How to remove slime from hair: 9 ways at home

Removing slime from hair is a pressing issue for parents. A soft toy that melts in your hands ends up wherever possible: on furniture, clothes, but the worst thing is if it gets tangled in your hair.

How to get slime out of your hair without difficulty? First of all, you shouldn’t try to get the sticky mass off your hair right away; there is a chance that the slime will simply smudge, especially if it gets tangled in a girl’s hair.

Don't panic, everything can be washed and cleaned, but some methods will take time. Getting slime out of your hair at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, even if the affected area is large.


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First of all, especially if the child’s curls are long, you need to remove clean strands from dirty ones using an elastic band or tape, avoiding smearing.

The easiest way to get slime out of a child's hair is to cut it. Fast, painless and safe. Suitable in cases where the slime has stuck to a thin strand or the very ends of the hair, when the child’s haircut will not suffer from a small correction. The main thing in this matter is not to get carried away, otherwise even the most professional and skillful hairdresser will not be able to correct the situation.

Vegetable oil and analogues

Are you happy with your body?

Is it true that our thoughts materialize?

It will cope with the problem perfectly, the stained area is generously lubricated with oil, then wash your hair thoroughly.

Olive oil or Johnson's Baby cosmetics also work well.

What to do if the slime sticks to your hands

Then comb out the softened slime with a fine-toothed comb.

Then immediately wash the child’s hair, otherwise the hair will become too greasy and unkempt. You may have to wash your hair more than once, but this method is one of the simplest and most accessible.

What is slime

Slime is a chewy toy first released by Mattel in 1976. The mass consists of a jelly-like material that has the properties of a non-Newtonian fluid.

The toy is similar to slime, but does not spill, and is easy to shape. The slime looks like a jelly mass. When a child takes it in his hands, he is captured by a viscous colored liquid that relieves stress. The toy is bright, comes in different shades, with or without glitter. Slime attracts children of different ages, sometimes even adults.

It helps relieve nervous tension and distract from sad thoughts. Manipulating mucus develops fine motor skills, thinking, concentration, memory and logic.

There are slimes on sale with foam balls as filler. They click and crunch wonderfully. In addition to balls, slime may also contain many cubes of adsorbent material and toy figures.


You can remove slime from your hair using cold. To do this, you need to take two ice cubes and apply them to the mixture. When exposed to cold, it becomes hard and can be easily combed out with a fine-toothed comb.

It is especially convenient to do this with a metal comb, which is used by hairdressers.

If there is no ice, ice water is an alternative. Not just cold, you need to keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes so that crystals form.

If the slime stuck to your hair not at home, but during a walk, and there is no access to a freezer, then you can buy frozen semi-finished products in the store. They can also provide a sufficient cooling effect for subsequent removal.


  • How to remove slime? To determine the appropriate method for a particular fabric, conduct a test on a small, inconspicuous place. It can prevent discoloration or holes left in the fabric. Since some methods can greatly harm tissues.
  • If you find slime on clothes, furniture, or carpets, try not to leave it unattended and immediately take measures to remove it. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to remove it.
  • So that you don’t have to solve the problem: how to remove slime from your hair? Children should not be left unattended with such a toy. This fun can bring a lot of trouble, as it leads to stains that are difficult to remove.

As it turned out, any housewife can cope with the stains left behind from handgaming. When removing stains, both improvised means and household chemicals are suitable. Well, if the stains do not respond to home treatment, then you can always contact a professional dry cleaner, they will always give you the right advice on how to remove the slime.

Makeup removers

Every mother's makeup bag contains several products that will help remove slime from her hair.

The procedure with makeup remover liquid is best done in the bathroom. Apply the product to the curls with a cotton pad and then rinse with water. Repeat until completely washed off.

Micellar water

Apply to a cotton pad, after which the slime is removed from the curls with gentle movements with the disc. Brush out the remains.

How to soften slime if it breaks and does not stretch

Regular alcohol-containing perfumes

It is applied to a cotton swab, and with its help the mass is erased from the child’s head. Any product containing alcohol, including cologne, will do.

Liquid for removing the sticky layer from gel polish

Unusual technique. But very effective. You can press a cotton wool soaked in the liquid onto your hair for 20 minutes using a clothespin, then wash your hair and comb it.

Slime composition

Slime, bought in a store and not prepared at home, consists of polymer molecules - a substance that can form peculiar strings (something like spaghetti).
They are tightly bonded with sodium tetraborate (about 2% in the composition), a derivative of boric acid. They make the slime elastic, soft and relatively durable. The color of the slime depends on what food coloring the manufacturer used in the composition. Distilled or purified water is also used for its production.

Reference! All of the listed substances are harmless for household use, unless, of course, you violate the recommendations for use.

If slime gets stuck in your pet's fur

Often the victims of slimes are four-legged fluffies - cats, dogs, guinea pigs, who curiously watch children play with a shapeless lump. When trying to remove the sticky thing from the back, paw or tail, the pets try to escape from the owner’s hands. There are two ways to deal with the problem:

  • simple - cut off the wool along with the slime;
  • difficult - try to remove the toy with liquid soap or cold.

All methods that are used to remove slime from children's hair work with animals. The choice of method depends on the length and softness of the fur of your four-legged friend. But even if you have to cut a tuft on your pet’s back or belly, don’t be upset. In a month, the fur will grow back, so there will be no trace of the unpleasant episode.

Cleaning Features

First of all, you need to remove the slime manually: rub the stain that appears in the direction from the edge to the center so that the dirt does not become larger. It is best to take a hard brush, but not a metal one, so as not to damage the fabric. To remove stains from thick, picky material (jeans, trousers, shorts, jackets), you can also use a nail file or a dull knife. If preliminary cleaning is not carried out, the slime is more likely to spread further, in which case it will be impossible to save the product.

After mechanical treatment, you should proceed to the main stage of removing contaminants: cleaning using the chosen method. The active substance will help dissolve the slime and remove it from the fibers of the material.

Colored fabrics should also not be treated with alcohol, solvents, acetone, hot air, or boiling water, otherwise the damaged area may fade.

Sometimes it is better not to try to wash the product yourself, but to use dry cleaning services. You need to do this if none of the methods help. It is also not recommended to try to clean clothes from famous brands made from expensive fabrics, natural fur, carpets, rugs, fur coats, jackets and furniture covers on your own.

It is very difficult to remove stains from silk and satin without causing harm to them. It is also worth using dry cleaning services if the slime stains are already several weeks or even months old.

Next, you need to wash off the remaining traces of the slime and the smell of the products used. This can be done by washing in an automatic machine or by hand.

When using aggressive household chemicals, do not forget about protection: thick household gloves, a medical mask. If caustic professional products come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, you must immediately rinse the damaged area with clean water; in especially serious cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

To get rid of both the remaining substance and the unsightly stain, wash the carpet in the following sequence:

  1. Perform mechanical cleaning with a scraper or knife. You should try to remove as much of the mucus as possible.
  2. Apply any of the selected products and leave for half an hour, then clean with a soft brush from the edge to the center so as not to rub the stain over a large area.
  3. Treat the stain with a sponge or rag soaked in warm water - this will remove any remaining slime and cleaning products.
  4. Blot the cleaned area with a dry cloth or towel. It is better to leave it on the stain for a few minutes so that it absorbs as much liquid as possible.
  5. Dry the area to be cleaned with a hairdryer.

Almost any stain on the carpet can be removed in this way, but it is recommended to first study the composition and characteristics of the pile - this may affect the choice of products.

Before you begin removal, put on gloves, regardless of what cleaning substances you will use - traditional or official, this way you will protect your skin from irritation.

Laundry soap foam cleans slime marks well

If it is not possible to use professional cleaning agents, it is permissible to use folk remedies

But do this with caution, first checking on an inconspicuous part to see if the composition will harm the carpet. This is especially true for cleaning products made from natural pile, wool, suede and silk threads.

Helps in removing stains:

  • laundry soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda, vinegar and washing powder;
  • starch and chalk;
  • tea leaves (only for dark carpets);
  • sawdust and gasoline;
  • solvent;
  • lemon juice, ammonia and sea salt.

To get rid of slime residue, mix water, baking soda, vinegar and laundry detergent in a 2:1:1:1 ratio. Spray on dirt with a spray bottle and rub with a piece of cloth from the center to the edges.

Gasoline, thinner and a mixture of lemon juice, salt and ammonia will easily remove the stain. But in order not to damage the pile, do not leave the substance on it for a long time and use only the amount necessary to moisten the stain. It will take 10-15 minutes to absorb into the structure, after which products such as vinegar, gasoline and thinner must be wiped off, otherwise they will remove the color.

Laundry soap

Smelly brown laundry soap can remove even dried slime. The slime is soaked in water and rubbed with a piece of laundry soap, achieving abundant foam. The item is left for several hours, preferably overnight, and the next morning it is put in the washing machine.

There is a similar method. A bar of soap is grated and the shavings are soaked in clean water. Rub this mixture onto the dried stain. Wait 6-8 hours and wash with powder. In very difficult cases, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Precautionary measures

To avoid trouble with slime, you should follow a few rules. They are simple and help avoid long hair washing.

Store slime in the refrigeratorImmediately after playing, the slime should be put in a box and put in the refrigerator. If you leave the slime on the table, someone will catch their long hair on the melted toy.
Don't take it to bedChildren should understand that slime has no place in the bedroom. Most cases of dirty hair are caused by a child falling asleep with slime.
Explain the rules of the gameA small child should be immediately explained that slime cannot be glued to clothes, placed on the head or upholstered furniture.
Do not clean with your handsIt is better not to try to clean off sticky slime manually. Only large pieces can be removed with your fingers, while small pieces will remain on the hair and will be difficult to remove.


If the toy has managed to stick and get things dirty, the cold method will help. The item is placed in the freezer, after being wrapped in plastic. Alternatively, you can use pieces of ice, for example, if the freezer is full. It takes two hours for the slime to harden. After this, the slime will easily break off piece by piece. You can use a knife: by prying a piece, it will be easy to remove it from the fabric. True, traces will remain, but the hot cleaning method will solve this problem.

Household chemicals

Cleaning methods are determined by the composition and properties of the fabric. In some cases, household chemicals will help. It is designed for natural and synthetic materials, colored and white. It’s easier to remove slime from clothes using proven stain removers: Vanish, Dr. Beckmann. These products cope with various stains and are suitable for many types of fabrics. Apply stain remover to the stained area and leave for 10 minutes. You can wash the slime off your clothes after the product has taken effect. If the stain is old, then add a powder enhancer during washing.

If the cleaning method with broad-spectrum stain removers is not suitable, they resort to specialized chemistry. A product such as RW-40 will help remove slime. This is an automotive lubricant, popularly called “liquid key”. The print is treated with the product, after it has softened, the substance is removed, and the product is washed in the usual way.

RW-40 is solvent-like and should be used with caution

How to wash dried slime out of hair

Dried and hardened slime is much more difficult to remove. But it’s also possible.

Substances that have the ability to dissolve materials are helpful:

  • acetone;
  • gasoline (clean only);
  • auto lubricant WD-40;
  • stain removers for paint and glue.

Each substance should be applied to the hair in a small amount (preferably with a cotton pad) and rinsed off almost immediately.

It is not advisable to use these methods on a child’s hair. If the gentle methods mentioned above do not help, it is better to cut it off than to take risks with toxic substances that can cause poisoning and damage your hair.

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