Getting rid of musty smell in the washing machine

Unpleasant odors from the washing machine are a problem that owners of old equipment most often have to face. But sometimes an irritating odor can also appear from a new device recently purchased in a store.

The problem with bad odors must be solved immediately, otherwise you will have to rinse the laundry for an additional time and for a long time, which, instead of pleasant freshness, may begin to smell like a swamp or sewer.

To effectively solve the problem , you need to identify the factors that provoke the appearance of unwanted odors and, based on them, choose the appropriate method for eliminating them.

What exactly can a washing machine smell like?

The most disgusting smell that can come from a machine is the smell of fungal mold. It is so sharply sweet and smells simply disgusting. It's downright heartbreaking. And it’s absolutely impossible to wear something that smells like that.

Also, the machine may smell of acetone, gasoline or other chemicals. But in this case, everything is not so scary, since the culprit is some dirty thing in gasoline that you threw into the washing machine. And such a smell washes out on its own. A couple of washes with some old sheet and that’s it, the problem is solved.

So, there is no point in talking about this; it’s better to discuss how to detect and neutralize the moldy smell. This is really a problem that can lead to not only unnecessary expenses, but also endless fuss.

Places where fungus accumulates or why there is a smell in the washing machine

There are a lot of places like this, and it’s scary... It’s unlikely that anyone, the first time, was able to correctly determine where exactly the stink was coming from.

Sources of unpleasant odor in the washing machine can be:

  • The drum itself, just not inside where you can see it, but from behind;
  • Channel through which detergents are supplied;
  • Tray (cuvette) for powders;
  • Heating heating element (especially if it has begun to oxidize);
  • Drain hose or filter;
  • Stagnation of water in the lower part of the machine due to improper installation/setting;
  • General communications pipes (only in old houses).

As you can see, there are plenty of places that are not so easy to clean. But the worst thing is the last option. Below we will describe step by step how to deal with the smell in each specific case. In the meantime, read the hint to our long article.

Is there one universal way to get rid of odor?

Many people think that it is not at all necessary to look for something there and clean it, you can just take and run the machine using some kind of chemical. After all, in theory, it should get into all the places and crevices and automatically wash out the suspected areas where fungus accumulates.

In principle, this is the right decision and you should always start with it. But, keep in mind that washing must be done not just once, but a couple of times in a row.

Why is that? But because an acid or other chemical substance may not completely break down the plaque the first time, but only “fluff” it, which will only intensify the stench. Therefore, rinse twice and if this does not help, then you will have to look for the root of the evil...

What and how can you wash a washing machine?


“Idle” washing should be done only with hot water, in boiling mode.

This is the most important point. The second is the choice of means. It is not necessary to take expensive chemicals; if you wish, you can get by with folk remedies.

Calgon is a good thing, but it should be used in extreme cases. It removes scale, but it ruins the rubber. Cars break down very quickly if you get carried away with this product. You can only apply it once a year or if there is an odor.

Citric acid is no worse than Calgon, if not better. It perfectly dissolves scale and sediment and at the same time does not “kill” rubber. She can and should wash the machine “idle”, about once every two months. Just pour a pack of lemon juice into the drum and set the wash to boiling. This method helps to quickly get rid of problems.

Soda (we do not recommend) is a weaker remedy and can be used if there is absolutely nothing at hand and nothing is foreseen. But, frankly speaking, it is difficult to imagine such a situation in our 21st century.

Vinegar (we don’t recommend it) is an acid and, theoretically, it should clean no worse than lemon juice. But in reality, vinegar is no match for powdered citric acid concentrate. Not only is it not able to properly remove scale, but it also leaves behind such a smell that you will wash for a week and your clothes will smell like vinegar.

Bleach (we do not recommend) - it dissolves very well. The fungus is completely powerless against it. But then cleaning the car from the smell of bleach will not be so easy. You will need to run it three times, with clean water without additives, and then ventilate the machine for a long time. And most importantly, running with bleach is not a guarantee that the smell will definitely go away, since it may be in a place where the solution simply cannot reach.

So, what is the conclusion: it is best to start any cleaning with a run with lemon juice, since it dissolves well and there is no need to ventilate afterwards.

Cleaning the drain pump filter

If the machine begins to spin things poorly, takes longer to wash, noticeable vibration appears during operation, and the door remains closed for a long time after the washing cycle is completed, there is a possibility that the drain pump filter is clogged.

Fact . Often, not only buttons and coins are found in drain pumps, but even socks, keys and larger objects.

To clean the filter, you need to open the door behind which there is a hose. Unscrew the fasteners or unscrew them using a screwdriver (depending on the model). Place a bowl under the door, you can also put an old towel. Open the filter cover, wait until the water drains, remove the debris and pull out the hose.

Pour warm water into the washer drum. It will flow through the filter and so it will be completely cleaned. Then return the hose to its place and close the lid.

Step-by-step ways to neutralize odor

Experimenting with powders and conditioners

Very often it is detergents that cause the smell. Cheap powders do not dissolve completely, therefore, after washing, the machine parts remain not clean, but stuck with microparticles of these miracle powders.

And, if you wash often, then there will be no problems. And, if once a week or less, then during this time mold has time to develop. Moreover, on any parts, even on those that cannot be “reached” by a run with citric acid.

Removing odor from the drum

Here we are not talking about whether the drum is dirty on the inside. The drum may be covered with mold from the outside, which means that only a workshop, a complete disassembly of the machine and significant expenses will save you.

There's a lot of dirt there, believe me. If you regularly do preventive maintenance, which you will read about below, then such a moment will come much later, but it will still come.

Removing odor from the powder tray

If you have a top-loading machine, then everything is simple. Take out the drawer and wash it thoroughly with an old toothbrush. If we are talking about a horizontal machine, where there is almost no access to the ditch, then you will have to dodge and clean the compartment with improvised means.

For example, you can wrap cotton wool around a thin, long knitting needle, soak it in alcohol or bleach and wipe it. You can simply pour bleach into it, but do not forget to then idle the car several times.

Cleaning the detergent supply channel

If it is clogged, then a knitting needle with cotton wool will help here too. But, in theory, it should be cleaned at the moment when you start a single wash with lemon.

And, frankly, this is not the place that is the source of the damage and where the smell might come from. But, careless owners can do anything, so we are listing this place just in case.

Cleaning the drain filter

In principle, there is almost no smell of fungus from the filter. Rather, it may smell, so to speak, not of fungus at all, but of garbage, since pieces of food may get in there. But, in any case, you need to take out this filter, check it and wash it thoroughly if necessary.

Removing scale from the heating element

The heating element, too, is unlikely to become covered with fungus. It becomes overgrown with a “fur coat” of scale. It, of course, can give off some very faint odor, but it has nothing to do with the smell of mold.

So, be that as it may, since you’ve already gotten there and “gutted” the machine, it’s worth paying attention to the heating element and cleaning it. You can remove it and soak it for a day or three in a strong lemon solution, this helps.

But, in general, heating elements need to be cleaned not only for the sake of cleanliness, but for the sake of saving energy.

The more coating the heating element is, the more current it draws to give the temperature required for washing. That is, it needs more power and time to heat the water. And such a load affects the motor... Everything in the machine is interconnected, just like in the human body.

Changing or cleaning the drain hose

Everything is simple here. Unplug it and smell it. If there is a smell, try soaking it in a bleach solution for a day. If this doesn’t help, then buy a new one and don’t fool yourself. It's not that much money.

Looking for stagnant water

It happens that the smell comes from the container below, where there is always some water left. In general, this is some kind of strange and exceptional case, since, in theory, there should always be water there to protect the rubber from drying out.

But, if you installed the machine incorrectly, at the wrong level, then there may be a misalignment and there will be much more water there than necessary. In general, we can’t say exactly why this happens, but in that exact place there definitely shouldn’t be a smell. Maybe you were away for a couple of months? Then maybe there was some kind of stagnation. And even then, this cannot be.

We are fighting with the housing office and demanding replacement of pipes

If your laundry starts to smell unpleasant, then don’t rush into fanfare and check if there is a smell from another tap that comes from the same pipe? Sometimes it is completely unnoticeable, for example, in the same bathroom.

Let’s say the first portion of water has some kind of smell, and then it is drained and, in the end, you simply don’t notice that there is a smell. The first batch of stagnant water from the pipes is drawn into the machine and it runs there throughout the entire cycle.

In general, if the problem is in the pipes, then the problem is the pipe. We will have to raise all the neighbors to their feet, collect signatures and go to the utility services, demanding that the pipes be repaired. This is a troublesome and slow task.

In our country, even in case of accidents, when the basement is completely flooded with sewage water, they don’t fuss too much, and in this case, even more so... But no one is stopping you from being persistent. What should we do if in our country they won’t move without a kick?

Manual cleaning of individual machine elements: step-by-step instructions

It is important to regularly keep the parts of your household appliance clean. Comprehensive treatment of the components of the washing machine will not only eliminate the unpleasant odor, but also improve its functionality

Treating the detergent container

During operation, a coating of water impurities and powder grains forms on the walls of the tray during operation. It is recommended to process the container monthly. Baking soda or any preparation with chlorine is suitable for removing plaque.

Processing the powder container

If the plaque is pronounced, rough, it is recommended:

  1. Soak the cuvette in a solution of citric acid (1 sachet per basin of water) for an hour or overnight.
  2. Remove remaining dirt with a toothbrush.
  3. Dry the part and place it back.
  4. A soda-vinegar mixture will also help to quickly remove plaque. The foam formed during chemical processes will soften the deposits.

Washing the hatch cuff and drum

The rubber part often acts as a source of odor as it collects debris, dirt, and moisture residues. To clean the drum, just turn on the machine (without laundry) with an antimicrobial agent or citric acid (1 sachet), which is poured into the powder compartment. You need to carefully bend the element and remove the contents. Then treat the rubber surface with a disinfectant. This could be warm soapy water, vinegar or a professional cleaner. However, chlorine-containing products should be avoided.

Washing the hatch cuff

If severe dirt or mold has formed on the cuff, a mass of soda and water, combined in the same ratio, will clean it. Place the mixture in the cuff and drum, wait a couple of hours, then wipe the elements and start the washing mode. After cleaning, wipe these parts dry with a soft cloth.

Cleaning the filter and hose

Small debris and objects remaining after washing accumulate in the filter and the hose through which the liquid leaves. It is recommended to carry out treatment quarterly. To remove the filter from the machine, remove the protective panel. Usually the part is located on the front of the car from below. Place dishes or a rag first, as about 500 ml of water will spill out.

  1. Unscrew the filter counterclockwise and rinse.
  2. Carefully remove any stuck debris.
  3. The hose should be disconnected from the entrance to the sewer, then remove the part from the machine. To do this, it is recommended to use the instructions for the device, since its location may differ in different models.
  4. Rinse the hose and the water supply filter on it, preferably using a mini brush attached to a non-metallic cable. In case of severe contamination, it is recommended to replace the element.

Removing scale from the heating element (heating element)

During operation, multilayer limescale accumulates on the element. To clean the heating element, you can use the services of a professional technician or do it yourself.

  1. Disconnect the wires, sensor and carefully remove the part. The location of the element can be found in the instructions for the device; it varies for different models.
  2. Rinse the heating element under running water to remove the top layer of contaminants.
  3. Prepare a solution for soaking. In a tall dish (in a plastic bottle with a cut off neck) add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of citric acid, put heating element there and fill with hot water to the top. Shake the solution and leave the element in it overnight.
  4. In the morning, rinse the part using a sponge and water. Dry and place back in the car.

How to prevent the appearance of a stale smell?

It is always better to do prevention than to urgently get rid of the consequences. So, what should you not do and what can you do to prevent mildew in your washing machine?

1. Do not store dirty laundry directly in the drum. When you put it in it is not always perfectly dry and it may well begin to “rot.” And after such a wash, the machine may smell two or three more times, and you will think that the problem is in some spare parts.

By the way, the fungus “blooms” most quickly on fabrics that were previously washed with a large amount of conditioner, and it was not completely rinsed.

2. Don't overdo it with conditioners. This is exactly the case when porridge with butter will ruin it. Try to purchase more or less high-quality chemicals that can be rinsed out in one wash.

3. Always leave the machine open after washing. Of course, everyone knows this, but for some reason not everyone does it. The moisture remaining on the walls of the washing machine after washing is quite enough to “proliferate” the fungus in just a week, but it will be difficult to remove the smell.

4. No need to pour powder into the tray! Pour it directly into the drum. The powder is never completely washed out of the cuvettes, especially when it comes to washing in cold water. And, if it’s easy to wash a tray in a machine with a vertical loading, then the ditch of a horizontal machine is practically inaccessible. If the powder compartment is empty, then no fungus will grow there. And if there are wet lumps of powder there all the time, then you understand that they will become covered with black spots.

5. Try to rarely use the cold water wash cycle. This is not such a saving, believe me. But your things are not washed from excess powder, and the machine parts themselves are not washed during the washing process, which means fungus is not far off. And the fungus, not only does it smell disgusting, it also kills you. However, the remaining powder that you breathe in every day also kills in the same way.


Natalya, 36 years old

I have had this machine for over 10 years. I turn it on mainly for cold washing; I very rarely use 60 and even less so 90 degrees. Therefore, scale does not form as much. But still, once every 3-4 weeks I waste it by pouring a pack of citric acid inside. I have never encountered an unpleasant odor. Perhaps this is precisely because of constant prevention.

Marina, 25 years old

For me, the “magic wand” is the usual, cheapest descaler for dummies. I pour out one 100 gram once a month. packaging into the powder compartment, and the second one directly inside and turn on the wash at 90 degrees. When I made it for the first time, I was simply horrified at the pieces that came out. And now it's fine.

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