Features of storing shelled walnuts and kernels in shell

A source of microelements, vitamins, and unsaturated fats is a walnut. Just two pieces per day replenish the body’s need for Omega-3 acid, which preserves attention and memory, and phytosterols reduce cholesterol and resist cancer. Walnuts are good for everyone except children under 3 years of age.

September-October is the height of the nut season. The markets have a large selection of nuts in and without shells. The fruits are harvested for future use by owners who have their own garden. It doesn't matter how you became the happy owner of the crop. It is more important to understand how to store shelled and shelled walnuts at home. Which method to choose to minimize product losses during winter storage.

Selection of walnuts for storage

Only fruits of the highest and first grades retain their nutritional properties throughout the year. You can choose high-quality walnuts based on the following criteria:

  • the shells are thin, tightly adjacent to each other;
  • the ribs on the surface are weakly expressed, slightly rough;
  • the kernels are freely separated into halves and quarters and do not crumble;
  • The nut is heavy and does not ring when shaken;
  • subtle specific smell.

The shelled kernels should be strong, light gray to light brown in color. Blackness or wrinkling of the shell means that the product is spoiled or storage conditions have been violated.

Storing walnuts in a jar or box

Remember the characteristics of walnuts, which should be checked when purchasing.


  • the amniotic rind is absent;
  • smooth, symmetrical shape;
  • round fruit size from 2.5 cm and above;
  • nuts drown in water.


  • bright yellow color of the shell or kernel;
  • the shell is cracked with your fingers;
  • the kernel shriveled and shriveled;
  • there are signs of pest infestation.

When a nut is less than 2 cm in diameter and irregular in shape, it is a substandard product. If you pull the halves in different directions and a gap appears between them, the harvest was harvested too early or from diseased trees. They will not be stored due to free access of oxygen to the nucleolus.

If the nuts do not smell anything, they are not ripe. If the smell is rancid with a hint of mold, it is rotten or has expired. Green nuts do not have the ability to ripen like kiwi at home and spoil within a week.

How to prepare nuts for harvesting

If nuts were collected in wet weather, they must be dried in well-ventilated areas. Then remove the shells from the fruits and place them in the oven for 60 minutes to bake. In this way it is easy to protect the crop from moths and other pests.

See also

Planting, growing and caring for hazelnuts in open ground, choosing a variety and propagationRead

Shelf life

Shelf life depends on treatment before storage, conditions, packaging in which the product is stored. The lifespan of packaged nuts is determined by the manufacturer, but not more than 2 years. And if the product came into the house from the market or was assembled with your own hands, the storage duration is as follows:

  • shelf life of walnuts in shell is 2 years;
  • peeled kernels – 6 months.

Unpeeled ones last longer, but take up more space. It is much more convenient to keep the walnut kernels peeled. Reducing the temperature to +5° and freezing will help increase the shelf life. These recommendations are also suitable for storing peeled potatoes.

Containers for drying

When looking for a container in which to store nuts, you need to consider the following:

  • the container must be dry, clean, without damage or foreign odors;
  • It is better to package the preparations in glass or clay jars. Cover the container loosely with the lid;
  • Unshelled nuts are stored well in simple cardboard boxes or wooden boxes;
  • Avoid storing raw materials in plastic bags, as the material does not allow air to pass through and contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora and mold;
  • containers with shelled nuts must be tightly closed with lids;
  • Plastic containers or ziplock bags are suitable for freezing the product.

See also

Description of the causes and symptoms of cedar diseases, how to combat pestsRead

By choosing the right storage container, you can significantly increase the shelf life of the product.

Do I need to wash walnuts?

In any case, whether the fruits are peeled or not, walnuts must be washed. After all, there is no certainty how they were collected, cleaned and where they were then stored. The shell must be washed to remove traces of pericarp and dirt, which is abundant due to harvesting during the rainy season. If the product is washed at production, it is packaged in packaging indicating that the nuts are washed. But the price is set several times higher.

  • Nuts in shell. After washing, unshelled walnuts are dried for 1-2 weeks. They are laid out in one row on a fabric backing and mixed periodically. Drying is more effective outdoors: under a canopy, on a balcony, if weather conditions permit. The fruits are scattered on a net raised above the ground. Drying occurs through continuous air circulation. It is important to protect the batch from birds. Especially crows fly in flocks and steal nuts from their owners.
  • Shelled walnuts. The washed kernels are dried in a frying pan without oil at minimum temperature. To do this, they are poured into a bowl and, with continuous stirring, heated for 15-20 minutes until the moisture has completely evaporated. Do not overcook or fry.

The shelf life of walnuts is affected not by the fact of washing, but by improper drying. Wet ones quickly sour and mold.

How to choose nuts

To prepare this product correctly and store it for a long time, it is recommended to pay attention to the selection process. It is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. Products must have the same dimensions. There cannot be dark spots or wet dirt on the peel.
  2. Try a few nuts before purchasing. If the pulp has a dark hue, a bitter taste or a sour smell, this indicates its old age, poor quality or violation of storage rules.
  3. It is better to refrain from buying nuts that have been shelled at home. They must not be stored for a long time.
  4. If unpeeled fruits have little weight, this indicates they are empty.
  5. It is recommended to shake the product. If a characteristic knocking sound is heard from the shell, this indicates that the contents have dried out. These nuts may be old. Exposure to elevated temperatures also leads to similar problems.
  6. There should be no peel or traces of it on the surface. It often hides mold, which will ruin your entire stock.

Experts do not recommend choosing purified kernels in polyethylene. They often stink and have a bitter taste. The product quickly deteriorates due to changes in storage conditions.

Basic principles of storage

To successfully store walnuts and pine nuts, a number of conditions must be met:

  • quality of the original product – premium and 1st grade;
  • room temperature +5…+15°;
  • humidity 40-60%;
  • regular ventilation;
  • breathable packaging;
  • inaccessibility to rodents, birds, insects.

In an apartment, it is recommended to store walnuts in shell in a dark, ventilated place at a temperature of +22...+25°, humidity up to 60%. Unpeeled fruits are stored at room temperature for about 1 year, shelled ones - no longer than 2 weeks. To increase shelf life, it is recommended to place peeled walnuts in the freezer.

Things to remember

  1. Choose unpeeled walnuts that have light-colored shells without spots or cracks. And shelled nuts have a pleasant aroma and sweetish taste.
  2. Store the product in a place protected from light, at a temperature of -3C - +5C, and a humidity of no more than 60%.
  3. Before storing for a long period, rinse the peeled delicacy in warm water, then bake in the oven at medium temperature for 10 minutes. This will destroy insects and larvae hiding in the kernels.
  4. Store unpeeled hazel fruits in “breathable” containers made of natural materials: cardboard, burlap, wood, paper.
  5. For long-term storage, freeze walnuts by wrapping them tightly in cling film or canning them in glass jars with various ingredients.
  6. You can keep the peeled product in the kitchen cabinet for 2 weeks, in the refrigerator at +10C for 6 months, in the freezer for 1 year. Uncleaned in the pantry - 1 year, in the cellar - 2 years. Canned shelled nuts - 2 years.
  7. To crack the fruit, use: boiling water, a knife, a nut cracker, a hammer, pliers, a wrench and other tools.
  8. After opening salted or sweet nuts, eat the product immediately.


For long-term storage, you need to choose the right container. It must be durable and well ventilated. For dried fruits in shell, it is recommended to use:

  • polymer nets for vegetables;
  • cellular plastic fruit boxes;
  • corrugated cardboard boxes;
  • fabric bags.

Storing walnuts in a bag or basket.

Peeled walnuts are stored in airtight containers with lids and in vacuum jars. Thick plastic bags are only suitable for storage in the freezer. To increase shelf life, you can use a household vacuum sealer. In an airless space, oxidation processes stop, which increases the storage time by 2 times.

Which nuts are suitable for storing at home?

Walnuts are often called the “tree of life.” They have such a rich composition that just three pieces daily can completely restore the health of an adult, increase immunity, and get rid of many diseases.

Supermarkets sell packaged nuts all year round. But are they useful? Hardly. To extend their shelf life, they are simply treated with some substances that are not poisonous and prohibited for human consumption, but they completely destroy the composition of the nuts.

To play it safe, it’s better to stock up on nuts during the season. They are collected from late summer to mid-autumn, depending on the variety and weather conditions of the region, and during this time they are quite inexpensive.

You need to choose carefully. Each nut should be carefully examined. Yes, it is very important. If at least one is moldy, it can very quickly “infect” the others.

Many people consider the presence of skins on nuts to be a plus. They say that it can be used to determine the freshness of the fruit. This is wrong. If the shell remains, moisture cannot escape from the nuts and they begin to rot from the inside.

Be sure to shake the fruit. You should be able to hear the grain inside.

And one last thing. Be sure to crack a few nuts to choose from. A seller who is confident in quality will not object, and you can be sure that you are making the right choice.

Pay attention to the weight of the nut. If it's too light, the center may have dried out.

How to properly store walnuts at home

Nuts are rich in fat. Under the influence of heat, they split, giving the products a rancid smell and taste. It is important to know the conditions and rules for storing walnuts at home to prevent this from happening.

For long-term storage, it is not recommended to purchase peeled ones. It is better to buy it in shell and remove it yourself. Then there will be exact confidence in the quality of the kernels, their dryness and compliance with storage conditions.

What should I do if the kernels start to deteriorate? Is it possible to store the nuts in the freezer? If rot or mold or any suspicious plaque appears, there is no point in resuscitating the nuts, much less using them for food. Freezing, boiling, calcining is useless. This way, only the appearance is saved, but aflatoxins have already formed in the fruits, which are not excreted from the body, cause allergies and damage the liver.

In a shell

Nuts need to be provided with the correct microclimate in order to preserve them for up to 2 years. The optimal solution to the question of how to store walnuts in shell is to maintain the temperature at +5...+15° and humidity not higher than 60%. The conditions are no less strict than, for example, when storing salted lard. If it is not possible to create such parameters, the fruits are kept at room temperature for no longer than 1 year.

Step-by-step storage instructions:

  • Sort the fruits, sort out the cracked ones;
  • rinse thoroughly and dry;
  • arrange in nets, boxes with holes;
  • place in the pantry, on the balcony, protected from light;
  • ventilate the room once a week;
  • review inventory status once a month.

Peeled halves and chopped walnuts

A product without a natural casing quickly deteriorates. Store peeled walnuts in the refrigerator in sealed containers made of plastic, glass or tin for no longer than 6 months. At room temperature, the fruits can be stored for no more than 2 weeks.

Do you wash nuts before drying?

Not really

To extend shelf life, peeled nuts can be frozen. To do this, they are packaged in convenient portions in bags or food containers. They will keep in the freezer for up to 1 year. This method can also be used to preserve pomegranate seeds.

When vacuum-packed chopped nut kernels and halves, the life expectancy is doubled. You can buy a vacuum cleaner in any online store, in the small household appliances section.

It is unacceptable to keep peeled kernels in a fabric container at room conditions for a long time. Moths form on them, which will spoil not only nuts and cereals, but also woolen items in the closet. It is extremely difficult to get rid of the parasite later.

How long do different types of nuts last?

There are three storage options for this product. The longest time is in the freezer, but they are stored in jars in the cupboard for the shortest time. The lower the temperature, the longer the nuts will retain their benefits.

Different types of nuts:

  1. Peanut . Stores in the refrigerator for 6-9 months, in the freezer for up to 9 months, and in a dark, cool box for up to six months.
  2. Walnut . Shelf life in the freezer is more than a year, in the refrigerator - 6 months, in a cool dark place no more than one month.
  3. Pine nut . Keeps in the freezer for up to 8 months, in the refrigerator for one month, in the cupboard for no more than 3 weeks.
  4. Almonds . Shelf life in the refrigerator is more than a year, in the refrigerator 10-12 months, in the cupboard 2-3 months.
  5. Pistachios . They can be stored in the freezer for up to a year, in the refrigerator for up to 9 months, in a cupboard for up to 3-4 months.

It is better to store nuts in glass and in a dark place (Photo: food52.com)

Thus, the shelf life in a cool and dark place is quite long. But if the nuts are first cleaned and placed in cling film or plastic containers, the shelf life can be extended from six months to a year or more.

Tip: if you decide to defrost the nuts, just heat them in the microwave for 7-10 minutes.

However, in the future such a product can no longer be frozen.

Some types of nuts, such as hazelnuts and pine nuts, should not be stored in their shelled form - they should be eaten within the next few weeks after shelling. In supermarkets you can often find them in a ready-to-eat form - we strictly do not recommend buying such a product, since it may not only be unhealthy, but also dangerous to health.

Also, experts do not recommend storing different types of nuts together, since each product has its own characteristics, the amount of essential oil in the composition, and expiration date. If you put them in one container, this may lead to the fact that the taste of the nuts will deteriorate, since they will absorb each other's smells.

What to store in

Unpeeled kernels can be kept in a box made of wood or cardboard. But the peeled ones should be placed in containers made of clay or glass. Clay jars with a snap-on lid are a good option. Unpeeled fruits can be placed in bags. It is better to refuse plastic bags. In them, the kernels begin to rot, losing their taste properties.

Glass containers

If you choose a glass or plastic container for storage, it must be clean and dry. The lid should snap or screw tightly. The condition of complete sealing must be achieved.

Plastic containers

You should not choose plastic bags for storage. Despite their good sealing, they allow odors to pass through, which negatively affect the taste of the fruit.

Box, box

Wooden boxes and paper boxes are suitable for storing unpeeled kernels when large quantities are involved. It is better to place them in places where the recommended humidity level is maintained. Before placing the fruit in the selected container, it should be checked for absolute dryness.

8 ways to protect cereals from pests

Cleaning nuts

Depending on the variety, walnuts have different shell thicknesses. Fruits in a thin woody shell are much easier to split. Sometimes this can even be done with your hands, squeezing two nuts in your fist. But most often you have to resort to using different tools and devices.

How to properly peel a nut from its green shell

If the nut shell is already cracked, removing it will not be difficult. It’s another matter if the shell is dense, without a hint of cracking. In this case, you can use a knife.

This should be done with rubber gloves, since the juice released from the pulp of the nut shell has strong pigment properties - your hands will take on a dirty brown tint, which will not be easy to wash off.

The juice from the green peel of walnuts has coloring properties and greatly stains your hands.

  1. Cut the shell of the nut down to the shell so that a closed line is formed. It is more convenient to do this along the “equatorial line”.
  2. Make a second cut perpendicular to the first, this time going through the "poles" of the nut. It is important to cut through the entire thickness of the shell with a knife, touching the hard shell.
  3. At this stage, the shell should already be divided into four approximately equal parts. Use a knife to pry the edge of one of them and separate it from the shell.
  4. Do the same with the other three parts of the shell. It will be easier to do this.
  5. Scrape off any remaining peel on the shell with a stiff brush. You can also use a metal scraper.

To quickly peel large quantities of nuts from the green peel, it is convenient to use a special machine for crushing corn cobs, if possible.

Video: how to remove green peel from nuts

How and with what to crack a nut

A few simple ways:

  • The easiest way is to use a special device - a nut cracker. Simply insert the nut into a special hole and press the levers. Under the pressure of the metal, the shell will quickly crack.

    Nut cracker - a professional tool for cracking nuts

  • Using a knife, the tip of which is inserted into the web of the fruit, you can split the nut into two parts. The method is not complicated, but requires caution when handling a sharp object.

    Cracking a nut with a knife requires caution

  • Pliers and pliers are handy tools that function similarly to a nut cracker.

    You can use pliers to replace a nut cracker

  • A hammer will help you break the nut shell easily. The method is simple, but also requires caution. Hold the nut with your fingers and lightly tap it with a hammer to crack or crack the shell. Then remove the core.

    It's important to hit the nut with the hammer, not the fingers

  • You can use a cloth bag with the hammer. Place the nuts in it and lightly tap them with a hammer. The bag will hold the shell fragments and they will not fly apart in different directions.

    But don't overdo it by hitting the bag too hard with the hammer. Not only can the shell crack, but the kernels can also be damaged.

    The fabric bag will collect all the shell fragments

If the nut is split into two halves, you can remove the edible part using a knife, inserting it between the kernel and the shell and pressing lightly, pushing out the contents.

Using a knife, you can remove the kernel from the shell

How to store green nuts and how to remove the pericarp

Harvesting the green-skinned product begins in late May early June. The shelf life is 7 days, although the valuable “milkiness” will be lost after 2-3 days due to the start of the fermentation process.

When the harvest is harvested, the fruits are dried on a blanket at a temperature of +10...+20 degrees Celsius . They should not be pre-washed. This will remove the protective white coating and render them unusable. Finished dry pericarps are stored in paper bags or fabric bags for 2 years.

If the process of ossification of the shell has not yet begun in the nuts, they are used to make jam. At room temperature, rolled containers are stored for six months, if the lid is made of nylon - for 3 months. Frozen and packaged product is stored for one year.

If the pericarp is used for the preparation of medicines, the harvesting and storage process takes place in September. The peel is cut into 2 parts, dried at a temperature of +30...+40 degrees in special devices or in a warm place.

How to remove pericarp

The pericarp must be removed quickly. The peel retains heat inside the fruit, it begins to darken outside and inside.

If the fruits are ripe, you must use a knife to remove the peel, making a small cut. Unripe nuts are peeled into small pieces.

Rubber gloves are used during the cleaning process. This will help protect the skin of your hands from heavy contamination with the coloring pigment.

After removing the peel, the product should be washed. Fruits can be bleached by placing them in a salt solution for 3 minutes (5 kg per 10 liters of water). Then the nuts are thoroughly washed.

How to properly store in shell?

The most suitable containers are dry, clean boxes made of wood, plastic, boxes, canvas bags, and nets.

The advantage of this method is that the nuts are well ventilated and breathe. This will protect them from high humidity and mold. It is advisable to install containers on racks.

The ideal temperature range is from +5 to +15 degrees. The humidity of the storage should not exceed 40-60%.

Higher moisture levels promote rotting of the fruit. For this reason, saving in damp cellars and basements is not allowed. Balconies and loggias are suitable if there is protection from precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

Too high a temperature will have a negative impact on the condition of the fruit. This is due to the fact that they contain oil, which can cause a bitter taste.

If, due to improper content, the kernels begin to darken, then it is extremely undesirable to consume them. This may lead to poisoning.

How can you preserve a shelled nut?

Before laying in the peeled kernels, they should be dried using a frying pan or baking sheet. Required heating temperature is +50 degrees. The whole process takes 10 minutes.

The choice of storage method depends on the volume of the product being prepared.

The optimal place is the refrigerator. Nuts should be pre-packed in plastic zip bags or jars with a lid. The savings period will be from 2 months to a year.

The apartment's dark pantry is suitable for preserving nuts. They are placed in fabric bags, glass and tin containers. They will not lose their qualities for 2-4 months.

The cores are packed in vacuum bags and placed in the freezer. This will preserve the properties of the product for 1-3 years.

The product is mixed twice a month and checked for spoiled kernels.


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How to choose nuts

When you want to preserve nuts, you need to choose hard-shelled fruits, because they are stored for about one year, but nut kernels can last only a month. Peeled nuts should be consumed immediately. You can eat them pure or add them to baked goods or desserts.

In order to select a nut for long-term preservation, you must choose one that has no wood defects on the shell and has been cleared of the green shell. You can pick up a nut and feel it by weight, this will let you know whether the kernel is intact or not. When you shake the fruit and you hear a knock, this may mean that the kernel is dry and it is better not to buy it.

When choosing walnut kernels, close attention should be paid to ensuring that they are whole and not crushed, preferably the same color and without a white coating, in order to avoid buying spoiled goods (last year's nut). You need to buy it in a store, because if they are sold on the street, they are susceptible to rapid contamination by dust and exhaust gases, as a result of which pathogenic microbes develop in them. When buying nut kernels, you need to taste and smell them. The nut should not be rancid or have any foreign rotten odors.


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We can conclude that peeled walnut kernels will be best stored in the freezer or in an airtight container on the bottom shelf of a household refrigerator. The most suitable conditions are:

  • lower temperature without fluctuations,
  • low humidity or at least within normal limits,
  • lack of sunlight,
  • completely sealed packaging.

By providing proper storage conditions for this product, its shelf life can be significantly extended.

,Meat belongs to the category of perishable products, and it can be stored for up to two years. ,When too many dishes have been prepared and it was not possible to cope with them at once, it is necessary, Flowering plants are designed to decorate a person’s life, but they themselves are short-lived. How to make chrysanthemums. The article briefly describes the beneficial properties and composition of badger fat. Detailed recommendations are given

General storage requirements

Before storing nuts, you need to select only high-quality fruits

When purchasing in a store, pay attention to the appearance of walnuts:

  • the nucleoli must be the same size, intact, without fragmentation or damage;
  • the skin on the nucleolus is brown, without plaque, with a uniform structure;
  • The kernel should not taste too bitter or smell unpleasant.

Pay attention to the place where you buy the goods, never take nuts in bags on the street, road dust settles on them, and the taste is saturated with the aroma of car exhaust fumes. Buy goods only in trusted stores and markets

It is desirable to have the opportunity to look at the nuts and hold them in your hands, rather than buying a “pig in a poke” in already packaged containers.

Attention! Never buy crushed kernels; these may be very low quality products made from spoiled raw materials.

After purchasing nuts, in order to preserve them as long as possible, you should consider several factors:

  • preparation for storage;
  • conditions of safety;
  • container

Each of these factors is, of course, important, and failure to comply with it is fraught: the nuts will not last more than a month. If you take care of the product in advance and create all the conditions for preservation, then walnuts can last up to 1 month, or even more, with full preservation of their taste and healing qualities.

Preparation for storage

When purchasing shelled nuts, even from a trusted place, of course you cannot immediately eat them and put them away for storage. First, they need to be disinfected. The easiest way to disinfect is to rinse. To do this, pour the nuts into a colander and rinse under running cold or slightly warm water. Then, wait until the water has completely drained and pour the nuts onto a dry towel so that excess moisture is absorbed into the fabric. Make sure that the kernels are completely dry; there should be no moisture on them. Then place the kernels in a clean, prepared container and store them.

Storage conditions

Most of all, kernels are afraid of moisture, as it causes mold. To avoid this, choose a place at home where the following conditions will be met:

  • temperature in the range from 8 to 16 degrees Celsius;
  • humidity within 20-40%;
  • no direct sunlight.

In an ordinary apartment, to preserve walnuts you can use:

  • cabinets with closing doors;
  • insulated balcony;
  • pantry.

If you live in a private house, it is better to hide the kernels in the basement, cellar, or veranda. You can leave it at home, but not near heating radiators or in places where it is too damp. Many people leave nuts stored at room temperature. When stored for a long time in such conditions, the taste of the fruit changes and becomes musty, so you should not leave the kernels at room temperature for a long time (more than 3-4 weeks).


Choose containers for preserving nuts based on the main requirement - sterility. These can be food-grade plastic containers, glass jars, even plastic or plastic bags, vacuum bags. Regardless of the container chosen, it must have a lid to protect the nuts from moisture and bacteria in the air. Pre-treat jars or plastic containers with soda solution or wash with laundry soap - the surface should be as disinfected as possible. Then after washing, be sure to dry the container from moisture and wipe dry with a towel.

If you decide to use glass jars to store nuts, you can bake them in the oven or steam them. With such cleaning, the quality of disinfection increases significantly, which means the nuts will last longer in integrity and safety.

Attention! Before calcining, make sure that the glass is not too thin, otherwise the jar may burst from the high temperature.

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