7 super cool ways to defrost dough without a microwave

Housewives add live yeast to the dough to make the baked goods fluffy and soft. But they are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks, and at room temperature even less - about a day. How to store yeast if it is not possible to regularly replenish the supply?

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You can freeze compressed yeast in the freezer, you can dry it, or you can make your own yeast.

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“So Simple!” know all the intricacies of these processes, as well as how to use yeast for baking after long-term storage. .

What is the best way to store fresh yeast?

I cut them into pieces and put them in the freezer.
Today, after defrosting, I discovered that the yeast was dead (or almost dead, it lost 50% of its strength)

What temperature do you need in the refrigerator?

I was somewhere around -5..-7.

Yes, I defrosted it at +7 for 12 hours.

Question: How can crystallization be prevented? immerse in oil?

Two or three weeks are perfectly stored in the refrigerator (depending on the manufacturer and shelf life) at +2-3. then only in the freezer. if I don’t plan to use during these two weeks, then immediately into the freezer. I don’t really understand why they died for you? Is there a characteristic smell?

Yes, and they completely melted away.

Eat. Grow your own starter.

even I find it funny))

this is a little off topic

This is a good method if the yeast is initially of normal quality. I buy a kilogram and divide it into 50 grams. I wrap it in foil and freeze it. A 50 gram pack thawed in the refrigerator can be stored for at least 2 weeks

I’m curious, why do you need yeast in such quantities, if you have repeatedly stated that you have finally and irrevocably switched to Sourdough (TM)?

1 kg is yeast produced in Russia?

if so, do you consider them to be the best in terms of quality relative to the French ones?

I clarify that we are talking about pressed baker's yeast

what is the loss of strength? I'm around 60%

I'm sorry, but why keep them? They must be bought when they are needed, and they must be stored dry.

and when I'm not working, they do the same

What to do if the body experiences acute pie deficiency? I just open the freezer and...

Crystallization of Cellular Structures!

You are jealous of the clarity of thought and are simply finding fault.

After deciphering, I would venture to assume that comrade means the destruction of cellular structures due to crystallization. I am not ready to discuss the reasonableness of the assumption itself - they are tenacious mushrooms, what do they need this crystallization.

I would not freeze the yeast - even in 6.12 weeks, up to 40.50% of the “yeast” dies. In addition, when freezing, yeast cells are partially damaged, lose their viability, some of them die, and this reduces the elastic properties and gas-holding capacity of the dough (if you are using dough). And dead yeast cells impair gluten cohesion. The result is that the dough becomes sticky and stretchy.

Freezing yeast can be slow, quick at temperatures down to -24ºC, or deep in a nitrogen environment at -195ºC (I think you should especially like this method). Such yeast should be stored at a temperature from -8ºС to -25ºС. The longer the shelf life, the lower the temperature should be.

For freezing, you need to choose stable yeast. Stability is affected by many factors, including the strain, its cold tolerance, and the freshness of the yeast. It is recommended to freeze yeast that does not have very high fermentation activity (so-called compressed yeast with an average rate of gas formation). Such yeast must contain at least 30% dry matter, protein content - at least 55% per dry matter, lifting force no more than 65 minutes. Special frost-resistant compressed baker's yeast is best suited for freezing.

To increase the protection of yeast, they are sometimes treated with glycerin, oleic or linoleic acid, sunflower oil, phosphate concentrate, egg yolk, etc.

Of the brands of yeast I know, the best for freezing is .


Which yeast is better to use for baking pizza - pressed or dry?

Any type of yeast, both pressed and dry, is suitable for baking pizza.
There are certain features of using both of them: - pressed yeast must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4º/6º C, shelf life is 35 days; dry ones can be stored at room temperature, but it is advisable to use opened packs on the same day, or, seal them tightly, store them at +4C for a week; — the ratio of replacement of pressed yeast to dry yeast is 3:1; — instant yeast is “afraid” of contact with ice water and ice, so when kneading cold dough, it should be added closer to the end of the kneading, when all the ice has melted; the temperature of the mass will be higher than +12ºС, or at the beginning of kneading, after mixing with a small amount of warm water +32º/35ºС until the consistency of thick sour cream. For baking regular wheat bread, is deactivated yeast used as an additive along with regular dry or compressed yeast or as an independent element for rising dough?
Dry deactivated yeast is a special improver for weakening gluten, designed to work with flour with short-tearing gluten, to maintain the shape given to dough pieces during proofing and baking, so they do not affect the formation of yeast in any way.
Is it possible to freeze compressed yeast?
Undesirable, because
static cold, or rather ice crystals, deforms the yeast cells and this negatively affects the lifting force of the yeast. I bought frozen yeast in a store, what should I do and how to check if it is suitable for use?
Pre-defrost them - put them in a regular refrigerator (+4C), they will thaw in a few hours.
And then try to bake something - this is the only way to test it at home. You can activate them - add them to warm water (+35º/37ºС), add a little flour and sugar, and leave for 5 minutes, stir. After 5-6 minutes, a “yeast cap” should appear - the first sign that the yeast is active. What is the difference between baker's yeast and top-fermenting brewer's yeast - is it all "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" yeast?
Yes, these are the same type of yeast, but the strains are different.
Does baker's yeast contain gluten?
Yeast, although baker's yeast, does not contain gluten, and no flour is used during its cultivation and growth.
The main substrate as a source of sugars and minerals is molasses. Gluten is the swollen protein in wheat flour (gliadin and glutenin). Do you need to mix the yeast with the flour first and only then do the rest?
At first I messed up a lot by dissolving them directly in milk without flour. If we are talking about dry active yeast, then you must first dilute it in warm water (+32º/35ºС) before adding it to the flour. If it is dry instant yeast, then it can be added either directly to the flour or diluted in water/milk for better distribution over the dough (kneading). Perhaps you dissolved the yeast in hot, or vice versa, very cold milk, so fermentation did not take place. Yeast is living organisms, they are very sensitive to temperature. The optimum of their vital activity is + 35º/38ºС. Exactly at this temperature, when they enter the substrate, they release the largest amount of carbon dioxide, which loosens the dough and forms the crumb of the product. The
composition of dry yeast may include sorbiat monostearate. Is it of animal or plant origin and what is the volume of this emulsifier in the yeast? A
natural source of stearic acid from by which monosorbitan stearate is synthesized - these are both vegetable oils and animal fats. By weight, it is much less than 1/60.
Will dry yeast lose its properties in an open packet?
An open pack, if stored at +4ºС (preferably hermetically sealed), can be triggered within 2/3 days, at +18ºС - within 7/10 days.
Otherwise, you will notice a significant decrease in the gas-forming ability of the yeast. In a home bread machine, which is better to use instant or active yeast?
Active dry yeast must be dissolved in warm water (+32º/35º C) before being added to the batch.
Dry instant yeast can be used directly in flour without dilution. The approximate ratio of dry active to dry instant is 1:1. It is advisable to use an open package of instant yeast within 1 day, or a hermetically sealed package with storage at +4ºС for a week. If an open packet is stored at +18ºС, it can be used within 2/3 weeks, but most likely you will feel a decrease in yeast activity. Therefore, at home it is easier and more convenient to work with dry instant yeast. What is the difference between special yeast for pizza?
Can pizza yeast be used to make kvass? Pizza yeast uses a special strain of baker's yeast with a high content of glutathione (a substance that acts as a reducing agent on the gluten framework, which ensures ease of rolling the dough piece into a layer and maintaining a uniform shape after proofing and baking).
In principle, you can try them for making kvass if the aroma does not bother you. Which yeast strains have more “live” strains - instant or active?
They are all alive.
If you bake bread with kefir, can it negatively affect the functioning of the yeast?
A live beer or kvass? To inhibit the work of yeast, you need to create very strong acidity.
Nothing bad will happen when adding kefir, just like when adding beer and kvass. You can safely use the usual dosages of yeast. What is the best dry/pressed yeast for pan bread?
Both dry and compressed yeast are equally good for pan bread.
Why do you need to pour dry yeast into the bread machine first and sprinkle with flour so that the yeast does not come into contact with water?
There really is no point if you are not going to use ice water or ice.
Dry yeast is “afraid” of low temperatures (it is advisable to use water at least +15C). Is yeast able to show its activity when storing partially baked products under normal conditions?
When the partial baking process is carried out correctly (regardless of whether it is classic or “express”), the temperature in the center of the half-baked product reaches +95º/97ºС, as in the fully baked product.
Because yeast cells completely die (denature) at +60º/65ºС, then even in partially baked products the yeast dies completely. The bread did not rise... I took milk from the refrigerator.
All instant yeast have a small disadvantage - such yeast are afraid of direct contact with cold water, in this case milk.
The fact is that during the manufacturing process, this yeast experiences drying “stress” (exposure to high temperatures). When yeast comes into contact with cold liquids, its gas-forming ability decreases, so the bread did not rise and did not turn out fluffy as you expected. Next time before adding milk, warm it up a little, to a maximum of +35C. I am very concerned about the topic of using GMOs in yeast production.
All yeast strains currently used in the production of all types of yeast, both dry and compressed, are in no way genetically modified organisms.
What are osmotolerant yeasts, how do they work, what is their mechanism?
Osmotolerant yeast (or otherwise sugar-tolerant), unlike ordinary strains of highly active yeast, have a smaller amount of the enzyme invertase in the cell wall.
As a result, sugar from the external environment enters the cell gradually and the yeast cell slowly “processes” it. At the same time, the yeast does not experience the “stress” of high osmotic pressure, like ordinary yeast, and does not lose the ability to normal metabolism, release a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide and the fermentation process of the dough does not slow down. When calculating water, you need to know the moisture content of dry yeast.
The humidity of dry yeast is 7% -8%.
They practically do not play a role in the calculation. Is it possible to remove the buoyancy of the dough by simply increasing the amount of yeast?
The reasons for “floatiness” can be different, ranging from the quality of the flour (poor quality/quantity of gluten, excessive enzyme content, perhaps even protease, which negatively affects the gluten framework), as well as from the quality of the yeast.
If the yeast is of unsatisfactory quality (old or stored in incorrect conditions), then increasing its dosage can cause even greater stickiness and spreadability of the dough (due to the high content of dead yeast cells and the presence of glutathione). You can adjust the quality of flour by adding an improver. Before using deactivated yeast, you need to know for sure that flour has short-tearing gluten?
Or will they perform well with normal flour? If you are working with normal quality wheat flour, but you are not satisfied with the plastic properties of the dough made from this flour, i.e., for example, when making pizza or yeast-free puff pastry, the workpieces shrink and do not hold their shape well (instead of a circle you get an oval), then you can add a minimum or an average dosage of deactivated yeast (0.06-0.1% by weight of flour).
If you see problems even on ordinary products, the products tear strongly during proofing, and shrink during baking towards the end - then most likely you have flour with short-tearing gluten. The dosage of regular yeast when used together with deactivated yeast does not change. I want to switch from using pressed yeast to instant yeast.
Please tell me, will this improve the taste and aroma characteristics of the products? When using instant yeast, you should take into account its features: - instant yeast “does not like” contact with ice and ice water, unlike pressed yeast.
— with a short batch, it is better to rehydrate the instant (dilute in water), otherwise the yeast vermicelli will not have time to dissolve. The replacement will not affect the taste, because you are pitching the same amount of yeast (difference in humidity, same strain). Substitution is justified if you want to save on storage space and refrigerator. Which pressed yeast is best for fermenting sugar wort?
Who has osmocharacter.
How to increase the shelf life of croissants to 30 days.
To prolong the freshness of croissants (as well as other cotton products), you need to “act” in two directions: - prolongation of softness and prolongation of microbiological purity.
From the point of view of “microbiology”: - increasing the acidity of the dough (using starters, you can try a ready-made starter or a starter for breeding a natural starter); - the use of preservatives (for croissants it is advisable to provide protection against mold and wild yeast - calcium propianate, sorbic acid); - replacing part of the sugar with dextrose (to increase osmotic pressure); From the point of view of softness: - adding glucose syrup (with recalculation of the total sweetness); — adding an improver for softness; - adding powdered milk (lactose is not fermented by yeast and actively participates in the Maillard reaction, which allows products to be baked less, dried out less, and products are softer). And of course, it is very important to set the “correct” baking parameters - high setting, then lowering and shortening the baking duration in order to retain more of the initial moisture content of the crumb. I ask for your help in selecting the optimal components for pizza in a baking sheet.
My goal is to make “thick” pizza as airy and light as possible, and definitely not perishable. The crumb structure I am striving for is shown in the photo. Is it possible to put some of the dough in the refrigerator for use the next morning? You will not get porosity as in the photo, because...
it shows a traditional baguette. Knead at speed 1, there is no need to develop a perfect gluten film, otherwise there will be problems when rolling. The dough can be “blocked” in the refrigerator (24-48 hours), reducing the amount of yeast to 1% and slightly reducing the amount of water per batch. Is it possible to use the partial baking technology to make regular home-baked mince pies?
I read somewhere that not every filling tolerates freezing and baking well. You are right - not every filling is suitable for the technology of frozen dough semi-finished products and you need to use heat-stable, fat-based fillings, otherwise you will get a strong “hardening” of the dough under the filling and large voids.
Basically, small products with fillings, such as pies, are baked completely and frozen after cooling. And before serving, there is the usual heating in the oven (microwave, steam table...). Tell me, why block the fermentation of pizza dough? We add yeast so that the dough ferments?
Many pizzerias work precisely on the principle of blocking fermentation.
Knead the dough, divide the dough pieces, round them, and place them in the refrigerator. Fermentation is going on there, just very slowly. Yeast has a substrate, but it processes it much more slowly than under normal conditions. This way you can work for 72 hours. This is done to make work easier. You order pizza and wait a maximum of 10-15 minutes. The cook does not need to knead the dough for each pizza; he has blanks, which he immediately rolls out, applies the topping and immediately sends for baking without proofing. It is very convenient and mobile. In addition, fermentation blocking is used everywhere in Europe because... It is legally prohibited to work in a bakery for more than 6 days without days off. Therefore, during 1 day off, proofing is blocked for 24-72 hours, then the temperature in the proofing is increased and the products are baked. With this technology, the addition of yeast is usually reduced because... , I repeat once again, fermentation, although slowly, is happening. “Rest of the dough for 1 hour at t +4°C in the refrigerator” is a way to slow down fermentation or does it somehow affect the taste or shape of the product and what to do if you don’t need to use all the dough after resting, but only part of it (leave in the refrigerator until moment of use or leave at room temperature)?
On the contrary, the longer the fermentation, the richer the taste and aroma of the product.
The dough pieces are placed in the refrigerator both to slow down fermentation and to give the dough greater plasticity (the products are easier to roll into a layer and the dough pieces retain their given shape). If you haven't used up all the dough, the pieces can continue to be in the refrigerator. Could you please suggest an accelerated, non-steamed method for 1st grade wheat bread?
First grade flour has a grayish tint, so we recommend using an improver to whiten the crumb.
But: it will still depend on the type of dough mixer. If this is a slow, single-speed kneading, then it is advisable to increase the fermentation to form a gluten framework during the fermentation process. If you use 2-speed, then, especially if an improver is used, fermentation can be kept to a minimum (30 min). But in any case, it is better not to get carried away with 2-speed, otherwise you will get such common defects as: “crocodile » crust, retraction of the walls of the bread, crumbling of the crumb. If you fundamentally do not want to work sponge, then it is advisable to slightly “acidify” the dough either by adding “ripe” fermented dough or by adding starter. This will help avoid getting a crumbly crumb, and the bread will be stored longer (softness + microbiology). Donut recipe for donut appart.
The only point is that for ease of depositing, the amount of water per batch must be increased until the desired consistency is obtained.
If the flour contains enough good quality gluten, then you can do without an improver. If the result is not satisfactory, you can use a bakery improver. Can you help me with a universal technology for preparing pizza dough?
Division, rounding.
Then you can place the dough pieces in the refrigerator (for 30-40 minutes). If necessary, these chilled dough pieces can be processed within 8-10 hours. We do not recommend keeping the dough in the refrigerator longer for several reasons: - yeast and flour enzymes “work” even at +4C, accumulating acidity and other waste products, which can affect the rheology of the dough (excessive stickiness), looseness, and taste of the finished product; - there is a risk of the dough becoming moldy; after 10-12 hours, black spots begin to appear on the dough - these are the first signs of microbiological spoilage. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the presence of preservatives (for example, citric acid), and this in turn requires increased yeast production (inhibition occurs), which negatively affects the taste of the product. Molding, applying topping, filling. Bakery. Crispy properties will depend, among other things, on the baking parameters: - setting temperature is higher than +240º/260ºC, especially if the baked goods are on disks; - for example, baking is shorter. How can you improve the softness of your baked pizza?
For thick pizza, increase the amount of yeast.
The crumb will be more loosened. I'm writing a thesis on freezing bread! Can you help with literature?
1. “Production of products from frozen dough” Karl Kulp, Klaus Lorenz, Junger Brummer St. Petersburg, 2005. 2. “Closed and frozen products” Stringer M, Dennis K., Profession, 2004.
B stores saw an incredible volume of dairy bread with brans, Moreover, a slice of bread with brans can be rolled into a roll and it will not break.
You can find out what is added to the dough to obtain such an effect? Special improvers, which include emulsifiers and monoglycerides.
They help to get an elastic necrocent crumb with a good structure of porosity, and maintain freshness for a long time. Please help with the parameters of baking to the city roll.
What nuances need to pay attention to to get a good opening of the scallop. We recommend a high landing temperature +240º/250ºС, taking into account the inertia of the furnace and we can make a slight imperfection to ensure “strength” for disclosure.
I didn’t start starting such bread as “Pet”, but I can’t get an “discovery” effect.
The effect of opening the pocket in Pete depends mostly on the baking temperature.
Usually, special grades are used with a temperature of 500-600C with a baking duration for 20-40 seconds. On ordinary furnaces, this is problematic, but you can give you the following recommendations. Kreak the dough only at 1 speed, you do not need to develop a gluten frame! This is important, the dough should be unprofitable. Secondly, the temperature of the mixed dough should be quite high +30º/32ºС, and in consistency as a rifled loaf. Arming 30-40 min. To improve rolling, you can make deactivated yeast to weaken the gluten frame. Division. Rounding. Rolling up to 1.5-2 mm. Walking -30 min at +35ºС. Bakery. If there is no special furnace - a rotary or scam furnace with the highest possible temperature. It is advisable to throw blanks on already hot sheets in the furnace or on a hot under. What is possible to use for products of 1 grade flour (loaf, cub) for the tradition of visible characteristics (volume, lighter crumb) like products from the highest grade?
For loaves - it is best to work in a sparful way, 2/3 of the flour in dough. Opra can be kneading more cool than usual (not +28º/30ºC, a +26º/28ºC) and let stand longer. This will improve the rheological characteristics of the test. When kneading the dough, add improveders for bleaching and volume, for the volume and color of the crust.

How to freeze

There are few situations when you need to freeze yeast dough. You might not have calculated the proportions and there would be some leftover after baking. Or you bought a store-bought semi-finished product, but have not yet decided when you will use the product. In any case, thanks to modern freezers, you can store both ready-made semi-finished products and already formed products.

You can freeze homemade dough or store-bought dough. The finished semi-finished product is sold frozen or chilled. If you do not plan to cook anything with it in the next 2 days, immediately place it in the freezer after purchasing it. The process of freezing homemade dough is different.

  1. First you need to knead it well, removing excess carbon dioxide.
  2. Then divide the resulting mass into parts and roll each piece in flour.
  3. Pack them individually in a sealed bag to prevent moisture and air from entering.
  4. Write the date the dough was made on the bags and place them in the refrigerator.

This is necessary for the dough to cool and the fermentation process to slow down. Once cooled, transfer the bags to the freezer.

If you freeze excess dough, remember that the semi-finished yeast product spoils quickly, so do not delay freezing it. Otherwise, it will begin to sour and will be unsuitable for further use. If you are making dough specifically for freezing, use slow-release yeast and increase the quantity slightly.

If you know you'll be baking, you can freeze the yeast dough in a baking dish. To do this, you must first grease the container with vegetable oil, distribute the dough in it and cover the top with a bag or food foil.

Frozen dough made at home can be stored for up to 3 months. The store-bought semi-finished product retains its properties for up to six months from the date of manufacture.

The temperature in the freezer should be -18 °C. If the freezer has a common door with the refrigerator, then the temperature is constantly changing. In this case, it is better to use frozen dough before the maximum shelf life has expired.

Defrosting method

In order for the dough to retain its properties, it must be defrosted gradually. First put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it thaws, knead and let it brew in a warm place. This is necessary to saturate the mass with oxygen and make it fluffy. When its quantity doubles, you can start baking. Yeast dough is not re-frozen.

If you froze the formed products:

  • Once thawed, let them rise.
  • Then you can move on to baking.

Any baked goods can be made from frozen dough. It does not differ in taste from freshly prepared.

By following these simple tips, you can preserve the taste value of yeast dough for a long time, save yourself from the labor-intensive process of preparing it, and also pamper your family with homemade baked goods at any time.

How to freeze dough yourself

  1. Many housewives understand that the quality of the dough will be higher if you freeze it at home. After the procedure, the product is sent to the freezer; this move will help preserve its beneficial properties.
  2. Not everyone knows that not only “raw materials” can be frozen, but also finished products based on them. This includes buns, pies, dumplings and even bread. In this case, the shelf life will be 1.5-2 months.
  3. To properly freeze the prepared dough, roll it into a “sausage”, then chop into pieces. Wrap the products in a thick plastic bag. Make sure that no moisture gets into the packaging.
  4. Place the mixture in the freezer. Make sure that the cavity is set to the minimum temperature. This move will ensure quick setting. After two weeks, the temperature can be increased by 2 degrees.
  5. To increase shelf life up to 3 months, place finished dough pieces correctly. Place the yeast dough at a distance of 2 cm from each other, as it will begin to increase in size after freezing.
  6. It is important to remember that any frozen dough should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 months. After the specified period, the composition loses its properties, becomes less sticky and dries out. Do not re-freeze after partial use; throw leftovers in the trash.
  7. You can freeze it in foil. To do this, sprinkle the chopped pieces with flour and knead a little. When the surface becomes completely matte, wrap the product in foil. Keep air and moisture away.

Delicious recipe! Charlotte without margarine and butter

Correct freezing technology

Modern freezers have sufficient power to ensure deep freezing of yeast dough and long-term storage. At the kneading stage, two nuances need to be taken into account.

  • Firstly, you need to use fresh yeast, quick-acting yeast is not suitable, and add 5-7% more yeast than is prescribed in the recipe.
  • Secondly, preference should be given to “strong” flour with a gluten content of 30-32%.

How to freeze yeast dough:

  1. The dough is thoroughly kneaded. Give 5-10 minutes to “rest”.
  2. The kneaded dough is divided into large parts if you plan to bake pies or bread from it in the future. Or into small ones, for example, for buns, which are immediately formed into “balls”.
  3. Next, choose a storage format. In the first option, the divided dough is placed in containers or baking dishes, greased with vegetable oil, and covered with cling film or foil on top. In the second, they are rolled in flour, put into bags, squeezed out the air, and tied. The formed small products are laid out on a board sprinkled with flour and covered with film. The rolled out pizza dough is placed between two layers of siliconized parchment, placed in a large bag, and the edges are folded.
  4. The packaged dough is briefly cooled in the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process, then transferred to the freezer. By this time, the lowest possible temperature should be set at which the dough should be kept for at least a week. Then stored at an average temperature of -15 °C.

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Excess dough that has already risen but is not used for baking can also be frozen. Its quality after defrosting will be slightly worse than that of a specially prepared one, especially if quick yeast and flour not rich in gluten were used. However, at least you can bake a pizza or a short pie from it.

Important Terms

  1. Oxygen Yeast feeds on sugars, and in the process of life, it consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, the bubbles of which “get stuck” in the gluten of the dough, making the bread porous and fluffy.
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    In order for the yeast to breathe, it must be stored in a package that does not impede the access of air. For example, in paper.

  2. Acidity The normal pH value for yeast is in the range of 4.5–5. Long-term storage in an alkaline environment (for example, salt) inhibits yeast cells.
  3. Temperature The most favorable temperature for yeast propagation is 25–28 degrees. Alcoholic fermentation is most active at a temperature of 30–35 degrees.

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    At temperatures of 45–50 degrees and above, yeast cells die.

How to properly freeze meat

Of course, it is better to cook from fresh and chilled meat. However, this is not always possible. Keeps frozen fresh. Properly frozen meat products do not lose their taste, beneficial properties and aroma. The shelf life is about a year. Proper packing and freezing allows you to easily and quickly defrost meat at home.

Before storing, remove the packaging and cut a large piece of meat into small portions. Place the pieces into individual freezer bags. If you don't want to cut up the meat, you can freeze large pieces or the whole carcass. This is especially true for those who plan to bake or cook whole products in the future.

Before storing, the products are thoroughly washed and dried, then put into a bag. Sign the packages. The minced meat is divided into compact portions, each part is placed in a separate bag and carefully rolled out. In a flat form, it will defrost faster. In addition, it will take up less space in the freezer.

It is important to fold and store frozen vegetables and fruits separately from meat, poultry and fish! This will prevent the formation of foreign odors. Freeze food at maximum power

If you have a blast freeze function, be sure to use the latter.

Never refreeze meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables and other foods! They will completely lose their beneficial properties and vitamins, juiciness and taste. In addition, bacteria on the surface have already begun to multiply, and the cold will not cope with harmful organisms.

Food frozen and thawed more than once causes fermentation processes in the stomach and digestive disorders, stool disorders, pain and discomfort in the abdomen. After such food you can easily get poisoned.

What is the shelf life of fresh yeast?

It is known that the shelf life of compressed yeast in the refrigerator is only 12 days. But dry active yeast has a shelf life of about six months. It should also be noted that the shelf life of instant yeast is as much as five years.

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How to defrost yeast dough correctly and quickly?

Yeast dough is a very delicate thing, and not everyone can prepare it well. Therefore, some people buy it already frozen and the question arises of how to properly defrost yeast dough. It happens that there is a lot of dough and unused yeast dough can be frozen and used at the right time.

How to defrost yeast dough correctly?

There are several ways to defrost yeast dough, but the most correct ones that preserve all the properties of yeast require time:

1. Try to defrost the dough in the refrigerator. To do this, simply place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave it overnight.

2. You can defrost the yeast dough at room temperature. This process will take about 1-3 hours, depending on the amount of yeast dough. First, you need to remove the dough from the packaging. Place the frozen dough on a silicone mat or cutting board and leave in the room.

How to quickly defrost yeast dough?

If you need to cook something quickly and don’t have time to wait for the dough to thaw naturally, you can use the following tips:

1. Place frozen yeast dough in a plastic bag and place in warm water. This way you can defrost the dough in a shorter period of time.

2. Place the dough in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel and place it on the lid of a hot pan, radiator. Carefully turn the dough over to ensure even defrosting.

3. Transfer the dough into a pan and place on a warm stove next to the lit burners. Do not place on the burners!

4. The dough can be thawed using a water bath, but make sure that it does not stick to the bottom of the container.

5. Defrosting yeast dough in the microwave

How to defrost yeast dough in the microwave?

You can defrost yeast dough in the microwave, but good housewives do not like this method: it is believed that the yeast loses its properties and usefulness.

When defrosting in a microwave oven, you need to be careful and first read the instructions about choosing power and time. If there is no defrosting function, then a power of 80-100 W is suitable.

Let the dough sit for 45 seconds and periodically turn it from side to side, otherwise the top layer will dry out and the inner layer will remain rocky. If necessary, you can increase the defrosting time, but carefully monitor the process. Yeast dough must be removed from the microwave before it heats up.

How to cook from frozen yeast dough?

After defrosting the yeast dough, proceed to forming the desired products (pie, pizza, pies, etc.). And then leave the finished products for some time in a warm place.

Now you know how to defrost yeast dough correctly and quickly, but keep in mind that the safest way for the quality of the dough is the natural defrosting method, i.e. in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Therefore, if time permits, try not to use the microwave and warm water for defrosting purposes.

How to defrost puff pastry

Puff pastry is rightfully considered the most capricious, so defrosting must be approached wisely.

  1. It is important to remember forever that the product cannot be defrosted in a microwave or oven. For urgent defrosting, heating devices (stock heating or oil fireplace) are used.
  2. The best and most correct way is considered to be defrosting naturally. To do this, just leave the product at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Do not forget to cover the dough with cling film (can be replaced with gauze cloth).
  3. If you are in a hurry, use water defrost. However, there is no need to place the dough in warm liquid. The water should be at room temperature. Otherwise, the dough will lose its layer structure.
  4. If we are talking about puff pastry, there is another way. Wrap the frozen product in food foil and gauze. Turn on the gas burner, place the dough in a glass bowl and place it at a distance of 30-40 cm from the device.

There are not many ways to defrost dough at home. The fastest option is using a microwave or oven, but the methods listed are not suitable for puff pastry. You can leave the product at room temperature or place it in water. Choose the method you like and start implementing it.

How often does the refrigerator need to be defrosted?

In many kitchens there is also a modest refrigerator without automatic defrosting. Although it is old, it is reliable! The quality of the old man’s work directly depends on your care. During the cold season, it will have to be serviced in this way once every 4 months. But in spring and summer - every 2 months.

And the rules are universal for all generations. The only difference is how often you have to defrost the refrigerator. The answer is simply simple: the more modern the unit, the less often it needs to be disturbed

Why then unnecessary attention if there is a “No Frost” system? To keep the device clean and disinfect it at least once every six months!

Why are Easter cakes placed on their side?

When a freshly baked Easter cake is removed from the oven, it is often placed on its side and turned over after 15 - 20 minutes so that it cools evenly on all sides; this is necessary to protect it from shrinkage and subsidence.

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Defrosting methods

Depending on the amount of free time, there are several answers to the question of how to quickly defrost dough.

Slow defrost

If there is a lot of time for preparing products, then you can use gentle defrosting methods.

  1. You need to remove the product from the package.
  2. Place it on a board or plate and leave for several hours. Typically, five hours is enough to defrost at room temperature.
  3. Can be defrosted in the refrigerator, on the lowest shelf. It will defrost in ten hours.

Fast defrost

When you are sorely short of time and you need to start preparing baked goods urgently, you can resort to quick defrosting methods. There is no need to worry in vain that the finished products will turn out tough or tasteless; the main thing is to follow all the rules of thawing.

  1. The dough is placed in a plastic bag, tied tightly and dipped in warm water. After three hours you can start baking.
  2. You can also defrost in the microwave using the “auto defrost” mode. If the microwave oven does not have such a function, it will be enough to turn it on at 100 watts. The main thing here is to make sure that the product does not become hot. It needs to be turned over very often.
  3. A regular warm battery is suitable for thawing the product. The finished frozen product must be placed on its surface directly in the package. It will defrost in an hour.

You should not use defrosting in the microwave or in warm water often, as these are not the best options for thawing the product. These methods can be safely used in the case of pizza dough, but it is better to defrost yeast or puff pastry using other methods. Do not place rolled puff pastry in the microwave, as it may spoil there.

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Defrosting yeast dough

Most often, difficulties arise when working with yeast dough, which is very capricious and, if you make a mistake during defrosting, may not rise.

To understand how to defrost yeast dough, you must follow certain rules.

  • You can put it in two plastic bags, release excess air and put it in warm water, which needs to be changed periodically.
  • Defrost the product by placing it on the lid of a hot pan, wrapped in a bag or foil. In order for thawing to proceed evenly, it must be constantly turned over.
  • To defrost, place the product in a saucepan and place it on the stove next to the lit burners.
  • To quickly defrost, the product is placed in a pan and placed in a water bath. In this case, you need to make sure that it does not stick to the bottom.

It is better not to defrost yeast dough in the microwave. It is believed that yeast loses its properties with this method of thawing. But if such a need arises, then put the dough in the oven for no more than a minute, otherwise the top layer of the product will dry out.

Defrosting puff pastry

Experienced housewives can tell you how to quickly defrost puff pastry. It is not as capricious as yeast, and there are fewer problems with it. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rule: never defrost it in the microwave. The puff pastry will thaw on the counter at room temperature for two hours. For urgent defrosting, you can put it on the battery.

Each housewife has her own way of defrosting. The main thing is that it is correct and does not spoil the quality of the product. It’s better to take care of defrosting the dough early, and then tasty and airy baked goods will be guaranteed.

Is it possible to re-freeze yeast-free and yeast dough?

The technology rules do not provide for re-freezing the product. It is believed that the quality of confectionery products in this case decreases.

Sometimes housewives re-freeze dumplings, but do not advise freezing yeast dough. Most of the fungi die, and the dough does not rise well.

It is better to use all the dough from the freezer at once, and if necessary, freeze the finished products. You can bake pies, buns or preparations (pizza bases, crusts, baskets). Later they are heated in the microwave or oven.


Since yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, the only way to preserve it for a long time is to freeze it.

Freshly prepared mass should be placed in the freezer. If it was previously on the refrigerator shelf throughout the night, its quality after defrosting will leave much to be desired. Therefore, the chilled dough is first kneaded well and only then sent to the freezer.

Store-bought frozen yeast dough can be stored for 4 to 5 months. The optimal temperature is -18°C and below. At the same time, it should be constant, without sudden changes. It should be understood that the store-bought product contains preservatives. It is because of this that its shelf life is slightly longer than that of a homemade product.

Storing homemade yeast dough in the freezer is possible for 2 - 3 months. After the expiration date, the product loses its original quality as a result of freezing. Therefore, experienced housewives write on the package the time it was put into storage.

Before storing yeast dough in the freezer, it is prepared in the same way as what is stored on the refrigerator shelf (kneading, shaping, greasing). But you need to use a vacuum bag. And give the mass a flat shape for speedy freezing and subsequent defrosting. You can also use a plastic container with an airtight lid to store the workpiece frozen, the bottom of which is lightly sprinkled with flour.

Defrosting phyllo

Greek yeast-free baking product consists of thin sheets covered with parchment. Strudels, pies, and snacks are made from frozen phyllo. When stored properly, phyllo remains fluffy and tender after freezing.

Quick methods using high temperatures will not work in this case. The most suitable option is to put the sheets on the refrigerator shelf. After 10 hours the dough can be cooked.

Factors influencing the choice of defrosting method

Without preliminary thawing, the result can be unexpected: the fish can dry out, remain raw inside, or even turn into mush. But it is allowed not to defrost mackerel, mackerel, small fish (navaga, capelin), and semi-finished products. This makes them easier to clean and gut, and the finished dish will delight you with its taste. Proper thawing of the product is half the battle in preparing the dish. True, you will have to wait from 8 hours to a day. The defrosting speed is affected by the following factors:

  • size and type of fish;
  • cutting method (gutted, fillet, briquette, steak);
  • duration and conditions of freezing (pieces or blocks, briquettes);
  • type of freezing - raw or boiled (prepared products for infants);
  • freezing temperature.

How is it recommended to thaw salted and smoked fish at home?

There are also subtleties in defrosting smoked and salted fish. Defrost smoked fish in stages:

Place the fish in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Remove and leave at room temperature until thawed.

Defrosting salted fish has separate standards. The requirements require soaking it for up to 12–14 hours in cold water, which, in turn, must be changed at least 4 times. Soaked salted fish cannot be stored. It must be immediately sent for heat treatment.

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Freezing temperature

It is not possible to find out the freezing temperature of purchased fish, but in the case of home freezing, everything is much more obvious: for a quick-frozen product, thawing in a microwave oven is preferable, and for frozen food in a household freezer, cold water is preferable. In any case, the method of natural thawing in the refrigerator is universal.

Thaw fish that has been stored for a long time by steaming or a combined method - first in water or in air, and then in salted water. This will help reduce juice loss.

Please note that fish frozen after a significant delay and products that have been defrosted multiple times should not be eaten due to the risk of poisoning. An unpleasant odor during defrosting will indicate poor quality of fish.

What method to use for defrosting pollock and other fish preparations for babies

The best way to defrost pollock and other lean marine fish used as complementary foods for infants is by natural thawing in the refrigerator. Whole carcasses can be placed in salted cold water. To preserve the nutrients, flavor and structure of the fish, it is not recommended to defrost fillets in water, especially warm or hot water.

It is recommended to defrost fish for infants on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator

How to buy high-quality frozen dough?

The process of preparing the dough takes some time and causes a lot of trouble. For this reason, housewives are increasingly buying a ready-made product of the desired type. In order not to encounter difficulties during use, you should choose the following components correctly:

The dough can only be purchased in sealed packaging. Violation of the integrity of the container will lead to spoilage of the product even if it is very quickly delivered from the store to the home freezer. The label must indicate how to freeze the product.

If it is not indicated, the product was produced in artisanal conditions and its quality is very questionable. Pay attention to the number of layers, this indicator will give you an idea of ​​how tasty the final product will be. A yeast-free dough should have at least 225, and a yeast dough should have at least 35.

  • Frozen products should not contain preservatives. The fewer ingredients in the composition, the better.
  • A lot can be said by the appearance of the dough, so you should choose products that are packaged in transparent bags. The lump of product should not stick to the packaging, appear wet or have inclusions of a different color from the base.

High-quality products are accompanied by defrosting instructions. Its absence should be alarming, because... by this, the manufacturer, as it were, relieves itself of all responsibility for the condition of the component after heat treatment.

Video: how to roll out puff pastry

Frozen dough is a good help when you need to quickly prepare a pie, dumplings or pizza. This can be a store-bought product or homemade. The taste of products made from defrosted dough depends on the correct choice of semi-finished product. You need to check the expiration date, the tightness of the packaging and the appearance of the product. Young housewives are often interested in how to quickly defrost dough so that it retains its original qualities as much as possible. Some tips may be useful to experienced cooks.

Effective defrosting methods

There are several basic technologies that will help defrost dough without damaging the structure.

Particular attention is paid to the puff composition; it cannot be defrosted using thermal appliances

Method No. 1. Natural conditions

This type of dough processing is also called slow, because the procedure takes place under natural conditions.

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Open the package of dough and place it on a flat plate or cutting board. Leave for 4 hours at room temperature. During this period, the dough will thaw, as a result of which it can be used for cooking.

Turn the mixture over every hour to ensure even defrosting. If the dough is rolled, after 2 hours it can be unrolled.

If you have time, move the mixture from the freezer to the fruit and vegetable storage drawer (bottom of the refrigerator). In this way, the dough will defrost in 10-12 hours, it all depends on the serving size.

Method No. 2. Oven

Preheat the oven to 90 degrees. For 10 minutes, make sure that there are no fluctuations in the set mode.

Take a baking sheet, line it with 2 layers of parchment paper, sprinkle it with flour. Remove the dough from the packaging (!), then place it on a baking sheet.

Send the mixture into the cabinet cavity, stick to the middle shelf. The duration of defrosting is about 3 minutes, no longer. Throughout the entire period, you need to monitor the process so that the dough does not bake on top.

Method No. 3. Heating radiators

If it is not possible to use an oven, use heating appliances. You can use either a standard radiator or an oil heater. The method is suitable for defrosting dough in the cold season.

Place the product on a flat dish and place it on top of the heating device. Watch the process carefully, turn the dough every half hour.

It is important to prevent the formation of a crust, which usually appears during the chapping process. To do this, place a piece of cling film on the dough.

The duration of defrosting depends on the room temperature. As practice shows, the dough becomes soft in 1.5-2 hours.

Method number 4. Microwave

In most cases, after defrosting in the microwave, the dough loses some of its taste. To prevent this, carry out a small preparatory phase.

Remove the mixture from the freezer and leave it on the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 45 minutes. During this period, the composition will soften, as a result of which defrosting will take place without compromising quality.

After preparation, begin the procedure. Remove the product from the packaging and place it in a microwave-safe glass container. Cover with a lid, leaving a small opening.

Set the power to about 90W or use the “Defrost” mode. It is difficult to say for sure how quickly the dough will defrost. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the device.

To begin with, set it for 10-15 minutes, after this period you can evaluate the result. Every 30 seconds, pause the microwave and turn the dough over.

This move will allow the composition to defrost evenly. Otherwise, a crust will appear on the surface or the dough will begin to bake locally.

Method No. 5. Water

Many housewives prefer to defrost the dough, as they say, the old fashioned way. For this, cold or room temperature water is used.

Prepare thick plastic bags without holes. You will need about 5-6 pieces

It is important that liquid does not penetrate into the cavity, otherwise the dough will become unusable.

Wrap the product in plastic and tie tightly. Pour cold water into a bowl and lower the dough into the cavity. Remove it after 20 minutes.

Now fill the container with slightly warm water and put the dough inside again. Take it out after 35-50 minutes. During this period the product will defrost. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, change the cooled water with warm water every 5-7 minutes.

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