We wash floors to get rid of fleas: features and methods of control, preparing an anti-flea solution

Where there are animals, the problem of getting rid of parasites is always relevant. Small bloodsuckers enter along with clothing, brought in from the street. They can also “move” on pets if they come into contact with the external environment and other animals. The treatment needs to be comprehensive so as not to leave the insects a single chance.

This is where the question arises, what composition and what is better to wash wooden and linoleum flooring to get rid of fleas. It is advisable to cure pets once and for all and at the same time remove and isolate intrusive aliens jumping around the floor and home. Practice shows that even such floor treatment seriously reduces the population of bloodsuckers in the house. We give a master class on how to quickly and effectively get rid of fleas at home.

  • Features of flea control
  • How to deal with genital fleas: methods and means
  • Where do they come from?
  • Signs of appearance in the house
  • Disinsection at home
  • Anti-flea solutions for cleaning floors
  • What helps you get rid of
  • Folk remedies

Features of flea control

Fleas, both jumping on the floor and hiding in the pet’s bedding, directly on his fur, multiply unusually actively. Authoritative sources advise, in addition to treating animals, to use floor cleaning products for fleas. This way, parasites will not be able to move around the house, hide on the floor or in the cracks between the boards.

Otherwise, after successfully curing a dog or cat of fleas, the insects will “suddenly” appear again: all this time they have been hiding in secluded corners, waiting for the right moment for the next attack. How to clean the floor from fleas will become clear later.

Reviews and comments

0 Zhenya 07/30/2017 01:29 Last year there was a hot and dry summer, and there were fleas in the basement of the house. The husband picked up the necessary documents there and apparently “brought” them to the apartment on his clothes. We didn’t notice them right away, only after my son-in-law began to develop red spots and itching on his legs. At first they poisoned them with dichlorvos and washed the floor with special products, but they still appeared from somewhere. Then we decided to call disinfection specialists, although after treating the apartment we had to leave for a day to visit relatives. Quote

How to deal with genital fleas: methods and means

So what should you do if fleas are jumping on the floor and are visible to the naked eye? How to poison flea colonies of the species Pulex irritans and others in the house? First you need an effective strategy:

  • cleaning up accumulations of old things;
  • treatment of floors, including the slightest cracks and cavities, baseboards;
  • treatment of animals and people.

For a long time it was believed that “animal” bloodsuckers are almost harmless to humans. As it turns out, this is not the case. Flea bites lead to the appearance of ulcers, wounds, and if the animal was infected, serious diseases. Fleas, like cockroaches, actively spread infections and choose dirty places with access to food and cracks in the floors as their habitat. Therefore, at the first stage, a thorough cleaning is carried out using a vacuum cleaner, detergents, and then a chemical attack using insecticides.

And deciding what to wash the floors with to get rid of fleas is not difficult at all. Pet stores have a sufficient range of products for this - powders and ampoules with liquid chemicals intended for washing floors infested with fleas. Among the tested methods are Dichlorvos and its analogues, whiteness. It is very important to treat literally all surfaces that are favorite places for insects to accumulate in a private home, including (upholstered) furniture, carpets or floor coverings. This will be universal advice on how to get rid of underground fleas, their nests and young animals.

Pest control tactics

Proper treatment of your home against ectoparasites requires careful preparation and time. First of all, you need to put all the textiles in the house into the washing machine. It is necessary to wash all sheets, curtains and blankets, as well as beds and pillows on which the pet sleeps. Dry cleaning must be done first. You need to wash at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, preferably 90.

The best means and preparations for treating apartments against fleas

Next, the carpets and furniture are cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. Particular attention should be paid to rugs near the front door and in the bathroom. Wet cleaning is also necessary. Floors need to be carefully treated not only in publicly accessible areas. It is recommended to treat all spaces behind furniture, cabinets, and under radiators.

Important! An important point when treating your home for fleas is the careful treatment of outdoor shoes. It is better to wash it with laundry soap or wash it in a washing machine at 60 degrees. This will prevent re-infection of the apartment with parasites after careful treatment.

Where do they come from?

There are several ways for fleas to enter a person’s home. More often than others - on carriers - rodents, birds or pets, if they are in contact with the outside world, they go outside. There are also paradoxical cases when insects that jump quite high entered apartments through the entrance or an open window. Well, “on horseback” is the most common way. Out of nowhere, suddenly, insects (fleas) appear on the floor. To do this, you need a carrier, old furniture brought from the dacha or a similar method.

Danger of insects

Earth flea bites are far from harmless. On the contrary, they pose a great danger to humans. First of all, it is severe itching and allergic reactions. Even anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out. Bite wounds can fester and eczema forms in their place. Infection is also possible .

In addition, fleas carry dangerous, fatal diseases . These are typhus, plague, hepatitis, encephalitis, salmonellosis. Fleas are also carriers of helminths: cucumber tapeworm, nematodes, and toxocara. Added to this is sleep disturbance due to fear of bites, the inability to invite guests, and, as a result, extreme stress.

In case of bites, you should never
scratch them to avoid infection. First, the wounds should be washed with soap and water.
Then treat with an antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine. To eliminate swelling and itching, use antigestamines and ointments. In particularly serious cases, you should consult a doctor. For animals, flea bites are no less dangerous. Small dogs or kittens can even die from parasite bites. Animals scratch itchy areas and can cause infection.

Signs of appearance in the house

There are not many of them, but the signs are quite characteristic, they are difficult to misinterpret. A cat or dog begins to scratch in a specific way, the animal becomes nervous and behaves restlessly. People develop small, itchy sores or sores (sometimes painful).

When the flea population reaches a critical limit, they begin to actively move along the floor, carpeting, and upholstered furniture. Around the same time, they become noticeable on the pet’s skin and on the floor. Any of these signs requires immediate intervention.


No matter what measures you take, it is impossible to completely get rid of fleas using folk remedies. For a serious effect, chemical treatment is needed, which will give a guaranteed result, but will be harmful and expensive. Traditional methods, in turn, are preventive in nature and are suitable as a strengthening result. The first step is to use a strong chemical treatment, for example dichlorvos. A rough plan on how to protect yourself from fleas is as follows:

  1. Before starting the manipulations, it is necessary to disinfect existing pets with special flea products, since if you skip this stage, further actions will be useless.
  2. Next, you need to carry out a global general cleaning of the entire home, taking into account any hard-to-reach places. Dichlorvos will help here, spray it in all corners, cracks, floors and walls to a distance of at least a meter.
  3. After this, it is necessary to seal all window and door openings and leave the housing for 6-7 hours.
  4. When entering a room, open all openings and ventilate the room. After time, thoroughly wash all surfaces with a solution of choir, vinegar, bleach or turpentine.
  5. Don’t forget about pet bedding and belongings, because they are the main source of flea breeding. They should be treated with an insecticide and vacuumed.

There is no prevention against fleas as such, because it is not known how you or your pet can catch them. But the main thing in the fight against parasites is compliance with hygiene rules and regular cleaning of the premises. It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room, since cold is fatal to fleas. It is also important to keep all pillows, blankets, mattresses and clothing exposed to sunlight. Don’t forget about washing soft toys and cleaning furniture. Thanks to wet cleaning and a vacuum cleaner, you can protect yourself from fleas and other pests for a long time.

Disinsection at home

You can, of course, turn to professional exterminators to get rid of the unwanted neighborhood, but there is also a less expensive way to relieve the flea siege. There are not many main directions for fighting insects:

  1. The animals themselves, which are to be treated with chemicals, shampoo, drops.
  2. Everything that is in contact with the floor - linoleum, carpet, rugs.
  3. Furniture, accumulations of old things in which insects create nests.

All vectors will have to be acted upon simultaneously so that fleas do not get a chance to hide, wait out the threat, or hide in a crack in the floor or under the baseboard.

Housing processing sequence

Before you treat your house for fleas, you need to understand the procedure. Treatment begins from the place where the animal sleeps, then:

  • treat beds and sofas (shake out mattresses, go over all hard-to-reach surfaces with a vacuum cleaner);
  • clean out the closets and process each item;
  • Clean the carpets and wash the floor.

You can sprinkle insecticide in powder form under mattresses, paint over areas along the baseboards, under the arms of sofas and behind cabinets with a pencil containing a toxic substance.

All rooms in the apartment are treated at the same time, starting from the back rooms and ending with the corridor and bathroom.

Anti-flea solutions for cleaning floors

This includes not only special formulations, but also any proven methods of getting rid of fleas on the floor. In pet stores you can find insect growth regulators (blockers), powders (Diatomite), and sprays. There are also industrial emulsions intended for removing parasites from cattle - oily, water-soluble liquids.

Finally, you can dilute zoo shampoo in warm water and wash the floor with this mixture. Laundry soap, cut with a knife and dissolved in a bucket of water, will also work. It all depends on the degree of damage to the home and floor by fleas. After cleaning, all waste, dry and liquid, must be destroyed so as not to give bloodsuckers a second chance to enter the house.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the Raid is the cost. The inexpensive price and excellent effectiveness of the drug have made it the most popular. The substance is stable for fleas and larvae and lasts for almost a month. There are other advantages:

  • instant action;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of specific odor;
  • long-lasting effect of the product;
  • safety of the spray when used correctly;
  • has a repellent and insecticidal effect;
  • Sold in almost all hardware stores.

There are not many disadvantages to Reid bottles:

  • despite the aromatization, most people note a noticeable chemical smell in the drug;
  • After treatment, oily traces appear on the surfaces, which can only be removed with a soda-soap solution.

From all of the above we can conclude that flea raid helps kill blood-sucking parasites. The main thing is to ventilate the room after treatment. Despite some disadvantages, Reid is widely used in eliminating bedbugs. How effective the product is can be seen below.


Folk remedies

Simple, but effective, and without side effects. Fleas do not like sharp, pungent odors or aromatic oils that clog their spiracles. Therefore, the following folk remedies are recommended for treating floors:

  1. Collections of wormwood, cloves, celandine and tansy, which are available in pharmacies, are infused for 12 hours. You will need to take 2 tablespoons of each component. The finished mixture, settled and strained, is thoroughly sprayed onto the floor surface.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture of salt and baking soda on the floors, carpets and surfaces. After a day, clean with a vacuum cleaner. Fleas, including adults and larvae, will also leave with the composition.
  3. Peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus oil. It is permissible to use fresh bunches of plants, placing them on the floor in all problem areas.

Is it worth calling specialists?

In apartment buildings and high-rise buildings, fleas often appear from damp basements. These insects cannot tolerate moisture. Therefore, when thawing occurs in the spring or before a cold period in the fall, they try to settle in comfortable conditions. It is difficult to get rid of parasites in one apartment of a multi-story building.

It is advisable to carry out the treatment of the house in all rooms, starting with the basement. Otherwise, the result will be short-lived. Flea disinfestation can be ordered from specialists. Professionals use long-acting treatment products. This allows you to get rid of dangerous insects for a long time.

Treatment of premises with insecticides is carried out in protective suits

Employees from pest control companies will be called to your home to assess the degree of infestation and help you prepare for treatment. There are exterminators in every city. Moscow specialists offer a safe steam generator treatment service.

Calling specialists to eliminate domestic parasites is the most reasonable solution. In the process of work, the masters use new high-quality preparations of imported and domestic production, which, as a rule, are completely safe for people and animals, but have an immediate effect on fleas and other parasitic insects.

The advantage of using such products is that they do not require rinsing off surfaces and can be sprayed in the presence of a person. The drugs that specialists use are almost impossible to buy; they are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions.

The main advantage of calling specialists is that there is no need to re-treat the premises, because the possibility of new individuals appearing is excluded.

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