3 easy ways to beat meat without a kitchen hammer

There are several ways to beat meat for chops without a kitchen hammer. A large chef's knife, a wooden rolling pin, a glass bottle, a carpenter's hammer, a hatchet, a flat stone are suitable for this purpose... But not all methods are equally good.

When choosing suitable means at hand, it is important to remember that you need to soften the muscle fibers a little, and not tear them. The piece of meat should remain intact, without holes or torn edges. To do this correctly, several interesting techniques are used.

How to kill a whole chicken?

Start beating the chicken

hammer, starting from the center.
Near the center, hit it easier. Then move towards the sternum. If you don't have a meat mallet, you can pound
the chicken breast with a rolling pin.

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TOP 6 replacements for a special hammer


If you don't have a hammer, use a knife.

To do this, place the fillet on a cutting board and pound it with the back of a knife. Try to strike from different angles.

A large, heavy kitchen knife is suitable for beating. A small cutlery won't do any good.

Video - how to beat meat with a knife

Glass bottle

A bottle is suitable for chops. You can hit it with a glass neck. Thanks to its shape, the chops are airy.

You can also make chops with the bottom of a glass bottle. It is first filled with water to add weight.

Modern replacement for a kitchen hammer

They also use a hammer with spikes for chops. Watch the video to see how they work. Lightweight, easy to use, quiet and easy to clean.

You can find out more and purchase this modern kitchen appliance by following the link.

Dough rolling pin

For chops, a rolling pin for rolling out dough will also work - it hits pretty hard. However, they follow moderation; excessive efforts make the meat dry.

A wooden potato masher will replace the rolling pin for dough.

Back of the frying pan

A regular frying pan will also help. They strike with the backside. Do not overdo it, otherwise the meat will become dry.

To comply with hygiene requirements, the frying pan is first wrapped in cling film or put on a plastic bag.


In Spartan conditions, to make chops, take a stone weighing 300 - 400 grams. Before beating, the stone is wrapped in several layers of polyethylene.

The meat is cut into pieces more than 2 cm thick so as not to dry out.


A special hammer is a kitchen utensil for beating meat. In appearance, it resembles an ordinary carpenter's tool, but smaller in size, lighter in weight and with two working surfaces - often smooth and ribbed or serrated.

A pounded meat product with fibers softened by impact is quickly fried, becomes soft and juicy, it is chewed well and is more easily absorbed by the body, that is, meat fats and proteins in the intestines are absorbed faster and more fully. Beaten meat prevents the proteins in the body from rotting, and this process is often the cause of many diseases of the digestive system. Soft meats are also healthier for your teeth.

However, there are also disadvantages to using a hammer. So, during the beating process, meat loses a lot of juice containing useful elements. Of course, most of it is preserved, but not completely

Therefore, it is important to choose the correct thickness of meat so that the body can easily cope with a piece and the meat retains maximum benefits.

History of chicken balls

Let's start, according to tradition, with history. And, first of all, we note that the main product, already based on the name of our dish, is a chicken breast chop. And meat, as you know, was held in high esteem at all times, and its history as a main product in the human diet begins long before the advent of bread. Even during the times of the primitive communal system, people fed themselves by hunting and gathering. It is the cooking of meat over a fire that can be called the first culinary achievement of mankind. And today this recipe is not only not forgotten, but is also held in high esteem; it is constantly being improved, acquiring new traditions and additional ingredients. Since those ancient times, many new things have appeared, which has greatly diversified the traditions of meat-eating.

Moreover, those who are not a supporter of the so-called “red” meat have chosen an alternative that is no less tasty, but therefore safer for their figure and health - poultry. Basically, of course, we are talking about chicken and turkey. In addition, serving and cooking methods have greatly diversified: side dishes, interesting and tasty sauces have appeared, different degrees of frying, and many others.

However, the most important thing among all this fuss, in our case, is still delicious chicken breast chops and we will prepare them today, but a little later. First, let’s find out who, where and when came up with the recipe for chicken and other chops

Turning to history, first of all, we note that chicken breast chops are historically called schnitzel and they can not only be placed in the same section with similar meat delicacies, but also partially identified because, by definition, schnitzel is a layer of meat, pork, chicken, lamb or other, breaded in breadcrumbs or lezone, fried in hot vegetable oil. However, despite such phenomenal similarity, chicken chops and their recipe still have some differences from the schnitzel we are already familiar with.

What is the difference between a chop and a schnitzel?

firstly, the name itself suggests that such meat must certainly be beaten using a special hammer

It is important to understand that the taste of the dish will partially depend on the ability to correctly and competently beat the meat. For example, chicken chops and their recipe require beating the meat through a plastic bag or cling film so that the tender breast is not damaged; secondly, the recipe for chicken and other chops insists that they should be cooked only in a frying pan and only using frying

But schnitzel, for example, besides frying, can also be grilled or deep-fried;

Now that we understand how chicken and any other chops differ from other methods of cooking meat, we can move on to its features and subtleties, which it is very advisable not to ignore:

If you are planning to cook chicken chop fillet, you should choose only chilled breast, not frozen

This way the balls will be much tastier and juicier; Above, we have already drawn your attention to the fact that you should beat the meat using a bag or film. Let us also add that the thickness of the chicken chops should be as in the photo, not too thin, otherwise they will become dry; For breading, it is good to use not a simple lezon, but, for example, homemade croutons from different types of bread or sesame seeds; The chicken chop recipe insists that it must be cooked only in a hot frying pan, and you can put the meat in only when the oil is hot enough and sizzling.

This way, the batter will immediately stick and the juice will remain inside the meat, otherwise, all the flavor will be lost and will simply spread over the frying pan; Eggs for breading must be beaten more thoroughly, otherwise an omelette will simply form on the pieces of meat, and not a leison, as in the recipe; First, fry the balls over medium heat on one side, and when they are browned, simply turn them over, cover with a lid, and reduce the heat. Leave the chicken fillet chops covered over low heat for 3 minutes, as required by the recipe; Chicken breasts, which will certainly turn out just like in the photo, should only be served hot with a side dish of fresh vegetables or a delicious sauce.

Today we will offer you the simplest, so-called democratic recipe for chicken chops and the entire cooking process, according to tradition, with photos.

Some cons

When beating, some juice is released. With it, a certain amount of minerals and amino acids is lost, in addition, the final product is drier.

The harder you beat, the more fluid is released. The optimal solution would be to find a degree of tenderization that preserves the maximum amount of nutrients while maintaining a fairly soft meat consistency. This is achieved experimentally. Therefore, you should not fry a large batch at once. Start with one steak, take a sample and adjust the preparation of the meat.

What is important to know

Before you think about how to beat the meat, if you don’t have a special hammer, you need to choose the right product. Otherwise, the effort spent will not pay off. In addition, there are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • It is best to choose chilled meat that has never been frozen. This is very important because meat loses its juice when defrosting. If you take it out of the freezer, be sure to wait until it thaws completely. It is best to leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Old meat with veins performs the worst. Only long-term stewing will help this. Choose young, not too lean, but not greasy either.
  • Do not wash meat before cooking. If this mistake is made, then dry it thoroughly with a towel.
  • Seasonings can be added just before frying, but not during the battering process.
  • You can't hit it too thin or too hard. You can make holes, but the meat will turn out tough and dry.
  • Be sure to fry over high heat so that the crust sets.

The essence of the procedure

Fried meat is considered “aerobatics”. It’s one thing to stew beef or bake chicken in a sleeve, and quite another to cook a juicy steak. This requires not only certain knowledge, but also skills. It would be nice to understand anatomy, then it will be clear why you are doing this.

So, meat is muscle fibers, ligaments and tendons. It has a rigid structure. If you don't break it, the hardness will remain even after cooking. Then it will be difficult for the body to process it. The digestive system will spend a lot of resources, which can have a bad effect on many processes. Therefore, chefs use two methods:

  • marinade to soften fibers;
  • mechanically breaking them using a special tool.

How to beat the meat if you don’t have a special hammer? There are a lot of things in the kitchen that can solve this problem. Now let's move on to solving this issue. Properly prepared meat will not only be tasty, but will also not interfere with the functioning of the digestive system.

What kind of meat is cut?

Different types of meat are used for chops:

  • poultry fillet (chicken, duck, turkey);
  • various lean parts of pork;
  • less often - lamb or veal.

The poultry's muscle tissue is tender; when cooked, it does not become too tough. It can be beaten a little if thick parts are used.

If we are talking about pork or veal, then at home housewives must break the fibers to make rolls and chops soft. In nature or in camping conditions, this procedure can be done if the pieces are thicker than one centimeter. It is better not to process thin meat so as not to remove all the juice from it and not get a too dry product after frying.

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Available means

If you don't find anything suitable in the kitchen, you can look in the pantry. Surely there is a glass bottle of wine or champagne. A great option: turn it upside down and strike with the neck. The dish will turn out no worse than if you used a professional hammer.

It also happens that there is not a single bottle at home. Then a toolbox can help out. Take out a regular hammer and attach a regular fork to it with tape. It is with this side that you will strike. Since a hammer is a heavy tool, preparing the meat will go very quickly. The main thing is not to be too zealous; you don’t need minced meat, but a juicy steak.

Procedure step by step

It is very important to know how to properly pound meat for chops. You don't need a lot of equipment:

  • board;
  • sharp knife;
  • suitable tool.

The prepared piece of meat needs to be cut into wide steaks. They should not be too thin, otherwise the product will turn out dry. It is usually recommended to make a cut of at least 2.5 centimeters. Filet mignon allows a thickness of 5 cm.

Now we take a device for beating meat and begin to apply even blows. After this, you need to turn the piece over and repeat the procedure on the reverse side. Repeat this procedure with the rest of the meat and turn on the pan.

When it is well heated, place one steak on it, sprinkled with spices. But it’s better to add salt after the first time you turn the piece over with the fried side up.

Turkey chops in a spicy marinade

Place 0.5 kg of turkey fillet in the freezer for half an hour so that the meat freezes slightly - this will make it easier to cut it into 5 chops. Beat pieces of meat in a plastic bag so that it increases slightly in size - about 1.5 times.

Prepare marinade from 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1.5 tbsp. l. good vegetable oil, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. seasoning for chicken, 1 tsp. Provençal herbs, 3 cloves of chopped garlic and a pinch of a mixture of peppers, preferably freshly ground.

Brush the turkey pieces with the marinade, place them in a container, pour over the remaining marinade and refrigerate for a day. 1.5 hours before frying, remove the chops from the refrigerator to bring them to room temperature.

Mix 70g of grated cheese with homemade breadcrumbs, coat the chops in breadcrumbs and fry them in hot oil for a minute on each side. Serve cheese-crusted turkey chop with lime and vegetables.

By learning how to cook chops correctly, you can always make delicious meat with a minimum of time, because in fact, chops are a very simple dish that even beginners can handle. On our website you will find many recipes on how to cook chops in different ways. Bon appetit!

Juicy chops in a frying pan - step by step photo recipe

Can you resist juicy chops? If not, then our first recipe with step-by-step photos is just for you. You can find out below how to cook pork chops correctly, quickly and tasty.

Your rating: (
1 ratings, average: 4.00 out of 5)
Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings

Beef chops with mango and salad

It is not known who came up with the idea of ​​cooking beef and mango, but such chops turn out to be very unusual and tasty.
Fruits add a piquant sourness, but do not overpower the meaty taste. Preparation time 40 min

Cooking time 20 min

Total time 1 hour


  • 500 g beef
  • mango
  • soy sauce
  • garlic
  • bulb
  • vegetable oil
  • grated ginger
  • sesame seeds


  • Cooking beef chops in a frying pan begins with the marinade. You need to mix soy sauce, ginger, garlic and sesame seeds. In this mixture, the meat (pre-washed, dried and chopped) is marinated for half an hour.
  • While the beef is soaking in the sauce, you can cut the onion into half rings and the mango into thin slices.
  • A small amount of vegetable oil is poured into a heated frying pan. The meat is laid out on it and fried on one side.
  • After the pieces are turned over, you can put onions and pieces of fruit on them to fry the other side until cooked.


This Asian dish goes perfectly with either rice or a bean-based vegetable salad.
Dish: Main courses

Keyword: beef, chops

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