Dictionary of translation into Russian of foreign designations of washing modes in a washing machine

Basic icons in different languages ​​of the world

The first most important button in any machine is the start key. If the Russified control unit says “On/Off”, then in the English version this is traditionally designated as Start/Stop or On/Off; the Germans called this button Ein/Aus; Italians sign Marchia/Arresto.

As for adjusting the spin speed, in washing machines with an English-language panel this functionality is signed as RPM, in German ones - U/min, in Italian ones - Giri.

Just as in many domestic models, the lists of functions can be divided into two categories - the main ones and those that are used less often:

  • In the English version, these blocks will be signed as main and special.
  • In German SMAs, the word Primar is indicated instead of main.
  • In Italian-made cars, the main block is called Base.

If the machine is equipped with an electronic control system and the selection of functions is via the display, then to enter the list of main modes, you should select Main Menu. If your machine comes with a remote control, then look for such a button on it.

Translation of washing machine modes and programs from English

DesignationTranslation from English
washWashing (literally – to wash).
prewashSoaking, primary or pre-wash.
intensive washIntensive wash.
quick (rapid) washExpress wash, wash quickly.
hand washHandwash.
gentle washThe inscription indicates a gentle cycle.
daily washEveryday wash choice.
delicate washIndicates washing on a delicate cycle.
super eco washSuper ECO washing of things.
delicate washDelicate wash.
wash shoesWashing shoes.
easy careLiterally: “Easy care.” The essence: washing things with a small number of simple stains.
short rinseRinse quickly.
extra rinseRinse additionally.
outdoor careFreshen things up.
spin exclusionCancel (turn off) spin, “No spin” mode.
rinse +spinRinse with spin.
start delay (hold)Delay start timer button.
water plusIncrease the volume of water when rinsing clothes.
drainDrain the water.
easy ironing"Easy ironing" function.
dryingDrying mode.
eco drum cleanStart ECO cleaning of the SMA drum.
hold stopDelay program execution.
hold rinseSelect rinse delay.

We translate terms on imported washing machines

Most washing machines presented on the Russian market have designations in Russian. But what to do if you like the car, and the mode signatures are in English or German, for example, rinse, hold, prewash, outdoor or schleudern. This is not a reason to refuse such a washing machine; find the translation of most well-known terms below.

Basic symbols in different languages

The most important button on a washing machine is the on and off button. On the Russified panel everything is clear, the button is labeled On/Off, but what to do with a foreign car. In English, such a button is labeled Start/Stop or On/Off, in German it looks like Ein/Aus, in Italian Marchia/Arresto.

The maximum spin speed indicated on the panel, for example, 1000 rpm, is signed RPM in English, U/min in German, Giri in Italian.

In addition, the inscriptions on the panel can be divided into several groups, for example, main modes and special (additional) modes. In English this is referred to as main and special. In German, the English word main is denoted by the word Primar, in Italian base. Electronically controlled washing machines may have a main menu function, which means the main menu appears on the display. Exclusive remote control cars will also have a main menu button on the remote control.

Modes and functions of the machine in translation

Most of the terms on the washing machine panel indicate washing modes and functions. Some machine models can have up to 20 washing programs. Among foreign cars, washing machines with control panels in English, German and Italian are more common. Here is a translation of common modes and functions.

Translation of English terms:

  • wash – wash (wash);
  • prewash – preliminary (primary) wash;
  • Intensive wash – wash intensively;
  • quick (rapid) wash – quick (express) wash;
  • hand wash (main wash) – manual;
  • gentle wash – gentle;
  • daily wash – daily;
  • super eco wash – super eco-wash;
  • delicate wash – delicate;
  • wash shoes - washing shoes;
  • easy care – easy care, which involves washing lightly soiled items;
  • rinse - rinse;
  • short rinse – short rinse;
  • extra rinse - extra rinse
  • outdoor care – refreshment;
  • soak – soaking process;
  • spin – spin process;
  • no spin - no spin;
  • spin exclusion – cancel spin;
  • rinse + spin – rinse + spin;
  • gentle spin - delicate spin;
  • start delay (hold) – start delay;
  • water plus – “Water +” – consumption of more water during washing and rinsing;
  • drain – draining water;
  • easy ironing – ironing function;
  • drying – drying;
  • eco drum clean – eco-drum cleaning;
  • hold stop – program end delay;
  • hold rinse – rinse delay.

Translation of terms from German:

  • Waschen – washing;
  • Pflegeleicht - soft washing mode;
  • Vorwasche - pre-wash;
  • Intensive waschen - intensive wash;
  • Waschen Schuh – shoe washing;
  • Zeit sparen – economical (quick wash);
  • Handwasche - hand wash;
  • Fein wasche - delicate wash (for example, modes Fein 30 0, Fein 40 0, Fein 60 0); For your information! In most cases, Fein wasch and Handwasche modes mean the same thing.
  • Mischwasche – mixed wash;
  • Abpumpen - drain water from the tank;
  • Knitter schutz - protection against wrinkles;
  • Flecken - literal translation of "stain";
  • Kalt - wash with cold water;
  • Spulen – rinsing process;
  • Bugelleicht - light ironing;
  • Schleudern – spin;
  • Weichspulen (einweichen) – soaking process;
  • Kurz schleudern – quick spin;
  • Ohne schleudern – cancel spin;
  • Spulen + Schleudern – rinse + spin;
  • Schleudern drehzahl – spin rotation speed;
  • spul stop – interrupt rinsing;
  • leicht bugeln – light ironing;
  • Outdoor – refreshment;
  • Trocken – drying;
  • Startzeit – program delay.

Translation of Italian symbols:

  • lavaggio – washing;
  • pre-lavaggio – pre-wash;
  • forte lavaggio – intensive wash;
  • lavaggio rapido – quick wash;
  • ammorbidente - soft mode;
  • lavaggio a mano – hand wash;
  • risciacqui - rinsing;
  • trattamenti – rinse with conditioner;
  • centrifuga - spin;
  • ammollo – soaking;
  • Esclusione – cancel spin;
  • facile stiratura (Stira meno) – light ironing;
  • Asciugatura – drying;
  • Ritardatore di partenza – program delay.

Important! On many washing machines, in addition to inscriptions, there are symbols that can also be used to determine the mode and function.

All the symbols that the control panel may contain are described in the article Signs on the washing machine.

Names of fabrics in different languages

In addition to the terms listed above, inscriptions regarding the type and color of the fabric are placed on the washing machine panel. Each fabric requires a specific washing mode, so it is important to know the translation of names into different languages.

Fabric names in English:

  • Cotton - cotton;
  • Synthetic - synthetics;
  • delicate things - delicate things;
  • colored things - colored things;
  • dark things (fabric) – dark things;
  • Strong fabric - durable fabric;
  • Silk – silk;
  • Wool - wool;
  • Jeans - jeans;
  • sports clothes - sportswear;
  • mix things - mixed things.

German fabric names:

  • baumwolle – cotton;
  • synthetik - synthetics;
  • fein – delicate fabric;
  • Bunt – colored things;
  • dark things (fabric) – dark things;
  • koch – durable fabric;
  • seide – silk products;
  • wolle – woolen items;
  • jeans - jeans;
  • sportkleidung – sportswear;
  • mischgewebe - mixed fabrics.

Fabric names in Italian:

  • cotone – cotton;
  • sintetico - synthetics;
  • delicato tessuto – delicate things;
  • roba colorata – colored things;
  • camicia – shirt;
  • cose scure – dark things (fabric);
  • Resistente tessuto - durable fabric;
  • seta – silk products;
  • lana – woolen items;
  • jeans - jeans;
  • sportivo – sportswear;
  • tessuto misto – mixed fabrics.

Examples of imported cars with foreign designations

In Russia, there is a developed market for used washing machines from Europe and America of various brands Bosch, Mile, Samsung, Siemens, Indesit and others. As a rule, all technical documentation for such machines is missing. But even if there are documents, they do not have a translation into Russian. Even the control panel has not been translated into Russian, which confuses most Russian consumers. Let us give specific examples of brands of washing machines that have such a panel.

Samsung WF1124ZAC

Hoover DYSM 81340

Indesit PWE 8148

In conclusion, we note that there can be many terms denoting the same washing mode. In different models they may be signed differently. So, for example, the main modes can be signed by three different options: main, basic, primary. And if you didn’t find what you wanted in our article, try using any online translator. Although translators do not provide a decoding of the word, for example, the Italian word trattamenti is literally translated as “processing,” and the English outdoor is “refreshing.”

How to decipher these words in relation to the washing machine modes is a big question? You can draw an analogy and compare the image of a Russian-language washing machine panel with a foreign one. Only in this case, incomprehensible inscriptions such as main, trattamenti, outdoor will acquire their understandable meaning.

Translation of machine modes and programs from German

Translating from German is not difficult, but standing over a washing machine with a dictionary is inconvenient, especially if you don’t know the language. We offer a simple translation:

DesignationFunction translation
VorwascheSoaking, pre-wash mode.
Waschen SchuhFor shoes.
Intensive waschenIntensely.
Zeit sparenEconomy or fast mode.
Fein wascheDelicate. For example, there may be a Fein 30 or Fein 40 mode (with temperature).
SpulenStart rinse.
SchleudernStart the spin cycle.
Weichspulen (einweichen)Soaking things.
Kurz SchleudernFast cycle.
Ohne schleudernDo not spin, cancel spin – “No spin” mode.
Spulen + SchleudernRinse and spin mode.
Schleudern drehzahlSelecting the drum rotation speed during spinning.
Spur stopStop rinsing.
Leicht bugelnEasy ironing option.
StartzeitDelay program execution.

Pflegeleicht program

The term "Pflegeleicht" refers to a light wash program suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics and synthetic fiber materials. This mode is recommended for underwear, colored fabrics, and clothes that do not need to be ironed. It is not recommended to use the program if there is a high degree of contamination; it is suitable for cleaning lightly soiled materials.

Important! The maximum temperature provided by the Pflegeleicht program is 400C.

Translation of washing modes and programs from Italian

The Italians turned out to be the most taciturn - they did not provide many symbols on the control panel. However, you may encounter these Italian words:

Mode/Option/FunctionTranslation from Italian into Russian
forte lavaggioIntensive cycle.
lavaggio rapidoFast program.
lavaggio a manoManual (gentle) mode.
risciacquiRinse selection.
trattamentiRinse with the addition of rinse aid.
centrifugaSpin selection.
ammolloSoak the laundry.
exclusioneCancel spin, no spin.
facile stiratura (Stira meno)Option for easy ironing after washing.
asciugaturaDrying function.
ritardatore di partenzaDelay cycle stop.

Attention! The icons drawn on the control panel will help you navigate - they are often intuitive and easy to remember.

If you can't remember all the functions in English, German or Italian, but you often use different options, you can print out any of these lists and stick them next to the machine or rename the buttons.

Or maybe translating functions on a washing machine will encourage you to take up a new hobby - learning foreign languages.

Translation of basic programs

German-made washing machines have a fairly rich software “stuffing”. In order not to get confused in the variety of modes, you need to understand what all the inscriptions mean when translated into Russian. Let's look at the most popular functions.

  • Einweichen – long soaking. Special program for heavily soiled items. The washing machine stops with soapy water in the drum.
  • Pre-wash option. The same soaking, but after a certain time the machine will begin performing the main cycle.
  • Hauptwasche - standard wash. For all types of fabrics.
  • Implies a hot cycle. The mode is suitable for cotton laundry. The program is ideal for washing sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels and other products made from durable, natural materials that can be boiled. Only by selecting this option is it possible to set the water heating temperature in the tank to more than 60 °C.
  • Buntwasche is a special mode for cleaning colored cotton and textiles. Suitable for washing heavily to moderately soiled clothes. It differs from the hot cycle in that the water in the tank is heated at a lower temperature.
  • Mix – suitable for washing items made from different types of fabrics. This program removes light and medium stains.
  • It’s easy to understand what this word means in Russian - the program is designed for washing denim.
  • Easy wash option. The mode is ideal for cleaning lightly soiled synthetic items, underwear, shirts and blouses that do not need ironing.

  • “Easy ironing” option. This program provides a gentle spin - due to the smooth rotation of the drum, creases and folds are not formed on the laundry. Suitable for cotton and synthetic items.
  • Feinwasche – delicate mode. Special program for washing thin fabrics and curtains. Spin is not provided - it will have to be started separately, at the end of the main cycle. When choosing an option, it is important to ensure that the drum is half loaded.
  • Wolle, Seide. This mode is designed for gentle washing of silk and woolen items. There is no spinning within the program. The washing machine should be loaded at half capacity.
  • Dessous is a special program for washing women's underwear. Ensures the most gentle cleaning of lace products.
  • Outdoor is a function that is useful when washing sports uniforms, jackets and overalls made of waterproof materials. When starting the “Impregnation” program, you must use a special tool.
  • Sport Intensiv – intensive cleaning of sportswear.
  • Blitz, 30° 30min. The program is designed to refresh clothes. The cycle duration is up to 30 minutes, on some models of washing machines – no more than 20 minutes. When selecting a mode, a maximum of 3 kg of laundry can be loaded into the drum.
  • Schnell Intensiv. Intensive cleaning of products made from natural fabrics.
  • Energiesparen – energy saving option. The drum rotates in a special rhythm, which allows you to wash heavily soiled items made from natural fabrics at 60°C in the same way as if they were spinning in water brought to 90°C.
  • Schleudern (Schonschleudern) – “Spin” function.
  • Pumpen (Abpumpen) – “Drain” mode. When the program starts, waste water is pumped out of the tank.

To ensure the most effective washing, it is important to select the correct program depending on the type of fabric and the degree of soiling of the items loaded into the drum.

As you can see, German washing machines have really great functionality. Knowing the decoding of all the inscriptions on the device, you can easily adjust the washing parameters, focusing on the material and degree of contamination of the items placed in the drum.

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