Advantages, disadvantages and methods of washing clothes with aspirin

To bleach light-colored items, powders containing chlorine are used. They have an aggressive effect on tissue.

Aspirin can be used instead. It has a softer effect on the fabric.

The use of acetylsalicylic acid for washing clothes has its pros and cons. The product can also be used to remove scale from inside the washing machine.

Let's take a closer look at how to wash white and colored laundry with aspirin in an automatic washing machine and bleach things.

What is it used for?

The product has proven itself in washing clothes due to its composition. Its component is acetylsalicylic acid. It dissolves greasy stains well.

The drug is used to get rid of old sweat and blood stains on clothes . The product is also used to whiten things. Acetylsalicylic acid does a good job of removing gray plaque from white linen.

The drug also eliminates yellow stains from sweat on such things. Aspirin is used to return clothes to their original whiteness. This article will tell you how to remove sweat stains on light-colored clothes.

As a result

As you can see, there are many ways to wash clothes, including quite budget-friendly home methods and innovative developments from the chemical industry. But I think it is always easier to avoid problems than to solve them. Therefore, in order not to have to fight for a long and painful time with yellowness and grayness, it is worth following some recommendations.

  1. Always wash whites separately from other shades.
  2. Do not store the item folded next to colored and black. This applies to the proximity on the shelves of the closet and in the basket for dirty laundry.
  3. It is better to dry white clothes in the sun: this preserves their brightness. But from drying, yellow stains appear on the heating radiator.
  4. Make sure the fabric is completely dry before storing it in the closet. Even a little under-dried, it will acquire a gray tint very quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the product are:

  • no aggressive effect on tissue;
  • returning the linen to its original rich color;
  • removing old stains;
  • the same effect when used both when washing in a machine and by hand.

The drug does not cause streaks to appear on things. Unlike bleaches, acetylsalicylic acid does not cause a grayish coating on white clothes. The product is several times cheaper than special chemical bleaches.

Acetylsalicylic acid has a number of disadvantages:

  • possible irritating effect on the skin when washed by hand;
  • negative effects on tissue fibers with frequent use of the product;
  • Removing old stains is not always effective.

Repeated applications of detergent may be required. It cannot always cope with contamination the first time.

How to bleach white bed linen without extra costs

You can wash your bed linen from grayness using available products. Soda solution, peroxide, potassium permanganate, mustard powder and even vegetable oil are the main assistants of the housewife. Folk remedies are easy to use (as opposed to boiling) and safe compared to the use of chlorinated bleaches.


Peculiarities. A universal method that does not require effort. After using the soda solution, the laundry can be washed in a machine.


  1. Mix five tablespoons of soda with half the amount of ammonia.
  2. Dilute in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak the laundry for two hours.
  4. Machine wash.

For boiling, you can also use homemade soda bleach, the recipe is the same. The handmade product should be added to the “dilution” if the bedding has turned very yellow.


Peculiarities. Whitening laundry with hydrogen peroxide is simple. At the same time, the product copes well with grayness. Whitens delicately, so can be used on any material.


  1. Prepare a solution of two parts peroxide and one part ammonia.
  2. Dilute the solution with 5 liters of warm water.
  3. Soak the sheets for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse.

Peroxide will help whiten faded whites. The maximum effect can be achieved by preparing a more concentrated peroxide-soda solution.


Peculiarities. Mustard powder not only whitens, but also removes fat and disinfects. The method can be used even for delicate fabrics, such as silk sheets.


  1. To whiten one sheet, boil 3 liters of water.
  2. Add three tablespoons of mustard (powder) to the water.
  3. Leave the mustard solution for two hours.
  4. Drain the water so that the remaining powder remains at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Soak the sheet in the drained water for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash it.

Mustard powder is optimal for bleaching kitchen towels. The substance removes greasy stains and kills accumulated microbes - just what you need for kitchen textiles.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities. Bleaching linen with potassium permanganate is rarely practiced, all because of the property of manganese to color fabrics. Few people know that potassium permanganate is an excellent whitener. With its help, you can restore whiteness even to things that have long since turned grey. The only downside is that you have to wait.


  1. Rub a hundred gram piece of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve the shavings in 10 liters of boiling water.
  3. Dilute potassium permanganate in a separate container to a faint red tint and combine with soap solution. The result will be a brown liquid.
  4. Soak the laundry in the solution for six hours. Close the container in which the laundry is soaked with a lid. No lid? Polyethylene will help out.
  5. After time, wash and be surprised at the shining whiteness.

If you believe the reviews of housewives who have tried this method, soap can be replaced with regular washing powder. You will need a glass of the product. The effect will be just as impressive.

Sunflower oil

Peculiarities. Oil is associated with greasy stains, but if you know what to mix it with, it can help whiten fabrics. The multi-component method is worth trying for those who love experiments at home.


  1. Boil a bucket of water.
  2. Add the ingredients: sunflower oil (two tablespoons), salt and soda (a tablespoon each), washing powder - (a glass).
  3. Pour the prepared solution over the laundry and leave for a day.

If the laundry is very dirty, add a commercial stain remover to the solution. To ensure that gray sheets turn white, you can boil them in an oil-lye solution for half an hour and leave until the water cools.

What type of product should I choose?

For washing, it is recommended to choose “Aspirin-S”. This type of drug is an effervescent tablet. They dissolve faster in water, unlike regular tablets.

The composition additionally contains hydrocarbonates . Also, such tablets, along with acetylsalicylic acid, contain other active acids.

When washed, they will quickly cause a chemical reaction, during which carbon dioxide is released. Thanks to it, the whitening and cleansing effect will be greatly enhanced.

For washing, it is recommended to choose effervescent tablets such as:

  • "Aspirin 1000"
  • "Upsarin"
  • "Asprovit".

Aspirin Cardio can be used. It is allowed to use expired tablets.

Selection of tablets

Today, aspirin can differ in its effect on the human body, and with its help various ailments are eliminated. It is quite natural that the composition, release form and name of the medicine changes somewhat. If we talk about the name or trademarks, then this could be Aspirin, Aspirin Cardio, Acetylsalicylic acid, Thrombo ACC and Upsarin Upsa. However, all preparations contain acidum acetylsalicylicum, therefore, any of them will whiten clothes.

Tablets have different prices, so it is natural that it is more advisable to choose the cheapest ones, since in practical use (for dissolving stains) there is no difference. Basically, the shelf life (shelf life) of a medicine is 5 years, after which it is considered expired. But such restrictions make sense only for taking tablets orally, but not for household use. Therefore, you can add old aspirin to your washing machine for bleaching without any hesitation.

Using a product to whiten things

The product can be used for both machine and hand washing. Taking into account its type, the number of aspirin tablets should be selected correctly. It matters in what form the product is used for whitening.

When processed in a washing machine

It is necessary to first grind the tablets into powder . When bleaching, it is recommended to add 5 tablets for every kilogram of clothing. The crushed tablets must be mixed with the powder.

It is recommended to immediately pour the mixture into the drum of the machine where the white things are located. It is necessary to wash clothes for at least 40 minutes.

The optimal time is 50 minutes or 1 hour. The water temperature must be at least 60C.

When cleaning manually

Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to pre-soak white items . To do this, make a solution based on 140 g of powder, 6 crushed effervescent tablets and 7 liters of hot water.

Linen is placed in the mixture for 12 hours. After this, the items must be washed in the same newly prepared solution. Then the laundry should be rinsed three times in cold water.

Tricks with jeans

Fashionable denim clothing is popular, so it is not surprising that there are a large number of misconceptions associated with putting it in order. Many people sincerely believe that pre-freezing jeans in the freezer will help wash them.

But this is not so, the only benefit of this method is the destruction of a certain amount of bacteria. Your favorite jeans won't get any cleaner.

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Features of use for colored and white clothes

Aspirin is not harmful to colored fabrics. It does not affect their elasticity. In rare cases, the product may have an excessive lightening effect on colored clothing . This applies to effervescent tablets that contain bicarbonates. But in general, aspirin does not help wash out dyes from colored fabrics.

Before using detergent for colored items, you need to do a test. Ground aspirin is mixed with water to form a paste and applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the fabric.

The mixture is left in this state for half an hour. After this, the product is rinsed in cold water. If there are no stains left on it, then you can use aspirin for washing.

Colored clothes can be washed with acetylsalicylic acid only on a delicate cycle . The water temperature should not reach 60C. No more than two tablets should be placed per 1 kg of colored laundry.

Removing stains with aspirin

Aspirin is not only a familiar drug, an affordable and versatile bleach. This drug has also established itself among housewives as a highly effective stain remover.

Salicylic acid is aimed at breaking down organic substances and quickly copes with removing the most difficult stains of this nature. To remove stains with aspirin, you should consider some nuances:

  • The time for treating persistent stains with aspirin depends on the intensity and age of the stains.
  • To ensure the preservation of the result after getting rid of the stain, it is recommended to additionally carry out a classic wash of textiles with the addition of several tablets of the drug.

Pay attention!

Aspirin, due to its pronounced bleaching properties, is not suitable for removing stubborn stains from brightly colored items.

There are several proven ways to remove difficult stains using salicylic acid tablets:

  • Preparation of a paste from crushed tablets. To do this, crush several tablets of the drug and mix with a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then smear the resulting paste onto the stain and leave for some time to act.
  • Treatment with a solution of acetylsalicylic acid. The powder prepared from two tablets of Aspirin C must be combined with half a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. Using a sponge soaked in the resulting solution, generously treat stains on the fabric and leave for 2-3 hours. After the specified time has passed, you can repeat the procedure and then wash the item as usual. It is believed that acid in the form of a solution is more effective.
  • Rubbing an aspirin tablet into the stain . The area of ​​contamination should be moistened with water until damp. The whole tablet should be intensively rubbed into this area until the medication is completely dissolved. 1-2 hours after the procedure, rinse the textile product.

As a stain remover

Acetylsalicylic acid can be used to remove old sweat and blood stains from things.

The first type of contamination is recommended to be removed as follows:

  1. 6 tablets dissolve in 240 ml of warm water.
  2. A sponge is soaked in the solution. It is used to rub the places on things where there are yellow stains from sweat.
  3. After 45 minutes, the clothes are washed as usual.

If necessary, the procedure must be repeated, and then wash the items in a machine at a temperature of 60C.

To remove blood stains from clothes, it is recommended to use the drug according to the following scheme:

  1. Crush three tablets.
  2. Pour 25 ml of cold water into the mixture.
  3. Treat the dirt with the slurry.
  4. Wait 35 minutes.

Then you need to thoroughly wash the items treated with the slurry in cold water.


When using the product it is recommended:

  • wear rubber gloves on your hands to avoid irritation;

  • soak clothes made of delicate materials for a maximum of one and a half hours;
  • wash clothes immediately after stains appear on them;
  • soften water with special means;
  • combine the product with an air conditioner to remove scale from the heating element of the machine (at least once a month).

Aspirin should not be combined with powders that contain enzymes. The drug neutralizes their effect during the washing process.

You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products here.

Important Tips

Aspirin is a pharmaceutical product that has whitening and stain-removing properties. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to optical and oxygen bleaches. But the effect largely depends on the correct use of the tablets.

Recommendations for washing things with Aspirin:

  • laundry is washed immediately after traces of coffee, blood, berries or natural juice appear;
  • if the water is hard (it contains a lot of calcium and magnesium salts), add a softener to the powder tray;
  • when changing the tone of white things, be sure to use bleach;
  • Effervescent Aspirin in combination with air conditioner helps to clean scale from the heating element and the back of the drum (cleaning is done up to 4 times a year);
  • if things are washed by hand, be sure to use rubber gloves;
  • delicate items are soaked with ASA for no more than 1.5 hours;
  • If clothes have a lot of metal fittings, they are washed at temperatures up to 40°C.

Crushed Aspirin cannot be mixed with enzyme-based powders, which is due to the neutralization of the latter.
Therefore, when machine washing, the powder is poured into the first compartment of the tray, and the crushed drug into the second. Acetylsalicylic acid is a medicine that is often used in everyday life as a bleach and stain remover. It delicately cleanses things from dirt while maintaining the richness of colors. But to prevent a decrease in the elasticity of fabric fibers, Aspirin is used only as needed, and not with every wash.

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