush;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • A cylinder of compressed air.

First we will work with a needle and brush, then we will look at other methods.

Features of cleaning the nest

Here we present the main commandment of doctors - do no harm. The micro-USB connector is thin and can be easily damaged by careless actions or a rough brush. Do not use thick needles, sandpaper, screwdrivers or power tools here. Only careful handling - as with a patient lying on a surgical table. Remember that damage to electrical contacts will require repairs at a service center.

The cleaning process comes down to three steps:

  • The first is to remove large contaminants stuck in the nest.
  • The second stage is to clean the connector with a brush.
  • The third step removes oxide from the contacts.

Next, all you have to do is dry the phone and you can use it.

Aliexpress sells unusual protective accessories - plugs for connectors. They will prevent clogging of the sockets in the phone. Cost - within 80-100 rubles.

What risks might there be?

Potential dangers that this procedure may pose if the rules for its implementation are ignored:

  • contact damage. This can happen when excessive pressure is applied to the parts;
  • oxidation of contacts. A chemical reaction occurs when unsuitable solvents or other aggressive substances are used. The best liquid for cleaning the connector is technical or medical alcohol;
  • Damage to internal phone components. This situation can occur when using too long and thin objects (needles, toothpicks) and trying to clean the parts as deeply as possible.

Important! If during the cleaning process the elements of the phone are accidentally damaged, then you should not try to fix the situation at home yourself. The best possible choice is to immediately contact the service center specialists.

An effective way to clean the phone socket: step-by-step instructions

Find step-by-step instructions for cleaning the charging socket:

  • The first stage is to inspect the connector and clean it with a thin needle. A regular sewing needle or a needle from a medical syringe will do (take a syringe of the smallest volume - for example, a tuberculin one). Simply blow the dirt to be removed onto the table;
  • The second stage is fine cleaning with a brush. Its pile should penetrate into the nest, reaching the most secluded corners. Use your wife's or girlfriend's cosmetic brush, take an old toothbrush of medium hardness. Place the lint inside the connector and clean it. No hard brushes or sudden movements - spare your smartphone and your own money;
  • The third stage is cleaning with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, which helps to completely clean the electrical contacts.

As soon as the alcohol dries, carry out tests by connecting the cable to the charger.

When to clean?

Signals for cleansing procedures are:

  • failures during the charging process: it is constantly interrupted, requiring connection and disconnection of the power cord;
  • complete absence of charging, provided that the cable and power supply of the charger are in good condition;
  • upon visual inspection, dirt and foreign debris are noticeable in the connector;
  • The mobile device displays a notification about a port failure.

Have you ever cleaned your phone's charging socket?
Not really

Other methods

  • Plain paper will help to clean the charging socket. Tear off a piece from an A4 sheet, fold it in half or in four to form a pointed corner. Insert the resulting corner into the connector, carefully cleaning it from dirt. This is a method for field conditions when there is nowhere to get a needle and brush.
  • Some users recommend pouring alcohol directly into the connector using a pipette. The technique is interesting, since the alcohol composition will soak up the dirt and make it easier to remove. And someone recommends drawing it into a syringe, holding the phone vertically and cleaning the connector with a stream directed from bottom to top. Don't forget to dry the handset with a hairdryer turned on at minimum power.
  • The third method is the most gentle. It involves the use of compressed air cylinders. These cans are used for contactless cleaning of accumulated dust from electronics (such as computers). “Blow” the can into the connector several times and the dirt will fly out. Now wipe the contacts with alcohol - the goal is achieved.

What to do if your phone doesn't want to charge

Be sure, before continuing, you must make sure that you have a working charger and the battery is inserted into the phone. If you just bought a new battery, make sure to remove the protective film from the contacts before installing it.

The charger must match the device being charged

A common problem: you put the phone on charge, the charging indicator lights up and a corresponding notification is displayed on the display, but after a few hours, the battery charge has not increased or has increased, but only slightly. In some cases, the phone's charge may even decrease despite the fact that the phone is connected to the charger.

It is important to choose the right charger

The reason for this situation is improper charging. Pay attention to the output power of the charger: for most modern smartphones, charging should provide an output current of about 2 amperes (the power in this case will be 10 W). Phones with high-capacity batteries are especially critical to charging power, so when buying a new charger, ask the seller to check it. Normal charging speed is approximately 1% in 1.5-2 minutes.

Battery is very low

This situation occurs if you leave the phone discharged for a long time. The battery voltage will drop to such values ​​that it will no longer accept a charge when charging in the usual way.

It is enough to “push” the battery directly to revive it. This can be done using a special charger called a “frog”.

Charge the battery this way for 5-10 minutes, put it in the phone and try to turn it on.

If you don’t have the opportunity to find a “frog”, you can use a simple homemade product:

  • Take an unnecessary 5 volt phone charger.
  • Cut and strip the wire.
  • Secure the exposed wires to the battery terminals with electrical tape or tape and leave in this state for a few minutes.
  • Install the battery in the phone and try to turn it on

The charging connector is dirty

During use, various dirt gets into all open connectors of the phone. Over time, dirt accumulates and can eventually cause problems.

When you insert the charging cable into the phone socket, the debris located there is compacted. Then it will begin to seem to you that the charging socket has become loose and the cable is no longer held very securely. In some cases, a dirty connector results in the phone not wanting to charge.

To clean the charging socket, take a thin and durable object, such as a straightened paper clip (I used a paper clip to remove the SIM card). Using a paper clip, remove all dirt from the connector, being careful not to touch the contacts.

A can of compressed air also works well. Direct the canister nozzles into the connector and blow for 10 seconds.

The product is inexpensive. Sold in almost any hardware store, for example in Svyaznoy

If your iPhone won't charge

Yes, friends, this also happens - iPhones sometimes bring surprises too. In this article, we will not consider all the reasons why the iPhone does not turn on. I will tell you that you can do the simplest, but nevertheless very effective action to “revive” your iPhone. This method will help if the iPhone is frozen and does not respond to charging or the power button.

We do the following:

  • You need to press and hold the power button and the HOME button at the same time
  • If you are using an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus without a Home button, press the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously
  • For all the following models, the combination is as follows: press and quickly release the volume up button, then press and quickly release the volume down button. Next, press and hold the power button until the iPhone reboots

We have explained to you what to do if your phone is not charging and, as you can see, in some cases you can easily cope with the problem on your own.

Features of cleaning the nest

Here we present the main commandment of doctors - do no harm. The micro-USB connector is thin and can be easily damaged by careless actions or a rough brush. Do not use thick needles, sandpaper, screwdrivers or power tools here. Only careful handling - as with a patient lying on a surgical table. Remember that damage to electrical contacts will require repairs at a service center.

The cleaning process comes down to three steps:

  • The first is to remove large contaminants stuck in the nest.
  • The second stage is to clean the connector with a brush.
  • The third step removes oxide from the contacts.

Next, all you have to do is dry the phone and you can use it.

Aliexpress sells unusual protective accessories - plugs for connectors. They will prevent clogging of the sockets in the phone. Cost - within 80-100 rubles.

An effective way to clean the phone socket: step-by-step instructions

Find step-by-step instructions for cleaning the charging socket:

  • The first stage is to inspect the connector and clean it with a thin needle. A regular sewing needle or a needle from a medical syringe will do (take a syringe of the smallest volume - for example, a tuberculin one). Simply blow the dirt to be removed onto the table;
  • The second stage is fine cleaning with a brush. Its pile should penetrate into the nest, reaching the most secluded corners. Use your wife's or girlfriend's cosmetic brush, take an old toothbrush of medium hardness. Place the lint inside the connector and clean it. No hard brushes or sudden movements - spare your smartphone and your own money;
  • The third stage is cleaning with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, which helps to completely clean the electrical contacts.

As soon as the alcohol dries, carry out tests by connecting the cable to the charger.

Disadvantages of cleaning ports yourself

If there is no experience in cleaning mobile equipment, the user may encounter some problems during operation:

  • violation of the sequence of actions, and as a result, poor quality cleaning and compaction of existing contaminants;
  • lack of knowledge about the internal structure of the phone, and as a result, damage to individual elements.

Both mistakes can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should carefully read the step-by-step instructions and prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

Other methods

  • Plain paper will help to clean the charging socket. Tear off a piece from an A4 sheet, fold it in half or in four to form a pointed corner. Insert the resulting corner into the connector, carefully cleaning it from dirt. This is a method for field conditions when there is nowhere to get a needle and brush.
  • Some users recommend pouring alcohol directly into the connector using a pipette. The technique is interesting, since the alcohol composition will soak up the dirt and make it easier to remove. And someone recommends drawing it into a syringe, holding the phone vertically and cleaning the connector with a stream directed from bottom to top. Don't forget to dry the handset with a hairdryer turned on at minimum power.
  • The third method is the most gentle. It involves the use of compressed air cylinders. These cans are used for contactless cleaning of accumulated dust from electronics (such as computers). “Blow” the can into the connector several times and the dirt will fly out. Now wipe the contacts with alcohol - the goal is achieved.

How to clean the charging cable

How to bleach dirty wires on white headphones?

It's very very simple. You can bleach the wiring like this. take regular alcohol or vodka, wet a cotton swab, squeeze it out and thoroughly wipe your headphone wires. The dirt will come off and the wiring will be clean.

the author of the question chose this answer as the best

It all depends on the material of the wires. If we are talking about fabric-wrapped headphones, then it is difficult to clean them. You can try to clean it by soaking the fabric in bleach, but it will be difficult to wash off. That’s why they are usually wiped with wet wipes.

They are also used when it comes to rubber windings. Wet wipes are great for removing most dirt. Just be careful around the buttons and base, don't pull. Makeup remover wipes are also suitable.

As an option, soak a cotton pad with a low-concentration alcohol-containing solution. Alcohol does an excellent job of removing yellowness, but you can overdo it, and the rubber may dry out and begin to crack.

From time to time, the white wires of the headphones, like the headphones themselves, need to be cleaned to remove dirt, grease and microorganisms.

There are several cleaning methods available.

1). A cotton pad with a small amount of laundry soap.

2). Hydrogen peroxide applied to a cotton pad. If the wires are very dirty, you can arrange baths by soaking the item for 10-15 minutes.

3). The same with the use of chlorhexidine.

After each procedure, wipe the wires and membranes dry with a clean napkin or cotton pad.

Do not use alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids for cleaning as this may damage the surface of the wiring.

You can bleach dirty wires on white headphones using a cotton pad, onto which you need to apply a small amount of laundry soap. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, which must be applied to a cotton pad. I think the best way to clean white wires is with laundry soap; you can apply it to a wet rag and rub the headphone wire until you see whiteness.

I always clean the white wires with soap and a cloth. We take laundry soap, take a wet rag, smear the rag with soap and rub the headphone wire until the whiteness returns. Cleans perfectly. Soap can be replaced with any detergent, Fairy, for example. I do not use alcohol, as it has a negative effect on the insulation of wires.

Depends on what exactly made them dark. In most cases, this is ordinary dirt, incl. It may also contain fat. Such dirt can be easily removed with some cleaner or alcohol. It is not recommended to use a solvent, because it may begin to dissolve the insulating sheath material. In some cases, even alcohol may not help. Then you can try to bleach the stain with hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help, then the problem most likely cannot be fixed, because... the properties of the material itself have changed.

The wires on the headphones get dirty over time, so if they are white, their color will turn gray.

It is possible to restore the purity of the wires, but this must be done regularly, since over time they may lose their whiteness.

Wipe the wires with cotton pads soaked in alcohol or vodka. This will remove dirt from the wires and make them whiter.

Additional recommendations

Needles and brushes work best - proven by experience. Needles and brushes penetrate well into the corners of the connectors without damaging the contacts. People working in dusty industries are advised to:

  • Purchase the above-mentioned plugs;
  • Buy a tight-fitting case;
  • Take a closer look at the protected tubes with standard plugs.

All this will avoid constant clogging of the charging socket. By the way, antistatic ESD brushes are suitable for cleaning regular phones - they are sold on Aliexpress.

They will also help clean USB ports on your computer and other types of connectors in electronics. And antistatic properties will protect equipment from static electricity that occurs during friction.

Judging by the reviews, many car owners often encounter the problem of oxidation of the battery terminals. In the future, these new formations will shorten its service life. Therefore, it is very important to keep the battery contacts clean. Many beginners do not know what to do in this case. Some even decide to replace the old battery with a new one without wasting effort on cleaning the contacts and charging the battery. However, the problem with the appearance of impurities on the terminals is solved using special means. Information on how to clean oxidized contacts at home is contained in this article.

How to dry it?

A few drops of water falling on the screen of a smartphone will not affect its performance in any way. But if liquid gets into the Type C or USB connector or into the iPhone socket, this can cause a breakdown.

To avoid negative consequences, you should immediately begin drying the contacts.

What to do if a few drops of liquid get into the charging connector:

  • let dry naturally. To speed up the process, the device should be turned vertically with the connector down and the air flow from the fan directed at it. Sooner or later the liquid will evaporate. All that remains is to wipe the contacts with alcohol to remove foreign contaminants (for example, if sweet tea was spilled). You should not use heating devices for drying, as it is very difficult to control the temperature inside the smartphone. Uncontrolled heating may cause damage;
  • pay attention to the signals. Some models have a user notification system about further actions in case of getting wet. The message “Turn off the device” or “Checking the port” may appear on the screen. Moisture ingress." Such messages cannot be ignored, and all advice in them is subject to mandatory execution. If the panel has a notification about a port failure, then such a device cannot be used;
  • place the phone in the rice. This popular and time-tested method will really help remove excess liquid. You will need a sufficient amount of dry rice, into which you must completely immerse the switched off smartphone and leave it there for at least 10 hours. The method is effective even if the gadget falls into water.

Actions that are strictly prohibited if water gets into the charging port:

  • connection to a power source. Inserting a device with moisture in the socket into a power outlet to charge is dangerous not only for the serviceability of the device, but also for human health. Until the liquid is completely removed, the possibility of using the charger is out of the question;
  • blowing water. This way, the liquid will only penetrate even deeper and damage the internal elements;
  • shaking. The result of this action will be similar to attempts to blow out moisture. The liquid will penetrate deeper and cause serious damage.

Is your phone drowning?

Not really

Cleaning the charging socket of a mobile phone or tablet is a simple procedure that can be done at home. This does not require special tools or skills. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and use the tools at hand.

Find out how to remove dirt from a silicone phone case. This article describes how to clean iPhone headphones.

What is the essence of the problem?

Why did the contacts suddenly oxidize? How to clean them quickly and effectively? Before you begin this procedure, you should figure out why new growths appear on the terminals. There are several reasons for oxidation. The main one is that the electrolyte gets directly onto the contact itself. This happens in batteries that have batteries with loose rods or loose plugs. As a result, the contact, interacting with oxygen, begins to oxidize and become covered with a white coating. If this happens, experts recommend checking how sealed the battery is and what condition the rods are in. If there are plugs on the batteries, they should be tightened more tightly.

The second reason is battery fatigue. This means that its service life has already exhausted itself: the product has dried out seals and almost does not take a charge. In this case, you will have to change the battery. However, this can be prevented if you promptly service the battery not with diluted acid yourself, but with a ready-made, high-quality electrolyte. Often its leakage occurs as a result of damage to the battery case.

Step-by-step diagnostics with examples

Do not despair ahead of time if you think that your device cannot be saved. Let's look at a step-by-step diagnostic strategy.

First, check the cable, power supply and charging connector for serviceability. They should not be chipped, large scratches, dirt or deformed.

If you are unsure about the wire, try a different wire first or charge another phone with this wire. A typical wire malfunction is when the phone starts charging at the slightest movement of the wire from the connector. Do not overdo it when diagnosing, do not damage the charging connector.

The power supply is also quite easy to check. If your device is properly charged from a computer or other power supply, then the power supply being tested is 100% faulty. It can no longer be used, and it is unprofitable to repair.

And remember that some smartphone models, such as Samsung, may not charge with non-standard chargers.

Next in line is the charging connector. Try cleaning it with a brush.

A toothbrush is ideal as it can easily remove dirt and debris from the contacts.

Clean carefully so as not to damage the insides and contacts of the connector.

Do not use water when cleaning. This can cause the contacts to oxidize. And the water will not completely dry from the connector, and this will be another malfunction. Alcohol, isopropanol or Galosh gasoline are best. Use these products in small quantities, no need to pour them into the connector or onto the brush, a couple of drops are enough.

Is it possible to solder the charging connector with your own hands?

Yes, this can be done if you are confident in your abilities and have a soldering iron and a minimum soldering kit. You can learn more about the intricacies of do-it-yourself soldering in this article.

How to change the battery

If the phone still charges, sees the charging connector and works, but the battery does not charge, then most likely it is the battery that is faulty.

For example, you pull the wire out of the connector and the phone immediately turns off. This means that the battery capacity is dry or short-circuited. In this case, you need to change the battery.

Typical battery malfunctions are swelling and leakage of electrolyte. This happens due to overheating, hypothermia, short circuit or interference in the power supply. Don't even try to charge it with a frog that's damaged like that. It's dangerous and useless.

You can also check your phone and battery using a multimeter.

This method is accurate and more suitable for those who know how to disassemble phones and who have measuring instruments.

Set the multimeter to DC voltage measurement mode and connect the battery to the smartphone. Next, attach the multimeter probes to the contacts of the battery or board.

If, when you turn on the smartphone or disconnect the wire, the voltage on the battery drops sharply to several volts, then the battery capacity has a short circuit and needs to be replaced.

Modern smartphones are made in monolithic cases, and if you have the opportunity to peel off the back cover yourself, you can try replacing the faulty battery with a new one. Do not damage the old battery when removing the cover; do everything carefully. You can read more about the placement of modules, touchscreens, screens and back covers in this article.

If you have changed the battery and are sure that the connector, wire and power supply are in good working order, then most likely the problem is already on the board itself. It may have faulty chips such as: power controller, charging controller, processor and small SMD components.

Typical signs of a fault on the board are:

  • The phone does not turn on and only the charging indicator lights up;
  • The phone gets very hot when charging;
  • Even a new battery drains quickly.

Even a small amount of moisture on your phone can damage it. By the way, many car owners charge their phones and navigators directly from the car’s converter. Not all smartphones and chargers are designed for this. When the car is turned on, there are large voltage surges and interference in the network, which can damage the phone's power controller.

You can warm up the board by first disassembling the smartphone and even clean it with alcohol, but the chances of a successful repair are extremely low. We need diagnostics with the power supply, freezer, circuits and soldering equipment. And each model of smartphone or tablet has different circuit boards, which makes diagnostics difficult.

Could there be a software glitch?

A purely software malfunction rarely manifests itself without an external cause. If water gets on your phone and while charging it starts to vibrate, blink or show your Android stash, then under no circumstances should you charge it. You risk killing your device.

Once exposed to moisture, you cannot charge your phone. It urgently needs to be cleaned of water and oxides. If you are not sure that you can clean it, it is best to contact a service center.

About the signs of neoplasms

Before cleaning the contacts from oxidation, you should inspect them. If there is a visual sign in the form of a white coating, then it needs to be cleaned. The difficulty is that many modern batteries are equipped with terminals that contain special protective pads. For this reason, you will not be able to immediately diagnose the cause. If, when starting the car, you feel that the starter does not engage the crankshaft immediately or turns it with difficulty, this is also a signal that impurities have appeared at the terminals. The third sign of oxidation of the battery contacts is dim light from the side lights and headlights. If there is at least one of the above symptoms, then most likely the battery terminals are covered with neoplasms.

What to do?

First of all, you need to make sure that the terminals really need cleaning. To get to them, just cut off the pads. Then you need to unscrew and remove the battery. The terminals should remain in the saline solution for some time. To prepare it, use baking soda (a couple of spoons) and well-heated water. The more saturated the solution, the faster the chemical process will occur. In most cases (if the layer of white coating is not very thick), you can limit yourself to only washing the terminals in soda.

Contact 60

If you don’t know which contact cleaner to choose, experts advise purchasing the Kontakt 60 brand. Among similar products, this cleaner, judging by numerous consumer reviews, is considered the most popular. It is designed to clean contacts and dissolve oxides. In addition, with the help of Kontakt 60, home craftsmen process electrical contacts of household appliances.

This product successfully cleans both old and worn out and contaminated contacts. In addition, it reduces the resistance at the junctions, which prevents the insulation coating from melting and improves the quality of power. In addition to battery terminals, this product is also used to treat switches, sockets, plugs, microcircuits, sockets, lamps, fuses, capacitors, etc. The product is sold in aerosol cans of 100, 200 and 400 ml. The price varies from 250 to 800 rubles. It is noteworthy that Kontakt 60 is exclusively a cleaning agent. If the contact connection requires additional protection, then you are better off buying the Kontakt 61 brand.


Those who do not know how to clean contacts from oxidation can be advised to opt for this professional cleaning product Liqui Moly from the German company Liqui Moly. The scope of application of this substance is automotive equipment and consumer electronics. The product is designed to clean dirty contacts, remove oxide film and reduce contact resistance. According to the manufacturer, the cleaner only needs 10 minutes. Judging by consumer reviews, this time may be longer. It all depends on the degree of pollution. The product is sold in 200 ml aerosol cans. To purchase Kontaktreininger, you will have to shell out 500 rubles.

How to clean contacts from oxidation on your phone?

First, soak a cotton swab in alcohol. Then, to clean the contact, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Also clean darkened contacts

You can use a regular eraser. Then wipe with alcohol.

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