Soaking with cherry juice and more: how and what to soak cake layers with

To prepare an appetizing and tasty dessert, it is not enough just to bake an airy and aromatic sponge cake. You need to select and prepare the correct impregnation for the biscuit.

To prevent the delicacy from turning into liquid porridge, you must strictly follow the proportions specified in the recipe. For greater confidence, adhere to the accepted culinary proportions - the ratio of impregnation to biscuit is 0.7:1.

Follow the main rule of greasing the cakes. If there are several of them, then the bottom one is lubricated with the least amount of impregnation. Further, its volume increases with each cake. You can prepare a sponge cake with condensed milk; all the recipes for impregnations given below will work with it.

When you manage to follow the technical side of preparation, you can safely begin to experiment by adding various confectionery ingredients to the impregnation - vanilla, cinnamon, fruits and berries, syrups and jams.

By the way, impregnation for sponge cakes at home is also good because it can be added to other desserts. For example, in ice cream or fruit salads.

Features of cake impregnation

For impregnation, sweet tea with lemon, sugar syrup, fruit or berry compote, strong coffee with cognac, yogurt, syrup left over from canned fruits are perfect.

For the biscuit you will need 150 ml of any impregnation. It is best to grease the cakes using a pastry brush, running it over the finished sponge cake.

If you don’t have such a brush, you can simply apply the impregnation with a spoon. It is important to do everything so that the cakes are evenly soaked.

If you have prepared a tall sponge cake, then you should cut it into about 2-3 separate cake layers and soak each of them. Then the baked goods will be juicy both on top and inside. When soaking the cakes, you need to pay special attention to the edges, as they have a denser outer crust.

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Processing cakes

When you take a hot crust out of the oven, you don't have much time. Experienced pastry chefs say to cut, soak and shape before it cools completely. This requires skill. In addition, the cakes should not be too thick, otherwise they will be dry inside anyway.

Lemon impregnation for sponge cakes is a liquid syrup, so working with it is quite easy. Applying hot composition is a separate science. Housewives often use a teaspoon for this. This is quite inconvenient, and the liquid gets onto the dough unevenly. It is best to use a pastry brush or spray bottle.

One more thing. The biscuit allows liquid to pass through like a sponge. Therefore, if you soak it with syrup, you need to apply the very minimum composition to the bottom cake. Soak the middle cake moderately, but you can pour liberally onto the top cake. This syrup will gradually pass through all floors of the confectionery product.

How to saturate the base of the dessert?

There are many different frosting options you can use for your cake. Often specially prepared syrup is used. Before applying impregnation to the cakes, you need to check the base for dryness - the softer it is, the less syrup you will need.

You can apply impregnation using a special spray bottle. However, if you wish, you can use a silicone brush.

It is forbidden to soak cakes that are too hot. After baking, you need to cool the biscuits and then place them in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Here are some great options for soaking a cake, thanks to which you can get a real culinary masterpiece.

Rules for beginners

If you like dry biscuits, then you can limit yourself to lightly grease the cake with a silicone brush, and then apply cream. But most often children prefer moist biscuits. Moreover, if you want to please your sweet tooth, then take the classic 2:1 ratio as a basis. And if you want to prepare a not too sweet treat, then it is better to change the ratio of water and sugar to 3:1.

If you want the solution to linger in the pores, then add a little starch to it.

The more sugar you add to the syrup, the longer the finished product will stay fresh.

If the biscuit turns out to be very wet, simply wrap it in a clean cloth. It will absorb excess moisture.

Impregnation with cognac

To prepare it you will need 50 ml of cognac, 50-60 g of sugar and 150 ml of water. Mix water with sugar in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Cool and add cognac. Apply the resulting syrup evenly to the surface of the cakes.

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If desired, you can replace cognac with red wine, which should be taken in the same proportions.

From condensed milk

The impregnation for a fluffy chocolate biscuit made from condensed milk is incomparably delicious. Although it is very easy to prepare.


  • white condensed milk (or chocolate) – 1 can;
  • boiled warm water – 750 ml.

Manufacturing method (3 options):

  1. Bring water to a boil, pour white condensed milk into it, stir until smooth and turn off. If desired, flavor with a pinch of vanilla.
  2. Stir chocolate condensed milk in warm boiled water. For flavor, add a pinch of cinnamon if desired.
  3. Condensed milk is replaced with regular, pasteurized milk (3.5% fat) or baked milk. If desired, add sugar (1-2 tbsp.). In baked milk, sugar is replaced with honey. Stir the solution until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.

Culinary experts say: “The best impregnation for chocolate sponge cake without alcohol is milk!”


  • Buteykis N.G., Kengis R.P. Syrups and burnt butter // Preparation of flour confectionery products. - M.: Economics, 1965. - 252 p.
  • Gryadunova G.P., Lebedenko V.Ya., Sorokina N.S. Syrups: method. decree. / Ed. A.I. Tentsova – M., 1994. – 20 p.
  • Kengis, R.P. Home canning. – M.: Pishchepromizdat, 1965. – 165 from Kizima, G. Juices, compotes, syrups. The best recipes for drinks from your harvest M.: AST, 2016. - 100 p.
  • Mityukav A.D., Rutsky A.V. Soft drinks and cocktails. – Mn.: Urajai, 1989. – 112 p.
  • Pashina G.V. Plants and cosmetics. - Minsk: Polymya, 1993. - 316 p.
  • Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public enterprises. power supply / Auto-stat. : A. I. Zdobnov, V. A. Tsyganenke - K. : Ariy, 2015. - 688 p.
  • Fruit and berry syrups // Commodity Dictionary. Volume 8 / Ch. ed. I.A. Pugachev. - M.: Gostorgizdat, 1960. - 170 p.

Calorie content of foods possible in the dish

  • Sugar – 398 kcal/100g
  • Granulated sugar – 398 kcal/100g
  • Cognac – 239 kcal/100g
  • Ordinary cognac “three stars” – 239 kcal/100g
  • Coffee – 94 kcal/100g
  • Natural coffee, ground – 201 kcal/100g
  • Water – kcal/100g

Calorie content of foods: Coffee, Cognac, Water, Sugar

Sources used:


Cooking Black Forest roll at home

Black Forest Roll
Cherry chocolate cake can be presented in the form of a roll. It is served with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. For the chocolate sponge cake you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • flour 100 g;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • spoon of cocoa;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • 5 spoons of water.


  • canned, fresh or frozen cherries in the amount of 750 g;
  • spoon of starch;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 40 ml cherry liqueur.


  • half a liter of cream;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • vanillin.

Black Forest Cake

We start preparing the Black Forest chocolate cake with a sponge cake.

  1. Whisk the whites into a thick foam in a separate bowl. The yolks with 5 tablespoons of water, sugar and vanilla are also mixed. The mixer must be turned on at maximum speed.
  2. Flour and cocoa are combined with the yolk mass, and then with the proteins. Mix the dough carefully so that there are no lumps.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment and grease. Pour the creamy dough onto it in an even layer. The cake must be baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. We dilute the starch in 4 tablespoons of cold cherry juice. Heat the remaining liquid. Combine the starch with 250 ml of boiling juice and cook for 3 minutes. Add liqueur and berries.
  5. Place the chocolate cake on a sugar-sprinkled towel and wrap it together with the cloth.
  6. Cooled cream, sugar and vanillin are whipped until fluffy.
  7. Remove the chocolate cake from the towel, place the berry on one side, and grease the rest of the surface with cream. We roll everything into a roll.
  8. For decoration, use the remaining cream and grated chocolate.
  9. The roll must lie in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours to soak.

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It should be served sliced ​​with candied cherries and a cup of coffee.

Frequently asked questions FAQ

Is a green orange an unripe fruit or such a variety?

Initially, all tropical oranges have green peel. It turns orange after special processing.

What else is orange syrup good for?

It is believed that the fruits themselves and products made from them help to lose weight. They contain substances that quickly break down fat. Therefore, even a piece of cream cake with orange syrup is healthier than without it.

There are oranges on sale with a protrusion on their butt. Can they be used for syrup?

This is the so-called “umbilical” variety of citrus - Navel. They are no worse than ordinary fruits. The larger the navel, the juicier the fruit.

What can replace orange syrup?

This syrup can be replaced with no less success by tangerine, lemon, grapefruit syrups or pomelo dip.

Orange syrup without cooking

The composition includes:

  • 4 oranges;
  • 0.6 liters of basic sugar syrup.

We create:

  • To prepare the sugar syrup base in 0.5 l. Dissolve 0.7 kilos of sugar in water, let it boil for 5 minutes, add 2 grams (at the tip of a knife) of citric acid. After it has cooled, measure out the required amount for further work.
  • Cut the zest from the oranges into slices (without the pith - the white layer).
  • Bring the main syrup (600 ml) to a boil again and pour the boiling water over the zest strips. Leave for 48 hours.
  • Next, remove the orange straw and add squeezed and strained orange juice from the remaining peeled fruits into the liquid. Use immediately if possible, or store in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

Choosing oranges

Oranges are grown in many countries, from Europe, China, to North and South America. For countries with subtropical and tropical climates, the export of these fruits is a significant source of income. In Russia, winter-hardy varieties grow in the Krasnodar region and in the vicinity of Sochi.

For the curious. Until the beginning of the 20th century, every self-respecting landowner or nobleman, not to mention the royal court, had a greenhouse with fragrant fruits. They were not an overseas curiosity. Unfortunately, these traditions have been lost. Only a happy tourist in a southern country can try a ripe fruit picked from a tree.

Indoor cultivation of citrus fruits is becoming increasingly popular. With a little effort and patience, you can get raw materials for syrup directly from your own windowsill.

For everyone who is far from this, there is a direct road to the store or the market.

The most common purchased specimens have orange-golden flesh. Occasionally, fruits with burgundy or coral-red segments are imported. They can taste very sweet and quite sour. Despite the great differences, all varieties are suitable for making syrup.

To get high-quality orange syrup at home, you should opt for ripe, undamaged citrus fruits, without traces of mold rot. The size of the fruit and the thickness of the peel are not significant.

Recipe 3. Syrup for soaking cocoa-based sponge cakes


35 g cocoa powder;

90 g butter;

175 g condensed milk.

Cooking method

Take a medium-sized saucepan. Pour drinking water into it and place it on the stove. We place a saucepan of a smaller diameter on top, resting it on the handles. The bottom must be submerged in water.

Chop the butter into small pieces and grind with cocoa until smooth.

Place the butter mixture in a saucepan and wait for it to melt, stirring constantly. Add condensed milk into the liquid oil in a thin stream. Simmer until the first bubbles appear.

Remove the saucepan from the water bath and beat the contents with a mixer or blender. The mass should become dense and increase in volume. Cool the impregnation and use it for its intended purpose.

Required Ingredients

The cake with chocolate and cherries needs to be made in stages. You can also group the components needed for it.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 150 g flour;
  • cocoa in the amount of 75 g;
  • sugar 150 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • baking powder packet.

Filling ingredients:

  • 300 g frozen cherries;
  • 150 g coffee liqueur.

Ingredients for cream:

  • 250 ml heavy cream;
  • powdered sugar 150 g.

Ingredients for glaze:

  • 100 g chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

You can use roasted peanuts for decoration. Fresh cherries are also suitable; they add variety to the chocolate cake. It is recommended to take butter and condensed milk for cream in equal proportions. You can use vanilla sugar for the filling. It can also be added to the dough. Powdered sugar and chocolate add just the right amount of sweetness to the dessert.

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