What kind of feijoa fruit is it: how to eat it with or without the peel, how to choose, the benefits and harms of an exotic wonder

A little history

The valuable fruit crop was discovered by the Portuguese naturalist Joan da Silva Feijo. This happened at the end of the 19th century. Today the plant is cultivated in many regions of the world with a subtropical climate. It is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown.

The homeland of the tree is South America. The first cuttings were brought to Russia at the very beginning of the twentieth century. They began to be grown in Yalta and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

It is noteworthy that in Mediterranean countries, as well as in the USA, the plant took root a little later than here. I didn’t see any trees in Crimea. I saw them in Adler, next to the palm trees and figs.

The feijoa season begins in October and lasts until December. The sour-sweet fruits are eaten fresh, prepared into jam, marmalade or compote, ground with sugar, and added to baked goods.

If you're not too lazy, try making dumplings. The filling is filled with peeled pulp, cut into pieces of about 0.5 cm and sprinkled with sugar. The impressions are unforgettable!

What a strange foreigner

Feijoa is neither a vegetable nor a fruit , but a unique berry. Are you surprised? Then read on. The feijoa fruit grows from an evergreen small tree or shrub. This plant requires a subtropical or tropical climate. Brazil is considered the birthplace of the culture. The berry got its name in honor of its discoverer - Joao da Silva Feijó, a Portuguese by nationality and a naturalist by vocation.

Widely distributed in South America, Europe, and also in the south of the Russian Federation. In our country, this curiosity grows in the Krasnodar region, the Crimean peninsula, and also in the Caucasus.

What does feijoa taste like?

This berry is very juicy, its pulp is fleshy and extremely tasty. With its divine aroma and taste, it resembles a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. Quite an exotic explosion of flavors, isn't it? However, for each person it will have its own unique taste, which will resemble a mixture of different fruits.

Feijoa is also similar in appearance to green sweet potatoes. It has a dense, dark green skin that is smooth to the touch and shiny in appearance, but does not have the typical kiwi fibers. This is an oblong fruit of small size. You won't find it on every fruit stand.

What types are there

World varieties:

  • André is the most popular type, the Brazilian original.
  • Coolidge - large fruits.
  • Choiceana - ripens quickly, the fruits reach 7 cm in length.
  • Superba - the fruits are heavy and can reach 80 grams.
  • Bessons are small, oval-shaped fruits, most popular in France.

Is it necessary to peel feijoa before grinding and eating?

One of the main questions that people face is “How to eat feijoa with the peel or not?” Despite the fact that the taste of the fruit peel is quite specific, and some people may not like it, there is nothing harmful in it.

The fruit itself should not be processed, as when boiled the fruit becomes softer.

It is also endowed with its beneficial properties; it contains antioxidants that help slow down the aging process, lower cholesterol levels, prevent vision loss and resist the development of certain forms of cancer.

The fruit retains its beneficial qualities only for a week.

Hence the conclusion: there is no question of the need to clean the feijoa, if the taste of the peel seems completely unbearable, then it is recommended to peel it, dry it, grind it in a blender and add tea, the taste of which will not change, it will only add aroma.

It is worth noting that the fruits of this plant will not only diversify your menu, but will also become a table decoration.

Cleaning and eating feijoa

It is believed that everything can be eaten, both the peel and the pulp itself. Cleaning feijoas does not require much effort; you just need to wash the fruit, cut it and extract all the pulp. Feijoa has seeds, but they are as small as kiwi, so you can eat them together, and they will not interfere with the pleasure at all.

It is worth noting that this fruit contains a huge amount of iodine.

Exotic candied fruits

In addition to drinks, filling for pies, pureed feijoa pulp with nuts - an excellent dessert for tea, muffins and cupcakes, candied fruits are also made from these green “vitamins”. Wash the feijoa, remove the peel and cut into slices. Boil the syrup: water and sugar in equal proportions, and add slices of exotic fruits into it. Let them stand for half an hour. And then spread all this “delight” in an even layer on a parchment baking sheet and put it in the oven set to 120 ° C. After 2 hours, turn off the oven, remove the baking sheet and leave to cool. Cut into small pieces of any shape and roll in powdered sugar.

Feijoa: what does a ripe fruit taste like?

The fruit looks like a juicy, fleshy berry with small, barely noticeable seeds inside. It is slightly oblong in shape, about 5 cm in size. Don’t let its dark green skin fool anyone. The taste of feijoa resembles something between pineapple, strawberry and kiwi.

You can fully enjoy it if you catch the moment of complete ripeness: the middle should become translucent and jelly-like . It is taken out from the fruit cut in half with a small spoon.

How to eat feijoa - with or without peel?

The dense skin has a slightly tart taste, but it should not be cut off and thrown away for processing. The bright layer contains the bulk of valuable components. It is better to dry it and add it to tea.

Beet salad

The exceptional taste characteristics of the berries are used in cooking: they are used to prepare sauces, fruit mixes, and added to salads, baked goods and desserts. It goes well with beets. If you don’t believe me, try making a simple salad: boil 400 grams of beets, peel and grate them. Grind 10 walnuts. Wash and cut 150 g of feijoa into small slices (the peel can be removed). Combine all ingredients, add vegetable oil, stir and salt to taste.

Chemical composition

Berries contain a lot of water and carbohydrates, and the proportion of proteins and fats is insignificant. According to the Official Directory of the US Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of fruit contain 32.9 mg of ascorbic acid. This is almost the same as in a lemon.

The berries are rich in vitamins B, K, PP, and biotin. Among the macroelements I would like to mention potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Many sources contain statements that feijoa contains more iodine than fish. This is not entirely true. Seaweed is 125 times ahead of the berry in question, and cod is 6.7 times ahead.

The iodine content in feijoa is 20 mcg for every 100 grams, and in sea kale - 2500 mcg. Feel the difference. For comparison, a tablet of iodomarin is 150 mcg.

Another popular opinion, which I sometimes hear from doctors, that feijoa cannot be eaten during AIT, I will also call into question. I think that some 20 mcg will not create an excess of the element in my body, and I am not going to deny myself the pleasure.

The berries are rich in sugars (5-10%), organic acids, pectins, selenium, potassium and silicon.

Not iodine, but silicon – the undisputed leader in the composition. The content of this element per 100 g is much higher than iodine, and amounts to 43.3% of the daily requirement. This is important for a beautiful appearance and overall health. After all, Si has a beneficial effect on all organs: from nails to the immune system.

Feijoa: benefits and harm

Ripe fruits are easily digestible. Nutritionists prescribe them for increased mental stress. A few pieces a day will quickly fill the vitamin deficiency, maintain strength, and help you lose excess weight.

The beneficial properties of feijoa for the human body are determined by its chemical composition. The peel contains powerful antioxidants. They protect cells from adverse environmental factors and prevent the development of serious diseases.

Essential oils fight viruses. In addition, the emerald fruit has a number of valuable health qualities:

  • increases immunity, protects against flu and colds;
  • fights the negative effects of free radicals;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • supports heart function;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps cope with intestinal upset.

Obviously, the benefits of feijoa for the body will become noticeable only if consumed on a regular basis. You won’t notice any positive changes from one kilogram bought for the occasion. The exception is face masks. Their effect is immediately visible.

When is caution required?

Any food requires moderation and attention to well-being. I have not found any more or less serious contraindications to the use of this wonderful product in any reference book. The only real situation when it should be excluded from the diet is excess iodine in the body, hyperthyroidism or diabetes.

If in doubt, get your blood and urine tested and visit a doctor.

In case of autoimmune diseases, the question of consuming feijoa remains open. You shouldn’t get carried away with exotic foods even if you are obese. In other cases, be careful:

  • with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • nursing mothers (it is better to abstain in the first months after childbirth in order to exclude allergies in the baby).

Do not eat unripe fruits. Let them sit. At room temperature they will set quickly. Do not drink it with milk or use if you have digestive disorders. Do not give berries to children under one year of age.

The approximate daily intake for adults is a few pieces or 200-300 grams.

Feijoava Kurd

Curd is a type of English dessert - custard to which berries, juices, eggs and butter are added. Take 100 grams of feijoa, wash and cut off the very edges. Squeeze juice from lemon. Place exotic fruits in a blender bowl and grind until pureed. Break 2 eggs there, add 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, pour in ½ of the resulting lemon juice. Beat.

Keep 30 g of butter at room temperature until it becomes soft in a vessel in which the curd will then be cooked. Place on low heat. Add the mixture from the blender bowl there. Cook for a short time until it thickens. Cool. Serve in thick glass glasses.

Feijoa is an excellent remedy for the prevention of many diseases, as well as for clarity in the head, peace in the heart, and vigor and a “fighting” spirit in the soul. We hope that our recipes will take their rightful place in your family cookbook. Bon appetit!

Beneficial properties of feijoa

Everything in this plant is healing: berries, leaves, flowers and tree bark. The beneficial properties of feijoa for the human body are great. The more ripe the fruit, the more benefits it will bring. Feijoa berries are a natural source of iodine, which is easily absorbed by the human body. The fruits are useful for consuming thyroid dysfunction and goiter, in order to bring the initial deviations of hormones back to normal.

The benefits of feijoa for the body are due to the fact that it contains:

  • minerals: iodine, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese;
  • malic and folic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • easily digestible proteins and fats.

The vitamins present in feijoa berries are beneficial for the human body during an epidemic of influenza and colds. They strengthen the immune system, help cope with vitamin deficiency and fatigue.

  1. Berry puree will help strengthen the thyroid gland. To prepare it, you need to take 300 g of washed and dried berries with skins, grind them using a blender, add a little honey and mix everything thoroughly. You should take 1 tbsp of puree daily. on an empty stomach.
  2. To boost immunity and strengthen the body, you can prepare such a remedy. Wash 1 kg of berries, dry them, grind them using a blender or meat grinder, add 800 g of May honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, place in clean jars and seal with lids. Store in the refrigerator or in a cool place. Take 1 tsp. during meals, preferably with hot green tea.

Thanks to vitamin C, feijoa is useful for people who have decided to quit smoking.

Feijoa is also useful for the digestive system. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of pectin and fiber, which are a natural sorbent. They remove waste, poisons and toxins from the body and regulate blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of berries is recommended by specialists for kidney and liver diseases.

B vitamins provide:

  1. B1 is the engine of life, it stimulates energy production in cells, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and brain, and is useful for atherosclerosis.
  2. B2 - participates in hematopoiesis, improves its composition and blood circulation. Maintains normal hormone levels and regulates mental state. Balances carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
  3. B3 - regulates the functioning of the digestive system, suppresses the growth of cancer cells and reduces blood pressure.
  4. B5 (pantothenic acid) - normalizes metabolism. This is the prevention of all inflammatory processes. It is effective for bronchopulmonary diseases and allergies. Protects against stress, increases concentration.
  5. B6 (pyridoxine) - eliminates disorders in the nervous system, relieves muscle spasms, cramps and numbness of the arms or legs. Plays an important role in the construction of dietary fiber.
  6. PP - helps cope with depression, lethargy, restore vitality, participates in protein metabolism, improves well-being in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How feijoa is useful for the human body:

  1. For inflammatory processes in the joints, it is recommended to use feijoa jam with orange. To do this, 500 g of washed and dried berries with skins must be crushed using a blender or meat grinder. Place the chopped berries in a saucepan, add 1 kg of sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add freshly squeezed juice of 1 orange and bring to a boil again. Hot jam should be rolled into sterile jars; Can be stored at room temperature. It is useful for atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity.

  2. In case of Botkin's disease, for prevention when in contact with a patient, you need to eat feijoa berries and drink tea with its flowers.
  3. To prevent and treat scurvy, you also need to eat berries.

Feijoa fruits are not only useful for their berries; their peel also has medicinal properties. It contains many antioxidants, catechin and leukoanthocin, which have antitumor activity and protect against radiation. The tannin contained in the peel is characterized by tanning properties, so it is used as a hemostatic agent for dysentery, diarrhea and internal bleeding.

The astringent taste of the peel indicates the presence of a large amount of bioflavonoids (phenolic compounds) in it.

In combination with ascorbic acid, they eliminate capillary fragility and permeability and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Eating berries with the peel is useful for retinal hemorrhage, arterial hypertension, hemorrhagic diathesis, glomerulonephritis, and rheumatism. They help with infectious diseases, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.

The properties of feijoa are useful for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases:

  1. 1 tbsp. Feijoa juice should be diluted with 50 ml of water and drunk once a day.
  2. When treating hypertension, prepare a mixture of crushed feijoa fruits and sugar. The mixture is consumed 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon; The product is stored in the refrigerator.
  3. To strengthen the heart muscle and improve cardiovascular activity, you can take fresh juice from the fruits of this plant. To do this, add 1 tbsp to 1/4 cup of water. berry juice; reception - 1 time per day.

The fruit of the tree is a source of energy that nourishes and supports the human body. By consuming 2-3 fruits daily, you can improve intellectual abilities, memory, attention, get rid of stress and depression caused by them; berries reduce fatigue, activate, give vigor and impetus to action.

The essential oils contained in the peel of the berries make it possible to use it for inhalation. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the peel, add a little soda and breathe over the solution for a few minutes, covered with a towel. This will help prevent colds and runny nose.

What is prepared from feijoa

Basically, exotic berries are included in the list of ingredients for:

  • baking;
  • jam;
  • ice cream;
  • jams;
  • jelly;
  • sauces;
  • compotes;
  • cocktails;
  • smoothie;
  • homemade yoghurts;
  • fruit salads.

But you can simply grind it with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, place it in a glass container and store it in the refrigerator, using this “live” jam for tea or coffee.

Gourmets use feijoa as a fruit for stuffing fish or poultry, replacing the usual apples and plums. The berry goes well with side dishes of zucchini, carrots and Brussels sprouts.


Feijoa loses its integral shape when processed at high temperatures, so it should be added to dishes that are prepared quickly, or introduced at the final stages.

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

You bought feijoa for the first time and don’t know how to eat this berry. We will tell you how to eat it correctly.

The peel of feijoa is very tart , especially if you bought an unripe fruit, and has a rather specific taste, as they say, not for everybody. Therefore, if you like to surprise your taste buds, you can consume this berry whole, along with the peel. This combination is especially good in a salad. Just cut the feijoa into circles and enjoy.

If you are not a fan of extreme tastes, then we advise you to consume only the pulp of the fruit. To do this, simply cut off the top and scoop out the flesh with a small spoon.

What dishes can be prepared from this exotic berry?

It is better to eat feijoa fruit fresh, without subjecting it to heat treatment.

The following dishes are most often prepared with this berry:

  • Fruit salads . Feijoa adds sophistication and uniqueness to such an ordinary dish. Try making a fruit salad and adding this berry and the dish will sparkle with new colors.
  • The pulp of the fruit goes well with dietary meat. For example, with chicken, rabbit, turkey. Try preparing a classic meat salad for a holiday feast and adding feijoa. At the very least, you are guaranteed to surprise your guests.
  • Any desserts . Pairs well with mousses, ice cream, cottage cheese, and other delicacies.
  • Feijoa jam . However, this jam is not boiled, but only the pulp of the fruit is ground with sugar. You don’t have to add sugar, because the fruits already have enough sweetness. By the way, you can grind the fruits together with the peel without peeling the berries. This will make the jam taste richer.
  • Tea with dried feijoa peel.

What are the benefits of feijoa berry and what does it cure?

The fruits are good for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with low acidity and inflammatory kidney diseases. They are prescribed for atherosclerosis and some diseases of the thyroid gland.

Research by Iranian scientists conducted in 2015 showed that feijoa is a powerful natural antidepressant. It is noteworthy that not only the fruits, but also the leaves of this amazing plant have this effect.

In home cosmetology

Thanks to the high content of silicon and antioxidants, the delicate feijoa pulp is a valuable raw material for home facial care. The essential oil is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in dermatology and cosmetology.

The masks are easy to make and fun to use. They eliminate many problems:

  • redness and acne,
  • premature wrinkles,
  • dryness and flaking,
  • excess fat content.

They relieve inflammation, rejuvenate and nourish the epidermis, improve complexion, making the skin healthy and radiant.

Before the first procedure, it is recommended to do a test to find out how the skin will react to the care.

The simplest home remedy for strengthening cells and restoring tone is to rub half a feijoa on the face and décolleté. For a rejuvenating effect, prepare the following composition:

  • 1 tbsp. l. puree,
  • 5 grams of honey,
  • 3 g mustard oil.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 10 minutes, wash off. The procedure slows down aging, maintaining skin elasticity and healthy color. It eliminates facial wrinkles and tightens the oval.

A nourishing mask is suitable for dry skin:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of puree with the same amount of fat sour cream.
  2. Apply, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

It is enough to carry out the procedures 1-2 times a week throughout the entire season, as long as fresh berries are available. If your nails have turned yellow from the varnish, then the plant will come to the rescue here too. It should be used in the same way as a lemon: cut in half and wipe the discolored areas.

Possible contraindications and harm

Feijoa berries have both beneficial properties and contraindications that must be taken into account when consuming them:

  1. In order for feijoa to bring benefits and not harm to children, when taking the berries for the first time, you need to make sure that they do not cause an allergic reaction.
  2. People suffering from hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and obesity should avoid ripe fruits due to their high sugar content. They need to give preference to not quite ripe berries in order to receive benefit from feijoa rather than harm.
  3. People who have a non-allergic hypersensitivity to feijoa berries should avoid them, because... consumption may cause gastrointestinal disorders of varying severity.
  4. Excessive eating of berries can negatively affect the nervous system. Some experience rapid heartbeat, unstable body temperature, anxiety and nervous breakdowns. Others experience depressed mood, lethargy, decreased performance, and depression.
  5. The combination of cow's milk and feijoa berries can cause diarrhea or digestive system upset.

The benefits and harms of feijoa are of great importance in human nutrition, so everyone must make a choice for themselves whether they need to consume this valuable plant or not.

How to choose the right berry

Feijoa fruits can be found on the shelves of our country in the fall. It is during this season that the berries ripen and become available to our population. How to choose the right tasty and juicy berry? What to look for when buying feijoa?

Give preference to large-sized fruits. It is believed that such berries will bring maximum benefits to your body.

It will be difficult to determine the ripeness of the fruit by appearance, so rely on tactile sensations. Feel the fruit - it should be slightly soft to the touch. But the skin of the fruit should be smooth and dark green, without damage or any stains. If you see spots on the skin, it means that you have an overripe fruit, which will certainly affect its taste.

It’s better to choose a green, unripe fruit that will “reach its condition” in a few days, than to buy a rotten one and immediately throw it away. Be sure to wait until the fruit ripens at home, otherwise its taste will not please you very much and you are unlikely to want to try this exotic wonder again.

The use of feijoa for women

The berry contains 10 essential amino acids and 8 non-essential ones, as well as fruit and fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-8), pectins and many essential oils. Therefore, eating berries is beneficial for a woman’s body: her hormonal levels improve, the medicinal properties of the plant have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and improve female libido.

Feijoa is a dietary product, and its use during a diet is useful for women who want to lose weight. The substances contained in the berries speed up metabolism, burn subcutaneous and visceral fat, which has a positive effect on the female figure.

Feijoa is beneficial for women who are pregnant. At the 12th week of fetal development, the thyroid gland begins to form - iodine, iron, group of B vitamins, which are contained in feijoa, will have a positive effect on both mother and child.

Feijoa fruits are also useful for cosmetic purposes; help women look young and well-groomed. Iodine, malic acid, vitamins B and C, pectin and sucrose are used in masks and:

  1. Protect skin from pollution and environmental influences.
  2. Relieves inflammation, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and removes oily sheen.
  3. Nourish and moisturize.
  4. Helps strengthen the dermis and make it elastic.
  5. Activate the production of elastin and collagen, which rejuvenate. To 2 tbsp. add 1 tsp of berry pulp. honey and olive oil; mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask evenly to the face, neck and décolleté. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes, remove any residue with a paper towel and rinse your face with warm water.
  6. Prevent redness, dryness, help fight vascular patterns on the skin.
  7. Suitable for any skin type.

Feijoa also has beneficial properties for cellulite. To get rid of it, use a mixture of berries with skins, coffee and honey. All this must be thoroughly rubbed and applications applied to problem areas.

The beneficial properties of feijoa remain in decoctions from the peel, which are used to soften hands and feet, and heal cracks in the form of baths.

Berry fruits are good to include in mixtures to strengthen hair.

Berries with peel are useful for preserving youth. They need to be crushed and honey added 1:1. This is the most delicious medicine for prolonging youth. It must be consumed daily. Store the mixture in the refrigerator or freeze.

Application for men

The beneficial properties for men when consuming feijoa fruit are priceless:

  1. Prostatitis. Feijoa fruits should be consumed for its prevention and treatment.
  2. Prostate adenoma and its prevention. The oncoprotective properties of berries will be useful in these cases.
  3. Hormonal therapy. In case of problems with the opposite sex, it increases libido.
  4. Infertility. Berries improve the functioning of the reproductive system.

Feijoa is a beneficial fruit in many respects in terms of health, so it should definitely be present in a man’s diet.

Feijoa storage rules

When deciding how to eat feijoa, the degree of freshness of the fruit is taken into account. Storing products for an extended period of time is not permitted. After harvesting, the fruit is good for 1.5 weeks.

For long-term storage, the fruits must be placed in a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator, in a compartment with a temperature of about +3°C.

You can store fruits in the form of confiture. You need to grind the fruits in a blender, add granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio and mix. The product can be used for at least 3 months.

How to freeze

The best way to store feijoa is to freeze it, because after defrosting such fruits will not lose their taste, they will retain all the vitamins intact, and you can eat them immediately.

At home, you should pay attention to the preparation of feijoa - damaged, spoiled fruits will only spoil the taste of the frozen mixture.

In order to freeze feijoas, they are washed, the “butts” are cut off, minced through a meat grinder, and then the fruit smoothie is laid out on trays and placed in the freezer, taken out as needed.

It's very easy to freeze whole fruits. The berries are also washed, dried, the tails are cut off and placed in bags. In the freezer, feijoas turn into pebbles, which, if necessary, are taken out, defrosted, rubbed with sugar or honey and eaten. There is only one downside to this method of storing feijoa - fruit “pebbles” take up quite a lot of space in the freezer, and a spacious tray is required.

Preparation with sugar

Many housewives do not split hairs, but act very simply - rub the feijoa with sugar, and then put the fruits in glass jars and store them in the refrigerator for several weeks in a row. The recipe is simple: sort out the dried fruits, cut off the skin with a vegetable peeler, pass through a meat grinder (or grind in a blender). Then add sugar to the grated fruits in a 1:1 ratio. All that remains is to prepare the jars as for regular jam. You can sterilize them in boiling water or simply clean them with soda and then dry them.

Place the mixture in small jars and place in the refrigerator. Rest assured, feijoa fruits in this form will retain their taste fresh for several weeks in a row; you can safely eat them without fear of digestive system failure. If desired, pies are filled with the sugar-fruit mixture, fruit drinks are made with it, or simply eaten, flavoring ice cream. Creamy ice cream with a spicy, slightly strawberry-tasting feijoa syrup combines perfectly. This is a real delicacy, unusual and healthy.

How to properly use feijoa as a medicine?

The berries ripen when the body experiences an acute lack of vitamins. It was during this period that all kinds of respiratory diseases and influenza epidemics began. To support the body and strengthen the immune system, it is useful to eat this fruit. Next, let's look at how to properly consume feijoa.

The maximum benefit will come from berries mashed with honey. Both of these ingredients are biologically active elements and complement each other perfectly. The product is very rich in ascorbic acid and iodine. vitamins P, B and other useful substances.

This tasty medicine can be taken for the following diseases:

  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis and cough;
  • cold;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • nervous disorders.

To strengthen the body and tone it, it is enough to eat 2-3 tsp a day. such a fruit-honey dessert. The product will help get rid of chronic fatigue and improve health.

Feijoa with honey and lemon

This remedy is very effective in preventing flu and strengthening the immune system. Especially recommended for pregnant women, children of primary and school age.

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. 0.5 kg of emerald fruits;
  2. 1 large lemon;
  3. 100 gr. liquid honey.

Cooking process:

Wash the lemon thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Cut into pieces directly with the zest, remove the seeds.

Wash the fruits, cut off the dried flowers, cut them in half with the peel. Pass the feijoa and lemon through a meat grinder.

Mix the aromatic mass with honey. Store on the refrigerator shelf in a hermetically sealed steamed glass jar.

Feijoa compote

A delicious vitamin drink will delight even seasoned gourmets. It's easy to do:

  1. Place the prepared fruits in liter glass jars.
  2. Pour in hot sugar syrup.
  3. Cover with lids.
  4. Sterilize in boiling water for 30 minutes.
  5. We take it out and seal it hermetically.

Each jar will require 700 grams of berries. We cook the syrup from a liter of water and 450 g of granulated sugar.

The southern product will not be a panacea for all ills. But if you know what feijoa is and how it is eaten, you can significantly enrich your diet. The season goes by quickly. Have time to enjoy the taste. Treat yourself and your loved ones with delicious exotic food.

Feijoa in folk medicine

Traditional healers know well how to use feijoa correctly. It is often used as a treatment for thyroid diseases due to the high iodine content in the fruit. For diseases of this organ, it is advisable to eat 200-300 grams of pulp daily. It is worth remembering that in its raw form, the beneficial properties of feijoa are preserved only for one week. If you plan to prepare the fruit in large quantities, then the berries are passed through a meat grinder and sprinkled with sugar. The mixture prepared in this way retains all its beneficial properties for a long time. Despite the large number of beneficial properties, feijoa also has contraindications:

• The maximum daily dose of berry juice for an adult is one glass, for a child under 7 years old - 0.5 glasses. • It is advisable not to consume berries in large quantities during pregnancy and during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Geographical information: where did the delicacy come from?

The wooded Brazilian countryside is rightfully considered its homeland. When the fruit was tasted, it spread massively throughout the United States of America, and then came to more distant places such as Australia. It is also growing in the countries of the former CIS. The Caucasus region and Abkhazia can boast of the presence of this subshrub. He is a frequent visitor to farming in the Krasnodar region, but is also found in some neighboring countries, for example, in Turkmenistan. But what a berry or fruit is is a big question. From the point of view of correct biological classification, without a doubt, the first. This is indicated by almost all the features of this plant of the myrtle family. But culinary experts usually call fruits fruit. Therefore, there will not be a critical error in incorrect naming.

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How to use for thyroid diseases?

To prevent thyroid diseases, it is enough to eat 2-3 berries a day. For medicinal purposes, the number of fruits should be increased to 6 pieces per day. Treatment should be continued for a month.

Unfortunately, the season for fresh berries is very short. Therefore, you need to stock up on the product in advance, drying the berries for future use. From 3 tbsp. Prepare a tincture of dried fruits by pouring two glasses of boiling water over them overnight and infusing them in a thermos. Over the next day, drink the entire product, dividing it into 3 doses. Drink the tincture half an hour before meals.

It is also very useful to eat feijoa for a sick thyroid gland, ground with sugar. The mixture is prepared from fruits and sugar, taken in equal proportions. Before use, the product is infused so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the berries release their juice. Then the product is taken 1 tbsp. morning and evening for 10 days. There is a 10-day break between cycles. Store in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to eat feijoa if you have type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that requires adherence to a strict diet. The exotic fruit is allowed by nutritionists for type 2 diabetes mellitus, because is a fairly low-calorie product. Only the number of berries should be strictly limited, because... it contains sugary substances.

Benefits for diabetes:

  • Vitamin C supports the body, strengthens resistance to diseases;
  • The iron and folic acid contained in the fruit normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • high iodine content helps maintain the endocrine system normally;
  • We help maintain digestion processes and normal intestinal function.

Before introducing this product into your diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. Please note that the fruit should not be eaten together with sugar-containing products.

It is very useful to have a light fruit salad made from orange pulp and feijoa, seasoned with lemon juice.

You can stock up on healthy, tasty jam for future use. To prepare it, mix the aromatic pulp of ripe berries with sucrose in equal proportions. The jam is placed in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Feijoa is a product that contains a lot of iodine. Therefore, it brings invaluable benefits to human health. The fruits are especially useful for thyroid diseases and pregnancy. But we must always remember that the best treatment is prevention. Therefore, you definitely need to eat fresh tropical fruits and make healthy preparations from them.

Meat salad

Feijoa goes well with meat, chicken and fish. To make a meat salad with assorted fruits and vegetables, you need to tinker. Take pork without fat, wash, cut into thin strips and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onions. Add chopped feijoa, soy sauce and 2-3 tablespoons of red wine to the pan. Cut the red bell pepper into thin pieces and add to our “salad”. Add chopped cashews there. After 3 minutes, remove the frying pan and place it in a salad bowl, where a mix of different salads, torn by hand into pieces, is already “waiting.” Mix the salad with two forks and pour low-fat yogurt into it. You can serve!

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