How and with what quickly, effectively and without much effort can you remove the smell of dog urine from the upholstery of a sofa?

Well-mannered animals wait with dignity for their owner to relieve themselves during a walk, but small puppies or untrained dogs act differently.

The sofa suffers from discharge: removing stains and smells from it becomes problematic.

How to remove dog urine (stains and odor) from a sofa? Proven tips and recipes for folk remedies will help you remove fresh and old stains in a short time and without harm to the fabric or filling.

How to properly clean a sofa from dog urine

Today, almost every third home has a dog. Some of them patiently wait for their owner until he comes home and takes them out for a walk. But sometimes it happens that the pet is sick or nervous, or maybe tired of waiting. That’s when unpleasant incidents happen, and furniture, carpets or your slippers suffer from the animal’s excrement. And if shoes can be washed and the carpet can be dry-cleaned, then what about the sofa? Let's try to figure out this question: how to clean a sofa from dog urine so that not a trace remains of it.

Useful video on the topic

In this video you can learn how to correct your pet's behavior, as well as how to train your dog to relieve itself outside.

Puddles on the floor, and even more so on the bed, are always unpleasant. But before you scold your pet, you need to understand the reason for this behavior. Correction is possible only after clarifying the situation and eliminating the root causes that influence the development of negative habits. It is important to avoid unnecessary punishment and be patient. After all, a dog is like a child that requires the attention and care of its owner.

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What are the ways to remove dog urine odor?

There are several means of cleaning things in general and sofas in particular. This is done using:

It is advisable to clean up dog feces thoroughly, because even small remains are like a mark to which the dog will return again and again.

How and how to remove dog urine from the sofa

Each of these methods is good in its own way. Choose which one suits you best. According to most pet owners, vinegar is the best folk remedy. It will not damage the fabric or leather on the sofa and will remove the “tag” forever. Never try to simply wash away a problematic stain with water, as this will increase its size, but the odor will remain.

How to Remove Old Dog Urine from a Couch

Ideally, such stains should be removed by dry cleaning. But you can try using vinegar, peroxide and baking soda in stages:

The problem will disappear because the components of urine are thus decomposed into carbon dioxide and ammonia, and they evaporate very quickly.

Precautions during cleaning

Baking soda is a mild agent and is considered a fairly gentle cleaning powder. But even this is not suitable for every type of fabric. Professionals working in dry cleaning advise that before using any folk remedy, first try it on a small area of ​​the material in the most inconspicuous place of the furniture. The best option is to do this on the back of the sofa. Particular care should be taken when cleaning upholstery made from materials such as:

If after a test cleaning the material does not become hard, the lint does not fall out, and the color has not changed, then you can use it on visible parts.

What to do if you can’t clean the sofa yourself

If you do not risk cleaning the sofa from dog urine with your own hands, then contact the specialists of Top Dry Cleaners. We know how to do this carefully so as not to damage the upholstery. We have special equipment for this, many years of experience and hypoallergenic solutions. Call or leave a request on the website. We travel to any district of Moscow and the region.


Methods of punishment

If the dog does piss on the bed, adequate punishment should be applied.

It is useless to punish a dog if more than an hour has passed since the incident. It is advisable to catch the scoundrel at the crime scene.

The following sanctions can be applied:

  1. Take the puppy by the scruff of the neck (as a mother would do), shake it lightly but firmly and strictly say “no,” “no,” or “ugh.”
  2. Lightly slap a thin twig on the withers to express your dissatisfaction.
  3. Deprive the puppy of his favorite toy or stop the game if he is naughty.
  4. Point to his place (do not allow him to leave the mat) or briefly lock him in a room where no one is present.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Under no circumstances should you hit the dog, shout at it, or deprive it of food or water. Such measures can only aggravate the situation and also harm the health of the pet.

Corrected behavior in a timely manner will help raise an obedient and intelligent companion.

What should you do first if your dog pees on upholstered furniture?

If the puddle of urine that the dog left on the sofa is still fresh, then first of all you need to remove all the liquid from the surface of the sofa and try to pull it directly from the furniture filler.
In most cases this is foam rubber. For this purpose, use paper towels and rags that absorb moisture well. For the fastest and most efficient removal of moisture, it is better to use a leather cloth. It can be purchased at a car store. By pressing on the area of ​​the sofa where the dog urinated, you need to remove as much liquid as possible.

Fighting methods

Dogs do not understand delayed punishment, so if you take punitive measures against him after the offense has been committed, he will not understand why he was punished and will continue to behave incorrectly. He will even start doing this more often just out of spite.

Therefore, when choosing tactics to overcome the problem of turning a sofa or bed into a toilet, act on your pet as soon as you catch him trying to commit incorrect actions.

Experienced owners give some advice in this case:

  • Isolate the puppy from the “crime scene” for several days and monitor the actions . If he tries to break through, it means the problem is in a specific place and there are problems of a psychological nature. If you don’t pay extra attention to this, then the bed was damaged by accident. If this is not possible, cover all such surfaces with plastic wrap (anything that rustles loudly enough will do), this should create a deterrent effect.
  • Check the place for the toilet if your pet uses it in the apartment. It must be in one place and always clean.
  • If the dog is on a walk, increase the time or number of walks and make sure that he does all his business outside.
  • Do not let your pet be alone in the room with the marked object . Try not to let the dog out of your sight at all and carefully monitor any changes in behavior.
  • Get checked at a veterinary clinic for diseases of the genitourinary system . A tumor or inflammation may have begun to develop.
  • Treat your furniture with a mixture of essential oils that repel dogs . Apple, cinnamon and eucalyptus are suitable. Don’t forget to dilute them with water before spraying so as not to harm the animal’s sense of smell.
  • If the dog does not urinate, but rather marks bedding and upholstered furniture, then castration is the only way out.

Before choosing a method of influencing behavior, be sure to establish the cause of what is happening; perhaps the pet needs the help of a veterinarian or dog handler.

Traditional methods

How to remove the smell using folk remedies if the dog peed on the furniture?

If there are no purchased household chemicals suitable for such purposes in the house, then there are several home methods with which you can clean the sofa . They are worth using. You need to select a method depending on the type of furniture fabric.


Despite the fact that vinegar emits a rather pungent odor, it quickly dissipates after cleaning.
Due to acetic acid, ammonia is neutralized, which is the main component of animal urine. To prepare the product, use 9% table vinegar and warm water. Before use, the components are mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to apply the product to the contaminated area of ​​the sofa using a spray bottle. If you don’t have it at hand, you can use a regular rag soaked in the solution. After applying the product, you need to wait 15 minutes for the solution to absorb into the upholstery and foam rubber. After the specified period of time has passed, it is enough to blot the area of ​​the sofa with a paper towel or rag and leave to dry.

Baking soda

Using baking soda, you can clean the stained area of ​​the sofa either in combination with vinegar or without it. If soda is used together with acetic acid, then after applying the vinegar solution to the contaminated area of ​​the sofa, you need to pour a small amount of soda on top and lightly rub it into the foam. When the treated area on the sofa is dry, all that remains is to remove the remaining soda with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner.

What to do with a fresh dog puddle on the couch?

You need to try to remove as much of the liquid that the dog wrote as possible. This can be done with a rag or sponge. Toilet paper absorbs feces well. You can also use napkins. Afterwards, you need to soap the stain with regular laundry soap. Tar will also work. Before the procedure, the bar must be moistened with water.

After a quarter of an hour, the upholstery should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove foam and prevent yellow stains. Afterwards, you can treat the problem area with a vinegar solution. Proportion 1:3. Processing is carried out several times. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. After the procedure, the room will be filled with the pleasant aroma of citrus fruits, and not the feces of your beloved dog.

Special means

Those who keep a dog in the house are advised to acquire cleaning products in advance that effectively remove odors and stains from dog urine. There are several options for such products that can be purchased both in a regular supermarket and in a pet store.

For floor

The most popular and in demand products are:

They are very simple to use; just dilute a small amount of the product in water according to the instructions and apply the solution to the contaminated area. Rub using a sponge or brush and rinse with water.

Chlorine-containing substances

Those who prefer to use cleaning agents containing chlorine can use the following:

It is recommended not to rinse off this solution for 10-15 minutes, then remove it with clean water. After using chlorine-containing substances, you must not forget about ventilating the room.


Specialized cleaning substances that can be purchased at a pet store are as follows:

The products are sold in various volumes and packaging. It is possible to purchase the most convenient one for use, for example, directly in the form of a sprayer. Use them according to the instructions in the instructions.

How to remove dog urine in a proven way

The most effective method is a solution of hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda and dishwashing detergent. For correct use, please follow the following instructions:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda and dishwashing detergent with 20 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Stir the mixture.
  3. Apply the substance to the stained area.
  4. Wipe the upholstery with a brush.
  5. Leave for several hours.
  6. Make sure there is no trace of the stain left. If there are no marks, the product can be wiped off and the upholstery left to dry.

The detergent neutralizes odors and helps remove stains. Citric acid will help improve the smell, which can be used to treat the described area after following the instructions. Lemon juice can also be added to the mixture itself: then after washing the upholstery will smell like citrus. After use, make sure that there are no streaks left on the material.

General Tips

In the process of cleaning and removing the unpleasant odor of animal urine, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

It is less problematic to remove dog urine odor and stains from the sofa when the puddle is still fresh. Old stains are a little more difficult to remove , but by choosing the most optimal cleaning method, you can deal with them. To prevent your dog from urinating on the sofa, you can use aromatic oils that are unpleasant to the dog's sense of smell and apply a small amount of them to the sofa.


Reasons for persistent urine odor

Unfortunately, urine stains retain an extremely unpleasant odor for a long time, due to which some things must simply be thrown away. But a sofa is a rather expensive piece of furniture, and it is worth making every effort to restore it to its original appearance. The persistence of unpleasant urine odor is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Urine flows into the inner layers of the upholstery. So, you can remove a stain only from the surface when urine has already soaked the foam rubber or even parts of the frame - and the smell comes from the inside.
  2. As a result of contact with air, an oxidation process occurs, as a result of which compounds are formed on the surface of the sofa that are insoluble in water. To remove them you will need to use chemicals.
  3. Old urine stains are the best environment for the proliferation of various microorganisms, which is why it can be quite difficult to remove this pungent odor.

It turns out that many reasons influence the persistence of urine odor on upholstered furniture. You should not hope that over time it will disappear on its own; on the contrary, in this case it is necessary to carry out treatment as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to correct such an unpleasant problem.

In some cases, it can be difficult to get rid of the smell of urine

Basic cleaning rules

When you get a puppy, you take on certain obligations. Until your pet has grown up, received the necessary vaccinations and has not adjusted to the walking schedule, you may encounter puddles and stains from them on the carpet, parquet, linoleum and other places.

You should not be angry with an animal; this is a common situation in the process of growing up. Help your pet quickly adapt to new conditions and get used to their new place of residence and routine. If you find it difficult to accustom your animal to certain rules on your own, contact the services of dog handlers. Experienced specialists will help solve the problem and give useful advice on raising a dog.

The time will come, and your pet will obediently wait for a walk and fulfill its natural needs in the yard. Until that time comes, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for eliminating specific contaminants:

In veterinary stores you can easily find special products designed to eliminate stains and odors. However, there are many folk methods that millions of housewives successfully use at home.

First of all, we want to note that there is a difference between fresh old stains. The methods of cleaning them and the products used also differ. Let's take a closer look at two situations.

Ways to stop your dog from crapping at home

Puppies are easy to train and raise. To avoid misunderstandings with puddles on the floor, it is recommended to follow a strict walking and feeding schedule.

You should walk your dog at least twice a day for an hour at a set time for several weeks. It is equally important to sincerely praise her as soon as she pees in the right place. This will help develop the correct reflex in the animal.

Experienced dog breeders can easily recognize when their dog wants to go to the toilet:

  • the dog breathes harder - a full urinary tract puts pressure on the diaphragm;
  • looks more closely at the person and periodically touches him with his paw;
  • standing instead of lying down;
  • The hind legs are slightly apart, the animal is spinning and sniffing the floor.

If signs are detected, you should take an unscheduled walk and be sure to praise your pet for a job well done.

Eliminate fresh stains and odors

If the embarrassment occurs before your eyes, do not hesitate, but immediately start washing. The sooner you clean up the puddle, the greater the chance that the trouble that happened will not leave traces behind. Let's look at the basic methods for cleaning fresh stains.

With this option, it is best to immediately use a professional product.

The SmellOff Dog Odor Neutralizer does an excellent job of removing fresh and established urine odors. The composition of the product is natural, environmentally friendly and harmless. It is important to note that the neutralizer is safe not only for people, but also for animals .

To remove the smell of dog urine, you must:

It is important to treat other surfaces that are close to the main source of the odor (if you are cleaning up urine near a sofa, spray the product under it, on baseboards, a coffee table, etc., where splashes may have gotten in).

The product is left to dry completely for 12 hours or more, and then ventilated.

This product can be used to clean floors (be careful with parquet), carpets, furniture, shoes, clothes, and car surfaces.


This method will help to effectively deal with the stain and get rid of the smell of dog urine on the carpet.

First, mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. For convenience, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Treat the stain and leave until dry.

In a separate container, mix soap and water until a stable foam forms. Soak a rag in the soapy water and begin cleaning the carpet. At the end of the procedure, wait until the carpet area is completely dry and use a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain is large and has a strong odor, sprinkle a little baking soda on top of the sprayed vinegar solution. Leave until dry and vacuum.

This method is used to remove strong odors from the surface, as well as to refresh the appearance of textiles.

Choosing a trusted company

A cleaning service will help you carry out high-quality dry cleaning of your sofa from urine at home in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For more than 10 years, the organization’s employees have been coping not only with cleaning and returning the interior to its former appearance, but also updating furniture and offering other services to combat dirt.

You can order cleaning of a private home, office, or retail space, regardless of the layout and size of the room. Cleaning experts will completely remove stains using products with ingredients that are harmless to people and animals. Equipment from European manufacturers helps to cope with contamination not only of furniture, but also of mattresses, parquet and all types of surfaces. The current cost is specified on the website.

Removes odor and old urine stains

If your dog ruins a bedspread, sofa covers or other removable items, we recommend washing them in the washing machine on a high-temperature setting. If we are talking about a carpet, sofa, parquet and other surfaces, do not worry, there are also many ways that are guaranteed to help you clean the surface. Let's look at the best methods for removing old, smelly stains.


This method will help you remove the smell of dog urine from the sofa and other textile surfaces.

Mix detergent with water in a 1:1 ratio. Next, soak the sponge in the resulting solution and treat the contaminated surface. Wait a while and repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Wait until the stain is completely dry and wipe the area with a damp (not wet) cloth.

Please note that working with chlorine-containing products should only be done with rubber gloves, as well as with the windows open.

Potassium permangantsovka

This method has proven itself well for parquet and other wooden surfaces.

Dilute 0.5 tsp. potassium permanganate in 1 glass of water. Wet a sponge with the solution and wipe the unpleasant-smelling area of ​​the coating. Repeat the procedure until the odor is completely eliminated. No additional rinsing with water is required.

We would like to note that this method is ideal for dark surfaces. On light-colored surfaces, use the solution with caution. Test the product on a small area before cleaning.

Hydrogen peroxide

If a urine stain has formed on tiles or linoleum, use the following method.

For it you will need:

Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. peroxide and 2 tbsp. l. detergent. Mix well until a paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the problem area and leave for half an hour. After time has passed, remove any remaining product and wipe the surface with a well-moistened cloth.

This method is well suited for laminate and parquet boards. Prepare the following ingredients:

Add 1 tsp. iodine in 1 liter of water. For convenience, pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Next, spray the solution onto the stain. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then wipe the flooring dry.

Also, a steam generator and a washing vacuum cleaner have proven themselves to be effective in removing stains and urea odors. Use replaceable attachments with a brush at the end.

In this article, we told you how to deal with unpleasant-smelling urine stains on various surfaces. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Follow our recommendations and let nothing spoil your friendship with your four-legged friend.

Methods for eliminating smelly urine

Methods for eliminating the stench of urine are based on thorough cleaning, washing, and drying in the open air items damaged by the dog. The procedure is easy to carry out with clothes, removable sofa upholstery, bed linen, and bedspread. It’s more difficult to remove large carpets and rugs that you can’t put in a machine or wash. Drying in the fresh air is of considerable importance to remove any remaining stench. It is easier to remove unpleasant odors from linoleum-covered floors. Thorough cleaning with the help of stink-eliminating products is enough. The method of treating the area is different to eliminate fresh and old puddles. Although there are some products suitable for removing both fresh and old stains.

SmellOff, a professional pet odor remover, does an excellent job of eliminating urine odors, both fresh and long-absorbed. It is important to note that the neutralizer is suitable for cleaning absolutely any surface, including clothing, shoes, and textiles. Recommendations for surface treatment: 1. It is important to remove visible dirt and urine from the area where the stain has formed and dry it completely. 2. Apply the neutralizer by spraying or pouring it onto surfaces that have absorbed the odor. It is necessary to treat all even hard-to-reach places, for example, under furniture or the insole of a shoe. When the product gets deep into the surface, it destroys all the smallest particles of this “aroma” without masking it. 3. Dry the product and ventilate. It is recommended that for more efficient drying of the product, do not create drafts and do not cool the room. Please note that SmellOff does not need to be washed off after treatment, as it is environmentally friendly, safe and does not leave any odor, even fragrance.

Fresh stains

If you catch a dog committing a “crime” or find a fresh stain, the first action should be to soak the liquid with a moisture-absorbing rag or paper towel. If there is urine on carpet or upholstered furniture, leave the rag for a while so that the liquid is absorbed. This will limit penetration into the deeper layers of the fabric, preventing the aroma from settling.

To dilute the liquid from a wet stain, dissolve a few drops of liquid dish detergent in warm water. Use a sponge, wipe the wet area, and then blot dry again. You can clean the stain in this way until the traces completely disappear.

Sprinkle baking soda on the wet spot. A few tablespoons, evenly distributed over the stain, are enough; excess product is difficult to remove. If the stain is on a sofa or carpet, leave the powder overnight; on a smooth wooden surface, a couple of hours is enough. Thanks to the properties of soda, the unpleasant aroma of urine is completely absorbed.

Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the area of ​​baking soda. For the desired result, vacuum several times to collect the powder.


Several methods are used to eliminate the unpleasant odor of old urine stains.

  1. General cleaning and washing things will help remove the stench of dog urine in the apartment. Everything needs to be cleaned, even if the pet did not mark things, the smell could permeate them. You need to wash curtains, upholstery of the sofa, armchairs, and pillows. Set the washing machine to high temperature. It is advisable to use a scented laundry conditioner, it will help remove the stench.
  2. If a puddle occurs on upholstered furniture, a carpet, or a couch that cannot be washed, clean the surface using chemical toilet or bathtub cleaners containing chlorine. Diluted bleach works well, but be careful when handling different materials. To prepare a cleaning product, mix water, a chemical, and detergent in a bucket, saturate the sponge with the solution, apply to the dirty area, and clean the stain with soft circular movements. Small rugs can be cleaned by hand washing, thoroughly washing the stained area.
  3. In the absence of cleaning products, you can resort to traditional methods. Vinegar, citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, and soda will help remove dog odor. The cleaning method is to spray, apply to furniture, rugs. Wash the surface with a damp cloth.
  4. To remove old stains from wooden, laminated surfaces, you can use an iodine solution. To prepare the solution, use a liter of water and one teaspoon of iodine. Leave for a few minutes and wipe the floor with a damp sponge. Elimination of unpleasant odor will pass without leaving a trace.
  5. If your pet relieves itself in the same place, pure alcohol will help eliminate the smell of urine. Remove old marks with detergent, then treat the stains with alcohol. The place will be disinfected and cleared of unpleasant odors.
  6. After general cleaning, if the stench from dog urine remains in the room, you need to purchase an ultraviolet flashlight. In the dark, light the apartment, corners, area under the bed, sofa, to identify old stains. Ultraviolet light illuminates the puddles. If you find traces of old urine, you can get rid of the dog's smell.

Special sprays sold in pet stores will help solve the problem of eliminating the stench. Their purpose is to remove traces of dog odor. The impact on furniture and other treated surfaces is minimal, resulting in fresh air in the apartment.


We recommend that you watch the video on how to combat the smell of dog urine in your apartment:

Graduated from the economics department of the Aviation University. Married, has a daughter. Loves to play musical instruments and spend time in pleasant communication. She always strives to learn something interesting and master a new craft. Loves to cook for the whole family. Life motto: “Never give up!”

Found a mistake? Select the text with the mouse and click:

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

How to wean

To wean a dog from unacceptable behavior, find out the reason that causes it:

  • The desire to mark in females appears when they are in heat, and in males during adolescence, if a competing male or female in heat appears nearby.
  • The disease is noticeable by changes in behavior: the dog stops waiting for walks, whines, has a lethargic appearance, hot ears, gums change color. She drinks greedily, her appetite worsens, and sometimes her urine and excrement change color. A veterinarian will help you make sure by taking tests and making a diagnosis.
  • The owner himself can associate irregular walks with the behavior of the pet.
  • As well as revenge: it is enough to remember whether the dog received a scolding in the last couple of days, whether it was offended.
  • Stress can also be traced through memories. If a dog was frightened by a loud sound, offended by another dog, frightened by a dishwasher, someone in the household will remember this. Plus, the dog itself becomes nervous, does not obey commands well, flinches at loud sounds, and does not allow itself to be stroked - by strangers or by everyone in general. This happens more often with small dogs.
  • The transition period is determined by age and by changed manners: the dog is in no hurry to obey commands, growls at household members, tries to beg for - or even take away - tasty food. In her coordinate system, she is trying to take the place of a leader.

The lack of habit of relieving oneself in the right place is obvious if one remembers the dog’s past.

Once the reason is determined, the matter is small.

If a dog marks, the owners can either wait until it goes away on its own or have the pet spayed or neutered.

If a dog is sick, it is taken to a veterinarian and treated according to his system.

If the dog is not walked regularly, the owner rearranges the schedule, finds friends who will take the animal for a walk in his absence, or hires a specially trained person.

If a dog takes revenge for something, then the behavior will not be repeated if in the future the punishments and rewards are fair, and nothing will have to be done.

If the dog is scared, they calm it down: they spend more time on it, pet it, caress it, scratch it, talk to it in a gentle voice, play with it. If the source of fear is known, the dog is introduced to it: the owner brings it to the jumping machine, strokes and caresses it to encourage courage. If introducing the source of fear is dangerous or impossible, then they try to prevent the dog from encountering it: they curtain the curtains during fireworks, avoid aggressive dogs, and do not quarrel, at least in its presence.

If a dog tries to establish leadership, it is calmly but firmly shown that this is inappropriate: they are not allowed to go to bed, they show dissatisfaction with every prank, they encourage calm and friendly behavior with praise. If the owner fails to build a system that the dog understands, they turn to a dog trainer, who will teach both to understand each other.

If the dog has never lived in a house before and was not diaper trained as a puppy (see how to diaper train it), you will have to spend time on training. Take the dog out after meals, praise him for relieving himself outside, show dissatisfaction with the puddles made in the house. This process will take longer than it takes with a puppy - retraining is always more difficult than teaching.

The main thing is consistency and firmness of action.

How to get rid of the smell of dog urine in the house?

A small puppy or an adult dog can urinate indoors. They do this on the floor or on furniture. You should know what means you can use to remove the unpleasant smell of urea and from childhood teach your pet to urinate in a diaper, in a litter tray, etc. Don’t forget to take him outside regularly, at about the same time, and the house will be in order.

Those who are just planning to get a dog should understand that they are responsible for the health and life of a living creature. Puppies, sick, untrained and old animals can relieve themselves at home. You should know how to quickly get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine.

The easiest way is to immediately clean up after your pet. There are different ways to combat fresh and old odors. Let's take a closer look at them.

Removing traces of baby urine

If there is a small child in the house, then urine stains on the sofa can hardly be avoided. Children's urea is not as aggressive as that of pets. However, if a child urinates in the same place, a bad odor occurs after frequent soaking.

In this case, to clean the sofa, the following methods are recommended:

  • Baby or laundry soap. Thoroughly wipe the fresh stain with foam, then dry it with a napkin or paper towel.
  • Potassium permanganate. To eliminate the smell of baby urine, you should prepare a slightly pink solution. This product is suitable if the upholstery material is dark.
  • Vinegar solution. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of vinegar into water (1 liter) and treat the contaminated area with a sponge. The action is repeated two to four times.
  • Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour it into a spray bottle. Using this device, liquid is sprayed onto the place where there is urea. After half an hour, the procedure is repeated. After this, rinse everything off (it’s better if the water is cold) or wipe it with wet wipes.

Table salt, hyposulfite, stain remover, or antibacterial powder may also be used.

In addition, some sources contain information that a wet stain should be dried using an iron. To do this, cover the wetted area with a dry white sheet and iron it on its surface. In this way, moisture is eliminated, and with it the smell evaporates.

You can also dry a fresh stain with a hairdryer. However, in this case, to prevent the upholstery from deteriorating, the hair dryer must be kept away from the fabric. Drying should not take more than seven minutes. To be effective, first treat the wet area with paper towels or napkins, and then dry it using a hairdryer.

Getting rid of unpleasant-smelling fresh urine on the floor and things

Notice that your pet has pooped on the carpet or floor, and immediately scold it, clap your hands or a rolled-up newspaper on the thigh. Only in this way will the pet understand why he is being punished. This is how puppies and adult dogs are raised.

Have you shamed the dog? Now, to prevent the smell, you need to treat the stain. Blot the liquid with clean napkins. You can use toilet paper or a rag.

The filler for trays also has excellent absorbency. Give preference to wood pellets. They are economical, but you need to sweep and vacuum the area.

Let's look at different ways you can get rid of a similar urine stain on a carpet, upholstered furniture, fabric, or wipe the floor.

Reward sometimes works better

Despite the effectiveness of punishment, positive motivation always works better than negative motivation. For this reason, do not forget to praise your pet after relieving itself outside. In addition to affection and kind words, treats work well.

You can consolidate the desired skill using a certain sequence: command - action - encouragement. As soon as the dog starts to sit down, tell him to “write” or any other code word. Having achieved success, give out a tasty treat as a reward and be sure to express your admiration.

What are the best ways to remove odor from dog urine?

There are many means to remove the smell of dog urine.

Potassium permanganate is good against urine odor. It is suitable for dark surfaces. If you have light parquet, laminate, or board, give preference to another product. Mix potassium permanganate with water (0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) and wipe the strong-smelling area. The procedure is repeated until the smell goes away completely.

If you have linoleum or tile floors at home, you can remove the smell with peroxide. Very good recipe: 2 tbsp. l. soda + peroxide + detergent, for example, for dishes. Apply the mixture evenly to the stain. Let it sit there for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly using a clean cloth soaked in water.

A good way to get rid of the strong smell of dog urine is laundry soap. It is most effective at removing odor from a fresh stain. You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater or make shavings with a knife, take liquid. Now mix it with water and let it brew. Apply the mixture to the stain for about 10 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth.

Many people like the soda method. 1 tsp. diluted in 2 tbsp. l. water. Apply the mixture to the stain and wait for it to dry. This place is thoroughly vacuumed. Instead of soda, you can use a surface cleaner, such as powder, to clean kitchen sinks, stoves, etc.

Some spray alcohol or vodka diluted in equal proportions with water onto the stain from a spray bottle. The smell is strong and discourages the dog from this area on the floor.

Veterinarian advice

You should take your dog to see a veterinarian if, in addition to inappropriate behavior, it exhibits symptoms such as lack of appetite, pain, fever, or apathy.


  • You cannot scold or punish a dog if it is sick;
  • in case of involuntary urination, it is better to use diapers;
  • Almost all diseases are curable at an early stage, so you need to contact the clinic in a timely manner;
  • During treatment, it is better to switch the dog to a natural diet and reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • If the reason for urination is stress, you need to make an appointment with a pet psychologist.

It is important to remember that for puppies up to 6-7 months of age, peeing in the wrong place is the norm.

What to do with old odor?

Sometimes it is possible to discover a “puddle” on the sofa too late, when it has already completely dried, been absorbed into the upholstery and filling, and has begun to smell terribly. It is best to dry clean such stains.

If you decide to act independently at home, then the following method is suitable to eliminate the consequences of dog feces:

  • The stain is soaked in vinegar;
  • After complete drying, cover with soda;
  • Half a glass of 3% hydrogen peroxide is poured into a spray bottle, and a teaspoon of any liquid soap or dishwashing liquid is added. 50 ml of water is poured in, after which everything is shaken:
  • The solution is sprayed on top of the soda (it begins to foam);
  • After two hours, the contaminated area of ​​fabric or skin is washed with water and dried with a fan, hairdryer, or iron.

How to remove odor using products from a pet store?

You can neutralize pet urine odors with a special product sold in pet stores. Such preparations can cope with any persistent stains and can be used for regular cleaning of soft surfaces without harm to people and animals.

Let's talk about two such drugs.


This spray completely eliminates and absorbs, rather than simply hides, the persistent urine odor of dogs, cats, rodents and other pets. At the same time, it maintains a comfortable indoor environment and is used as needed without restrictions for people and animals.

The enzymes contained in Dufta break down the odorous components of dog urine odor.

Reference! Enzymes are organic compounds similar in composition to proteins that can break down protein compounds.

Organic bio product DuftaPet fully complies with international quality standards. Does not cause allergies, consists of natural ingredients, is environmentally friendly and does not contain bacteria and microorganisms that negatively affect people with hypersensitivity.

When using the product, strictly follow the instructions:

  • Remove all foreign objects from the treated area;
  • Apply the product to the source of the odor;
  • Cover with film to enhance the effectiveness of the effect;
  • After three hours, remove the film and let the surface dry completely;
  • Repeat treatment if necessary.

Odor neutralizer Vaportek

This product from the sanitation series is used not only to eliminate the odors of animals and their toilets. Removes odors of tobacco, fresh paint and other persistent pungent odors.

Application. The neutralizer is sprayed around the apartment during cleaning where it is necessary to eliminate the smell: on furniture, carpets, curtains.

The product is absolutely harmless to people and pets, has no odor and does not leave streaks or stains. Even if there is no need to neutralize the smell of urine in the room, this product perfectly removes the smell characteristic of any animal living in the apartment.

To completely eliminate the problem, one application of the Vaportek neutralizer is enough.

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