Coconut: description of the nut, how to choose the right fruit. How to eat coconut at home.

What is a coconut

Coconut is a stone fruit that grows along the sea coasts on tropical palm trees. This valuable tree has been used for many purposes for thousands of years: people used it for treatment and ate its delicious fruits. Almost one third of the world's population is engaged in the cultivation of coconut palms and the production of products from them. Traditions were developed, cooking techniques were developed, and instructions were drawn up on how to eat coconut and how to use the bark of the fruit for household purposes.

The hard inner shell is called “coir” by botanists. It is used in the manufacture of mattresses and furniture production. The inner fleshy layer, which is white in color, is commonly called copra, pulp, or seed of the fruit. And the liquid that is inside the coconut is called “endosperm”. This all applies to the main elements of the fruit used in human nutrition.

The benefits of coconut and the choice of fruits

Coconut contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins of different groups. It is made from

confectionery products, added to porridges, whipped oil, useful in cosmetology and the food industry. People drink coconuts and eat their flesh just like that. Coconut juice relieves thirst, saturates the body without giving it additional load from fats and carbohydrates, is well absorbed, cleanses the digestive tract, and has practically no contraindications. The listed points apply only to ripe, fresh fruits.

Scooping out the pulp with a spoon

Here are some tips for choosing coconut palm fruits in a store with no experience at all.

  1. Take two coconuts of the same size. Choose the one that is heavier. It contains more liquid, which means it is riper and fresher. For information. A ripe coconut contains about half a liter of juice.
  2. Shake the nut. There should be a liquid gurgling inside, the so-called coconut milk. If this is not the case, then the coconut is dry and should not be purchased.
  3. The color of the fruit should be uniform, without spots. Any darkening is internal rot.
  4. There are three dark dots at one end of the fruit. Beat them with any force - if the nut is fresh, you will not be able to damage them with your hands.
  5. Various mold or rot on the shell indicates internal rotting of the pulp, do not believe the seller’s beliefs to the contrary!

How to choose a coconut

Before you learn how to eat a coconut, the delicious secret of which is hidden under a strong shell, you need to carefully examine it before purchasing it. Dents, stains, smudges, cracks and other similar anomalies on it are considered a defect. If you gently shake a coconut, you can hear the splashing of the liquid contained inside. This means that the nut is fresh and undamaged. Next, follow the tips on how to open a coconut.

  • First you need to find three dark characteristic marks, reminiscent of the location of a monkey's face. These places are the softest. They can be easily pierced with a sharp knife or screwdriver.
  • Next, you need to choose the place that is closest to the top point of the coconut and drain the liquid using a straw.
  • The further process involves splitting the nut into two parts. The coconut must be broken along a line that is located one third of the height from the top of the fruit, opposite the points.
  • You need to carefully tap the belt located around the circumference of the nut, marking the places where a stronger blow will be made. The blow must be made with a hammer or hatchet. After this, the nut will split into two almost identical parts.
  • To speed up the process, you can heat the coconut in the oven.
  • Using a knife, remove the pulp from the shell. It will definitely be soft if the coconut is young. If the fruit turns out to be old but edible, the hard pulp is cut into circles.

What are the criteria for choosing a coconut?

An inattentive buyer who takes the first fruit he comes across from the counter has many chances to bring home a spoiled product. Despite their apparent strength, coconuts are quite fragile and sensitive to falls and other mechanical damage. Therefore, if you plan to eat coconut for dessert, you need to choose it responsibly.

Before purchasing this nut, you need to carefully inspect it to see if there are any dents, mold or rot on it. There are three holes at one end of the coconut - they also need to be carefully examined for external signs of spoilage. You can press in this place with your finger - if the peel bends, the nut has already begun to deteriorate.

If there are no visible damages, but the palm fruit has been lying around for a long time, it may have such an aftertaste that it will be at least tasteless to eat. But, unfortunately, this cannot be verified by external inspection.

After inspecting the husk, the coconut needs to be shaken. You should be able to hear the splashing of coconut milk inside. If you can’t hear it, it’s better not to take such a fruit. Probably, during transportation, the nut often fell and the milk spilled out through the cracks that formed. Eating coconut pulp that has been left for a long time without liquid is unlikely to bring much pleasure even to great connoisseurs of this exotic nut.

How to eat coconut

It is customary to eat coconut pulp and its milk. Since the liquid has a short shelf life, it must be drunk immediately. You can wait until the milk begins to thicken and then add it to the pulp. This is called coconut cream and is also used as a dressing for fruit salads.

How to eat coconut after expressing its milk? It’s very simple: cut it into slices. Coconut goes well with tropical fruits, pineapple, citrus fruits, and chocolate. Walnut shavings are used to decorate cakes, ice cream, and cookies.

One coconut can replace a full meal. Milk contains vegetable fats, which give a feeling of fullness. And the pulp is a high-calorie product; it contains ninety percent saturated fat.

There are many recipes that tell you how to properly eat coconut with fish, chicken, and shrimp. At home, it is enough to simply prepare Thai coconut soup, sweets, and pie.

Candies Raffaello

150 g sugar
125 g butter

200 g coconut flakes

250 g milk powder

½ cup nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts)

Coconut candies are very light and tasty

Treat yourself and your loved ones! Place 100 ml of water and sugar in a saucepan on the fire, gradually add oil and boil until a homogeneous liquid mass is formed. Remove from heat and cool to 400C. Then add coconut and milk powder. Mix everything until smooth and refrigerate for 4 hours. Afterwards, roll the peeled nuts into a ball of “dough” and roll the resulting candy in coconut flakes.

Using the beneficial properties of nuts in modern medicine

A scientific study of the properties of coconut confirmed the effectiveness of its use in the treatment of various diseases. For example, an ability has been identified that weakens the effects of herpes viruses, SARS, influenza and other equally dangerous diseases. Coconut has proven to be effective in the fight against worms, parasites, and Giardia. The combination of beneficial components of the nut has a good effect on the skin and hair.

Coconut also helps in treating stomach ulcers and promotes improved digestion. Preventing the occurrence of heart disease and atherosclerosis, the nut protects the arteries, making their walls stronger. It does not cause discomfort during treatment and has no side effects.

How is a coconut different from a nut?

Coconut is not a type of fruit or nut. In fact, these are palm seeds . Essentially, it is a fruit that has a juicy pericarp. Such fruits, for example, include our native plums, apricots, cherries and many others. Therefore, in everyday understanding, following the example of the same cherry, coconut can also be classified as a fruit.

Coconut: palm trees

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an ancient herbal remedy that has incomparable healing properties. It's easy enough to buy. It is used in accordance with the indications and recommendations of the doctor.

If you regularly use coconut oil, a stable protection of the skin is formed from the effects of ultraviolet rays, the formation of dermatitis, dandruff, eczema, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin.

But the best part about it all is the fuzzy, brown nut itself, which has a mysterious taste that you can enjoy at home. In addition, the pattern of its use confirms the fact that there is nothing difficult in opening a coconut. How the fleshy part is eaten and under what conditions its juice is drunk is now known to everyone.

Places where coconut trees grow

The plant is found in hot countries that are geographically closer to the equatorial belt. It prefers sandy soil and is not afraid if it contains a large amount of salts. Therefore, palm trees most often grow right on the seashore or ocean.

If the tree grows wild, it is usually found only in the tropics. It can be grown in other regions, subject to proper care and maintenance. In this case, you cannot do without pickers who will create favorable conditions around each tree. This will help you get the richest harvest possible each year.

There are regions where coconut trees have been grown since ancient times. Among them:

  • India;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Philippines;
  • Malay Peninsula.


Indonesia is the world market leader in the export, processing and production of hairy coke fruits. It has a large area, which is ideal for growing this crop.


How to eat a coconut, looking at the snow-white, appetizing flesh, does not raise any questions or difficulties. If the coconut was picked ripe and not green, then it easily separates from the walls. You can eat it with a spoon, cut it into pieces, turn it into shavings. Pieces wrapped in polyethylene can be stored in the refrigerator for a month and used to prepare various original dishes. Dried coconut shavings last much longer. Eating the pulp is useful for improving vision and establishing the rhythmic functioning of the digestive system. It has the ability to strengthen the immune system. Serves as a preventive drug against cancer and heart diseases. Drops are also prepared from it for the treatment of otitis media. Coconut oil is made from the hard pulp, a valuable cosmetic and healing product. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is important in the treatment of osteoporosis.

Coconut: culinary uses

The consumption of coconut fruits has become widespread in Asian countries. Paradise nuts are especially often consumed at the height of the season in Thailand, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

The snow-white pulp of the product is ideal for local cuisine. It’s as if someone specifically decided to grow palm trees in this area. Coconut milk is used to prepare delicate and aromatic desserts that will appeal not only to children, but also to all adults. The liquid can also be added to dishes such as:

  • bakery;
  • Main dishes;
  • sauces;
  • soups.

One of the most delicious and famous dishes in which coconut milk is the main ingredient is Thai soup. The simplicity of its preparation is combined with a refined and refined taste.

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