Defrosting dough in the microwave: puff pastry and yeast pastry

At first glance, there is nothing complicated about defrosting dough, but if you study the issue further, it will become clear that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The dough must be thawed so as not to spoil its taste.

If you do not follow the rules, the beneficial properties of the dough will disappear and the structure will be damaged. Without following the technology, you will end up with a dough that is too watery and covered with a thick crust. Baked goods made from improperly thawed dough will not rise, and you will definitely not be pleased with the taste.

Choosing frozen dough

To keep the dough better and longer, it is subjected to shock freezing.
There is no need to freeze the product the second time. For each type of dough, separate defrosting conditions are used. There are a couple of types of frozen dough: shortbread, puff pastry, puff pastry without yeast, gingerbread, chopped.

To purchase a good and high-quality product in the market, you need to know a few secrets.

  1. Package. It must be airtight.
  2. Freezing method. Traditionally it is indicated on the label.
  3. Number of layers. The more layers the dough has, the tastier the baked goods will be. This information is indicated on the product packaging. For example, yeast must have 35 layers, while yeast-free must have 225.
  4. Best before date. The fresher the product, the better the products will turn out.
  5. Composition of the finished frozen product.
    It is imperative to study the composition on the packaging and make sure it is harmless.
  6. Price. High quality products cannot be cheap.
  7. Product type. Products must move freely throughout the packaging, not stick to it and not have foreign inclusions.

Is it possible to re-freeze yeast-free and yeast dough?

Manufacturers of any frozen dough do not recommend re-freezing the product. This information is indicated on the product packaging.

After the initial defrosting, the product loses some of its normal properties: in yeast dough, a certain amount of fungi die, which are responsible for raising the dough, puff pastry loses its “layeriness,” and “Filo” becomes weathered and sticks together.

To avoid re-freezing or preparing a low-quality dish from such dough, it is recommended to calculate the required volume of the product and not defrost excess.

If necessary, you can cut off a piece of frozen dough (thaw it a little), and seal the rest of it tightly and put it in the freezer.

The safest ways to defrost dough require a lot of time. Only they can guarantee the preservation of all the necessary properties in the dough, its structural and taste qualities. It is impossible to prepare a good tasty dish if the technology for defrosting the dough is broken. When choosing a method that is convenient for you, keep in mind that many types of dough are defrosted in different ways.

Is it possible to freeze yeast dough for pies?

Croissants made from ready-made puff pastry
There is a common myth that the semi-finished product is only suitable for making pizza, buns and bagels. But pies with poppy seeds or cottage cheese cannot be made from it at all.

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How and where to store wine to preserve the rich taste and aroma of the drink?

The dough is suitable for any baking: pie, bread, rolls, buns and so on. You can even freeze ready-made products.

If the pies have already been made and frozen, then when baking they must be immediately placed in the oven without prior defrosting.

The quality of baking is affected not by the freezing process, but by the products from which the dough is made. If the dough is not suitable, it is possible that poor quality flour or expired yeast was used during freezing.

Before making the dough, you need to check the expiration date of the ingredients.

Cheese puffs: collecting ingredients

One of a woman’s main assistants in the kitchen: a good supply of semi-finished products in the freezer. No, no, not that terrible frozen something that can be seen in supermarket windows, but semi-finished dishes that the hostess herself prepared for future use. Such useful preparations include puff pastry.

If you have ready-made dough, you won’t have to rack your brains over what to serve for tea if guests happen to arrive. The recipe is simple: take out the workpiece, while it is defrosting, prepare the filling, and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. The puff pastries turn out ruddy and fluffy - at least take a photo.

I recorded a detailed video on how to prepare yeast puff pastry at home and make croissants from it. Welcome to my You Tube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing! You can fill puff pastries with anything, but now let’s try to make puff pastries with cheese.

What you'll need

  • 500 g puff pastry. Use yeast or without yeast - decide for yourself. If you like soft, fluffy baked goods, it’s better to take yeast dough; if you like crunchiness, use the second option.
  • 200 g cheese. The most popular recipe is puff pastries with hard cheese. Gourmets can recommend Parmesan, cheddar or Emmental. If these names don’t mean anything to you, buy regular “Russian”, “Poshekhonsky” or “Kostromskoy” cheese. Want to experiment? Take 100 g of hard cheese and 100 g of Feta cheese, you get a pie similar to khachapuri.
  • 1 egg.
  • Optional: garlic, sesame.

Fast and slow ways to defrost dough

Dough shelf life: where and how to store it correctly

Before you quickly defrost your dough, you should consider slow-processing options. Despite the fact that they take more time, the workpiece turns out to be as fresh and elastic as possible.

  • In a refrigerator. Place the frozen dough directly in the package on the refrigerator shelf as far away from the freezer as possible. Defrosting time will be 10-12 hours.
  • At room temperature. Place the product on a silicone board, cover with a thin cloth and leave at room temperature. The composition will reach the desired state in about 5 hours.
  • In warm water. Place the workpiece in a plastic bag and lower it into a container with warm water. The ends of the packaging should remain outside; water should not be allowed to get on the dough. How long it takes to defrost depends on the volume of dough. Usually 2-3 hours are enough.

Among the quick approaches, the most accessible and safe are the following:

  • In the microwave. If the device has an “auto-defrost” mode, then use it. Otherwise, we carry out the manipulation at a power of 100 watts. Remove the dough from the packaging and place it on a suitable stand. It needs to be turned over regularly. Do not allow the product to become hot. The processing time for a component in the microwave is strictly individual, but does not take more than 20 minutes.
  • On the battery. The dough can also be defrosted on a radiator. We place it on the stand directly in the package. It is strictly forbidden to refuse a stand in order to save time. The procedure will take no more than 30-40 minutes.

It is worth considering that such approaches are not universal. In the case of some products you have to act differently.

Slow defrosting dough

The best option for defrosting any food, including dough, is defrosting in the refrigerator. This process is as long as possible. However, it allows you to preserve all the properties of the dough, and the taste and appearance of the finished baked goods cannot be distinguished from products baked from fresh dough. In order to defrost the dough in the refrigerator, you must first remove it from the freezer to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, since that is where the temperature is highest. If you leave the dough overnight, you can get defrosted dough in the morning.

ATTENTION! In refrigerators where the freezer is located at the bottom, it will be warmest on the top shelf rather than the bottom shelf. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for defrosting in the refrigerator.

The next most useful method is defrosting at room temperature. Depending on the volume of the dough, it will take approximately 5 hours. When defrosting naturally, you need to make sure that the dough does not dry out in the kitchen; it needs to be covered with cling film or a towel. You can also lightly flour it, brush it with oil or sprinkle a little water.

Another option for slow defrosting is to immerse the dough in warm water. First, it must be placed in a plastic bag and placed in water so that the edges of the package do not fall into the water. It is important not to allow water to come into contact with the dough during defrosting, as this may adversely affect its properties.

How to defrost yeast dough

What is proofing dough and how to do it?

To make your baked goods fluffy, frozen dough requires a special approach.

This type of dough can be thawed in several ways:

  • in the refrigerator compartment - slow defrosting;
  • at room temperature;
  • in warm water;
  • using an oven or microwave.

For any product exposed to freezing temperatures, one rule applies: the faster it freezes, the slower the defrosting process should be. Otherwise, you risk getting a product with a damaged structure, which will make it difficult to work with, and cooking will turn into torture.

Therefore, if you have time, use the bottom shelf of the refrigerator: without removing the dough from its original packaging, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and the next day you can start baking.

If the dough is in the form of balls (some manufacturers freeze yeast dough in balls), they are first removed from the original packaging, placed on a dish, covered with a towel or bag (this is necessary so that the dough does not dissipate) and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

At room temperature, defrost the dough one piece at a time for about 5 hours, in balls - from an hour to two. When choosing this method, remove the dough from the bag and place it in a pan or bowl dusted with flour. Cover with a towel or lid to prevent airing and leave for 5-6 hours.

To defrost yeast dough in warm water, remove it from its original packaging, wrap it in several bags and immerse it in warm water. You can change the water while it cools. With this method, the yeast dough will be ready for use in 40-50 minutes.

The oven and microwave are very undesirable “helpers” when defrosting dough. Since there is a high risk of oversight and overexposure, the dough will then turn out dry and unsuitable for baking.

To defrost in the oven, heat it to 50 degrees and leave the dough for a few minutes. If you need to defrost the dough incredibly quickly, the microwave will come to the rescue. But once again: this method is the most undesirable. Just set it to defrost and place it in the chamber for a few minutes.

Be careful: when defrosting in the microwave, the dough should not heat up! Remove and check every half minute. Once the dough is defrosted, remove it and let it come to room temperature.

How to properly freeze dough

The defrosting process is greatly influenced by how correctly the product was frozen. There are several nuances that will help housewives when working with the dough:

  1. You should not freeze the entire dough; it is better to divide it into small portions. This way they will defrost faster, and you won’t have to deal with the fact that the product is already soft on top and icy inside. Manufacturers often freeze it in the form of layers, which is also quite convenient.
  2. The dough must be wrapped either in cling film or cellophane so that there is no crust. If there is no film, you can use foil. But in this case, the workpiece must first be sprinkled with flour and then wrapped.
  3. The product can be stored in the freezer for no more than 2 months.
  4. The ideal option would be to form dumplings, dumplings, puff pastries and even whole pies in advance. Then you won’t have to wait for them to thaw; you can place the semi-finished product directly in the oven or cook it in a saucepan.

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how long does yeast dough last in the refrigerator
? Read

Defrosting yeast and puff pastry

Yeast and puff pastry are considered the most capricious; they need to be defrosted especially carefully. You must know all the nuances to defrost such dough correctly without spoiling the baked goods.

Yeast dough

When defrosting yeast dough, the slightest mistake can lead to the dough not rising during baking.

To avoid this, pay attention to the following features of defrosting yeast dough:

  1. When defrosting in water, the dough must be wrapped in several plastic bags. The water temperature must be maintained and not allowed to cool.
  2. Place the dough in a container and place it next to a lit burner.
  3. We strongly do not recommend defrosting yeast dough in the microwave. There is a theory that microwave radiation kills the beneficial properties of yeast. But if this doesn’t bother you, you need to defrost the yeast dough as quickly as possible; do not set the timer for more than 2 minutes.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry is no less demanding than yeast dough for high-quality defrosting. But there are some nuances here. For example, if yeast dough can be carefully defrosted in the microwave, then puff pastry cannot be defrosted under any circumstances. It's best to just leave it in a warm room for a few hours. Below are some more helpful tips for defrosting puff pastry.

  1. Cover it with a towel. This will help prevent a hard crust from forming.
  2. If the dough is roll-shaped, it is possible to remove the top, already thawed layers and start working with them. Just do it carefully, otherwise you will damage the structure.
  3. When defrosting on the radiator, wrap the dough in a towel.

Conditions for defrosting Filo dough

The easiest and safest way to defrost this dough is in the refrigerator: transfer the dough from the freezer to the shelf farthest from it overnight, and in the morning you can safely prepare your favorite dishes.

You can defrost at room temperature without opening the package, since the dough will begin to dry out and become chapped in the air.

How to defrost dumpling dough

The dumpling dough is defrosted gradually: first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature. On the shelf of the refrigerator farthest from the freezer, the mass is defrosted within 6-12 hours. The time depends on the volume of the product. Finally defrost the dough at room temperature after 2-3 hours.

Compliance with two stages of defrosting allows the product to return to its former plasticity.

How to quickly defrost pizza dough?

Dough for unleavened pies and pizza can be defrosted in a water bath.

How to quickly defrost pizza dough:

  • For these purposes, you need to place the dough in a pan, after placing several paper towels on the bottom.
  • Place a lump of dough wrapped in plastic on top. The container is immersed in a bowl of boiling water and placed on low heat.
  • From time to time, it is necessary to turn the dough over so that the upper layers that come into contact with the walls of the vessel do not overheat.

Storage, defrosting, baking

Having found out whether yeast dough can be frozen, you need to learn how to properly place it in the freezer. Even in the cold, it will not shrink in the first minutes, but will rise and grow in volume. This feature must be taken into account when filling the freezer: place the portions more closely, otherwise they will have time to “grow” and take up all the free space in the freezer.

The maximum shelf life of frozen dough is no more than four months. But the sooner you use it, the better the taste and appearance of the finished product.

Re-freezing is not recommended - the properties of yeast dough are not preserved more than once.

Before freezing yeast dough in plastic bags (they can be used as an alternative to foil), sprinkle the container with flour to prevent the contents from sticking and release the air from the bag.

You need to defrost yeast dough carefully and gradually: first move it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and then keep it at room temperature. The finished dough should increase in volume. Having noticed this, knead it again and form buns.

Frozen dough is suitable for making any baked goods: pies, pies, pizza, buns, cookies, loaves, if you like. You just have to fuss a little once, and then very, very quickly (literally in 15 minutes, not counting the time spent on baking) prepare fragrant products several times.

The easiest and most reliable way to defrost dough is to place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The dough will thaw completely within 10 hours without losing its shape and properties. But what to do if time is short, and guests will be on the doorstep in a couple of hours?

Defrosting methods

Depending on the amount of free time, there are several answers to the question of how to quickly defrost dough.

Slow defrost

If there is a lot of time for preparing products, then you can use gentle defrosting methods.

  1. You need to remove the product from the package.
  2. Place it on a board or plate and leave for several hours. Typically, five hours is enough to defrost at room temperature.
  3. Can be defrosted in the refrigerator, on the lowest shelf. It will defrost in ten hours.

Fast defrost

When you are sorely short of time and you need to start preparing baked goods urgently, you can resort to quick defrosting methods. There is no need to worry in vain that the finished products will turn out tough or tasteless; the main thing is to follow all the rules of thawing.

  1. The dough is placed in a plastic bag, tied tightly and dipped in warm water. After three hours you can start baking.
  2. You can also defrost in the microwave using the “auto defrost” mode. If the microwave oven does not have such a function, it will be enough to turn it on at 100 watts. The main thing here is to make sure that the product does not become hot. It needs to be turned over very often.
  3. A regular warm battery is suitable for thawing the product. The finished frozen product must be placed on its surface directly in the package. It will defrost in an hour.

You should not use defrosting in the microwave or in warm water often, as these are not the best options for thawing the product. These methods can be safely used in the case of pizza dough, but it is better to defrost yeast or puff pastry using other methods. Do not place rolled puff pastry in the microwave, as it may spoil there.

Defrosting yeast dough

Most often, difficulties arise when working with yeast dough, which is very capricious and, if you make a mistake during defrosting, may not rise.

To understand how to defrost yeast dough, you must follow certain rules.

  • You can put it in two plastic bags, release excess air and put it in warm water, which needs to be changed periodically.
  • Defrost the product by placing it on the lid of a hot pan, wrapped in a bag or foil. In order for thawing to proceed evenly, it must be constantly turned over.
  • To defrost, place the product in a saucepan and place it on the stove next to the lit burners.
  • To quickly defrost, the product is placed in a pan and placed in a water bath. In this case, you need to make sure that it does not stick to the bottom.

It is better not to defrost yeast dough in the microwave. It is believed that yeast loses its properties with this method of thawing. But if such a need arises, then put the dough in the oven for no more than a minute, otherwise the top layer of the product will dry out.

Defrosting puff pastry

Experienced housewives can tell you how to quickly defrost puff pastry. It is not as capricious as yeast, and there are fewer problems with it. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rule: never defrost it in the microwave. The puff pastry will thaw on the counter at room temperature for two hours. For urgent defrosting, you can put it on the battery.

Puff pastry will be tastier and more tender if, after kneading, you place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

To prevent the product from becoming crusty when thawing in air, it is covered with a cloth or paper.

Each housewife has her own way of defrosting. The main thing is that it is correct and does not spoil the quality of the product. It’s better to take care of defrosting the dough early, and then tasty and airy baked goods will be guaranteed.

Experienced housewives call ways to quickly defrost dough “emergency measures” and use them only when absolutely necessary. The slightest mistake - and the dough can easily turn into a lump, covered on the outside with a dry crust.


1 If you have 10 hours left, then you just need to put the dough in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
There it will completely defrost in 10 hours. 2 You can reduce the defrosting time to 3-4 hours if you defrost the dough at room temperature. To do this, you need to take it out of the package, put it on a plate and leave it like that.

3 And if you really don’t have time to wait, you can defrost the puff pastry in the microwave. To do this, you need to put the dough there and turn on the microwave in the “defrost” mode. If your oven does not have such a function, just set the power to 80 watts. Turn the dough constantly and do not let it get too hot.

4For those who do not have a microwave oven, there is another option for quickly defrosting the dough. Wrap the dough in a plastic bag and place it in warm water.

Of course, the most optimal defrosting methods that do not affect the quality of the dough are defrosting at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Use the microwave and warm water only as a last resort.

And it is not recommended to refreeze the dough.

>How to properly defrost frozen yeast dough

For strudel and croissants, roll out the dough thinner, and leave the pies to brown - cut the dough into pucks.

How to defrost puff pastry

Puff pastry is rightfully considered the most capricious, so defrosting must be approached wisely.

It is important to remember forever that the product cannot be defrosted in a microwave or oven. For urgent defrosting, heating devices (stock heating or oil fireplace) are used. The best and most correct way is considered to be defrosting naturally.

To do this, just leave the product at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Do not forget to cover the dough with cling film (can be replaced with gauze cloth). If you are in a hurry, use water defrost. However, there is no need to place the dough in warm liquid. The water should be at room temperature. Otherwise, the dough will lose its layer structure. If we are talking about puff pastry, there is another way. Wrap the frozen product in food foil and gauze. Turn on the gas burner, place the dough in a glass bowl and place it at a distance of 30-40 cm from the device.

There are not many ways to defrost dough at home. The fastest option is using a microwave or oven, but the methods listed are not suitable for puff pastry. You can leave the product at room temperature or place it in water. Choose the method you like and start implementing it.

How to freeze yeast dough step by step instructions with photos:

To work, we will need yeast dough, a baking dish, and cling film.

If you know for sure that you are preparing the dough for freezing, then initially add 4-6% more yeast to the dough than indicated in the recipe. Also try to use flour with a high protein content for kneading. Use slow-release yeast for kneading. Instant yeast will not work here.

After kneading, let the dough rise a little and start freezing. There is no need to let the dough rise a second time.

Divide the dough into portions, wrap in several layers of cling film and place in the freezer.

It is also very convenient to freeze the dough in portions, placing it in those forms in which the dough will rise and bake after defrosting. Grease the mold with a thin layer of vegetable oil and lay out the required amount of dough. Wrap the dough pan in several layers of cling film and place in the freezer for storage.

3. Transfer the dough into a pan and place on a warm stove next to the lit burners. Do not place on the burners!

Effective defrosting methods

There are several basic technologies that will help defrost dough without damaging the structure.

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Particular attention is paid to the puff composition; it cannot be defrosted using thermal appliances

Method No. 1. Natural conditions

This type of dough processing is also called slow, because the procedure takes place under natural conditions.

Open the package of dough and place it on a flat plate or cutting board. Leave for 4 hours at room temperature. During this period, the dough will thaw, as a result of which it can be used for cooking.

Turn the mixture over every hour to ensure even defrosting. If the dough is rolled, after 2 hours it can be unrolled.

If you have time, move the mixture from the freezer to the fruit and vegetable storage drawer (bottom of the refrigerator). In this way, the dough will defrost in 10-12 hours, it all depends on the serving size.

Method No. 2. Oven

Preheat the oven to 90 degrees. For 10 minutes, make sure that there are no fluctuations in the set mode.

Take a baking sheet, line it with 2 layers of parchment paper, sprinkle it with flour. Remove the dough from the packaging (!), then place it on a baking sheet.

Send the mixture into the cabinet cavity, stick to the middle shelf. The duration of defrosting is about 3 minutes, no longer. Throughout the entire period, you need to monitor the process so that the dough does not bake on top.

Method No. 3. Heating radiators

If it is not possible to use an oven, use heating appliances. You can use either a standard radiator or an oil heater. The method is suitable for defrosting dough in the cold season.

Place the product on a flat dish and place it on top of the heating device. Watch the process carefully, turn the dough every half hour.

It is important to prevent the formation of a crust, which usually appears during the chapping process. To do this, place a piece of cling film on the dough. The duration of defrosting depends on the room temperature

As practice shows, the dough becomes soft in 1.5-2 hours

The duration of defrosting depends on the room temperature. As practice shows, the dough becomes soft in 1.5-2 hours.

Method number 4. Microwave

In most cases, after defrosting in the microwave, the dough loses some of its taste. To prevent this, carry out a small preparatory phase.

Remove the mixture from the freezer and leave it on the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 45 minutes. During this period, the composition will soften, as a result of which defrosting will take place without compromising quality.

After preparation, begin the procedure. Remove the product from the packaging and place it in a microwave-safe glass container. Cover with a lid, leaving a small opening.

Set the power to about 90W or use the “Defrost” mode. It is difficult to say for sure how quickly the dough will defrost. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the device.

To begin with, set it for 10-15 minutes, after this period you can evaluate the result. Every 30 seconds, pause the microwave and turn the dough over.

This move will allow the composition to defrost evenly. Otherwise, a crust will appear on the surface or the dough will begin to bake locally.

Method No. 5. Water

Many housewives prefer to defrost the dough, as they say, the old fashioned way. For this, cold or room temperature water is used.

Prepare thick plastic bags without holes. You will need about 5-6 pieces

It is important that liquid does not penetrate into the cavity, otherwise the dough will become unusable.

Wrap the product in plastic and tie tightly. Pour cold water into a bowl and lower the dough into the cavity. Remove it after 20 minutes.

Now fill the container with slightly warm water and put the dough inside again. Take it out after 35-50 minutes. During this period the product will defrost. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, change the cooled water with warm water every 5-7 minutes.

Quick defrost options

There are situations when there is simply no time for slow defrosting. Guests should suddenly arrive, or they forgot to take the dough out of the freezer in advance.

In this case, you will have to resort to quick defrosting options. An oven, microwave or battery is suitable for this.

So, how to quickly defrost dough in the microwave?

Most modern household appliances have a special defrosting mode. It is indicated by a snowflake or a drop of water. In order to defrost dough in a microwave oven, you need to select the appropriate mode, set the type of product and weight. The time required for defrosting will be set automatically according to these parameters. Also, during this process, it is advisable to turn the dough several times so that defrosting is carried out evenly. It is advisable, even when using a microwave, to give the dough at least a little time so that its middle completely thaws at room temperature.

If the microwave oven does not have a special defrosting mode, you need to set the power and timer yourself. As a rule, with a power of 50 W, defrosting will take from 3 to 5 minutes. And if you increase the power to 100 W, 50 seconds will be enough. If the dough is large, you can increase the time to 1.5-2 minutes.

You should not choose maximum power. Contrary to expectations, this will not speed up the process, but will only ruin the dough. It will crust on the outside but remain raw on the inside. To achieve maximum efficiency and preserve the quality of the product, you need to place it in a plastic container or use special foil for microwave ovens.

You can put the dough on the stand and together with it on the radiator, in which case the defrosting process will take 30-40 minutes.

Another option to speed up defrosting is to use the oven. It needs to be heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and then the dough. You can sprinkle a little water to prevent the dough from drying out. Complete thawing will take anywhere from five to twenty minutes, depending on the size. During the process, you can cut the thawed large piece into smaller ones to speed it up.

What is the best way to store fresh yeast?

I cut them into pieces and put them in the freezer.

Today, after defrosting, I discovered that the yeast was dead (or almost dead, it lost 50% of its strength)

What temperature do you need in the refrigerator?

I was somewhere around -5..-7.

Yes, defrosted at 7 for 12 hours.

Question: How can crystallization be prevented? immerse in oil?

Two or three weeks are perfectly stored in the refrigerator (depending on the manufacturer and shelf life) at 2-3. then only in the freezer. if I don’t plan to use during these two weeks, then immediately into the freezer. I don’t really understand why they died for you? Is there a characteristic smell?

Yes, and they completely melted away.

Eat. Grow your own starter.

even I find it funny))

this is a little off topic

This is a good method if the yeast is initially of normal quality. I buy a kilogram and divide it into 50 grams. I wrap it in foil and freeze it. A 50 gram pack thawed in the refrigerator can be stored for at least 2 weeks

I’m curious, why do you need yeast in such quantities, if you have repeatedly stated that you have finally and irrevocably switched to Sourdough (TM)?

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Washing faux leather products – Home tips – Home

1 kg is yeast produced in Russia?

if so, do you consider them to be the best in terms of quality relative to the French ones?

I clarify that we are talking about pressed baker's yeast

what is the loss of strength? I'm around 60%

I'm sorry, but why keep them? They must be bought when they are needed, and they must be stored dry.

and when I'm not working, they do the same

What to do if the body experiences acute pie deficiency? I just open the freezer and...

Crystallization of Cellular Structures!

You are jealous of the clarity of thought and are simply finding fault.

After deciphering, I would venture to assume that comrade means the destruction of cellular structures due to crystallization. I am not ready to discuss the reasonableness of the assumption itself - they are tenacious mushrooms, what do they need this crystallization.

I would not freeze the yeast - even in 6.12 weeks, up to 40.50% of the “yeast” dies. In addition, when freezing, yeast cells are partially damaged, lose their viability, some of them die, and this reduces the elastic properties and gas-holding capacity of the dough (if you are using dough). And dead yeast cells impair gluten cohesion. The result is that the dough becomes sticky and stretchy.

Freezing yeast can be slow, quick at temperatures down to -24ºC, or deep in a nitrogen environment at -195ºC (I think you should especially like this method). Such yeast should be stored at a temperature from -8ºС to -25ºС. The longer the shelf life, the lower the temperature should be.

For freezing, you need to choose stable yeast. Stability is affected by many factors, including the strain, its cold tolerance, and the freshness of the yeast. It is recommended to freeze yeast that does not have very high fermentation activity (so-called compressed yeast with an average rate of gas formation).

To increase the protection of yeast, they are sometimes treated with glycerin, oleic or linoleic acid, sunflower oil, phosphate concentrate, egg yolk, etc.

Of the brands of yeast I know, the best for freezing is .

Some experts do not advise speeding up this process. The ice should melt naturally. They claim that sudden temperature changes very often cause overheating and then breakdown of freezing devices. Remember, for example, what happens to a glass jar if you suddenly pour boiling water into it. But it’s up to you, dear hostesses!

Microwave crispy puff pastry

It happens that you can’t cook in an oven: either you don’t have one, or it’s temporarily not functioning, or it’s too hot at home without baking. In this case, there is a great idea: bake puff pastries in the microwave!

Baking from the microwave

Many people think that you can’t cook delicious food in a microwave, especially baked goods. Dispel this myth yourself by trying this cheese puff recipe.

  1. Defrost the dough, roll it out into a layer 2-3 mm thick and cut into rectangles.
  2. For the filling, grind the cheese using a grater, add mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. You can also add herbs to taste.
  3. Place the filling on the dough, form into puffs and coat with beaten egg.
  4. We place the preparations on a microwave-safe plate and put them in the oven.
  5. Set the microwave to 800 W. Bake the pies for exactly 10 minutes.
  6. At the end of baking, do not rush to remove the puff pastries from the oven, leave them there for another five minutes, and then serve immediately.

How to quickly defrost puff pastry

Before you plan to bake using puff pastry, you need to clearly know the defrosting time for store-bought goods. Processing with water will take half an hour, in the oven at 70-80 degrees - 3 minutes.

If the portion is small, you can use the microwave. The product is released from packaging and put into defrost mode.

Here is the best and fastest way. It is used without an oven or microwave oven.

For quick and high-quality results you need:

  1. Place the semi-finished product on the table.
  2. Warm up its surface with a hairdryer at minimum power.
  3. Turn over and heat the other side.
  4. Turn over again and repeat the procedure.

The good thing about this method is that the product changes temperature evenly.

Attention! If the housewife uses the oven, she must clearly note the time. If you overexpose it even a little, the semi-finished product will become an inedible dried crust.

Conditions for defrosting Filo dough

This type of product consists of thin layers and cannot be quickly defrosted.

In order to preserve the structure of the semi-finished product and its taste, it is necessary to remove the product from the freezer, remove it from the packaging and place it on the middle shelf in the refrigerator.

If you thaw a semi-finished product in the kitchen, the thin sheets will stick together and become completely unsuitable for baking. This is the main disadvantage of Filo compared to other types of ready-made baking dough. While the product is thawing in the refrigerator, the housewife can start preparing the filling for homemade pies.


After cooking the dish, there may be excess dough left. To avoid throwing it away, it is frozen at home. For example, this can be done in the freezer. There the product will not lose its beneficial and nutritional qualities. You can freeze not only the dough, but also dishes made from it, for example, pies, pies, bread, dumplings, manti. Finished products are stored frozen for a very long time, up to 2 months. If necessary, you can take them out of the freezer and quickly prepare lunch or dinner.

To preserve the quality of the dough, it must be frozen correctly. To do this, it is rolled into a thin sausage and chopped into small pieces. Finished parts are wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film

An important rule: moisture should not get into the packaging before freezing, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality of the product.

The dough is then placed in the freezer. It sets the minimum temperature. This is necessary for the product to set quickly. When 2 weeks have passed, the temperature can be lowered by 3 degrees. In order for the product to be stored correctly when frozen, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The yeast dough is laid in this way: the separated pieces are placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Over time, the yeast composition increases, but maintaining a distance between the parts will prevent them from sticking together.
  2. Any type of dough can be stored in the freezer for no more than 4 months. After this, the product dries out and loses its beneficial properties and adhesiveness.
  3. Once a frozen product has been used, it should not be re-frozen. The remaining pieces are discarded.
  4. There is a way to freeze in foil: the dough is chopped into pieces, each sprinkled with flour. Then the total mass is gently kneaded until the surface becomes matte. The field of this composition is wrapped in foil. Do not allow air or moisture to enter.

Cooking a cupcake with caramels in a mug in the microwave

Let's quickly prepare a cupcake in a mug in the microwave from the following products:

4 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, a quarter teaspoon baking powder, 2 caramels, a quarter teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon olive oil, 3 tablespoons milk.

In a small bowl, thoroughly stir together flour, cocoa, sugar, baking powder, milk, egg, salt, and vegetable oil until smooth. Pour the mixture into a mug, dropping the caramels into the center one at a time.

Prepare 1 kilogram of wheat flour, one and a half glasses of milk, 6 eggs, 300 grams of butter, 1 glass of sugar, 50 grams of dry yeast, 3/4 teaspoon of salt, 150 grams of raisins, 50 grams of candied fruits, 50 grams of almonds.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add 500 grams and half of all the flour, mixing thoroughly to avoid lumps. Place the resulting dough in a warm place, covered with a towel.

After the dough has risen well, having doubled in volume, add the egg yolks, ground with sugar and salt, the rest of the flour, and softened butter. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the egg whites whipped into a thick foam.

How to choose a frozen product

The purchased composition is subjected to express freezing, as a result of which the dough is stored longer

It is important to always remember that you cannot freeze a product twice. There are several main types of dough, each of them uses its own freezing option. Depending on the purpose, the following varieties are distinguished: puff, yeast-free, yeast, shortbread, gingerbread, etc.

Before purchasing, carefully evaluate the product for compliance with storage conditions. It is worth remembering forever that high-quality dough based on natural ingredients cannot have a low price policy. As a rule, leading manufacturing companies ask for 80-140 rubles per 0.5 kg. composition. Inspect the dough for the presence, or rather absence, of foreign debris. The composition must move freely within the packaging and not stick to the film. The correct dough has a matte surface, the product is rolled into a roll. Study the label. On the reverse side you should find information about the manufacturer, supplier, date of production and packaging. Particular attention is paid to the shelf life, it should not be prohibitively long. The film in which the dough is placed must be hermetically sealed. The presence of holes or soldered places indicates that the composition has previously been opened. It is also important to know how the dough was frozen. The number of layers is of particular importance. The larger it is, the softer, richer and more nutritious the finished baked goods will be. As a rule, dough with yeast has 30-40 layers, while without yeast the figure varies between 220-230 layers. Read the “Ingredients” column on the back of the package. Make sure the dough does not contain any harmful ingredients that you are not aware of. Make sure that there are no cracks or crusts on the surface of the product.

Many housewives understand that the quality of the dough will be higher if you freeze it at home. After the procedure, the product is sent to the freezer; this move will help preserve its beneficial properties. Not everyone knows that not only “raw materials” can be frozen, but also finished products based on them. This includes buns, pies, dumplings and even bread. In this case, the shelf life will be 1.5-2 months. To properly freeze the prepared dough, roll it into a “sausage”, then chop into pieces. Wrap the products in a thick plastic bag. Make sure that no moisture gets into the packaging. Place the mixture in the freezer. Make sure that the cavity is set to the minimum temperature. This move will ensure quick setting. After two weeks, the temperature can be increased by 2 degrees. To increase shelf life up to 3 months, place finished dough pieces correctly. Place the yeast dough at a distance of 2 cm

from each other as it will begin to expand in size after freezing. It is important to remember that any frozen dough should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 months. After the specified period, the composition loses its properties, becomes less sticky and dries out.

Do not re-freeze after partial use; throw leftovers in the trash. You can freeze it in foil. To do this, sprinkle the chopped pieces with flour and knead a little. When the surface becomes completely matte, wrap the product in foil. Keep air and moisture away.

How to buy high-quality frozen dough?

The process of preparing the dough takes some time and causes a lot of trouble. For this reason, housewives are increasingly buying a ready-made product of the desired type. In order not to encounter difficulties during use, you should choose the following components correctly:

  • The dough can only be purchased in sealed packaging. Violation of the integrity of the container will lead to spoilage of the product even if it is very quickly delivered from the store to the home freezer.
  • The label should indicate how the product is frozen. If it is not indicated, the product was produced in artisanal conditions and its quality is very questionable.
  • Pay attention to the number of layers, this indicator will give you an idea of ​​how tasty the final product will be. A yeast-free dough should have at least 225, and a yeast dough should have at least 35.

Tip: Despite the fact that industrially frozen dough can be stored for months, it is better to purchase fresh dough. Over time, the texture of the component will change, sometimes unnecessary notes will be added to the clean smell.

  • Frozen products should not contain preservatives. The fewer ingredients in the composition, the better.
  • A lot can be said by the appearance of the dough, so you should choose products that are packaged in transparent bags. The lump of product should not stick to the packaging, appear wet or have inclusions of a different color from the base.

High-quality products are accompanied by defrosting instructions. Its absence should be alarming, because... by this, the manufacturer, as it were, relieves itself of all responsibility for the condition of the component after heat treatment.

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