Caring for children's toys: every mother should know about this

Toys accompany a child everywhere: while he is awake and asleep, at home and on a walk, in the car and in kindergarten. However, if not properly cared for, your favorite bear can become a source of trouble.


By accumulating dirt on their surface, toys turn out to be a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that can be the causative agents of various diseases. When a child tastes toys, microbes enter the oral cavity, the mucous membrane of which is especially thin and delicate in children, and can cause stomatitis.

Then they penetrate into the stomach, from where, as a result of the weak production of hydrochloric acid (which destroys pathogenic bacteria) and the low activity of digestive enzymes, they easily enter other parts of the digestive tract.

Educational toys for children under one year old: 8 must-have fun

The intestinal immune system of babies does not yet produce a sufficient amount of protective antibodies capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, so they cause intestinal infections. It is also easy for helminth eggs or staphylococcus to enter a child’s body.

Even ordinary dust that settles on the surface of toys is an unwelcome guest in the nursery. After all, one of its main components is dust mites, whose waste products can cause severe allergic reactions. The solution is to properly care for children's toys.

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Stuffed Toys

Perhaps the most troublesome thing is soft toys. They accumulate dust and can become a breeding ground for dust mites. Moreover, it is often from among them that children choose their favorite, with whom they do not part even during sleep. Therefore, at least 1-2 times a week, your plush friends need to be washed.

  • For toys that do not have wet parts and which have a wash symbol on the label, water procedures in the washing machine are suitable.
  • Use baby powder.
  • Place the toy in a special bag (or regular nylon tights) and set to delicate mode.
  • More “fragile” items (for example, knitted toys) are best washed by hand in warm water with baby soap. After rinsing, they need to be carefully squeezed out, straightened and spread on a towel.

To get rid of dust mites, place a stuffed animal in the freezer. At a temperature of 18° below zero, ticks die in 2–3 hours. In frosty winter, large toys can be placed in a bag and left on the balcony all night.

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Eco-toys: advantages and benefits of fun made from natural materials

Toy washing schedule in preschool educational institutions

Each preschool institution draws up its own exact schedule for performing this procedure, but in general these schedules differ only in the exact time. An example graph is shown below.

Time of processingJunior groupSenior group

To record the procedures for washing and disinfecting toys, a special toy washing log is used in the preschool educational institution . This log indicates: the time and date of the treatment, a list of items processed, the type of treatment and information about the detergent used, the marking of the container and the details of the responsible employee who signs the log.

You can automate the keeping of a toy washing log using the software module “Health Protection of Employees and Children” of the Educational Institution Activity Monitoring System (SKDOU). It contains more than 20 logs and allows you to monitor COVID-19 in order to reduce the incidence of illness in children and employees. Read more about the program here.

Thorough cleaning of toys in a kindergarten is the key to the health of all its pupils, especially in an aggravated epidemiological situation. Timely and proper washing and disinfection make it possible to avoid the spread of diseases and protect children from many troubles that come from contact with contaminated surfaces. Along with washing dishes, processing toys is one of the most responsible and important procedures, so it is necessary to pay the closest attention to it.

Author of the article: Lidiya Sitnikova

Rubber and plastic toys

The most undemanding to care for are plastic and rubber toys. But even rubber ducklings that swim with the baby in the bath need to be washed.

  • Once a week, wash the toys with a sponge in warm water and soap or in a soda solution, and then pour boiling water over them (after making sure that such treatment is permissible).
  • Some plastic toys can also be washed in the dishwasher by placing them in a special bag. The optimal temperature for this procedure is 60°.
  • Instead of chemical powders and rinses, use baking soda or lemon juice. However, it should be taken into account that after several such “headwashes” the toys may become dull (this often happens with low-quality rubber bathing toys).
  • Before returning the toy to its little owner, wipe it with a clean towel and make sure the coating is intact. If cracks or paint peeling appear on the surface, the toy should not be given to the child.
  • It is recommended to sterilize teethers and rattles.
  • Bath toys require special care. It would seem that they take baths regularly. However, due to constant exposure to soapy water, “waterfowl” become covered with a film on which mold can form. After each bath, carefully dry the toys in the hanging net.

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Top 10 educational games with buttons for children

Toys for children under one year old by month

Choosing toys for 1-year-old children in a store is a pleasure and a difficult task at the same time; toys for newborns open up a little person’s understanding of the world, give impetus to the development of his emotions, desires, creative imagination; look for toys for children under one year old with love, care and intelligence.

When choosing toys for children 1 year old, you should definitely take care of the baby’s safety. The item should not have sharp corners, only large parts are suitable, the material of the product should be harmless. Take care of emotional comfort; let toys for newborns be of a pleasant shape and not frightening colors; if the toys make sounds, let them sound softer, not harshly. The baby learns all the diversity of the world from surrounding objects. Let toys for children under one year old convey all forms of life, a variety of materials, let them encourage him to learn new movements, introduce him to unusual new sensations.

When can you give toys to a newborn?

In the first weeks, a newborn's vision is not developed enough to even see objects; the first toys appear to him as blurry spots. He is able to follow with his eyes and turn his head the movement of objects. The first toys offered to a newborn are usually rattles. The baby follows the blurry moving spot with his eyes when the adult moves the rattle, attracting attention.

Hanging toys for newborns will come in handy. Several rattles connected together are hung on the crib, then on the stroller. Bright, cheerful toys for newborns, attached to the crib, distract the child from crying, force him to focus his eyes, and encourage him to listen. The rattle is placed in the hands, developing grasping movements. It is advisable to choose objects for the game that evoke different tactile sensations. You can create textile toys for newborns from bright fabric with your own hands. An adult first lets the baby feel everything, then he learns to play on his own.

Every day, week, and even more so every month, the baby’s abilities, skills and interests grow. Most toys are useful for babies from the first weeks to a year, they just use them differently. If at first the baby only looks, he will soon try to touch, then he will throw it away and try to bite.

Given the rapid development, toys for children under one year old should change according to their needs. What toys does a newborn baby need depending on age?

1 month

Toys for a newborn, who is only 1 month old, contribute to the development of attention, hearing, focusing of vision, and physical development of the body. Your baby will love the mobile design, which can be hung above the crib. The advantages of this wonderful toy for babies are that it moves, which is most interesting to a one-month-old baby. You can play with any object, just move it within your field of vision. It’s even more interesting to draw eyes and a mouth on a ball, for example. The baby's attention will be even more focused on the ball. The baby's hearing is quite developed, sound toys are good. You can play music, especially Mozart, the child listens with pleasure.

2 months

Toys for newborns who are 2 months old are already more meaningful. The child distinguishes a face well, but it must be clearly expressed. It could be a tumbler doll, a rug with a face, or a bun with a face. There may be animal faces with large eyes and a mouth. The baby can already distinguish how they sound. A new toy that has appeared among the familiar and familiar especially attracts attention. It is especially important that loved ones introduce toys to toys. Rattles are still relevant. You can teach them to pick them up. Of course, he’s still not good at manipulating his little hands, but he’s getting something done.

3 months

Toys for 3 month olds are the same as before. The muscles are more developed, so he controls them much more deftly. He holds the rattle for a long time, examines it, and when he gets tired of it, throws it away. Tries to grab hanging rattles, not always successfully. It is more fun for adults to play with a baby; he can easily guess the source of the sound and sing along with it. He reaches out to a colorful soft toy, turns his head towards it, and tries to grab it. An educational mat will come in handy. All musical toys, rubber bells, bells, rattles, and music boxes are interesting to the child.

4 months

Four-month-old babies can turn on their side, raise their chest and head, smile and babble. Toys for 4-month-old children become more varied: talking books, rustling toys, mirrors, balls and balls of different sizes and colors. A bell tied to a leg encourages the child to move it to hear a sound. Adults can give a rattle tied to a ribbon, encouraging the child to grab it. These simple games help develop and strengthen muscles and skills.

5 months

Toys for a 5 month old baby should continue to develop existing skills and learn new ones. Rattles with handles, cubes, fabric toys of different textures with squeakers inside, a rug with toys for babies are what you need. A metallophone, knocking on records, a drum, and a piano help develop motor skills and are popular with children. The child is trying to crawl; round objects that roll when touched will help him. You can help move by offering to grab a stick. If you throw a ball into the crib, the baby pushes it and develops coordination. Children play with everything, not just toys. Dishes, scarves, skeins of yarn, just supervision is required.

6 months

Six-month-old children need a comfortable space to play. You can lay a rug on the floor. For toys you need to have a house - a box or basket. The baby will be happy to get toys from there himself. Toys for 6-month-old children are called by names and the sounds they make are imitated. Animals and dolls are recognized by their names. You can show body parts, eyes, nose, mouth, naming them. The child tries to solve problems. He takes out a toy hidden under the blanket, understands that by moving along the table, the doll will fall, pulling the string makes the ball move. If your baby is holding two toys, give him a third. He has to figure it out and free his hand. Offer your baby educational toys for newborns, pyramids, push-on cups, toys with doors, buttons, and wheels.

7 months

A seven-month-old baby learns to handle things as adults do. He takes the doll by the handle, cradles it, takes the rattle, as it should be by the handle, and assembles the pyramid. Toys for a 7-month-old child become more complex, these are imitation of adult things, jars with lids, simple dishes, pyramids, floating ducks, boats, toy books. Folding books with simple bright drawings. Rubber, wooden, plastic animals. Cubes made of wood, cardboard.

8 months

He is eight months old. The child moves independently, exploring the space of the apartment. It’s good to have a box or basket with toys in every room; travel will be even more interesting. The pleasure of playing grows, the baby can build and break, he likes to swing, through something or crawl under something. Toys for 8-month-old children are distinguished by their design capabilities and versatility. He has a “library”, books are examined independently and with adults. Balls or objects that are kicked are good; the child already knows how to do this and develops muscles. Musical and gaming centers are useful, stimulating the development of thinking and fine motor skills. They use all the old rattles and can be dropped and thrown out of the crib. There are a variety of bathing toys for newborns, ducks, and boats.

9 months

A nine-month-old baby loves to try on a hat and look in the mirror, put lids on jars, not only fold pyramids, but also take them out, pick them out, put rings on a post, and take them off. Toys for 9 month olds require patience and persistence. You can give a matryoshka doll, but it opens easily. Simple wind-up toys are interesting; you can buy themed items, dolls, cribs, and dishes. It seems that these are toys for newborn girls, it turns out that boys also take role-playing games well.

10 months

Toys for a 10 month old baby continue to become more complex. The child walks for the first time, still with support, dancing to the music. To stimulate activity, use the company of dogs, bunnies, and dolls. Games with balls, pyramids, and cubes have become more complex. I like rocking chairs, lollipops, cars, simple and winding. It is believed that cars are toys for newborn boys; girls also enjoy spinning ears of corn. Baby strollers help you walk more confidently, the toy will last for a long time, and you can carry dolls in the future. Simple construction sets and puzzles are good. You can buy a tent house. You can play with a tower, I use a box for the tower. A child can look through books, but the main thing is movement.

11 months

Toys for 11 month olds are slightly more complicated. Household items, dishes, clothing, and equipment are used. Labyrinths with beads, musical toys with buttons, a wooden train, a car you sit in, the first sports toys develop both muscles and thinking. The child learns to make toys himself. I decided on a favorite toy for sleeping a newborn, for bathing, and my first favorite books. Kids enjoy listening to simple rhymes and looking at pictures.

1 year

Finally the baby turns one year old. Toys for 1-year-old children are purchased consciously. The child has developed needs, sympathies, and attachments. Mom guesses what kind of toy the baby needs and what kind he likes. And friends or relatives are puzzled by the question of what toy to buy for a 1-year-old child. Choose chicco toys for newborns, you can't go wrong. They develop and help master sounds, numbers, shapes, associative thinking, even a foreign language. Buy story sets, dolls with clothes, kitchen furniture. Children love interactive toys, meowing kittens, barking dogs. You will definitely like the groovy frogs, chickens, and bunnies.

How to treat toys for newborns

Toys for children under one year old must be washed after purchase or as a gift; some can be doused with boiling water, steam, or washed with baby powder. Also iron, wash or steam toys for babies made by yourself. During use, toys should also be washed with soap or washed. The main thing is to buy quality toys. There are plastics and dyes that are very harmful to the baby, be careful. Find out what reviews parents leave about the selected toy for newborns. There is no need to excessively sterilize toys for newborns, because immunity must be developed.

DIY toys for 1 year old children

Craftswomen can sew a toy for a newborn using natural, bright fabrics. It is useful for the baby to feel the different textures of the material. You can knit a toy. There are instructions for crocheting a toy for a newborn. Hang knitted toys of different colors on the crib. You can make educational sound toys by filling empty containers, jars, chocolate egg molds, metal boxes with various components, cereals, peas, and coins. They make very interesting toys. Homemade rattles can be tied to a ribbon; the child can play with them himself or with adults. The rattle can be inserted into a soft toy.

Furreal friends interactive toys for newborns

These wonderful original toys for newborns stimulate the development of communication and the acquisition of new skills. They are very funny, children and adults love them. Thanks to the wheels, the animals move across the surface and make realistic sounds. Additional accessories, houses, tunnels will add realism to the game. An interactive kitten or pony can become a child's friend. The toys have great features, excellent quality, and are absolutely safe.

Toys for the development of tactile sensations

Sensations through touch affect the baby’s brain. Conscious manipulation of objects, moving, inserting, unscrewing, tearing off, throwing, is an exploration of the properties of things. The more suitable toys, the better. You can hang a tactile mat on that wall, you can buy it, make it. On the rug are different pieces of fabric, beads, buttons of different heights, and ribbons. It develops drawing well with harmless finger paints. Use bags or toys filled with materials that feel different. Somewhere there is cotton wool, cereals, somewhere there are pebbles. It’s great if the toy can be untwisted, disassembled, assembled, pushed into each other, torn.

A multifunctional toy, a doll can be dressed, undressed, combed or torn off its head, put to sleep, bathed, rocked to sleep. Buckets of different sizes and cups are useful. While the baby cannot be given plasticine, take bread crumb. It’s good to make balls, sausages from the crumb, a job for your fingers. It's good to play with pyramids, but their complexity increases. Come up with games for the bathroom, in addition to ducks, boats, it’s good if the toy sticks, spins under the stream, blows bubbles. Place a rubber mat on the bottom for safety.

Need outdoor items. The stroller is used for support at first, then for the doll. Spatulas, grass rakes, sand. The sandbox is an indispensable assistant in children's development. A gurney on a long stick, often making a rumble, then a machine on a string. On the playground they learn to share and exchange. Swings are indispensable for outdoor use; you can hang them in the yard. In winter, bring snow from the street in a bucket, let your baby be surprised. In the spring, you can launch a paper boat along the stream, just a leaf, and watch it float.

Wooden Toys

It is not difficult to keep wooden toys clean, but caring for them has some special features. Bleach and disinfectants are not suitable for cleaning such products! They can ruin the appearance of the toy by drying out its surface. In addition, wood products have a porous structure, as a result of which they can absorb aggressive substances contained in these products. Therefore, to care for wooden toys, it is recommended to use soft cleansing gels, shampoos, and soaps for children.

  • At least a couple of times a week, clean the surface of toys with a soft brush or sponge dipped in soapy water. After this, wipe them with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining soap.
  • If it is very dirty, rinse the toy in soapy water, but do not soak it - this may cause deformation.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to use a weak solution of vinegar as a disinfectant; it is convenient for wiping surfaces, but sometimes it causes allergies.
  • Do not dry wooden toys on a radiator or in bright sun.

Source: Instagram @bon_bonnette

Cleaning Dolls - Hair and Body

The hair on toys is thin plastic materials. You can wash such hair with a small amount of soap. After cleaning, be sure to rinse them thoroughly with water and leave them to dry, combing the strands first to prevent them from tangling. If your hair is severely damaged and has lost its shine and become matte, you can use regular hair conditioner and leave it soaked overnight.

Plastic bodies of dolls can be easily cleaned using a mixture of vegetable oil and soda. Use cotton wool to spread the solution onto the stains and rub them in a circular motion. For stubborn stains, you can add a small amount of nail polish remover.

Electronic friends

There are toys, when caring for which you need to avoid contact with water so as not to damage them. What to do?

  • Radio-controlled cars and plastic musical instruments can be placed in the freezer for a couple of days, after removing the batteries. Parasite eggs and some harmful bacteria die at low temperatures. After removing the toy from the freezer, wait 1-2 hours before inserting the batteries. This is necessary so that condensation evaporates from the contacts of the electronic mechanism.
  • However, if a child regularly tries to treat a singing soft bunny to porridge, this method of care will be ineffective, since it will not be able to remove dirt. In this case, you can sacrifice the toy's vocal abilities by removing the music block. Fill the resulting empty space with padding polyester and carefully sew it up. After such an “operation”, the toy can be washed in the company of other plush friends.

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Store products

If you don’t want to prepare a soap-soda solution, you can buy special preparations for treating children’s toys, which are commercially available.


This product is equipped with a sprayer, so it is convenient to use even for soft toys and any surfaces in the child’s room. Safe, does not cause allergies, but effectively protects against viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Price: from 200 to 350 rubles.

"Our mother"

Antimicrobial agent for toys, high chairs and other furniture. Effectively protects against bacteria, has no odor, and does not cause allergies. But it requires rinsing off after treatment.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Price: 250–300 rub.


Convenient in the form of disinfectant wipes, for example, on a walk. If an object falls, the napkin will effectively and quickly clean it not only of dirt, but also of microorganisms.

For home use, Septolite Antiseptic spray is applied to a napkin or piece of cloth, which is then used to wipe the toys.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Price: spray - 100 rubles, antibacterial wipes - 350 rubles.

How to wash soft toys with foam?

Photo by Pixabay
For felt toys:

  • We soap a cloth with baby soap.
  • Squeeze as much as possible and thoroughly wipe all contaminated areas.
  • Take a clean cloth, soak it in clean water (no soap), wring it out, and clean the toy again.
  • Place the toy on the windowsill (drying rack) until completely dry.

For toys with glued parts (noses, eyes, bows, etc.) and balls inside:

  • We collect water in a small bowl.
  • Pour in baby shampoo and whisk until a thick, high foam forms.
  • We collect foam on the sponge and begin cleaning the toy, being careful not to completely wet it.
  • Wipe with a barely damp cloth.
  • Blot with a terry towel.
  • We dry it by laying the toy on a linen cloth or placing it on a radiator.
  • Gently comb the plush fur with a brush.

If yellow spots appear on the toy (these appear over time), then before cleaning, pour lemon juice onto the stain and dry it in the sun.


You can wash your teddy bear in a basin or bath with soapy water. When cleaning, follow the symbols on the label to indicate the appropriate water temperature. If you are unsure whether an item is machine washable, clean it by hand.

Hand wash procedure:

  1. Pour water (cold or slightly warm) into a bowl.
  2. Add a little liquid soap (about 1 teaspoon) or baby shampoo (eg Johnson).
  3. Do not use too much detergent, it may disturb the color and cause allergies.
  4. Wet the toy.
  5. Leave for 15-30 minutes.
  6. Wash the product carefully.
  7. Remove washable stains with your hand or a sponge; for stubborn stains, use vinegar.
  8. Rinse off any remaining soap.
  9. Squeeze gently.
  10. Use a towel to absorb excess water (place the stuffed animal between the towels and press down).

When hand washing, it is important to wring the toy thoroughly to get as much water out of it as possible. It is not recommended to place it in the dryer. It may lose shape and size. It is best to dry outside. But beware of direct sunlight, which can disturb the colors.

Machine washable

Recommendations for proper machine washing:

  1. Be sure to read the label on the product. Sometimes cleaning in the washing machine is not recommended.
  2. Check if there is a music box, battery, or bead filling inside. Remove the device from a toy with music or similar mechanism.
  3. Place the product in the washing net.
  4. Use delicate cycle, warm or cold wash. But avoid hot water. It can dissolve glue.
  5. Use baby detergent.
  6. Wash at 30–40ºС. If this temperature is exceeded, there is a risk of damage to the product.
  7. Do not try to force a large toy into the car. You may damage it.
  8. After rinsing, do not wring out the product; dry it with a terry towel.
  9. Dry flat or hung.

Basic cleaning rules

Washing an ordinary toy is not difficult for some, but how to clean one that cannot be washed is a more difficult task. Initially, you should decide which products should be treated more carefully, which require a certain approach and cleaning rules.

Toys prohibited from washing in the washing machine:

  • Made from materials that shed heavily.
  • Made from low-quality fabric or poorly sewn, as they may fall apart during the process.
  • With a small amount of synthetic padding inside.
  • Having any electronic device (mechanism) inside, for example, a sound module, a sensor mechanism. If hand washing is necessary, then the toy must be ripped open, the mechanism removed from it, the hole sewn up and washed. After washing, undo it, insert the mechanism and sew it up again.

If an item of fun falls into this category, then this is not a reason not to wash it: dirt, dust, and germs still collect in a soft thing. In such a case, there are several ways to help solve the problem. Methods are divided into two types: dry cleaning and wet foam cleaning.

Dry cleaning

These methods do not involve the use of water. Any contact with water is prohibited, as if you wash it, you can damage the soft toy or leave stains on it.

Soda for stains

Baking soda is known for its cleansing and neutralizing properties. Using this method will help wash the toy and kill any germs contained in it. No water is required with this method.

To clean with soda you will need: a brush, 100 grams of soda, a garbage bag, a cotton towel.

Cleansing must be carried out following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Before washing the product, if possible, remove visible dirt from the surface of the fur of a children's toy, a vacuum cleaner is suitable, but you should not use a regular attachment, but for furniture.
  2. Pour baking soda into the bag. Place the toy in it so that you can tie it tightly later.
  3. Shake in your hands. This is necessary so that all the soda is distributed on the object of fun. Thus, the soda gets into the villi, between the fur.
  4. Leave for one and a half to two hours.
  5. Lightly wet the towel - this can be done with a spray bottle.
  6. Remove the trinket from the bag and wrap it in a towel.

Important! If the product has stubborn stains, then this method may not be effective. But if you use this method several times and use starch, you can achieve good results and completely clean the toy even from difficult stains.

Starch for stains

The execution of the method with starch is very similar to the procedure with soda, there are only a few changes.

You will need for cleaning: 100 grams of starch, a brush, oilcloth material, cloth for placing under the work surface, a bag.

The procedure should be carried out carefully, because starch can get into the nose and lungs. To prevent this, you can open a window or clean outside.

Note! Contact with water is prohibited. Water with starch can leave white stains on the toy, which will be very difficult to clean.

Clean the toy according to the instructions:

  1. Place a cloth under the work surface.
  2. Place a soft product on it.
  3. Rub starch into the pile.
  4. Set aside for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Remove starch with a brush.
  6. Wrap in a bag and leave the soft fun in the freezer.

Additional Information! This method will not kill germs. But if you leave the product in the freezer for two days, the pathological formations may die. Also, direct sunlight and UV radiation negatively affect microbes.

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