Sofa mechanisms: how to choose a reliable and comfortable one and then not regret the choice



It is impossible to imagine a cozy bedroom or living room without a comfortable sofa. This piece of furniture is not only able to fit compactly in the apartment, but also provides a convenient additional place for relaxation. You can install a folding sofa in any room and even in the kitchen. To ensure comfortable operation, manufacturers have developed various sofa mechanisms that differ in the method of operation and are designed for use in any area.

When choosing the type of mechanism, you should take into account the parameters of the room in which you plan to install the sofa

Main types of sofa transformation mechanisms

The choice of types of sofas and mechanisms for their transformation should be approached carefully, because this piece of furniture is chosen for more than one year. Therefore, here you should not justify your choice with a low price, but you need to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of all options. It is recommended to inquire in advance about the reliability of sofa mechanisms and the ease of their operation.

All types of sofa layout mechanisms have advantages and disadvantages

Important! When choosing, you should take into account the parameters of the room in which you plan to install the furniture. The area should be enough to allow you to move freely around the sofa when unfolded.

Modern sofa layout mechanisms are represented by a large number of models, each of which has its own characteristics. For convenience, different names are used for sofas that have a certain method of transformation, the main of which include:

  • turning one part right next to another;
  • forward retractable design;
  • sofas equipped with pendulum or walking blocks that fold forward;
  • systems with a mechanism that extends like a telescope;
  • blocks that open like a book.

All these types of sofa layout mechanisms have both disadvantages and advantages. A characteristic feature of all transformation methods is the presence of a sufficient amount of free space in front of the sofa or on the side of it. L- and U-shaped models require free space inside the furniture parts. When choosing a folding mechanism for a sofa, you should focus on the dimensions of the unfolded product, because all ratings are subjective and are unlikely to help in your choice. The main thing is to be sure that it will be convenient to use the product in the conditions of a particular apartment.

When choosing a folding mechanism, you should focus on the dimensions of the product when unfolded.

Sofa mechanisms: main points to consider when choosing

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the floor covering in the place where the product is planned to be installed. If expensive parquet is laid in the room, then the roll-out mechanism of the sofa during prolonged use will leave characteristic marks on the floor, and over time, deep cuts will form.

If a sofa is purchased for a married couple who have a large total weight, then you should not opt ​​for an option in which the sleeping place rests on small and thin legs, since they may not withstand the load and break. It is recommended to adhere to the same principle when choosing a sofa for a child’s room, because children love to use the product as a trampoline, especially when adults do not see it. In this case, additional strength will increase the life of the furniture.

In a small apartment, where you need to make smart use of all available space, you should make sure that the sofa has an additional compartment in which you can store bed linen or winter clothes. For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase a sofa with a rotating transformation mechanism, or you should pay attention to the mechanism of the Eurobook sofa.

If you plan to use the sofa for daily sleep, then it is better to choose spacious options that form a full-fledged sleeping place. In this case, the leaders are the “Eurobook” and the straight sofa “Dolphin”, which are easily and conveniently laid out and have compact dimensions when folded. Depending on the configuration of the room, you can choose a corner option.

It is important that the product has a certificate of not only quality, but also environmental friendliness

Helpful advice! If you purchase a folding sofa for a teenager or child, you need to be able to independently unfold and fold it without the help of adults. The same principle should be followed when choosing a product for older people.

When buying a product, you need to pay attention not only to the type of mechanism, but also to other parameters, such as:

  • frame type;
  • filler;
  • quality of upholstery;
  • manufacturer;
  • price.

It is better to purchase the product from a time-tested official store, so that in case of a breakdown it is easy to find spare parts for the sofas. You also need to take into account that when purchasing a product from the manufacturer, at least a year of warranty is given, which also applies to transformation mechanisms. It is important that the product has a certificate of not only quality, but also environmental friendliness, which confirms the fact that no toxic substances were used in its production.

Experts do not advise choosing and buying a sofa on Internet sites, since it is virtually impossible to check the quality of workmanship, the filling of the berth, and it is also impossible to inspect the product for defects. Therefore, if you decide to buy a sofa with delivery, before signing the document on receipt of the goods, you need to unfold the sofa, carefully inspect the body, fold and unfold the product several times. This is the only way to avoid the quick disappointment of buying low-quality furniture.

When buying a sofa, you need to pay attention not only to the type of mechanism, but also to the type of frame, filling and upholstery

Features of the Eurobook mechanisms and the book sofa: main differences and characteristics

The sofa-book and Eurobook mechanisms were among the first to be developed. They gained their popularity due to the simplicity of their design. If you look at the photo of the sofa-book, you will notice that the main difference from the “Eurobook” is the absence of a rear fixed wall. The sofa book cannot be placed close to the wall, because unfolding requires an additional gap between the wall and the product. The model is easy to use and comfortable to sit on.

The transformation mechanism of Eurobook sofas is considered more modern and durable. If the sofa-book has a room formed as a result of the adhesion of two planes, then the “Eurobook”, when unfolded, has elements that are laid separately on the base. This mechanism ensures a more correct arrangement of parts and creates a level place to sleep. Other advantages of using Eurobook:

  • minimum occupied usable space in the room;
  • installation in folded form close to the wall;
  • large sleeping area when unfolded;
  • convenient and simple mechanism that even a child can handle;
  • the presence of a large storage box at the bottom of the sofa;
  • large seat when folded;
  • choice of various fillers and frame upholstery;
  • wide range of prices.

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa according to the “Eurobook” type

The Eurobook mechanism in sofas: how it looks and works

Often in shopping centers you can find another name for the product - “Eurosofa”. This type of sofa received the prefix “euro-” due to its origin, because the product was first invented in Germany and became a modern, improved model of a sofa-book. Despite the fact that the product appeared a long time ago, the mechanism itself remained practically the same. However, the quality of parts and materials used in manufacturing has been improved. To know how the Eurobook sofa unfolds, you need to familiarize yourself with the main stages of transformation:

  1. First you need to pull the base of the structure, which serves as a seating area, towards you.
  2. The presence of special guides will allow you to pull out the lower part, after which the niche built into the bottom will open.
  3. After the structure moves away, you need to lower the back of the sofa, which will fill the resulting niche and create a single surface that serves as a sleeping place.

This is interesting! In fact, the Eurobook does not have any special mechanism, and folding occurs due to the structural features. The main condition when choosing a sofa is to take into account the quality of the guides, which are made of metal or hardwood.

Due to the fact that the design of the “Eurobook” is simple, there is virtually nothing to break in such a sofa. Problems usually fix themselves. Most often, repairs involve tightening the fastening elements and lubricating the mechanism. If the product is made with high quality, then the difference between the two parts should not be felt; attention should be paid to this even before purchase. Below you can watch a video of the Eurosophy layout mechanism, which additionally shows the main nuances of using the sofa.

Due to the fact that the design of the Eurobook is simple, there is virtually nothing to break in such a sofa

Another disadvantage of using the Eurobook is the mechanical impact on the floor covering, especially if you plan to fold and unfold the product daily. Therefore, if there is parquet or laminate on the floor, it is better to have wheels installed instead of legs. If you have a thick carpet, you can purchase a product with regular legs, but you need to be prepared for the fact that over time, dents will form in the places where they rest on the surface.

Looking through photos of Eurobook sofas, you can notice that there is a large selection of models. Thus, for small apartments it is recommended to buy ready-made products without armrests, which take up minimal space. The sofa with two armrests has an increased length (by approximately 0.5 meters), but this model provides additional support for the cushions both in the unfolded and folded state. An intermediate option between the two types of products is the “Eurobook” with one armrest, suitable for any room.

Categories and types

All sofas can be divided into two groups: classic and modern. Modern sofas are:

  • folding;
  • roll-out;
  • sliding or unfolding.

Sofas are also divided into frame and frameless (bivans): the former have a strong base, a rigid, fixed shape, and the latter consist of soft blocks.

Continuing the theme of design, sofas are classified into monolithic, which can be straight or angular, sectional and modular.

Sofas are also distinguished by the style of the era (Empire, Baroque, Art Nouveau, etc.), by “nationality” - Oriental, English, Scandinavian, Provence...

What styles of sofas are there, list with photos

In addition, sofas vary in size, functionality, body and upholstery materials, filling, shape and color. We will now tell you about the most popular ones.

Mechanisms for sofas “Click-clack”: features and advantages

When choosing a sofa folding mechanism, you want to purchase a multifunctional, convenient option. Thus, the “Click-Klyak” sofa can be used not only as a chair, but also as a bed, as well as a place to store bedding.

Sofas with the “Click-Click” mechanism have long appeared on the market and are popular, which is ensured by the original appearance and ease of operation of the product. This type of sofa has several transformation options, since the features of the mechanism allow you to select several back positions.

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa using the “Click-clack” type

Depending on the method of use, the furniture can be turned into a full-fledged sleeping place, or you can not recline the back all the way - and in this case you will get a comfortable place, reminiscent of a chaise lounge, in which you can comfortably sit for reading or knitting. The second transformation option allows you to transform the product into a chair with comfortable armrests. Other advantages of using this type of sofa mechanism include:

  1. Beautiful design. Thanks to their unusual appearance, finished products will be an excellent addition to modern interiors.
  2. Reliability and durability. Frame elements and mechanism parts are made of durable materials, most often durable steel that can withstand heavy loads is used.
  3. Comfortable sleeping place. When unfolded, no bumps, holes or protrusions are formed on the surface intended for sleeping, which could interfere with comfortable rest.
  4. High quality content. The design of the sofa usually uses a filling made from polyurethane foam, a material that is not subject to deformation and does not sag. The rigidity of the base is maintained even after a long period of use.
  5. Compact parameters. Thanks to its small size, the sofa can be placed in tight spaces.
  6. The presence of additional storage compartments.

Depending on the method of use, the furniture can be turned into a full-fledged sleeping place, or you can not recline the back all the way

Helpful advice! When installing this type of sofa, you need to leave enough space between the wall and the back, which is necessary in order to unfold the product. If you do not take this point into account, you will need to move it to the required distance each time before unfolding the device.

The operating principle of the “Click-Click” design can be compared with the “Eurobook” mechanism, when you first need to slightly lift and pull the seat up. After performing this action, a characteristic click will sound, after which the seat of the product, which pulls the back of the sofa behind it, lowers and lies in a horizontal position, creating a berth. If desired, the backrest is located at an intermediate level and forms an angle of 45 degrees.

Another use case involves adjusting the armrests, which involves folding out the berth in length. At the same time, the armrests can be completely raised or lowered, creating a comfortable place to rest.

Roll-out mechanism

A roll-out sofa is considered one of the best options for sleeping. The transformation mechanism here is very simple. The berth is obtained by rolling out additional sections from under the base. Due to its simplicity, the presented mechanism is called one of the most reliable.

Another advantage of such products is that there are no requirements for the size of the room. It can be installed even in small spaces. Moreover, when unfolded, the place to sleep will be long and level. The disadvantage of such mechanisms is that they are demanding on the type of floor covering. It should be strong and not sag under the weight of the sofa. During the transformation process, the base slides along the floor. Nothing should interfere with this movement. It is better if the selected model of the presented type has rubber wheels.

Mechanism of the sofa “Accordion”: principle of operation, features of operation

The “Accordion” mechanism for the sofa is convenient and durable, as well as easy to operate. Retail outlets offer a large selection of models, which are often equipped with orthopedic mattresses that promote good sleep and relaxation. The use of this type of sofa is characterized by the presence of both positive and negative aspects. The positive characteristics of the product include:

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa according to the “Accordion” type

  1. A large number of different sizes of manufactured models. Options for adults and models designed specifically for children are available for purchase in shopping centers.
  2. Simplicity of design, because even a child can assemble the Accordion sofa.
  3. Variety of designs of manufactured models. It is easy to choose a color that will fit into the interior style of the room.
  4. The opportunity to purchase a sofa equipped not only with mechanical, but also with automatic position adjustment.

Another advantage of this piece of furniture is the fact that when folded it does not take up much space in the room. Depending on the size of the room, you can choose sofa options that are equipped with armrests or come complete with an ottoman, the so-called footrest. Also, the sofa does not require additional space; it can be placed close to the wall.

Related article:

Sofa for the kitchen: practical and comfortable upholstered furniture

Types of sofas: corner, straight, folding and others. Furniture for small kitchens. Upholstery options. Choosing a place to install the sofa. Designs with drawers.

If we talk about the disadvantages of using the product, then they include the fact that there must be a sufficient amount of free space in front of the sofa. This must be taken into account before installing this piece of furniture, so that after unfolding it in the room it will be convenient to move around. It should be taken into account that even if the sofa is equipped with a compartment for linen, it will not be significant in size, therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to place large pillows or voluminous blankets there.

The “Accordion” mechanism for the sofa is convenient and durable, as well as easy to operate.

Important! The mechanism of the “Accordion” sofa is distinguished by the presence of special rubber rollers, which, with prolonged use, can leave marks on the covering.

Design of the “Accordion” sofa: how to fold and unfold the product

The design consists of several elements, with the first part being a seat, which is always in a horizontal position, and the other two are constantly located vertically. All elements of the sofa are in contact with each other. When unfolded, the product forms a flat surface where all parts are located horizontally. This piece of furniture most often consists of a single mattress, so when unfolded, no depressions are formed on the surface, and there are no other inconveniences that affect the quality of sleep. The principle of operation of the mechanism:

  • you need to lift and slightly pull the seat towards you;
  • You should pull the seat until all parts of the sofa are in a horizontal position.

If you choose a product that is equipped with a linen drawer, then to gain access to it you need to lift the seat until it clicks. Before folding the Accordion sofa, you need to make sure that there are no bedding items left on it, and then lift it by the edge and push it forward. Then you will have to raise the frame a little again, but thanks to the design features this will be easy to do. You can also order an automated version of the sofa, which folds using a remote control. A folded sofa takes up little space and is comfortable to sit on for relaxing and reading.

The design consists of several elements: a seat, which is in a horizontal position, and two vertical parts

The main types of sofas by type of transformation and installation include:

  1. Direct design. A simple option that is installed along one wall and, when unfolded, “moves out” forward.
  2. Corner design. Takes up more space when folded and is placed at the junction of two walls. Such models consist of angular and straight parts. The side of the sofa is usually longer than the other, depending on the design features.

What types of sofas are there depending on their purpose?

Look at this sofa and think about where it can be used. After a short evaluation, it turns out that there are not many possibilities for its use.

You can find a classification by purpose, which is based on the types of rooms in which the sofa will be used.

What will we get as a result?

  • Living room sofa
  • Sofa for bedroom
  • Sofa for kitchen, dining room
  • Children's sofa
  • Sofa in the hallway
  • Sofa in an office or library
  • Sofa for loggia and balcony

It seems to me that such a division is not very correct. Yes, it has a right to life, but the same sofa can be placed in any of the rooms. The question is different. What would you do on this sofa - sleep, eat or just sit. Do you know what I mean? You can eat in the living room and sleep in the kitchen.

Therefore, I would highlight only three key groups of sofas by purpose

  • Sofa for sitting
  • Sofa for sleeping
  • Sofa for sitting and sleeping

Conclusion on the purpose of the sofa : look at the functions that the sofa will solve in your particular case and, based on this understanding, choose. Do not rush into the marketing tricks of sellers - like This sofa is for the living room - buy it and you will be happy. But you want to eat and sleep on it, and in this example, happiness will be, but from the seller who “sold” you a sofa you don’t need.

Other forward folding sofas: features of the “Dolphin” mechanism

The mechanism of the “Dolphin” sofa is a lever type and opens very simply. A distinctive feature of the product is that when opened, a mattress block is visible inside, which is subsequently placed on the pull-out part. To ensure ease of assembly, the sofa was equipped with special hinges. The main advantages of the “Dolphin” mechanism in sofas include:

The mechanism of the “Dolphin” sofa is a lever type and opens very simply

  1. Easy to use. Assembling and unfolding the product does not require significant physical effort, since the handle makes it quite easy to use the structure.
  2. Convenient dimensions. A corner sofa with a Dolphin mechanism is considered the best option for installation in a small room.
  3. Reliability of the design. Even with prolonged use, the product retains its attractive appearance.
  4. Large sleeping area. The most popular dimensions of an unfolded sofa are 160x200 cm, which makes it an excellent alternative to a double bed.
  5. Affordable price. At retail outlets, you can choose an option that has the optimal price, which will be affordable for most consumers.
  6. Availability of a spacious drawer. In the corner model, the box occupies the entire space of one side of the sofa, placed against the wall. In the direct version, the size of the box will be slightly smaller.

When choosing the “Dolphin” mechanism for a sofa, you should not save money. If the product is of poor quality, then the sofa may skew when unfolded, when one part will be located higher than the other, which will have an extremely negative impact on the quality of sleep. Another disadvantage is the low height of the product, which is important when choosing a sleeping place for people with musculoskeletal problems and for older people who may have difficulty getting up from a sleeping place. If you do not extend the structure correctly, you can damage the floor covering.

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa according to the “Dolphin” type

“Dolphin” mechanism in sofas: how it works, main types of products

To unfold a forward-sliding sofa with a Dolphin mechanism, you need to find handles or belts that help move the structural elements. Depending on the type of sofa, this may either be a single handle or several straps that need to be pulled forward. As a result of this action, the lower part of the structure will begin to move. This must be done until the part moves forward as much as possible. Then you should lift the element slightly and rest it on the opposite part, which remains motionless.

The smooth surface obtained as a result of such simple manipulations forms a comfortable and spacious place to sleep. At the same time, both the corner and straight versions of the sofa are disassembled and assembled in the same way. To fold the sofa, you need to pull the handles up again and lift the part until it no longer rests on the opposite side. Then it is simply lowered and pushed into its original position until it stops.

Varieties of the “Dolphin” design differ not only in the materials and dimensions of the finished product, but also in other parameters. The dimensions of a given piece of furniture depend on the presence or absence of a storage box.

You can often find a model characterized by the presence of additional armrests, which have hidden niches for storing necessary things. However, the armrest does not always have a rectangular shape. Depending on the wishes of the customer, it can be made round or triangular. Sometimes, instead of a standard armrest, a special tabletop with various decorative elements and compartments is installed.

Varieties of the “Dolphin” design differ not only in materials and dimensions of the finished product, but also in other parameters

To use the drawer cavity, you usually need to lift the side seat, and sometimes this only requires lifting part of the compartment. In some models, the box can only be accessed when the product is unfolded. Other popular elements that complement the design of the sofa:

  1. A small built-in coffee table that significantly increases the comfort of the product.
  2. The backrest, which may be firm or consist of a series of soft cushions. To add unusualness to the sofa, choose curved backrest options.

American folding bed (Ribalto)

Despite the name, there is nothing American about this sofa, and the bulk of such mechanisms are produced in Europe. They unfold very simply - some models do not even require removing the sofa cushions. To turn the Ribalto sofa into a full-fledged bed, you need to pull the seat towards you. The elements hidden underneath will automatically slide out, creating a spacious sleeping area.

Video - an example of the layout of the “American Clamshell” mechanism (Ribalto)

Thanks to the double folding system, the assembled sofa is very compact and even miniature. It’s hard to believe that inside it hides a large and cozy mattress for a comfortable sleep.

Examples of sofas with a transformation mechanism “American folding bed” (Ribalto)

Sofa Ema

Sofa Olbia

Sofa Sora

See other models of sofas with a transformation mechanism “American folding bed” (Ribalto)

Type of mechanism of sofas “Puma”: characteristic features

This type of product is most often found in modern interiors of living rooms or bedrooms, since when folded they do not take up much space, but look unusual and elegant. In this case, the main advantage is the reliability of the opening mechanism, which, due to its features, does not damage the floor covering. This is due to the fact that instead of a roller base, a hinged structure is used, creating an ideal place to sleep. Extension occurs without much effort, but the size of the sofa increases significantly.

The disadvantage can be considered a rather complex mechanism for transforming the sofa, which must be used carefully, because it consists of a large number of individual elements. In order to unfold the sofa, you need to lift the seating area and remove the separate pull-out part located at the bottom.

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa according to the “Puma” type

You need to pull the retractable part until it stops, after which the seat of the exit part is pulled out. For this, loops placed along the edges of the product are used. The loops must be pulled first upward and then in the opposite direction until the special limiters operate. At the last stage, the main block intended for sitting is lowered into place.

This is interesting! After the “Puma” mechanism in the sofas is unfolded, the product increases in size several times, as a result of which it is convenient to use it as a sleeping place.

When folded, this version of the sofa takes up minimal space, unlike other types of folding sofas. “Puma” can be placed both along the wall and in a corner space, but in front of the product it is necessary to leave a significant amount of space, which will be occupied by an already unfolded sofa.

The main disadvantage can be considered the lack of a linen drawer, which is often used only in corner models. The second disadvantage is the rather high cost of the finished product.

When folded, the Puma sofa takes up minimal space, unlike other types of folding products

Expert reviews

As already mentioned, experts consider a roll-out sofa to be one of the most reliable. The transformation mechanism of the presented type is used in many popular models. Sofas with a roll-out transformation method include “dolphin”, “accordion” and “telescope”. Each model has a number of special advantages. However, experts say that most of the presented sofas have differences in the heights of the sleeping area. And this makes the rest uncomfortable. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay special attention to this characteristic. Professionals also recommend choosing sofas of the presented type, which are equipped with spring closers. Such products can be called high-quality.

Having considered the presented options for transforming upholstered furniture, everyone will be able to choose for themselves the best mechanism for transforming a sofa. In our catalog in the “Upholstered Furniture” category this will be easy to do.

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What is a French folding sofa?

When opened, the “French folding bed” is very similar to an ordinary folding bed, but in terms of technical parameters it differs in a three-stage folding frame. In order to unfold this type of sofa, you first need to remove and set aside the base, which is the seating area. To do this, you need to take the product from the front side. As a result, access to the internal equipment of the sofa opens, then the sliding block itself is pulled out using the handle. To make the block parallel to the floor, you need to pull the handle up and towards you.

The structure needs to be unfolded twice: during the first unfoldment, the main large part of the clamshell, equipped with a fastening on legs, opens; during the second unfoldment, the remaining part of the block is installed. The result is a complete place to sleep. When unfolding the main part, you need to make sure that the legs stand up straight and do not scratch the floor.

When folded, the “French folding bed” is compact. It is permissible to install it not only along the wall, but also in the central part of the room. When opened, there is enough space that allows two people to sit here.

The key disadvantage is the fact that the features of the folding mechanism do not allow the sofa to be equipped with a drawer or any other cavities for things. While the structure is unfolded, the removable part of the sofa will take up additional space in the room. To make sleeping more comfortable, it is recommended to additionally purchase a thin mattress and lay it on the surface.

Diagram of the mechanism for transforming a sofa according to the “French folding bed” type

Sofa for sleeping

The second group includes furniture intended for daily sleep. You don't need to spend a lot of time laying it out. You will sleep comfortably. Devices of this type include the “book” and its main variations. The most famous of them are “click-clack” and “eurobook”.

This type includes corner varieties. The most popular in this group is the “dolphin” sofa transformation mechanism. Also prominent representatives of furniture for daily sleep are the “telescope” and “ribalto” sofas. Such mechanisms are very easy to operate. Their transformation is quick and easy. The sleeping place has sufficient rigidity. It is smooth and comfortable. Such mechanisms are designed for a large number of transformation cycles.

Sofa layout mechanisms, types of mechanisms

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