Why is frying in oil harmful? Is there a safe oil for frying?

Grape seed oil is a by-product of winemaking. The cold pressing method of this product helps preserve nutrients, although it is more labor-intensive than hot extraction. This oil is high in calories, contains many fatty acids and vitamin E. Due to its antioxidant and regenerating properties, grape seed oil is actively used for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology and in cooking. It has a subtle nutty aroma and perfectly complements any cold dishes. But can you fry with it? Let's figure it out now.

Grape seeds

Great option for frying

Photo by Vince Alvino: Pexels
This means that it can be used for frying, baking and deep-frying. In addition, unrefined grape oil is colorless and odorless, but has a pleasant nutty aroma.

You can season many types of salads with this oil, for example, Mediterranean ones. Grapeseed oil does not affect the taste of the finished dish at all. This oil is an excellent base for making flavored vegetable oils. You can use herbs according to your taste.

This flavored oil becomes an excellent dressing for many dishes (meat, fish, salads, side dishes).

Recipe: Orange marinade with grape seed oil


  • orange – 150 g;
  • ginger – 10 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • grape oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper - to taste.


  1. Squeeze the juice from half an orange.
  2. Add the remaining liquid ingredients and spices.
  3. Wash the ginger, garlic, peel, chop finely, combine with other ingredients.
  4. Mix everything.
  5. Place chicken or fish in the prepared marinade and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

After this, the product is grilled, steamed or baked in foil.

Orange marinade with grape seed oil

Composition and properties of the oil

Any vegetable or animal fat contains two types of acids:

  1. Saturated - have a stable structure and almost do not react to heat.
  2. Unsaturated – when heated, they decompose into free radicals and carcinogens.

The latter are also divided into poly- and monounsaturated. Polyunsaturated fats are stronger than other fats and tend to break down when heated. That is, they emit the most carcinogens when the temperature rises.

Grape seed extract 72% linoleic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fat. For frying, it is recommended to use products in which the content of these fats does not exceed 15% . That is, frying in grape seed oil is possible, but not advisable.

The more polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil, the less suitable it is for frying.

The taste of grape seed oil is attractive because the product has an unobtrusive taste and lightness, is also well absorbed by the body and is perfect for marinating meat or fish.

Applications of grape oil

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to fry food in this particular oil, then you need to take into account some subtleties of preparation so that the dish turns out tasty, juicy and less harmful.

To get the best result, you should:

  • Prepare the ingredients correctly: they need to be dried ;
  • use the amount of oil indicated in the recipe;
  • watch the fire: the grape seed oil should heat up but not burn.


Further “possible” oils for frying include Ghee oil. It is a type of ghee and is very widely used in South Asian countries. It can withstand temperatures up to 250 degrees without emitting any harmful substances. But this type of oil can not often be found on supermarket shelves, but you can easily order it on the Internet, fortunately now this is not a problem for most). And this oil is already 2 times cheaper than coconut oil (from 100 UAH per 500 ml).

What should you know about pan frying? ⇑

Chicken fillet with zucchini in a frying pan We talked to you about a variety of subtleties associated with frying dishes. The right choice of frying pan, stove, oil and compliance with many subtleties of cooking using this method - everything plays its role, everything is important in its own way. What is worth remembering if you decide to pamper your loved ones with fried food? Let's see:

  • We pay attention to the smoke point of the selected oil (we cook it with butter carefully, we do not use unrefined sunflower oil at all).
  • Heat the pan sufficiently (you can even wait a couple of minutes extra when you think the pan has reached the desired temperature).
  • But at the same time, do not overheat the pan (so as not to spoil the coating and prevent the oil from smoking).
  • Don’t overestimate the size of your frying pan (it’s better to fry in two batches than to end up with a bad dish).
  • Dishes stuck to the pan may simply not have had time to set the crust. We wait or raise the temperature a little (if you initially did not heat it to the Maillard reaction temperature).
  • Gas stoves are the most convenient heat sources for frying.

Having learned all about the intricacies of frying in a pan, you can consolidate your knowledge with practice! How about fluffy pancakes fried in delicate coconut oil? Or maybe you want to fry your favorite vegetables in olive oil? Experiment! And may cooking new dishes bring you pleasure both from the process and from such a delicious result!


Why is it so important to understand oils and choose the right oil for frying and cooking?

There are different types of oils, good and bad. But even among good oils, there are those that are or are not suitable for frying.

If you try to buy healthy foods, but use cooking oil that is not suitable for high temperatures, then you are not just reducing the benefits of the food. You are letting free radicals into your body, which accelerate aging and pose a direct threat to your health !

Long-term and permanent damage caused by free radicals provokes degenerative and oncological diseases: cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. ()

Equally dangerous disorders can be caused by oxygenated aldehydes , chemicals with genotoxic characteristics. They are formed during the oxidation process when vegetable oils (for example, sunflower and flaxseed) are exposed to high temperatures for a long time. ()

If you and I choose the right oil for frying, we can avoid all of the above problems. And the fats contained in the right oil will work for us: support immunity, protect internal organs, regulate body temperature, maintain healthy skin and hair, a slim figure, and also help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Smoke point for different species: table

ProductSmoke point
Olive (pomace) refined238
Sunflower refined232
Ghee (or ghee)252
Coconut food232
Olive (extra virgin)200
Organic (natural fat)205
Avocado oil270
Peanut refined232
Peanut unrefined160
Grapeseed oil216
Corn refined232
Sesame semi-refined232
Palm semi-refined232
Soybean refined238


– My mother always fried only in pork fat. When they started talking about proper nutrition, a lot of advertising appeared about the benefits - sometimes dubious - of refined sunflower oil, my mother said that she was not going to eat the chemicals. And still cooks with fat. She has no excess cholesterol, her heart is fine, and she has a lot of vigor. This is what a natural organic product means.

Elena, Ivanovo

– I use olive oil, although I rarely fry it. I usually stew vegetables or meat, and add a little oil during the process.

Olga, Ekaterinburg

- Oh, potatoes! Yes with a crust! I love it, but my wife rarely cooks it for me, she says it’s harmful. But I think that there are not so many carcinogens there, especially since she always fries in fat.

Nikolay, Revda

– In general, I fry without oil, frying pans allow it. Oil only goes into salad. And the butter is for a sandwich.

Tamara, Ustyug

– And if you need a caramel effect, like without butter? Vegetables will not give such an effect. I think that everything is just good in moderation. You don't need to eat fried food every day, that's all.

Yulia, Tyumen

– On occasion, on the advice of a friend, I bought mustard oil. By the way, unrefined is excellent for frying. The same potatoes turn out tasty, without any aftertaste.

Igor, Tula



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Vegetable oil and organic fats are included in every person’s diet. Without nutrients and vitamins contained in these products, it is difficult to maintain the body in working condition and have good immunity. But oil will only be beneficial if it is consumed correctly. Otherwise, you can get many health problems. Therefore, if you are going to treat yourself to not very healthy fried food, you need to carefully choose the oil for frying in order to at least slightly reduce the degree of danger. Health to you and your loved ones!

Effect of temperature on roasting. ⇑

The right temperature is practically the key to success when pan-frying. You can control the temperature based on 3 temperature points:

  • Reaching the boiling point of water (100°C)

Remember : Frying only occurs when the temperature is above 100°C. If the temperature is lower, the product is simply stewed in unevaporated water.

How can you visually determine when the pan has reached the desired temperature? There are two ways:

1. Add a couple of drops of water to the pan. Instantly evaporated? You can safely start frying.

2. For another method, dip a wooden spatula into the oil. If bubbles have gathered around it, then you can begin the frying process.

Let's move on to the next temperature point.

  • Reaching the Maillard reaction temperature (140-160°C).

This is the temperature at which a crispy crust forms.

Zucchini fried in a frying pan with garlic and mayonnaise Important: Have you noticed that the meat looks ready, but there is no appetizing crispy crust? You may have heated the pan to, for example, 120°C (less than the Maillard reaction temperature).

The meat was actually fried, not stewed, but the heat was no longer sufficient for a crust to appear. Of course, overheating a frying pan is bad, but you shouldn’t be too afraid of it either. The ideal solution would be to purchase a kitchen thermometer, but if you don’t have one, then sooner or later you will somehow learn to determine the desired temperature by eye.

  • Reaching the smoke point of the oil (it differs for different types of oil, we will learn more a little later).

Important: Did you see the oil in the frying pan smoking? It is no longer recommended to fry on it, because... carcinogens and other harmful substances began to form.

What to do then? Unfortunately, the best thing to do is simply drain the boiled oil into the sink, and after wiping the pan with a napkin, heat up new oil (this time without overheating it).

As you can see, temperature greatly affects the final result. Didn't heat the pan up enough? What we got was a stewed dish, not a fried one. Did you heat it up a little more, but still not enough? You won't get any golden brown crust. But they overdid it and completely drained the oil into the sink.

Tip: Don't forget that the temperature will drop when you add the product to the pan. And the colder it was, the more the pan cooled down. Therefore, it is often recommended to take out the ingredients in advance, for example, 30-60 minutes, so that they have time to reach room temperature and do not greatly affect the degree of heating of the pan.

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