How to clean a down jacket from greasy conditions without washing at home

Wearing seasonal items every day naturally leads to them getting dirty. The situation is especially acute with jackets and down jackets. Regardless of the color of the product or the material from which it is made, the frequency of contamination will be high. More often than other parts, seams on sleeves, pockets, collars or hoods are affected (especially in women who apply foundation or powder).
But it is not necessary to immediately run to the nearest dry cleaner after stains appear - the product can be cleaned at home. It is enough to know a few features of cleaning down jackets and down jackets, as well as to have suitable products on hand.

Dishwashing liquid or laundry soap

Dishwashing liquid or ordinary laundry soap can help in the fight against stubborn and greasy dirt on a down jacket. These products effectively remove grease stains from nylon, polyester and other artificial materials.

Dishwashing liquid removes grease well and leaves no streaks. It also helps remove foundation stains that often remain on the collar.

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean greasy areas on a jacket without washing:

  1. Prepare the solution.
    In 1 liter of water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of any dishwashing liquid or the same amount of finely grated laundry soap

  2. Apply the cleaning solution and scrub the dirt thoroughly.
    Dampen a soft brush, sponge or towel in the resulting solution. Apply the product over all contaminated areas, starting from the edges of the stain and gradually moving towards its center. Try to do all cleaning procedures quickly so that the insulation does not have time to absorb too much soapy water.

  3. Wipe off any remaining detergent.
    Rub a damp cloth or towel over the area to be cleaned. You can use a spray bottle with clean water.

  4. Blot off excess moisture with a dry cloth.
    Ideally, you should use microfiber, as it absorbs water well and also cleans the product without streaks.

This method of cleaning without washing is also called home dry cleaning. However, this method has its own nuances:

  • Do not rub the Bolognese or other fabric surface too much;
  • Start treating any stains and dirt from the edges, gradually moving towards the center, this way you can avoid the appearance of streaks;
  • If after such home cleaning there are still stains, greasy shine or serious grime, then it is better to wash the jacket by hand or in a washing machine.

How to clean a greasy collar

As you know, the collar tends to get shiny very quickly. Therefore, this element of outerwear should be given special attention. Let's figure out how to properly clean a jacket collar:

  1. If you need to clean the collar from slight grime, you can simply treat it with a soap solution.
  2. If the pollution is more intense, mustard powder will help. To carry out the hygienic procedure, you will first need to dilute it with warm water until a thick mass is obtained. Then apply to shiny areas. After twenty minutes, rinse off the cleansing mass. This method will also allow you to remove perfume or lip gloss that accidentally gets on the collar area.
  3. The color of the outerwear is of no small importance when choosing a collar cleaning product. For example, it is easier to wipe off grime from a white jacket with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a black or brown jacket with onion juice.

Using ammonia

One of the most favorite home remedies that helps get rid of many stains (and not only on clothes) is ammonia (ammonia). The product is suitable for cleaning both white down jackets and black (dark) ones:

  1. First you need to dilute the cleaning solution. Dilute 5 ml of ammonia in 100 ml of water.
  2. In the room you are cleaning, be sure to open the windows so as not to breathe in alcohol fumes.
  3. Soak a towel or cotton cloth in the prepared solution and wring it out well.
  4. Now proceed to cleaning the dirt. Dirt most often collects on the elbows, collars, pockets and sleeve seams, so pay attention to these areas first.
  5. Start cleaning the product with vigorous movements, try to thoroughly moisten the contaminated parts with ammonia solution to remove even complex stains.
  6. Periodically turn over the cloth soaked in the product and go over the already cleaned areas with the clean side again.
  7. Similarly, rub the remaining dirty parts of the product, especially paying attention, for example, to the inner sides of the sleeves (cuffs), and the seams at the elbows.
  8. If necessary, re-soak the towel in the ammonia solution, remembering to turn it over to the clean side. The surface of the product should be completely wet.
  9. After this, leave the item to dry. Inspect the dry jacket: if you notice that you missed some dirt, then soak the cloth in the alcohol solution again and try to wipe it off.

Down jacket cleaning options

Getting rid of greasy stains on sleeves, collars, and pockets is quite difficult, and even modern washing machines may not be able to cope with the stains the first time.
At the end of the season, cleaning a winter jacket is mandatory, since it is impossible to store an item with traces of stains. Fresh greasy stains are easy to remove, and stubborn dirt is washed off by repeating several cycles of dry and wet cleaning. How to wash a greasy down jacket:

  • Self-machine wash with pre-soaking and using washing powder. The method is not suitable in the presence of heavy soiling and requires a preliminary assessment of the material from which the down jacket is made.
  • Dry cleaning with household chemicals or using folk remedies. This option is suitable if you need to remove single stains of various origins.
  • Professional dry cleaning, during which any stains are removed from the fabric and the item returns to its original appearance. The method is good, but requires significant financial investments.

Grease stains appear on winter clothes usually in places of contact with human skin, but can also be the result of food or precipitation getting on clothes.

Important! The choice of cleaning method depends not only on the age of the stain, but also on the type of covering material and padding of the down jacket. Using the wrong means can ruin the item.

Micellar water

Some of the most difficult stains (especially on light-colored jackets and collars) are stains from makeup and sweat. You can cope with them with the help of micellar water, which is familiar to many girls. This product perfectly removes foundation or powder residue from the face, so why shouldn’t it cope with such stains on clothes. This cleaning method is carried out locally by hand and does not require washing in a washing machine:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in your chosen micellar water.
  2. Blot the contaminated fabric (for example, the greasy collar of a down jacket).
  3. Leave the product on the product for a few minutes so that it has time to dissolve the cosmetics.
  4. Remove dirt and cosmetic residues with a damp cloth.
  5. If the stains were not removed after the first procedure, repeat it.

For this cleaning method, you can only use micellar water without dyes. If the method does not help, then try a cosmetic product from another manufacturer.

Rules for products made from different materials

When cleaning greasy clothes, it is important what fabric they are made from.


Anastasia Kukushkina

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