The benefits and harms of walnuts: how many can you eat per day?

Walnuts are a source of longevity and health. They are included in the daily diet of people who monitor their diet and lifestyle, and, judging by numerous reviews, they are of great benefit to the body. However, you need to know how much nut to eat per day, because if you do not control it, you may cause harm to yourself. Nuts go well with other products, so there are many interesting recipes for making desserts, salads and other dishes with walnuts.

Composition, calorie content

Many people who are losing weight may be slightly shocked by the calorie content of the product: per 100 g – 655-680 kcal. Moreover, already 100 g contains 100% of the daily requirement of fat. However, these facts do not prevent many diets from including nuts, since their glycemic index is very low, about 15 units. They are also a valuable source of vitamins. A handful of fruits weighing 30 g contains:

  • 2.6 g omega-3;
  • 10.8 omega-6;
  • 2 g dietary fiber;
  • vitamin B6 – 0.2 g;
  • vitamin B9 – 27 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 – 6%;
  • vitamins B2, B3, B5 2% each;
  • manganese – 1 mg;
  • copper – 0.4 g;
  • magnesium – 44.6 g;
  • phosphorus – 98 mg;
  • calcium – 2%.

In terms of composition, the walnut is ahead of other types; it has a balanced ratio of acids, minerals, and vitamins, which means the benefits are colossal.

The amount of high-quality protein contained in the kernels is equal to its amount in meat, and sometimes even exceeds it.

Daily intake of almonds


The daily intake of almonds is 20-30 g, which corresponds to approximately 15-25 nuts.

However, depending on the age and condition of the human body, this indicator may vary. The rate of consumption of almonds also depends on the time of year:

  • in summer - 6-8 pcs.;
  • in winter - 12-16 pcs.

For women

Since the female body needs the healthy fats of almonds more than the male body, the daily dose for women is at least 10-15 kernels, but 30 pieces is already exceeding the norm. Pregnant and lactating women should consume no more than 7 nuts per day. Eating more can lead to poor health.

For children

5 pieces per day is the normal amount of almond kernels in the diet of a healthy child. More than 5 cores are considered exceeding the norm.

You should not include almonds in the diet of a child under 3 years of age.

Beneficial features

A lot of scientific literature has been written about the beneficial qualities of the product. Thus, the American scientist Scranton from Pennsylvania published results on 9 varieties of nuts. During the experiment, it was found that the amount of antioxidants that prevent the breakdown of cells in the body in walnuts is 2 times higher than in others. With regular consumption, the following changes are observed:

  • cellular metabolism accelerates;
  • well-being improves;
  • brain activity increases;
  • hemoglobin levels are regulated;
  • the unpleasant feeling in the stomach goes away;
  • helps strengthen bone tissue.

Moreover, walnuts prevent the risk of developing cancer and thyroid diseases. Doctors recommend including it in the diet of patients with diabetes, pancreatitis, iodine deficiency and vitamin deficiency.

How many nuts should you eat without harming yourself?

Nuts cannot be divided into separate categories. They all have a similar set of microelements and vitamins, so you shouldn’t go overboard. The recommendations below will be relevant for all types of fruits.

So, how many walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds can you eat per day? Depending on your body type and how you feel, you should limit yourself to 20 to 45 g. It is advisable to divide this amount into 3-4 doses.

This amount will not harm your figure, but will give you the necessary strength and vigor. If you are interested in how many pieces this is, calculate at the rate of 1 nucleolus – 1.5 g.

Pecan nut: interesting facts

Rules of use and contraindications

Everyone can eat nuts, except those who suffer from an allergic reaction or have health problems such as:

  • tendency towards obesity;
  • skin rashes;
  • rheumatism;
  • chronic heart pathologies;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • respiratory diseases.

To get the maximum benefit, you need to eat 10 to 15 walnuts per day. The maximum permitted daily dose should not exceed 200 g, otherwise intestinal upset or an allergic reaction may occur.

Find out how to properly store shelled walnuts.

So why are nuts harmful?

Despite all the benefits, there are still standards for how many nuts you can eat per day for a reason. Here's why you shouldn't eat them in kilograms.

High calorie content

Nuts, all of them, contain a huge amount of oil. 100 grams of hazelnuts, for example, contain 620 kcal, and almonds contain even more – 660! The lowest calorie nuts are cashews, of which you can eat a little more - they contain 550 calories.

However, you shouldn’t avoid them for several reasons:

  1. Firstly, any product must be carefully introduced into the diet so as not to gain weight. This also applies to nuts, for which there are daily norms.
  2. Secondly, it is physically difficult to eat more than 100 grams. Due to the high fat content, you are more likely to feel nauseous.

Cause allergies

Benefits and harms are often determined by allergenicity. Nuts are a common allergen that can cause a simple rash or full-blown anaphylactic shock.

The leader among allergens is peanuts, although they are very conventionally a nut. Its proteins are one of the most common causative agents of anaphylactic shock.

Gas formation

Most nuts are protected from parasites and pests with the help of a natural antinutrient - finic acid. It is contained in small quantities, but can cause increased gas formation and severe indigestion. That is why it is not the shells that need to be washed, but the kernels themselves. Better yet, soak them in warm water for several hours. The acid will pass into the water, and the nuts themselves will be digested faster.

With its constant use, the absorption of microelements decreases. True, in this case you will have to eat a lot of nuts.

Other harmful substances

There are some restrictions on eating nuts that you should know just in case:

1. Hazelnuts. The only nut with a high glycemic index. It is highly undesirable for diabetics to eat it.

2. Almonds. Its smell is hydrogen cyanide, and the nut itself contains a lot of cyanide! It is theoretically safe, but can make you feel sick if you eat too much of it. You can also find bitter almonds on sale, which contain even more cyanide. If you eat a lot of it, it can be fatal.

3. Cashew. It is not advisable to eat them raw. Under the shell there is acid, which can easily cause burns to the esophagus and oral cavity.

Negative effect on organs

The norms for how many nuts you can eat per day were developed for absolutely healthy people, but if you have deficiency or any organ disorders, it is better to refuse them.

Moreover, different nuts have a detrimental effect on certain organs:

1 Low saturation. Low oxygen in the blood is a very common ailment caused by dirty air and a sedentary lifestyle. As a rule, it develops as a side effect of atherosclerosis. In this case, it is undesirable to eat almonds, precisely because of the high cyanide content. Hydrocyanic acid compounds block the transfer of oxygen into the cell, which is normal in people with low saturation. Almonds in large quantities can cause acute cyanosis.

2 Vessels. Hazelnuts, unlike walnuts and cashews, increase the level of “bad” cholesterol. In case of atherosclerosis, it is strictly prohibited, because increases the amount of low-density lipoproteins, which clog blood vessels, causing fat embolism.

3 Pancreas and liver. When calculating how many grams of nuts you can eat per day, take into account the total caloric intake and BJU. If you consume at least 50 grams of hazelnuts, it is better to avoid fried and fatty ones, because... they will create a blow to the pancreas and liver. They promote the accumulation of fat, which can cause pancreatitis or worsen cirrhosis.

Why you shouldn't eat a lot of nuts

Are there any benefits from roasted walnuts?

Many people like to toast the nuts a little before eating them. Indeed, they turn out to be more aromatic and tasty, but they only lose some of their beneficial properties. During heat treatment, fatty acids are destroyed. The content of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and thiamine decreases. However, some of the nutrients still remain in the nucleoli.

You need to fry over low heat without adding oil or spices. Someone calcines them in the oven or microwave oven. The cooking time should be minimal (about 5-7 minutes), the more minutes the frying takes place, the less the benefits become. Long-term heat treatment produces a toxic substance - acrylamide, which leads to the development of cancer.


Walnuts cannot be called a familiar product suitable for everyday use. Therefore, they raise many questions to which it is important to know the answers.

Why are walnuts bitter?

Some of the shelled nuts may have an unpleasant bitter taste. This means that the nut has been stored for too long and the oil inside has become rancid. You should not eat such nuts - this can be harmful, as it will lead to poisoning.

Can you be allergic to walnuts?

Nut intolerance is not very common, but they can nevertheless cause allergies. Sometimes the human immune system mistakenly perceives the plant protein in nut kernels as a toxic component and reacts by releasing histamines - this leads to the appearance of allergy symptoms.

How to crack and peel a walnut

The shell of the walnuts is very hard, so it is often impossible to peel walnuts with your fingers. They are split mainly in the following ways:

  • using a knife - insert the tip of the tip into the gap between the two halves of the shell and make rotational movements until the shell breaks into pieces, and then carefully pick up the nucleoli inside the halves with a knife;
  • using a hammer - place the nut on a hard surface and lightly hit it with a hammer to crack the shell;
  • using pliers, a garlic press or pliers; in this case, you just need to squeeze the nut on both sides.

It is most convenient to use the latter method - this way the shells do not fly apart in different directions, they split evenly, and the kernels remain intact. Pliers or pliers make it easy to adjust the pressure.

How to choose walnuts

When purchasing a product, you must adhere to several rules.

  1. It is best to purchase unpeeled kernels in the shell; they can be stored for the maximum amount of time.
  2. A good walnut should be weighty; you can also shake the nut near your ear and listen. If the kernel is clearly rolling inside, this means that the nut is already old and simply dried out.
  3. The embossed shell of a high-quality nut should have a light, uniform color. There should be no cracks or chips on it.

If we are talking about buying shelled nuts, then you need to pay attention to the expiration dates and the tightness of the packaging. If the packaging is damaged, then with a high degree of probability the product has oxidized and deteriorated under the influence of air and bacteria.

How to store walnuts

Unrefined kernels can retain beneficial properties for up to a year. But they must be kept in a cool place, in the dark, at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C. As for peeled kernels, even in the refrigerator they remain suitable for consumption for no longer than 2 weeks. To increase shelf life, they can be baked in the oven and then frozen in a plastic bag or plastic container.

Benefits of walnut shells and leaves

The kernels are covered with a dense layer of woody shell. It contains iodine, glycosides, organic acids, and tannins. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat many ailments and diseases as it has many health benefits. The shell helps in the treatment of:

  • high blood pressure;
  • underactive thyroid gland;
  • high cholesterol;
  • insomnia;
  • tissue inflammation.

With the help of the shell they cleanse the body of waste and toxins. There are studies confirming its ability to rid the body of radioactive elements. Pharmacological drugs are prepared on its basis, and are still widely used in folk medicine.

Even green leaves contain many beneficial elements. These are ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins E, B, PP. The substances help improve overall well-being because they have cleansing properties and an antioxidant effect. They help support liver and kidney function and can even improve vision. Another substance was found in the leaves - juglone. It has an antitumor effect, and therefore leads to a reduction in the risk of developing cancer. Green leaves are used in folk and modern medicine, in cosmetology. They are dried or the juice is squeezed out of them, which is subsequently used to prepare tinctures and creams.

The walnut tree grows in Transcaucasia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. The maximum height is 25 m.

Botanical characteristics

Walnut (in Latin Juglans regia) is a representative of the genus Walnut, which is part of the Walnut family. It has a number of other names - royal, Voloshsky or Greek nut. Propagated by vegetative and seed methods. It begins to produce a harvest after 12 years, reaching full fruiting by 40 years.

The tree is cultivated in regions with mild climates. It has a spreading crown, a powerful trunk up to 35 meters in height with gray bark. The walnut leaves, which have a complex structure, are alternate and imparipinnate. They may consist of several pairs (two or five) of leaflets elongated to 75 mm.

Small greenish flowers, appearing in May parallel to the leaves, are dioecious. Pistillate varieties are united in a few inflorescences. The stamens form pendant catkins.

The ellipsoidal or round walnut fruit is classified as a false drupe. The ripening period occurs at the beginning of October. The pericarp is green at first, and then turns black and falls off the drupe. The kernel located inside is enclosed in a skin.

Under natural conditions, it is distributed in Transcaucasia, China, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, and the Balkans.

Procurement rules

Given the widespread use of walnuts, its different parts are harvested at certain times. The leaves are cut off in June. They are scattered in a ventilated area on white paper to dry. During collection, the raw materials must be dry.

Green fruits are removed while the drupes have not yet hardened. The amniotic shell and kernels are harvested during the period of full ripening. They are most often dried under canopies, providing constant ventilation. You can put raw materials in dryers in a mode not exceeding forty degrees.

To store walnuts, select a dry room equipped with reliable ventilation. Raw materials are placed in cardboard boxes, as well as in bags - canvas or paper. The shelf life of shelled nuts is up to one year. Cleaned kernels, placed in sealed containers, are stored in cool conditions for six months.

Composition, calorie content

The benefits of the product for the body are due to the inclusion of a wide range of elements in the composition of walnuts.

The following compounds were found in the leaves:

  • carotenoids;
  • quinones involved in redox processes;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids that maintain vascular elasticity;
  • ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant;
  • vitamin B;
  • tannins.

The green pericarp contains tannins, vitamin C, α- and β-hydrojuglones.

The fruit kernels contain:

  • vitamins P, K;
  • protein – source of protein;
  • fatty oil;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • fiber necessary for digestion;
  • complex of minerals (table 1);
  • protein substances;
  • provitamin A.

Table 1 – Mineral content, mg/100g

Potassium - KMagnesium - MgSodium - NaIron - FeManganese - Mn
Phosphorus - PCalcium - CaZinc - ZnCopper - CuSelenium - Se

On average, the calorie content of a walnut is per 100 grams. is 650 kilocalories. Consuming 30 grams of the product provides the daily requirement for omega-3. The kernels contain 44-75% fat and 5-20% protein.

How to use walnut membranes

When you crack a walnut shell, you can find hard plates inside, they are called membranes. They contain magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium. Another component included in the composition is iodine, and tannins, essential oils, and amino acids make the membranes a real storehouse of nutrition for the human immune system. Their use helps to recover from thyroid diseases, solve problems with the nervous system, and it will be much easier for the body to cope with viral infections.

To get the full benefit of partitions, it is enough to prepare an alcohol tincture from it. Take one part of the membranes, crush them, put them in a bottle and fill them with three parts of vodka. Close the bottle with a lid and keep it in a dark, dry place for at least a month, shaking the contents periodically for better mixing. You need to consume 1-.5 tbsp. tinctures before meals for a month, then take a break for a couple of weeks, after which you can continue taking it.


It is very important to store homemade nuts correctly. Keep peeled kernels in the freezer, and unpeeled ones in a dry place. If stored improperly, nuts are susceptible to fungal diseases and become unsuitable for food. Peeled fruits purchased at the market must be washed to remove dust and dirt. They should be chewed thoroughly while eating. You can soak them in water, then they will be absorbed much better.

If you often have a headache during pregnancy, 3-4 nucleoli mixed with honey will relieve pain. This is an effective remedy for stress, insomnia, and anemia. During lactation, nuts will have a great effect on the volume and thickness of milk. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with them. The baby may have allergies. Walnut oil heals cracked nipples and helps with hemorrhoids.

The main thing is to carefully and skillfully include them in the menu. Then they will become not just food, but also medicine.

The benefits and harms of walnuts for the body

Nutritionists say that the kernels are useful for everyone: women, men and children, but the effect on each organism occurs differently. Men definitely need to eat a handful to:

  • do not experience problems with potency;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the urinary system;
  • do not suffer from prostatitis, adenoma;
  • maintain testosterone levels.

For women, the benefits are as follows:

  • age-related processes in the body slow down;
  • sexual desire increases;
  • the condition of the skin, nails, and hair improves;
  • the nervous system is stabilized.

For pregnant women, gynecologists strongly advise consuming kernels, as they contain folic acid, a substance necessary for normal gestation. The treat helps minimize the risk of unfavorable development of pregnancy - the threat of miscarriage.

Children's and teenagers' growing bodies constantly need nourishment, so walnuts help:

  • withstand heavy mental workload, especially in adolescence;
  • protect against viruses and diseases;
  • make the skeleton stronger;
  • strengthen the immune system.

For a child, the nut consumption rate should not exceed more than 6 kernels per day.

Walnuts for weight loss

Although the calorie content of the product is high, this does not prevent you from including it in your diet when losing weight. The fact is that nuts quickly make you feel full, replenish your energy supply, and you won’t want to eat for a long time. Nutritionists recommend that people losing weight eat 5-6 kernels for breakfast; you can add them to low-fat yogurt or porridge. But in the afternoon you need to abstain from the product, especially after 17-00. The resulting calories may not have time to be processed and, on the contrary, will be deposited on the sides.

Benefits for women

Representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age, must maintain a certain balance when consuming this product. This is especially true for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The product should be on the menu, but not too much. They need to know if they can eat walnuts every day. Contains protein. If it accumulates in the body for a long time, it simply cannot be absorbed correctly. This can lead to the development of allergies, both in a pregnant woman and in a breastfed child.

It is better for the expectant mother to consult with her doctor about how much walnuts she can eat. To correctly calculate the daily value, you need to take into account the duration of pregnancy. Pregnant women are allowed to eat only unheated nuts so that all the beneficial properties of the product can last longer. To avoid negative consequences, it is best to limit your consumption of nuts to 2 pieces three times a week. If a woman is prone to constipation, then it is better to avoid this product.

During pregnancy

The expectant mother's diet should include a special complex of vitamins and minerals. Walnuts have a huge impact on the full development of the fetus, saturating the mother’s body with the necessary supply of microelements and omega-3.

If you do not use them in uncontrolled quantities, they will bring nothing but good. The optimal norm during pregnancy is 2–3 nuts per day.

When breastfeeding

Thanks to the intake of walnuts during breastfeeding, mother's milk becomes richer and healthier. In addition, it acquires a special sweetish taste. Milk is enriched with beneficial microelements, due to which the child’s body is naturally strengthened.

Nursing mothers are recommended to eat no more than two walnut kernels per day.

Recipes with walnuts

A couple of kernels for a nutritious snack between lunch and dinner will be very useful, but where else can you add them? In fact, the nutty taste goes well with many foods, so you can easily prepare something unconventional, but very healthy. Honey, dried fruits, fruits, cereals will make the dish more satisfying, normalize the digestive process and instantly satisfy even severe hunger, fill the body with energy and lift your spirits. The combination undoubtedly turns out to be very tasty; once you try at least a little, it will be difficult to tear yourself away.



“I don’t really like walnuts and I’ve never had them in my diet before. But then health problems began, and I needed to reconsider my diet. Since I love sweets very much, I started looking for PP recipes and just found nut and fruit candies. To make them you need kernels and any dried fruits with honey. Cook them quickly. They turn out delicious and of course filling. 2-3 sweets with tea and I don’t want much sweets at all. In addition, I noticed that my health became better, periodic interruptions in blood pressure and headaches stopped.”


“For several years in a row I have been making nut butter. From 2 cups of fruit I get about 30 ml of oil. It can be added to salads, cereals, even desserts, giving the dish a pleasant nutty note. But I also use the product as a nourishing balm for my lips, hands, and face. The skin instantly becomes hydrated, there are fewer wrinkles, small cracks disappear. I especially recommend it to those who spend a lot of time outside.”

It is not for nothing that walnuts are considered a real storehouse of health for the human body. They can be treated, and the effect will be no worse than from medications. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from them, you need to adhere to the rules of use and not overeat, as you can harm yourself.

Worth remembering

There are certain contraindications when eating nuts. Nuts reduce the level of bad cholesterol, but at the same time they can cause disorders in the body such as swelling of the esophageal mucosa, stomach and intestinal colic. Diseases for which the use of this product is extremely undesirable:

  • Eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis can worsen when consuming large amounts of the product;
  • Due to the high content of vegetable oil, nuts are still considered a slightly heavy product - they require a large amount of bile and pancreatic juice to digest them. Naturally, for diseases of the liver and pancreas, the nut diet is strictly contraindicated;
  • Obesity. High calorie content will only aggravate the problem of excess weight;
  • Severe allergies to similar products. As mentioned, nuts are an allergen, so if you have a similar illness, it is better to avoid them. After all, the body’s reaction can be very different – ​​from mild lacrimation and redness of the mucous membranes to anaphylactic shock.
  • Headaches may intensify when consuming large quantities of fruits due to cerebral vasospasm;
  • Increased blood clotting is another pathology in which a nut diet is contraindicated. Nuts increase the amount of vitamin K in the body (it plays a key role in the formation of blood clotting factors). Its increased concentration can accelerate the production of clotting factors and worsen the disease.

Naturotherapist, phytotherapist

Modern medicine offers a wide range of means to reduce high cholesterol, but they have a large number of side effects and contraindications.

Among the natural substances with proven effectiveness, nuts have proven themselves. They are effective due to the content of certain vitamins, vegetable fats and microelements.

In this article, we will review the available scientific research regarding the effects of various nuts on cholesterol levels.

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