What suction power should a good vacuum cleaner have?

A vacuum cleaner is one of the most popular household appliances. Without exception, all housewives dream of a functional unit with which they can remove dust, remove dirt, wash and clean various surfaces, forgetting that the key to quality cleaning is the suction power of a household vacuum cleaner. This publication will tell you what this parameter is, what it depends on, and how to choose the right vacuum cleaner based on suction power.

Types of power

There are two types of power: consumed and useful, which is otherwise called suction power. Let's look at what these indicators are and how they differ in more detail.

Power consumption

This indicator indicates to a literate consumer the amount of electricity consumed by the equipment per hour, as well as the load exerted by the device on the electrical network. For classic representatives of the household segment, the electricity consumption parameter ranges from 1.5 to 3 kW. In order to attract the attention of potential consumers, the consumption indicator is indicated in large numbers on the body of each unit, since it is always higher than the useful performance.

For example, 2000 V is the power consumption

You should know that there is no direct relationship between power consumption and suction efficiency. The lower the consumption, the more economical the device, but this has nothing to do with the quality of cleaning!

Suction power

This parameter reflects the force with which the vacuum cleaner will draw in air. In other words: the higher the suction power, the more effective the cleaning process is. For modern technology, this figure usually ranges from 0.25 to 0.32 kW. The most powerful vacuum cleaners in the household segment reach 480 W in terms of suction. This parameter is indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation for the device.

Example of suction power designation on a vacuum cleaner

Having determined the useful power of the device, the consumer will still not get a real picture of the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner, since this parameter reflects its maximum performance, which is achieved only in the first seconds of operation of the unit, and even then only with an empty dust collector. The real performance of the vacuum cleaner is reflected throughout the cleaning process. This figure gradually decreases as the dust container fills. The average effective performance is approximately 30% lower than the maximum parameter stated in the passport.

What determines the effectiveness of a vacuum cleaner?

What should be the suction power of a modern vacuum cleaner, and what affects this indicator? The power characteristics of any modern vacuum cleaner are influenced by a number of factors.


The coefficient of performance (COP) of the power unit affects its useful power. In the simplest version (without taking into account the mass of variables), the formula for calculating efficiency is as follows:

Efficiency = Nall/Nconsum.

As can be seen from the formula, the efficiency of the electric motor has a direct dependence on the suction power (Nsuction) and consumption (Nconsumption). The higher the efficiency and the lower the energy consumption, the more efficiently the device operates.

The efficiency of a vacuum cleaner affects its useful power.

Vacuum cleaner type

The type of device (washing, wet or dry cleaning, built-in steam generator, etc.) affects its design. The more elements are used in the design of the unit, the higher the resistance to air flow and the lower the cleaning efficiency.

Dust collectors

Models with the same electricity consumption and motor efficiency that have a different design and type of dust collector (water filter, bag or dust container) may demonstrate different operating efficiencies and will differ significantly in cost.

As a rule, budget devices are equipped with disposable paper or reusable fabric bags for collecting garbage. As they fill, paper bags should be replaced, and textile bags should be thoroughly cleaned of dust.

Paper disposable bag Cloth bag

More expensive models are equipped with plastic containers. These waste containers are reusable and do not require replacement. The only drawback is the increased noise level during operation.

Vacuum cleaners with aqua filters are among the most expensive among appliances in the household segment. The principle of operation of a water dust collector is very simple: polluted air is passed through a liquid, which captures even the smallest dust particles. After using the device, the dirty water is drained, the container is washed and the device is ready for use again.

Vacuum cleaner with plastic container Vacuum cleaner with aqua filter

You should know that models with an aqua filter have a number of serious disadvantages, the main one of which is the impressive size of the device, due to the large volume of the water container.

Build quality

To create good traction, a vacuum must be created in the device body. If the assembly is of poor quality, air enters the vacuum cleaner through the cracks, reducing the vacuum and significantly reducing its performance.


They differ in type of material and strength. The bags require regular replacement, which affects the cost of maintenance. Please check their price and availability before purchasing. This is easy to do using the consumables selection service.

  • Paper

    Disposable, inexpensive, hygienic. Retains fine dust and odors, but may tear or become wet.

  • Synthetic

    Reusable, they collect dust a little worse, but are also suitable for large coarse debris, they can be washed.

  • Multilayer

    They are reusable, are not afraid of splinters, do not tear when shaken out, and can be used to collect wet garbage.

Select from the catalog

Suction power in numbers

So, what suction power should a good vacuum cleaner have? For ease of understanding, it is better to answer this question in numbers. So, the optimal suction power for modern models of household vacuum cleaners depends on the type of surface to be cleaned:

  1. To clean parquet, laminate and other smooth surfaces, it is enough to have equipment with an efficiency rating of 350 W;
  2. To clean short-pile carpets, you must choose a device with a useful power of 380-420 W;
  3. To remove dirt from upholstered furniture and deep clean long-pile carpets, you need to purchase equipment with an effective performance of 450 W or more.

It should be taken into account that even the most powerful household vacuum cleaner in terms of suction power will not be able to cope with the removal of construction waste, sand-cement dust, fragments of plaster, sawdust and shavings for a long time. For such types of work, you should purchase a suitable model of a construction vacuum cleaner that has a specific design for a waste container and an effective air filtration system.

Powerful models

Bosch BGL35MOV40


  • build quality
  • five levels of filtration
  • high suction power
  • excellent equipment
  • German reliability


  • not found

From 6094 ₽

Additional information: HEPA 13 fine filter, power regulator located on the housing, telescopic suction pipe made of stainless steel, vertical parking.



  • lightweight, maneuverable
  • excellent suction power
  • convenient to use and maintain


  • fragile plastic of all parts
  • short hose (came off after third use)
  • It makes a loud noise, like a plane taking off.

From 3800 ₽

Philips FC9174 Performer


  • very high suction power
  • convenient and comfortable use
  • It's not very noisy, especially at medium power.
  • excellent equipment


  • not found

From 10390 ₽



  • good suction power
  • large dust bag
  • works amazingly quietly


  • very short network cable
  • inconvenient and short hose.

From 5169 ₽



  • great power
  • removes all types of contaminants in the first pass
  • multifunctional and convenient


  • not found

From 10990 ₽

Types of suction power regulators

How to choose a powerful household vacuum cleaner that can handle cleaning any surfaces, but has low energy consumption? There are models that have the function of adjusting the suction power. The regulator can be mechanical or electronic:

  1. Mechanical. This type of controller is a slide switch or rotator. Most often, this control element is implemented on the device body. During operation, it is quite difficult to select intermediate power options, and for each change in performance you need to bend over to the body of the vacuum cleaner;
  2. Digital. The electronic regulator can be placed either on the body or on the tube. The main advantage of this control system is the ability to smoothly change performance indicators. Some modern models are equipped with a display that displays operating modes, suction power, dust bin fullness, degree of filter clogging, etc.

    Mechanical suction power regulator

Vertical - for quick and easy cleaning

This is a kind of electric broom - a handle on which a brush and an electric motor are attached. The motor can be located below or above, the second option is more powerful. Does not take up much space and is suitable for maintenance cleaning. For example, he will collect scattered sugar or soil from a flower pot that the cat broke. Usually it is bought in addition to a classic vacuum cleaner, but in a studio apartment without carpets it can be used as the main one.

Pay attention to the capacity of the dust container - the higher it is, the less often you need to interrupt cleaning to empty the container. Some models have a turbo mode and attachments, for example, a turbo brush - it quickly collects hair, threads, and pet fur. Turbo brushes can be mechanical (rotated by passing air) or electric (with a separate drive).

Upright vacuum cleaners are lighter than classic ones, but they need to be carried while cleaning, and not rolled along the floor. Therefore, weight plays an important role. For example, a 3 kg vacuum cleaner weighs the same as two dumbbells or two kettles filled with water.


  • Typically lighter than classic
  • Convenient to store and use
  • Wireless models are not tied to outlets


  • Less powerful than classic
  • Small dust container volume
  • Wireless models require charging

Recommendations from experts

What is the best suction power for a modern vacuum cleaner? Selecting equipment based on this indicator is quite simple: the larger the area of ​​the serviced premises and the more complex its coverage, the higher the performance indicator should be:

  1. If financial capabilities allow, then it is worth purchasing a more productive model with a power regulator. This device will allow you to remove dirt from almost any surface;
  2. Equipment with a dust collector in the form of a plastic container has an optimal price-performance ratio;
  3. Pay attention to models from brands that have earned respect in the domestic market. As a rule, vacuum cleaners from world leaders in this segment are equipped with high-efficiency motors;
  4. And of course, a manufacturer who has spent resources on installing a good power plant and an effective filtration system will not skimp on build quality, accessories, or provide inflated data on the net power of the model.

Watch a video about the power of vacuum cleaners

How to determine this indicator

Based on power, choosing a model is very simple. It is enough to follow the rule: the larger the room and the more complex the cleaning, the stronger the engine is required.

Important! The indicator of both powers is written on the box or body of the model. You can also find out about the characteristics from a consultant when purchasing a vacuum cleaner in a store.

You cannot do without a vacuum cleaner in the modern environment of a dusty city: there is dust and bacteria all around the room. It is important to choose the right model so that it can cope with contamination.

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