Do you need to soak lentils before cooking, and how to do it correctly?

What are lentils?

Common lentils are the oldest legume crop. Its grains are small and flat and come in a variety of colors. It is very healthy and especially rich in proteins. It is used in all kinds of dishes - salads, soups, casseroles, stews. Similar to beans and peas, lentils can be canned.

Where do lentils grow? In the wild, it is found mainly in Asia, but it is cultivated in wider areas. Particularly large lentil plantations can be seen in India, Nepal, Turkey, and Canada. If desired, you can grow it on your own plot. She is also unpretentious, like beans. This is an annual herbaceous plant up to half a meter high on average with thin stems. After flowering, pods with a small number of seeds are formed. You can see what lentils look like in the photo.

And also lentils, photo of a plant with fruit:

Lentil varieties

There are many varieties of lentils. It differs in color, as well as taste and composition. But in any case, the benefits of lentils for the body are simply enormous.

  1. Green is not a variety, but simply unripe fruits. During cooking, they do not turn into puree, but retain their original shape. This is a universal variety that is suitable for preparing almost any dish.
  2. Red - boils more strongly and at the same time has a more pronounced, piquant taste.
  3. The brown one has a pleasant nutty flavor. This is an ideal variety for making soups, salads and casseroles.
  4. An interesting variety is black lentils. Due to the tiny size of the seeds, it is often called “beluga”, by analogy with beluga caviar.
  5. Puy lentils come from small-town France. It is interesting because it does not change color during cooking, retains its shape and has a spicy, refined taste.

In any case, it makes sense to try each lentil variety to choose the one you like best. And, of course, you need to focus on cooking for the benefit of each individual variety.

Which lentils are healthier?

All types are valuable without exception. But each variety has its own special properties.

  • For anemia and problems with hematopoiesis, red lentils are useful due to their high content of potassium, iron and protein.
  • Green is useful for ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases due to the increased amount of fiber. It is also recommended for hypertension, hepatitis, and rheumatism.
  • For lung diseases, tuberculosis, lesions and injuries of the muscular and skeletal system, brown lentils are indispensable.
  • Sprouted lentils deserve special attention, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed on forums. It is an indispensable product for vitamin deficiency and low immunity. It is very useful to give it to children in early spring. It is sprouted and used in the same way as wheat.

Choose the optimal type of lentil, focusing on your taste preferences and health status.

Secrets of cooking different types of lentils

To properly cook beans, you need to pay attention to some important details.

First of all, you should choose the appropriate type of product:

  • green used for salads, as it is covered with a dense shell and does not boil over;

  • orange - for soups;
  • brown - for side dishes and dishes with meat;
  • red - for puree.

Next, they sort through the fruits, removing excess particles: stones, foreign crops, spoiled fruits. Preference should be given to spices that have a positive effect on the body, helping to absorb legumes.

Among these spices:

  • Black pepper.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Coriander.
  • Asafoetida.

Spices are added after preparing the product.

Cooking times for lentil types vary:

  • Brown – 20-25 min.
  • Red – 25-30 min.
  • Green – 40 min.

When adding salt to water, the cooking time increases, so it is recommended to add salt to the dish at the end of cooking.

What are the benefits of lentils?

Lentils, whose calorie content is only 110 kcal, are a product with a unique and balanced composition. 100 grams of grains contain 25g of vegetable protein, which makes it indispensable in the diet of vegetarians. Before talking about the benefits of lentils for the body, let's analyze its composition. It includes:

  • Omega 3 and 6 acids.
  • Amino acid tryptophan.
  • Isoflavones.
  • Natural sugars.
  • Easily soluble fiber.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamins PP, A, E, B.
  • Complex of microelements: zinc, iodine, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, copper, boron, chromium, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Lentils have such a rich composition. Its nutritional value is incomparable to any other plant product. It is worth adding that the calorie content of lentils boiled in water was indicated above. After analyzing the composition, we can draw conclusions about its beneficial properties:

  • Tryptophan is a very interesting amino acid that affects our entire body. It is found in the same quantities only in turkey meat. This amino acid causes increased production of serotonin, which is very beneficial for the nervous system; it is not for nothing that it is called the hormone of joy. Serotonin, in turn, is converted into melatonin, a hormone responsible for sound and healthy sleep.
  • The list of substances includes microelements that improve the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. The heart muscle is strengthened, hemoglobin levels increase, and bad cholesterol levels decrease.
  • It is a powerful natural anticarcinogen. The content of isoflavones gives lentils properties to suppress the growth of cancer cells.
  • In folk medicine, it is used in the form of flour as an external and internal remedy. By mixing flour with yolk or butter, you can treat burns and non-healing wounds.
  • Sprouted lentils compensate for the lack of most vitamins and microelements, so they can be used instead of expensive vitamin complexes.

Lentils have beneficial properties and also have contraindications, but we will talk about them a little later.

Lentils for weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, abundance of fiber, satiety and balanced composition, lentils are a wonderful dietary product. If you read the forums, you will notice that lentils for weight loss receive mostly positive reviews. There is even a separate diet based on it. It is designed for a week. The menu is approximately as follows:

  1. Have breakfast with yogurt and any fruit.
  2. During the afternoon snack, a small snack consisting of fruit and a glass of juice is allowed.
  3. For lunch, take three tablespoons of boiled lentils and boiled brown rice. The porridge is seasoned with herbs, olive oil and soy sauce.
  4. After a couple of hours, you can have a snack again by preparing lentil puree soup.
  5. For dinner, you are allowed to eat 200 grams of lentils boiled in water, seasoned with oil and herbs.
  6. If you feel hungry before going to bed, you are only allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

This diet can be repeated once a month. Its advantage is that, thanks to lentils, the body receives all the substances it needs.

Lentils - benefits for women

As for women, lentils should always be present in their diet. The benefits and harms of this product for women were studied by nutritionists and it was concluded that it contains all the valuable substances that women need at different periods of their lives.

  • The abundance of folic acid makes it a must-have product on the menu of expectant mothers. A serving of boiled grains contains 90% of the daily requirement of the substance.
  • It is used as a cancer prevention.
  • Helps you cope with stressful situations with dignity.
  • Softens menopausal symptoms.
  • Normalizes sugar and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps lose weight for those who want to maintain a good figure.

Varieties and composition

Lentils come in several types. The main ones:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • "beluga";
  • puy.

Lentils contain a large amount of vegetable protein. For this reason, in many Arab countries it is called "meat of the poor . In addition, it contains vitamins A, B, D, PP, C (in sprouted grains) and microelements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese and others. They help the proper functioning of the heart, nervous and immune systems, stimulate metabolism, serotonin helps reduce depression, improves sleep and appetite.

The harm of lentils is minimal: it can cause increased gas formation and bloating, therefore, for various problems with the digestive system, it is necessary to use it in dishes as little as possible.

NameCalorie content, kcal/100 gProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g

How to cook lentils deliciously

There is nothing complicated in cooking lentils, you just need to know the small subtleties of the recipes. However, as in preparing any other dish. Let's figure out how to cook lentils correctly and what can be prepared from them.

Do I need to soak lentils before cooking?

We are used to the fact that peas, beans and other legumes must be soaked before cooking. Lentils cook quickly and you can do without it - they will be completely cooked and will turn out tasty and nutritious. But dry peas, lentils, and beans contain inhibitors that block enzymes in our body and slow down digestion. This is what explains the bloating.

Pre-soaking neutralizes these inhibitors and nothing like that happens. And nutrients will be better absorbed. Therefore, it is still worth rinsing it before cooking and soaking it for several hours. According to various sources, soaking time can range from 3 to 7 hours. Many people leave it overnight. Then the grains can be washed and cooked using the chosen method. Don't know what you can cook with lentils? To get started, try simple and delicious recipes.

Preparing lentils for cooking

When buying cereal, you need to carefully examine it. It must be clean, free of impurities and dust, so that there are no small round particles at the bottom of the bag - these could be bugs. If the product is in factory packaging, you need to look at the packaging date and expiration date.

Before cooking, you need to sort the lentils, removing debris from them, then rinse with cold water several times and fill with warm (room temperature) water for 1 to 3 hours. The soaking time depends on the type and processing of the beans. Less is required for red and more for brown.

Lentil salad - recipes

Lentils go well with herbs, vegetables, meat and chicken, so there are many salad recipe combinations.

  1. The simplest option includes a modest set of products - 200 grams of boiled lentils, 2 small onions, parsley and sunflower oil. The preparation is very simple - boil the lentils, fry the onions, finely chop the greens and mix it all together. If desired, you can add another clove of garlic for some extra flavor.
  2. Now the preparation is more complicated. It consists of one chicken breast, 50 grams of boiled lentils, 150 grams of small tomatoes (it is better to take cherry tomatoes), a large bunch of green salad, olive oil and soy sauce.
  • Boil the lentils in salted water.
  • Marinate the breast in soy sauce for an hour, then cut into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil.
  • Tear the lettuce leaves into pieces using your hands.
  • Cut the tomatoes into halves.
  • Mix everything, salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil. You can add a little lemon juice.

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Cream soup with croutons

The puree soup in this recipe is made from red lentils, but you can choose any other type if you wish.


  • 200 g lentils;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 300 g stale or slightly hardened white bread;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. garlic powder;
  • vegetable oil;
  • curry;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the vegetables. Cut into large cubes.
  2. Fry vegetables for 10 minutes.
  3. Add lentils, curry and salt to the pan.
  4. Pour boiling water and cook the mixture for about 30 minutes.
  5. After cooking, cool the soup and puree in a blender until smooth.
  6. Slice the bread and sprinkle with herbs to taste.
  7. Fry crushed garlic in oil.
  8. Add bread cubes to the garlic and fry over low heat.

You should mix the croutons with the soup immediately before serving the dish, otherwise the croutons will soften and the dish will lose its taste.

How to cook lentils in a slow cooker?

Lentils in a slow cooker turn out very tasty - we will now look at recipes with photos. More precisely, one basic recipe, and then you can get creative and add ingredients at your discretion.

  1. Pre-soak and rinse the lentils.
  2. Make a fry - pour vegetable oil into a bowl, throw in a whole clove of garlic, onion cut into half rings, carrots and pepper strips. Turn on the “Frying” mode for 15 minutes.
  3. Place two glasses of lentils in a bowl and fill everything with four glasses of water, that is, maintain a 1:2 ratio.
  4. Mix everything well and turn on the “Buckwheat” mode. Now we just have to wait until the multicooker finishes working. Ready lentils can be used as a side dish or an independent dish.

Multicooker capabilities

Vegetable stew with lentils

A multicooker is a modern analogue of a real country oven, which produces the most attractive and healthy dishes. The principle of operation is that all prepared products are placed in a pot in advance, after which the container is placed in the oven and stewed for a certain amount of time.

A wonderful dish that always turns out very tasty in a slow cooker is a kind of stew made from vegetables, lentils and mushrooms. Champignons or oyster mushrooms are popular; they cook faster and add a wonderful taste to the finished dish. Everyone at home will definitely like this dish.

The first thing to do is cut the mushrooms into thin plastic pieces and chop the onion very well. Any multicooker has a “frying” mode, you need to turn it on, heat a little vegetable oil in a bowl and add vegetables and mushrooms there, fry a little until golden brown.

Then washed lentils are added to the fried vegetables, poured with boiled water. Everything is salted and mixed thoroughly. All that remains is to switch the “cereals” mode and cook like ordinary porridge for a quarter of an hour. During this time, you can go about your business or set the table beautifully so that it is not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing.

After the time has passed, you need to turn off the device and let the resulting dish brew a little. Afterwards, you can feed this wonderful treat to your family and friends. Red lentils are not overcooked and very tasty.

This dish is perfect for believers who fast or are on a diet, as well as for athletes who are forced to eat exclusively healthy and nutritious foods.

The recipe allows you to eat deliciously without spending a lot of time.

How to cook lentils for a side dish?

If you want to make a side dish of lentils, you can use the slow cooker recipe or prepare a similar dish in a skillet and saucepan. It will be even tastier if you add a bunch of dill, spices and a couple of large tomatoes.

  1. Soak the lentils, rinse and boil until tender.
  2. Fry the onions, carrots and sweet peppers, add the diced tomatoes and simmer a little more.
  3. Remove the pan with vegetables from the heat, add finely chopped dill, a little coriander, black pepper, and salt.
  4. Mix lentils with vegetables.

This side dish goes great with baked fish, chicken or turkey.

Lentil side dish for lamb

A very spicy and delicately flavored side dish with mint and piquant spices.


  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Mint - ½ bunch
  • Green lentils - 1 cup
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Chopped parsley - 20 g
  • Red onion - ¼ head
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp.


Boil lentils in water.

Sauté chopped onion with cinnamon in oil.

Add tomatoes and simmer until thick.

Add spices and lentils.

Once the dish thickens, add chopped mint and parsley.

Serve with lamb or beef.

Lentil porridge - recipes

To prepare porridge, you can use any variety of lentils and the taste will be different each time. Porridge can be used as a side dish for lentils; we will go through the recipes with photos step by step to make it easier for you to master new dishes. You can also use porridge as an independent dish.

  1. Peel two large onions and a couple of cloves of garlic. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on the finest grater. Heat a frying pan with oil and put garlic in it. Fry it until it becomes transparent. Now add finely chopped onion and continue frying.
  2. Pour the pre-soaked and washed lentils into the frying pan. You need to fry it for a couple of minutes along with onions and garlic.
  3. Pour half a liter of water over the lentils, add salt and pepper, and add a bunch of chopped cilantro. If you don’t like cilantro, you can use other greens.
  4. Simmer the porridge under the lid for 20-30 minutes, depending on the type of lentil.

Garnish the finished dish with herbs and serve.

Popular recipe

Green lentils are ideal for preparing side dishes for the main dish, as they do not boil over and do not form a puree. In addition, it helps fight bad mood, loss of strength and depression. This effect is achieved thanks to the rich composition of the product; it saturates a person with the hormone of joy, which helps improve mood and performance.

It’s not difficult to prepare a tasty side dish for the main dish; the main thing is to prepare properly for this process and do everything according to the given recipe. Don’t forget to thoroughly soak the legumes immediately before cooking.

The following products are necessary for the side dish preparation process:

  • lentils – 250-300 gr.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic – 2 pcs.;
  • greens to taste;
  • a handful of nuts;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carnation;
  • mustard – 10 ml.

You will also need oil and vinegar for dressing, spices and salt according to your own taste preferences. Place an onion, green lentils, a clove stick and whole bay leaves into the prepared pan. It is important to prepare the dish without cutting the onion into pieces, leaving it whole . Cooking will take about 35 minutes.

After half an hour, the cooking is stopped, turning off the heat, and the dish is left to simmer under the lid. A raw onion bulb is finely chopped with a knife along with garlic cloves and herbs.

Garnish sauce

Then you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, take mustard, vinegar and oil, mix them together and add spices and garlic, mix thoroughly. The cooled lentils are mixed with the remaining ingredients. The dish is seasoned with the prepared sauce and kneaded thoroughly. It is very tasty and everyone at home will definitely like it.

Damage to lentils

Lentils are not harmful, on the contrary, they are very healthy, but it is still not recommended to cook them every day, since in large quantities they can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. In addition, there are several contraindications:

  • Due to its high protein content, it is not recommended for people with gout, joint diseases, uric acid diathesis and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Do not overuse if you have kidney stones or gallstones.
  • If you have digestive problems, then limit the amount or soak it well beforehand to minimize fermentation processes.

This is such an amazing and healthy product - lentils. Benefits and harms, recipes - we talked about all this in detail. Now you know how valuable this product is, and you will probably cook delicious dishes from it from time to time.

Rules for selection and storage

To get a truly tasty dish, it is very important to choose the right quality lentils.

Therefore, when choosing lentils, you should pay attention to the following:

  • container (it must be transparent and hermetically sealed);
  • size (it should not be “varied”, in a hole or chipped, and high-quality grains always have the same color);
  • country of the packer and manufacturer (the country and region of packaging must be comparable; the best choice would be Canada, India, Turkey, Australia, USA).

When storing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • you need a dry, ventilated room (so that rotting processes do not begin);
  • from plastic packaging should be poured into a canvas bag or paper bag;
  • shelf life - no more than one year.

How to properly cook lentils - a universal product that can replace meat?

Lentils are a legume that looks like small flat seeds. Like other beans, they are a vegetable protein substitute. You can prepare many dishes from lentils.

Its main difference from other products is that during heat treatment it does not lose any of its many beneficial properties.

Varieties and composition

Lentils come in several types. The main ones:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • "beluga";
  • puy.

Lentils contain a large amount of vegetable protein. For this reason, in many Arab countries it is called “meat of the poor.” .

In addition, it contains vitamins A, B, D, PP, C (in sprouted grains) and microelements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese and others.

They help the proper functioning of the heart, nervous and immune systems, stimulate metabolism, serotonin helps reduce depression, improves sleep and appetite.

Lentil decoction is used for kidney stones. At the same time, the nutritional value of lentils is high; a small portion is enough to fill you up.

The harm of lentils is minimal: it can cause increased gas formation and bloating, therefore, for various problems with the digestive system, it is necessary to use it in dishes as little as possible.

NameCalorie content, kcal/100 gProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g

Preparing lentils for cooking

When buying cereal, you need to carefully examine it. It must be clean, free of impurities and dust, so that there are no small round particles at the bottom of the bag - these could be bugs. If the product is in factory packaging, you need to look at the packaging date and expiration date.

Before cooking, you need to sort the lentils, removing debris from them, then rinse with cold water several times and fill with warm (room temperature) water for 1 to 3 hours. The soaking time depends on the type and processing of the beans. Less is required for red and more for brown.

How to cook lentils correctly

  1. Pour water into the pan.
  2. Pour the prepared lentils into it.
  3. Place on medium heat. Once boiling, reduce to low.
  4. Cook until soft. Add salt 5 minutes before cooking.

After the water boils, sometimes add a tablespoon of olive oil. When serving, the finished lentils can be sprinkled with herbs.

How long to cook red, green, brown lentils

The average cooking time for lentils is approximately 20-40 minutes, depending on the type.

How long does it take to cook each type of lentil?

The red one cooks quickly, and if you want to see whole grains, turn off the heat after 10-15 minutes. The green one will cook in 30 minutes.

The brown one takes the longest to cook (40 minutes); it requires pre-soaking. Black (beluga) and puy are boiled for 20 minutes, but the latter also needs to be pre-filled with water for a while. If you cook without soaking, the cooking time should be increased by 30-50 minutes.

Brown or green beans are most often used for soup. Red ones are more suitable for thick puree soup, as they boil faster. Puy and beluga are used as a side dish and in salads.

Brown lentils are put into the broth first, they will be ready in 35-40 minutes, green lentils are also started at the beginning, their cooking time is 30 minutes, red ones, on the contrary, are closer to the end of cooking (15 minutes before the end), then the soup will be transparent, if If you need thickness, then in 20-25 minutes.

If you want to prepare lentil puree, then the cooking time should be increased by 20-30 minutes for the green variety, and by 30-35 minutes for the brown variety. Red needs to be cooked only 10-15 minutes longer.

How to cook lentils depending on the type

Place the prepared lentils in a saucepan with cold water in a ratio of 1 cup of beans to 2 cups of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil and reduce to low. Add salt before finishing. After 25 minutes the dish is ready.

Red does not require soaking. It cooks very quickly - 10-15 minutes, while it is poured into cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5.

Brown is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1:2 and cooked for about 40 minutes. In this case, it must be soaked in advance for 2-3 hours.

Yellow lentils have an interesting taste – slightly mushroomy. It also does not need to be soaked; it cooks for about 10-15 minutes. Fill with cold water in a 1:1 ratio.

Cooking in a slow cooker and microwave

You can cook lentils not only in a saucepan. This can be done in a slow cooker or in the microwave.

Cold water is poured into the multicooker and beans are added. Set the appropriate mode (“Cooking”, “Buckwheat”, “Grain”) for 20-50 minutes. If you want to get a more boiled porridge, you should add a little more water and set the “Stew” mode.

By cooking lentils in the microwave, even red lentils can be cooked into a fluffy, fluffy side dish. To do this, pour a handful of beans into a microwave-safe bowl and fill with cold water so that the water and beans are at the same level. Do not close the container.

Place at maximum power for 5-7 minutes or on the “Vegetables” program. In this case, the dish will be in the form of individual grains. If you add a little more water (1-1.5 cm above the beans) and cover with a lid, you will end up with sticky, soft beans.

Lentil porridge

To prepare it you need:

  • lentils (red or orange);
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • celery;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Chop the vegetables and sauté in vegetable oil. Place the prepared beans on the vegetables and cover with cold water. Simmer on low heat for 20-25 minutes. Serve with chopped herbs.

As a side dish for lamb, beef

For this:

  • add lentils (brown or green) to cold water and cook for 20-40 minutes;
  • chop the garlic and herbs and pour them with vegetable oil (olive oil is better);
  • grind the mass so that the juice is released from the herbs and garlic;
  • Mix the cooked beans with the oil mixture.

Lentil soup

It will require:

  • lentils (green);
  • potato;
  • chicken or beef;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • salt, spices, vegetable oil.

Put the meat to cook. Chop the vegetables. Sauté carrots and onions in oil. Soak the lentils for 0.5-1 hour in advance. When the broth is ready, start cooking the potatoes and beans.

Boil them until half cooked and combine with fried vegetables. Before the end of cooking, add tomatoes, salt, spices and bay leaf. Leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Serve with chopped herbs.

Lentils with vegetables

A recipe on how to quickly and easily prepare a vegetarian lentil dish.


Sometimes when cooking lentils, it happens that the water has already boiled away, but the beans are not yet ready. This happens most often with the brown variety. In this case, you need to add a little boiled water, vegetable oil and leave for 5 minutes over low heat.

When cooking, the beans are placed in cold water, but an exception can be made for red beans, as they cook too quickly. By placing it in boiling water, you can achieve greater friability.

The most suitable spices for lentils are: cumin, cumin, ginger, pepper, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon, nutmeg, curry. From spicy fresh herbs, it is better to take the following: dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, thyme, coriander, mint.

These beans go with almost all meat dishes, you just need to choose the right type. Any of them goes well with vegetables. If you cook lentils with rice, you will get a wonderful Arabic dish - majadara.

Lentils are a very healthy product; their taste and nutritional qualities are very high. Vegetarians and athletes value it as a source of protein.

It is low in calories and therefore is an excellent dietary product, used both for weight loss and simply as a healthy food on our tables.


How and how long to soak lentils before cooking: chefs’ secrets – Clean Home

Its main difference from other products is that during heat treatment it does not lose any of its many beneficial properties.

How to cook lentils: 4 cooking methods and 3 examples of dishes

Just 100 years ago in Russia, lentils were not only found everywhere on the tables of both rich and poor, but were also exported to many countries around the world. However, not everyone knew how to cook lentils to create a delicious dish.

The oldest agricultural crop of the legume family has been known since Neolithic times; it appeared in Rus' in the 14th century and was the basis for many dishes. Now they have forgotten about the queen of legumes, but in vain!

How to cook lentils: 4 cooking methods and 3 examples of dishes

Good day, my dears!
In one of the previous articles, we learned how to properly cook peas. But for some reason many people in our country undeservedly forget about the no less healthy and nutritious lentils. Therefore, today we will learn how to cook it correctly both for a side dish and in soup. Moreover, lentils are almost as good as meat in protein content. Dishes made from it are tasty, healthy and nutritious.

If you pre-soak the beans in water for a couple of hours, you will need less water for cooking. If you want the lentils to cook faster, pour boiling water over them. Cooking time is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the consistency of the porridge you want.

Benefits for the body

The nutritional value of lentils is enormous, containing more than sixty percent vegetable protein and a wide range of minerals and trace elements. It is not for nothing that among the monks in Rus' it was the main source of nutrition during Lent; many dishes can be prepared from it: soups, pastries, side dishes.

From a medical point of view, the queen of beans is simply a storehouse of health. It strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. Regular consumption will not only improve the health of the body, but also cure many ailments.

  1. Normalizes blood sugar levels, which means it is useful for patients with diabetes.
  2. Rich in B vitamins, which act as an antioxidant and protect the body from the effects of toxins, alcohol and nicotine poisoning.
  3. With gastritis and ulcers, pain subsides and heartburn disappears.
  4. Prevention of oncology – prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  5. Useful for nervous disorders, a kind of depressant.

The list goes on and on. Moreover, lentils also have cosmetic properties, are indispensable in diets, and are also very useful for women’s health during pregnancy and in solving gynecological problems.

Lentil casserole with cheese

Lentil casserole is an excellent choice for a light dinner. A healthy and incredibly tasty dish will be especially appreciated by those who choose a healthy lifestyle.


• 220 g beans; • 100 g of Adyghe cheese; • egg; • teaspoon curry; • salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lentils and cook until all the liquid is gone. 2. Beat the egg, salt, curry into the cooled, digested lentils and add Adyghe cheese, which you can simply crumble with your hands. 3. Take a baking dish, cover it with parchment paper and lay out the dough. Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for an hour.

So colorful!

There are several varieties of lentils.

  1. Brown. The most common type, rich in iron, prevents anemia. It is mainly used to make soups. It has a nutty aroma and is good in combination with meat.
  2. Red, or Egyptian. It is practically devoid of shell, so it boils instantly. It is recommended to make purees, pates, and soups from it.
  3. Puy, or green. Rich in fiber, the variety was bred in the French city of Puy. It has a subtle aroma and smell of pepper. It is not subject to overcooking and is recommended for adding to salads.
  4. Yellow. Sanded green lentils. Used for pureed dishes.
  5. Black, or Beluga. It is small in size and looks like black caviar. Contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which means it helps with colds. Often used for salads, useful when sprouted. After cooking, it retains its shape and, due to its unusual color, adds piquancy and originality to dishes.

Stew with tomatoes and corn

Lentil stew with vegetables is a flavorful, satisfying and appetizing dish. Lentils go well with all vegetables, and if you add a little seasoning and garlic, you get an amazing taste.

How to cook lentils in a saucepan?

It is recommended to rinse the beans in several waters and remove empty and spoiled grains. No pre-soaking is required; the lentils cook quickly.

Place the prepared cereal in boiling water and cook over low heat, remembering to stir. Tomatoes should be salted or added at the end 5-10 minutes before readiness, since a salty or acidified environment doubles the cooking time.

During the cooking process, it is advisable to add spices and a little oil, preferably olive oil. This will make the grains more tender and soft, as well as more aromatic.

How long will it take

Each variety has a different cooking time. Of course, you can constantly test for softness and taste, but it is better to remember or write down how long to cook the lentils until tender, depending on the color.


How long does it take to cook lentils?

There are a huge variety of lentils, and they all cook differently. The length of time the beans will take to cook depends on the type of plant. A common variety of the described product is called brown lentils, and the red variety is also called Egyptian, and it cooks faster than all the others. Finally, green lentils are called French beans and are unripe beans, mostly used in salads.


Red lentil beans usually take about 25 minutes to cook. Although it also depends on how to cook the lentils correctly. It is known that in a slow cooker the red variety of these legumes will cook a little faster, while in a microwave oven this process will take more time. It’s best to prepare thick soups, purees, and vegetable stews.


The green variety takes the longest to cook. Typically, it takes about 40 minutes for this variety of legumes to cook completely. But it is the most resistant to boiling. There are a lot of vitamins and substances useful for the human body. Most Russian housewives know how to boil lentils and then mix them with fried onions and carrots to get the desired result. At the end, it is recommended to season the dish with dried basil and curry.


Yellow lentils cook very quickly. 15 minutes is enough to prepare a delicious soup, main course or anything else. This type of bean easily turns into puree, as it swells quickly in water; it is also called Turkish. The dish with champignons and tomatoes, which is so popular in Turkey, is famous all over the world, because yellow lentils are the main ingredient of such a dish.


It cooks the fastest – up to 20 minutes. However, it has the property of boiling, so it makes a tasty porridge. There are many photos and videos with detailed instructions for preparing such dishes. This variety, also called continental, gives a light nutty aroma when cooked. It is recommended to add this type of legume to stews, salads and casseroles.

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