TOP 11 most effective ways to clean silver with stones yourself

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Silver is a beautiful precious metal, jewelry from which helps create a delicate and sophisticated look. They also love it because it looks appropriate at any age and with any skin type. However, silver also has disadvantages. For example, if metal is handled improperly, it turns black. Therefore, it is important for every owner of silver jewelry to know how to clean silver with and without stones. Here it is important to take into account the degree of contamination of the metal, the type of insert, and even the sample of the product.

Types and causes of silver contamination

If silver jewelry is worn or stored incorrectly, sooner or later it will become dirty. The most common reasons for this are:

  • prolonged exposure to oxygen;
  • profuse sweating;
  • being in a room with high humidity levels;
  • contact with the metal surface of cosmetics and aromatic products;
  • interaction with chemicals contained in household chemicals (detergents and cleaners);
  • regular sharp changes in temperature conditions;
  • storage together with jewelry made of other metals;
  • high alloy content in the alloy;
  • lack of regular cleaning.

Most often, as a result of these actions, the silver darkens. However, other consequences are also possible: the appearance of yellow spots or a red tint on the decoration. Products with openwork or relief cuts lose their shine and expressiveness.

Why do silver rings darken and lose their shine?

Ag is a silver-colored precious metal whose ions react with various substances, usually forming a coating on its surface.

The main causes of darkening are:

  • interaction with sulfur contained in some medications, human sweat, air and water;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals contained in cosmetics, cleaning products, and detergents;
  • the presence of a high percentage of copper in the alloy (the lower the sample, the more copper).

In addition, a silver ring will become dirty if you do not remove it before working in the garden, while cleaning the house, etc. Earth and dust, reacting with human sweat, are rubbed into the metal, both the inner surface and the area where The stone is attached and darkens first.

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Superstitious people have their own explanation for this change in the surface of silver jewelry. It is believed that products made from this metal absorb negative energy and thus ward off the evil eye and damage. Of course, this version is far from scientific. In addition, the darkening process is also influenced by taking medications containing sulfur compounds. They are excreted from the human body through sweat and react with metal.

Cleaning methods

To clean silver, you can use professional products or resort to traditional methods. In the second case, several recommendations that are common to all methods should be taken into account:

  1. Cleaning is carried out with a soft cloth or sponge that will not scratch the metal. You can use a toothbrush, making sure the bristles are soft.
  2. To ensure more effective cleaning results, it is recommended to pre-soak the jewelry in a soapy solution.
  3. All work is carried out in warm water, prepared in advance, so that the product is not exposed to temperature changes.
  4. Final polishing is done with suede.
  5. Cleaned jewelry must be wiped dry.

Laundry soap

The method is considered universal. This way you can clean not only silver, but also other jewelry metals. To work, you will need 2 tablespoons of soap shavings dissolved in warm water. The resulting mixture is washed with a soft sponge or rag.

Afterwards, the jewelry should be dried thoroughly, especially if it has a stone. If dirty spots remain on the surface after the procedure, it is recommended to clean it again using a different recipe.

Baking soda

For mild contamination, simply pour a little baking soda into your palms and moisten with water. Use the resulting mixture to clean the jewelry, then rinse with clean water. If there are deeper or older stains on the surface, you can make a baking soda solution in a shallow bowl and leave the item in it for several hours. The following recipe is considered the most effective:

  1. Bring water to a boil in an aluminum pan (you can take a container made of another material, first covering the bottom with foil).
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Dip contaminated jewelry into the mixture and leave there for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After cleaning the products in this way, rinse them and dry them with a paper towel.

The method is not suitable for earrings or pendants with gems: exposure to boiling water may cause the stones to fade, become cloudy, or even burst.

Lemon acid

A 10% solution of citric acid or 6% vinegar also works well for removing stains on silver. To work, you will need to pour the liquid into a small container and place the jewelry in it. For preventative cleaning, simply moisten a soft cloth in citric acid and clean the surface of the product.


To clean the jewelry, you will need to squeeze a little paste onto a damp soft cloth and wipe the product. In the case of silverware, you can use tooth powder diluted with water or a solution of ammonia to a paste-like state. However, this method should be used carefully, since solid particles of powder along with dirt can erase part of the silver layer.

Liquid detergents

Add a little dishwashing detergent to a plate of warm water and mix well. Silver jewelry is placed in the solution for 15-20 minutes and then washed with clean water. You should make sure that there is no soap residue left on the surface, especially under the stones in the nests. At the end of the procedure, the cleaned jewelry is thoroughly dried and then polished with a soft cloth or napkin.


Ammonia for cleaning jewelry can be used in several ways:

  1. Mix alcohol with water and place silver items in a container for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wipe the jewelry with a cloth moistened with a mixture of water and alcohol.
  3. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts. Immerse the product in the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Earrings and rings, as well as other small jewelry, can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and chalk.

Remember that if the jewelry is inlaid with stones, the concentration of ammonia should be reduced.

Soap solution

Soapy water is often used to clean silver. It is prepared once a week by adding a few drops of ammonia. As a result of regular use, the metal does not lose its shine and beauty.

Medical alcohol

For cleaning, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol is made. Dirty jewelry is placed in it for 20 minutes. Then they need to be taken out and wiped dry with a cloth.


To work, white chalk is without the use of dyes and is ground into powder. The resulting chalk dust is applied to a cloth, which is then used to rub the contaminated areas. To restore shine to cleaned products, it is recommended to add a little ammonia to the chalk.


A solution of table salt also returns a beautiful shine to silver jewelry. To do this, add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm liquid and stir thoroughly. If you clean the surface with dry crystals, scratches will form on the silver and the jewelry will lose its attractiveness.


Erasers that effectively remove pencil marks from paper also work well with stains on silver. To do this, you need to rub the stain well with it. The disadvantage of this method is that an eraser will not be able to clean hard-to-reach places, for example, if the product has a relief pattern or there are several slots for stones on it.

Preliminary preparation

To properly clean silver with stones at home, you need to be well prepared. Depending on the task at hand, the following may be required:

  • tweezers;
  • cotton rags;
  • polishing cloth (flannel, suede);
  • toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • toothpicks, cotton swabs;
  • eraser;
  • soda, salt, chalk, ash, tooth powder or paste;
  • ammonia;
  • shampoo or soap;
  • lemon acid;
  • vodka or cognac.

This list is indicative and is intended for cleaning a wide range of jewelry.

There are six rules to remember when cleaning:

  1. There is one condition for the tools used - they should not be hard or sharp, so as not to accidentally scratch the product being cleaned.
  2. Concentrated detergents cannot be used for cleaning; only weak solutions are acceptable. They work well on small, light stains.
  3. You should not overuse water. Many silver items use glue to fix the stones, but water is still a solvent.
  4. If, after using weak cleaning solutions, the blackness does not come off from the silver, then stronger agents (for example, alkaline pastes) can be used. In this case, the stone inserts must first be covered, and cleaning must be done with a cotton swab and a wooden toothpick. It will take more time, but the end result is worth it.
  5. Cleaning is done at room temperature - sudden changes can negatively affect the final result. The insert may discolor, tarnish, crack, or move in the frame as the metal expands when heated.
  6. To make a silver product shine, it must be polished. Thus, when processed, the metal acquires a dull appearance, which can only be removed with the help of a velvety fabric.

What not to clean silver

  1. When choosing a method to clean silver, you must remember that it is a fairly soft metal, and treating it with abrasive agents is strictly prohibited.
  2. If granular components are used (soda, salt, etc.), they must first be thoroughly dissolved in warm water.
  3. Do not use toothbrushes or hard sponges in the procedures, as they can easily scratch the surface of the cleaned metal.
  4. All operations are carried out only manually. Dishwashers are not allowed, especially for items containing precious stones.

How to clean a silver ring with a stone

The easiest and most reliable way to clean jewelry inlaid with semi-precious stones is to take it to a specialized workshop. Professionals use tools and compounds that can deal with any contamination carefully and successfully. But there is not always the opportunity and desire to visit such an establishment. We have to look for alternative ways.

Preparing Jewelry for Cleaning

Any of the above methods for cleaning silver jewelry requires preliminary preparation of the surface of the product. First of all, it is necessary to remove fat particles from it. To do this, the silver is soaked in a soapy solution based on shampoo or liquid dishwashing detergent, and then carefully treated with a soft cloth.

After all the fat has been removed, the products are thoroughly washed with warm, clean water so that no soap solution remains. If there are dirty spots on the cleaned surface or the silver jewelry looks dull, you can use one of the more effective methods.

Universal silver cleaning products

Soap solution

One of the easiest ways to clean silver jewelry is to soak it in soapy water. The composition is prepared on the basis of liquid soap or shampoo, after which the product is left in it for 30 minutes. During this time, the dirt will dissolve; you just need to walk over the surface with a soft toothbrush and wash off any remaining dirt. After all manipulations, wipe the earrings with a soft cloth so that there are no streaks or deposits left on them.


Experienced housewives recommend cleaning silver jewelry with ammonia. Prepare a weak solution of ammonia (10-20 drops per 1 liter of water) and immerse the item in it for 20-30 minutes. After this, wipe the earrings with a napkin and clean hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab. For maximum effect, the cotton wool can be pre-moistened with glycerin or cologne.

Ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

On the Internet you can find advice to clean silver items with ammonia with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. When using this method, be extremely careful, because the oxidizing effect can lead to stains and blackening of the metal. If you decide to do such an experiment, first try the solution on the inside or on the clasp of the product. If the silver has become lighter, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe all metal elements, avoiding getting the product on the gems .

Choose only a soft cloth to polish silver

Raw potatoes

Silver rings, chains and earrings can be peeled with raw potatoes. Grate the vegetable and mix the mixture with a small amount of warm water. Dip the silver into the prepared pulp for half an hour, then remove it and let it dry completely. After the procedure, rub the product with a piece of soft woolen cloth.

Soda + water

A paste of baking soda and water will help you quickly get rid of black marks on silver. Using a soft sponge, apply it to the darkened areas. Clean the metal parts, avoiding the gem inserts. After this procedure, the jewel will shine again.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean

You can learn how to remove blackness from a silver chain from our other article.

Rules for cleaning silver jewelry at home

Cleaning silver jewelry is more difficult than cutlery and other items. This is due to a more intricate shape and the presence of inserts made of precious and semi-precious stones. In this case, it is necessary to select a cleaning method using available means based on the properties and structure of the stone.

With organic nature inserts

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

Stones with an organic nature have a porous structure. In this regard, they cannot be treated with caustic agents: solutions based on alcohol and strong chemicals with alkalis.

For amber

To clean silver jewelry with amber, you must first soak it in warm water. In case of severe contamination, add soap to the liquid. After cleaning your favorite earrings, treat their surface with a soft cloth, rinse with warm water and dry.

For coral

Coral is a fragile stone. To clean a pendant or a ring with it, you should act carefully. In simple cases, it is enough to wipe it with a velvet cloth. If the metal part is heavily soiled, it is necessary to first insulate the insert so as not to damage the coral.

For ivory

As with amber, ivory is not recommended to be washed with alkalis and acids. Its soft structure is easily destroyed under the influence of caustic substances. To clean, the item must be immersed in warm water for a while and then dried with a towel.

For pearls

Among organic stones, pearls are the most unpretentious. However, most often a paste based on corn starch and water (ratio 1:2) is used to clean it. Apply the finished mixture to the stone with a soft brush.

With minerals

Minerals, as well as organic inserts, are cleaned according to the characteristics of each stone.

Silver with cubic zirconia

Cubic zirconia does not have high value, but, like other stones, it requires careful handling. Silver jewelry with cubic zirconia is cleaned with a solution of water and salt. To do this, they are placed in a cotton bag and covered with salt. After this, the bag is lowered into a container with warm water. The procedure continues until all the salt has dissolved. It is not recommended to shake the contents of the bag so as not to damage the stones.

Silver with pearls

Heavily contaminated pearls are cleaned in 3 stages:

  • the decoration is soaked in warm water;
  • the surface is polished with bran soaked in hydrochloric acid;
  • The cleaned product is rinsed with clean water and wiped clean.

In simpler cases, it is enough to treat the mineral with potato starch. The use of vinegar is unacceptable: cleaning the ring in this way can irreparably damage the stone.

For turquoise, opal, malachite, moonstone

Moonstone, malachite, opal and turquoise have the same density, and therefore the same cleaning method works for them. For this you will need a solution based on laundry soap and a soft toothbrush. The surface of the stone is thoroughly rubbed with it until dirty spots are removed. You can make the job easier by first soaking the jewelry in warm water for 30 minutes.

For emerald, sapphire, aquamarine

The density of sapphires, emeralds and aquamarines is considered the highest among precious stones. Therefore, to clean them, you can use the previous method, replacing laundry soap with washing powder or shampoo.

For ruby, garnet, topaz

Garnets, topazes and rubies can be washed with either a baking soda solution or other cleaning products. The main rule is not to use hot water, as this can damage the stone.

What to do if the topaz has changed color

If, during wear, the topaz in the jewelry has become dull or unattractive, the owner will definitely want to restore its attractiveness. However, this cannot always be done.

Too bright artificial stones immediately attract the eye to the counter in a jewelry store. However, such topazes have a significant drawback - they quickly fade. However, it is not possible to return the original shine.

A similar situation occurs with natural light blue topaz. Under the influence of sunlight, they fade and never return to their former brightness.

Only those who own stones of rich blue, blue, yellow, tea and pink colors can correct the situation with the expressiveness of the shade. If you notice that the insert in the jewelry has become cloudy and has lost its expressiveness, then you need to contact the workshop. By repeated irradiation, the jeweler will restore the shade of the stone.

The best remedy for blackness

Many natural stones, depending on their density, react to the temperature of the water when cleaning. Garnet, ruby ​​and topaz are very sensitive to high temperatures and can change color. Do not use hot water to clean them. It is better to use glycerin, which is used to clean the surface with a cotton swab.

Medium density stones , such as malachite, turquoise and moonstone, are washed with a warm solution of laundry soap.

It is recommended to use cornstarch to clean pearls and turquoise. To do this, pour a pinch of starch onto the fabric and rub the product with it. Rub pearls until they shine with olive oil, using only a soft cloth.

Gems are cleaned only with medical alcohol, and high-density stones are washed in washing powder dissolved in warm water. These include emeralds, aquamarines and sapphires.

If a person does not understand what kind of stone is installed in his jewelry, then glycerin is suitable for cleaning. It is a universal tool for adding shine to natural stones. After processing, you need to polish the stone with a soft cloth until it shines.

Restrictions for some decorations

  1. If very darkened jewelry is antique, then it is better to contact a specialist, since the dark coating may turn out to be a special treatment.
  2. Jewelry with inserts that are attached with glue should not be soaked in water.
  3. After cleaning silver rings and earrings, it is not recommended to wear them immediately. The product must lie for several days to form a protective film.

Recommendations for wearing, caring for and storing silver items

To reduce the frequency and intensity of cleaning silver jewelry, you must adhere to certain rules for wearing and storing it. This primarily applies to jewelry with precious stones.

  1. Silver should be stored separately from jewelry made from other metals. In this case, the box must be tightly closed and located in a dry place. If you do not plan to wear silver in the near future, it is recommended to first wrap it in a flannel cloth.
  2. When playing sports, it is recommended to remove jewelry to avoid tearing. If this fails, you should handle it carefully, and after completing your workout, rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove any sebum.
  3. During water procedures, visiting the sauna, cleaning and other housework, silver must be removed. It is also not recommended to allow jewelry, especially those with precious stone inserts, to come into contact with perfumes and cosmetics.

In the case of silver cutlery, the care rules are also strict. They darken upon contact with household gas and some products. Another reason is improper cleaning and storage. Spoons, glasses and other silver household items must be washed immediately after use.

After the products have completely dried, they should be placed in a dry box or box, first wrapped in parchment. However, cutlery made from other materials should be stored separately to prevent metal-to-metal contact.

Causes of loss of shine

Silver is a metal that undergoes oxidation. Over time, the jewelry darkens and becomes covered with a blue-green patina. This is the result of a chemical reaction with the environment.

Silver is a soft metal. Therefore, to give it strength, other metals are added to it: copper, platinum, gold, zinc. The lower the proportion of silver in the alloy, the faster the jewelry will turn black.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the sample. Fineness is a reflection of the percentage of silver and other metals in the alloy. The most common sample is 925. This means that the alloy is 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper, etc. 925 silver is the most durable and least prone to tarnishing. Less popular samples are 875, 800, 750.

There is a superstition that if jewelry turns black, it means that the owner has been damaged. In reality, a chemical reaction simply occurs from the interaction of silver and objects that a person comes into contact with. Tarnishing of silver items can be caused by:

  • Moisture.
  • Contact with cosmetics.
  • Human sweat.
  • Household gas and rubber.
  • Onion and egg yolk.

But there are many recipes on how to clean silver jewelry with a stone at home so that it sparkles and pleases the eye.

How to keep silver pure

To prevent the natural color of various silver items, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Create a separate closed place, such as a box. Put ordinary foil in it, and put things on it. Close the lid. It is important to place the box at a harmonious, room temperature.
  2. It is important to remove jewelry before cosmetic procedures, showers, swimming pools and saunas. Before putting things back on, you need to dry yourself thoroughly and minimize the amount of moisture, creams and other unwanted aggressors.
  3. Every evening you can wipe all items with specialized wipes and polish to minimize the risk of contamination.
  4. After eating, you should immediately clean and polish all things. Also, under no circumstances should cutlery be placed in the dishwasher. In this case, there is a threat of losing metals.

By following all the tips, you can keep silver items clean for a long time. It's a good idea to check metals every month for stains.

How to make silver shine after cleaning

After the cleaning procedure, you should immediately remove all water or remaining liquid and then polish the products. To do this, you can purchase a special professional polish or cream to create a mirror shine.

Apply liquid to a cloth and polish the products until a mirror effect appears. After this, the polish must be washed off and the items thoroughly wiped until the streaks disappear.

Another method is special polishing cloths. They are used to polish the metal until it shines, but it is important to remember that wipes for gold are not suitable for silver products and vice versa.

Table: cost of known funds

Semi-professional special preparations are relatively inexpensive. Moreover, you can choose the appropriate option for your jewelry, taking into account their shape and type of material. Available types of drugs:

NameCost, rub.
Sano Silver500
Town Talk220

Jewelry cleaning products

Cleaning earrings with organic inserts

Natural elements combined with silver look great and are suitable anytime, anywhere. But cleaning earrings with organic inserts requires a delicate approach.

Natural elements can be shells, ivory, petals sealed in resin, stones (amber, coral, mother-of-pearl), wood, etc. It is best not to wet such jewelry, or gently wipe the silver part with soapy water or use a school eraser, and the organic insert treat with a soft cloth. It is strictly forbidden to use acids, alcohol, ammonia, soda, etc., on such jewelry.

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