Washing gel henkel weasel 3d restoration effect black - reviews

Understanding the compartments

Ultra-modern models of washing machines are already equipped with a special compartment for liquid powder.
Old-style models with a detergent tray with 3 cells are also suitable for this product. The number two or the letter “B” indicate the main wash compartment. Usually it is the largest and most voluminous. This is where it is recommended to pour liquid powder. The cell numbered “one” or the letter “A” is for soaking. You can also pour liquid powder into it if you need a pre-wash. The compartment with a flower or star is used for conditioner and rinse aid. If you don't have fabric softener, you can replace it with liquid powder. But this would be an unreasonable use of concentrated gel, because it is more expensive compared to its bulk counterparts. Therefore, liquid powder should be poured into the main compartment. After washing, the laundry will be soft. Let's talk a little more about the washing machine and liquid powder. After all, there are a few more nuances that are worth considering.

Features of work

Not many people know, but some types of clothing require special handling due to the nature of their production or the condition of the material. These things include:

  • sportswear;
  • damaged things.

Washing them in the usual way will not lead to anything good and, most likely, you will soon have to say goodbye to such things. Let's figure out why such things cannot be washed with the rest, and what sequence of actions must be followed.


Sportswear is made using a bunch of modern technologies that increase its thermoregulatory properties and breathability. Regular washing causes significant damage to it, quickly reducing its unique characteristics to nothing.

To avoid this, it is recommended:

  1. Do not wash sports items with other clothes.
  2. Powders are not suitable for such fabrics, so it is recommended to use washing gel.
  3. Do not use fabric softener.
  4. No bleaching agents.
  5. It is advisable to use special laundry bags.
  6. It is not recommended to increase the water temperature above 40 o.

Damaged clothing

When cleaning damaged fabrics, use only washing gels, as powders are much harsher and have a stronger effect on the fabric fibers. If you don’t do this, the item will soon become unusable and you will have to spend money on updating your wardrobe.


This washing liquid is very popular today, as it has an excellent effect of washing, smoothing and restoring the color of all clothes. All people who have purchased “Laska” remain satisfied, because this is a unique product that gives old things a completely new look, freshness, brightness, shine and softness.

Many people praise this substance, leaving their positive reviews, and especially point out that the black “Laska” laundry detergent is much better than its analogues.

It can influence the structure of the fabric so that it will not fade or change color in subsequent washes. And this effect is possible not only with dark colors. This also applies to red and white tones. The effect is possible due to the fact that this liquid contains special components that penetrate deeply into your clothes.

So, with any active movements and during heat, these special components begin to activate, while eliminating the unpleasant odor and refreshing the surface of the fabric with a pleasant aroma.


Which liquid washing powder is better can only be determined experimentally. Today's market is replete with a variety of options. Let's look at the popular ones:

  1. Tide is used in automatic washing machines and for hand washing. Versatile. Does not contain whitening components. Concentrated. Has low consumption. The bottle has a dispenser cap and is also equipped with a handle.
  2. "Persil" is universal, i.e. Suitable for all types of fabric. Dissolves quickly and leaves no white marks. The line of liquid products continues with Freshness from Vernel (a good stain remover), Persil Color for colored laundry, and Sensitive, intended for sensitive skin. It does not contain dyes or fragrances.
  3. ORO is suitable for all types of washing. 99% of its components are biodegradable. Economical. Has a pleasant smell. Softens water well. Copes only with light dirt.
  4. “Eared nanny” has no color and is transparent. Designed for washing baby clothes and newborn clothes. Contains enzymes to help remove stubborn stains. It has a smell and requires a lot of consumption.
  5. "Faberlic" is effective at temperatures of 20-60°C. Can be used for machine and hand washing. Economical. There are no phosphates in the composition.

Do you wash your shoes in the machine?

Oh yes! No

There are several types of gels in the Faberlic line:

  • For dark things. Prevents molting, preserves color, prevents the appearance of pellets.
  • For people of color. Makes the color rich and effectively removes dirt.
  • For thin fabrics. It is also good for caring for things decorated with rhinestones, designs, and beads.
  • For whites. Contains bleach. Protects products from grayness and returns whiteness.
  1. “Weasel Care & Repair” is good because it removes pellets and restores color.
  2. "Laska Active & Fresh" is designed specifically for sportswear. All bottles of the Laska series are equipped with a dispenser and a handle.
  3. "Ariel Complete 7 Lenor" is universal, safe not only for clothes, but also for the washing machine. It contains substances that prevent scale. In addition, it is suitable for washing in hard water, because... contains softening elements. It has a whitening effect. Has a smell.
  4. The Ariel line is continued by Ariel Actilift and Complete 7 Lenor Color & Style, developed respectively for white and colored fabrics.

Each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages. Only the user determines which properties are his priority: safety, smell, cost, whitening effect or color preservation.

Types of means

Gel “Laska” is a product that is produced by the manufacturer for different colors and types of material. The range is quite wide and is presented as follows:

  1. Laundry detergent “Laska magic black”. Designed for washing any fabric. The concentrate interacts best with synthetics, as it has the ability to relieve static stress. Suitable for dark colored laundry. The 3D formula restores the original shade by removing pellets and kinks that make the material look gray and faded.
  2. Washing gel “Laska radiance white”. Designed for bleaching and processing light-colored products. Fresh stains are removed in one go.
  3. “The magic of color.” Maintains brightness, contrast and shine of products. The composition contains components that prevent dyes from being washed out of colored materials. Washed items have a bright and beautiful shade throughout the entire period of use.
  4. “Silk and wool.” Suitable for fabrics such as guipure, lace, silk, velvet, wool, making them soft and elastic. The action of the 3D formula is aimed at gentle washing, gentle care of the fabric and preservation of shape. All this is achieved thanks to bamboo extract.
  5. Activ&Fresh. Used for washing sportswear, because it copes with the smell of sweat, removes dirt from the fabric and softens the fibers, making activewear fresher. Suitable for membrane fabrics, microfiber, spandex, polyester and polyamide.
  6. “Weasel Care and Repair” for daily clothing care. Serves as an excellent assistant for housewives who often wash and want to have clean and updated clothes without pilling resulting from constant processing.

Features of washing "Laskoy"

  • A precisely measured amount of gel is poured into the detergent compartment. If there is not enough liquid powder, then things will not wash well.
  • You can pour the gel directly into the drum of the washing machine onto your clothes. In this case, the liquid powder will work from the first minutes of washing.
  • It should be borne in mind that Laska is not able to remove stubborn stains, so they are pre-washed or removed with bleach if they are on white things.
  • It is advisable to rinse dark items several times so that there are no unsightly soap stains left on them.
  • It is necessary to select Laska liquid powder in accordance with the type of fabric that needs to be washed.
  • Before washing items, you should carefully study the instructions.

Any household chemicals should be stored away from small children and animals, as cases of poisoning are common!

Laska laundry detergent powders and gels have proven themselves well among housewives of all ages. This is exactly the option when price and quality are at their best.

These detergents have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - they do not remove stubborn stains well. However, if heavy stains are pre-washed, then all shortcomings will be reduced to zero. After washing with Laska, the laundry is clean, soft and fragrant.

The huge range of detergents on the market constantly confuses every housewife. And everyone strives to find their own “golden mean”, so that the cost of washing powder is affordable, and the quality of washing is optimal, and even so that such a cleaning product does not harm health. In this article we will look at the “Laska” laundry detergent. What are its features, how effective is it and will it be available to you?

Thousands of women buy Laska!

By purchasing this universal laundry detergent, you give your clothes a second chance. When you wear clothes washed with Laska, you will never go unnoticed. Do you want to always look fresh, neat and tidy? Then this washing liquid is what you need.

Buyers note that thanks to Laska, your items will retain their original attractive appearance and will also last for quite a long time. Today, this is one of the best washing agents with a powerful restoration effect for any fabric, whitening stains of varying complexity and a fresh, pleasant aroma that will accompany you for many days after washing.

Every thing needs its own “Weasel”!

Weasel for white linen

White fabric quickly becomes dirty, and after washing it becomes yellowish or gray. Ordinary powder rarely copes with such problems, so many housewives prefer another method - washing white things with a caress.

It is advisable to wash white items in soft water. To do this, you can add a little baking soda to the water. If you wash in a machine, you can add about 200 grams of soda directly into the drum.

The gel protects white fabrics from the appearance of a grayish or yellowish tint, and makes plain white dazzling white. The gel for white fabric also contains enveloping pigments that give fabrics softness and shine.

Weasel Shine of Color

This is the name of the product intended for colored laundry. As the name suggests, the product not only preserves, but also refreshes colors. According to reviews, this is true:

  • Items washed by “Laska” retain their color well.
  • The downside is the same as for white clothes - the washing ability is not good enough.
  • The product dissolves well in water, and there are no problems with rinsing.

An alternative to “Color Shine” is “Color Magic”:

  • It also focuses on keeping fabric colors bright and rich.
  • You can also use “magic” to work with delicate things, which as a result return the appearance as close as possible to the original.

Composition and principle of action of the product

The main difference from washing powder is its unique method of action, which is based on the following principles:

  1. Thanks to its liquid structure, the washing gel completely dissolves in water, easily being washed out of the fabric structure. Thus, after washing there are no streaks left on the clothes.
  2. The substance softens fabric fibers, which makes it possible to more effectively remove dirt from its surface.
  3. To unlock the potential of the gel, there is no need to heat the water very much, which cannot be said about conventional powders.
  4. The gel holds the paint pigments inside the fibers of the fabric, which is why it retains its bright, rich color.

This is possible thanks to the special composition of the gel, which includes substances such as:

  • enzymes;
  • dyes;
  • fragrances;
  • soap;
  • phosphates;
  • preservatives;
  • nonionic surfactants (surfactants);
  • anionic surfactants.

Note! Laska washing gels are represented by a wide range of different products, the composition and scope of which may differ significantly from each other.

Tips for using Laundry Weasels

To achieve maximum effect when washing things of any color with Laska, you should listen to the advice of experienced housewives who have already “honed” their skills in using this particular gel.

Here they are:

It is worth pouring exactly as much gel into the powder receptacle of the washing machine as recommended. If there is little substance, the products will not be washed; if there is too much, Laski will be wasted; The product can be poured not only into the powder compartment, but also directly into the drum of the washing machine. So all the active substances of Laska are activated immediately after starting the wash; It is worth remembering that Laska is not part of the line of products that cope with difficult stains

Therefore, before washing such items, they must be cleaned in advance with other substances; Black washed clothes should be rinsed 3-4 times so that there are no streaks left on them; It is important to select Laska depending on the type of fabric. To do this, you should first read the instructions on the container.

Important! Remember that household chemicals should be stored away from children and pets. Otherwise they may get poisoned

Laska washing gels are quite popular among Russian housewives. This is partly due to the price/quality ratio. These substances have many advantages, and there is only one drawback - they cannot cope with severe pollution.

Instructions for use, precautions and main characteristics

  • You can store "Laska" only in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.
  • If the substance accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water. If liquid gets into food, you need to go to the hospital.
  • Those with very sensitive skin should avoid direct contact with the product.
  • It is recommended to shake the bottle before use.
  • The shelf life is 3 years.
  • Before washing, choose the temperature setting that is written on the product label.
  • Always use the “delicate wash” program.

Recommendations for using the gel

Before washing, you should prepare things:

  • Sort them by color, fabric type and degree of soiling.
  • Choose the correct dosage, guided by the manufacturer’s instructions and personal experience.
  • Set the temperature that is optimal for the type of fabric, in the range from 30 to 60 degrees. In doubtful cases, you can set the standard temperature level to 30-40 degrees.

When washing dissimilar items from different types of fabrics at the same time, you should choose a universal powder and, when setting the dose and water temperature, focus on the most capricious material.

White items should be washed separately using gel with optical brightener, which gives perfect whiteness.

How to choose a gel

All well-known brands produce detergents in gel form. The choice of a specific type remains with the buyer. Ariel, Tide, Persil, Pemos and others differ little in effectiveness, but have features that can be perceived by consumers as both advantages and disadvantages. Cost, smell, presence of phosphates, versatility are assessed based on the specific washing task. When purchasing, it is recommended to study the composition to understand the effect of the gel:

  • Chlorine can ruin the color.
  • Phosphates and surfactants cause allergies.
  • Lanolin protects the filling of down jackets and woolen items from being pulled out.
  • Fragrance components cause irritation or may simply not be pleasant.

When purchasing a gel, you must take into account that some types of washing machines are not designed for the use of gel powders. In such cases, the gel is poured into a special container and placed in the drum of the washing machine.

Thus, we can conclude that concentrated gel-like products can be used for washing household items on a par with traditional dry powders. A practical housewife should have a variety of cleaning aids in her arsenal to quickly and effectively eliminate stains and keep the family’s wardrobe in excellent condition.


Among the most popular varieties of Laska washing gel, which are in great demand among buyers, are:

  1. Liquid for making white clothes shine.
  2. For black fabrics.
  3. Weasel "Magic of Color".
  4. For wool and delicate items.
  5. For daily care of things.
  6. Weasel "Active and Fresh".

To make whites shine

White things have been valued at all times for their attractive, presentable appearance. The only drawback of such things was the difficulty of washing and maintaining the whiteness of the fabric.

With Laska “White Glow” gel you will completely forget about all your problems, getting snow-white fabric that is pleasing to the eye at the end of the wash. Using a detergent allows you not only to return things to their former snow-whiteness, but also prevents re-contamination, maintaining its original freshness longer.

For black

Black things are less presentable than white ones, but they need no less care and protection. If not properly cared for, the fabric quickly fades, turning from a formal suit into a dull gray rag. To avoid this, use the Black Shine Weasel and your formal business suit will always look brand new. For old items, a composition with a 3D color restoration effect is suitable, which will return a well-worn item to its former saturation and depth of color.

Magic of color

For fashionable, active citizens who love bright colors, Laska “Magic of Color” laundry detergent is perfect, which will keep clothes fresh for a long period of time. It is difficult to achieve a similar effect using conventional washing powders, since their composition and structure do not allow them to work so effectively with fabric fibers.

In addition to its high cleaning characteristics, the detergent has a pleasant, reasonable price, affordable for most customers in the store.

For wool and delicate items

Products made of wool and other delicate fabrics require special, careful treatment from the owner. Because of this, most washing powders, and not even all gels, are not suitable for washing. The Laska company solved the problem of working with delicate fabrics by releasing the “Silk and Wool” composition. With its help, the fabric is not only effectively cleaned of dirt, but also receives reliable protection from damage. Owners of silk products appreciated this product.

Active and Fresh

Fans of an active lifestyle who prefer a good, intense workout to a regular walk are recommended to use Laska “Active and Fresh” washing gel. With its help you get:

  • remove dirt stains without leaving a trace;
  • get rid of the pungent odor of sweat;
  • remove dust and other debris from the fabric.

For daily care

If you need daily care for dirty clothes, it is recommended to use Laska Care&Refresh gel. Advantages of the product:

  • pleasant, non-irritating aroma;
  • low consumption;
  • the packaging has a large volume and convenient shape;
  • after washing, things become soft and pleasant to the touch;
  • no rinse aid required.


does not have the lowest price, which is balanced by frequent promotions and discounts on goods.

Briefly about the main thing

“Laska” is a special liquid product (at first there was only a powder version) for gently washing things, both in automatic machines and manually. Suitable for absolutely all fabrics. For example, for silk, wool, cashmere, velvet, chiffon, down, sportswear and other clothing. White, black or red - it works great with all colors.

In addition, the Laska laundry detergent does not leave any residue. It also gives special tenderness and softness to things. It can be used to prevent fading on dark clothing. It is capable of removing “pellets”. Laundry detergent "Laska" can make things fresh and bright, like new.

This “miracle liquid” appeared in Russia back in 1997. Since then, products have been updated every time and changes have been made to the composition, allowing you to treat your clothes even more carefully. At the same time, the design of the packaging itself is changing. “Laska” still exists on the market and is a sales leader.

Where the substance is poured in different models

A powder receptacle is designed for each washing machine. For clarity, it is worth considering some models.

Electrolux EWW51486HW. The compartment has a classic shape and consists of three compartments. The operating instructions say to fill the substance only if there is a special flap in the middle window. If there is no valve, the detergent is measured with a dispenser and poured into the drum.

Electrolux EWW51486HW

Bosch Wot24455oe. Top loading model with standard tray type with 3 compartments. The right compartment (number II) contains all types of detergents.

Bosch Wot24455oe

Samsung WF1602YQR. Here the powder receptacle is divided into 3 sections. The first section on the left is for bulk products, the middle (dispenser section) is for liquids. Concentrates can also be placed in the laundry drum.

Hotpoint Ariston AVSL109. The model has a semicircular powder receptacle. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the gels are loaded into the far right section. This procedure must be performed only before starting the automatic machine.

Hotpoint Ariston AVSL109

Atlant SMA35M101. This model has a powder receptacle with expanded functionality. In addition to the 3 main compartments, there is a special tray for bleaches. If the housewife wants to use a liquid product, she should install a special curtain according to the instructions.

Miele Wmg120wps. High-tech automatic machine. One of its features is a convenient powder receptacle. Powders of all types are consumed intelligently thanks to “smart dosage” - the device takes as much substance as determined by the program, taking into account contaminants and loading level. In addition to the 3 main compartments, there is a special section for capsules. It can accommodate one unit of the three presented. The manufacturer makes certain capsules specifically for MieleWmg120wps.

Correct filling of liquid powder determines the quality of the wash. If you follow the recommendations in the instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the concentrates, you can count on a positive result.

Types of liquid products

Such products are produced in special capsules and bottles. The first option is very convenient in terms of dosage - the liquid is already packaged in portions in sachets, which dissolve when washed.

They look like small pads of different shapes and colors. They are simply placed in the drum before the procedure itself.

Bottled concentrates are a classic option. Most have a measuring cap. Nowadays, for convenience, double lids with internal cream are made. Using this technology, the substance flows back into the container and does not spread over the outer surface and floor.

In non-food stores you can find a variety of colors of concentrates. They come in blue, pink, orange, green. In general, the list is quite extensive.

This does not affect the washing performance in any way, but it does affect the emotional perception of the product. Such a step is just a marketing ploy.

The following types of products exist:

  • universal – used for any type of fabric and color;
  • highly specialized - suitable for specific materials, for example, silk or wool;
  • products divided by color - separately for colored, white or black;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • additional – stain removers, oxygen bleaches.

Use according to the washing machine instructions. There is often information about how much and where to fill.

Which pellet remover should I buy?

A review of the best pellet removers introduces readers to several models with individual features. At first glance, it seems that it is better to purchase the cheapest product and not think about anything else. But experts strongly recommend considering more expensive options. Of course, budget machines perform their main function perfectly well, but products from the highest price category have a large number of features. Thus, the most functional today are clippers with adjustable cutting height: Mikma IP 1002, Philips GC026 and Tefal Lint Remover JB1013/JB1011.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid gel, compared to dry washing powder, has its positive and negative sides.


  • works well in cold/warm water;
  • quickly dissolves without residue;
  • contains a small amount of phosphates (phosphonates);
  • universal: suitable for manual and automatic washing;
  • does not cause destruction of textile fibers;
  • is used sparingly;
  • has a dispenser cap;
  • does not cause allergies, because does not create a dust suspension in the air;
  • rinses completely without streaks;
  • safer for the environment;
  • preserves washing machine parts;
  • does not clog drains.

But gels also have their drawbacks:

  • higher price;
  • They do not remove stubborn stains well; pre-treatment is required.

Liquid powders provide effective care for clothes of both adults and children.

Operating principle

Concentrated Laska powder contains active components that form a thin enveloping layer on the surface of the material that can dissolve dirt and remove it from the fibers without destroying the main structure.

The main feature of the gel is its quick ability to get rid of soap ingredients. Soapy substances do not penetrate into the material, act from above and are washed out with water, so the product is considered safe for humans and hypoallergenic. After treatment, clothes become clean and have a pleasant aroma.

The action of the ingredients in the washing powder is aimed at softening the water, as a result of which “Laska” can be used both for simple hand washing (does not cause irritation) and automatic washing (does not form scale in the washing machine).

What ensures the effectiveness of Laski?

Now about the most important thing - the composition of the Laska gels. Despite the fact that individual products of the brand have special components and substances, its main ingredients are the same for all.

  1. Nonionic surfactants, less than 5%.
  2. Phosphates.
  3. Natural soap.
  4. Enzymes.
  5. Preservatives.
  6. Flavoring (depending on the gel series).
  7. Anionic surfactants (5-15%).
  8. Dyes (chemical).

Due to the gel base, the product dissolves easily and is quickly washed out, leaving things spotlessly clean and fragrant. Complete leaching does not threaten the quality of the wash - safe components are able to linger in the fibers and provide long-lasting aroma and softness. Thus, washed laundry remains fresh for several days after washing. Water softeners are often added to the composition, which enhance the effect of “Laski” and prevent the appearance of scale.

It’s also convenient that it doesn’t matter where you pour the product. It can be placed either in the tray or directly in the drum - the gel will still foam and clean all dirt. A nice addition will be economical consumption due to the concentrated formula, so one bottle will last for a long time.

Some people are distrustful of “Laska”, not understanding how a gel that looks the same can have different effects on tissue. The secret is in a well-thought-out structure and special components that allow you to perfectly “adapt” to the item and lead to a brilliant result.

Additional Information

As you already understand, “Laska” (laundry detergent) always has positive reviews. Why? More on that below!

Thanks to Laska, things always look like they are new. And absolutely everyone notices their freshness and aroma. That is why most housewives choose this particular product.

The volume of one such bottle is 1-2 liters. Often, a very small “dosage” of this product is enough to wash a whole mountain of clothes. "Laska" is used very economically, so one such bottle will last for a long time.

This is an ideal and universal product that can be used both in hand washing and in an automatic machine. In addition, when washing by hand, “Laska” does not have any bad effect on the skin of the hands, so it does not burn, sting or itch, as with other powders. Many people mention this.

The substance quickly and easily penetrates the pores of the fabric and begins to act. It is easy to rinse and does not leave behind soapy residue that irritates the skin. Performs its functions perfectly even in particularly hard water. It does not have the property of electrifying your things, which in the case of other powders causes discomfort and inconvenience.

Buyers note that this eraser removes existing pellets and also helps prevent their occurrence in the future. “Weasel” tries to eliminate yellowness and plaque on the surface of the fabric itself. By using the delicate cycle when washing, you will preserve the best qualities of your clothes, making them look brand new.

Giving things a pristine and beautiful appearance is the main principle of action of the Laska liquid laundry detergent. In addition to removing stubborn grease stains, it has another function: gentle and gentle care for your things.

It is also worth noting that your favorite blouse will never peel off. Manufacturers have tried hard to please all housewives and their family members. Why? Yes, because beautiful, clean, neat and fresh clothes are already the key to success and a good day.

Rating of washing powders

"Color Shine"

To make things brighter, you no longer need additional effort and the use of additives to the powder. This series contains everything so that rich colors are not damaged, leaving the fabric clean even with delicate washing. Enzymes will prevent clothes from fading in the sun, preserve elasticity, and soften the fibers.

For wool and delicate fabrics

This series is the most gentle of the Laska range of products. Silk and bamboo extracts give smoothness to fine fabrics, take care of the fluffy yarn of woolen products, and delicately clean knitwear without deforming the structure.

For sportswear and membrane clothing there is a specialized gel “Active & Fresh” based on biologically active components. It perfectly removes dirt and traces of sweat, restores elasticity to things, optimizes the properties of membrane fabric so that air access to the body is easier.

Other products

The manufacturer regularly improves the formula of its products. “Weasel” of the new generation is presented in a series with the addition of 3D. They enhance the removal of contaminants from fibers of any nature: synthetics, cotton, linen, viscose.

Available for sale:

"Black 3D Restoration Effect."

"White 3D Restoration Effect."

How to use Weasel

How the product is used depends on the color of the fabric and its type.

Wool and silk

Such fabrics largely contain protein-type fibers, which require special care and cleaning. In any case, there is no need to wash such fabrics too often, as they may lose their appearance.

Regular powders are especially dangerous for them. But, in the “Wool and Silk” Caress there are special substances that can clean these fabrics with special care. How to use the product:

  • For hand washing. For 10 l. add 80 ml of water. gel;
  • Machine washable. For every 5 kg. things - 120 ml. substances;
  • If the water is too hard. Additionally add 35-40 ml. gel.

Clothes should be dried away from direct sunlight and various heating devices. Otherwise, wool and silk will fade and shrink.


Active & Fresh Gel is used exclusively for cleaning sportswear made from materials such as:

  • Polyamide;
  • Polyester;
  • Cotton;
  • Fleece;
  • Microfiber;
  • Membrane fabric;
  • Mixed types of fabrics.

The gel is poured into the washing powder compartment depending on the degree of contamination of the item as follows:

  • Heavily contaminated. 120 ml.;
  • Average pollution. 90 ml.;
  • Not very dirty. 60 ml.

Damaged and tender tissues

For damaged items or those made from very delicate fabrics, the manufacturer Laski produces a special conditioner “3D color restoration effect”. It allows you to return things to their original color and softness.

It is better to wash things with this balm by hand. Or set the washing machine to the most delicate washing mode. Speed ​​is minimal, spin is disabled.

White and black things

White things get dirty faster than others. And if you use regular washing powder, then not only will it not cope with bleaching, but it may not remove stains at all. But Weasel “White Shine” copes with this task perfectly.

It is best to use the softest water for hand washing. To do this, you should add baking soda to it and dilute it. If things are washed in an automatic machine, then you can pour 250 grams directly into the drum. soda

The gel will not only be able to wash white fabric, but will also protect it for some time from the appearance of grayness and yellowing. And the special pigments found in Laska will make things softer and shinier.

The Black Glow weasel works in a similar way, but is used on black items. It is also worth washing in soft water. Washing mode – normal, you can use spin.

Colored fabrics

The main problem when washing colored clothes is the leaching of the pigments that colored the fabric fibers. More recently, this was a huge problem, since there were simply no special products for washing colored clothes.

But, Weasel “Magic of Color” can not only preserve the color of the product, but also will not damage its fibers and structure. How to use:

  • First, things are sorted by color - this is the “golden rule”. Otherwise, an exchange of coloring matter will occur. So, if you load, say, black, blue and green things into a drum, then even Laska will not be able to “understand” which color is which. That is, things are guaranteed to lose their former appearance;
  • It is best to set the temperature when washing colored laundry within 35-45 degrees, depending on the degree of soiling of the item. If things are very dirty, then you can take a risk - insert 55-60 degrees;
  • For normal washing of colored items, you should add only 40 ml to the powder compartment of the washing machine. gel for 4-5 kg. linen

Gel “Magic of Color” washes perfectly and preserves all bright (blue, yellow, red green, etc.) colors. But it is not suitable for white and black.

Varieties of the substance Weasel

Laska detergent is available in several varieties so that you can choose exactly the gel that is suitable for a specific type of fabric and color. So, they distinguish:

  • “White Shine” - for cleaning white things;
  • “Black Shine” - to restore black linen;
  • “Magic of Color” - for washing colored clothes;
  • “Silk and wool” - for wool and silk fabrics;
  • “3D color restoration effect” - for damaged items.

There is another Laska gel - Active & Fresh, which is designed specifically for washing sportswear. Including membrane.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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