Do you need to wash store-bought chicken? Expert opinions

In 2015, the American Journal of Food Protection published a study based on a national survey of 1,504 people. According to the survey, 69% of respondents rinse or thoroughly wash raw poultry, while the rest of the respondents do not consider this process necessary.

Some food safety experts have hypothesized why people think it's important to wash poultry. Darin Detwiler, MD, a professor at Northeastern University and a food safety specialist, says, “I think people who wash poultry do so to sanitize the product. "This is largely due to outdated beliefs and traditional Thanksgiving cards that depict the turkey being washed."

However, understanding what motivates people to wash poultry doesn't mean food safety experts approve of the process. We'll tell you why you can skip this stage of cooking.

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Maybe I should buy a separate board just for the chicken?

If you have money and extra space in the kitchen, then it is necessary, but not necessary. The main thing is to wash and disinfect correctly! Then you can do without a separate board for the chicken. Although, it is more convenient to work on a separate board; you don’t have to wash the same one every time, wipe it, and then wipe it dry. It is enough to take a clean separate one and cut everything you need on it.

The best option: one board for meat and poultry, the second for fish and seafood, the third for vegetables, bread, sausages and other heat-treated products.

Make sure you cook correctly

Even if we do not take into account these possible consequences of processing chicken, the process of washing poultry is completely meaningless. “Thermal processing of raw meat kills most pathogenic bacteria. Washing is not helpful in this matter,” says Dr. Detuiler. “The only effective way to kill bacteria is to cook the bird at the correct temperature.”

For all poultry, the doneness temperature should be approximately 74°C (165°F). You may be able to judge the doneness of a dish by eye, checking color or texture, but the only reliable way is to use a food thermometer. And it is necessary to measure the temperature by placing the device as deep as possible in the cavity, says Dr. Nwadike.

According to a 2015 Journal of Food Protection study, about 62% of respondents use a thermometer, but only a quarter of them check the temperature of small-piece or minced foods. Food safety experts are pushing for changes in the way food is prepared.

Don't repeat these mistakes

We make many mistakes when storing and preparing poultry. It can also lead to food poisoning. Don't repeat the common mistakes our experts talk about.

Do you store raw poultry on the top shelves of the refrigerator?

“One drop of liquid from the chicken that falls down can contaminate other foods and cause illness. Especially if the product is then prepared incorrectly,” says Dr. Detuiler. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends storing poultry in a closed container or carefully wrapped in plastic so that not a single drop of liquid escapes. Even if these conditions are met, it is better to store the bird on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The temperature in the refrigerator is too high

“Check the temperature in your refrigerator. Make sure it is below 4°C (40°F),” says Dr. Nwadike. At this temperature, it is more difficult for bacteria to reproduce. But this does not guarantee the complete impossibility of their spread.

You are defrosting the bird incorrectly

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), bacteria grow fastest at temperatures between

C (40°F) to 60°C (140°F).
When the product is in this dangerous temperature range, the number of bacteria doubles within 20 minutes. To avoid the spread of bacteria, keep chicken for no more than two hours at temperatures between 4°C (40°F) and 32°
C (90°F) and no more than one hour at temperatures above 32°C (90°F). This means you shouldn't defrost the chicken the usual way. It is much safer to defrost in the refrigerator or in a container of cold water. Also store cooked chicken in the refrigerator or freezer.

4.. Cross contamination

Don't wash your hands after handling raw food before handling spices? Do you place the cooked chicken on the same plate where it waited its turn in the oven? Dr. Detwiler notes that these common mistakes increase the risk of cross-contamination. To avoid this, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after handling raw food. According to Dr. Detuiler, using separate plates and other kitchen utensils for raw and cooked meats is a must.

You do not heat previously prepared food to the required temperature

Let's be realistic: who hasn't snacked on a piece of cold chicken when there wasn't even time to heat it in the microwave? Dr. Dethuiler says this should only be done if the meat has been stored at temperatures above 4°C (40°F) for no more than two hours. But stricter USDA guidelines call for reheating to 74°C (165°F) to kill any remaining bacteria. At least wait until the food sizzles and steams in an appetizing way.

You do not use separate cutting boards for poultry and other foods.

According to USDA guidelines, both wooden boards and boards made of non-porous material such as plastic, marble, glass or glass ceramic are suitable for raw chicken. However, Dr. Nwadike notes that wooden boards leave more knife marks where bacteria can penetrate and multiply. If you prefer wood, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends bamboo boards. Unlike other types of wood, bamboo is harder and less porous (fewer hiding places for bacteria). It also absorbs less moisture. Regardless of cutting board material, use separate boards for raw poultry and other foods to avoid cross-contamination.

You're not washing your cutting board thoroughly enough.

The correct way is quite simple. Wash the board with hot, soapy water, rinse in clean water, and leave to dry or pat dry with a clean paper towel, as recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Acrylic, plastic, glass and hardwood boards are dishwasher safe. There is another way to disinfect wooden and plastic boards. Wipe the board with a mixture of liquid bleach containing soda and water (one tablespoon per 4.5 liters), leave for a few minutes until dry, then rinse in water and dry the board. Of course, to some, such careful attention to the cleanliness of the cutting board will seem excessive. But disinfection prevents food poisoning. And it's worth it!


Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

Choose only quality poultry or cuts

You need to buy chicken in trusted stores or farm shops to be sure that the chicken is fresh and free of hormones. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the carcass or pieces. They should have thin white skin and pink flesh.

Fresh poultry has a neutral smell, the fabrics are smooth and elastic.

Prepare your spices and gadgets

Many seasonings go well with chicken. With each spice it acquires a certain taste. Curry, paprika, and garlic will be a spicy addition to the meat. Chili pepper or ground cayenne will add spiciness to the dishes.

Thyme, coriander, and rosemary will add exquisite aroma and originality.

In modern cooking, the cooking process is not complete without special gadgets. To cut a carcass you will need a good knife. A temperature probe is needed to measure the temperature inside the product. This will allow you to accurately determine the degree of readiness. You can freeze portions in vacuum or zip bags.

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