TOP 11 ways to clean white gold at home: care tips

White gold is gradually gaining popularity because jewelry looks noble. The composition includes additives that allow the product to withstand mechanical stress. But when choosing a cleaning product, take into account the peculiarities of the interaction of the metal with the components in the solution or paste.

This is due to the fact that products of this type have a coating that is damaged if handled incorrectly.

To avoid the need for re-application, you should choose the appropriate method for cleaning white gold at home. Consider care products without abrasives or aggressive chemicals.

White gold: composition and plating. What makes white gold yellow and dull?

If yellow gold contains copper and silver and acquires a characteristic color, then the main additives of white gold are platinum group metals. Previously, silver and nickel were predominantly used. However, recently there has been a tendency to develop contact dermatitis when wearing white gold products with this composition.

Set of pendant and bracelet White gold

The reason is the nickel content. Since 2000, the European Union has limited the use of this metal and banned the use of nickel in the manufacture of white gold jewelry. Instead, palladium compounds are introduced.

Another feature of white gold is its improved appearance, nobility due to its silvery color and shine. The alloy itself is white, but its characteristics are further improved after rhodium plating. A special kind of material is used to coat metal. Rhodium is applied in a thin layer using the galvanic method.

What is the difficulty of care?

Cleaning objects made of this noble metal requires special care and precision. The thing is that the white surface is nothing more than yellow gold coated with a thin layer of rhodium.

It is what enhances the noble pearl shade, shine, and makes your favorite piece of jewelry more durable.

Despite all the positive aspects, it is worth remembering the rule that the rhodium layer wears off very quickly. Such products are cleaned only as a last resort if they have lost their original shine, become sticky, or changed shade.

If you know a jewelry maker, entrust this work to him. An experienced specialist knows how to handle such things so as not to damage the thin rhodium layer.

If you don't have a jeweler, you'll have to do the cleaning yourself. The main thing is to be careful and not to rush, and clear instructions on how to do this will help. So, let's begin.

Features of caring for white gold

When choosing a method of how and with what to restore the primary properties of products made from platinum group metals, the rules for handling them are taken into account:

  • give up abrasives and brushes: gold jewelry from this group can withstand mechanical loads well thanks to additives, but rhodium coating does not (scratches appear);
  • do not use ammonia and acids: aggressive chemicals destroy the protective coating, after which it will have to be restored by a jeweler - polished and coated with a new layer;
  • Dental cleaning products are contraindicated: tooth powder is a known abrasive, the paste also contains fine-grained components or aggressive substances, which improves the quality of teeth cleaning, but harms the sensitive rhodium plating of jewelry, except that gel-like products can be considered, but they are used after studying the composition.

White gold – ring with stones

Determining the scale of the problem

Before you begin the cleaning procedure, it is worth identifying the cause of the contamination. This will help you quickly choose the most effective cleaning method.

  • If your favorite ring gets dirty and sticky, there is a huge choice of cleaning methods. The main thing is to carry out all manipulations as carefully as possible, do not use abrasive cleaning products.
  • If the white surface turns yellow, the situation is worse. Yellow color is a signal that the rhodium plating has worn off. Only a master jeweler can correct the situation.
  • The jewel turned black. Polishing can eliminate this drawback. It is also better to entrust this procedure to an experienced craftsman in a jewelry workshop.

TOP 11 effective ways to clean white gold jewelry at home

There are many folk recipes for caring for jewelry and preserving their appearance. But it is important to learn to distinguish between substances/mixtures of mild and aggressive action. When choosing a method for purifying gold containing platinum group metals, determine the goal: eliminating weak or more complex contaminants, cleaning precious stones (other methods are chosen for this).

How to clean jewelry at home

There are a lot of household products that can be used to restore shine without the risk of damaging the fragile rhodium coating. It is recommended that you first try to improve the appearance of your jewelry using these methods. If that doesn’t work out, you can always take the jewelry to a jeweler for polishing and refinishing.

How to properly clean gemstone jewelry

Dirt deposits not only settle on the gold surface, but also become firmly lodged between the precious stones. Cleaning out such dirt is a difficult task and requires patience, as well as certain skills.

When working with precious metals, do not use sharp, hard objects. They easily scratch the setting of stones.

The following information will also be helpful:

  • Do not rub the stones unless they are secured. Otherwise, there is a risk that the gem will simply fall off;
  • Never clean stones with powder or abrasive paste. Regular gasoline can easily remove complex contaminants;
  • If the stone has a hardness level below 5, it can only be cleaned using a soap solution.

Low hardness stones include turquoise, apatite, malachite, and moonstone.

Polishing a clean product to a shine

Gold is plated with rhodium, and therefore it is not recommended to polish it. However, if scratches or microdamages do appear. You need to wait until there are more of them, since frequent mechanical impact can contribute to the rapid thinning of the coating. To polish earrings and rings made of gold with the addition of platinum group metals, you must use a soft cloth. The products are first cleaned by wiping them with a cloth soaked in a solution containing soap.

It’s not difficult to clean white gold with diamonds yourself

What can't you clean?

Do not use a toothbrush when brushing. Even the fabric with which you will wipe the product must be soft; you cannot use a hard one. Abrasive cleaning powder is also prohibited, i.e. a product that contains fine-grained substances - quartz sand, chalk, etc.

Do not use products containing ammonia. If this substance remains on the surface of the product for a long time, it will ruin its thin coating. You should not use vinegar or other acidic cleaning products.

It is sometimes recommended to clean gold with toothpaste. But it should not be used when cleaning white gold, as it may contain chemicals that will damage the rhodium plating.

How to properly care for white gold jewelry to maintain beauty

Simple recommendations that will help maintain the attractiveness of jewelry:

  • Do not expose jewelry to water or chlorine;
  • rhodium-plated products cannot be worn constantly; the coating wears out quickly;
  • jewelry is removed before doing homework;
  • For storage, prepare a box in which there will be enough space for all the jewelry, it is important that they do not touch each other.

How to restore color?

So, when the bottom layer of a piece of jewelry is exposed and it looks yellowish, what can you do to return it to white?

Actually, yes - you can always rhodium plate it again.

Almost every jeweler provides this service for a fee.

However, keep in mind that this may cost you $20-$50 or more.

Before you decide where to replate your jewelry, ask the jeweler about the method used and how thick the plating will be.

Category: question-answer

A diamond engagement ring has darkened. Why and how can you clean it?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

The reasons for discoloration of jewelry are different: improper use, changes in the composition of sweat, contact with cosmetics. A diamond is a hard stone; ammonia is used to care for such a product - a solution is prepared.

How to polish a white gold watch at home?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

It is recommended to use soft materials, preference is given to the dry cleaning method. The watch is quite large, and therefore polishing it yourself can take a lot of time. Preliminary cleaning of the product from contamination with soap diluted with water speeds up the process.

Is it possible to clean the chain with a toothbrush and powder?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

Abrasive and white gold are incompatible concepts. After such cleaning, the rhodium plating will most likely be damaged.

Cleaning a ring with a stone

How to clean a matte white gold ring?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

The best remedy: fine-grained salt (on the tip of a knife), soda, lime - mix the components and leave for 3-4 days so that the mass acquires the desired properties. Then used as directed.

Greenish stains appeared on white gold jewelry. What can I use to clean it?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

The color change is a consequence of the chemical reaction of the metals after thinning or damage to the rhodium coating. They are eliminated using the bread wrapping method - the product is wrapped in bread pulp.

How to clean gold plate

Of course, you cannot use any aggressive agents or abrasive cleaning in this case - there is a risk of damaging the thin layer of gold plating. It is better to clean a gold-plated chain, bracelet or ring in the following way:

  1. Prepare a solution: 1 liter of warm water, 1 tsp. soap shavings, 5-6 drops of ammonia.
  2. Soak the jewelry for half an hour - they should be completely immersed in the solution.
  3. Rinse in running water, dry on a napkin or towel.
  4. Polish with a suede cloth.

Types and causes of gold contamination

Gold itself is not used in jewelry: firstly, its extraction and purification is an expensive business, which increases the cost of the item several times. Secondly, the metal is very soft, and only by adding different alloys can jewelers achieve greater strength of the product. Along with its strength, the precious metal acquires a tendency to oxidize. When the thin layer of protective coating is damaged, the metals react with everything that comes in their way. The main reasons for contamination of jewelry:

  • contact with skin, as well as ingress of water, causes oxidation of white gold;
  • interaction with perfumes, creams, hygiene products, decorative cosmetics and household
  • chemistry;
  • skin secretions (sweat, etc.);
  • dust and city dirt.

Boiling Methods

If the product does not have stones or blackening, it can be cleaned by boiling. Don’t be afraid to do this - in this way you can very well and without any effort restore the enchanting shine of white gold and remove all impurities.

It is especially suitable for earrings, because they need to be disinfected regularly. And when boiling, all microbes that settle on hooks and fasteners will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

Method 1. Dissolve a teaspoon of dish washing gel, liquid laundry detergent or all-purpose household cleaner in a glass of water (it is important that it does not contain chlorine), pour into a heat-resistant container and put on fire. Place a clean piece of fabric on the bottom, and on top of it - rings, chains and earrings that need to be cleaned.

All products must be completely covered with water. When the liquid boils, you need to time it for five minutes and turn off the heat. You can remove the jewelry when the water has cooled. They are rinsed under the tap and wiped well with a soft cloth. That's all you need to do for a wonderful result.

Method 2. A more gentle remedy is regular baking soda. For every 100 ml of water, take a tablespoon of powder. Dissolve baking soda in water, place a piece of cloth on the bottom, and on it - everything that needs to be cleaned. Place the container on the stove and turn on the heat. You can’t go anywhere - when boiling, the soda will begin to foam and may “run away” over the edge.

After 10 minutes, remove the container from the heat, wait until the water has cooled, and take out your clean and shiny rings and earrings. Be sure to rinse them under running water and then polish them with a flannel scrap.

If boiling still seems like a dubious method to you, you can do without it, using improvised means from the medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet.

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