How to cut an orange to decorate a table, dish, cake

No holiday table is complete without a bright, aromatic orange. Even if you simply cut it into circles or slices, the festive table decoration will become more impressive. Good housewives come up with different variations, compositions, flowers for decorating the fruit, constantly thinking about how to beautifully cut an orange in order to surprise adult guests and delight children. Take note of several interesting proposals and, when the opportunity arises, surprise and present new ideas to your guests.

Cutting instructions

First you need to select the fruits and prepare them. To avoid ruining your holiday, check out these tips:

  1. Choose only fresh fruits.
  2. They should not be damaged or uneven.
  3. Rinse.
  4. You need to cut it a few minutes before serving, otherwise the fruit will bleed juice and lose its appearance.
  5. Prepare a sharp knife.
  6. To prevent the cut from darkening, you can grease it with jelly.
  7. Select dishes. Usually a large white flat plate is chosen.

Most often, oranges are cut into slices, rings or half rings.

What to do:

  1. Cut in half.
  2. Cut into half rings.
  3. It is easy to form compositions from them.

You can make a basket if you remove the pulp.

What to do:

  1. Peel the kiwi.
  2. Cut into circles or slices.

You can cut it without peeling it.

What to do:

  1. Carefully cut the banana peel.
  2. Get the core.
  3. Cut into slices.
  4. Place on skin.

What to do:

  1. Cut the apple in half.
  2. Cut out the seeds.
  3. Cut into thin slices.

What to do:

  1. Cut into circles or half rings.
  2. Cut out the seeds.

What to do:

  1. Peel the pineapple.
  2. Cut into slices.
  3. Cut in half or leave in circles.

What to do:

  1. Cut in half.
  2. Cut again from the tail down. You will get 4 slices.
  3. In one motion, separate the pulp from the peel.
  4. Cut the pulp into triangles.
  5. Place back on the peel.
  6. Move the triangles in opposite directions one by one.

I'm not a master... I'm just learning...

How to quickly cut cucumbers into cubes

Fruit slices are otherwise called carving. They have become very popular in our time; specialists in this field create incredible and stunning masterpieces.

Various contests and competitions are held for carving masters, and spectators are completely delighted with the unusual compositions of all kinds of fruits. Not many people will be able to repeat just such masterpieces of virtuoso cutting at home; for this you will need developed professional skills and many special tools.

But at home you can also show your imagination and take up carving. You yourself can make unusual and interesting fruit slices. You just need to buy a special set of knives (it can be found in any hardware stores).

With a little practice, even with a minimal set of knives, you can make unusual cuts from the simplest fruits - apples and pears.

How to peel an orange in different ways

Before you figure out how to properly cut an orange, you should pay attention to how to clean this citrus fruit. Depending on how you plan to use it, the method for getting rid of the peel will vary. If the manipulations are carried out incorrectly, this procedure can become extremely unpleasant, because juice begins to be released abundantly. As a result, the work surface, skin, and clothes get dirty.

When there are no cutlery available, this method is suitable. Although you can’t always call it simple - sometimes the orange peel is quite dense and difficult to peel.

To achieve the result, you just need to pry off part of the skin in the area where the fruit was attached to the branch, tear off the seal, and then peel it off. Be sure to remove the cotton-like white film, which has a bitter taste.

Advice : do not throw away the crusts, they will help in caring for the microwave - fill them with water and place the bowl in the microwave oven chamber for a couple of minutes. Don't rush to get it. After 10 minutes, wipe the walls with a damp cloth.

Thin knife and spoon

  1. Cut a clean and dried orange across the circumference with a knife. Try not to damage the flesh.
  2. Insert a spoon into the cut as deeply as possible and turn, separating the peel in this way. Remove the "cap".
  3. Manipulate the other side of the fruit in the same way. Remove any remaining light fibers by hand.

A rather interesting way to quickly peel an orange is to cut the peel in a zigzag or spiral pattern. This method may well be of interest to children if they observe the process. In addition, curly skins can be used to make beautiful interior decorations if they are dried properly so that they retain their shape.

  1. Starting from the base, carefully run the blade of a thin knife, scrolling throughout the fruit like a spiral.
  2. Pick up the tip and gently, without sudden movements, remove the bright skin.

Cleaning with a knife

If you are going to prepare a salad with the addition of citrus, then cutting the fruit while maintaining its appearance is not necessary, which makes the task much easier. But in this case, be prepared for significant loss of pulp.

  1. Cut both sides of the base so that the orange can be placed securely on the cutting board.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the peel along with the upper films covering the pulp.

Advice : if there are small wounds or scratches on your hands, take care to wear latex gloves. Citrus juice contains a decent amount of acids, which can cause irritation and pain when peeling the fruit.


Orange is one of the main fruits used to decorate the holiday table.

We present various compositions for table setting.

One of the easiest ways to make a beautiful dessert to serve:

  • With a knife, you should cut two shallow vertical cuts perpendicular to each other, which should go from the stalk to the bottom of the citrus, but you should not cut the peel to the very base of the orange;
  • The peel is removed from each of the 4 parts of the orange obtained, but only to the middle of the fruit; for convenience, you can use a knife.

  • Cut the orange into thin rings or half rings and arrange effectively on a prepared plate. It is not necessary to peel the orange; it will help the sliced ​​citrus keep its shape well. Try to remove any seeds that may be present in the orange; they will be completely unnecessary when slicing.
  • In order to beautifully cut an orange and get wonderful suns out of it, you need to cut out pieces of 10 mm in size from the peel in about 8 places on the cut rings in a circle. These amazing shapes can be used to decorate slices of any fruit.
  • It will turn out very beautifully if you make a composition from different citrus fruits, you will create a very beautiful combination of different colors. One composition will very effectively combine the orange color of an orange, the red tint of grapefruit, the delicate yellow color of lemon and the green of lime.

  • They make combinations of cuts from various fruits, which will include a variety of fruits: lemon, kiwi, apple, banana, grapefruit, pear and berries.
  • An easy-to-design fruit cut is the creation of a flower bouquet. To form it, you don’t need any special skills; you just need to cut the fruit into small cubes and thread them onto skewers. Now you need some imagination, with the help of which you need to place the skewers beautifully in a spectacular plate or vase.
  • In order to effectively present fruit to the table, you can do without artistic cutting. We present a step-by-step diagram of how to create striped fruits:
  • cut fruits of the same diameter into discs so that they are all the same thickness (no more than 1.5 cm);
  • we fold them so that we get fruits with different stripes, for this purpose we swap the cut washers.

If you cut an orange, an apple and a pear, you will get a striped composition of orange and apple, or orange and pear, or pear and apple.

This combination will look very beautiful when served to guests.

  • You can create an unusual mosaic or picture from cut pieces of fruit, and you don’t have to be a talented artist to do this. You should choose a specific plot, or best of all, create an abstraction. Believe me, guests will not ignore your creative solution and will appreciate it properly
  • Housewives love to make cuts to create various shapes, for the formation of which they use special devices and shredders, which are sold in supermarkets. Using such devices (only from dense fruits, such as an apple or a pear), you can cut out various petals, leaves, all kinds of cats, monkeys and other various figures of unusual shapes. On such a cut, the orange pucks will be the base on the bottom, and all sorts of figures should be placed on top.

How to cut an orange beautifully

Almost any table is served with all kinds of assorted dishes - both vegetables, meat and fruit. The latter are suitable both as a treat for children and as a snack for a light aperitif. However, it is not enough to simply put fruit on the table.

Every year the role of presentation becomes more and more relevant. There are many ways to cut an orange neatly and beautifully; in this matter, everything depends on imagination and dexterity. Next, you will learn about the most spectacular presentations of citrus.

This direction of cooking allows you to make extraordinary edible masterpieces, however, recreating them at home on your own is quite problematic. If you set out to master this art, you will have to purchase specialized knives and ruin more than one fruit in pursuit of the result.

Important : Never cut fruit long before serving. Otherwise, they will lose their external qualities. The optimal cutting time is a maximum of half an hour before the start of the meal.

How you peel an orange beautifully is a matter of personal preference. But if you don’t want to make any special efforts, but still have a desire for originality, this method is suitable. The result is a fruit that resembles a slightly opening flower. To serve it, the peel remains in place, however, it still undergoes some deformation.

  1. Cut through the skin of the orange from the top to the bottom so that the bottom of the skin remains intact. You need to move in a circle.
  2. Make a similar cut perpendicularly, and then do the same with the quarters. Open the “flower” on top.
  3. Very delicately, so as not to disturb the shape of the creation, separate the orange slices. Guests should effortlessly tear off a piece for themselves.

This is the most common shape for an orange. However, even it can be presented beautifully and originally.

  1. Cut the washed orange into slices about half a centimeter thick.
  2. Cut each piece from one side to the middle.
  3. Install the rings next to each other on the end of the adjacent one. To keep them in a vertical position, spread the tips of the cut in different directions.

Half rings

In this case, the sequence is almost identical to that in the previous method. The difference is that the mugs should be cut into two parts. Afterwards they are placed upright, with the pulp on a plate. To prevent the composition from falling apart, make the segments a little thicker and lay them out in the form of steps. Each semicircle should partially overlap the previous one.

Tip : for an impressive presentation, complement the orange slices with other fruits such as apple or pear that are different in color. The main thing is to choose fruits that are approximately equal in size.

To make a semblance of an orange rose, the fruit should be cut into thin slices in the form of semicircles. Afterwards they are collected in an overlapping strip and rolled up.

If you can do any of the above methods on how to cut an orange, then you can put together an interesting composition in the form of a bouquet. The only thing is that this serving is more appropriate for large-scale celebrations, where the delicacy will definitely not remain on the table.

You can use other fruits as additional ingredients. Lemon is perfect, with which you can do similar manipulations, and bright berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries or grapes will add interesting accents.

More sophisticated cooks can add sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows, candies) and even fresh flowers to the composition.

  1. First, you should decide on the list of bouquet components and the design itself. This can be either regular packaging for flowers or any basket (including fruit baskets).
  2. Afterwards, all components are thoroughly washed and wiped dry, and then placed on long wooden skewers. These are usually sold for making barbecue at home.
  3. If you are going to make roses out of an orange, then you should take care of their base so that the flower does not fall apart. But you can easily get by by cutting off the top of the “bud,” revealing the citrus pulp.
  4. Now all that remains is to collect everything in one bouquet and place it on the table.

This is interesting : such compositions are suitable not only for decorating dishes, but also as a gift for girls, children or colleagues.

Now that you know how to quickly peel oranges, create culinary pictures out of them and serve them, there will be no problems in decorating any holiday, be it for adults or for children. Good luck!


Orange is one of the main fruits used to decorate the holiday table.
We present various compositions for table setting.

One of the easiest ways to make a beautiful dessert to serve:

  • With a knife, you should cut two shallow vertical cuts perpendicular to each other, which should go from the stalk to the bottom of the citrus, but you should not cut the peel to the very base of the orange;
  • The peel is removed from each of the 4 parts of the orange obtained, but only to the middle of the fruit; for convenience, you can use a knife.
  • Cut the orange into thin rings or half rings and arrange effectively on a prepared plate. It is not necessary to peel the orange; it will help the sliced ​​citrus keep its shape well. Try to remove any seeds that may be present in the orange; they will be completely unnecessary when slicing.
  • In order to beautifully cut an orange and get wonderful suns out of it, you need to cut out pieces of 10 mm in size from the peel in about 8 places on the cut rings in a circle. These amazing shapes can be used to decorate slices of any fruit.
  • It will turn out very beautifully if you make a composition from different citrus fruits, you will create a very beautiful combination of different colors. One composition will very effectively combine the orange color of an orange, the red tint of grapefruit, the delicate yellow color of lemon and the green of lime.
  • They make combinations of cuts from various fruits, which will include a variety of fruits: lemon, kiwi, apple, banana, grapefruit, pear and berries.
  • An easy-to-design fruit cut is the creation of a flower bouquet. To form it, you don’t need any special skills; you just need to cut the fruit into small cubes and thread them onto skewers. Now you need some imagination, with the help of which you need to place the skewers beautifully in a spectacular plate or vase.
  • In order to effectively present fruit to the table, you can do without artistic cutting. We present a step-by-step diagram of how to create striped fruits:
  • cut fruits of the same diameter into discs so that they are all the same thickness (no more than 1.5 cm);
  • we fold them so that we get fruits with different stripes, for this purpose we swap the cut washers.

If you cut an orange, an apple and a pear, you will get a striped composition of orange and apple, or orange and pear, or pear and apple.

This combination will look very beautiful when served to guests.

  • You can create an unusual mosaic or picture from cut pieces of fruit, and you don’t have to be a talented artist to do this. You should choose a specific plot, or best of all, create an abstraction. Believe me, guests will not ignore your creative solution and will appreciate it properly
  • Housewives love to make cuts to create various shapes, for the formation of which they use special devices and shredders, which are sold in supermarkets. Using such devices (only from dense fruits, such as an apple or a pear), you can cut out various petals, leaves, all kinds of cats, monkeys and other various figures of unusual shapes. On such a cut, the orange pucks will be the base on the bottom, and all sorts of figures should be placed on top.

Useful tips for housewives

Some useful information on working with fruits at home:

  1. Fruits are cut immediately before serving on the festive table, as they quickly lose their attractive appearance: they darken and dry out.
  2. A little trick: to remove the tail from a strawberry, you need to pierce it with a cocktail straw. But with green leaves the berry looks more beautiful.
  3. Store-bought fruits are coated with a special chemical composition to extend their shelf life. When washing, a greasy layer is felt. It must be washed off thoroughly with a sponge, as it can cause harm to health.
  4. Thin slices are cut only with a sharp knife.
  5. A special device that resembles a potato peeler will help give slices of lemon, orange, lime and grapefruit an elegant shape. A knife is passed along the peel several times, then the fruit is cut into circles. The zest takes the shape of a “skirt”.
  6. To preserve the freshness of the fruit, it is recommended to spray the composition with ice water.

There are no strict requirements for the design of fruit slices. Guests can choose their favorite decoration details or mix everything into a fruit salad. The basic rule is clean fresh fruit, accuracy and a little imagination.

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