Slicing fruits for the holiday table at home

No celebration is complete without juicy fruits, which will be an excellent addition to alcoholic drinks or cold appetizers. Serving a vitamin dessert will be original if you cut the fruit beautifully. At the same time, it is not necessary to comprehend the basics of professional carving; everything can be done independently at home. You just need to show your imagination, and the tips in the article will help you cope with this task.

What can be cut from?

Depending on the occasion, the main dishes and the location of the feast, what beautiful cuts for the table at home should be made varies.
And for each type there is its own way of combining and placing on a plate. You can put almost anything into sliced ​​dishes:

  • cold cuts;
  • sausage circles;
  • various fruits;
  • vegetable snacks;
  • pickles;
  • cheeses;
  • fish.

We are used to seeing salted fish, vegetables and cold cuts on the holiday table, but we don’t always think about how original they can be presented and decorated. In addition, in some combinations the dishes will not only be more beautiful, but also tastier. For example, if you add sauce to vegetables, and olives to meat.

Cold cuts

Baked pork, sausage of different types and varieties, bacon, balyk, brisket - the choice of meat is huge, you can cook it yourself and just as easily buy it in the store. Large hypermarkets very often already sell ready-made kits that just need to be laid out. But the question still remains, how to cut sausage and cheese beautifully step by step.

Meat goes well with herbs: sprigs of dill or parsley, onions. To prevent it from looking monotonous, you can also add a couple of olives or halves of finger tomatoes.

If you want to do something truly extraordinary, or you are just a fan of spicy foods, then you can add finely chopped canned hot peppers, onion slices or pickled cucumbers to the corners of the dish.

Balyk, bacon and sausage roll up very easily, or you can elegantly roll them in half with the ends down. In addition, they can be made in the form of roses; for this you simply roll up the pieces, but make sure that the core remains more convex. You can secure the flower with a toothpick or skewer and straighten the petals slightly downwards on the plate.


The most popular cut of fish is, of course, salted salmon with lemon slices and dill sprigs. Another very common and even traditional option is herring sprinkled with onion slices or finely chopped onion leaves.

But you can be more original and select several types of fish that will be combined with each other

First of all, it is important to note that the fish must be of the same method of preparation, that is, salted fish cannot be combined with smoked


At champagne banquets and in cozy Parisian restaurants, exquisite cheese plates are served with wine. Most often, their integral and main element is blue cheese, the most expensive and refined. Roquefort, Dorblu, Brie - everyone has heard these names, but only gourmets can understand the exquisite taste. It is with them that additives such as honey, dried apricots and prunes are served.

You can use the most sophisticated additives for cheeses: honey, olives (and olive oils), nuts, arugula, grapes, strawberries, dried fruits, dried or fresh tomatoes, crackers, spinach

When choosing additives and edible decorations, it is important to consider that they are combined with the types of cheese and do not confuse any of the guests

Vegetable snacks

Traditional cuttings of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs are present at any picnic, barbecue trip and summer feast. But this is not the limit; you can also put celery slices, sweet and hot peppers, various types of cabbage and carrots on the dishes. Tomatoes and cucumbers can be cut into slices. It is not recommended to use many different shapes at once, as it will look clumsy.

Vegetable dishes are traditionally decorated with herbs, but you can also add sour cream sauces or oils, which you can immediately pour over the laid out slices in the form of a pattern, or you can place gravy boats on the dish (or nearby).

Straight glasses in which slices of carrots, celery, onions and other vegetables stand vertically look very simple and beautiful. You can also pour sauce on the bottom of them.

Fruit dishes

Dishes filled with fruit look incredibly beautiful: from watermelon and apples to blueberries and cherries. Small berries, like a bunch of grapes, can be laid out whole. The base is made from apples, oranges, grapefruits and large fruits. The slices can be laid out in some form or pattern, but you can also easily create real works of art from fruits using toothpicks, without even spending much time.

Next, you can clearly see the beautiful fruit plates with the design in the photographs:

Fruit dishes can also be decorated with fresh flowers; it is better to attach them to the sides so that their stems (cut short) do not touch the fruit directly.

Chicken and pineapple appetizer

A combination that almost everyone without exception likes!

You will need:
300 g baked or smoked chicken, 800 g canned pineapples, 6 cucumbers, 2 lemons, 1 bunch of mint, olive oil, spices.

Whisk olive oil with chopped mint, 2 tbsp. Add lemon juice and zest to this mixture and marinate the cucumber slices in them. Cut the pineapples into pieces and mix with spices, and chop the chicken. Place everything on skewers, place in a beautiful dish and drizzle with the remaining butter.


There are a million ideas for decorations: you can simply lay out the pieces according to color schemes, for example, 5 yellow slices, 3 red and green; lay out color circles, put a kiwi flower in the middle, decorated with raspberries, and around it first a banana circle, then strawberry, then apple, etc. The simplest thing is to play with colors.

It’s more difficult to lay out the little animal, the firebird. At first, you can use either photos from the Internet, or draw what you want to depict yourself.

Small tips:

  • with pineapple you can try different figures or make a boat;
  • using a banana you can make cute dolphins and palm trees;
  • You can make a flower, a swan or a Christmas tree from apples and pears;
  • Kiwi will produce cute flowers;
  • You can also add a flower from orange and lemon.

The simplest slicing recipe is “snake”. The composition does not play a role here, just remember that the brighter and more contrasting the colors, the juicier and more appetizing the treat looks.

So, take an orange, peel it and remove the white pulp, cut it into slices and place it in the center of the dish, forming a kind of “snake”. Next, take the next ingredient, cut it or simply lay it out next to it if we are talking about grapes, repeating the snake shape of the orange and so on almost to the edges of the dish. Here you can play in two ways, either reduce the length of each subsequent snake, or leave 6 cm from the edges and decorate them with a tangerine flower and cover everything with pomegranate, put an apple swan there, etc.

The main thing is to choose a composition, learn how to cut fruit beautifully, because this also takes time and patience, and everything will work out. Any gray day will sparkle with different colors if you put a fruit plate with a grape-strawberry-orange flower on the table.

Cones with a surprise

This snack is perfect if your child has a winter birthday.

You will need:
1 cup red beans, 1 handful of almonds, 1 onion, 2 tbsp.
olive oil, 100 g chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs, spices. Preparation:

Chop and fry the onion, boil the beans and puree them in a blender along with peeled almonds and spices. Separately, chop the boiled chicken and add chopped herbs and tomatoes to it. Make a bean cake, place a ball of filling on it, pinch the edges and make slits with a pine cone knife.

General Tips

General tips are useful for every cook. So, if you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and appetizing fruit slice, you should be well prepared:

  1. Buy only high-quality and fresh fruits. Give preference to smooth ones, without dents or black spots. Remember about the characteristics of each specific fruit: kiwis should be soft and elastic, and oranges should be hard.
  2. Wash the fruit thoroughly. Sometimes the fruits are impregnated with paraffin to make them shine better. Keep in mind that fruits need to be washed right before slicing, using soap, a brush and cold water (preferably running), with the exception of citrus fruits, which will benefit from a hot shower. After washing, the fruits should be wiped dry with a paper towel.
  3. For slicing, use only sharp knives. At the same time, arm yourself with a cleaver, a knife with a long thin blade, and a saw blade, because each fruit should have its own kitchen tool. In some cases, it’s even worth arming yourself with a spoon-knife, which is used to make balls of pulp or notches on the fruit.
  4. To serve, prepare a large flat dish or salad bowls. For ease of use, as well as for decorating fruit compositions, you can use toothpicks or skewers.
  5. Slicing fruits should be done immediately before serving so that the fruits do not have time to weather or leak juice. All seeds must be removed from melon and watermelon for ease of consumption. Apricots and peaches also need to be pitted.
  6. Sprinkle the slices with lemon juice to prevent the fruit from turning black.
  7. For a more spectacular and appetizing presentation, you can sprinkle the fruits with coconut, powdered sugar or grated chocolate. What else can you decorate with? As decorative elements, it is rational to use pieces of chocolate or small chocolate figures, mint leaves and flower petals, cinnamon, nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.), cocoa powder, candied fruits.
  8. By the way, using powdered sugar is not only an opportunity to add sweetness to a dish, but also a chance to hide a darkened surface. But remember that it is advisable to sprinkle not the pulp of the fruit, but the skin or rind. It is better to complement very juicy fruits with coconut flakes.
  9. As an addition to fruit slices, you can use marshmallows or marshmallows. Sweets will alternate with berries, such as strawberries, sliced ​​bananas, kiwi, pineapples, etc. And you can pour chocolate on top of the fruit canapé. It will be tasty and original.
  10. The ideal combination is red berries (for example, strawberries) and chocolate (white, milk, dark).
  11. Coffee will be a delicious addition to fruit. You can use the grains as decoration. You can sprinkle instant coffee with lemon, which will be an excellent addition to cognac and whiskey.
  12. How to properly cut fruit into mulled wine? Lemons, oranges and apples are commonly used. They should be cut into thin circles or semicircles. The task of fruit is to impart taste and aroma to make the hot alcoholic drink interesting.


This word comes from the English carving - “to cut” and implies artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits. Despite the English name, the art of beautiful cutting itself came to us from medieval East Asia, spread quite quickly and took root in Europe.

Fruit carving for adult dishes differs from children's dishes in terms of plot and some savory additions, for example, adults can indulge in cherries soaked in cognac. But children's dishes can be combined with sweets and real miniature toys.

Any fruit is suitable for carving, from seasonal to exotic. Of course, children’s diet should include only fresh and ripe fruits, but if a lot of guests are expected and the hostess is not able to prepare everything in one day, some cutting elements can be prepared in advance. They are stored in cold water or a vacuum container, and the quickly darkening fruits are sprinkled with lemon juice.

Most artistic carving elements are done with a sharp knife, but for more sophisticated and varied designs you can buy carving kits at hardware stores.

How to cut fruit for a children's party

A child’s birthday, kindergarten graduation, September 1st - for all these holidays, loving parents prepare a festive table, which always includes fruits.

When making fruit slices for a children's party, it is important to show your imagination so that it remains in the memory of your child and his guests for a long time

Come up with a plot. It could be a palm tree, a boat, a flower meadow. To make a palm tree, take: – 2 bananas; – 2–3 kiwis; – black grapes; - mint. Peel the bananas and place them on a plate so that they imitate palm tree trunks. Cut them into pieces. Peel the kiwis, cut them into rings and lay out the palm leaves, laying out 3-4 circles so that they slightly overlap each other. Place a few grapes as if they were coconuts. Make a sun out of a circle of orange, and mint leaves will replace the grass.

Peeled bananas darken very quickly. To prevent this from happening, cut them before serving and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Children love fruit skewers. Using a mold, cut out identical or different pieces of apple, banana, pear. Thread them onto wooden skewers, add some berries: strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, shadberry. And put it on a beautiful plate. Sprinkle the top of the dish with powdered sugar, as if snow had fallen on the fruit. Children will certainly love this treat.

You can decorate your holiday table with beautiful cuts of any product: cheese, meat, sausage, vegetables, fish and fruit. Ideas for designing cuts are presented in this article.

There are several cutting rules:

  • For serving, choose a wide flat dish
    , preferably white.
    On such dishes the cutting will look bright and attractive.
  • You should not combine plant and animal products.
    If these are vegetables, they have a separate dish, fruits too (they are considered a dessert).
    Meat and sausage can be combined.
  • The slices should not be seasoned with any sauce or oil, or sprinkled with spices. If you think that you can enhance the taste of vegetables with sour cream or mayonnaise, offer them to your guests separately in a gravy boat.
  • Slicing (any) should always be cut
    into small slices (flat pieces). Rough and thick cutting of ingredients does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The main rule for beautiful cutting is a sharp knife.
    The size and material of the knife (ceramics or metal) are completely unimportant; you should be comfortable working with it.
  • Choose only high-quality and fresh products for slicing.
    Try to surprise your guests with an unusual product.
  • Stick to one cutting shape
    , for example, a semicircle or triangle, so that the whole dish looks organic.


To make four Ladybugs sandwiches, you will need:

  • toast bread (round) - 4 pieces;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • ham (you can use boiled sausage) - 4 slices;
  • tomato - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • cheese (any type) - 4 pieces;
  • olives - 2–3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - for decoration.


  1. Dry the pieces of bread in a toaster or in a frying pan (do not add oil).
  2. Brush the bread with butter and place 1 slice of cheese on top.
  3. Cut the ham pieces on one side and place them on the cheese, slightly spreading the cut parts apart.
  4. Cut off the sides of the tomatoes, do the same as with the ham, and place on top in the same way.
  5. Cut out the legs, eyes, and antennae of a ladybug from the olives and place them on the sandwich accordingly.
  6. Apply drops of mayonnaise to the tomatoes using a skewer.

How to beautifully cut and serve fruits: orange and lemon

The principles for cutting orange, lemon and other citrus fruits are practically the same, because these fruits have a similar “anatomy”: fairly dense skin and juicy pulp.

Orange bird

Let's start with a similar option - birds. It is created in the same way as from an apple.

However, this time the fruit to be placed on a plate must be cut especially carefully, otherwise the slices may be damaged and the juice will leak out.

Orange or lemon spiral

Now a simpler model. Let's make a beautiful pattern based on oranges. We will act like this:

Step 1. Cut the entire fruit into wheels of medium thickness.

Step 2. Place them in a common stack and make a cut in the center so that it ends exactly in the middle.

Step 3

Carefully open the ends with your hands - the left half in one direction, the right half in the other direction.

Step 4. So we got such a simple, but very attractive figure. Knows how to please the eye and create an orange mood.

Step 5. Let's open each layer a little - it will turn out even more beautiful.

Citrus rose

You can also make a rose from an orange. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. Cut the fruit in half.

Step 2. Make very thin slices.

Step 3. We begin to roll up the rose – to do this we round the first slice.

Step 4. Now we roll the other pieces around it.

Step 5. We’ve reached the last step – for now we firmly hold the entire structure with our hands.

Step 6. Transfer it to a plate and surround it with the last slices. You won't need any toothpicks for this, since the thin pieces will be able to stay well next to each other.

Corn waffles

Take molds or cut the finished waffles into pieces and use them as a base for canapés and sandwiches.

You will need:
1 cup corn flour, 1 cup rice flour, 3 tbsp.
sugar, 3 tbsp. oil, 1 orange, a pinch of soda and salt, 2 glasses of water. Preparation:

Mix both types of flour, add sugar, salt, soda, butter and water until consistency is achieved. Add orange chopped in a blender, mix everything until smooth and bake in a waffle iron.

How to cut fruit beautifully? Photo ideas for cutting fruit with your own hands

Do you want to serve fruit slices beautifully? Don’t know how to cut fruit for the holiday table and make an original fruit plate? We have selected for you more than 50 ideas on how to beautifully cut fruit and decorate fruit slices in an original way.

Fruits themselves have an appetizing appearance; multi-colored, juicy and bright fruits and fruit slices always attract special attention from guests and will always be appropriate on any holiday table. To beautifully decorate fruit slices, you don’t have to be a professional and learn carving

Just cut the fruit into convenient slices, slices, mugs and arrange it beautifully on a plate

To beautifully decorate fruit slices, you don’t have to be a professional and learn carving. Just cut the fruit into convenient slices, slices, mugs and arrange them beautifully on a plate.

Fruits on a plate can be arranged according to color, you will get an original rainbow fruit cut, or according to shape, since most fruits are cut either into slices or round slices.

Fruit slices can be decorated with berries or green twigs, as well as fresh flowers. On top, fruit plates can be sprinkled with powdered sugar; this simple action will transform your fruit slices.

How to cut fruit - an original fruit basket

You can serve fruit in a very unusual and original way, by making a whole composition in the form of a fruit basket. Such a fruit basket will undoubtedly become a sweet decoration for both a festive home and buffet table.

Making a fruit basket is not difficult; larger fruits act as a fruit basket, from which the middle is cut out and filled with assorted fruits. Watermelon, melon and pineapple are ideal for a fruit basket.

Sweet creative bouquet of fruits – photo of fruit bouquet ideas

Beautiful fruit slices can be made in the form of a bouquet of fruits. A beautiful bright bouquet of fruits with your own hands can be presented as a gift, for example a fruit bouquet of strawberries for your beloved.

A fruit bouquet is a small decorative basket or flowerpot in which fruits placed on skewers are placed, looks great and will make any table festive.

Sliced ​​fruit in the form of fruit canapés on skewers

Sliced ​​fruits in the form of canapés will be original and convenient for guests. Portioned fruit platters in the form of canapés or chopped fruits on skewers are easy to make with your own hands.

Choose your favorite fruits and berries, cut the fruits into relatively uniform pieces, slices, circles or using pastry cutters, and stick the fruits on skewers in the form of small canapés.

You can beautifully serve sliced ​​fruit in the form of fruit skewers on large skewers, which can be placed on a plate in the shape of a rainbow. A photo of fruit slices in the shape of a rainbow confirms the originality of this idea of ​​fruit slices.

Children's fruit cutting - how to cut fruit for a children's party

Fruits are the best and most delicious vitamins for children. However, kids don’t always want to eat fruits and berries; in this case, you can not only beautifully decorate children’s dishes, but also fruit slices.

Decorating children's fruit plates is especially important for a children's holiday table. Children will be interested in trying something unusual in the form of original fruit slices. Kids love fruit on skewers, so why not take advantage of this and design assorted fruit on skewers in the form of animals or characters.

On a children's holiday table, it would be appropriate to cut fruit in the form of a fruit bouquet or a fruit basket.

Surprise your guests by decorating fruit slices in an unusual and creative way. See a selection of photos of cut fruits, use your imagination, and you can create your own masterpiece composition of fruits.

Canapes without skewers

A canape without a skewer is a small sandwich. It is based on toasted crouton or oven-dried bread - golden on the outside and soft on the inside. The shape of a piece of bread can be different to make it more interesting for children: round, square, curly.

Canapes can be either a festive dish at a children's birthday party or an alternative to morning porridge.

A sandwich can also be made tasty and healthy for a child.

Can be used:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • curd and cheese mass;
  • cooked meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens.

It is not recommended to prepare a children's sandwich from the following products:

  • bun;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • canned fish;
  • overly salty or spicy foods.

You should approach the design creatively, but in such a way that the sandwich is easy to pick up and eat. The filling should not drip or fall out. The curd mass will help glue the vegetables and bread together.

Kids love helping prepare simple canapés with just a few ingredients. You can entrust them with such an exciting activity, and then enjoy the result together.

Selection of fruits for cutting

Fruits that are not very soft or fibrous are suitable for cutting into shapes. Cute circles, cubes, flowers or anything else can be made from apples, pears, bananas, kiwis and most citrus fruits. Persimmon or pomegranate cannot be effectively divided into slices. In order to cut fruit beautifully and accurately, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Ripe but not overripe fruits are ideal.
  • Apples, oranges or bananas should not have mechanical damage, brownish spots or other external defects.
  • Before cutting, the fruits are washed, if necessary, doused with boiling water (citrus fruits), then dried with a kitchen towel or napkin.
  • The cutting knife must be sharp.
  • It is worth preparing in advance the dish on which you plan to lay out the fruit pieces.

Lacy pancakes

Even if you don’t always make beautiful pancakes, you can definitely handle these!

You will need:
180 g flour, 150 ml milk, 1 egg, 2 tbsp.
butter, 100 g crab sticks, 4 boiled eggs, 1.5 tbsp. sour cream, lettuce leaves. Preparation:

Beat the egg with milk, slowly add the flour and finally add the butter. Fry the pancakes, pouring the batter randomly in lacy patterns. Chop crab sticks and boiled eggs, mix with sour cream. Place a leaf of lettuce on each pancake, then the filling, and roll into a roll.

How to serve fruit beautifully

Decorating fruits and berries for the holiday has its own nuances. There are a lot of children at almost every celebration, and they shouldn’t get their hands dirty, otherwise their clothes and everything around will be covered in fruit pulp and juice.

Therefore, the right solution would be to serve the goodies on skewers, in cones, or in baskets.


Spectacular canapés are obtained by using contrasting berries and fruits.

The base of the mini sandwich should be firm. An apple or a piece of cheese is perfect for this role.

Salty and blue cheeses go perfectly with sweet fruits.

Plot presentation

This type of serving involves creating real pictures or figures from pieces of fruit. They come flat, that is, the fruit is laid out in slices on a plate. Or bulk ones, using skewers, which is a more labor-intensive process.

You can place a bright palm tree on a plate, making it from banana, kiwi and tangerines.

You can also cut out figures or funny faces using cookie cutters. For small children you can make a hedgehog, Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, or a peacock.

This presentation option will make you remember cartoons, funny pictures, or come up with something of your own. In addition, the plot may be related to the occasion of the celebration, for example, a multi-colored Christmas tree for the New Year.

Mini kebabs

The convenient portion method is suitable for both children's and adult parties. Place the fruit on a large plate or tray. It will be the basis. Melon, pineapple, large pear or grapefruit are perfect. In addition, you can use: bananas, kiwi, grapes, apples, peaches, berries. They need to be washed and cut into portions.

Next, the fruit can be strung on skewers. Stick delicious kebabs into the base and serve to guests in this form.

The advantage of slicing in the form of kebabs is that you can use canned berries and fruits, and not just fresh ones.

Serving mini-kebabs without a base is also good. Simply place it nicely on a tray and top it with melted chocolate or condensed milk. Ideal to present fruit skewers with scoops of ice cream.

Cutting mini-kebabs in the form of a semicircle looks bright. If you make sure that the colors of the fruit on each skewer match in layers, you will get a cheerful rainbow.

Baking baskets

Fruit baskets look great on the table. Try making a fruit salad with yogurt or whipped cream, then spoon the salad into tartlets. Fruit jelly in baskets looks unusual.

Instead of tartlets, baskets made of puff pastry or shortcrust pastry are perfect.

In addition, you can cut a basket from a melon or watermelon and fill the citrus peel with fruit. You will get interesting boats. It all depends on your imagination.

It is interesting to decorate the top of the baskets with grated chocolate, coconut or chopped walnuts. You can mix the fruit with pieces, but then store them in the freezer before serving.

Instead of baskets, you can use a waffle cone, first fill it with whipped cream or sour cream. And then place the berries with pieces of fruit into the airy white mass. This appetizer flies off the table at breakneck speed.

On the plate

Try thinly slicing oranges, kiwis, apples, pears using a slicer and beautifully arrange them on a plate in the form of various patterns or shapes. The plate can be decorated with mint leaves or fresh flowers.

Use atypical cuts, your guests will be delighted. And for convenience, insert colored skewers into the slices. Fruit in fruit

These can be individual baskets, for example from an orange. Or there may be baskets for general serving; melon or watermelon will do.

Fruits can be cut and seasoned with honey, cream, syrup and in this form sent to the basket. Or you can, if they are not large, leave them whole.

Serving berries in a pineapple basket looks very impressive. It is necessary to cut off the top of the pineapple and remove the pulp. Place cherries, grapes, strawberries in the cavity.

You can also cut out the pulp and fill the apple with small berries. Sprinkle the top of the apple basket with cinnamon or cut out a heart from the core of the apple and stick it on a skewer into the basket.


To make this children's snack look neater, choose smaller buns.

You will need:
500 g shrimp, 5 buns, 1 egg, 5 quail eggs, 1.5 tbsp.
red caviar, 3 tbsp. mayonnaise. Preparation:

Cut the caps off the buns, remove the crumb, chop and fry until golden brown. Boil the shrimp and chop them with a boiled chicken egg. Mix with crackers, caviar and mayonnaise. Fill the buns with this mixture, place a boiled pearl quail egg on top and garnish with red caviar. Top with the tops of the buns.

fruit plate

An ordinary white plate can serve as a frame that emphasizes the bright beauty of figuratively cut fruits. And you won’t need to add anything else to the symmetrically laid multi-colored pieces.

A circle of fruit slices is made either in one color scheme, emphasizing it with splashes of bright berries, or variegated, multi-colored, using opposite shades. On one dish you can collect the entire spectrum, combining not only colors, but also taste.

A circle or pattern, or even a still life with a bright central figure is laid out on the dish. The scope of the painting is limited only by the edges of the dishes.

Fruits react differently to prolonged exposure to air, so when serving dessert you should follow several rules:

  • apples and pears darken, so their pulp, if possible, is covered with other fruits or berries or sprinkled with powdered sugar;
  • melon and watermelon are laid out with the peel;
  • If citrus fruits are laid out in slices, the peels are removed, but it is better to leave them on the circles.

Shaped cutting is carried out with special knives, graters and shredders, which can be purchased at kitchen supply stores. To get interesting shapes, not only knives are used, but also special molds. But some fruits do not require processing, for example, carambola, which has a star shape and can simply be cut crosswise.

Praise the owl's wisdom

A holiday sandwich for children may well be a dessert sandwich. We suggest preparing it in the shape of an owl. Grease a slice of loaf with chocolate paste. We will also need a handful of crescent-shaped baby breakfast cereal. We make eyes out of them, adding blueberries, currants, cherries or other berries. Then we assemble the plumage from the crescents, laying them out in a triangle in the center of the toast. Along the edges we place wings made of semicircular slices of fruit. You can take an apple, pear or peach. We cut out the beak from a piece of red or green apple with peel. A great treat is ready!

Sandwiches in the shape of animals, cartoon characters, such as Nyusha the pig, Pina the penguin or SpongeBob, are a good move on the menu for children's parties and picnics. Find more original ideas, as well as recipes with step-by-step descriptions and photographs on the “Eat at Home!” website. Share your original ideas in the comments.

Sliced ​​fruits for a festive table

Fruit slices – a real extravaganza of colors and taste

It looks bright, attracts attention and is popular, because everyone loves fruits. Berries and fruits are appropriate as sweets, snacks for light wines, and even for meat, cheese and fish

Therefore, its preparation must be approached with all responsibility.

Fruits and berries should not be purchased in advance so that they do not lose their presentation during storage.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the absence of wormholes, juiciness and elasticity

You need to cut food shortly before guests arrive so that they do not have time to weather and dry out. In addition, it is worth sprinkling the slices with lemon juice, so the apples and pears will not darken in the air.

  • large berries are cut in half or served whole;
  • berries with seeds are not served;
  • apples and pears are peeled, cored and cut into slices;
  • the banana is cut into circles along with the peel;
  • kiwi can be cut into two parts and offered to guests in small dessert spoons, or peeled and cut into slices;
  • pineapple cut into cubes;
  • citrus fruits are cut into slices (with peel) or circles (peeled);
  • Melons and watermelons are cut into slices without peeling.

Fruits are laid out in circles around the diameter of the dish in layers in the same color or combining them with each other. It is convenient to serve fruit on skewers: pineapple, apple, strawberry, for example. In addition, you can use molds for fruit - stars, circles, triangles and others.

Sandwich in the shape of a snake

Snacks on the children's table will become more interesting and cuter if they are prepared in the shape of a snake.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

Ingredients you will need to prepare the appetizer:

  • 1 bun, sprinkled with sesame seeds;
  • 1 piece of boiled sausage;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 piece of bell pepper;
  • 1 olive;
  • mayonnaise.

Step-by-step cooking process

Description of the cooking process:

  1. First, you should wash the cucumber, wipe it with a dry towel, cut off both ends, insert a toothpick into the central part of the cucumber, and then cut the cucumber into a thin spiral. You can also use a spiral vegetable cutter for this purpose.
  2. Next, you need to cut the bun in half, cut its upper part so that you get 2 small identical pieces and 1 large one.
  3. After this, you need to grease the bottom of the bun with mayonnaise, put a lettuce leaf on it, then a piece of sausage and insert a cucumber spiral between them. Then you need to place most of the bun in the center of the sandwich, and put smaller parts on the sides.
  4. Now you can cut the snake tongue out of the bell pepper, cut the olive in half, and cut the cherry tomato in half.

Then you need to place a circle of cucumber on the snake’s head, then half a cherry, attach halves of an olive to it, making eyes, insert a tongue of bell pepper from below and serve the finished snack to the children’s table.

Sliced ​​fish on the table - beautiful design of a fish plate

Even novice housewives can decorate a fish plate. In addition to the popular and favorite herring and mackerel, you can use lightly salted red fish - salmon, trout, salmon, as well as white fish.

When collecting several types of fish in one composition, you need to take care of products that will highlight the fishy taste. These include lemons and limes, herbs, olives, and vegetables.

Plates with fish of different cooking methods combine well and look great on the table: salted, smoked, dried. The main thing is that there are no bones in the pieces, which would be awkward for guests to take out in public.

Cut the fillet into thin wide slices of such size that each one can be eaten at a time. You can and should add seafood to the fish: mussels, shrimp, squid tentacles, caviar (with a small spoon). It is convenient to serve assorted fish with toothpicks or skewers so that the pieces can be easily taken from the plate.

If possible, place small slices of white bread next to the fish plate and put soft butter for canapés.

Fish pieces can be laid out in the shape of any figure, in sectors or in a circle; it is important that all components are visible and can be easily taken from the plate

Colorful meat snack

Such a cute mosaic can be made from different types of meat.

You will need:
300 g pork, 200 g beef, 2 eggs, spices, 2 tbsp.
green olives, half a red bell pepper. Preparation:

Grind 200 g of meat into minced meat, add spices, olive slices and pepper cubes. Cut the remaining pork into small pieces and add it there. Mix the minced meat with the eggs and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Using film, form several tight loaves and boil for an hour and a half over low heat. When cool, leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Sweet creative bouquet of fruits – photo of fruit bouquet ideas

Beautiful fruit slices can be made in the form of a bouquet of fruits. A beautiful bright bouquet of fruits with your own hands can be presented as a gift, for example a fruit bouquet of strawberries for your beloved.

A fruit bouquet is a small decorative basket or flowerpot in which fruits placed on skewers are placed, looks great and will make any table festive.

The simplest homemade fruit carving is a bouquet of flowers made with your own hands. No special skills are needed here. Take the fruits and herbs, cut them and put them on skewers. And then, using all your imagination, build bouquets from ready-made skewers and place them on your table in a beautiful vase.

For example, chop the existing fruits into circles of the same thickness (1 - 1.5 cm) and swap them. So, if you cut apples, oranges and pears, you should get an apple with a pear or an orange with an apple. You can also mix fruits of the same type, but just different colors. Arrange the cooked fruits beautifully on a plate and voila! Use your imagination!

Thank you for attention. Sliced ​​cheese is a must on the holiday table.

Only cheese can be cut into shapes, making the serving original and interesting. Cutting cheese is very convenient with curly knives. They leave a grooved cut, resulting in each piece having a specific shape.

Sliced ​​cheese is a must on the holiday table. Only cheese can be cut into shapes, making the serving original and interesting. Cutting cheese is very convenient with curly knives. They leave a grooved cut, resulting in each piece having a specific shape.

Cheese is the only cutting ingredient that can be successfully combined with pieces of sausage or meat, creating patterns and shapes. In addition, combining cheese with berries will be extremely tasty:

  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Malina
  • blueberries
  • Grapes

Simple sliced ​​cheese with grapes Sliced ​​meat is the best appetizer and tasty treat for guests.
As a rule, cold cuts consist of different types of salted, smoked meat, supplemented with sausages. Cold cuts can be combined with a variety of cheeses, olives, lettuce or herbs. Vegetables in cut meats can release “juice”, which is very undesirable for meat. It is very convenient to roll meat into thin slices into neat tubes and arrange it in “scales” or rosettes. You can cut the meat very thinly and beautifully using a sharp wide knife or a special “slicer” device.

Simple large cuts of meat

Sausage is the most “frequent guest” on the holiday table. You can serve sausage in several interesting ways. This must be done in order to interest everyone present and whet their appetite.

Sliced ​​sausage with “roses”

Slicing Features:

  • The tomato is very watery, so it should be cut into either large rings or half rings. Small tomatoes are best cut into slices (four pieces from one fruit). Cherry tomatoes are cut in half or left whole.
  • Cucumber allows several cutting methods: rings, ovals (cutting diagonally), half rings, serpentine (using a special device). The shape of the vegetable also allows it to be cut lengthwise into slices, strips, or cubes.
  • The onion is cut only into rings; the rings are placed either on top of all the vegetables, or alternating with them. You can decorate the slices with a bunch of fresh onion feathers, which can be easily bent, laid, and made into a pattern.

Shaped tomato slicing

Vegetable appetizer with lemon sauce

The best snack is a healthy vegetable snack!

You will need:
2 zucchini, 1 head of cauliflower, 5 cherry tomatoes, hazelnuts, bunch of basil, 1 lemon, 1 tsp.
Dijon mustard, 5 tbsp. olive oil, spices. Preparation:

Divide the cauliflower into florets, cut the zucchini into large pieces and boil them in a steam bath until soft. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and mix the vegetables. Chop the basil, add oil, mustard, spices, lemon juice and zest, and add vegetables.

Beautiful sliced ​​beets and carrots

Boiled carrots and beets become so pliable that you can easily make beautiful roses from them for serving the holiday table.

Roses from boiled vegetables

First you need to boil, cool and peel the beets. Then we proceed like this:

Step 1. Cut the root vegetable in half, and then cut into very thin slices

This is done using a combine harvester or a pair of skilled hands armed with a very sharp knife (carefully!)

Step 2. We make the rose in several stages - we go from the core to the edges. First, take a small piece and roll it into a fairly tight tube.

Step 3. Now we hold this core, and then we wrap new slices around it - literally 2-3 more pieces.

Step 4. Continuing to hold this structure in our hands, we fasten it with toothpicks. We cut off the excess parts from the bottom.

Interestingly, there is another manufacturing option. A rose can be made from beet strips that do not curl, but rather turn outward. Then you will get a flower like this.

Needless to say, such an element for decorating salads for the holiday table can be used for almost any dish - for herring under a fur coat, as shown in the photo, and indeed for any cold appetizer.

The rosette is well suited for both fruit and vegetable salads. And the beauty is that, if desired, any man can make it in order to pleasantly surprise his beloved lady and decorate the salad for the holiday. A wonderful mood is guaranteed!

Similarly, you can make roses from carrots - the whole process is described step by step in the video.

Here's another option.

Boiled eggs in the form of piglets

Beetroot will be used to color the eggs.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

List of required ingredients:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lettuce leaves.

Step-by-step cooking process

Cooking steps:

  1. First you need to rinse the beets, place them in a saucepan, add water, put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 40-50 minutes, cool and peel.
  2. Afterwards, you will need to transfer the eggs into a saucepan, add cold water, put on high heat, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Boiled eggs must be cooled and shelled.
  3. Next, cut the beets into small cubes, place them in a deep bowl, pour in boiling water and immerse them in the beet-colored liquid. The eggs will need to be left for 20-30 minutes so that they color well.
  4. Then you need to remove the colored eggs from the water, dry them, cut off small parts from one side of the eggs, and cut out the pig's nose and ears from them. After this, you should make 2 holes on each egg and insert 2 black peppercorns there. These will be the eyes.

  5. Now you can attach the ears, securing them with mayonnaise, make tails from bay leaves, secure them at the back, place the resulting piglets on lettuce leaves and serve.

What can I add?

You can add chicken meat, cucumbers, cheese, radishes, and dill to the appetizer.

How to serve a dish

The appetizer can be served in tartlets with sliced ​​vegetables.

Turkey ham

Cream, apple juice and spices - and here is an amazing recipe for cold cuts for children.

You will need:
1 kg turkey fillet, 30 ml butter, 150 ml apple juice, 75 ml 35% cream, 70 g paprika, 2 tbsp.
cilantro, black pepper, 5 star anise, coriander, sugar and salt. Preparation:

Make a marinade from apple juice and spices, bring to a boil and reduce by half, and then add cream. Poke holes in the fillet with a fork, roll in the marinade and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Wipe the breast with napkins, grease with oil and roll in paprika and salt, put in the refrigerator for another hour. Bake the turkey in foil for 20 minutes at 250 degrees.

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