How to clean gold at home: quickly and effectively to make it shine

Sooner or later, the time comes when darkened and tarnished gold jewelry ceases to please the eye. I would like to put the products in order, restore their attractiveness, and even without unnecessary financial investments. Below we will describe life hacks that will help you clean gold at home using improvised means, without giving it into the wrong hands.

Gold jewelry

The most common reasons why gold darkens or turns black:

  • the share of gold
    in the jewelry: with a standard of 585 and below, the products will darken faster;
  • the decoration is new
    and the top polishing layer applied by the manufacturer for a better presentation is darkening - the problem is temporary and will disappear as this layer wears off;
  • wearing conditions
    : exposure to aggressive environments, mercury, iodine, pollution.

In any case, if gold items have turned black, they can and should be cleaned.

More time and attention will be needed if the decoration has a complex design or is made with inlay

Why does gold darken?

Before cleaning gold at home, you need to understand what caused the precious metal to lose its natural shine.

Experts identify several provoking factors, the most common of which are the following.

  1. Presence of other metals. Jewelry is not made from pure gold. To make the finished products more durable, a certain volume of ligature is added to the composition. Copper and silver are especially often used as “additional” materials. The lower the standard, the higher the amount of these “additives” and the more likely the appearance of plaque on the gold.
  2. Cosmetics and detergents. These industrial products contain a variety of compounds that negatively affect the appearance of jewelry. Rings especially often darken and oxidize because women smear their hands with creams and wash dishes with detergents.
  3. Iodine. This antiseptic is very popular in Russia. But if many women still take off their gold rings before medical procedures, they swim in the pools wearing jewelry. But water may also contain iodine compounds, which have a destructive effect on gold and lead to stains.
  4. Human waste. Sweat and fat particles are released through the pores. They stick to everything, including jewelry. And then, in turn, dirt and dust are attracted to the sweat secretions on the chains and rings. The result is a dark coating and even a film.

In addition, adherents of esoteric teachings and lovers of mysticism are convinced that precious metals are sensitive to the energy of the owner. Gold can tarnish if a man or woman's aura changes due to a curse or damage caused. However, scientists treat this theory with a fair amount of skepticism.

Be that as it may, jewelry that has darkened and lost its luster needs to be cleaned. There are a lot of options, but it’s important to understand that cleaning gold jewelry with stones is much more difficult than a regular chain or ring. But first things first.

Gold contamination: types and causes

All jewelry lovers know that gold is a very soft metal. That is why it is not used without additives. When creating jewelry, its alloy with other metals is used, the choice of which determines the color and properties. The problem is that these additives, when oxidized, form a coating, which spoils the appearance of your favorite jewelry.

There are several factors that cause dirt and plaque to form on gold:

  • dustiness, atmospheric humidity;
  • natural body secretions (sweat, sebum);
  • cosmetics, care products;
  • household chemicals.

Important: cleaning from plaque is necessary not only to restore the original appearance of the product. In sensitive people, it often causes skin irritation or an allergic reaction. And contaminated earrings can lead to a dangerous infection.

How not to clean gold at home

Before you begin purifying gold at home, it is worth remembering that this is a very delicate metal that requires delicate handling. Therefore, cleaning powders and brushes with rough bristles are prohibited.

Recommendations for caring for gold jewelry

The more often the noble metal is cleaned, the faster it will lose its attractiveness. To avoid this, you need to consider the following recommendations for caring for gold jewelry:

  1. After visiting the bath or washing dishes, you need to wipe the items dry with a towel or napkins.
  2. Before cleaning or visiting the bathhouse, jewelry should be removed.
  3. You need to store jewelry in a special case.

It is better to take antique jewelry to a workshop for cleaning.

There are many ways to clean gold jewelry from dirt. One part of them is suitable for destroying heavy stains, and the other is only suitable for removing light deposits. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to study the specifics of using chemicals so as not to damage metal surfaces.

How to clean gold at home - basic methods

So, over time, any, even the most expensive and exclusive jewelry can darken. Let's figure out how to clean gold at home quickly and effectively if you urgently need to go out, but your favorite pair of earrings or bracelet look, to put it mildly, unpresentable.


Ammonia solution is a universal remedy that is often used by experienced housewives. It will also help in cleaning gold from dark deposits and cloudiness. The main thing is to comply with all the rules and conditions.

It’s very simple, you just need to follow these tips:

  • choose a glass or plastic container for soaking; a metal product may oxidize;
  • the concentration of the ammonia solution depends on the severity of the problem - it is better to start with a 10% composition.

The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. Mix 1 glass of warm water, 5 milliliters of ammonia and 10 milliliters of shampoo in a container.
  2. Soak dirty jewelry in the mixture.
  3. Wait 2 hours.
  4. Remove the jewelry, rinse under the tap and dry on a waffle towel.

If dirt remains after this procedure, use 25% ammonia without diluting it with water. But it’s better to first try this emergency method on a product that you don’t particularly care about.


This method is highly effective, but is not suitable in cases where the jewelry has stones or inlays.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Combine a glass of water and 3 tbsp in a saucepan. spoons of liquid soap.
  2. Cover the bottom of the vessel with a soft cloth and place gold items on it.
  3. Boil the solution for 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid, remove the jewelry and rinse it under running water.

Dry the “welded” jewelry and enjoy the natural shine of expensive metal.

Paste GOI

How does this abbreviation stand for? Very simple - State Optical Institute. It was this scientific institution that developed a universal paste for grinding and polishing based on chromium compounds.

On sale you can find several types of GOI paste:

  • No. 1 and 2 – intended for polishing metals to a mirror finish;
  • 3 – required for polishing the product to a matte shine;
  • 4 – designed for rough sanding of scratched products.

The choice of paste type depends on the expected result. However, it should be borne in mind that this composition is not suitable for cleaning white gold and jewelry with precious stones.


A regular tooth cleaner can also help improve the appearance of your gold jewelry. You just need to choose a paste without colored inclusions or abrasive elements.

To achieve the perfect result, follow several sequential steps.

  1. Dilute a small amount of toothpaste in a container with water.
  2. Place gold into the solution, ensuring that the liquid completely covers the entire product.
  3. Rub the jewelry with your fingers.
  4. After a few minutes, rinse it under running water and dry it on a napkin.


How can you clean gold at home? For example, salt. These white crystals will help cope with even the most difficult stains.

You need to do the following:

  • dissolve 100 grams of salt in a glass of warm water;
  • place gold jewelry in a concentrated saline solution;
  • leave overnight;
  • In the morning, rinse the product under running water.

Salt crystals have abrasive properties, so they cannot be used in their usual form for mechanical cleaning of gold.


One of the most effective remedies is a soda solution.

To get rid of contaminants, carefully read the instructions.

  1. Place a sheet of foil at the bottom of the container.
  2. Place dirty decorations on it.
  3. Add a solution of 20 grams of soda and 200 ml of warm water to the vessel.
  4. Leave it on all night.
  5. Take out the products, rinse them and let them dry thoroughly.

Soda solution is not the best option for cleaning jewelry with precious stones. The latter may fade or become covered with a whitish coating.

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Lemon acid

Citric acid powder (lemon) is available in almost every home. With its help, you can return the natural color of gold and give it a characteristic shine.

Need to:

  • make a solution by mixing 200 ml of warm water and 20 grams of lemon;
  • place the products in the solution so that they are entirely in the liquid;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • take out the jewelry, rinse it under running water and dry it on a napkin.

You cannot keep chains and rings in lemon solution for a long time. Still, this composition is quite aggressive.

Peroxide and ammonia

Another good and effective way. But before you clean the gold, you need to prepare a solution from a glass of warm water, 1 tbsp. spoons of ammonia, 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of dishwashing liquid.

Then you can proceed directly to cleaning:

  • Dirty decorations are dipped into the resulting composition;
  • wait 15-20 minutes;
  • take out the gold, rinse it under running water;
  • Dry thoroughly on a paper towel.

Instead of detergent, you can use liquid soap.

How to clean with dishwashing liquid

This folk recipe also does not require any special preparation. Everything you need can easily be found in any apartment. So, we clean gold at home using dishwashing liquid:

What you needProcedure
  • metal container (preferably with a thick bottom)
  • a small handkerchief or napkin of natural soft fabric
  • 5 ml detergent
1. Cover the bottom of the saucepan with a cloth, folding it several times. 2. Place jewelry on top. 3. Fill with water (200 ml) and dishwashing detergent. 4. Heat the dishes with the mixture for 10 minutes. on the stove.

This recipe for getting rid of blackness at home is effective not only with gold items, but also when you need to clean jewelry.

How to brush with sugar

To remove dirty deposits at home, sugar is used in the same way as salt. A hot syrup is prepared (2-3 tablespoons of sugar per cup of water), and the golden item lies in it all night.

How to peel with onion juice

A rather non-standard way to clean precious jewelry at home. Although this rapid cleaning method works, it is not often used, mainly due to the specific smell. If this doesn’t scare you, then the recipe is as follows: squeeze the juice from the onion, soak a napkin or cloth in it and wipe the surface. Of course, after the entire procedure, the cleaned item must be rinsed in water.


To remove light stains, you must first apply hygienic lipstick to the jewelry, and then wipe the surfaces with a dry cloth.


This cleaning method is only suitable for red and yellow gold without gemstones. To clean, you need to use regular 9% vinegar with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice or soda. Necessary:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Add 100 ml of water.
  3. Soak the decoration in the solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product with water.

Special means

Gold cleaning can be done using special industrial products that are designed to remove household dirt and plaque from jewelry. They do not damage the precious metal.


Designed for caring for jewelry. Application of Aladdin:

  1. Place the jewelry in a special mesh and lower it into a container with a solution so that the cleaning liquid completely covers the metal.
  2. Remove the product from the solution after a few seconds. Clean hard-to-reach places with a brush.
  3. Rinse the metal under cool water. Wipe with a dry cloth.

The price of Aladdin is 70 rubles.


American cleaner for precious metals. To restore a chain, bracelet or ring to its former beauty, just soak the jewelry in the cleaning solution for 30 seconds and wipe with a dry cloth. The duration of the procedure cannot be increased, as the surface of the product may be damaged.


French composition for cleaning precious metals. Suitable for caring for rose and white gold. Helps restore shine and brightness of surfaces. You need to immerse the jewelry in the composition for 2 minutes. If the contamination is serious, it is better to apply it to a sponge and wipe the dark area.


German product for cleaning metal surfaces from dirt. To remove heavy stains, you need to place the product in the composition for 8 minutes.

Boiling water, sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda and boiling water are the products most often used to clean precious jewelry.

The advantages of this method are that prolonged soaking of the products is not required. You are allowed to put on your favorite rings or chain immediately after the manipulations.

Preparation of the composition, application:

  1. Bring water (300 ml) to a boil.
  2. Add sodium bicarbonate (40 g).
  3. Stir the mixture until foam appears.
  4. Cover the container with a soft cloth and place decorations in one layer.
  5. Pour boiling mixture over.
  6. Leave for half an hour.

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There is no cleaning required after using the product - just rinsing with a clean liquid is enough. Do not use detergents or brushes.

Features of purification of various types of gold

Different types of metal are cleaned differently. Due to differences in alloy compositions, one or another product may damage the jewelry or be completely ineffective.


The alloy contains copper, so the products acquire a beautiful shade. Such gold can be cleaned at home using all available methods, which cannot be said about white jewelry.


Such gold requires careful handling and delicate cleaning. You can prepare a solution from 3 g of quicklime, 1 g of soda, a glass of clean water and leave it to infuse for several days. After the specified time, the jewelry is immersed in liquid for 3 hours, then washed and dried.

Low quality

Gold with a purity lower than 585 must be carefully cleaned only using a soap solution. Compositions containing ammonia can change the color of the metal by reacting with it. Before you clean gold of this type, you should think a hundred times whether it’s worth the risk, or whether it’s better to turn to a professional.

Gold plated items

Many jewelry stores offer jewelry made not from a gold alloy, but with a slight coating - gold plating. Such things easily become scratched and lose their shine, so it is important to choose a delicate but effective cleaning product. You can moisten a cotton pad in beer or wine alcohol and gently wipe the product. Then rinse the jewelry under running water and dry with a clean soft cloth or in the open air.

Cleaning nuances depending on the type of product

Not all items made of precious metals can be cleaned at home. This applies to the following products:

  • with a large number of small links;
  • made of low-grade gold;
  • with stones (both precious and semi-precious).

Chains, bracelets and other products with small parts, links

Jewelry with a large number of small parts cannot be cleaned from dirt using superficial methods. To do this, you need to take a toothpick with a cotton wool soaked in alcohol wrapped around it, and go through all the links with dirt. To avoid damage to the product, it is better to contact a professional jewelry workshop.


Rings are most often subject to contamination due to constant contact with the skin and various organic and inorganic substances. All home remedies, including boiling, are suitable for cleaning products without stones. To avoid damage, it is better to take jewelry with stones to a jewelry workshop.


Such jewelry should be cleaned as often as possible. It is advisable to wipe the products with a soft cloth once a week, and if there are stains, use homemade or professional solutions. Earrings with precious or semi-precious stones are best left to a jeweler.


It is better not to subject the product to mechanical cleaning. Soaking in the solution is the best method for cleaning the cross. In this case, it is contraindicated to resort to boiling and the use of ammonia.

Jewelry with hard stones

Precious stones differ in density and according to this criterion they are classified into hard and soft. Depending on the hardness, you should choose the method of cleaning them.

Hard ones include: emerald, ruby, topaz, diamond, peridot, garnet, sapphire, zirconium. To clean such jewelry, use one of the following methods:

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in 75 ml of water. l. ammonia and dip the earrings into the solution. After 10-20 minutes, wash the product under running water and wipe with a soft cloth.
  2. A regular soap solution will help remove light stains. Dissolve a small amount of soap in warm water. Soak the jewelry for a couple of minutes, and then treat it with a soft brush, removing dirt from hard-to-reach places.
  3. Ash will help restore shine and shine to stones - burn a match and rub the product with burnt wood. You can also simply wipe the jewelry with hydrogen peroxide for this purpose.
  4. Gasoline will help remove greasy and greasy stains. Soak a cotton pad in the flammable substance and wipe all surfaces with it.

To clean some types of stones, you can only use professional products with a special composition. You can buy them and familiarize yourself with the rules of application in a jewelry store or workshop.

Jewelry with soft stones

Soft stones (opal, amber, turquoise, coral, pearls, malachite, etc.) require a special approach and a more careful selection of cleaning products and processing methods. Do not use tooth powder.

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To clean items with stones, use soft cloths with special impregnation. They carefully and effectively remove dirt, add shine to metals and shine to minerals. At the same time, they do not damage the surface and do not lead to darkening of the gold or clouding of the stone.

You can clean and polish gold items using special impregnated wipes or a soft cloth.

To clean turquoise or coral, use alcohol. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and rub the earrings well with it. To clean soft stones, do not use ammonia - it will cause them to become cloudy and lose their presentable appearance.

You can wash your jewelry using soapy water and a soft cloth. Do not soak the items, but simply wipe them well, then rinse and wipe dry.

Do not use citric acid to clean pearl-encrusted earrings. It will corrode the stone and irreversibly damage the jewelry.

Processing gilding

When choosing what and how to clean items made of gold-plated silver, you need to take into account the characteristics of this material.

This coating is thin, which does not require the use of aggressive cleaning methods. In addition, it is also not recommended to use a hard toothbrush or sharp objects.

If gold plating loses its shine or develops blackness on its surface, experts recommend treating the surface with a solution containing alcohol (vodka, cologne). You need to wipe it without much physical effort. This may cause the gold plating to wear off.

In the absence of alcohol-containing products, it is possible to use turpentine or vinegar to clean gold-plated items (they must first be diluted in water).

After treating the surface of the gold plated coating with alcohol, you can wipe the surface with wine vinegar. To do this, water is mixed with 2 tbsp. alcohol and diluted in 25 grams of soap shavings. Add 6-7 drops of ammonia to the solution.

You can also achieve a positive result when cleaning gilding by using a bleach solution (1 tablespoon diluted in 1 liter of water).

Available means

This category of methods is more suitable for gold, the usual 585 or 750 standard, without stones.

Express methods

To quickly put the appearance of your jewelry in order, you can use the following techniques.

  • Dissolve 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent in 200 ml of water. Place a rag in the container and dip the items to be cleaned. Boil for 10 minutes, rinse and dry. You can clearly see the effect of this method in the video.
  • This mixture has more ingredients, but it also turns out “more vigorous”. Mix 1 cup warm liquid, 1 tsp. dish soap, 40 g hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp. ammonia. Immerse the gold in this composition for 20 minutes, after which it must be removed, washed and dried.
  • Buy sodium hyposulfite at a pharmacy or photography supply store. It can be used to clean even stubborn stains. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve the chemical in a glass of water and put the jewelry there for 20 minutes. Next you need to rinse and dry the products.


A long stay in a specially prepared liquid allows you to effectively and effortlessly remove dirt. All you need is to prepare the composition, place the jewelry there, leave for the specified time, and then rinse and wipe dry. Sometimes you may additionally need to clean hard-to-reach areas with a brush or cotton swab.

When implementing such methods, it is worth using ceramic or glass containers.

Let's name the four most famous and effective solutions.

  • Ammonia and dishwashing detergent In one glass of boiling water, mix one teaspoon each of dishwashing detergent and ammonia. Place the treasures into the resulting mixture and leave for 1–2 hours.
  • Baking soda and foil Place foil on the bottom of the container and place decorations on it. Pour it all over with a soda mixture (1–1.5 tablespoons of soda per 1 glass of water) and leave overnight.
  • Salt Regular table salt must be dissolved in liquid (3 tablespoons per 1 glass). It is important to thoroughly stir the salt crystals, otherwise they may damage the surface. Exposure time is at least 8–10 hours.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l. sugar needs to be diluted in 200 ml of water. Soaking trinkets should be at least 3 hours, and if heavily soiled, you can increase the period to 8.


No less effective than soaking, but will take more time and effort.

Powders, soda and any abrasives are not suitable for polishing. They irrevocably scratch the surface, and it becomes impossible to restore its original shine.

You can polish treasures using:

  • a piece of flannel, velvet or felt - however, it will take quite a long time to work, and, alas, it will not be possible to clean heavy stains;
  • onions - cut the root vegetable in half and wipe the decoration with the cut until clean;
  • lipstick - it is advisable to use a colorless lipstick. Apply a small amount of lipstick to the fabric and rub the item;
  • eraser - it will be able to remove not only unsuccessful pencil strokes from paper, but also plaque from jewelry accessories. It is enough to wipe dirty places;
  • vinegar - soak a napkin in vinegar (5–9%) and treat the product;
  • beer and egg white - an unconventional but effective method. Mix 2-3 tbsp. l. beer with 1 egg white and spread with a rag on a bracelet or earrings and polish thoroughly;
  • paste - it can be prepared from toothpaste, chalk, grated laundry soap, Vaseline and warm water. All components are mixed in equal parts. Apply the mixture to the surface to be polished and rub gently in one direction. Afterwards, you need to wipe the item with alcohol to wash off the Vaseline.

After any treatment, rinse the jewelry, wipe and dry.

Cleaning items with stones

Values ​​with inserts require special treatment. If the stone is glued, immersion and prolonged contact with liquid may cause the glue to dissolve. Then the pebble simply falls away.

You should also know that stones are different.

  1. Cubic zirconias, diamonds, topazes, sapphires, peridots, garnets, emeralds, rubies and zircons are hard stones, and they can easily withstand cleaning by almost any means.
  2. Corals, pearls, malachite, turquoise, opal are soft rocks that require a reverent attitude. It is unacceptable to use brushes, toothpaste and other similar tools and substances. They also do not tolerate moisture well. It is not allowed to rub them with ammonia, as it will make the inserts cloudy. Pearls categorically do not tolerate acid, so you will have to immediately forget about vinegar and lemon.

Now let's talk in more detail about what recipes and methods are allowed.

A universal composition for any type of material is a warm soap solution. In the case of hard stones, you can use a soft brush, and for sensitive rocks, use a cloth.

For caring for hardwood, the following method can be recommended. Shake a teaspoon of ammonia in ⅓ glass of water and immerse the accessories there. After a few minutes, shake the glass to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places. After 10 minutes, the treasures need to be removed and washed. This technique will help get rid of difficult stains.

To remove greasy deposits and stains from diamonds and emeralds, use gasoline. Soak a rag in the fuel and rub the stone. You can do the same with hydrogen peroxide.

Corals, turquoise and hard rocks can be polished with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Removing dirt from white gold jewelry

The addition of silver, nickel or palladium, as well as rhodium plating, takes away the yellow tint from gold. These products require careful handling due to the fact that the rhodium layer is very thin and there is always a risk of damaging the coating. Therefore, it is forbidden to use mechanical cleaning methods and be very zealous when polishing.

You shouldn’t increase the time the jewelry spends in the cleansing mixture.

We can recommend the following options:

  1. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2. Place jewelry in this cleaner and leave for 30 minutes. All that remains is to rinse and wipe.
  2. A mixture of ammonia and shampoo will be softer. To prepare it, combine ammonia and water in equal quantities, add a little shampoo to them. Exposure time – 30 minutes.
  3. The recipe we already know with sugar cleans well. Let's remember: 2 tbsp. l. per glass of liquid. Soak for 8–10 hours.

Cleaning Matte Gold

The matte effect is achieved through a special grinding technology. To avoid damaging the surface, carefully choose your treatment methods.

First of all, you should avoid any abrasives and rough brushes, i.e., anything that can scratch the metal.

This mash will help remove dirt: you need to prepare a liquid paste from water and lime (1 coffee spoon). Next, add a small pinch of salt and half a coffee spoon of soda. The finished mixture will have to sit for 3 days.

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After this time, dip the jewelry into the mixture and wait 4 hours. Then rinse them and blot them with a cloth.

A 25% ammonia solution will also work. You need to place jewelry in it for several hours. Then rinse and dry your treasures.

Attention! This method is prohibited for items with inserts.


It is used in its pure form, diluted with water or mixed with other components to enhance the effect. For example, with washing powder in the proportion - one spoon of each per cup of boiling water. The jewelry is placed in the solution for 1-2 hours, after which most of the dirt comes off on its own.


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General rules for cleaning gold

All cleaning operations will not be done in vain if you follow the general recommendations and avoid annoying mistakes. Contact of the metal with certain substances should be avoided to avoid damage.

Advice from professionals

A few secrets that will help you clean gold without harming your jewelry:

  • The container must be made of a material that is not prone to oxidation (glass, plastic). It is better to take a deep dish - it will be easier to place the whole thing in it.
  • When soaking gold jewelry in various solutions, it is important that the liquid covers it completely.
  • Mechanical cleaning is indicated only if other methods have proven ineffective.
  • To add shine, the cleaned gold item is washed under running water, dried and polished with a soft fiber cloth.

Mechanical cleaning

If there is an old coating on the gold item, or it has not been cleaned by soaking, you can resort to mechanical action. All manipulations must be carried out very carefully so as not to leave scratches on the jewelry.

An effective multi-component product helps in cases where all other compounds are powerless. The following components should be mixed until smooth:

  • toothpaste;
  • cosmetic Vaseline;
  • grated laundry soap;
  • crushed chalk;
  • warm water.

The decoration is wiped with a soft cloth or cotton pad, onto which the resulting mixture is applied. The remaining composition must be washed off with water, and then wipe the item dry.

Chemical compositions

If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare the products yourself, ready-made professional compositions designed specifically for cleaning gold will come to the rescue:

  • Adamas (items with pearls, amber and some precious stones cannot be cleaned);
  • Aladdin (gold jewelry is cleaned in a matter of minutes, while the shine of the stones is restored);
  • HG (with the help of a brush and tweezers included, blackness and all types of dirt are removed);
  • Town Talk Brilliant Gold Polishing Cloth (polishing cloths fight stains and protect products from harmful factors for a week after use);
  • Unicum (cannot be used on painted items).

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to get rid of all types of contaminants on gold items: oils, hard deposits, dust, darkening. This is a quick and effective procedure that will help clean jewelry of various types and shapes, including those with stones and small parts.

Jewelers use ultrasonic baths - containers into which a special composition is poured and the contaminated gold item is dipped. When you turn on the device, vibrations of a certain range occur, and dirt settles at the bottom of the dishes. The procedure takes only a few minutes.

Basic mistakes

Common mistakes that owners of gold items make:

  • constantly wearing gold without periodic cleaning and daily wiping;
  • performing cleaning and other chores around the house, washing in the bathtub or shower without removing the gold;
  • cleaning with dry soda, other abrasives and aggressive chemicals;
  • poor quality polishing;
  • improper storage of cleaned jewelry;
  • Insufficiently thorough cleaning of hard-to-reach areas.

What substances negatively affect the quality of gold?

Gold products are adversely affected by iodine and chlorine.
In conditions of high humidity and heating, their negative impact increases. Such substances are present in sea water, swimming pools, medicines and household chemicals. It is recommended to remove jewelry when performing water procedures and swimming in the sea, before applying cream or lotion to the body. Gold deteriorates and loses its attractive appearance under the influence of:

  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • sweat and other natural secretions;
  • aggressive chemicals.

Cleaning jewelry with stones

Gold jewelry with stones requires special care. For example, if a pebble is set on glue, then it cannot be immersed in liquid, otherwise the adhesive substance will dissolve. In addition, some inlays simply cannot withstand mechanical stress.

What to do? How to clean gold with stones? It all depends on the type of gem.

  • Zircons, diamonds, topazes, emerald stones, garnet products, and blue sapphires belong to the group of hard stones. That is, they can be cleaned in almost any way, without forgetting, however, about the type of fastening.
  • Coral, pearl, turquoise and opal jewelry fall under the category of soft stones. When cleaning them, do not use brushes or abrasive materials (dry salt and soda). Excess moisture is also contraindicated for them. You should also avoid acids – citric and acetic.

It remains to understand what compositions and methods are allowed and acceptable. The simplest and most universal method is to use a warm soap solution. And to remove old plaque, hard stones can be rubbed with a soft toothbrush, and soft gems with a felt cloth.

How to clean gold and diamonds? Try the option with ammonia and shampoo, which we wrote about at the very beginning of the article. Just don't put jewelry in undiluted ammonia. To get rid of greasy deposits, diamonds and emeralds can be wiped with felt soaked in gasoline.

Exposure to moisture and temperature

Before mechanical cleaning, you should learn more about the stone that is inserted into the gold jewelry. If there is no information on the Internet on how to clean a mineral, you can seek advice from a jeweler.

Some stones are contraindicated for prolonged contact with water and temperature changes. Boiling water can damage the adhesive and the insert will fall off. The best solution would be to take such jewelry to a workshop for cleaning. If this is not possible, then the stone needs to be isolated from water: held above the surface, wrapped or sealed with something.

Pearls, opal, amber and turquoise do not tolerate moisture. Contact with hot water and sudden changes in temperature can lead to discoloration, tarnishing and even destruction of the structure of the stone.

How to clean white gold - useful tips

Today, jewelry made of white gold, an alloy of the familiar yellow precious metal with silver, palladium or nickel, is very popular. It is these “additives” that give the finished material its characteristic white color.

Such jewelry requires more careful care than yellow gold jewelry.

What methods are suitable in this case?

  1. A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Prepare the composition according to the recipe described above, leave the gold for half an hour, rinse and dry.
  2. Composition of ammonia and shampoo (the very first recipe). Only you need to keep white gold in this mixture not for 2 hours, but only for 30 minutes.
  3. Soda solution (if there are stones, then this option should be abandoned).
  4. Toothpaste. Just don’t rub white gold items with a toothbrush, even with soft bristles.

Another folk recipe involves preparing a mixture of 1 yolk and 40 ml of regular beer. Saturate a soft cloth with this mixture and clean gold items.


Add 2 tablespoons of peroxide to a glass with a spoonful of liquid soap or your shampoo, and then fill it with warm water. Mix the solution and leave the gold in it for 15 minutes, then polish with a cloth.


How to clean a carpet at home?

How to polish gold to a shine

Polishing jewelry is another way to achieve a natural shine. As we have already said, you can use GOI paste for this purpose (Nos. 1, 2 and 3). You need to rub with light movements, avoiding excessive pressure and scratches.

You can make polishing paste with your own hands.

We will need the following components (in equal proportions):

  • regular toothpaste (without abrasive inclusions);
  • Vaseline ointment;
  • crushed chalk;
  • crushed laundry soap;
  • warm water.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, achieving a paste-like consistency. This composition is applied to the decoration and wiped thoroughly with a soft cloth. Then the jewelry is washed under running water, getting rid of the Vaseline. All that remains is to place it on a paper napkin and dry it.

You should absolutely not use abrasive materials for polishing, for example, soda, salt (even fine salt), or tooth powder. All these compounds can simply scratch the product, as a result you will not only not get rid of the dirt, but also get a new problem that will be almost impossible to get rid of.


To make rings, bracelets, earrings and chains sparkle and delight you with their appearance, you need to adhere to simple operating rules.

  1. Remove jewelry before dirty work, contact with household chemicals, sports and cosmetic procedures.
  2. If moisture gets on the gold, be sure to wipe it with a cloth.
  3. Clean your accessories at least once every 2 months.
  4. It is better to store jewelry away from sunlight in a wooden box with soft walls.



Preparing Jewelry for Cleaning

If your gold accessory is a delicate work of art and has filigree patterns, ornate designs and other decorations, then much more effort must be made to remove dirt.

Stage 1

Preliminary preparation requires softening of contaminants. To do this, place the gold jewelry in a warm soapy solution and let it sit for several hours. The duration of such soaking depends on the total volume and origin of contaminants.

Stage 2

If you are cleaning chain links or the engraving on a gold ring, mechanical action may be required. Using a small soft brush and soap solution, first clean stubborn stains, and then proceed to more serious methods of exposure.

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