How to remove stains from fruits: apples, pears, plums, persimmons

Summer is the time when our diet is significantly enriched with various fruits and berries. And this is natural, because everyone wants to stock up on vitamins before the onset of the long autumn and winter colds. But juicy and sweet fruits can bring not only joy, but also grief, in particular, leave marks on things. Removing fruit stains, especially from children's clothing, is not so easy. Let's figure out how to remove such stains from your favorite T-shirt or dress without ruining them.

Soda and lemon juice

Ordinary baking soda and lemon are great for dealing with stains from fruits or berries at home:

  1. Lay out the soiled clothing on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda powder onto a fresh or old stain.
  3. Cut a thick slice from the lemon with plenty of juicy pulp.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the cut slice onto the stains covered with soda.
  5. Leave the soda sizzling under the influence of lemon for 10-15 minutes (if lemon seeds get on the fabric, carefully remove them with a teaspoon).
  6. After the procedure, you need to wash the item in the washing machine as usual.
  7. Dry the washed item and repeat the procedure if necessary.

This method works well not only on stains from fruit juice, but also, for example, on stains left by jam or compote.

Find out what other stains can be removed with lemon.

Features of washing different fabrics

You can remove old traces of fruit juice using folk and professional methods. The material on which the contamination remains plays an important role.

Delicate and thin

When working with thin and delicate fabrics, gentle cleaning agents are used. Please note that the concentration of chemicals and acids should be minimal.

Regular washing will not remove stains. Special methods must be used.

Faux leather

Products made of polymer material cannot be washed with alcohol solutions and chemical stain removers. Also, do not use acetone or peroxide. It is recommended to use milk or lemon juice.

See also

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Linen material can withstand high temperatures. However, there is a possibility of shrinkage, so you should not experiment on expensive items. But if these are children's bibs, bodysuits or T-shirts, then you can safely boil them.

Boiling is safe for white cotton fabrics. It is not recommended to do this procedure often.

Baby clothes

In order not to harm the child’s health, children’s clothes should be washed using safe means. To do this, you can use special powders or traditional methods.

The following effective methods are suitable for these purposes:

  • oxygen-containing agents;
  • stain remover for white and colored clothes;
  • citric, acetic acid;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia.

When washing, it is important to determine what textile the material is made of. You can use mild cleaners that do not contain strong chemicals.

Remove with boiling water

Ordinary boiling water can help deal with stains from apples, pears, plums, persimmons and other fruits and berries. The only stains that cannot be removed this way are banana stains. Since they will not be removed from high temperatures, but rather will darken.

How to remove dirt:

  1. Place the soiled item in the sink.
  2. Place a clean light cloth or other rag under a fresh stain of apple juice or other fruit and berry composition.
  3. Pour 1-2 cups of boiling water over the stain. Try to pour water onto the stain as slowly as possible, as if rinsing the defect.
  4. You can also immediately stretch the contaminated area under hot running water from the tap.
  5. Hold the fabric until the stain is completely washed away and no traces of the dye pigment remain.

Steaming in boiling water is also great for removing not only fruit stains, but also red wine stains.

What is special about apple spots?

The apple contains a large amount of iron, as well as an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of polyphenols. Therefore, stains on clothes that remain from careless handling are similar in composition to rust.

Vegetable dye pigments are so strong that marks are difficult to remove from clothing.

Important: fresh fruit traces are much easier and faster to remove.

To remove a previously planted stain, some effort is required.

Lemon juice and vinegar

We offer you another simple and accessible method. Excellent in combating stains from fruit acids. You can remove a stain from clothing as follows:

  1. Mix table vinegar and lemon juice in equal parts.
  2. Soak a small piece of white cloth or a cotton swab in the prepared solution.
  3. Start scrubbing dirt from the stained item, moving from the outer edges of the stain to its center.
  4. After this, wash the product as usual in the washing machine.

If you need to put clothes and other things in order

Withdrawal is a problem that needs to be approached with the utmost care. The fact is that not every berry can be traced easily and quickly. The most difficult stains to deal with are blackberry and blueberry stains. Their removal must proceed in such a way as not to harm the processed item of an adult or child.

Most often, the removal of berry traces is carried out using simple and fairly affordable means that are almost always at hand. This review is dedicated to getting to know them.

  • When starting to put things in order that you use every day, you must first of all give an accurate assessment of the problem. Old berry stains are easier to remove when their “origin” is known. It is this fact that becomes decisive when deciding on the choice of method and means.
  • Old stains are less easy to remove than new ones. If traces of juice on colored fabric are washed under running cold water, the main dye will be removed more easily.
  • Even if you need to remove old stains, you should never resort to soap: the natural dyes contained in berry juice, coming into contact with alkali, are fixed on the fabric, which can lead to a change in color.
  • If there is a need for a strong concentration of the agents and solutions used, then you need to gradually increase it - as you monitor the results of the impact.
  • If you test the selected product on a small and discreet area, you can avoid new problems: the appearance of new stains or damage on the product being treated, a child’s clothing or any textile product.
  • If the stain is large enough, it must be removed in the direction “from the edges to the center.” This approach will prevent the spread of pollution.

Mineral water

Salt and mineral water will help remove fruit stains from denim:

  1. Apply a small amount of table salt to the fruit or berry mark on the fabric.
  2. Leave the product on the stain for 5 minutes.
  3. After this, rinse the stain with carbonated mineral water until the stain is completely gone.
  4. Wash the item by hand or in a machine as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide

Old fruit stains that are more than one week old can also be removed. To do this you will need hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Pour a small amount of peroxide onto the stain and let the fabric sit for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After this, rub the stain a little and rinse the clothes with water.
  3. Place the product in the washing machine and wash it in a suitable mode.

Assessment of the problem and adequate choice of a way out of the current situation

Stains on the surface of children's clothes most often appear during eating.

All sorts of contamination from fresh vegetables and fruits, homemade and store-bought juices very often occur on children's clothing. For certain groups of stains, different cleaning methods and means are provided.

In general, the arsenal of cleaning “materials” looks like this:

  • baby powder;
  • lemon acid;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • milk;
  • bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap.

To remove stains, you can also purchase special concentrated children's bleaches in the store. There are no restrictions or preferences for a particular brand in terms of effectiveness and safety.

We suggest you read How to Fold a Shirt Without Wrinkling - Correctly and Beautifully

All items presented on store shelves in the Russian Federation comply with domestic and international quality standards.

9% vinegar solution

Many housewives consider vinegar to be one of the most effective means for combating pollution of various types. This product also copes with stains from fruit and berry juice with a bang:

  1. Pour boiling water into a saucepan or any other deep container.
  2. Add 9% vinegar to hot water. Calculate the proportions according to the following scheme: for every 200 ml of boiling water there should be 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar.
  3. Pour the prepared solution over the soiled product, previously placed in a basin.
  4. If the stain is not very large, then it can be locally treated with a more concentrated solution of vinegar.
  5. Leave the product to soak for a while. Usually most stains go away within 10-15 minutes.
  6. Rinse the item under clean running water, squeeze thoroughly and hang to dry.

Find out how else you can use vinegar in your laundry.

Ways to clean apple from clothes

There is more than one way to return clothes damaged by pseudo-rust marks to a presentable appearance. Both professional means and improvised ones are used.

To clean items made from delicate fabrics, it is important to use the most gentle products with a minimum concentration of chemicals or acids in them.

If you need to wash an eco-leather product, it is better to completely avoid alcohol or chemical stain removers. It is much safer and more effective to use a soap solution. Harsh chemicals are not allowed for washing children's clothing for babies up to one year old. Especially if the baby is very tiny or suffers from allergies.

Children often stain their clothes with apples and its juice.

How to wash an apple from children's clothes: folk methods

Most often, children's clothing suffers from the apple. Therefore, the problem of cleaning is familiar first hand to mothers of little fidgets. You should begin getting rid of contamination after identifying the type of material. For natural fabrics, vinegar and soap solution are most suitable; colored clothes are cleaned with boiling water, and delicate materials are cleaned with glycerin and vodka and other means.

Washing white items made from natural fabrics

Vinegar will help remove stains and whiten baby clothes.

  1. A dessert spoon of table vinegar is diluted in a glass of heated water.
  2. The soiled item is stretched over the container and watered with the prepared product. It is recommended to pour the solution until the stain is completely destroyed.
  3. After cleaning is completed, the clothes are rinsed or washed.

To wash delicate fabrics, you will need soap. Suitable for both children's and household items. They are based on plants and animals, that is, only natural products.

  1. Prepare a saturated soap solution.
  2. The soiled item is soaked in it for an hour and a half.
  3. Gently rub the stain with your hands. After the dirt disappears, wash it with the addition of baby powder.

I don't know why you are having such difficulties. Apple stains will come off perfectly if you simply soap the area of ​​stained fabric with laundry or baby soap and leave it in that condition for a couple of hours. After this, thoroughly wash both the area under running water and the entire item as a whole.

Sad sack

How to wash colored and delicate fabrics

It is more difficult to tidy up colored clothes, since some products, along with dirt, also remove dye from the fabric. If the stain on things made of thick white or colored material is fresh, then it is easier to get rid of it.

  1. The soiled item is pulled over the container with the dirt facing up.
  2. Pour boiling water over the stain evenly in a thin stream.
  3. To consolidate success, clothes are washed.

Boiling water is not a universal method. Delicate materials cannot tolerate it. Table salt is used to clean them. It will help remove both traces of the apple and the juice from this fruit.

  1. It is generously sprinkled onto fresh dirt.
  2. Leave the item for 7–10 minutes.
  3. Wash off the slurry with a heated soap solution.

You can add conditioner for baby clothes to the washing water to make the fabric soft and have a pleasant aroma.

A mixture of glycerin and vodka can also clean clothes made of delicate fabrics from not very old stains.

  1. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts.
  2. Soak a sponge or cloth in the solution and apply the mixture to the stain.
  3. Leave for 8-10 minutes to absorb.
  4. After removing the stain, items are washed on a delicate cycle. After this, there is no smell of the solution and no remaining contamination.

If the stain is not too firmly embedded in the natural fabric, lemon or citric acid is suitable for cleaning.

  1. The product is placed in a small basin and citric acid is poured onto the stain.
  2. 0.5 liters of boiling water is slowly poured onto it so that the area of ​​contamination ends up in a hot and sour puddle.
  3. Leave the item for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water and wash.
  5. You can wipe the dirt with a slice of lemon, leave for 5-10 minutes, and then wash.

An effective method is a mixture of water and ammonia in equal proportions.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and place it on the old stain for 5–10 minutes.
  2. The item is washed in warm soapy water.

How to peel an apple using glycerin and vodka - video

How to wash apple juice

Children often stain their clothes with fruit juice. It is more difficult to wash: it quickly penetrates the fibers. Milk is used to remove stains. But you should not try this on clothes made of colored fabric: the color will go away along with the dirt.

  1. White products are soaked for 15–20 minutes in heated milk.
  2. Wash in soapy water.

For delicate materials, use a mixture of laundry soap and milk.

  1. A bar of soap is grated.
  2. Add 1 liter of heated milk to the chips.
  3. Soak clothes in the mixture for an hour.
  4. Things are washed in the same heated solution.

You can use only milk without adding soap. The result will not deteriorate. Whey and yogurt act similarly.

Folk remedies for removing apple stains - gallery

Vinegar is used to bleach white clothes.

A saturated solution of laundry soap removes apple stains

Use boiling water to clean fresh apple stains from dense fabrics.

Glycerin with vodka is an effective remedy for removing apple stains from delicate fabrics.

If you rub a lemon slice on a stain from an apple that is not very ingrained into natural fabric, it will come off

Ammonia, diluted with water in equal proportions, is used to remove traces of apples from clothes.

Warm milk whitens apple juice stains

Cleaning things using household chemicals

For natural light-colored materials, a powder designed to care for this type of fabric is suitable.

BOS helps a lot. Make a paste and apply to the stain for ten minutes.


Cleaning of items is carried out with special detergents for washing children's clothing.

  1. The products are soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. After the specified time has expired, the soiled items are placed in the machine, the appropriate mode is selected and they begin to wash.
  3. After getting rid of the stain, the items are dried.

If no means help or the stains are old, you will have to use oxygen or chlorine-containing stain removers. The preparations are selected with the mark “for colored children’s products”. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Usually the product is applied to the dirt for a few minutes and the item is washed in a washing machine with baby powder.

Chlorine-containing bleaches are as effective as oxygen bleaches, but they should not be used frequently: they damage the fabric structure.

Antipyatnin soap is also effective. If there is no fear of spoiling the item, but you need to clean it, plumbing cleaning products containing acid will come to the rescue. With the help of Comet or Domestos, you can easily get rid of stale contaminants.

  1. Apply the product to the stain and leave for several minutes.
  2. The item is rinsed and then washed by hand or in a machine.

I remove all stains from cotton items that do not fade using Domestos (gel), pour directly onto the stains, wait a few minutes, rinse and put into the machine at 60 degrees. After this the bibs look like new, snow-white.

Olga Danilenko @danil3003

For colored items, bleach 5+ Bio Active is almost ideal. It can handle even stubborn stains. The fabric will retain its brightness. The advantage is the absence of odor. But it is advisable to soak the laundry for at least 3-4 hours, and washing can be replaced by rinsing.

It is not recommended to use the method with heated denatured alcohol. It is possible that such a substance will cope with apple traces. But this method is unsafe both for the thing and for the person who uses such means.

Household chemicals for removing apple stains from clothes - gallery

Bleaching powders help remove apple stains from white clothes.

Oxygen bleach and stain remover - an effective remedy for apple stains

Domestos easily removes stale fruit stains from products, but it can be used for natural and non-fading fabrics

Soaking items in special detergents for washing children's clothes will help get rid of fruit stains

Apple stains from colored clothes can be removed with bleach 5+ Bio Active

Antipyatin effectively copes with apple stains

Sunflower oil, oxygen bleach and powder

A universal way to remove old stains from children's clothing is to use a mixture of sunflower oil, regular powder and oxygen bleach:

  1. Stir 2 tbsp in 5 liters of boiling water. spoons of any refined sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of oxygen bleach, as well as 2 tbsp. spoons of your usual washing powder.
  2. Soak the contaminated product in the prepared solution. It should soak in the basin until the water has completely cooled and becomes cold.
  3. Take out the product and rinse it well under clean running water.

We use modern achievements

You can remove stains from colored clothes using a stain remover, such as Vanish, or Boss Plus powder enhancer. White items can be stained using safe ACE bleach containing oxygen. You can also use bleach containing chlorine, but you should not overuse it, since if you use it frequently, your clothes will quickly become dilapidated.

It is easier to avoid stains than to remove them later. Wear a bib or oilcloth apron on small children while eating.

Enjoy the taste of fruits and do not pay attention to minor troubles, because they are so easy to deal with using the methods described above.

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