What things should not be kept at home: signs. What things attract poverty? What three things should you not keep at home?

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We live in a world that is permeated with invisible threads of energy. These flows can both create and bring destruction. Many things that are familiar to us also have a special energy that can act for good, or can take away vitality.

Each thing in your home has a different effect on your health, mood and biofield. Most often, items that take away energy cause negative emotions, and this is one of the main signs that you should get rid of them. Other things attract attention and create a peaceful mood, a desire to relax or, conversely, to begin to act actively.

Any thing has energy. The atmosphere of your home, the well-being and mood of your household largely depends on whether it is positive or negative.

Over the years, our apartments are filled with a wide variety of objects and things - from those needed in everyday life to those that decorate the interiors of rooms. In past centuries, man always knew which things were “good” and which were “evil”, he knew what material should be made of what.

Is it possible to have and store old slippers, calendars, things, clothes at home?

Some people like to collect garbage and put away old things. These are greedy people who do not want to throw away old things that they have not worn for several years. Many people do not know what things should not be kept at home; they can be the cause of poverty and failure.

How to store old things:

  • However, it is necessary to understand and remember that old clothes that are out of order, have arrows, damage, must be thrown away. There is no need to store torn clothes; they attract misfortune and poverty.
  • You can't keep old slippers; they need to be thrown away. Residents of apartments are faced with the fact that house slippers tear rather quickly. Every person in his apartment has a pair of torn slippers that are out of order, but he doesn’t dare throw them away. However, there is no need to feel sorry, things contain negative energy, and you need to get rid of them.
  • To make these items last longer, replace your regular house slippers with beach slippers. They are rubber, and the wear period almost never expires.
  • Old calendars testify to the passing of time. A person should look to the future, strive to get there, and not often look back at the past. Old calendars must be thrown away, because they are returned back.

Cluttered shelves


Linings are objects that can be used to damage a person (threads, earth, food, needles, grains, coins, dolls). They are:

  • obvious - a person must take them himself;
  • secret - placed in hidden places.

What to do if you find a lining:

  1. Do not touch it with your hands or step on it (if it is liquid).
  2. The lining must be burned.
  3. Cleanse yourself (drink holy water, read a prayer).
  4. Clean the house (go through all corners with a burning church candle).

Is it possible to have and store things from the previous owners at home?

Quite often, people who have recently moved to a new home are concerned about the question: is it possible to store things from the previous owners at home ? These are pieces of furniture, old things needed in the household. Esotericists always unanimously answer that such things cannot be kept at home . It is unknown in what mood people left, and what prompted them to sell their homes and leave things to the new owners.

You have no idea what kind of people lived in your apartment, and what energy the things were imbued with. Indeed, many feng shui masters and esotericists claim that almost all furniture and people’s belongings accumulate energy, not only positive, but also negative. Such things cannot be kept at home, they can become a source of illness and negative energy.

cleaning company

Why can’t you store broken, blue children’s toys, dishes with cracks, or broken figurines?

Please note that you need to throw away not only unnecessary clothes, but also things. This applies to broken children's toys and dishes that are covered in cracks. Yes, indeed, tea sets can be very expensive, because they were left over from my grandmother, a distant relative.

Is it possible to store cracked dishes, toys, broken figurines at home:

  • Despite the antiques and rarity of such things, if they are covered with cracks and do not look attractive, they must be thrown away. Do not store chipped dishes at home. This applies to plates and cups.
  • Such things can cause a deterioration in the family idyll and the destruction of relationships. Relationships can crack, like a cup or vessel. This applies to broken figurines in the apartment.
  • Don't try to glue things like that together. Is it possible to store cracked dishes at home ? If there are cracks on it, then they carry negative energy. Many esotericists believe that things break for a reason. The process is associated with the accumulation of energy, including negative energy. As soon as its quantity becomes huge, the thing cannot stand it and fails.
  • Things like this need to be thrown away. Be philosophical, the item has served its purpose and needs to be thrown away. He fulfilled his functions.

Broken dishes

Broken dishes and mirrors

Dishes are a household item that is often used, therefore it is an energy sponge. It saturates its owners not only with food, but also with positive energy. Therefore, dishes with cracks and chips should not be stored at home. According to popular superstitions, it attracts negativity and financial problems. The same applies to very old, worn-out dishes.

To avoid problems with your financial situation, you need to get rid of damaged dishes in a timely manner.

In addition, using utensils that have become unusable is unsafe due to the possibility of injury.

As for broken mirrors, it is also strictly forbidden to keep these things in the house. Any broken item attracts negativity and negatively affects the well-being of the owners, provoking illness and quarrels in the family. Such a mirror must be replaced with a new one. It is advisable to choose an oval or round shape - this way the item will help improve the atmosphere in your home.

Is it possible to store artificial flowers and reeds at home?

Many questions arise regarding the decoration of the room. Housewives are wondering what flowers should not be kept at home ? Women love to collect dried flowers and make ikebana from dry plants. But not all dried flowers can be kept in the house .

Is it possible to store artificial flowers and reeds at home?:

  • Reeds are magnets for disease. Reeds should not be kept at home, otherwise it may cause illness or death of close relatives. Many esotericists recommend not throwing away the wedding bouquet, but drying it and storing it as a symbol of well-being. However, this only applies to the wedding bouquet. If these are ordinary dried flowers that were given to you, you need to part with them and not dry them.
  • As for artificial flowers, these things are ballast, a buffer. They do not carry any energy at all; they are empty objects and collect dust. Such flowers cannot be kept at home .
  • This is very important if a person lives in an apartment with allergies or excessive sensitivity to dust. Artificial flowers are not the best option for decorating a room. Try to decorate your home with fresh flowers, or those growing in pots. Throw artificial flowers in the trash.


The energy of things

Every item in the house has its own energy. If you spend a long time among things that are contraindicated for you, then you will feel constant drowsiness, fatigue, and irritation. Due to weakness and depressive state, you will feel unwell throughout the entire period until you get rid of the “irritant”. Such objects seem to suck the life force out of a person, making him vulnerable and weak. This all happens on a subtle energy level. But if you constantly touch such things, then bodily contact only enhances the influence of the “irritant” on your well-being.

Many products are filled only with positive energy and are a kind of amulets for the hearth. For example, pillows are a symbol of love and harmony between husband and wife. Beautiful embroidery or bright patterns only enhance this property. Floral patterns on pillows symbolize the health and strength of household members, and images of animals and people protect against troubles. Pillows with landscapes or buildings help the home owner and his family to be successful in all areas of life.

Is it possible to store shells and empty jars at home?

Many of the modern housewives have long forgotten what preparing for the winter is. But there are also those who strive to prepare a lot of delicious jam and pickles for the winter every summer.

Is it possible to store shells and empty jars at home?:

  • It is these people who have questions regarding the storage of empty containers. According to esotericists, empty jars should not be stored at home. This applies to cans left over after using preparations.
  • Where to go? A modern housewife who preserves something every year cannot afford to throw away jars and buy new ones every year. The ideal option would be to store them in a cellar, basement, balcony or storage room. It is advisable not to store them in the kitchen, on the table or in the closet. This is what you should do if you were treated to something in a container.
  • If you are given a small amount of cucumbers or preparations, be sure to return the empty jar to the owner. However, it cannot be returned in this form. Insert a coin or sprinkle a handful of cereal. After all, it is believed that you remove negativity and emptiness from your home and give it to someone else. To prevent a person from having any health problems or financial troubles, give away the filled jars.
  • A similar superstition concerns shells brought from the seas and given as souvenirs. According to some Feng Shui experts, shells should not be stored at home. The shells are empty houses where no one lives. Accordingly, they are empty and can attract negative energy. It is recommended not to store shells indoors, not to buy them, and not to give them as souvenirs to relatives.

Full cans

Is it possible to store stuffed animals, antlers, and animal skins at home?

In order to decorate their homes, people resort to purchasing a large number of items.

How to store animal skins:

  • Stuffed animals and skins are very popular. Instead of carpets, they decorate the floor and bed. However, feng shui adherents claim that such things store dead energy, which can cause illness and misfortune.
  • That is, such things cannot be stored in the house , according to Feng Shui adherents. Many esotericists claim that this is only the past that we inherited from the pagans. In those days, shamans actually used stuffed animals to perform rituals that could cause death.
  • Accordingly, since that time people have been afraid to keep stuffed animals and other similar paraphernalia in their homes that are associated with dead animals. Hunters indeed often keep stuffed animals in their houses, including skins, with which they decorate their homes.

Stuffed animals

Questionable gifts

Suspicious gifts pose a threat at the level of:

  • Reason. Such gifts include piercing and cutting objects, candles, and toys. They can launch a program of family discord or death of a person.
  • Souls. Such gifting can lead to the emergence of negative emotions, which is very dangerous for women. Gifts of this kind can include any items given out of flattery or to gain trust.
  • Bodies. In this case, harm is caused to a person’s physical health (alcohol, chocolate).

Remember, if a gift or giver evokes bad emotions, do not leave it. Such a gift can simply be thrown away or given to those in need.

Climbing plants, can you keep them at home?

Many women spend most of their free time growing flowers. This really is the case, because plants purify the air in the room and can prevent the occurrence of allergies.

Climbing plants, can they be kept at home:

  • Very often among the plants there are useful ones, aloe and Kalanchoe. Plants are a kind of home first aid kit that can cure a large number of diseases without drugs. However, not all flowers can be kept at home.
  • There are a number of flowers that should not be grown in an apartment. Among them are climbing plants: ivy, begonia. It is believed that such flowers should not be kept at home; they attract illness and discord in family relationships.
  • You should not refuse to grow such plants on the balcony, including in the winter garden or behind the balcony, as shading plants. They will help keep the house cool and create shade. Which is very important if you live on the sunny side.

House plants

Empty bottles and waste paper

Empty glass and plastic bottles stored at home turn into a pile of unnecessary trash. In addition, glass and paper are considered very good conductors for attracting trouble and poverty, and broken glass provokes discord in the family and squabbles. Storing old magazines and newspapers drains energy from home residents.

Empty bottles and paper can be taken to collection points where they will be recycled. This will help you save some money and get rid of clutter.

Is it possible to keep magic items at home?

As for magic items, they are also undesirable for storage in an apartment. This applies to any things that were used in rituals, especially those with the release of negative energy. They will store magical energy, which is unknown how it will affect the residents of the apartment. The attributes of magic, in particular black magic, must be stored outside of your own home. If you are doing something like this, then it is best to rent an office and not perform magical actions in your home.

Old broom

Previously, it was believed that using a broom you could “sweep” good luck or, conversely, bring misfortune and trouble to your family. This suggests that the object played a big role for our ancestors.

Tools for cleaning the house must have a neat appearance, which is why an old and worn broom must be replaced with a new one. It will attract good luck. The same goes for a broken mop and a rag that is too dirty. Using such cleaning tools does not promise financial success, so they should be thrown away from the house or burned.

Is it possible to keep a broken watch at home?

Among the prohibited items that cannot be kept at home are broken watches.

Is it possible to store a broken watch at home, tips:

  • Chronometers are a measure of time; stopping them is associated with stopping the future. Products must be thrown away if they are damaged. Stopping the clock symbolizes stopping time.
  • By leaving non-working chronometers in the house, you remain living in the past and do not strive for the future. It is for this purpose that it is necessary to throw away such watches or send them in for repair. Can be sold for disassembly. Now there are a lot of similar advertisements with addresses where broken antique watches are purchased.
  • They contain precious metals and can be quite expensive on the market for similar products. But even if the broken watch is not vintage or antique, we still recommend throwing it away or handing it over to a special collection point for such things. Broken watches cannot be stored .

Broken clock

Can't throw it away

Items that are regarded as lining are certainly burned or buried away from the house.

It is better to throw away or sell unused items. If you absolutely do not want to get rid of any items of value, put them in boxes and take them to the basement.

  1. Move the plants outside.
  2. Designate a separate room for antiques.
  3. Repair and restore everything that can still be restored and used.
  4. Go around your home with a church candle, which neutralizes negative energy.

Before you bring anything into the house, think about whether you need this item and why you need to store it. Perhaps it will only take up useful space and take away your vitality.

How to decorate the house?

How then to decorate the house ? We figured out that almost everything that modern people use to decorate their home cannot be stored in it. Because most often these things do not contain any energy, they are ballast, empty objects. Sometimes they are products that accumulate negative energy.

How to decorate a house :

  • From all of the above, we can conclude that you can decorate your house exclusively with amulets and useful things. The ideal option would be special dry herbs such as wormwood and mint. They scare away evil spirits and are a kind of protection for your own home.
  • However, under no circumstances should dry reeds, including feather grass, be stored in the house. Plants are a symbol of the afterlife and can attract diseases. It is necessary to decorate the house with the help of amulets made of clay. These can even be ordinary brooms, which are decorated with berries and ribbons. They are very often hung above the door. You can decorate your house using horseshoes or antique plates attached above the entrance to the house.
  • You can decorate your home with vases of fresh flowers or dried flowers. However, be sure to make sure that the ikebana does not contain reeds or feather grass. It is allowed to store some dried plants, including wedding bouquets.
  • You can decorate your home with dream catchers. The item is considered a useful talisman that traps evil spirits and bad energy. With the help of such talismans, you can improve the sleep of your household and prevent the emergence of a large number of diseases. Such products will be useful for those who are often depressed or in a bad mood.

Home decoration

Items that should not be kept at home

In addition to these things, there is also a list of factors that attract poverty and contribute to the deterioration of one’s financial situation.

Items that should not be kept at home:

  1. Old amulets, talismans for attracting money. In Feng Shui, these are toads with coins, fat men with big bellies. Usually, to attract money, their bellies are rubbed. However, if such a talisman breaks, cracks, or a piece falls off of it, then it no longer performs its functions. That is, he no longer attracts money. Accordingly, it is necessary to get rid of things and not store them in the house.
  2. If clothing items are damaged, they must be thrown away. They are no longer kept in the house. This also applies to household appliances. It is believed that such products absorb positive energy and can incorrectly transform it into some kind of negative energy. After all, now household appliances do not work or work incorrectly. It needs to be disposed of or sent for repairs.
  3. Anything worth breaking cannot be kept at home . This contributes to the deterioration of the financial situation and poverty of the owners. In order to live in abundance, it is necessary to monitor things and their integrity. If you are not going to repair any household appliances, be sure to sell them for parts.


Vampire things in the house that bring negativity into the house

Such things can be described as clots of energy, superficial or independent, capable of destroying a person’s energy field. These things have no place in your home or life and need to be gotten rid of. Otherwise, such a dangerous neighborhood can lead to disastrous results.

1. Pads have one of the most destructive types of energy . They are left by ill-wishers and envious people who want to harm your happiness and well-being. These can be small bags, pins, needles and nails stuck in door frames or other secluded places. In any case, if you find something that neither you nor your family has anything to do with, it is better not to touch it and try to get rid of such a neighborhood as quickly as possible.

2. Dubious gifts can carry destructive energy, so try not to take unexpected gifts from people who do not like you with your bare hands. Thank you politely, and say to yourself: “ Don’t pester me, return to the owner what he wished .” If you were presented with a gift, but this person only evokes negativity, then such a thing will definitely be a vampire thing. It will suck the energy out of you and your loved ones until you get rid of it. Sell ​​it, throw it away, do whatever you want, just move it outside your apartment. This is very dangerous because you put yourself at risk. Such things deprive people of luck, good mood and even health. It is possible that this thing will act as a curse or evil eye. If it is something small and can burn, then you can even burn such a gift to be more sure that it will not have power over you.

3. Things associated with or personifying death have an aura of destruction. These are bones and skulls, horns and skins of animals, stuffed animals and other parts of the animal world. Attributes that refer us to death (drawn skeletons, coffins) also do not bring anything good to the owner of these items.

4. Jewelry whose history you do not know may have energy that can harm your energy field. Particularly dangerous are natural stones that have been stolen or belonged to people with magical abilities. If you love jewelry, purchase it only from trusted sellers and choose it correctly. For example, each Zodiac Sign has certain minerals that help and protect their owners from troubles and failures.

5. Objects of art, interior design, antiques - all these things carry the energy of the previous owners, and if it is negative, you are unlikely to feel comfortable being surrounded, for example, by chairs that you inherited from the owner, an energy vampire.

6. Most often, figurines of certain birds : crows, jackdaws, wading birds.

7. Figures of lions or dogs that sit on their hind legs, holding their mouths open, attract negative energy into the house and negatively affect intuitive abilities.

8. Items with images of fish may well weaken you and make you vulnerable to damage and the evil eye.

Seashells , which seem harmless at first glance , have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, and are also guides to burglars and people with unclean thoughts into your home.

10. Broken dishes, chips and cracks on them are conductors of negative energy. These things literally suck the positive energy out of you, dooming you to poverty and misfortune. Dishes with chips and cracks lose their energetic integrity and, accordingly, disrupt the energy of food, either reducing its energy value or making it completely negative. Eating or drinking from such containers will only harm yourself. Broken dishes and damaged kitchen utensils can not only become sources of pathogenic bacteria, but also provoke scandals in the family. I recommend immediately throwing away even your favorite cup if it has unattractive chips or cracks.

11. A knife left on the table overnight attracts negativity and willingly shares negative energy with the owners of the house. Knives left on the table overnight accumulate negative energy and attract all sorts of evil spirits, which, receiving energy from this knife, remain in the house for a long time, disturbing the sleep, peace and comfort of household members. In addition, this knife becomes dangerous because it makes it easier for them to inflict sudden and unexpected cuts on themselves. Knives with broken or chipped blades have the same properties. There is no need to try to put them in order, but should secretly bury them in the ground.

12. A figurine of an elephant with its trunk up (trumpeting) - brings good luck to the house and helps to defeat ill-wishers, and an elephant with its trunk down (sleeping) - brings despondency, melancholy, depression, frequent heavy thoughts, stress to the house.

13. Animal horns can cause the loss of a loved one or separation from him, provoke illness and mental trauma.

14. Shoes and clothes that have become unusable should not be left in your home. This is especially true for house slippers. They accumulate negative energy, which does not allow positive energy to circulate normally throughout the house. The space in the house should be free from everything unnecessary. Don't be afraid to make room for new things by throwing away junk. Of course, we are not talking about old wardrobe items, but about torn, dirty, unsuitable for normal wear. Many people stockpile such things, afraid to part with them. You need to learn to throw them away. Together with them, you throw out problems, bad health and dark thoughts. If your old shoes or clothes are well-groomed and look normal, then everything will be fine.

By leaving unnecessary things in the house, we thereby program ourselves for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

Old things do not provide the opportunity to acquire new ones; they accumulate negative energy, which can affect well-being and luck in general. Holding on to old things with the thoughts “What if I don’t have the money to buy new things and I’ll never have one again?” We program ourselves for the fact that we will not be able to earn money and buy the things we need.

15. Old calendar. The past must remain in the past, it cannot be delayed. Not only the calendar for previous years, but even turning over a page from the last month or day of the week brings failure.

Non-working clocks It often happens that a beautiful non-working clock serves as an interior decoration.
And this is a big mistake! You should not store any broken things at home, especially watches, they are considered a strong source of negative energy. 17. Things that can be used for magical purposes Bones, skulls, masks, rosaries, glass balls, medallions with unknown symbols can be sources of harmful energy. You should treat figurines with caution. So, according to signs, an elephant with a lowered trunk provokes stress and depression, a lion or a dog with an open mouth, sitting on its hind legs, attracts evil spirits, and figurines of birds (magpies, crows, eagles, doves, storks) bring misfortune.

18. Broken mirrors. Psychics and bioenergy specialists say that broken mirrors attract troubles. Eastern teachings claim that a broken mirror distorts positive energy, turning it into dark energy. Since ancient times, in Eastern traditions it has been customary to get rid of broken glass and mirrors. Many of us keep broken mirrors at our dachas, sparing money for new ones, but this is fundamentally wrong. It’s even worse when even whole mirrors hang in front of the front door. This needs to be fixed immediately.

19. Dirt, dust and debris. A dirty floor is a very bad omen in Eastern cultures. As for cleanliness in the house, in the east people are very attentive to this. Dirt on the floor attracts poverty and destroys money luck. Dust is the enemy of your health, because it delays the renewal of energy. It is better to wipe the dust once every two days. Garbage should not accumulate under any circumstances. Dirty dishes, if any, should be placed in the sink. Garbage bags cannot be accumulated and cannot be placed near the front door - neither outside nor inside. This blocks all entrances and exits for Chi energy. Very often garbage is thrown out the door, but this is wrong. Place it in a designated place and do not store it. Throw it away on time.

20. Broken equipment, electronics . Many people do not throw away mobile phones with broken screens or gadgets that do not work at all. Don't hoard it all, because electronics have their own special disadvantages if they don't work. This is especially true for televisions, which some bioenergetics experts call energy portals. Negativity circulates through the technology, but while it works, it remains inside. When a phone or TV, tablet, radio, etc. breaks down, what experts call an energy blockage occurs. The devices begin to release all the accumulated negative energy into the outside world.

21. Things of dead people. This is absolutely obvious, but this point applies to absolutely everything. This could be photographs, equipment, clothing. Everything that belonged to a person who is no longer in this world is better to throw away or sell. For other people in other houses this will not have any negative start. In Eastern philosophy, it is customary to treat dead people with great respect. Their belongings should not belong to the place where they once lived.

22. Old broom. What we use to sweep away trash should look neat. Old brooms only bring trouble. From them we can often get sick and lose luck in all areas of life. Get rid of old brooms, broken mops, and excessively dirty rags. Don't skimp on new home cleaning products. They themselves can be powerful magnets for negative energy.

23. Empty bottles and waste paper . Paper and glass are the best conductors for negativity. He just sticks to them. There is less safe trash, but paper and glass are the height of danger. Old magazines and newspapers are very bad companions in your life. They accumulate dust and clutter up the space. You can’t even keep them in a barn, let alone a place where you sleep, eat, or relax.

24. Plants with needles. Cacti, roses, rose hips, and so on are living blockers of positive energy coming from windows. If you want to have a cactus, then place it next to the computer or TV, but only one, no more. In Feng Shui, such plants are not recommended to be used to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. In general, this applies to any sharp objects, including finishing and decorative elements.

Some plants can negatively affect the energy of the house, provoke scandals and negative emotions. These include climbing flowers. They should be located on the outside of the house so that they can prevent negativity from entering the house. Climbing plants prevent a person from thinking normally and distort his worldview. Such plants become sources of doubt. It is more difficult for people to engage in intellectual work in such a room. If cacti or roses can be placed away from windows and the place where you sleep, then it is better not to have these plants at all.

Dry plants - for example, reeds and feather grass - can provoke diseases. Ikebanas and other dried flower arrangements have no place in your home.

Wilted or artificial plants. If one of the plants dies, throw it away without mercy. It will not bring anything good to your home, just like artificial flowers. They are believed to bring problems and illnesses.

25. Printed photographs with defects. Many people keep old photos at home that are dear to them as memories of old times and people. This is normal, but the photos should not be shabby. There are now many photo restoration and digitization services available. Throw away old photos that do not convey the picture properly. Replace them with an electronic version if you don’t want the old models to drain your energy. The effect is similar to broken mirrors, but it is less noticeable. Don't risk the present for the sake of the past.

26. Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves. Old things must be thrown away mercilessly. By clearing space, we signal our readiness to change and accept abundance and happiness into our lives.

Of course, you should not get rid of some rarity, for example, a chest of drawers, if it is very dear to you or was inherited from your beloved grandmother. But one principle applies here. What emotions or memories do you have when you look at or use this item? If it’s unpleasant, get rid of it.

Antique furniture, of course, looks elegant and gives a certain coziness to the home, but you should not keep furniture in the house if you do not know its origin and, of course, without proper preliminary cleaning.

Antique furniture retains the energy of its previous owners, therefore, it is very important to use pine needles, salt or incense to cleanse its energy. The consequences of negative feng shui of old furniture are very serious. In old houses, furniture stands in one place for a long time, collects dirt, and the energy thus stagnates and quickly develops into disease-causing energy.

The house is a projection of the body and soul of a person. And what is in the house is connected with our future, desires and our subconscious. Of course, not every thing is beneficial. Take a small inventory of your home and get rid of things that may clog the energy of the premises.

Things that attract poverty

Many people decorate their homes with some kind of paintings, but from the point of view of Feng Shui, these are absolutely useless decorations that need to be thrown away. They can accumulate negative energy, especially if the image shows autumn or slushy weather.

Feng Shui adherents claim that it is allowed to keep paintings depicting something good in the house, including a beautiful forest or dawn. Anything containing images of sunset, rain, or snow cannot be stored in the house. The painting is considered a symbol of negative energy and the deterioration of family relationships.

List of things that attract poverty:

  • Broken dishes
  • Worn old wardrobe items with holes
  • Broken clock
  • Dry flowers
  • climbing plants
  • Torn slippers
  • Other people's things
  • Old wallet

Periodically carry out general cleaning, getting rid of “dead things”.

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