Chef's tricks, or how to remove the smell from stale chicken

The odor from chicken meat is usually neutral, but as a result of prolonged or improper storage it can become unpleasant.

If you are sure that the chicken is not spoiled, you can try to remove the repulsive odor and make the product suitable for use.

We will tell you in this article how to remove an unpleasant odor from chicken meat (for example, if it suffocated in a bag).

Features of cooking not quite fresh chicken that smells

Heat treatment of meat should be the final stage after soaking or marinating.
Without pre-treatment, fragrant chicken can be cooked only if the unpleasant odor is not very pronounced and the recipe uses a large amount of spices. Cooking slightly spoiled meat should take into account the following rules:

The best options for preparing slightly spoiled chicken are dishes from Vietnamese, Indian and other cuisines, which involve the use of a large amount of spices.

But if, despite all efforts, the meat continues to emit an unpleasant odor, it is advisable to throw it away, since the product may be more spoiled than it seemed at first glance.


Fresh raw chicken has a glossy, somewhat soft texture.

It should not be slimy or sticky. If there is a slimy residue on your hands after touching raw chicken, it is a sign that it has gone bad.

Cooked chicken is tougher and drier than raw chicken. If you notice any changes in texture, such as softness, sliminess, stickiness, or coating, it is likely no longer safe to eat.


Raw chicken should not be slimy or sticky, but rather glossy and slightly soft. Cooked chicken that has gone bad is usually slimy, sticky and too soft.

Suffocated in a bag - what to do

For various reasons, the product may turn sour in cellophane. Not all meat can acquire flavor: fatty meat and chicken skin are most prone to acquiring “aroma.”

This may be due to faulty operation of the freezer or carelessness of the housewife. Is it possible to save spoiled meat?

Follow the meat washing methods described above. If you are not going to cook it right away, then cut it and put it in a clean container. If you decide to cook it right away, it is best to boil it, you need to do this with two onions: the meat broth will spoil, but the meat will be very tasty and sweetish from the onions. Pork lends itself especially well to this method.

Very unusual chicken fillet chops

700 gr. chilled chicken breast;

Smoked trout - 300 gr.;

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the spinach leaves thoroughly and leave in cold water for 20 minutes. Rinse again and place on a towel to dry.

2. Using the blade of a narrow, sharp knife, cut the prepared fillet along the fibers into 2-3 pieces. Salt the chicken pieces and season with freshly ground black pepper. Without beating, fry in boiling refined oil. Fry briefly, over high heat, until golden brown.

3. Cut the trout into thin slices and wrap pieces of fried meat in them.

4. Place some of the spinach on a square piece of foil. Place a piece of chicken wrapped in trout on it and secure the edges of the foil tightly. Prepare the remaining pieces of meat in the same way.

5. Transfer the pieces wrapped in foil onto a baking sheet and bake for a quarter of an hour at 220 degrees.

Remove the smell

Even after lying for 2-3 hours in a warm room, a piece of meat begins to deteriorate a little. Rapidly multiplying bacteria are to blame for everything. Their activity can be neutralized, and the product can be safely prepared and eaten. These simple culinary tricks are used by experienced housewives for chicken and other types of meat.

Method 1. One of the simplest and cheapest methods for removing odor from meat. Vinegar can be found in every home.

Method 2. Citrus juice not only makes the fillet lose its unpleasant flavor. The fibers in the meat become softer.

Method 3. An elegant way to get rid of odor.

Method 4. For any type of meat.

Method 5. The most accessible method.

Method 6. Method from Soviet canteens.

Method 7. The most delicious.

Method 8. Option for old beef or pork.

Method 9. After this treatment, you get a flavorful fried meat dish.

Method 11. This and the next two methods will help eliminate the smell from improper storage in the refrigerator.

a mixture of herbs or individually: thyme, rosemary, cardamom, basil, nutmeg.

Method 14. This processing composition will give the finished dish the aroma of a fire.

How to remove bad odor from chicken

Before you get rid of the foul odor, you need to make sure the chicken is fresh and ready to eat. High-quality chicken pulp has a pink structure and a white tint to the fat layer.

To get rid of an unpleasant aroma, they resort to using simple and accessible techniques:

  1. You can “mask” the stench with chopped onions and garlic cloves. Peeled garlic is crushed in a garlic press, and the onion is grated. Rub the chicken with the prepared mixture and leave for 30 minutes in a cool room.
  2. If there is no time to soak the chicken, it is prepared using available means - salt and wheat flour. The two components are mixed and the mixture is rubbed onto the meat pieces. Flour absorbs unpleasant aroma, and salt cleanses the skin of the chicken carcass.

The “odor” is combated by marinating chicken. You need to take vegetable oil, wine or vinegar, add basil and place the product in this solution for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water and start cooking.

Alternative methods

Universal methods help to revive any meat, but there are special recipes that apply only to specific products.

They include:


Stale chicken can be stuffed with garlic cloves, rubbed with salt and ground black pepper, and left in a cool place for 1-1.5 hours. If you don’t have time to wait that long, you can use another method:

The flour will absorb the unpleasant aroma, and the salt will clean the surface.


Pork itself does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor. In this case we are talking about meat from an uncastrated boar. A distinctive feature of the product is a fetid amber, which can be felt even in the taste of the finished dish.

Method 1

You will have to soak the tenderloin at home for 10-12 hours in milk. First, remove the fatty layers from the meat and cut it into thin slices. The dairy product needs to be replaced with a new one every 2-3 hours.

You can simplify the task and pour milk over the meat by adding a head of garlic. In a day, the product will be ready for use.

Method 2

Another effective way to soak:

Method 3

To prepare the marinade you will need juniper, cloves, allspice, marjoram, mint, and chopped onions. The recipe is quite simple:


The specific smell of rabbit meat can be easily eliminated by soaking the carcass overnight in regular cold water. Before preparing a dish, it is recommended to marinate the meat for prevention: in this case, the smell will definitely not return during cooking, and the flesh will become softer and more tender.

To avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous sellers, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing meat when buying at the market or in a supermarket:

Terms and conditions of storage

Preserving the consumer properties of chicken depends not only on the timing and storage location, but also on other nuances.

Raw chicken

In the refrigerator, the poultry is chilled, wrapped in parchment, a perforated cellophane bag, does not spoil for 5 days from the moment of slaughter, defrosted - 12 hours, marinated - up to five days, chicken offal - 18 hours.

Chicken is stored in the freezer:

  • 12 months at temperatures of -19 degrees and below;
  • six months at t -15–18°C;
  • boiled - 3 months without defrosting;
  • smoked - 2 weeks.


A cooled product cannot be frozen after two days in the refrigerator.


In boiled, baked and fried chicken, putrefactive bacteria develop more actively, so poultry dishes quickly spoil.

Boiled chicken retains its taste and nutritional value for 3 hours on the table or stove and for three days in foil on the shelf of a household refrigerator. After the maximum shelf life, it is recommended to fry the ready-to-eat product in a frying pan.

Grilled chicken, fried, baked at 4°C is kept for no more than 12 hours, smoked - for a day.


how to store chicken without refrigeration Expand

What to do if the chicken smells

The specific smell of stale chicken is inherent even in fresh meat. To make the chicken smell, just leave the chilled carcass in a plastic bag for several hours. Also, the characteristic “amber” may be a consequence of the use of certain types of feed for poultry raised at home rather than in factory conditions.


If you're concerned about how meat smells, check to see if it's spoiled. The color of fresh fillet is pinkish, while meat that is not suitable for food has a grayish tint.

The fat should be white, not yellow. The normal smell of chicken meat is without “sourness”. Feel the sirloin. If the meat is dense, it means it’s fresh; if it’s sticky or slimy, the carcass will have to be thrown away.

You cannot eat spoiled food!

Fresh fillets should have a pink tint

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of chicken meat

1. Trim excess fat: sometimes it is the source of the unpleasant odor.

2. Wash the carcass well, soak for a couple of hours in cold water. For greater effect, add table salt (2-3 teaspoons per liter).

Soaking in salt water is the easiest method.

3. Soaking meat in a weak (light pink) solution of potassium permanganate helps a lot. Duration of soaking is 2-3 hours. After this, wash the bird thoroughly under running water.

4. Generously rub the carcass (fillet, wings, drumsticks) with finely ground table salt, rinse after two hours.

5. Flour has an absorbent effect (any flour will do, be it wheat or corn). Roll the fillet in it (you can add fine table salt, the ratio of products is 1:1), rinse after 30-40 minutes.

Eliminate odor during cooking

If after all the manipulations the meat is barely perceptible, but still smells, use proven culinary “tricks” that will help remove the smell of chicken directly during cooking.

1. Rub the meat with finely chopped onions or garlic passed through a press. The pungent aroma will “drown out” all foreign odors.

2. Marinate the chicken: store-bought marinades, lemon juice, mustard, soy or teriyaki sauce, and balsamic vinegar are suitable.

3. Use spices that have a pronounced aroma: tarragon (tarragon), basil, red pepper, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, curry, cardamom.

4. When cooking the broth, do not skimp on any seasonings, roots, or vegetables. Cook the onions and carrots whole in it, and then throw them away.

5. In “dacha-field conditions”, cook the meat on the grill or grill. The smoky flavor neutralizes unpleasant odors.

How to remove the smell of chicken in the refrigerator

1. Use special absorbers (can be found at any hardware store).

2. Place pieces of rye bread, activated carbon tablets on the shelves (charcoal in small briquettes is also suitable), place small containers with coffee grounds - natural absorbents will quickly absorb the “amber”.

3. Wash the inside of the refrigerator with a warm solution of baking soda, which perfectly cleans and disinfects any surfaces (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). The same method is suitable for washing the kitchen table or sink.

4. Clean the shelves with a clean damp cloth, and then rub with lemon peel.

To get rid of the smell of chicken in your bag, use laundry soap or dishwashing gel. If the bag cannot be washed, wipe the material with a soda solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water), and then dry thoroughly.

How to remove chicken smell from hands

The easiest way: wash your hands with laundry soap and lukewarm water. If you are not satisfied with the result, make a scrub using table salt and a small amount of warm water. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

The peel (juice) of lemon, lime or grapefruit and 9% table vinegar diluted with cool water in a 1:1 ratio also cope with the task. But these products cannot be used if there are wounds (cracks, scratches) on the hands, inflammation or hypersensitive skin.

Prevention of odor

Always check the expiration date of the product: pay attention to the unpleasant smell of chicken, the earthy color of the meat, and the integrity of the packaging.

2. Store chilled meat in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days, frozen meat - from a week to several months (depending on the power of the freezer).

3. If you don’t plan to cook the meat right now, cut the carcass into portions.

4. Store poultry in an airtight container or bag, vented, away from other food items.

Chicken meat should be stored in the freezer in a separate sealed bag.

5. Monitor the condition of the refrigerator. Remove puddles from “leaked” products in a timely manner.

More ways to eliminate bad odor.

How to tell if chicken has gone bad

To avoid becoming a victim of severe intoxication, you need to know which chicken can be eaten and which must be disposed of.


Signs of raw chicken that has expired and is unsuitable for home cooking:

  1. Color change.
    Yellow spots on the skin or a predominance of gray instead of pink is the first sign of a spoiled product.
  2. Sour or ammonia smell.
    The bad odor is difficult to detect if the carcass is frozen. But the odor is clearly felt during heat treatment. If the smell is strong, it is better to throw the chicken away.
  3. Sticky skin, loss of elasticity.
    The missing product is identified by the loose consistency of the meat and a slimy film on the surface, which is difficult to get rid of. You can tell that a chicken is unfit for consumption by touching the carcass with your hands. If, after pressing with your finger, a sticky substance remains on it, and the dent on the carcass does not recover for a long time, then the meat is not fresh.

Do not doubt the quality of chicken if there are black, red or green moldy areas. This is a clear signal to dispose of the product.


Properly frozen chicken is coated with a clear, thick layer of icy glaze. White ice forms on the surface of the carcass during repeated freezing.

The fact that the product is frozen can also be judged by the icy pinpoint rashes surrounded by swollen skin.


Spoiled boiled chicken is recognized by its sulfuric smell and sour taste. Spices used during cooking or immersion of the product in sauce make it difficult to determine the organoleptic properties of poultry meat.

When tasting, just chew a piece of chicken without swallowing.


A gray cut of a fried product indicates its inedibility. This sign is especially noticeable on the breast. The fact of spoilage is confirmed by the smell of rotten eggs, if it is not masked by marinade, herbs, or spices.

We recommend reading:

how to tell if fish has gone bad

Prevention of odor

Always check the expiration date of the product: pay attention to the unpleasant smell of chicken, the earthy color of the meat, and the integrity of the packaging.

3. If you don’t plan to cook the meat right now, cut the carcass into portions.

4. Store poultry in an airtight container or bag, vented, away from other food items.

5. Monitor the condition of the refrigerator. Remove puddles from “leaked” products in a timely manner.

Before you start eliminating the unpleasant odor of chicken meat, put on thin “chef” or surgical gloves; this will protect your hands from the characteristic odor and damage.

Meat fillet is a product that spoils quickly, and improper storage can lead to a repulsive stench.

A disgusting “smell” is a sign that the active formation of rot, provoked by microorganisms, has begun.

Before you start cooking, you should get rid of the unpleasant odor by resorting to folk methods and simple recipes, and in order to avoid possible food poisoning, determine the cause of the unwanted odor.

Why does a chicken smell like eggs?

Chickens infected with Salmonella enterica produce hydrogen sulfide gas, which smells like eggs. It is found primarily in chicken products and eggs. It is killed by cooking it at high temperatures, but it is best to avoid using it if the chicken starts to smell like this.

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How to choose a quality product

You need to be able to choose meat so that it doesn’t go rotten immediately upon arrival home, not overpay for bones and get a good product. Here are some tips to help you.

There are times when chicken meat, after lying in the refrigerator for a long time, begins to emit an unpleasant, windy smell. If the product is still quite suitable for consumption, you just need to remove the “flavor” before serving it.

How to tell if chicken has gone bad

However, before you begin the appropriate actions, you should make sure that the chicken has not spoiled.

Look carefully at the color of the skin and meat of the poultry, analyze the smell and structure of the product:

How to remove bad chicken smell

1. If the chicken meat has not spoiled, but has simply become weathered from long-term storage, you can begin the cleaning procedure. Your main assistant in the fight against foreign odors is water, salted or with the addition of potassium permanganate or spices.

2. First, you need to trim off all the fat, since it is this part of the chicken carcass that becomes the most common source of unpleasant odor.

3. After this, you should soak the chicken in water. It must be filled with cold liquid and kept there for less than 2-3 hours. It is also recommended to pour coarse salt there (2 tablespoons for every liter).

You can soak the meat in a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or in a cool decoction of medicinal chamomile. These liquids absorb odors well and at the same time disinfect the product.

Other ways to combat chicken smell

If there is not enough time for soaking, you can use a special express method. Mix 100 g of coarse salt and 100 g of bread flour. Thoroughly rub the chicken carcass with the mixture on the inside and outside. The flour will absorb the unpleasant odor, and the salt will clean the surface of the meat well. After this, carefully rinse the chicken under running water.

You can remove any remaining unpleasant odor using spices. Garlic and onion cover up any flavor well. Rub the outside of the chicken with garlic, then insert a few cloves inside the carcass and leave the meat to soak for 40 minutes on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. You can also rub the bird with black and red pepper, basil, mustard, lemon juice, and ginger.

Pickling is also used for camouflage. Soak pieces of chicken meat in a solution of acetic acid or pour red wine over them for a couple of hours. The weathered smell of poultry can be eliminated with soy sauce. Mix 100 ml of sauce, juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Place the chicken in the soy marinade for 2-3 hours.

Fresh meat does not always have a pleasant smell. Odor appears for a number of reasons: improper slaughter, storage, etc. How to get rid of the smell from meat? Firstly, a rotten product should be thrown away immediately if you don’t want to get poisoned. After the procedures we suggested, slightly spoiled fillets or ribs will turn out to be quite a flavorful dish. The article also contains tips on eliminating the specific smell of lamb, pork boar, and goat meat.

Eliminating the smell of burnt chicken

If for some reason the chicken is burnt, then there is no reason to worry, the smell must be eliminated.

Removing the smell of burnt chicken from a pan or other utensils is simple:

  1. Remaining carbon deposits must be removed with a brush or soda solution.
  2. It is enough to use a professional product to remove burning smell from dishes and other surfaces.
  3. If it is not possible to buy a professional product, then you can use improvised materials: soak the dishes in a solution of vinegar and water for a quarter of an hour, then use dishwashing detergent and wash the containers.
  4. After washing the dishes, just put orange peels or coffee beans inside. These products will absorb any remaining unpleasant odor.

To prevent the smell of spoiled, rotten or burnt chicken from bothering you, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the refrigerator, the expiration date of food, and not be distracted while preparing dishes.

No ice crust

Purchasing frozen meat does not guarantee a fresh meat product. In this regard, it is strongly recommended that you carefully study the purchased product.

A freshly frozen chicken carcass is necessarily characterized by the presence of a thick ice crust, the presence of which confirms the fact that the product was frozen correctly and in compliance with all requirements.

If the presence of white ice is observed on the product, we are most likely talking about meat that has been frozen. Of course, frozen meat can be safely used in cooking, because it does not pose any danger, but in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste of the final product will be slightly spoiled.

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

Violation of storage rules and preparation technologies lead to the activation of staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, salmonella, and other pathogens of pathological processes in the product. Pathogenic microorganisms cause dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, and their waste products poison the entire body.

Malfunctions occur in the digestive tract, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Blood flow worsens, metabolic reactions slow down. The victim feels sick, loose stools become foamy and foul-smelling. His temperature rises and he has no appetite. Abdominal colic stops for a short time only after defecation.

Due to the loss of fluid as a result of severe diarrhea, dehydration develops, accompanied by:

  • pressure drop;
  • drying out of mucous membranes;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • darkening of urine, reduction in its excretion;
  • tachycardia.

To stop intoxication, leftover food is removed from the stomach. The victim is asked to drink 1–1.5 liters of salted water in several doses, each time inducing vomiting by pressing the fingers on the root of the tongue. The stomach is washed until its contents become transparent.

To bind and remove toxins, absorbents are given (crushed activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel). For rehydration, use Regidron or a lot of clean water, which you need to drink in small sips. If first aid is provided correctly, the signs of poisoning disappear within two days.

Seek medical help immediately if victims - children, pregnant women, elderly people or signs of dehydration increase, symptoms of intoxication persist for more than two days.

How to remove odor from chicken

Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a mild detergent to water. Remove all containers and shelves. Wash them thoroughly, as well as the inside of the refrigerator and freezer with the prepared solution.

A vinegar solution has a similar effect. Dilute vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe all interior surfaces thoroughly. Take cotton pads and soak them in vinegar. Place on plates and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

You can also use a solution of ammonia made at the rate of 10 drops per 100 ml of water.

Wipe the internal surfaces of the unit dry with a soft cloth.

Freshly ground coffee and ordinary cat litter have a similar absorbent effect.

To destroy the smell of meat, you can also use some spices - cloves, cinnamon, thyme, turmeric, celery, tarragon and others.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator. The very first thought that came to mind on this topic was that to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, it would be a good idea to wash it. We are not afraid. That’s true, but this is the most radical and global measure of all. First, look in the refrigerator for any leftover or spoiled food.

How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator. After purchasing a refrigerator, you should immediately wash the inside of it with a low-concentration soda solution, or use another detergent. Odor absorbers are also very popular, they are cheap and can save you from the problem of unpleasant odor. Causes of odor in the refrigerator. The smell can appear for many reasons, for example, if food has spoiled and you did not remove it from the refrigerator in time.

How long to cook fragrant chicken?

This time, the chicken should stay in the water for at least an hour, or even overnight, and it is advisable to put it in the refrigerator for this time, covering the pan with a lid. That's all you need to do to make your chicken taste great again. After this procedure, all the unpleasant “smell” will disappear.

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These tips will save you from mistakes in buying, storing and cooking meat.

If the piece is large, cut it into pieces before processing. If the smell still remains, then throw away the product - it is completely rotten. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing and to purchase a product without foreign odors, always pay attention to the color: it should be even. Other signs of a good product are elasticity and neutral aroma.

If the fillet has a strong smell, you should refuse to buy it: this is a sign of a stale product or harmful additives. Store meat parts in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer. Wrap them in parchment or paper towel, which has been pre-moistened with salt water. Do not refreeze meat. If you start cooking with meat that has a rotten smell, the taste of the dish will definitely deteriorate. Pre-treatment is necessary.

A delicious meal starts with fresh ingredients. Buy only meat that you are one hundred percent confident in, store it correctly, and, if necessary, process it using the suggested methods. Many of them not only eliminate the rotten smell, but also serve as an excellent marinade and enrich the taste of the product.

Eliminate the smell of burnt meat

Another problem with cooking meat is not its freshness, but the inattention of the housewife. The whole room is saturated with smoke. What should be done:

  1. Open all windows and ventilate.
  2. Remove curtains and other textiles and wash. Fabrics absorb and retain the smell of burnt meat.
  3. If there is a hood, turn it on.
  4. You will have to discard the burnt dish.

Meat storage

There are several rules that, if followed, will keep meat fresh for as long as possible:

  • When storing meat in the refrigerator, it is necessary to separate the bones;
  • It is better to choose glass or enamel containers for storage;
  • It is not recommended to cut meat into pieces before storing;
  • Meat grated with onions and lemon juice will last longer;

To prevent meat from acquiring an unpleasant odor, it is not recommended:

  • Store washed meat;
  • Leave the meat in the refrigerator for a long time in plastic wrap;
  • Use wooden containers for storage;
  • Store meat in a paper bag;
  • Leave the meat uncovered in the refrigerator for a long time.

It is important to follow these rules when storing chilled meat in the refrigerator (not in the freezer)

How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of chicken meat

Rinse the chicken in cold running water, remove fat from the carcass - it may be the source of this unpleasant odor. Cut it into pieces and soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. You can also soak chicken meat for 3-4 hours in cold salted water; add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse table salt to 1 liter of water. And if you add a small piece of charcoal - the size of a chicken egg - to such water, the effect will increase. You can also soak meat in a decoction of chamomile by brewing 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and then diluting the decoction in 1 liter of cold water.

Mustard gives good results. Carefully coat each piece on all sides with it, place them in a bowl, cover with film and refrigerate for several hours. You can also grate chicken meat with a mixture of sugar and salt. You can also mix spices and herbs that you have around the house. Rub the chicken pieces with salt and sprinkle them with this mixture, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

Garlic can also eliminate bad or strange smells caused by chicken that has been smothered in a bag. Cut two or three cloves into quarters and stuff them into pieces of chicken, adding salt. Pass a couple of large cloves of garlic through a press, mix with salt and ground black pepper, coat the chicken pieces and put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Meat fillet is a product that spoils quickly, and improper storage can lead to a repulsive stench.

A disgusting “smell” is a sign that the active formation of rot, provoked by microorganisms, has begun.

Before you start cooking, you should get rid of the unpleasant odor by resorting to folk methods and simple recipes, and in order to avoid possible food poisoning, determine the cause of the unwanted odor.

Uncastrated boar meat: how to get rid of the smell?

The stench of boar meat that has not been castrated can be eliminated by soaking and freezing.

A common reason for the smell of pork pulp is that the animal was not neutered.

For soaking you need:

  1. Take a pan with warm salted boiled water and add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar essence (per 1 liter of water).
  2. Soak the pork in milk for 6 hours, changing it every 2 hours.

The method of freezing unwanted “flavor” is effective due to the effect of low temperature. The boar pulp should be frozen for 3 days at a temperature not lower than -25 degrees Celsius.

Before freezing, the product is soaked in milk or vinegar solution.

Remove the smell

Even after lying for 2-3 hours in a warm room, a piece of meat begins to deteriorate a little. Rapidly multiplying bacteria are to blame for everything. Their activity can be neutralized, and the product can be safely prepared and eaten. These simple culinary tricks are used by experienced housewives for chicken and other types of meat.

Method 1. One of the simplest and cheapest methods for removing odor from meat. Vinegar can be found in every home.

Method 2. Citrus juice not only makes the fillet lose its unpleasant flavor. The fibers in the meat become softer.

Method 3. An elegant way to get rid of odor.

Method 4. For any type of meat.

Method 5. The most accessible method.

Method 6. Method from Soviet canteens.

Method 7. The most delicious.

Method 8. Option for old beef or pork.

Method 9. After this treatment, you get a flavorful fried meat dish.

Method 11. This and the next two methods will help eliminate the smell from improper storage in the refrigerator.

a mixture of herbs or individually: thyme, rosemary, cardamom, basil, nutmeg.

Method 14. This processing composition will give the finished dish the aroma of a fire.

There are some more effective tips on how to remove unpleasant odor from meat. They are also accessible and uncomplicated:

Place meat in vinegar solution

As you can see, it is possible to remove the unpleasant smell of chicken. It is only important to know for sure that the meat has not spoiled and can be eaten.

If you notice an unpleasant odor when you take the chicken out of the refrigerator, this does not always mean that the meat has gone bad. Sometimes this smell can appear if the chicken has been in a plastic bag and not in the freezer. You can get rid of this smell in several ways, tested by more than one generation of housewives.

Text: sestr · January 25, 2014

Meat fillet is a product that spoils quickly, and improper storage can lead to a repulsive stench.

A disgusting “smell” is a sign that the active formation of rot, provoked by microorganisms, has begun.

Before you start cooking, you should get rid of the unpleasant odor by resorting to folk methods and simple recipes, and in order to avoid possible food poisoning, determine the cause of the unwanted odor.

Before you get rid of the foul odor, you need to make sure the chicken is fresh and ready to eat. High-quality chicken pulp has a pink structure and a white tint to the fat layer.

To get rid of an unpleasant aroma, they resort to using simple and accessible techniques:

The “odor” is combated by marinating chicken. You need to take vegetable oil, wine or vinegar, add basil and place the product in this solution for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water and start cooking.

If the bird is selected for cooking, you must first wash it, remove the skin and old fat.

Then soak in saline solution for at least an hour. The solution requires 2 tablespoons of salt for every liter of water.

Then the meat is thoroughly washed again and the preparation of the dish begins. Be sure to season the dish with fried carrots.

If the chicken was purchased for frying or stewing, then dealing with the smell is somewhat easier.

First, the meat needs to be washed and old fat removed.

Then rub each piece with a mixture of salt and curry. Curry will give a pleasant taste, and salt will draw out excess odors.

It is best to simmer in vegetable or olive oil with a large amount of grated carrots, which can also eliminate extraneous odors.

Signs of spoiled chicken fillet

Chicken fillet that is hazardous to health has the same signs as stale chicken - gray color, hydrogen sulfide smell, stickiness, friability, and the presence of mold. But there are a few more points that come to light during cooking.

Gone are the methods of reanimating spoiled meat in retail outlets using soda and vinegar solutions. Nowadays they use powdered fresh fresheners, which not only eliminate the odor, but also change the color of the chicken.

The putrid smell masked by chemicals is easy to detect when cutting the fillet into pieces, since decomposition begins in the deep layers of muscle tissue. In addition, the sulfur smell becomes pronounced during heat treatment.

The fact that the fillet has turned pink due to the use of dye is found out after washing the flesh with running water. When removing excess moisture with paper towels, a colored pigment remains on them.

How can you eliminate the unpleasant smell of chicken meat?

The smell that appears in chicken meat must be removed before you start cooking, since an unpleasant taste can also appear in ready-made dishes.

There are several ways to eliminate it, but to do this, you must have something from this list in your home:

Depending on what you have at hand, go ahead.

Rinse the chicken in cold running water, remove fat from the carcass - it may be the source of this unpleasant odor. Cut it into pieces and soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. You can also soak chicken meat for 3-4 hours in cold salted water; add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse table salt to 1 liter of water.

Mustard gives good results. Carefully coat each piece on all sides with it, place them in a bowl, cover with film and refrigerate for several hours. You can also grate chicken meat with a mixture of sugar and salt. You can also mix spices and herbs that you have around the house. Rub the chicken pieces with salt and sprinkle them with this mixture, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

Garlic can also eliminate bad or strange smells caused by chicken that has been smothered in a bag. Cut two or three cloves into quarters and stuff them into pieces of chicken, adding salt. Pass a couple of large cloves of garlic through a press, mix with salt and ground black pepper, coat the chicken pieces and put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Another technological technique that helps get rid of the unpleasant odor of any meat is marinating. For the marinade, you can use, in addition to spices and herbs, wine vinegar, dry red wine or freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. Don't forget to add salt to the marinade. Toss the chicken pieces with the marinade until each piece is completely covered, and leave to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

The chicken has become weathered and lost its freshness, but it still has years to eat. How to remove an unpleasant odor?

Dip chicken carcasses or legs into a weak solution of bleach, which removes odor and bleaches the poultry.

I also smell vinegar very often, which suggests that sellers are removing “traces of spoilage” with this product.

In rare cases, potassium permanganate and other means are used that can “distract” the client’s senses of touch.

Rinse it thoroughly under running water.

Dip in kefir or sour milk.

Soak in a strong salt solution with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Dry grape wine, herbs and spices are also suitable for these purposes.

Mustard and herbs with a strong aroma will correct the situation.

Conclusion: If the chicken is not too spoiled, then all of the above methods will help to “reanimate” it, but if the smell is associated with the rotting process, and it smells like “rotten meat,” then it is better not to risk your health and throw it away immediately.

It happens that after lying in the refrigerator for a long time, chicken meat begins to emit a not entirely pleasant smell. If it has not yet spoiled, before cooking it is necessary to get rid of the smell so that the finished dish acquires a tasty, pleasant aroma. How to remove unpleasant odor from chicken? Let's find out.

Chicken left in the refrigerator may give off an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of lamb smell?

In order not to spoil the dish with stench, the meat is properly processed. Excess fat, which gives off flavor, is removed from the lamb. Using available seasonings, grate the pulp and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Marinating can be replaced by boiling lamb in broth, adding spices, carrots and onions. For 2 hours you need to soak the meat in water with the addition of garlic, salt, mustard and pepper.

Meat pieces are poured with water, boiled, then all the broth is drained. The procedure is repeated 3 times. Along with hot water, the aroma will disappear.

The problem is storage in cellophane

Polyethylene bags contain recycled cellulose, which gives products a strong “chemical” smell.

Beef in cellophane is saturated with the odors of other food products in the refrigerator

It is not recommended to store lamb, beef and pork in cellophane because the product begins to become damp and moldy. Before you put the meat in a plastic bag, you need to wrap it in thin paper.

Beef in cellophane is saturated with the odors of other food products in the refrigerator.

To eliminate extraneous aromas, you should use these tips for soaking meat:

Risk area

Meat loses its natural flavor in the following cases:

  • the pulp was in the refrigerator next to the spoiled product;
  • was stored in a plastic bag and suffocated due to lack of oxygen;

  • the animal was improperly fed or slaughtered (applies to pork and rabbit meat).
  • Some types of meat initially have a specific smell, for example, lamb or pork (if you get the flesh of an uncastrated boar). This does not at all indicate that the product is spoiled. In this case, it will be enough to marinate the pulp and fight off the smell with spicy seasonings.

    If the meat has not yet been on the shelf in the refrigerator and has just been brought from the market, you can assess the degree of its spoilage in the following ways:

    Why does meat have a “smell”?

    The loss of the natural aroma of meat products occurs in several cases. “Smell” appears due to spoiled products lying next to the meat, as well as due to improper feeding and slaughter of the animal.

    Storing in plastic bags leads to a lack of oxygen, causing the meat to “suffocate.”

    Pieces of flesh from an uncastrated boar or ram initially have a distinctive odor, but this does not mean that they are unsuitable for consumption.

    You just need to soak the product in a marinade or roll it in herbs.

    If chicken has an unpleasant sour aroma, and mucus is noticed on its surface, it is necessary to cut off the skin emitting the smell with a knife. If the stench cannot be eliminated, then eating meat is strictly prohibited.

    Is it possible to eat expired chicken?

    It is strictly not recommended to consume chicken meat after the expiration date. If you're still unsure whether you can safely cook expired chicken, use your senses. … These are all signs that your chicken has gone bad.

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    Options for removing odor from meat

    Improper storage of the product leads to the fact that even freshly purchased meat begins to emit a repulsive stench. At the initial stage, it is still possible to eat such products, but only after the stench has been eliminated.

    It is undesirable to store any meat for a very long time. Lying in a refrigeration unit for a long time leads to the appearance of a rotten smell. To eliminate it, use potassium permanganate, dried chamomile flowers, salt and wine.

    You can eliminate unwanted aroma with basil, tarragon and red wine.

    Potassium permangantsovka

    With the help of manganese they fight any stench.

    After soaking the meat pieces in wine, they are fried for piquancy and better taste.

    Potassium permanganate is popular among unscrupulous traders who sell spoiled beef or pork. This product helps improve the appearance, aroma and color of the product.

    To eliminate the unpleasant “smell” you need to do the following:

    The unpleasant stench will disappear after this procedure. The product can be safely consumed.

    Chamomile decoction

    To get rid of meat odor using chamomile, you need to:

    It is advisable to fry the pieces with the addition of herbs to enhance the taste and aroma.

    Saline solution

    The most effective remedy for eliminating stench is saline solution. Every housewife has salt on hand, so this method is also quite simple.

    The most effective remedy for eliminating stench is saline solution.

    To quickly add a pleasant aroma, as well as to immediately start cooking, the product must be grated with sugar and then sprinkled with salt. After 30 minutes, rinse everything off with water.

    Fight the rotten smell or throw it away?

    Spoiled meat can cause serious poisoning . To prevent this from happening, the carcass must be meticulously examined.

    Attention must be paid to the appearance of the product and its smell. If the color of the meat is pink and the unpleasant aroma is not too strong, then after appropriate processing the product can be used for food.

    But in cases where the color has become grayish, and the layers of fat have acquired an unnatural yellowish tint, the chicken is clearly spoiled. Covering with mucus and stickiness can also signal unsuitability for consumption. It would be better to get rid of such meat.

    Moreover, you should not eat chicken that even has insects in it. Even the presence of a slight stale odor requires additional processing of the meat.

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