The benefits and harms of the money tree for the home, folk signs and beliefs

Why was the flower called money?

A representative of indoor succulents, Crassula, is called the money tree for the external resemblance of its round convex leaves to coins. Just as leaves are able to accumulate and retain moisture, so, according to popular belief, this plant in an apartment is able to accumulate positive energy, transforming it into material profit.

You can believe in it or not, but no one has canceled competent care for the fat woman. And if taking care of the plant brings good luck and money as a bonus, then the owners are unlikely to be against it.

How to care?

The money tree in the house, like any other succulent, is not particularly demanding to care for.

However, there are a number of rules that will help your plant look healthy and attractive:

  • Make sure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves of the plant.
  • The succulent must be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle.
  • You don’t need to water the fat plant often, as the soil dries out. In winter, water very rarely - once every one to two months.
  • Feed the plant in spring or summer.

Beneficial features

The benefits and harms of the fat plant, like any other plant, are relative. If used incorrectly, even medicine can become poison.

The leaves of the money tree contain substances that have antibacterial, antiviral, regenerating and soothing effects. Therefore, the pulp is used for health benefits. For example:

  • applied to wounds and burns,
  • juice is used to lubricate herpes rashes, abscesses and boils,
  • applied as compresses to joints to relieve pain.

The obvious benefit for the home is the release of phytoncides that disinfect the air, the production of oxygen and the decorative function performed by a neat, glossy green, like a toy, money tree.

And the unobvious benefits are based on the belief that the fat woman has the properties of a household magical item and is capable of improving the financial condition of its owners. With their participation, of course.

History of a flower

The homeland of the Crassula is the countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, the plant, accustomed to hot climates and shady subtropical forests, was not known in Europe for a long time. In our latitudes, the Crassula appears only in the 18th century. After which it is successfully cultivated and becomes a frequent guest in homes and landscape design elements.

Scientists count more than three hundred species of Crassula, but the oval Crassula (ovoid) received the name “money tree”.

Perhaps it was thanks to this nickname that the plant gained such popularity on a continent foreign to it; the thirst for easy money was inherent in people at all times.

Types of Crassula with photos and names

There are many types of money tree.

They can all be divided into three groups:

  • tree-like. In the photo they look like a large mature tree. Can grow to enormous sizes;
  • columnar. They look like bushes, grow upright, and almost always have no branches;
  • creeping. They grow in width.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home?

There are many superstitions and rumors associated with the plant, so a logical question arises: is it possible to keep a money tree at home? Will it do more good than harm?

Is the money tree poisonous?

You can often find information on the Internet that the ovate squash is poisonous, like many of its relatives. Therefore, keeping it in the house is dangerous and it is better to get a ficus or Kalanchoe.

In reality, the situation is somewhat different. In the wild, succulent leaves actually contain a strong poison - arsenic. But since the plant itself cannot produce it, it becomes obvious that arsenic enters plant tissues from the outside, namely from the soil along with water.

Indoor succulents grow in soils that do not contain dangerous chemical elements, in particular arsenic. Therefore they will not be toxic. Although you still shouldn’t eat them.

Harm to the home

The harm that the fat woman can cause is associated with money problems. And it threatens people who are psychologically unstable and easily suggestible. Those who seriously link their well-being or financial difficulties with the condition of the money tree should provide it with the highest level of care. Otherwise, with the death of the talisman, they can expect further financial problems.

Benefits for the home

In addition to the obvious benefits: decorative, purifying and improving the air, and use for medicinal purposes, many people associate the presence and rapid growth of Crassula with their financial situation.

It is believed that this flower serves as a symbol of prosperity, attracts good luck to the home and increases income, increases the number of lottery wins and other unexpected income, promotes career growth and business development.

Believing in this or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, if a fat woman has settled in the house, then you need to find out how to care for it. This is a living organism that requires, if not love, then at least care.

Is it possible to give flowers in pots - negative signs

Some plants can make their owner happy, others, on the contrary, can drain all the juices out of him. It would seem that a houseplant in a pot would be a wonderful gift for someone who loves to make flowers, however, there are beliefs that such a gift would not be the best.

Negative signs do not always work, but in some cases, moreover, the same sign can be interpreted as both good and bad.

For example, there is no need to give potted plants to those who are sick. The sign is very gloomy - if a flower with roots is given, then it is as if they want the sick person to “grow into the ground.” On the other hand, it is believed that if this flower withers, it will take away bad energy.

Another sign warns that if the plant does not take root in the new owner’s house and begins to wither, then similar negativity awaits the new owner - troubles may begin in his life.

The next sign is to present a pot of damp earth. People are sure that the gift will attract illness and trouble to the new owner. You can neutralize this bad omen by buying a plant at a flower shop, which will not be in damp soil, but in a special soil mixture.

The last belief warns that a person giving a flower dumps his troubles and adversities on it. This means that the negative goes to the person who accepted the gift.

Signs and superstitions about the money tree

The money tree is a kind of record holder. Signs and superstitions associated with it number in the dozens. It is believed that:

  • if the fat plant has succulent, green leaves, it grows well and produces new young shoots, then there is no need to be afraid of financial problems;
  • if the fat plant begins to shed leaves for no apparent reason, then in the near future the owners will face big expenses;
  • the death of a tree signals impending material collapse. Only urgent resuscitation can prevent it;
  • The fat woman “loves” care from one person, it is advisable not to change her habitat and give the right of care to one of the inhabitants of the apartment. During a short absence, you should not give the pot with the money tree to someone else to take care of; succulents can go without watering for quite a long time;
  • According to the rules of Feng Shui, the fat woman balances the energy flows in the house and activates feminine energy.

Here's just a little that they say about the fat woman. However, such conversations are only beneficial for the indoor plant, since it receives proper care.

Conspiracy from N. Stepanova

The ritual from Natalya Stepanova is suitable for those who have financial difficulties that last for several years, a person tries to solve them, but nothing works.

The ritual is also ideal for attracting large sums for those who have serious health problems and need expensive operations. In other cases, it is better not to carry it out, because it is too strong.

In addition to the money tree, you need:

  • 7 candles;
  • 7 coins;
  • red paper;
  • text of the prayer.

The money must be of different denominations, otherwise nothing will work. The text must be memorized. Pre-bless the candles.

From red paper, cut out squares into which you can easily wrap coins. There should be 7 pieces of paper.

Important - the ceremony is carried out only on January 1, early in the morning (at 5-6 am). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wash your face with blessed water, then wash your heels, forehead and wrists with it.
  2. Take 1 coin and 1 paper square.
  3. Read the text of the prayer, then wrap the money coin in paper and drip it with wax:

You need to read the plot 8 times: the first 7 - while wrapping the coins in paper, and the last - when the ritual is completed. Wait for the candles to burn out completely on their own. Place the coins under the plant pot or push it inside. After just a month, you will forget about your money problems.

How to plant Crassula correctly to make money

Proper care begins with planting a shoot or young tree. Succulents love light, porous soil that provides aeration for the roots and does not retain water. Otherwise, the roots will rot.

Since the root system of the fat plant is well branched, but is located in the top layer of soil, the pot must be wide (there is a finger-thick gap between the roots and the wall) and deep. Be sure to lay a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material at the bottom.

The soil should contain peat, turf soil and sand. The easiest way is to purchase soil for succulents or cacti and plant a flower in it.

The plant must be replanted after purchase. If you want to get a money plant, you can pinch off a piece of a young shoot or a strong, fleshy leaf and put it in water. When the roots appear, you can replant them in the ground, simultaneously burying a few coins with their heads towards the bottom.

The pot with the tree is placed on the eastern window, avoiding direct sunlight.

How to transplant a money tree to have money in the house

When the need for replanting arises (the pot becomes small or the plant is not feeling well), a new pot of the right size is selected. According to signs, to attract money, the fat plant needs to be planted in a red, purple or golden pot. Place a few coins at the bottom of the pot, tails down.

The plant is released from the old pot along with a lump of earth and transferred to a new pot, sprinkled with soil with the words:

“As the money tree grows, so does the profit come to me.”

The tree is replanted during the new moon. You can look at favorable days according to the lunar calendar.

What rituals are there to attract money?

  • To improve well-being, you need to talk to a tree. On the new moon, on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, you need to sum up the results for the period since the last “report”, add up income and expenses;
  • In order for there to be prosperity in the house, you need to bury three coins of any denomination in the ground where the money tree grows, decorate the trunk and leaves with coins (you can use decorative ones).

Some people advise hanging banknotes on the trunk and leaves. In this case, the bills should initially be of small denomination. After some time, they need to be replaced with money of greater value, and the withdrawn money must be spent on some useless desire for the soul.

To attract a rich groom, a girl must undress at midnight. Then light seven candles next to the money plant, alternating white and black. Then say seven times:

“Like the trunk of a tree is thick, so my husband will be rich. As the tree grows and blooms, my husband will pamper me.”

The candles must burn out on their own; they cannot be extinguished. Next, you need to carefully care for the money tree. If it blooms, the girl will soon marry a wealthy man, and if it dies, she will live in poverty.

Why do you dream about a fat woman?

In books of dream interpretation, a special place is reserved for the fat woman. If in reality it symbolizes financial success, then seeing this plant in a dream means that future life will be devoid of peace.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to know what the fat woman looked like in the dream.

If it was green and beautiful, then there is a high probability of a harmonious existence next to people of different views and beliefs. And a lot of them will appear in life in the near future. A drying up or dead fat woman dreams of an imminent quarrel with a loved one, relative or friend. Moreover, reconciliation in this case will be impossible for a long time.

It is also important to know in which pot the plant appeared in the dream. If the pot is intact, it means that an unusual and exciting meeting will soon occur in life.

On the contrary, if the pot is broken, your most cherished hopes will soon collapse. The happiest dream is a fat plant in a red pot. This means financial success is just around the corner, and success on the personal front will also accompany it.

If the pot is intact, it means that an unusual and exciting meeting will soon occur in life. On the contrary, if the pot is broken, your most cherished hopes will soon collapse. The happiest dream is a fat plant in a red pot. This means financial success is just around the corner, and success on the personal front will also accompany it.

Magical properties of the flower

All the properties that human rumor ascribes to the flower are realized only if the fat plant receives the necessary care:

  • air temperature should not exceed 18ºС;
  • when watering, water should not get on the leaves, it is important not to flood the roots, it is better to dry it out;
  • For succulents to bloom, they need short daylight hours (10 hours) and low temperatures (10ºC).

A plant that feels at ease fills the house with positive energy. Its inhabitants feel cheerful, ready for new achievements, and money issues are resolved by themselves.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

According to the teachings of harmony, the money tree pot should be placed in the eastern or southeastern part of the room. Red ribbons are tied to the leaves, symbolizing prosperity.

A shady corner in which an indoor tree will feel comfortable can be decorated with symbols of material well-being. For example, coins, bills, dragon figurines. All this attracts finances to the house.

Signs when landing

Each of us wants to believe in a miracle, especially since these simple recommendations do not cause additional trouble for the gardener.

A leaf or cutting of Crassula must be taken secretly from a wealthy person in order to also gain wealth in the future.

Knowledgeable people say that a pot for a seedling should be bought in red, it should be expensive and beautiful! Stinginess is the sister of poverty!

The money tree should be planted on the waxing moon.

To plant, you need to purchase cactus soil and dilute it with sand and brick chips. Don’t forget to put a drain on the bottom and a coin on it. The larger it is, the more luck it will bring you. Don't skimp!

After planting, you can tie three coins tied with red thread or ribbon to the trunk. This will enhance the effect of the flower several times.

It is advisable to make it a rule to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every day to clear your financial flows. This will also contribute to the highest quality air disinfection.

You can use real money to decorate the tree, but from time to time it is better to take it out and spend it, and hang new ones in return. This will accelerate the cycle of profit in the house. This way, you will spend money quickly and get it back quickly.

You can use real money to decorate the tree, but from time to time it is better to take it out and spend it, and hang new ones in return. This will accelerate the cycle of profit in the house. This way, you will spend money quickly and get it back quickly.

There is an opinion that even a souvenir tree (made from coins, banknotes, beads, etc.) has the same qualities as the real thing. But you also need to take care of it: water and moisten the leaves with water.

If you give Crassula a little attention, talk to her, tell her about your plans and desires, she will not remain indifferent to them.

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