Dried and dried persimmons - benefits, harm and calorie content, how the berries are dried

Persimmon is an eastern culture, a berry mentioned in the works of ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Thales.

Diospyros among the Greeks, persimmon in Hindi, persimon among the American Indians, and kaki among the Japanese belongs to the ebony family of the genus Ebenus. China is considered the birthplace of persimmons, where the “fruits of the gods” appeared more than two centuries ago. Then the “heart apple”, the “winter sun” spread throughout Asia. By the 19th century, persimmons began to be grown in all regions with tropical and subtropical climates.

Persimmons ripen in late autumn, hence the name “winter sun”: the bright orange fruits delight with their ripe, sweet, fleshy pulp in winter. Nowadays, the oriental delicacy is prepared for future use in the form of jam, marshmallows, jam, and the berries are frozen. Another type of preparation: dried persimmon and dried persimmon. The elegant taste of the oriental delicacy makes it possible to use it instead of sweets.

In Japan, the fruits, subjected to the dehydration process, are used as an independent dish; there, dried persimmons are called “hoshigaki”. In Korea, low-alcohol punch is made from dried berries.

Dried and dried persimons retain all the beneficial qualities of fresh berries.

What is dried persimmon called: name

Dried persimmon is an unusual and quite rare food. It is consumed abundantly and often in Japan, where it is called “Hoshigaki”. This is an independent dish that is consumed separately from other products. But in Korea, it is customary to make punches from dried persimmons.

Dried persimmon is a rather pleasant and tasty dried fruit, and people often call it “a natural delicacy or candy.” It is especially delicious to eat persimmons little by little with tea, and the advantage of the sweetness is that it can be enjoyed all year round (unlike fresh fruits, which can only be purchased in a certain season).

IMPORTANT: Dried persimmons, which can be purchased at markets, “come” mainly from China. Such fruits are distinguished by a high concentration of vitamin C and excellent taste.

How are persimmons dried and dried?

For what diseases is it effective?

Persimmon saturates the body with useful substances, stimulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, so eating it is useful for almost all diseases. But in some cases its use is especially important.

  • Vitamin A or beta-carotene has anti-aging properties. Regular consumption of dried fruit eliminates the symptoms of premature aging and improves skin condition in dermatological diseases. This same component is important for men because it improves sexual function. Dried persimmon is recommended for impotence and sexual dysfunction. Vitamin A resists the formation of cancer cells and prevents oncology.
  • The combination of vitamin A and C has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. It is recommended to eat the product for eye diseases associated with impaired visual acuity. With regular consumption of dried fruit, you can avoid deterioration of the condition and restore health to your eyes.
  • Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and normalizes hormonal levels. It is recommended to eat the fruit in case of menstrual disorder, delayed menstruation, or heavy bleeding. And also for frequent colds and viral diseases. Vitamin C in combination with P reduces the fragility of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Persimmon is valued for its high iodine content. This component is not produced by the body on its own, it comes only from the outside. With iodine deficiency, thyroid diseases develop, performance decreases, and mental activity deteriorates.
  • Persimmon is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreatitis. The fruit has a choleretic effect, eliminates congestion, improves digestion, and treats diarrhea.

Currently reading: Benefits and features of frozen persimmons
Dried fruit saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements, helps cope with any diseases and prevent their occurrence.

Dried and dried persimmons: beneficial properties and harm

In addition to the fact that such persimmons are delicious, they are also very healthy! By the way, it has long been used in folk medicine in eastern countries and many diseases are treated with persimmon.

What is the benefit:

  • Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Like fresh fruits, dried or sun-dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, “calming” any inflammatory processes and bleeding.
  • There is also an improvement in appetite if you regularly eat dried or dried persimmons.
  • In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of persimmon have a beneficial effect on the rectum and hemorrhoids (eliminates the risk of its occurrence and accelerates healing).
  • Sun-dried persimmons are an excellent way to detoxify the body. For example, it is able to remove accumulated oxidation products, especially alcohols, from the body.
  • The rich vitamin and mineral composition of persimmons (dried and dried) allows you to “soften” the walls of blood vessels. Hence, it results in better blood circulation throughout the body and also reduces high blood pressure.
  • Dried and dried fruits contain a lot of potassium (even more than the “record holders” - bananas). That is why persimmon can be used to prevent and treat cough.
  • There is one unique substance in fresh, dry and dried persimmons - “betulinic acid”. It successfully fights cancer cells and therefore these fruits can be considered an excellent preventative against cancer .
  • Surprisingly, the fruits can be used not only internally, but also externally. For example, paste ground into persimmon can be applied to wounds so that they heal faster and inflammation goes away.
  • Such fruits contain a large number of amino acids, which prolong the youth of the body and improve health.
  • To prevent colds and fight viruses, you can also use persimmon, because it contains a high content of vitamin C.
  • Another substance in persimmon is “zeaxanthin”, which has a very beneficial effect on the eyes, improving vision.

Possible harm:

  • If a person has low blood pressure, he should absolutely not eat a lot of persimmons to avoid anemia.
  • You should absolutely not drink persimmons with milk, as milk protein reacts with the tannins found in persimmons. This means that such a reaction will invariably lead to pain.
  • Individual intolerance can also become an obstacle to consuming persimmons. Check if you are allergic to persimmons.

What benefits and what harm can dried and dried persimmons bring?

What harm can it do?

Any product, even the most useful one, has disadvantages in addition to its advantages. They must be remembered so as not to cause harm to health.

  1. The first contraindication for consuming dried, dried diospyros fruits is individual intolerance to the product, the possibility of allergies.
  2. Diabetes mellitus requires limiting the consumption of dried winter fruits. One small dried persimmon per day is enough.
  3. For people suffering from anemia and hypotension, the use of dried fruits will have to be limited to a minimum.
  4. The product does not combine well with dairy products, so they should not be consumed together. Otherwise, you may get an upset stomach and vomiting.
  5. Eating dried fruits on an empty stomach can cause irritation to the mucous membranes.
  6. People suffering from diseases of the pancreas or those who have undergone surgery on the digestive organs should not eat dried fruit.

Still, the benefits of the “fruits of the gods” are much greater than the limitations. It is believed that eating an apple daily helps maintain health for many years. In relation to persimmon, this conclusion is doubly true.

How to properly dry whole persimmons in the dryer: recipe

You can dry persimmons in several ways, for example, by hanging them on a thread or using special equipment. Specialized dryers will always help you achieve what you want. In addition, drying will save your time and effort.

How to dry:

  • For drying, use hard and dense varieties of persimmons
  • Persimmons must be washed and dried with a towel.
  • After this, cut the fruits into rings and place them on a grid (pallets).
  • Turn on the temperature - 60 degrees (make sure that the temperature does not drop).
  • The total time for preparing dried persimmons is about 8 hours (meaning thin slices).
  • If you cut the persimmons too thick, the drying process will take up to 20 hours.
  • You can determine the readiness of the “sushi” by eye by its crispy crust.

How to eat dried persimmon:

  • Available in its pure form
  • Make compote from it
  • Add to tea
  • Soak and use for filling in baked goods

Persimmon (dried and dried) at home

How to properly dry persimmon pieces in the oven: recipe

For those who do not have a dryer at home, you can use an oven. This is a simple and affordable way to prepare dried persimmons. There is only one caveat - the type of stove. Persimmons should be dried correctly only in an electric oven, but in a gas oven the temperature can constantly “jump”, which means the result will not be ideal.

How to dry:

  • For cooking, choose dense and firm varieties of fruits.
  • Persimmons need to be washed and wiped, then cut into slices no larger than 3 cm.
  • The slices need to be laid out on an oven sheet, on parchment and sprinkled with lemon juice (this is necessary so that the fruits retain their rich color).
  • Oven degree – 90 degrees (no more and no less).
  • In this state, keep the persimmon for about 3 aces
  • The fruits are ready when a thick and golden brown crust appears on the surface.

Delicious dried persimmon

Traditional way

In the old days, persimmons were dried in the fresh air. This is the simplest technology. A prerequisite is warm and sunny weather. In extreme cases, during rain and strong winds, the fruits can be hidden under a canopy or brought into the house. Dried persimmons can also be made in a well-ventilated area.

There are two conditions for proper drying:

  • the fruits should not lie on the surface, but be suspended;
  • During the drying process, it is undesirable for fruits to come into contact with each other.

Attention! You cannot wash persimmons before the procedure. Water causes rotting during drying. Just wipe the fruit with a napkin or damp cloth.

For hanging, prepare strong rope, fishing line, clean wire or dental floss. The load will be heavy. If the berries have a stalk, pierce and string on it. An alternative option is to wrap the ponytails and tie the rope in a knot.

In both cases, it is advisable to cut off the edges of the leaves so as not to interfere. If there is no stalk, make a winding under the leaf. It should be fresh and green. The dry one will break off from your efforts.

Following actions:

  1. Peel off the skin.
  2. Make a loop at the opposite end of the thread or rope.
  3. Hang the workpiece so that it does not touch walls, fruits, or any surfaces.
  4. Cover the persimmon with gauze to protect it from insects.

Attention! Depending on the conditions, drying in air takes about 1.5 months. The more solar heat the persimmon receives, the faster it will reach its condition.

Can a nursing mother eat dried and dried persimmons?

There are no strict contraindications for the use of persimmon for lactating and pregnant women. It is only important to pay attention to what sensitivity your body has and whether you are allergic to this product. In addition, nursing mothers should know that persimmons can cause increased gas formation, which is very painful for babies during colic.

Dried persimmon


Sun-dried or dried fruit has a number of beneficial properties. Used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

  • An increased amount of potassium, magnesium, and calcium prevents heart pathologies and improves the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle.
  • Since persimmon contains a lot of iron, it is recommended to use dried fruit for anemia, low hemoglobin, loss of strength, blood loss, and heavy menstruation. Iron stimulates magnesium-sodium metabolism, which improves kidney function.
  • Beta-carotene slows down the aging process of cells, improves the condition of internal organs and skin. It also removes toxins, harmful substances, and waste products of pathological microorganisms.
  • Pectin has pronounced astringent properties, resists diarrhea, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritation and nervousness, and helps cope with depression and insomnia.
  • An increased amount of carbohydrates helps improve performance, mental activity, and enhances life potential. It is recommended to eat the fruits during chronic fatigue, loss of strength, and during the recovery period after a protracted illness.

In addition, dried persimmon has the following beneficial properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • tonic;
  • calming;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • choleretic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • strengthening.

Persimmon increases appetite, supports the functioning of the heart muscle, cleanses the body of toxins, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and gall bladder. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on almost all internal organs and systems. Children, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are allowed to eat.

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