How to get rid of cadaverous odor: effective and simple methods, tips

Unfortunately, sooner or later a person’s life is interrupted. If the body is not detected in a timely manner, for natural reasons organic substances begin to decompose and a real danger arises for others . In hot weather, a cadaverous smell in an apartment can form as early as the second day after a person’s death. The peculiarity of the fetid odor is its rapid spread not only indoors and throughout the apartment, it easily penetrates even through walls through micro-slots, cracks, socket boxes and ventilation ducts.

Please pay attention! An unpleasant odor from a deceased person is dangerous. If you stay for a long time in a room where decomposition processes were taking place, you can get serious poisoning, inflammation of the lymph nodes, weakened immunity, and even mental disorders due to the experiences that arise.

Therefore, the best option for eliminating cadaveric odor is to contact specialists. We have been working in the field of professional cleaning for 20 years, we have the necessary protective equipment, special preparations for treating and disinfecting surfaces, and we can quickly put the premises in order after the death of a person.

Common methods

If the dead person was in a closed room for less than 2 days, then the unpleasant smell could not yet have had time to take root and you can still cope with it with your own efforts. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • first you need to completely vacate the apartment: take out all the furniture, and also, if possible, tear off the wallpaper;
  • all windows in the apartment must be opened every day for at least 10 hours;
  • the ceilings and floors need to be washed with water and bleach: to get rid of the unpleasant odor, this procedure will have to be done several times;
  • you need to pour water and vinegar under the baseboard, and after a few hours add bleach;
  • The last and most labor-intensive method is considered to be a complete renovation of the apartment.

It is important to prepare yourself for the fact that it will take a long time to get rid of the cadaverous smell. Any work to eliminate odor must be carried out using a special respirator and thick rubber gloves.

What to do?

If even after some time there is a residual odor in the room. There are a number of simple and accessible means to eliminate it:

Soda. The area that was the source of the cadaverous odor should be treated with a soda solution and powder. To do this, add washing powder and soda to warm water in a 1:1 ratio. The room must be treated with this solution repeatedly.

Coffee beans

In some cases, a cadaverous smell may come from a refrigerator in which meat has been left for a long time and has spoiled. The refrigerator will need to be cleaned with water and vinegar, and then coffee beans will be placed on all shelves for 3-4 days.

Air freshener

Using air fresheners will help achieve the desired effect. It can be used not only by spraying into the air, but also on furniture upholstery.

Scented candles

Candles made from beeswax or soy wax are considered safe for health. After using them, a pleasant aroma remains in the room.

Essential oils

If a foul odor is coming from your refrigerator, we recommend making an effective cleaning solution by mixing essential oil, lemon juice and water. Treat the refrigerator with the resulting product.


At home, you can light incense in a tablespoon and fumigate the room three times.


Linden contains phraseol, a substance with a pronounced pleasant aroma.

He advises placing pieces of wood around the room to eliminate the foul aroma.

Basil, thyme, lavender

These herbs are used to fumigate residential areas. Processing a room takes from 10 to 40 minutes. If the cadaverous smell does not disappear after the first fumigation, the procedure will need to be repeated 2-3 times.


Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:5, then treat the surface that is the source of the stench with the solution.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate effectively eliminates the cadaverous odor while deodorizing the room. Method of preparation: add 10 grams of potassium permanganate per liter of water, mix thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide

A hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for cleaning floor coverings.

Dry fog

Treating a room with dry fog involves using a special preparation that converts the detergent into smoke. This allows you to eliminate the foul odor and deodorize the room.

Unpleasant smell from an animal

How to get rid of odor at home? First you need to try to find a dead animal. First, it is better to check the basement and attic, if such rooms are provided in the house, and then check the places where the unpleasant odor is most noticeable. In some cases, the animal may be in hidden places, so you will have to carefully check every corner in the house:

  • behind the walls (an animal could make a hole for itself);
  • under the floorboard;
  • behind the insulation system;
  • under a pile of things;
  • near heating devices or air duct openings;
  • close to pipes.

How I cleaned my refrigerator

After that story with our trip to the sea, I have a principle: I leave the refrigerator empty, clean, dry and open. How did I personally manage to remove the smell from the refrigerator after rotten meat? I acted partly on a whim, partly according to advice from the forums. This is how I cleaned up the rotten stuff:

  1. I treated it with a solution of my favorite Domestos. I left it overnight. She wiped it clean with a wet rag. I soaked the removable parts and washed them in the bathroom. I dried it outside.
  2. Then I rubbed it again with vodka and lemon juice (see recipe above). She closed the door and left it overnight. I placed glasses of vinegar on the doors - at the top and bottom.
  3. I ventilated the refrigerator for 3 days. At this stage, the smell began to slowly disappear.
  4. I washed it again with Domestos. Rubbed it again with vodka and lemon. Finally, our “white friend” began to smell like lemon!
  5. Dried it. Closed it empty. Connected to the network. I installed an air ionizer for the refrigerator inside. And also activated carbon (10 tablets), soda (1 open pack).
  6. I left the “white friend” alone for 3 days.
  7. I made sure the smell was gone.
  8. Loaded the products.

All! Since then, our refrigerator smells only of cleanliness and my love J.

Eliminate odor

Further actions will directly depend on the laws provided for: bury, burn or throw away the dead animal. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to touch the corpse with bare hands: first you need to wear thick gloves or use a shovel or scoop.

If you plan to bury the animal, then first you need to place it in a biodegradable bag and a box of the appropriate size. Next, you need to choose a safe place where communications do not pass through, so as not to damage them. A hole is dug one meter deep, a box is placed at the bottom and covered with soil.

If you are allowed to light a fire, you can burn the animal's corpse. You can also wrap a dead animal in any newspaper, place it in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash.

Cleaning the house

How to get rid of the cadaverous smell in a room? First you need to put on thick gloves, take an unnecessary rag and collect all the remains of the animal: fur, droppings, dirt. Next, the apartment is treated with cleaning agents that eliminate organic residues, kill microbes and get rid of the cadaverous odor.

The cleaning solution is left at the place of death of the animal for 10-15 minutes, and then removed with a clean rag and thrown away. The following products can be used for cleaning:

  • "Pemolux";
  • "Nika-Lux Enzyme";
  • "Mister proper".

Apple vinegar

Some may be confused by this method of getting rid of tobacco and cigarette odors. After all, vinegar itself has a persistent, pungent aroma. However, everyone knows that vinegar can quickly disappear from the room, so the method is quite effective.

To prepare the solution, you need a glass of apple cider vinegar. Pour the vinegar into a container and mix with half a glass of water.

This mixture will effectively help eliminate old and ingrained smoking odors from various washable surfaces; it will not spoil the varnished finish of furniture.

The mixture can be used to clean upholstery and even wallpaper. To do this, take a soft cloth, soak it in the solution, squeeze it well and wipe the surface.

After cleaning, open windows and balconies and ventilate the room. The smell of apple cider vinegar will disappear quite quickly, and along with it the smell of tobacco smoke.

Furniture and fabrics

All furniture and materials that were close to the corpse (clothing, fabric, curtains) also need to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The best solution would be to take your items to the dry cleaner.

If you can’t take your items to the dry cleaner, you can wash them in a washing machine at high temperature. When washing, it is important to add the following products:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach;
  • detergent.

If the material of the item does not allow it to be washed, then you should get rid of it. In some cases, the animal dies in a place that is quite difficult to clean, then the item needs to be thrown away or removed and part of it replaced.

Is it dangerous to health?

The cadaverous smell and poison are especially dangerous for those with reduced immunity, as well as for children and the elderly. It is believed that the most harmful to the human body is neurin, a toxin formed as a result of the breakdown of nerve cells.

What consequences are possible from poisoning:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • breathing problems;
  • cough;
  • convulsions;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness and loss of concentration.

What to do and what measures are recommended to be taken to protect the body:

  1. If it is unavoidable to be near remains, be sure to use protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles and overalls).
  2. The corpse should be removed from the room and cleaned using household chemicals.
  3. You can call a cleaning company to remove the stench.
  4. If contact with the corpse could not be avoided, it is worth taking disinfection measures: treat your hands (if there are wounds on the skin, they are burned with alcohol), remove and wash clothes.

If there are signs of poisoning, it is recommended to take enterosorbent, go out into fresh air and drink more clean water. If the condition worsens, you will need the help of a doctor!

Calling a disinfection service

How to get rid of smell in an apartment? If you cannot find the source of the unpleasant odor on your own or get rid of it, then all that remains is to contact a special disinfection service. Currently, there are private and public organizations. Such companies help to clean the premises efficiently, but this takes some time. Most often, the procedure takes several weeks, as various chemicals are used.

If a corpse continues to remain in a closed room for a long time, it begins to decompose irreversibly, which leads to a very strong and persistent odor that only disinfectants can cope with.

Main reasons

The causes of odor in an apartment can be not only animals or humans. Often what is stored incorrectly goes missing. Then it's hard to escape the stench. The problem can be resolved by identifying the source of the odor.

Household items

Appliances located in the kitchen are often the cause of unpleasant odors. When you open the refrigerator, you feel that some product has gone bad. Ice stuck to the freezer also smells bad.

Wet, poorly dried laundry is stored in closets. And in the laundry baskets there are dirty towels and clothes for more than a day. Over time, the whole house begins to smell like mold.

Alcohol and smoking

The room in which people smoke becomes saturated with smoke. After the holiday, the smell of fumes lingers in the rooms for a long time. Upholstered furniture and clothing strongly absorb odors.


Our smaller brothers brighten up our loneliness. But dogs and cats must be kept in the house correctly. Otherwise, the smell of urine and excrement penetrates even into neighboring apartments.

Expired food or trash bin

If a person wants to spoil the smell in the apartment, it is worth throwing waste after cleaning the fish into the trash can. Pieces of rotten meat or a meat dish in the refrigerator leave behind a sickening aroma that is difficult to get rid of for a long time.

Sewerage, poor exhaust, unscrupulous cleaning, storage of dirty things

The bathroom can constantly smell of mold and dirty things if the room is not cleaned on time. Problems with siphons, clogged sinks and toilets lead to the smell of sewage lingering in the apartment for a long time.

If the hood is of poor quality or the ventilation is clogged with dust, the aromas of the house are not at all pleasant.

Getting rid of car odor

How to get rid of corpse smell in a car? For proper cleaning, it is best to immediately take the car in which the corpse was located to a car wash or order a complete dry cleaning of the interior.

But before you spend your money, you can use proven methods and clean the interior yourself:

  • leave the interior to ventilate for several hours;
  • then wash it with water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar (5 tablespoons per bucket of water);
  • install a new fragrance in the car.

Professional help from SES

Professional disinfection in Moscow is carried out in accordance with a plan that is agreed upon with the relatives of the deceased. The process includes a preliminary inspection of the room and the selection of adequate means and methods for treatment, and a convenient time is negotiated. The scope of work is being specified. At the client’s request, the company’s employees can not only perform complete disinfection, but also dispose of the deceased’s belongings and dismantle unsuitable floor coverings.

A disinfection specialist will arrive on site with the necessary equipment and a set of protective equipment. High-quality disinfection and deodorization of the place will be carried out. All surfaces and furniture will be cleaned of bacteria and corpse odor. If desired, not only the room of the deceased, but also the entire living area can be disinfected.

During the sanitation process, substances that have been certified and approved from a safety point of view are used.

Disinfectors work professionally and quickly. The whole process takes about an hour. After ventilation, the room is ready for further use.

By entrusting the hard work of cleaning an apartment after the death of a person to professionals, clients save their own effort and time and avoid the danger of poisoning.

Our advantages

The Moscow SES has a number of advantages over other sanitary and cleaning organizations when carrying out disinfection in an apartment after a deceased person.

  1. Our specialists have extensive experience in resolving difficult situations.
  2. You can contact the call center 24 hours a day. The manager will accept the order and help solve problems. A specialist leaves for an initial examination on the same day.
  3. Each employee has completed the necessary training and is ready to complete the work efficiently and on time. According to clients who contacted the company for help, everything is done at a high professional level.
  4. For processing, only effective, safe cleaning and refreshing agents are used to ensure that pathogens and stench are eliminated. Certified drugs that have been tested and approved by regulatory organizations are used. The method most suitable for each specific case is selected. All customer wishes are taken into account at the stage of drawing up a sanitary action plan.
  5. The use of equipment and devices that have passed technical examination, which guarantees the quality of the procedures performed. After disinfection, a 100% result will be achieved.
  6. It is possible to organize a complete cleaning of the apartment after cleaning activities. This will get rid of all reminders of mourning events. An integrated approach will also remove the negative attitude towards housing, which may have housed people who suffered from serious illnesses or drug or alcohol addiction.
  7. Employees of the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station work while maintaining confidentiality. If valuable items or documents are found, they will be returned to the owners without fail.

By contacting the Moscow SES for a specialized service, you can be sure that all your wishes will be taken into account when implementing your order. The work is carried out on the basis of a concluded contract. The service is provided for individuals and legal entities according to the approved price list.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station Certificates

Can't find source

Sometimes it happens that an animal dies in a place from which it is not possible to remove the corpse. Since the time of decomposition of an animal and the appearance of a persistent corpse odor directly depends on the size of the corpse, the temperature in the room and the humidity level, this can take from a couple of weeks to whole months.

How to get rid of corpse smell? First you need to outline the area from which the cadaverous odor emanates. If this is possible, then you need to drill a couple of holes to gain free access to the dead animal (behind a wall or baseboard), and use a cleaning agent.

To get rid of the smell, it is important to use a strong detergent. You can also use sprays and spray them into the holes. When the smell has completely passed, the holes must be sealed.

Regardless of whether the owner completely got rid of the unpleasant odor or waited until the corpse was completely decomposed, good ventilation will come to the rescue in any situation, which will help refresh the air around and reduce the smell. To do this, you need to open all the windows in the room and install several fans that will blow the unpleasant odor out of the room.

A good effect can be achieved if you use products that eliminate unpleasant odors in the room. There are a large number of products that help eliminate residual cadaverous odor. For this you can use:

  • containers with baking soda;
  • a jar of freshly ground coffee;
  • charcoal;
  • special air purifiers.


Even in ancient times, people noticed that charcoal was able to absorb unpleasant odors.
In modern industry, this property of coal is used everywhere. Coal can be purchased at specialized retail outlets. It contains charcoal, water, and other substances. You can also use ordinary coal, which remains after the wood is burned. Deodorizing charcoal is an excellent absorbent and can perfectly eliminate all extraneous odors, including tobacco smoke residues.

Take coal, the more, the better. Place them in containers and place them throughout the apartment. Gradually the unpleasant odor will completely disappear.

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